TextStore.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / TextFormatting / TextStore.cs / 1305600 / TextStore.cs

//  Microsoft Windows Client Platform
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
//  File:      TextStore.cs
//  Contents:  FullTextLine text store 
//  Created:   10-3-2002 Worachai Chaoweeraprasit (wchao) 

using System;
using System.Text; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MS.Internal.Shaping; 
using MS.Internal.Generic; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;

namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting 
    /// FullTextLine text store 
    ///     Text store produces and keeps 'lsrun' of different type. Each type has its own
    ///     characteristics and each lsrun involves with three different 'character length'
    ///     values created and used for different purpose by different component. 
    ///     plsrunSpan.length:  character length created by text store used by LS. 
    ///     lsrun.Length:       character length assigned and used by TextSource. 
    ///     lsrun.StringLength: character length created by text store used by bidi algorithm.
    ///                     plsrunSpan.length  lsrun.Length  lsrun.StringLength
    ///     CloseAnchor             1               0               1
    ///     Reverse                 1               0               1 
    ///     FakeLineBreak           1               0               1
    ///     FormatAnchor            1               1               1 
    ///     Hidden                  n               n               1 
    ///     Text                    n               n               n
    ///     InlineObject            1               n               1 
    ///     LineBreak               1               n               1
    ///     FakeLineBreak is used to chop off a line by simulating a line break when
    ///     none is actually present in the backing store. This is done as a security 
    ///     mitigation for malicious text where we might otherwise spend too much time
    ///     formatting a line. The IsForceBreakRequired method contains the mitigation 
    ///     logic; see also the comment for MaxCharactersPerLine. 
    internal class TextStore
        private FormatSettings          _settings;                  // format settings
        private int                     _lscpFirstValue;            // first lscp value 
        private int                     _cpFirst;                   // store first cp (both cp and lscp start out the same)
        private int                     _lscchUpTo;                 // number of lscp resolved 
        private int                     _cchUpTo;                   // number of cp resolved 
        private int                     _cchEol;                    // number of chars for end-of-line mark
        private int                     _accNominalWidthSoFar;      // accumulated nominal width so far 
        private int                     _accTextLengthSoFar;        // accumulated count of text characters so far
        private NumberContext           _numberContext;             // cached number context for contextual digit substitution
        private int                     _cpNumberContext;           // cp at which _numberContext is valid
        private SpanVector              _plsrunVector;
        private SpanPosition            _plsrunVectorLatestPosition; 
        private ArrayList               _lsrunList;                 // lsrun list 
        private BidiState               _bidiState;                 // (defer initialization until FetchRun)
        private TextModifierScope       _modifierScope;             // top-most frame of the text modifier stack, or null 

        private int                     _formatWidth;               // formatting width LS sees
        private SpanVector              _textObjectMetricsVector;   // inline object cache
        internal static LSRun[]          ControlRuns;               // Control text runs e.g. Bidi reversal
        /// Initialize all static members 
        static TextStore()
            EscStringInfo esc = new EscStringInfo(); 

            UnsafeNativeMethods.LoGetEscString(ref esc); 
            ControlRuns = new LSRun[3];
            ControlRuns[0] = new LSRun(Plsrun.CloseAnchor, esc.szObjectTerminator);
            ControlRuns[1] = new LSRun(Plsrun.Reverse, esc.szObjectReplacement);
            ControlRuns[2] = new LSRun(Plsrun.FakeLineBreak, esc.szLineSeparator);
            PwchNbsp              = esc.szNbsp;
            PwchHidden            = esc.szHidden; 
            PwchParaSeparator     = esc.szParaSeparator; 
            PwchLineSeparator     = esc.szLineSeparator;
            PwchObjectReplacement = esc.szObjectReplacement; 
            PwchObjectTerminator  = esc.szObjectTerminator;

        /// Constructing an intermediate text store for FullTextLine 
        /// text formatting settings
        /// first cp of the line 
        /// lscp first value
        /// formatting width LS sees
        public TextStore(
            FormatSettings          settings, 
            int                     cpFirst,
            int                     lscpFirstValue, 
            int                     formatWidth 
            _settings = settings;
            _formatWidth = formatWidth;

            _cpFirst = cpFirst; 
            _lscpFirstValue = lscpFirstValue;
            _lsrunList = new ArrayList(2); 
            _plsrunVector = new SpanVector(null);
            _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = new SpanPosition(); 

            // Recreate the stack of text modifiers if there is one.
            TextLineBreak previousLineBreak = settings.PreviousLineBreak;
            if (    previousLineBreak != null
                &&  previousLineBreak.TextModifierScope != null) 
                _modifierScope = previousLineBreak.TextModifierScope.CloneStack();
                // Construct bidi state from input settings and modifier scopes
                _bidiState = new BidiState(_settings, _cpFirst, _modifierScope);

        /// Fetch lsrun at the specified LSCP
        /// lscp to fetch
        /// The layout mode
        /// Whether the text in the run should be sideways
        /// plsrun of lsrun being fetched 
        /// offset from the start of the LSRun to the specified lscp
        /// distance from the specified lscp to the end of the LSRun 
        /// lsrun being fetched 
        internal LSRun FetchLSRun(
            int             lscpFetch, 
            TextFormattingMode  textFormattingMode,
            bool            isSideways,
            out Plsrun      plsrun,
            out int         lsrunOffset, 
            out int         lsrunLength
            lscpFetch -= _lscpFirstValue;
            Invariant.Assert(lscpFetch >= _cpFirst);

            if (_cpFirst + _lscchUpTo <= lscpFetch)
                ushort charFlagsSoFar = 0;
                ushort bidiCharFlagsSoFar = 0; 
                int cchResolved = 0; 
                int cchFetched = _cchUpTo;
                int cch = 0; 
                int cchText = 0;

                SpanVector runInfoVector     = new SpanVector(null);
                SpanVector textEffectsVector = new SpanVector(null); 
                byte[] bidiLevels = null;
                int lastBidiLevel = GetLastLevel(); 
                // Fetch runs until enough characters get resolved by bidi algorithm
                    // Read runs up ahead to the point where accumulated run width exceeds the upper limit value.
                    // We do this to optimize the cost of breaking down lsruns by doing as much as we can in
                    // one go, thus generating smaller setup cost of run fetching. 

                    TextRunInfo runInfo; 
                        runInfo = FetchTextRun(_cpFirst + cchFetched);

                        if (runInfo == null)
                            // no more content to fetch

                        if (  _bidiState == null 
                               (   IsDirectionalModifier(runInfo.TextRun as TextModifier)
                                || IsEndOfDirectionalModifier(runInfo)
                            // When directional embedding TextModifier or corresponding TextEndOfSegment 
                            // is encountered, we need to do bidi analysis to correctly update the bidi state.
                            // We create a bidi state to trigger bidi analysis. 
                            _bidiState = new BidiState(_settings, _cpFirst);

                        int stringLength = runInfo.StringLength; 

                        if(runInfo.TextRun is ITextSymbols) 
                            // Let stopMask specify which types of characters need to be isolated in special runs.
                            // Let bidiMask specify which types of characters require bidi analysis. 
                            ushort stopMask;
                            ushort bidiMask;

                            if (!runInfo.IsSymbol) 
                                // It's an ordinary Unicode font. Isolate various line breaks and format anchor. 
                                stopMask = (ushort)(CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLineBreak | 
                                        CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterParaBreak |

                                // Mask of character flags that require us to perform bidi analysis.
                                bidiMask = (ushort)(CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterRTL);
                                // It's a non-Unicode font, meaning code points have non-standard meanings. The only 
                                // characters we recognize as line breaks are LF (0x0A) and CR (0x0D).
                                stopMask = (ushort)(CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterCRLF | 

                                // Layout is always left-to-right for non-Unicode fonts.
                                bidiMask = 0; 
                            // Scan until end-of-run or one of the characters specified by stopMask. The accumulated 
                            // flags of the characters we advanced past are stored in charFlags.
                            ushort charFlags; 
                            stringLength = Classification.AdvanceUntilUTF16(
                                runInfo.Length, // text is chopped at run length not string length 
                                out charFlags 

                            // If it's a non-Unicode font we may have advanced past line break characters, 
                            // but if so we don't want to treat them as such.
                            charFlags &= (ushort)~(CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLineBreak | CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterParaBreak);

                            if(stringLength <= 0) 
                                // There are special characters such as various linebreaks or format anchor 
                                // character in the middle of text stream. We isolate such characters into 
                                // a separate run and treat them accordingly.
                                runInfo = CreateSpecialRunFromTextContent(runInfo, cchFetched);
                                stringLength = runInfo.StringLength;
                                charFlags = runInfo.CharacterAttributeFlags;
                                Debug.Assert(stringLength > 0 && runInfo.Length > 0);
                            else if(stringLength != runInfo.Length) 
                                // shorten the run length if the character string is being cut short 
                                runInfo.Length = stringLength;

                            runInfo.CharacterAttributeFlags |= charFlags; 
                            charFlagsSoFar |= charFlags;
                            bidiCharFlagsSoFar |= (ushort)(charFlags & bidiMask); 
                            cchText += stringLength; 
                        _accNominalWidthSoFar += runInfo.GetRoughWidth(TextFormatterImp.ToIdeal);

                        // store up the run info in a span indexed by actual character index
                        runInfoVector.SetReference(cch, stringLength, runInfo); 

