panel.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / panel.cs / 1305600 / panel.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;   // IItemContainerGenerator
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Markup; // IAddChild, ContentPropertyAttribute 
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Controls; 
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework;
using MS.Utility;
namespace System.Windows.Controls
    ///     Base class for all layout panels.
    public abstract class Panel : FrameworkElement, IAddChild
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        ///     Default DependencyObject constructor
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance. 
        protected Panel() : base()
            _zConsonant = (int)ZIndexProperty.GetDefaultValue(DependencyObjectType); 

        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods 
        ///     Fills in the background based on the Background property. 
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            Brush background = Background; 
            if (background != null)
                // Using the Background brush, draw a rectangle that fills the 
                // render bounds of the panel.
                Size renderSize = RenderSize; 
                                 new Rect(0.0, 0.0, renderSize.Width, renderSize.Height));
        /// This method is called to Add the object as a child of the Panel.  This method is used primarily
        /// by the parser. 
        /// The object to add as a child; it must be a UIElement.
        void IAddChild.AddChild (Object value) 
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Panel_BoundPanel_NoChildren));
            UIElement uie = value as UIElement;
            if (uie == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, value.GetType(), typeof(UIElement)), "value");


        /// This method is called by the parser when text appears under the tag in markup.
        /// As default Panels do not support text, calling this method has no effect.
        /// Text to add as a child.
        void IAddChild.AddText (string text) 
            XamlSerializerUtil.ThrowIfNonWhiteSpaceInAddText(text, this); 

        //  Public Properties + Avalon Dependency ID's 

        #region Public Properties

        /// The Background property defines the brush used to fill the area between borders.
        public Brush Background 
            get { return (Brush) GetValue(BackgroundProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(BackgroundProperty, value); }

        /// DependencyProperty for  property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty BackgroundProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((Brush)null,
                                FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | 
        /// Returns enumerator to logical children.
        protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren
                if ((this.VisualChildrenCount == 0) || IsItemsHost)
                    // empty panel or a panel being used as the items 
                    // host has *no* logical children; give empty enumerator
                    return EmptyEnumerator.Instance; 

                // otherwise, its logical children is its visual children
                return this.Children.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Returns a UIElementCollection of children for user to add/remove children manually 
        /// Returns read-only collection if Panel is data-bound (no manual control of children is possible,
        /// the associated ItemsControl completely overrides children)
        /// Note: the derived Panel classes should never use this collection for
        /// internal purposes like in their MeasureOverride or ArrangeOverride. 
        /// They should use InternalChildren instead, because InternalChildren
        /// is always present and either is a mirror of public Children collection (in case of Direct Panel) 
        /// or is generated from data binding. 
        public UIElementCollection Children
                //When we will change from UIElementCollection to IList, we might
                //consider returning a wrapper IList here which coudl be read-only for mutating methods 
                //while INternalChildren could be R/W even in case of Generator attached. 
                return InternalChildren;

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should 
        /// be serialized.
        // Should serialize property Children only if it is non empty 
        public bool ShouldSerializeChildren() 
            if (!IsItemsHost)
                if (Children != null && Children.Count > 0) 
                    return true; 
            return false;

        ///     The DependencyProperty for the IsItemsHost property. 
        ///     Flags:              NotDataBindable 
        ///     Default Value:      false
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsItemsHostProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // defaultValue 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsItemsHostChanged))); 

        ///     IsItemsHost is set to true to indicate that the panel
        ///     is the container for UI generated for the items of an 
        ///     ItemsControl.  It is typically set in a style for an ItemsControl.
        [Bindable(false), Category("Behavior")] 
        public bool IsItemsHost
            get { return (bool) GetValue(IsItemsHostProperty); }
            set { SetValue(IsItemsHostProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); }
        private static void OnIsItemsHostChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Panel panel = (Panel) d; 

            panel.OnIsItemsHostChanged((bool) e.OldValue, (bool) e.NewValue); 

