/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / AuthenticationManager.cs / 1 / AuthenticationManager.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.Globalization; using System.Net.Configuration; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Permissions; using System; using System.Threading; // // A contract that applications can use to restrict auth scenarios in current appDomain // public interface ICredentialPolicy { bool ShouldSendCredential(Uri challengeUri, WebRequest request, NetworkCredential credential, IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule); } ////// public class AuthenticationManager { //also used as a lock object private static PrefixLookup s_ModuleBinding = new PrefixLookup(); private static ArrayList s_ModuleList; private static ICredentialPolicy s_ICredentialPolicy; private static SpnDictionary m_SpnDictionary = new SpnDictionary(); // not creatable... // private AuthenticationManager() { } // // // public static ICredentialPolicy CredentialPolicy { get { return s_ICredentialPolicy; } set { ExceptionHelper.ControlPolicyPermission.Demand(); s_ICredentialPolicy = value; } } // // public static StringDictionary CustomTargetNameDictionary { get {return m_SpnDictionary;} } // // This will give access to some internal methods // internal static SpnDictionary SpnDictionary { get {return m_SpnDictionary;} } // // internal static void EnsureConfigLoaded() { try { object o = ModuleList; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is OutOfMemoryException || e is StackOverflowException) throw; // A Config System has circular dependency on HttpWebRequest so they call this method to // trigger the config. For some reason they don't want any exceptions from here. } catch { // A Config System has circular dependency on HttpWebRequest so they call this method to // trigger the config. For some reason they don't want any exceptions from here. } } // // ModuleList - static initialized property - // contains list of Modules used for Authentication // private static ArrayList ModuleList { get { // // GetConfig() might use us, so we have a circular dependency issue, // that causes us to nest here, we grab the lock, only // if we haven't initialized, or another thread is busy in initialization // if (s_ModuleList == null) { lock (s_ModuleBinding) { if (s_ModuleList == null) { GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Initialize(): calling ConfigurationManager.GetSection()"); // This will never come back as null. Additionally, it will // have the items the user wants available. ListManages the authentication modules called during the client authentication /// process. ///authenticationModuleTypes = AuthenticationModulesSectionInternal.GetSection().AuthenticationModules; // // Should be registered in a growing list of encryption/algorithm strengths // basically, walk through a list of Types, and create new Auth objects // from them. // // order is meaningful here: // load the registered list of auth types // with growing level of encryption. // ArrayList moduleList = new ArrayList(); IAuthenticationModule moduleToRegister; foreach (Type type in authenticationModuleTypes){ try { moduleToRegister = Activator.CreateInstance(type, BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, // Binder new object[0], // no arguments CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) as IAuthenticationModule; if (moduleToRegister != null) { GlobalLog.Print("WebRequest::Initialize(): Register:" + moduleToRegister.AuthenticationType); RemoveAuthenticationType(moduleList, moduleToRegister.AuthenticationType); moduleList.Add(moduleToRegister); } } catch (Exception exception) { // // ignore failure (log exception for debugging) // GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::constructor failed to initialize: " + exception.ToString()); } catch { // // ignore failure (log exception for debugging) // GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::constructor failed to initialize: Non-CLS Compliant Exception"); } } s_ModuleList = moduleList; } } } return s_ModuleList; } } private static void RemoveAuthenticationType(ArrayList list, string typeToRemove) { for (int i=0; i< list.Count; ++i) { if (string.Compare(((IAuthenticationModule)list[i]).AuthenticationType, typeToRemove, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ==0) { list.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } /// /// public static Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials) { // // parameter validation // if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } if (credentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("credentials"); } if (challenge==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("challenge"); } GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Authenticate() challenge:[" + challenge + "]"); Authorization response = null; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = request as HttpWebRequest; if (httpWebRequest != null && httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module != null) { response = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials); } else { // This is the case where we would try to find the module on the first server challenge lock (s_ModuleBinding) { // // fastest way of iterating on the ArryList // for (int i = 0; i < ModuleList.Count; i++) { IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule = (IAuthenticationModule)ModuleList[i]; // // the AuthenticationModule will // 1) return a valid string on success // 2) return null if it knows it cannot respond // 3) throw if it could have responded but unexpectedly failed to do so // if (httpWebRequest != null) { httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module = authenticationModule; } response = authenticationModule.