                        TextEffectCollection textEffects = (runInfo.Properties != null) ? runInfo.Properties.TextEffects : null; 
                        if (textEffects != null && textEffects.Count != 0) 
                            SetTextEffectsVector(textEffectsVector, cch, runInfo, textEffects); 

                        cch += stringLength;
                        cchFetched += runInfo.Length;
                    } while( 
                            _accNominalWidthSoFar < _formatWidth
                        && !runInfo.IsEndOfLine 
                        && !IsNewline(charFlagsSoFar)
                        && _accTextLengthSoFar + cchText <= MaxCharactersPerLine

                    // if bidi is detected, resolve all fetched runs 
                    if (   lastBidiLevel > 0
                        || bidiCharFlagsSoFar != 0 
                        || _bidiState != null
                        cchResolved = BidiAnalyze(runInfoVector, cch, out bidiLevels); 

                        // for security reasons, limit how far we'll scan ahead to resolve bidi levels 
                        if (cchResolved == 0 && _accTextLengthSoFar + cchText >= MaxCharactersPerLine) 
                            cchResolved = cch; 
                            bidiLevels = null;
                        cchResolved = cch; 

                } while(cchResolved <= 0); 

                        runInfoVector != null
                    &&  (   bidiLevels == null 
                        ||  cchResolved <= bidiLevels.Length)
                bool forceBreak = IsForceBreakRequired(runInfoVector, ref cchResolved);
                if(bidiLevels == null)
                    // no bidi detected, all characters are left-to-right
                        0,  // uniformBidiLevel
                        ref lastBidiLevel 
                    int runInfoFirstCp = _cchUpTo; 
                    int ichUniform = 0;

                    while(ichUniform < cchResolved)
                        int cchUniform = 1;
                        int uniformBidiLevel = bidiLevels[ichUniform]; 
                        while(  ichUniform + cchUniform < cchResolved
                            &&  bidiLevels[ichUniform + cchUniform] == uniformBidiLevel) 
                        // create lsruns within a range of uniform level
                            ref lastBidiLevel 

                        ichUniform += cchUniform; 

                if (forceBreak) 
                    // close reverse runs 
                    if (lastBidiLevel != 0) 
                        lastBidiLevel = CreateReverseLSRuns(BaseBidiLevel, lastBidiLevel); 

                    // add a fake linebreak
                    _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = _plsrunVector.SetValue(_lscchUpTo, 1, Plsrun.FakeLineBreak, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 
                    _lscchUpTo += 1;

            // lsrun at the specified lscp was created, just grab it and go 
            return GrabLSRun(
                out plsrun,
                out lsrunOffset, 
                out lsrunLength

        /// Wrapper to TextRun fetching from the cache
        internal TextRunInfo  FetchTextRun(int cpFetch)
            int runLength;
            TextRun textRun; 
            // fetch TextRun from the formatting state
            CharacterBufferRange charString = _settings.FetchTextRun( 
                out textRun,
                out runLength 
            CultureInfo digitCulture = null; 
            bool contextualSubstitution = false;
            bool symbolTypeface = false; 

            Plsrun runType = TextRunInfo.GetRunType(textRun);

            if (runType == Plsrun.Text) 
                TextRunProperties properties = textRun.Properties; 
                symbolTypeface = properties.Typeface.Symbol; 
                if (!symbolTypeface)
                    digitCulture = _settings.DigitState.DigitCulture;
                    contextualSubstitution = _settings.DigitState.Contextual;
            TextModifierScope currentScope = _modifierScope; 
            TextModifier modifier = textRun as TextModifier;
            if (modifier != null)
                _modifierScope = new TextModifierScope(

                // The new scope inclues the current TextModifier run 
                currentScope = _modifierScope;
            else if (_modifierScope != null && textRun is TextEndOfSegment)
                // The new scope only affects subsequent runs. TextEndOfSegment run itself is
                // still in the old scope such that its coresponding TextModifier run can be tracked. 
                _modifierScope = _modifierScope.ParentScope; 
            return new TextRunInfo(
                cpFetch - _cpFirst, // offsetToFirstCp 
                0,   // charFlags 

        /// Split a TextRunInfo into multiple ranges each with a uniform set of
        /// TextEffects. 
        /// A TextRun can have a collection of TextEffect. Each of them can be applied to
        /// an arbitrary range of text. This method breaks the TextRunInfo into sub-ranges 
        /// that have identical set of TextEffects. For example
        /// Current Run :   |----------------------------------------| 
        /// Effect 1:     |-----------------------------------------------------|
        /// Effect 2:                  |------------------------| 
        /// Splitted runs:  |----------|------------------------|----|
        /// It can be observed that the effected ranges are dividied at the boundaries of the
        /// TextEffects. We sort all the boundaries of TextEffects according to their positions 
        /// and create the effected range in between of any two ajacent boundaries. For each efffected
        /// range, we store all the active TextEffect into a list. 
        private void SetTextEffectsVector(
            SpanVector              textEffectsVector, 
            int                     ich,
            TextRunInfo             runInfo,
            TextEffectCollection    textEffects
            // We already check for empty text effects at the call site. 
            Debug.Assert(textEffects != null && textEffects.Count != 0); 

            int cpFetched = _cpFirst + _cchUpTo + ich; // get text source character index 

            // Offset from client Cp to text effect index.
            int offset = cpFetched - _settings.TextSource.GetTextEffectCharacterIndexFromTextSourceCharacterIndex(cpFetched);
            int textEffectsCount = textEffects.Count;
            TextEffectBoundary[] bounds = new TextEffectBoundary[textEffectsCount * 2]; 
            for (int i = 0; i < textEffectsCount; i++) 
                TextEffect effect = textEffects[i]; 
                bounds[2 * i] = new TextEffectBoundary(effect.PositionStart, true); // effect starting boundary
                bounds[2 * i + 1] = new TextEffectBoundary(effect.PositionStart + effect.PositionCount, false); // effect end boundary
            Array.Sort(bounds); // sort the TextEffect bounds.
            int effectedRangeStart = Math.Max(cpFetched - offset, bounds[0].Position); 
            int effectedRangeEnd   = Math.Min(cpFetched - offset + runInfo.Length, bounds[bounds.Length - 1].Position);
            int currentEffectsCount = 0;
            int currentPosition = effectedRangeStart;
            for (int i = 0; i < bounds.Length && currentPosition < effectedRangeEnd; i++)
                // Have we reached the end of a non-empty subrange with at least one text effect?
                if (currentPosition < bounds[i].Position && currentEffectsCount > 0) 
                    // Let [currentPosition,currentRangeEnd) delimit the subrange ending at bounds[i].
                    int currentRangeEnd = Math.Min(bounds[i].Position, effectedRangeEnd); 

                    // Consolidate all the active effects in the subrange.
                    IList activeEffects = new TextEffect[currentEffectsCount];
                    int effectIndex = 0; 
                    for (int j = 0; j < textEffectsCount; j++)
                        TextEffect effect = textEffects[j]; 
                        if (currentPosition >= effect.PositionStart && currentPosition < (effect.PositionStart + effect.PositionCount))
                            activeEffects[effectIndex++] = effect;
                    Invariant.Assert(effectIndex == currentEffectsCount);
                    // Set the active effects for this CP subrange. The vector index is relative 
                    // to the starting cp of the current run-fetching loop.
                        currentPosition + offset - _cchUpTo - _cpFirst,    // client cp index
                        currentRangeEnd - currentPosition,                 // length
                        activeEffects                                      // text effects

                    currentPosition = currentRangeEnd; 

                // Adjust the current count depending on if it is a TextEffect's starting or ending boundary. 
                currentEffectsCount += (bounds[i].IsStart ? 1 : -1);

                if (currentEffectsCount == 0 && i < bounds.Length - 1)
                   // There is no effect on the current position. Move it to the start of next TextEffect.
                   Invariant.Assert(bounds[i + 1].IsStart); 
                   currentPosition = Math.Max(currentPosition, bounds[i + 1].Position); 

        /// Structure representing one boundary of a TextEffect. Each TextEffect has 
        /// two boundaries: the beginning and the end.
        private struct TextEffectBoundary : IComparable 
            private readonly int _position; 
            private readonly bool _isStart;

            internal TextEffectBoundary(int position, bool isStart)
                _position = position;
                _isStart = isStart; 

            internal int Position 
                get { return _position; }
            internal bool IsStart
                get { return _isStart; } 
            public int CompareTo(TextEffectBoundary other)
                if (Position != other.Position)
                    return Position - other.Position; 

                if (IsStart == other.IsStart) return 0; 
                // Starting edge is always in front.
                return IsStart ? -1 : 1; 

        /// Create special run that matches the content of specified text run 
        ///    Critical: This code has unsafe code block that uses pointers. 
        ///    TreatAsSafe: This code does not expose the pointer and the call does bounds checking.
        private TextRunInfo CreateSpecialRunFromTextContent( 
            TextRunInfo     runInfo,
            int             cchFetched 
            // -FORMAT ANCHOR- 
            // Format anchor character is what we create internally to drive LS. If it
            // is present in the middle of text stream sent from the client, we will
            // have to filter it out and replace it with NBSP. This is to protect LS 
            // from running into a bad state due to misinterpreting such character as
            // our format anchor. Following is the list of anchor character we use todate. 
            //      "\uFFFB" (Unicode 'Annotation Terminator')
            // -LINEBREAK-
            // Following the Unicode guideline on newline characters, we recognize
            // both LS (U+2028) and PS (U+2029) as explicit linebreak (PS also breaks 
            // paragraph but that's handled outside line level formatting). We also
            // treat the following sequence of characters as linebreak 
            //      "CR"    ("\u000D")
            //      "LF"    ("\u000A") 
            //      "CRLF"  ("\u000D\u000A")
            //      "NEL"   ("\u0085")
            //      "VT"    ("\u000B")
            //      "FF"    ("\u000C") 
            // Note: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr13/tr13-9.html 
            Debug.Assert(runInfo.StringLength > 0 && runInfo.Length > 0); 