        ///     This method is invoked when the IsItemsHost property changes. 
        /// The old value of the IsItemsHost property. 
        /// The new value of the IsItemsHost property. 
        protected virtual void OnIsItemsHostChanged(bool oldIsItemsHost, bool newIsItemsHost)
            // GetItemsOwner will check IsItemsHost first, so we don't have
            // to check that IsItemsHost == true before calling it.
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);
            if (itemsControl != null) 
                // ItemsHost should be the "root" element which has 
                // IsItemsHost = true on it.  In the case of grouping, 
                // IsItemsHost is true on all panels which are generating
                // content.  Thus, we care only about the panel which 
                // is generating content for the ItemsControl.
                IItemContainerGenerator generator = itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator as IItemContainerGenerator;
                if (generator != null && generator == generator.GetItemContainerGeneratorForPanel(this))
                    itemsControl.ItemsHost = this;


        ///     Orientation of the panel if its layout is in one dimension. 
        /// Otherwise HasLogicalOrientation is false and LogicalOrientation should be ignored
        protected internal virtual Orientation LogicalOrientation 
            get { return Orientation.Vertical; } 

        ///     HasLogicalOrientation is true in case the panel layout is only one dimension (Stack panel). 
        protected internal virtual bool HasLogicalOrientation 
            get { return false; }


        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Returns a UIElementCollection of children - added by user or generated from data binding. 
        /// Panel-derived classes should use this collection for all internal purposes, including
        /// MeasureOverride/ArrangeOverride overrides. 
        protected internal UIElementCollection InternalChildren
                if (IsItemsHost)
                    if (_uiElementCollection == null)
                        // First access on a regular panel 
                        EnsureEmptyChildren(/* logicalParent = */ this);

                return _uiElementCollection;
        /// Gets the Visual children count.
        protected override int VisualChildrenCount
                if (_uiElementCollection == null)
                    return 0; 
                    return _uiElementCollection.Count;
        /// Gets the Visual child at the specified index.
        protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
            if (_uiElementCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange));
            if (IsZStateDirty) { RecomputeZState(); }
            int visualIndex = _zLut != null ? _zLut[index] : index; 
            return _uiElementCollection[visualIndex];

        /// Creates a new UIElementCollection. Panel-derived class can create its own version of
        /// UIElementCollection -derived class to add cached information to every child or to 
        /// intercept any Add/Remove actions (for example, for incremental layout update) 
        protected virtual UIElementCollection CreateUIElementCollection(FrameworkElement logicalParent) 
            return new UIElementCollection(this, logicalParent);
        ///     The generator associated with this panel. 
        internal IItemContainerGenerator Generator
                return _itemContainerGenerator;

        #region Internal Properties 

        // Bool field used by VirtualizingStackPanel
        internal bool VSP_IsVirtualizing
                return GetBoolField(BoolField.IsVirtualizing); 

                SetBoolField(BoolField.IsVirtualizing, value);

        // Bool field used by VirtualizingStackPanel
        internal bool VSP_HasMeasured
                return GetBoolField(BoolField.HasMeasured); 
                SetBoolField(BoolField.HasMeasured, value);
        // Bool field used by VirtualizingStackPanel 
        internal bool VSP_IsPixelBased
                return GetBoolField(BoolField.IsPixelBased); 

                SetBoolField(BoolField.IsPixelBased, value);


        #region Private Methods 

        private bool VerifyBoundState()
            // If the panel becomes "unbound" while attached to a generator, this 
            // method detaches it and makes it really behave like "unbound."  This
            // can happen because of a style change, a theme change, etc. It returns 
            // the correct "bound" state, after the dust has settled. 
            // This is really a workaround for a more general problem that the panel 
            // needs to release resources (an event handler) when it is "out of the tree."
            // Currently, there is no good notification for when this happens.

            if (IsItemsHost) 
                if (_itemContainerGenerator == null) 
                    // Transitioning from being unbound to bound

                return (_itemContainerGenerator != null);
                if (_itemContainerGenerator != null) 
                    // Transitioning from being bound to unbound 
                return false;