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials); if (response!=null) { // // found the Authentication Module, return it // GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Authenticate() found IAuthenticationModule:[" + authenticationModule.AuthenticationType + "]"); break; } } } } return response; } ///Call each registered authentication module to determine the first module that /// can respond to the authentication request. ////// public static Authorization PreAuthenticate(WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials) { GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::PreAuthenticate() request:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(request) + " credentials:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(credentials)); if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } if (credentials == null) { return null; } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = request as HttpWebRequest; IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule; if (httpWebRequest == null) return null; // // PrefixLookup is thread-safe // string moduleName = s_ModuleBinding.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as string; GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::PreAuthenticate() s_ModuleBinding.Lookup returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(moduleName)); if (moduleName == null) return null; authenticationModule = findModule(moduleName); if (authenticationModule == null) { // The module could have been unregistered // No preauthentication is possible return null; } // Otherwise invoke the PreAuthenticate method // we're guaranteed that CanPreAuthenticate is true because we check before calling BindModule() Authorization authorization = authenticationModule.PreAuthenticate(request, credentials); if (authorization != null && !authorization.Complete && httpWebRequest != null) httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.Module = authenticationModule; GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::PreAuthenticate() IAuthenticationModule.PreAuthenticate() returned authorization:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(authorization)); return authorization; } ///Pre-authenticates a request. ////// public static void Register(IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule) { ExceptionHelper.UnmanagedPermission.Demand(); if (authenticationModule == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("authenticationModule"); } GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Register() registering :[" + authenticationModule.AuthenticationType + "]"); lock (s_ModuleBinding) { IAuthenticationModule existentModule = findModule(authenticationModule.AuthenticationType); if (existentModule != null) { ModuleList.Remove(existentModule); } ModuleList.Add(authenticationModule); } } ///Registers an authentication module with the authentication manager. ////// public static void Unregister(IAuthenticationModule authenticationModule) { ExceptionHelper.UnmanagedPermission.Demand(); if (authenticationModule == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("authenticationModule"); } GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Unregister() unregistering :[" + authenticationModule.AuthenticationType + "]"); lock (s_ModuleBinding) { if (!ModuleList.Contains(authenticationModule)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_authmodulenotregistered)); } ModuleList.Remove(authenticationModule); } } ///Unregisters authentication modules for an authentication scheme. ////// public static void Unregister(string authenticationScheme) { ExceptionHelper.UnmanagedPermission.Demand(); if (authenticationScheme == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("authenticationScheme"); } GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::Unregister() unregistering :[" + authenticationScheme + "]"); lock (s_ModuleBinding) { IAuthenticationModule existentModule = findModule(authenticationScheme); if (existentModule == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_authschemenotregistered)); } ModuleList.Remove(existentModule); } } ///Unregisters authentication modules for an authentication scheme. ////// public static IEnumerator RegisteredModules { get { return ModuleList.GetEnumerator(); } } ////// Returns a list of registered authentication modules. /// ////// // Create binding between an authorization response and the module // generating that response // This association is used for deciding which module to invoke // for preauthentication purposes internal static void BindModule(Uri uri, Authorization response, IAuthenticationModule module) { GlobalLog.Assert(module.CanPreAuthenticate, "AuthenticationManager::BindModule()|module.CanPreAuthenticate == false"); if (response.ProtectionRealm!