            CharacterBuffer charBuffer = runInfo.CharacterBuffer; 
            int offsetToFirstChar = runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar;
            char firstChar = charBuffer[offsetToFirstChar];
            ushort charFlags;
            charFlags = (ushort)Classification.CharAttributeOf(

            if ((charFlags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLineBreak) != 0) 
                // Get cp length of newline sequence
                // It is possible that client run ends in between two codepoints that 
                // make up a single newline sequence e.g. CRLF. Therefore, when we
                // encounter the first codepoint of the sequence, we need to make sure 
                // we have enough codepoints to determine the correct whole sequence. 
                // In an uncommon event, we may be forced to look ahead by fetching more
                // runs. [wchao, PS bug 910308] 

                int newlineLength = 1;  // most sequences take one cp

                if (firstChar == '\r') 
                    if (runInfo.Length > 1) 
                        newlineLength += ((charBuffer[offsetToFirstChar + 1] == '\n') ? 1 : 0);
                        TextRunInfo nextRunInfo = FetchTextRun(_cpFirst + cchFetched + 1);
                        if (nextRunInfo != null && nextRunInfo.TextRun is ITextSymbols)
                            newlineLength += ((nextRunInfo.CharacterBuffer[nextRunInfo.OffsetToFirstChar] == '\n') ? 1 : 0); 

                    runInfo = new TextRunInfo(
                        new CharacterBufferRange((char*)PwchLineSeparator, 1), 
                        newlineLength, // run length 
                        Plsrun.LineBreak, // LineBreak run
                        null,  // digit culture
                        false, // contextual substitution 
                        false, // is not Unicode
            else if ((charFlags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterParaBreak) != 0)
                    // This character is a paragraph separator. Split it into a
                    // separate run. 
                    runInfo = new TextRunInfo( 
                        new CharacterBufferRange((char*)PwchParaSeparator, 1),
                        Plsrun.ParaBreak,  // parabreak run
                        null,   // digit culture
                        false,  // contextual substitution 
                        false,  // is not Unicode 
                Invariant.Assert((charFlags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterFormatAnchor) != 0);
                    runInfo = new TextRunInfo( 
                        new CharacterBufferRange((char*)PwchNbsp, 1),
                        1, // run length
                        null,   // digit culture 
                        false,  // contextual substitution
                        false,  // is not Unicode 

            return runInfo; 

        /// Grab existing lsrun at specified LSCP
        private LSRun GrabLSRun( 
            int             lscpFetch,
            out Plsrun      plsrun, 
            out int         lsrunOffset, 
            out int         lsrunLength
            int offsetToFirstCp = lscpFetch - _cpFirst;

            SpanRider rider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition, offsetToFirstCp); 
            _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = rider.SpanPosition;
            plsrun = (Plsrun)rider.CurrentElement; 
            LSRun lsrun;
            if (plsrun < Plsrun.FormatAnchor) 
                lsrun = ControlRuns[(int)plsrun];
                lsrunOffset = 0;
                lsrun = (LSRun)_lsrunList[(int)(ToIndex(plsrun) - Plsrun.FormatAnchor)]; 
                lsrunOffset = offsetToFirstCp - rider.CurrentSpanStart;

            if (_lscpFirstValue != 0)
                // this is marker store, differentiate the plsrun from 
                // plsrun from the main text store.
                plsrun = MakePlsrunMarker(plsrun); 

            // SpanRider.Length yields the distance to the end of the Span, not 
            // the total length of the Span.
            lsrunLength = rider.Length;

            return lsrun; 
        /// Get the Bidi level of the character before the currently fetched one 
        private int GetLastLevel()
            if (_lscchUpTo > 0) 
                SpanRider rider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition, _lscchUpTo - 1); 
                _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = rider.SpanPosition; 
                return GetRun((Plsrun)rider.CurrentElement).BidiLevel;
            return BaseBidiLevel;

        /// Base bidi level 
        private int BaseBidiLevel
            get { return _settings.Pap.RightToLeft ? 1 : 0; }

        /// Analyze bidirectional level of runs
        /// run info vector indexed by ich 
        /// character length of string to be analyzed
        /// array of bidi levels, each for a character 
        /// Number of characters resolved
        /// BiDi Analysis in line layout imposes a higher level protocol on top of Unicode bidi algorithm
        /// to support rich editing behavior. Explicit directional embedding controls is to be done 
        /// through TextModifier runs and corresponding TextEndOfSegment. Directional controls (such as
        /// LRE, RLE, PDF, etc) in the text stream are ignored in the Bidi Analysis to avoid conflict with the higher 
        /// level protocol. 
        /// The implementation analyzes directional embedding one level at a time. Input text runs are divided 
        /// at the point where directional embedding level is changed.
        private int BidiAnalyze(
            SpanVector                  runInfoVector, 
            int                         stringLength,
            out byte[]                  bidiLevels 
            CharacterBuffer charBuffer = null; 
            int offsetToFirstChar;

            SpanRider runInfoSpanRider = new SpanRider(runInfoVector);
            if (runInfoSpanRider.Length >= stringLength) 
                // typical case, only one string is analyzed 
                TextRunInfo runInfo = (TextRunInfo)runInfoSpanRider.CurrentElement; 

                if (!runInfo.IsSymbol) 
                    charBuffer = runInfo.CharacterBuffer;
                    offsetToFirstChar = runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar;
                    Debug.Assert(runInfo.StringLength >= stringLength); 
                    // Treat all characters in non-Unicode runs as strong left-to-right.
                    // The literal 'A' could be any Latin character. 
                    charBuffer = new StringCharacterBuffer(new string('A', stringLength));
                    offsetToFirstChar = 0;
                // build up a consolidated character buffer for bidi analysis of 
                // concatenated strings in multiple textruns.
                int ich = 0; 
                int cch;

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(stringLength);
                while(ich < stringLength)
                    cch = runInfoSpanRider.Length;
                    TextRunInfo runInfo = (TextRunInfo)runInfoSpanRider.CurrentElement; 

                    Debug.Assert(cch <= runInfo.StringLength);

                    if (!runInfo.IsSymbol) 
                        // Treat all characters in non-Unicode runs as strong left-to-right.
                        // The literal 'A' could be any Latin character. 
                        stringBuilder.Append('A', cch); 
                    ich += cch;

                charBuffer = new StringCharacterBuffer(stringBuilder.ToString()); 
                offsetToFirstChar = 0;
            if(_bidiState == null)
                // make sure the initial state is setup
                _bidiState = new BidiState(_settings, _cpFirst);
            bidiLevels = new byte[stringLength];
            DirectionClass[] directionClasses = new DirectionClass[stringLength]; 
            int resolvedLength = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < runInfoVector.Count; i++)
                int cchResolved = 0;
                TextRunInfo currentRunInfo = (TextRunInfo) runInfoVector[i].element;
                TextModifier modifier = currentRunInfo.TextRun as TextModifier; 
                if (IsDirectionalModifier(modifier))
                    bidiLevels[resolvedLength] = AnalyzeDirectionalModifier(_bidiState, modifier.FlowDirection);
                    cchResolved = 1;
                else if (IsEndOfDirectionalModifier(currentRunInfo)) 
                    bidiLevels[resolvedLength] = AnalyzeEndOfDirectionalModifier(_bidiState); 
                    cchResolved = 1; 
                    int ich = resolvedLength;
                        CultureInfo culture = CultureMapper.GetSpecificCulture(currentRunInfo.Properties == null ? null : currentRunInfo.Properties.CultureInfo);
                        DirectionClass europeanNumberOverride = _bidiState.GetEuropeanNumberClassOverride(culture); 
                        // The European number in the input text is explictly set to AN or EN base on the 
                        // culture of the text. We set the input DirectionClass of this range of text to
                        // AN or EN to indicate that any EN in this range should be explicitly set to this override
                        // value.
                        for(int k = 0; k < runInfoVector[i].length; k++)
                            directionClasses[ich + k] = europeanNumberOverride; 
                        ich += runInfoVector[i].length;
                        if ((++i) >= runInfoVector.Count)
                            break; // end of all runs.
                        currentRunInfo = (TextRunInfo) runInfoVector[i].element;
                        if ( currentRunInfo.Plsrun == Plsrun.Hidden && 
                              (  IsDirectionalModifier(currentRunInfo.TextRun as TextModifier) 
                              || IsEndOfDirectionalModifier(currentRunInfo)
                            break;   // break bidi analysis at the point of embedding level change 
                    while (true); 

                    const Bidi.Flags BidiFlags = Bidi.Flags.ContinueAnalysis | Bidi.Flags.IgnoreDirectionalControls | Bidi.Flags.OverrideEuropeanNumberResolution; 

                    // The last runs will be marked as IncompleteText as their resolution
                    // may depend on following runs that haven't been fetched yet.
                    Bidi.Flags flags = (i < runInfoVector.Count) ? 
                          : BidiFlags | Bidi.Flags.IncompleteText; 

