/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / HttpVersion.cs / 1 / HttpVersion.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { ////// public class HttpVersion { ////// Defines the HTTP version number supported by the ///and /// classes. /// /// public static readonly Version Version10 = new Version(1,0); ///[To be supplied.] ////// public static readonly Version Version11 = new Version(1,1); } // class HttpVersion } // namespace System.Net // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //[To be supplied.] ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { ////// public class HttpVersion { ////// Defines the HTTP version number supported by the ///and /// classes. /// /// public static readonly Version Version10 = new Version(1,0); ///[To be supplied.] ////// public static readonly Version Version11 = new Version(1,1); } // class HttpVersion } // namespace System.Net // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.[To be supplied.] ///
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- ActivityDesigner.cs
- Transform3D.cs
- TreeViewBindingsEditorForm.cs
- SafeNativeMethodsCLR.cs
- TableLayoutPanel.cs
- MediaPlayerState.cs
- DateTimeOffsetStorage.cs
- XsltQilFactory.cs
- WindowsFormsDesignerOptionService.cs
- InkPresenterAutomationPeer.cs
- DataTrigger.cs
- DataRecordInternal.cs
- RadioButtonBaseAdapter.cs
- QuaternionRotation3D.cs
- ConfigurationValidatorAttribute.cs
- PropertyKey.cs
- XMLUtil.cs
- ADMembershipUser.cs
- CategoryNameCollection.cs
- EntityDesignerDataSourceView.cs
- EditorZone.cs
- DesignerContextDescriptor.cs
- DataError.cs
- TextViewElement.cs
- NotSupportedException.cs
- SQLByte.cs
- DesignTimeDataBinding.cs
- WSDualHttpBindingElement.cs
- XmlSerializableReader.cs
- Facet.cs
- DataGridHeaderBorder.cs
- FileUtil.cs
- SqlMultiplexer.cs
- EntityReference.cs
- PromptEventArgs.cs
- ListBox.cs
- MiniMapControl.xaml.cs
- XmlDownloadManager.cs
- PointLight.cs
- ObjectTokenCategory.cs
- HtmlTable.cs
- StructuredTypeEmitter.cs
- TraceUtility.cs
- ComPlusDiagnosticTraceRecords.cs
- InteropExecutor.cs
- StatusBar.cs
- DataGridPagingPage.cs
- HtmlDocument.cs
- InkCanvasAutomationPeer.cs
- SHA1.cs
- BitSet.cs
- ISCIIEncoding.cs
- ObjectMaterializedEventArgs.cs
- safemediahandle.cs
- FileDialogCustomPlace.cs
- PageThemeBuildProvider.cs
- oledbconnectionstring.cs
- MeasureItemEvent.cs
- GridViewUpdateEventArgs.cs
- DataGridViewTopRowAccessibleObject.cs
- SoapParser.cs
- PermissionRequestEvidence.cs
- TableLayoutSettingsTypeConverter.cs
- Token.cs
- Matrix.cs
- HttpAsyncResult.cs
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- _OSSOCK.cs
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- SubMenuStyleCollectionEditor.cs
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- GridView.cs
- SchemaMerger.cs
- ListItem.cs
- WhitespaceReader.cs
- arabicshape.cs
- DurableEnlistmentState.cs
- Formatter.cs
- AssemblyName.cs
- WebService.cs
- SystemThemeKey.cs
- DecoratedNameAttribute.cs
- HtmlTableRowCollection.cs
- ToolboxComponentsCreatingEventArgs.cs
- ItemsControl.cs
- ConfigurationValidatorAttribute.cs
- ApplicationSecurityInfo.cs
- SQLString.cs
- CallSiteOps.cs
- CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute.cs
- Message.cs
- Literal.cs
- CodePropertyReferenceExpression.cs
- NumberFormatInfo.cs
- SoapAttributeOverrides.cs
- FormViewUpdateEventArgs.cs
- FormCollection.cs
- SqlDataSourceAdvancedOptionsForm.cs
- RangeBaseAutomationPeer.cs
- DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs.cs