=null) { // The authentication module specified which Uri prefixes // will be preauthenticated string[] prefix = response.ProtectionRealm; for (int k=0; k/// Binds an authentication response to a request for pre-authentication. /// ///=signature.Length) { int firstQuote = -1, secondQuote = -1; for (int i = 0; i < challenge.Length; i++) { if (challenge[i]=='\"') { if (firstQuote <= secondQuote) firstQuote = i; else secondQuote = i; } if (i==challenge.Length-1 || (challenge[i]=='\"' && firstQuote>secondQuote)) { // see if the portion of challenge out of the quotes contains // the signature of the IAuthenticationModule if (i==challenge.Length-1) firstQuote = challenge.Length; if (firstQuote =0) { if ((index==0 || challenge[index-1]==' ' || challenge[index-1]==',') && (index+signature.Length==challenge.Length || challenge[index+signature.Length]==' ' || challenge[index+signature.Length]==',')) { break; } index = -1; } } } } GlobalLog.Print("AuthenticationManager::FindSubstringNotInQuotes(" + challenge + ", " + signature + ")=" + index.ToString()); return index; } // private static int IndexOf(string challenge, string lwrCaseSignature, int start, int count) { count += start + 1 - lwrCaseSignature.Length; for (; start < count; ++start) { int i = 0; for (; i < lwrCaseSignature.Length; ++i) { // force a challenge char to lowecase (safe assuming it works on trusted ASCII source) if ((challenge[start+i] | 0x20) != lwrCaseSignature[i]) break; } if (i == lwrCaseSignature.Length) return start; } return -1; } // // this method is called by the IAuthenticationModule implementations // (mainly Digest) to safely find their list of parameters in a challenge. // it returns the index of the first ',' that is not included in quotes, // -1 is returned on error or end of string. on return offset contains the // index of the first '=' that is not included in quotes, -1 if no '=' was found. // internal static int SplitNoQuotes(string challenge, ref int offset) { // GlobalLog.Print("SplitNoQuotes([" + challenge + "], " + offset.ToString() + ")"); // // save offset // int realOffset = offset; // // default is not found // offset = -1; if (challenge != null && realOffset secondQuote means we are in a quoted string // if (firstQuote>secondQuote && challenge[i]=='\\' && i+1 < challenge.Length && challenge[i+1]=='\"') { // // skip <\"> when in a quoted string // i++; } else if (challenge[i]=='\"') { if (firstQuote <= secondQuote) { firstQuote = i; } else { secondQuote = i; } } else if (challenge[i]=='=' && firstQuote<=secondQuote && offset<0) { offset = i; } else if (challenge[i]==',' && firstQuote<=secondQuote) { return i; } } } return -1; } #if !FEATURE_PAL internal static Authorization GetGroupAuthorization(IAuthenticationModule thisModule, string token, bool finished, NTAuthentication authSession, bool shareAuthenticatedConnections, bool mutualAuth) { return new Authorization( token, finished, (shareAuthenticatedConnections) ? null : (thisModule.GetType().FullName + "/" + authSession.UniqueUserId), mutualAuth); } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL }; // class AuthenticationManager // // This internal class implements a data structure which can be // used for storing a set of objects keyed by string prefixes // Looking up an object given a string returns the value associated // with the longest matching prefix // (A prefix "matches" a string IFF the string starts with that prefix // The degree of the match is prefix length) // internal class PrefixLookup { // // our prefix store (a Hashtable) needs to support multiple readers and multiple writers. // the documentation on Hashtable says: // "A Hashtable can safely support one writer and multiple readers concurrently. // To support multiple writers, all operations must be done through the wrapper // returned by the Synchronized method." // it's safe enough, for our use, to just synchronize (with a call to lock()) all write operations // so we always fall in the supported "one writer and multiple readers" scenario. // private Hashtable m_Store = new Hashtable(); internal void Add(string prefix, object value) { // Hashtable will overwrite existing key lock (m_Store) { // writers are locked m_Store[prefix] = value; } } /* internal void Remove(string prefix) { // Hashtable will be unchanged if key is not existing lock (m_Store) { // writers are locked m_Store.Remove(prefix); } } */ internal object Lookup(string lookupKey) { if (lookupKey==null) { return null; } object mostSpecificMatch = null; int longestMatchPrefix = 0; int prefixLen; lock (m_Store) { // // readers don't need to be locked, but we lock() because: // "The enumerator does not have exclusive access to the collection. // // When an enumerator is instantiated, it takes a snapshot of the current state // of the collection. If changes are made to the collection, such as adding, // modifying or deleting elements, the snapshot gets out of sync and the // enumerator throws an InvalidOperationException. Two enumerators instantiated // from the same collection at the same time can have different snapshots of the // collection." // // enumerate through every credential in the cache // string prefix; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in m_Store) { prefix = (string)entry.Key; if (lookupKey.StartsWith(prefix)) { prefixLen = prefix.Length; // // check if the match is better than the current-most-specific match // if (prefixLen>longestMatchPrefix) { // // Yes-- update