                        offsetToFirstChar + resolvedLength,
                        ich - resolvedLength,
                        0, // no max hint 
                        new PartialArray(bidiLevels, resolvedLength, ich - resolvedLength), 
                        new PartialArray(directionClasses, resolvedLength, ich - resolvedLength),
                        out cchResolved 

                    // Text must be completely resolved if there is no IncompleteText flag.
                    Invariant.Assert(cchResolved == ich - resolvedLength || (flags & Bidi.Flags.IncompleteText) != 0); 
                resolvedLength += cchResolved; 
            Invariant.Assert(resolvedLength <= bidiLevels.Length);
            return resolvedLength;
        /// Update BidiState base to the new directional embedding level. 
        /// The method returns the embedding level before the start of the Modifier. 
        /// Contents inside the modifier scope is at a higher embedding level and hence
        /// separated from the content before the modifier scope.
        private byte AnalyzeDirectionalModifier( 
            BidiState       state,
            FlowDirection   flowDirection 
            bool leftToRight = (flowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight); 

            ulong levelStack = state.LevelStack;

            byte parentLevel = Bidi.BidiStack.GetMaximumLevel(levelStack); 

            byte topLevel; 
            // Push to Bidi stack. Increment overflow counter if so.
            if (!Bidi.BidiStack.Push(ref levelStack, leftToRight, out topLevel)) 
            state.LevelStack = levelStack;
            // set the default last strong such that text without CultureInfo 
            // can be resolved correctly.
            return parentLevel;

        /// Update BidiState at the end of a directional emebedding level.
        /// The method returns the embedding level after the end of the modifier.
        /// Contents inside the modifier scope is at a higher embedding level and hence separated 
        /// from the content after the modifier scope.
        private byte AnalyzeEndOfDirectionalModifier(BidiState state)
            // Pop level stack
            if (state.Overflow > 0) 
                state.Overflow --;
                return state.CurrentLevel; 

            byte parentLevel;
            ulong stack = state.LevelStack; 

            bool success = Bidi.BidiStack.Pop(ref stack, out parentLevel); 
            state.LevelStack = stack;
            // set the default last strong such that text without CultureInfo
            // can be resolved correctly.
            return parentLevel; 
        private bool IsEndOfDirectionalModifier(TextRunInfo runInfo) 
            return (  runInfo.TextModifierScope != null 
                   && runInfo.TextModifierScope.TextModifier.HasDirectionalEmbedding
                   && runInfo.TextRun is TextEndOfSegment

        private bool IsDirectionalModifier(TextModifier modifier) 
            return modifier != null && modifier.HasDirectionalEmbedding;

        internal bool InsertFakeLineBreak(int cpLimit)
            for (int i = 0, cp = 0, lscp = 0; i < _plsrunVector.Count; ++i) 
                Span span = _plsrunVector[i]; 
                Plsrun plsrun = (Plsrun)span.element; 

                // Is it a normal, non-static, LSRun? 
                if (plsrun >= Plsrun.FormatAnchor)
                    // Get the run.
                    LSRun lsrun = GetRun(plsrun); 

                    // Have we reached the limit? 
                    if (cp + lsrun.Length >= cpLimit) 
                        // Remove all subsequent runs. 
                        _plsrunVector.Delete(i + 1, _plsrunVector.Count - (i + 1), ref _plsrunVectorLatestPosition);

                        // Truncate the run if it exeeds the limit.
                        if (lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text && cp + lsrun.Length > cpLimit) 
                            lsrun.Truncate(cpLimit - cp); 
                            span.length = lsrun.Length; 
                        _lscchUpTo = lscp + lsrun.Length;

                        // Close any reverse runs.
                        CreateReverseLSRuns(BaseBidiLevel, lsrun.BidiLevel); 

                        // Add the fake line break. 
                        _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = _plsrunVector.SetValue(_lscchUpTo, 1, Plsrun.FakeLineBreak, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 
                        _lscchUpTo += 1;
                        return true;

                    cp += lsrun.Length; 
                lscp += span.length; 
            return false;

        /// Determines whether a line needs to be truncated for security reasons due to exceeding
        /// the maximum number of characters per line. See the comment for MaxCharactersPerLine. 
        /// Vector of fetched text runs.
        /// Number of cp to be added to _plsrunVector; the method 
        /// may change this value if the line needs to be truncated.
        /// Returns true if the line should be truncated, false it not.
        private bool IsForceBreakRequired(SpanVector runInfoVector, ref int cchToAdd)
            bool forceBreak = false;
            int ichRun = 0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < runInfoVector.Count && ichRun < cchToAdd; ++i)
                Span span = runInfoVector[i];
                TextRunInfo runInfo = (TextRunInfo)span.element;

                int runLength = Math.Min(span.length, cchToAdd - ichRun); 

                // Only Plsrun.Text runs count against the limit 
                if (runInfo.Plsrun == Plsrun.Text && !IsNewline((ushort)runInfo.CharacterAttributeFlags)) 
                    if (_accTextLengthSoFar + runLength <= MaxCharactersPerLine) 
                        // we're still under the limit; accumulate the number of characters so far
                        _accTextLengthSoFar += runLength;
                        // accumulated number of characters has exceeded the maximum allowed number 
                        // of characters per line; we need to generate a fake line break
                        runLength = MaxCharactersPerLine - _accTextLengthSoFar; 
                        _accTextLengthSoFar = MaxCharactersPerLine;
                        cchToAdd = ichRun + runLength;
                        forceBreak = true;
                ichRun += runLength; 
            return forceBreak;

        private enum NumberContext
            Unknown             = 0, 

            Arabic              = 0x0001, 
            European            = 0x0002,
            Mask                = 0x0003,

            FromLetter          = 0x0004, 
            FromFlowDirection   = 0x0008
        private NumberContext GetNumberContext(TextModifierScope scope)
            int limitCp = _cpFirst + _cchUpTo;
            int firstCp = _cpNumberContext;
            NumberContext cachedNumberContext = _numberContext;
            // Is there a current bidi scope?
            for (; scope != null; scope = scope.ParentScope) 
                if (scope.TextModifier.HasDirectionalEmbedding)
                    int cpScope = scope.TextSourceCharacterIndex;
                    if (cpScope >= _cpNumberContext)
                        // Only scan back to the start of the current scope and don't use the cached number 
                        // context since it's outside the current scope.
                        firstCp = cpScope; 
                        cachedNumberContext = NumberContext.Unknown; 

            // Is it a right to left context? 
            bool rightToLeft = (scope != null) ?
                scope.TextModifier.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft : 

            // Scan for a preceding letter. 
            while (limitCp > firstCp)
                TextSpan textSpan = _settings.GetPrecedingText(limitCp);
                // Stop if there's an empty TextSpan
                if (textSpan.Length <= 0) 

                CharacterBufferRange charRange = textSpan.Value.CharacterBufferRange;
                if (!charRange.IsEmpty)
                    CharacterBuffer charBuffer = charRange.CharacterBuffer;
                    // Index just past the last character in the range. 
                    int limit = charRange.OffsetToFirstChar + charRange.Length;
                    // Index of the first character in the range, not including any characters before firstCp.
                    int first = limit - Math.Min(charRange.Length, limitCp - firstCp);

                    // We'll stop scanning at letter or line break. 
                    const ushort flagsMask =
                        (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLetter | 

                    // Iterate over the characters in reverse order. 
                    for (int i = limit - 1; i >= first; --i)
                        char ch = charBuffer[i];
                        CharacterAttribute charAttributes = Classification.CharAttributeOf(Classification.GetUnicodeClassUTF16(ch)); 

                        ushort flags = (ushort)(charAttributes.Flags & flagsMask); 
                        if (flags != 0) 
                            if ((flags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLetter) != 0) 
                                // It's a letter so the number context depends on its script.
                                return (charAttributes.Script == (byte)ScriptID.Arabic || charAttributes.Script == (byte)ScriptID.Syriac) ?
                                    NumberContext.Arabic | NumberContext.FromLetter : 
                                    NumberContext.European | NumberContext.FromLetter;
                                // It's a line break. There are no preceding letters so number context depends only on 
                                // whether the current bidi scope is right to left.
                                return rightToLeft ?
                                    NumberContext.Arabic | NumberContext.FromFlowDirection :
                                    NumberContext.European | NumberContext.FromFlowDirection; 
                limitCp -= textSpan.Length;

            // If we have a cached number context that's still valid the use it. Valid means (1) we 
            // scanned back as far as the cp of the number context, and (2) the number context was
            // determined from a letter. (A cached number context derived from flow direction might 
            // not be valid because an embedded bidi level may have ended.) 
            if (limitCp <= firstCp && (cachedNumberContext & NumberContext.FromLetter) != 0)
                return cachedNumberContext;

            // There are no preceding letters so number context depends only on whether the current 
            // bidi scope is right to left.
            return rightToLeft ? 
                NumberContext.Arabic | NumberContext.FromFlowDirection : 
                NumberContext.European | NumberContext.FromFlowDirection;

        /// Create lsruns within a range of uniform bidi level.
        private void CreateLSRunsUniformBidiLevel(
            SpanVector              runInfoVector, 
            SpanVector              textEffectsVector, 
            int                     runInfoFirstCp,
            int                     ichUniform, 
            int                     cchUniform,
            int                     uniformBidiLevel,
            TextFormattingMode          textFormattingMode,
            bool                    isSideways, 
            ref int                 lastBidiLevel
            int ichRun = 0;
            // a range of characters with uniform level may span multiple
            // textruns. Create lsrun at runInfo boundary.

            SpanRider runInfoSpanRider = new SpanRider(runInfoVector); 
            SpanRider textEffectsSpanRider = new SpanRider(textEffectsVector);
            while(ichRun < cchUniform) 
                runInfoSpanRider.At(ichUniform + ichRun); 
                textEffectsSpanRider.At(ichUniform + ichRun);

                // Limit the span base on effected ranges.
                int spanLength = Math.Min(runInfoSpanRider.Length, textEffectsSpanRider.Length); 
                int ichEnd = Math.Min(ichRun + spanLength, cchUniform);
                int textRunLength; 

                TextRunInfo runInfo = (TextRunInfo)runInfoSpanRider.CurrentElement; 
                IList textEffects = (IList)textEffectsSpanRider.CurrentElement;

                // Initialize digitCulture only if there are digits.
                CultureInfo digitCulture = null; 

                // Number context; used only if we do contextual digit substitution. 
                NumberContext numberContext = NumberContext.Unknown; 

                if ((runInfo.CharacterAttributeFlags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterDigit) == 0) 
                    // No digits so digitCulture isn't used.
                else if (!runInfo.ContextualSubstitution) 
                    // Render all numbers using the digit culture of the run. 
                    digitCulture = runInfo.DigitCulture; 
                    // Contextual number substitution means the digit culture of a given number depends on the
                    // nearest preceding letter. If it's an Arabic letter we use the digit culture of the run;
                    // otherwise we use European digits (null digit culture). 

                    // Number context of the previous number, if any. 
                    NumberContext previousNumberContext = NumberContext.Unknown; 

                    CharacterBuffer charBuffer = runInfo.CharacterBuffer; 

                    // The cha----r indexes ichRun, ich, etc., are relative to the start of the uniform range;
                    // In order to yield an index into charBuffer, we need to calculate the offset from the
                    // start of the uniform range to the start of the character buffer. 
                    // _cpFirst 
                    //    |----_cchUpTo---->|-----------------runInfoVector----------------------->|
                    //                      | 
                    //                      |--ichUniform-->|----ich------>|
                    //                      |               |              |
                    //                      |-----CurrentSpanStart-->|=====x=====runInfo========|
                    //                                      |        |     | 
                    // charBuffer=> [---runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar--->|-----x----------------------------]
                    //              |                       |              | 
                    //              |---characterOffset---->|----ich------>|

                    int characterOffset =
                        ichUniform                           // start of the uniform range
                        - runInfoSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart  // make relative to the the start of the runInfo 
                        + runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar;         // make relative to the start of the character buffer in runInfo
                    for (int ich = ichRun; ich < ichEnd; ++ich) 
                        char ch = charBuffer[ich + characterOffset]; 
                        CharacterAttribute charAttributes = Classification.CharAttributeOf(Classification.GetUnicodeClassUTF16(ch));

                        if ((charAttributes.Flags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterDigit) != 0)
                            // If there were no preceding letters in the current run we need to scan backwards to
                            // determine the current number context. 
                            if (numberContext == NumberContext.Unknown) 
                                numberContext = GetNumberContext(runInfo.TextModifierScope); 

                            // We need to set the digit culture if
                            //   (a) we haven't set it yet (i.e., this is the first number) or 
                            //   (b) we set it but the previous number had a different number context
                            if ((previousNumberContext & NumberContext.Mask) != (numberContext & NumberContext.Mask)) 
                                // If there was a previous number with a different digit culture we need to split the run.
                                if (previousNumberContext != NumberContext.Unknown) 
                                        ichUniform + ichRun - runInfoSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart, 
                                        ich - ichRun, 
                                        ref lastBidiLevel,
                                        out textRunLength
                                    _cchUpTo += textRunLength;
                                    ichRun = ich; 

                                // Set the digitCulture to use for this and subsequent characters. 
                                digitCulture = (numberContext & NumberContext.Mask) == NumberContext.Arabic ?
                                    runInfo.DigitCulture :      // subsequent digits use Arabic symbols
                                    null;                       // subsequent digits use European symbols
                                previousNumberContext = numberContext;
                        else if ((charAttributes.Flags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLetter) != 0)
                            // It's a letter so set the current number context based on the letter's script.
                            // Don't set the digit culture until we actually encounter a number.
                            numberContext = (charAttributes.Script == (byte)ScriptID.Arabic || charAttributes.Script == (byte)ScriptID.Syriac) ?
                                NumberContext.Arabic | NumberContext.FromLetter : 
                                NumberContext.European | NumberContext.FromLetter;
                // Even if we split the run we still have to add the last part.
                Debug.Assert(ichRun < ichEnd);

                // Add the run (or what's left of it). 
                    ichUniform + ichRun - runInfoSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart, 
                    ichEnd - ichRun,
                    ref lastBidiLevel,
                    out textRunLength 
                _cchUpTo += textRunLength;
                ichRun = ichEnd; 

                // Save the number of context if known. This reduces the number of calls to GetPrecedingText for
                // lines with more than one number. We do this now, after calling CreateLSRuns, so that _cchUpTo
                // holds the correct cp that corresponds to all the characters scanned so far. 
                if (numberContext != NumberContext.Unknown)
                    _numberContext = numberContext; 
                    _cpNumberContext = _cpFirst + _cchUpTo;

            Debug.Assert(ichRun == cchUniform);

        /// Create reverse lsruns 
        /// current bidi level
        /// last bidi level
        /// updated last bidi Level 
        private int CreateReverseLSRuns(
            int     currentBidiLevel, 
            int     lastBidiLevel 
            Plsrun plsrun;
            int levelDiff = currentBidiLevel - lastBidiLevel;

            if(levelDiff > 0) 
                // level up 
                plsrun = Plsrun.Reverse; 
                // level down
                plsrun = Plsrun.CloseAnchor;
                levelDiff = -levelDiff; 
            for(int i = 0; i < levelDiff; i++) 
                _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = _plsrunVector.SetValue(_lscchUpTo, 1, plsrun, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 
            return currentBidiLevel;

        /// Create lsrun(s) 
        /// run info
        /// The applicable TextEffects on the LSRun. 
        /// digit culture for number substitution 
        /// offset the first char from start of run info
        /// lsrun character length 
        /// uniform bidi level 
        /// The layout mode
        /// Whether the text in the run should be sideways 
        /// last bidi level
        /// text run length
        private void CreateLSRuns(
            TextRunInfo       runInfo, 
            IList textEffects,
            CultureInfo       digitCulture, 
            int               offsetToFirstChar, 
            int               stringLength,
            int               uniformBidiLevel, 
            TextFormattingMode    textFormattingMode,
            bool              isSideways,
            ref int           lastBidiLevel,
            out int           textRunLength 
            LSRun lsrun = null; 
            int lsrunLength = 0;
            textRunLength = 0; 

            switch (runInfo.Plsrun)
                case Plsrun.Text: 
                    ushort charFlags = (ushort)runInfo.CharacterAttributeFlags; 
                    // LineBreak & ParaBreak are separated into individual TextRunInfo with Plsrun.LineBreak or Plsrun.ParaBreak.

                    if ((charFlags & (ushort)CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterFormatAnchor) != 0)
                        lsrun = new LSRun( 
                            (byte) uniformBidiLevel

                        lsrunLength = textRunLength = lsrun.StringLength; 
                        // Normal text, run length is character length
                        textRunLength = lsrunLength = stringLength;
                        Debug.Assert(runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar + offsetToFirstChar + lsrunLength <= runInfo.CharacterBuffer.Count);

                            ref lastBidiLevel 

                case Plsrun.InlineObject:
                    Debug.Assert(offsetToFirstChar == 0); 

                    double realToIdeal = TextFormatterImp.ToIdeal; 
                    lsrun = new LSRun(
                        (int)Math.Round(realToIdeal * runInfo.TextRun.Properties.FontRenderingEmSize),
                        0,          // character flags 
                        new CharacterBufferRange(runInfo.CharacterBuffer, 0, stringLength), 
                        null,       // no shapeable

                    lsrunLength = stringLength; 
                    textRunLength = runInfo.Length;

                case Plsrun.LineBreak: 
                    // Line Separator's BIDI class is Neutral (WS). It would take the class of surrounding
                    // characters so it might end up in a reverse run. However, LS would not process Line Separator 
                    // in reverse run. Here we always override the BIDI level of Line Separator to paragraph's
                    // embedding level such that it is out of reverse run and LS would process it correctly. 
                    uniformBidiLevel = (Pap.RightToLeft ? 1 : 0);
                    lsrun = CreateLineBreakLSRun( 
                        out lsrunLength,
                        out textRunLength 

                case Plsrun.ParaBreak: 
                    // Paragraph Separator ends the paragraph. Its bidi level must be the embedding level.
                    Debug.Assert(uniformBidiLevel == (Pap.RightToLeft ? 1 : 0));
                    lsrun = CreateLineBreakLSRun( 
                        out lsrunLength, 
                        out textRunLength
                case Plsrun.Hidden:
                    // hidden run yields the same cp as its lscp 
                    lsrunLength = runInfo.Length - offsetToFirstChar;
                    textRunLength = lsrunLength; 
                    lsrun = new LSRun(
                        (byte) uniformBidiLevel 
            if(lsrun != null)
                Debug.Assert(lsrunLength > 0); 

                if (lastBidiLevel != uniformBidiLevel) 
                    lastBidiLevel = CreateReverseLSRuns(uniformBidiLevel, lastBidiLevel);
                // Add the plsrun to the span vector.
                _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = _plsrunVector.SetValue(_lscchUpTo, lsrunLength, AddLSRun(lsrun), _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 
                _lscchUpTo += lsrunLength; 