the information about currently preferred match // longestMatchPrefix = prefixLen; mostSpecificMatch = entry.Value; } } } } return mostSpecificMatch; } /* // // This is the core implementation of a general prefix string table // The keys are all converted to lowercase // internal struct PrefixTable: ICollection { internal enum Action { Find, Insert, Remove } private DictionaryEntry[] m_Entries; internal object this[string key] { get { DictionaryEntry[] local = m_Entries; int idx = BinaryFindInsertRemove(ref local, key, Action.Find); if (idx < 0) { return null; } return local[idx].Value; } } internal void Set(string key, object value) { DictionaryEntry[] local = m_Entries; int idx = BinaryFindInsertRemove(ref local, key, Action.Insert); if (idx < 0) { //need to add a new entry local[~idx].Key = key; local[~idx].Value = value; m_Entries = local; } else { local[idx].Value = value; } } internal void Remove(string key) { DictionaryEntry[] local = m_Entries; int idx = BinaryFindInsertRemove(ref local, key, Action.Remove); if (idx >= 0) { //found and removed, update entries. m_Entries = local; } } // // ICollection interfaces // int ICollection.Count { get { DictionaryEntry[] local = m_Entries; return local == null? 0: local.Length; } } public bool IsSynchronized { get {return true;} } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new DictionaryEnumerator(m_Entries); } object ICollection.SyncRoot { get {return this;} } void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index) { DictionaryEntry[] local = m_Entries; if (local == null) { return; } local.CopyTo(array, index); } // // Binary search and performing an action on a sorted array of prefixes // Derived from Array code, adopted for multithreading and substring search. // // For Find returns either the matching prefix index or -1 // For Insert returns either the matching index or ~pos for the first larger prefix in which case the slot is allocated. // For Remove returns -1 if not found or pos of successfully removed slot // private unsafe static int BinaryFindInsertRemove(ref DictionaryEntry[] entries, string key, Action action) { if (entries == null || entries.Length == 0) { if (action != Action.Insert) { return -1; } entries = new DictionaryEntry[1]; return ~0; } int lo = 0; int hi = entries.Length-1; int lastPrefix = -1; fixed (char* pKey = key) { while (lo <= hi) { int i = (lo + hi) >> 1; int c = ComparePrefix((string)entries[i].Key, pKey, key.Length); if (c < 0) { if (c < -1) { lastPrefix = i; } lo = i + 1; } else if (c > 0) { hi = i - 1; } else { //Exact match if (action == Action.Remove) { DictionaryEntry[] newEntries = new DictionaryEntry[entries.Length-1]; if (i != 0) { Array.Copy(entries, 0, newEntries, 0, i); } if (i != entries.Length-1) { Array.Copy(entries, i+1, newEntries, i, entries.Length-i-1); } entries = newEntries; } return i; } } } // Here 'lo' points to the closest "larger" key, i.e. the place to insert an new element to. // The lastPrefix if not -1, will point to the closest prefix match if found. switch (action) { case Action.Remove: return -1; case Action.Insert: DictionaryEntry[] newEntries = new DictionaryEntry[entries.Length+1]; if (lo != 0) { Array.Copy(entries, 0, newEntries, 0, lo); } if (lo != entries.Length) { Array.Copy(entries, lo, newEntries, lo+1, entries.Length-lo); } entries = newEntries; break; default: // Assuming Find. if (lastPrefix >= 0) { return lastPrefix; } return -1; } return ~lo; } // // Performs bitwise string comparison assuming that both parameteres are in lower case // +1 prefix is greater // >+1 prefix is greater but only because the prefix length is greater // 0 equal // -1 prefix is less // <-1 prefix is less but is THE prefix for the key private unsafe static int ComparePrefix(string prefix, char* key, int keyLength) { int len = prefix.Length < keyLength? prefix.Length: keyLength; fixed (char* pPrefix = prefix) { for (int i =0; i < len; ++i) { if (pPrefix[i] == key[i]) { continue; } else if (pPrefix[i] > key[i]) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } return (len == keyLength) ? prefix.Length == keyLength ? 0: 8 : -8; } } internal class DictionaryEnumerator: IDictionaryEnumerator { DictionaryEntry[] m_Entries; int m_CurIdx; internal DictionaryEnumerator(DictionaryEntry[] entries) { if (entries == null) { entries = new DictionaryEntry[0]; } m_Entries = entries; m_CurIdx = -1; } public Object Current { get { if (m_CurIdx < 0 || m_CurIdx >= m_Entries.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("index"); } return m_Entries[m_CurIdx]; } } public void Reset() { m_CurIdx = -1; } public bool MoveNext() { if (m_CurIdx >= m_Entries.Length) { return false; } ++m_CurIdx; return m_CurIdx < m_Entries.Length; } public DictionaryEntry Entry { get { if (m_CurIdx < 0 || m_CurIdx >= m_Entries.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("index"); } return m_Entries[m_CurIdx]; } } public object Key { get { if (m_CurIdx < 0 || m_CurIdx >= m_Entries.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("index"); } return m_Entries[m_CurIdx].Key; } } public object Value { get { if (m_CurIdx < 0 || m_CurIdx >= m_Entries.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("index"); } return m_Entries[m_CurIdx].Value; } } } */ } // class PrefixLookup } // namespace System.Net
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