        /// Break down text with uniform level into multiple shapeable runs,
        /// then create one LSRun for each of them. 
        private void CreateTextLSRuns(
            TextRunInfo       runInfo, 
            IList textEffects,
            CultureInfo       digitCulture,
            int               offsetToFirstChar,
            int               stringLength, 
            int               uniformBidiLevel,
            TextFormattingMode    textFormattingMode, 
            bool              isSideways, 
            ref int           lastBidiLevel
            ICollection shapeables = null;

            ITextSymbols textSymbols = runInfo.TextRun as ITextSymbols; 

            if (textSymbols != null) 
                bool isRightToLeftParagraph = (runInfo.TextModifierScope != null) ?
                    runInfo.TextModifierScope.TextModifier.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft : 

                shapeables = textSymbols.GetTextShapeableSymbols(
                    new CharacterBufferReference(
                        runInfo.CharacterBuffer, runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar + offsetToFirstChar 
                    (uniformBidiLevel & 1) != 0,    // Indicates the RTL based on the bidi level of text. 
                TextShapeableSymbols textShapeableSymbols = runInfo.TextRun as TextShapeableSymbols;

                if (textShapeableSymbols != null)
                    shapeables = new TextShapeableSymbols[] { textShapeableSymbols };

            if (shapeables == null) 
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            double realToIdeal = TextFormatterImp.ToIdeal; 
            int ich = 0; 

            foreach (TextShapeableSymbols shapeable in shapeables) 
                int cch = shapeable.Length;
                Debug.Assert(cch > 0 && cch <= stringLength - ich);
                int currentBidiLevel = uniformBidiLevel;
                LSRun lsrun = new LSRun( 
                    runInfo.OffsetToFirstCp + offsetToFirstChar + ich,
                    (int)Math.Round(realToIdeal * runInfo.TextRun.Properties.FontRenderingEmSize), 
                    new CharacterBufferRange(runInfo.CharacterBuffer, runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar + offsetToFirstChar + ich, cch), 

                if (currentBidiLevel != lastBidiLevel)
                    lastBidiLevel = CreateReverseLSRuns(currentBidiLevel, lastBidiLevel);
                // set up an LSRun for each shapeable.
                _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = _plsrunVector.SetValue(_lscchUpTo, cch, AddLSRun(lsrun), _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 
                _lscchUpTo += cch;

                ich += cch;

        /// Create LSRun for a linebreak run
        private LSRun CreateLineBreakLSRun(
            TextRunInfo     runInfo, 
            int             stringLength,
            out int         lsrunLength, 
            out int         textRunLength 
            lsrunLength = stringLength;
            textRunLength = runInfo.Length;

            return new LSRun( 
                null, // No TextEffects on LineBreak 
                0,      // emSize
                new CharacterBufferRange(runInfo.CharacterBuffer, runInfo.OffsetToFirstChar, stringLength),
                null,   // no shapebale 
                (byte)(Pap.RightToLeft ? 1 : 0) 

        /// Add new lsrun to lsrun list
        /// lsrun to add 
        /// plsrun of added lsrun
        private Plsrun AddLSRun(LSRun lsrun) 
            if(lsrun.Type < Plsrun.FormatAnchor)
                return lsrun.Type; 
            Plsrun plsrun = (Plsrun)((uint)_lsrunList.Count + Plsrun.FormatAnchor); 

            if (lsrun.IsSymbol) 
                plsrun = MakePlsrunSymbol(plsrun);
            return plsrun; 

        #region lsrun/cp mapping

        /// Map internal LSCP to text source cp
        /// This method does not handle mapping of LSCP beyond the last one
        internal int GetExternalCp(int lscp)
            lscp -= _lscpFirstValue;
            SpanRider rider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition, lscp - _cpFirst);
            _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = rider.SpanPosition; 
            return GetRun((Plsrun)rider.CurrentElement).OffsetToFirstCp +
                    lscp - rider.CurrentSpanStart; 

        /// Get LSRun from plsrun
        internal LSRun GetRun(Plsrun plsrun) 
            plsrun = ToIndex(plsrun); 

            return  (LSRun)(
                IsContent(plsrun) ?
                _lsrunList[(int)(plsrun - Plsrun.FormatAnchor)] : 

        /// Check if plsrun is marker
        internal static bool IsMarker(Plsrun plsrun) 
            return (plsrun & Plsrun.IsMarker) != 0; 

        /// Make this plsrun a marker plsrun
        internal static Plsrun MakePlsrunMarker(Plsrun plsrun) 
            return (plsrun | Plsrun.IsMarker); 

        /// Make this plsrun a symbol plsrun
        internal static Plsrun MakePlsrunSymbol(Plsrun plsrun) 
            return (plsrun | Plsrun.IsSymbol); 

        /// Convert plsrun to index to lsrun list
        internal static Plsrun ToIndex(Plsrun plsrun) 
            return (plsrun & Plsrun.UnmaskAll); 

        /// Check if run is content
        internal static bool IsContent(Plsrun plsrun) 
            plsrun = ToIndex(plsrun); 
            return plsrun >= Plsrun.FormatAnchor; 

        /// Check if character is space
        internal static bool IsSpace(char ch)
            return ch == ' ' || ch == '\u00a0'; 

        /// Check if character is of strong directional type
        internal static bool IsStrong(char ch)
            int unicodeClass = Classification.GetUnicodeClass(ch); 
            ItemClass itemClass = (ItemClass)Classification.CharAttributeOf(unicodeClass).ItemClass;
            return itemClass == ItemClass.StrongClass; 

        /// Check if the run is a line break or paragraph break
        internal static bool IsNewline (Plsrun plsrun) 
            return plsrun == Plsrun.LineBreak || plsrun == Plsrun.ParaBreak; 

        /// Check if the character is a line break or paragraph break character 
        internal static bool IsNewline(ushort flags) 
            return ( (flags & (ushort) CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterLineBreak) != 0
                  || (flags & (ushort) CharacterAttributeFlags.CharacterParaBreak) != 0 ); 


        /// Repositioning text lsruns according to its BaselineAlignmentment property 
        internal void AdjustRunsVerticalOffset( 
            int             dcpLimit,
            int             height,
            int             baselineOffset,
            out int         cellHeight, 
            out int         cellAscent
            // Following are all alignment point offsets from the baseline of the line.
            // Value grows positively in paragraph flow direction. 
            int top = 0;
            int bottom = 0;
            int textTop = 0;
            int textBottom = 0; 
            int super = 0;
            int sub = 0; 
            int center = 0; 

            ArrayList lsruns = new ArrayList(3); 

            // Find TextTop from all Baseline lsruns

            int dcp = 0; 
            int i = 0;
            while(dcp < dcpLimit) 
                Debug.Assert(i < _plsrunVector.Count);
                Span span = _plsrunVector[i++];
                LSRun lsrun = GetRun((Plsrun)span.element);

                if(     lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text 
                    ||  lsrun.Type == Plsrun.InlineObject)
                    if(lsrun.RunProp.BaselineAlignment == BaselineAlignment.Baseline) 
                        textTop = Math.Max(textTop, lsrun.BaselineOffset); 
                        textBottom = Math.Max(textBottom, lsrun.Descent);

                dcp += span.length; 
            textTop = -textTop; // offset from the baseline in paragraph flow direction

            top = height > 0 ? -baselineOffset : textTop;
            // Finalize Bottom by ignoring all but Top, TextTop and Baseline lsruns
            foreach(LSRun lsrun in lsruns) 
                switch (lsrun.RunProp.BaselineAlignment) 
                    case BaselineAlignment.Top:
                        textBottom = Math.Max(textBottom, lsrun.Height + top);

                    case BaselineAlignment.TextTop: 
                        textBottom = Math.Max(textBottom, lsrun.Height + textTop); 

            bottom = height > 0 ? height - baselineOffset : textBottom;

            // hardcode the positions for now 
            center = (top + bottom) / 2; 
            sub = bottom / 2;
            super = top * 2 / 3; 

            // Now move all lsruns according to its BaselineAlignment property
            cellAscent = 0;
            int cellDescent = 0; 
            foreach(LSRun lsrun in lsruns)
                int move = 0;

                switch (lsrun.RunProp.BaselineAlignment)
                    case BaselineAlignment.Top:
                        // lsrun top to line top 
                        move = top + lsrun.BaselineOffset; 
                    case BaselineAlignment.Bottom:
                        // lsrun bottom to line bottom
                        move = bottom - lsrun.Height + lsrun.BaselineOffset;

                    case BaselineAlignment.TextTop: 
                        // lsrun top to line text top 
                        move = textTop + lsrun.BaselineOffset;

                    case BaselineAlignment.TextBottom:
                        // lsrun bottom to line text bottom
                        move = textBottom - lsrun.Height + lsrun.BaselineOffset; 
                    case BaselineAlignment.Center: 
                        // lsrun center to line center
                        move = center - lsrun.Height/2 + lsrun.BaselineOffset; 

                    case BaselineAlignment.Superscript:
                        // lsrun baseline to line superscript 
                        move = super;
                    case BaselineAlignment.Subscript:
                        // lsrun baseline to line subscript 
                        move = sub;
                // Recalculate line ascent and descent 
                cellAscent = Math.Max(cellAscent, lsrun.BaselineOffset - move);
                cellDescent = Math.Max(cellDescent, lsrun.Descent + move); 

            cellHeight = cellAscent + cellDescent;

        /// Collect a piece of raw text that makes up a word containing the specified LSCP.
        /// The text returned from this method is used for hyphenation of a single word. 
        /// In addition to the raw text, it also returns the mapping between the raw character
        /// indices and the LSCP indices in plsrunVector. This is used later on when we
        /// map the lexical result back to the positions used to communicate with LS.
        /// "word" here is not meant for a linguistic term. It only means array of characters 
        /// from space to space i.e. a word in SE Asian language is not separated by spaces. 
        internal char[] CollectRawWord( 
            int                 lscpCurrent,
            bool                isCurrentAtWordStart,
            bool                isSideways,
            out int             lscpChunk, 
            out int             lscchChunk,
            out CultureInfo     textCulture, 
            out int             cchWordMax, 
            out SpanVector textVector
            // Fetch the lsrun containing the current position make sure
            // all LSCP before it are properly retained in plsrun vector.
            // We need this before we could reliably walk back the plsrun 
            // vector to establish the chunk's start position in the following
            // step. 
            textVector = new SpanVector();
            textCulture = null; 

            lscpChunk = lscpCurrent;
            lscchChunk = 0;
            cchWordMax = 0; 

            Plsrun plsrun; 
            int lsrunOffset; 
            int lsrunLength;
            LSRun lsrun = FetchLSRun(
                out plsrun,
                out lsrunOffset, 
                out lsrunLength 
            if (lsrun == null)
                return null;

            textCulture = lsrun.TextCulture; 

            int lscpLim; 
            int cchBefore = 0; 

            if (!isCurrentAtWordStart && lscpChunk > _cpFirst) 
                // The specified position may not be start of word.
                // Expand backward to the first non-space character following a space
                // before the current position. If the current position is already 
                // at space, no skip is needed.
                SpanRider rider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector, _plsrunVectorLatestPosition); 

                    rider.At(lscpChunk - _cpFirst - 1);

                    lscpLim = rider.CurrentSpanStart + _cpFirst; 

                    lsrun = GetRun((Plsrun)rider.CurrentElement); 
                    if (   IsNewline(lsrun.Type)
                        || lsrun.Type == Plsrun.InlineObject) 
                        // Stop expanding due to hard break

                    if (lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text) 
                        if (!lsrun.TextCulture.Equals(textCulture))
                            // Stop expanding due to change of text culture
                        int cchLim = lscpChunk - lscpLim;
                        int ichFirst = lsrun.OffsetToFirstChar + lscpChunk - _cpFirst - rider.CurrentSpanStart; 
                        int cch = 0; 

                        // Skip all non-space characters until a space is found 
                        while (cch < cchLim && !IsSpace(lsrun.CharacterBuffer[ichFirst - cch - 1]))

                        cchBefore += cch; 

                        if (cch < cchLim) 
                            // Start of chunk is found
                            lscpChunk -= cch; 
                    // Reposition start of chunk to the beginning of the current run and continue expanding
                    Invariant.Assert(lscpLim < lscpChunk); 
                    lscpChunk = lscpLim; 

                } while (lscpChunk > _cpFirst && cchBefore <= MaxCchWordToHyphenate); 

                _plsrunVectorLatestPosition = rider.SpanPosition;
            if (cchBefore > MaxCchWordToHyphenate)
                // The word is unusually long. This is already a situation we dont want 
                // bring hyphenation into the picture.
                return null; 

            // Expand forward from the beginning of a word to the end of the word. 
            // If the start position is already at space, skip passed all leading spaces
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = null; 
            int lscp = lscpChunk;
            int cchText = 0; 
            int cchLastWord = 0;

                lsrun = FetchLSRun(
                    out plsrun, 
                    out lsrunOffset,
                    out lsrunLength
                if (lsrun == null)
                    return null; 
                lscpLim = lscp + lsrunLength;
                if (   IsNewline(lsrun.Type)
                    || lsrun.Type == Plsrun.InlineObject)
                    // Stop expanding due to hard break 
                if (lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text)
                    if (!lsrun.TextCulture.Equals(textCulture))
                        // Stop expanding due to change of text culture
                    int cchLim = lscpLim - lscp; 
                    int ichFirst = lsrun.OffsetToFirstChar + lsrun.Length - lsrunLength;
                    int cch = 0; 

                    if (cchText == 0)
                        // Skip all leading spaces 
                        while (cch < cchLim && IsSpace(lsrun.CharacterBuffer[ichFirst + cch]))

                    // Skip all non-space characters until a following space is found 
                    char ch;
                    int cchWord = cchLastWord;

                    while (     cch < cchLim 
                            &&  cchText + cch < MaxCchWordToHyphenate
                            &&  !IsSpace((ch = lsrun.CharacterBuffer[ichFirst + cch]))) 
                        if (IsStrong(ch))
                            // Non-strong character marks the end of the current word length, 
                            // Keep the length of the greatest length word found so far.
                            if (cchWord > cchWordMax) 
                                cchWordMax = cchWord;

                            cchWord = 0;
                    // Keep the length so far of the last word found. 
                    cchLastWord = cchWord;
                    if (cchLastWord > cchWordMax)
                        // Keep the length of the greatest length word found so far.
                        cchWordMax = cchLastWord; 
                    if (stringBuilder == null) 
                        stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    // Gathering the raw text
                    lsrun.CharacterBuffer.AppendToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, ichFirst, cch);

                    // Keep the map between indices to raw text and its correspondent LSCP 
                    textVector.Set(cchText, cch, lscp - lscpChunk);
                    cchText += cch; 

                    if (cch < cchLim) 
                        // End of chunk is found
                        lscp += cch;
                Invariant.Assert(lscpLim > lscp);
                lscp = lscpLim; 

            } while (cchText < MaxCchWordToHyphenate);

            if (stringBuilder == null) 
                return null;
            lscchChunk = lscp - lscpChunk; 
            Invariant.Assert(stringBuilder.Length == cchText);
            char[] rawText = new char[stringBuilder.Length];
            stringBuilder.CopyTo(0, rawText, 0, rawText.Length);
            return rawText;

        /// Fetch cached inline metrics
        /// text object to format
        /// firs cp of text object
        /// inline's current pen position
        /// line's right margin 
        /// inline info
        /// Right margin is not necessarily the same as column max width. Right margin 
        /// is usually greater than actual column width during object formatting. LS
        /// increases the margin to 1/32 of the column width to provide a leaway for 
        /// breaking.
        /// However TextBlock/TextFlow functions in such a way that it needs to know the exact width
        /// left in the line in order to compute the inline's correct size. We make sure 
        /// that it'll never get oversize max width.
        /// Inline object's reported size can be so huge that it may overflow LS's maximum value. 
        /// If a given width is a finite value, we'll respect that and out-of-range exception may be thrown as appropriate.
        /// If the width is Positive Infinity, the width is trimmed to the maximum remaining value that LS can handle. This is 
        /// appropriate for the cases where client measures inline objects at Infinite size.
        internal TextEmbeddedObjectMetrics FormatTextObject(
            TextEmbeddedObject  textObject, 
            int                 cpFirst,
            int                 currentPosition, 
            int                 rightMargin 
            if(_textObjectMetricsVector == null)
                _textObjectMetricsVector = new SpanVector(null);

            SpanRider rider = new SpanRider(_textObjectMetricsVector); 

            TextEmbeddedObjectMetrics metrics = (TextEmbeddedObjectMetrics)rider.CurrentElement; 

            if(metrics == null)
                int widthLeft = _formatWidth - currentPosition; 

                if(widthLeft <= 0) 
                    // we're formatting this object outside the actual column width,
                    // we give the host the max width from the current position up 
                    // to the margin.
                    widthLeft = rightMargin - _formatWidth;
                metrics = textObject.Format(_settings.Formatter.IdealToReal(widthLeft));
                if (Double.IsPositiveInfinity(metrics.Width)) 
                    // If the inline object has Width to be positive infinity, trim the width to 
                    // the maximum value that LS can handle.
                    metrics = new TextEmbeddedObjectMetrics(
                        _settings.Formatter.IdealToReal((Constants.IdealInfiniteWidth - currentPosition)),
                else if (metrics.Width > _settings.Formatter.IdealToReal((Constants.IdealInfiniteWidth - currentPosition)))
                    // LS cannot compute value greater than its maximum computable value
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TextObjectMetrics_WidthOutOfRange));
                _textObjectMetricsVector.SetReference(cpFirst, textObject.Length, metrics);
            Debug.Assert(metrics != null);
            return metrics; 

        #region ENUMERATIONS & CONST 

        // first negative cp of bullet marker 
        internal const int LscpFirstMarker = (-0x7FFFFFFF); 

        // Note: Trident uses this figure 
        internal const int TypicalCharactersPerLine = 100;

        internal const char CharLineSeparator = '\x2028';
        internal const char CharParaSeparator = '\x2029'; 
        internal const char CharLineFeed      = '\x000a';
        internal const char CharCarriageReturn= '\x000d'; 
        // Hardcoded strings in LS memory
        // They are kept as a pointer such that it would be fast to return 
        // them as pointers back into LS.
        internal static IntPtr PwchParaSeparator;
        internal static IntPtr PwchLineSeparator;
        internal static IntPtr PwchNbsp; 
        internal static IntPtr PwchHidden;
        internal static IntPtr PwchObjectTerminator; 
        internal static IntPtr PwchObjectReplacement; 

        /// !! DO NOT update this enum without looking at its unmanaged pair in lslo.cpp !!
        /// [wchao, 10-1-2001]
        internal enum ObjectId : ushort 
            Reverse         = 0, 
            MaxNative       = 1, 
            InlineObject    = 1,
            Max             = 2, 
            Text_chp        = 0xffff,

        // Maximum number of characters per line. If we exceed this number of characters 
        // without breaking in a normal way, we chop off the line by generating a fake
        // line break run. This is to mitigate potential denial-of-service attacks by 
        // ensuring that there is a reasonable upper bound on the time required to 
        // format a single line.
        // In ordinary documents with word-wrap enabled, we should always reach the
        // right margin long before MaxCharactersPerLine characters. The only reason
        // we might forcibly break the line in such cases would be:
        //   (a) Extreme right margin 
        //   (b) Extreme number of zero-width characters
        //   (c) Extremely small font size (i.e., fraction of a pixel) 
        //   (d) Lack of break opportunity (e.g., no spaces) 
        // All of these are security cases, for which chopping off the line is a
        // reasonable mitigation. Limiting the line length addresses all of these 
        // potential attacks so we don't need separate mitigations for, e.g.,
        // zero-width characters.
        // Extremely long lines are less unlikely in nowrap scenarios, such as a code 
        // editor. However, the same security issues apply so we still chop off the line
        // if we exceed the maximum number of characters with no line break. Note that 
        // Notepad (with nowrap) does the same thing. 
        // The value chosen corresponds roughly to four pages of text at 60 characters 
        // per line and 40 lines per page. Testing shows this to be a resonable limit
        // in terms of run time.
        private const int MaxCharactersPerLine = 9600; // 60 * 40 * 4
        /// The maximum number of characters within a single word that is still considered a legitimate 
        /// input for hyphenation. This value is suggested by Stefanie Schiller - the NLG expert when 
        /// considering a theoretical example of a German compound word which consists of 12 compound
        /// segments. The following is that word. 
        /// [Wchao, 3/15/2006] 
        private const int MaxCchWordToHyphenate = 80; 
        #region Properties
        internal FormatSettings Settings
            get { return _settings; } 
        internal ParaProp Pap 
            get { return _settings.Pap; } 

        internal int CpFirst
            get { return _cpFirst; }
        internal SpanVector PlsrunVector
            get { return _plsrunVector; }

        internal ArrayList LsrunList 
            get { return _lsrunList; } 

        internal int FormatWidth 
            get { return _formatWidth; }
        internal int CchEol
            get { return _cchEol; } 
            set { _cchEol = value; }

    /// Bidi state that applie across line. If no preceding state is available internally, 
    /// it calls back to the client to obtain additional Bidi control and explicit embedding level. 
    internal sealed class BidiState : Bidi.State 
        public BidiState(FormatSettings settings, int cpFirst)
            : this(settings, cpFirst, null)
        public BidiState(FormatSettings settings, int cpFirst, TextModifierScope modifierScope) 
            : base (settings.Pap.RightToLeft)
            _settings = settings;
            _cpFirst = cpFirst;

            NumberClass = DirectionClass.ClassInvalid; 
            StrongCharClass = DirectionClass.ClassInvalid;
            // find the top most scope that has the direction embedding
            while ( modifierScope != null && !modifierScope.TextModifier.HasDirectionalEmbedding) 
                modifierScope = modifierScope.ParentScope;
            if (modifierScope != null)
                _cpFirstScope = modifierScope.TextSourceCharacterIndex; 

                // Initialize Bidi stack base on modifier scope 
                Bidi.BidiStack stack = new Bidi.BidiStack();

                ushort overflowLevels = 0; 
                InitLevelStackFromModifierScope(stack, modifierScope, ref overflowLevels);
                LevelStack = stack.GetData(); 
                Overflow = overflowLevels;

        /// Set the default last strongs when an embedding level is changed such that
        /// ambiguous characters (i.e. characters with null or InvariantCulture) at the beginning 
        /// of the current embedding level can be resolved correctly. 
        internal void SetLastDirectionClassesAtLevelChange() 
            if ((CurrentLevel & 1) == 0)
                LastStrongClass = DirectionClass.Left; 
                LastNumberClass = DirectionClass.Left;
                LastStrongClass = DirectionClass.ArabicLetter; 
                LastNumberClass = DirectionClass.ArabicNumber;
        internal byte CurrentLevel
            get { return Bidi.BidiStack.GetMaximumLevel(LevelStack); } 

        /// Method to get the last number class overridden by bidi algorithm implementer
        public override DirectionClass LastNumberClass
                if (this.NumberClass == DirectionClass.ClassInvalid ) 
                return this.NumberClass;
            set { this.NumberClass = value; }

        /// Method to get the last strong class overridden by bidi algorithm implementer 
        public override DirectionClass LastStrongClass 
                if (this.StrongCharClass == DirectionClass.ClassInvalid)
                return this.StrongCharClass;
                this.StrongCharClass = value;
                this.NumberClass = value;

        /// Last strong class not found internally, call out to client
        private void GetLastDirectionClasses()
            DirectionClass  strongClass = DirectionClass.ClassInvalid;
            DirectionClass  numberClass = DirectionClass.ClassInvalid; 

            // It is a flag to indicate whether to continue calling GetPrecedingText. 
            // Because Bidi algorithm works within a paragraph only, we should terminate the 
            // loop at paragraph boundary and fall back to the appropriate defaults.
            bool continueScanning = true;

            while (continueScanning && _cpFirst > _cpFirstScope)
                TextSpan textSpan = _settings.GetPrecedingText(_cpFirst);
                CultureSpecificCharacterBufferRange charString = textSpan.Value; 
                if (textSpan.Length <= 0)
                    break;  // stop when preceding text span has length 0.

                if (!charString.CharacterBufferRange.IsEmpty) 
                    continueScanning = Bidi.GetLastStongAndNumberClass( 
                        ref strongClass,
                        ref numberClass 

                    if (strongClass != DirectionClass.ClassInvalid)
                        this.StrongCharClass = strongClass;
                        if (this.NumberClass == DirectionClass.ClassInvalid) 
                            if (numberClass == DirectionClass.EuropeanNumber) 
                                // Override EuropeanNumber class as appropriate.
                                numberClass = GetEuropeanNumberClassOverride(CultureMapper.GetSpecificCulture(charString.CultureInfo));

                            this.NumberClass = numberClass; 


                _cpFirst -= textSpan.Length; 
            // If we don't have the strong class and/or number class, select appropriate defaults
            // according to the base bidi level. 
            // To determine the base bidi level, we look at bit 0 if the LevelStack. This is NOT
            // an even/odd test. LevelStack is an array of bits corresponding to all of the bidl
            // levels on the stack. Thus, bit 0 is set if and only if the base bidi level is zero, 
            // i.e., it's a left-to-right paragraph.
            if(strongClass == DirectionClass.ClassInvalid) 
                this.StrongCharClass = ((CurrentLevel & 1) == 0) ? DirectionClass.Left : DirectionClass.ArabicLetter; 

            if(numberClass == DirectionClass.ClassInvalid)
                this.NumberClass = ((CurrentLevel & 1) == 0) ? DirectionClass.Left : DirectionClass.ArabicNumber;

        /// Walk the TextModifierScope to reinitialize the bidi stack.
        /// We push to bidi-stack from the earliest directional modifier (i.e. from bottom of the
        /// the scope chain onwards). We use a stack to reverse the scope chain first.
        private static void InitLevelStackFromModifierScope(
            Bidi.BidiStack    stack, 
            TextModifierScope scope, 
            ref ushort        overflowLevels
            Stack directionalEmbeddingStack = new Stack(32);

            for (TextModifierScope currentScope = scope; currentScope != null; currentScope = currentScope.ParentScope) 
                if (currentScope.TextModifier.HasDirectionalEmbedding) 

            while (directionalEmbeddingStack.Count > 0)
                TextModifier modifier = directionalEmbeddingStack.Pop();
                if (overflowLevels > 0) 
                    // Bidi level stack overflows. Just increment the bidi stack overflow number 
                    overflowLevels ++;
                else if (!stack.Push(modifier.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight))
                    // Push stack not successful. Stack starts to overflow.
                    overflowLevels = 1; 


        /// Obtain the explict direction class of European number based on culture and current flow direction. 
        /// European numbers in Arabic/---- culture and RTL flow direction are to be considered as Arabic numbers.
        internal DirectionClass GetEuropeanNumberClassOverride(CultureInfo cultureInfo) 
            if (   cultureInfo != null 
                 &&(   (cultureInfo.LCID & 0xFF) == 0x01 // Arabic culture
                    || (cultureInfo.LCID & 0xFF) == 0x29 // ---- culture
                 && (CurrentLevel & 1) != 0 // RTL flow direction 
                return DirectionClass.ArabicNumber; 
            return DirectionClass.EuropeanNumber;

        private FormatSettings  _settings; 
        private int             _cpFirst;
        private int             _cpFirstScope; // The first Cp of the current scope. GetLastStrong() should not go beyond it. 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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