        //"actually data-bound and using generator" This is true if Panel is 
        //not only marked as IsItemsHost but actually has requested Generator to
        //generate items and thus "owns" those items.
        //In this case, Children collection becomes read-only
        //Cases when it is not true include "direct" usage - IsItemsHost=false and 
        //usages when panel is data-bound but derived class avoid accessing InternalChildren or Children
        //and rather calls CreateUIElementCollection and then drives Generator itself. 
        internal bool IsDataBound 
                return IsItemsHost && _itemContainerGenerator != null;

        ///  Used by subclasses to decide whether to call through a profiling stub  
        internal static bool IsAboutToGenerateContent(Panel panel) 
            return panel.IsItemsHost && panel._itemContainerGenerator == null; 

        private void ConnectToGenerator()
            Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator == null, "Attempted to connect to a generator when Panel._itemContainerGenerator is non-null.");
            ItemsControl itemsOwner = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 
            if (itemsOwner == null)
                // This can happen if IsItemsHost=true, but the panel is not nested in an ItemsControl
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Panel_ItemsControlNotFound));
            IItemContainerGenerator itemsOwnerGenerator = itemsOwner.ItemContainerGenerator;
            if (itemsOwnerGenerator != null) 
                _itemContainerGenerator = itemsOwnerGenerator.GetItemContainerGeneratorForPanel(this);
                if (_itemContainerGenerator != null) 
                    _itemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged += new ItemsChangedEventHandler(OnItemsChanged);
        private void DisconnectFromGenerator()
            Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Attempted to disconnect from a generator when Panel._itemContainerGenerator is null.");

            _itemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged -= new ItemsChangedEventHandler(OnItemsChanged);
            _itemContainerGenerator = null;
        private void EnsureEmptyChildren(FrameworkElement logicalParent)
            if ((_uiElementCollection == null) || (_uiElementCollection.LogicalParent != logicalParent))
                _uiElementCollection = CreateUIElementCollection(logicalParent);

        internal void EnsureGenerator()
            Debug.Assert(IsItemsHost, "Should be invoked only on an ItemsHost panel"); 

            if (_itemContainerGenerator == null) 
                // First access on an items presenter panel

                // Children of this panel should not have their logical parent reset
                EnsureEmptyChildren(/* logicalParent = */ null);

        private void ClearChildren()
            if (_itemContainerGenerator != null)
            if ((_uiElementCollection != null) && (_uiElementCollection.Count > 0))

        internal virtual void OnClearChildrenInternal() 
        internal virtual void GenerateChildren()
            // This method is typically called during layout, which suspends the dispatcher.
            // Firing an assert causes an exception "Dispatcher processing has been suspended, but messages are still being processed." 
            // Besides, the asserted condition can actually arise in practice, and the
            // code responds harmlessly. 
            //Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Encountered a null _itemContainerGenerator while being asked to generate children."); 

            IItemContainerGenerator generator = (IItemContainerGenerator)_itemContainerGenerator; 
            if (generator != null)
                using (generator.StartAt(new GeneratorPosition(-1, 0), GeneratorDirection.Forward))
                    UIElement child;
                    while ((child = generator.GenerateNext() as UIElement) != null) 

        private void OnItemsChanged(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            if (VerifyBoundState())
                Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Encountered a null _itemContainerGenerator while receiving an ItemsChanged from a generator.");

                OnItemsChangedInternal(sender, args);

        internal virtual void OnItemsChangedInternal(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    AddChildren(args.Position, args.ItemCount);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    RemoveChildren(args.Position, args.ItemUICount);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    ReplaceChildren(args.Position, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: 
                    MoveChildren(args.OldPosition, args.Position, args.ItemUICount);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
        private void AddChildren(GeneratorPosition pos, int itemCount)
            Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Encountered a null _itemContainerGenerator while receiving an Add action from a generator."); 

            IItemContainerGenerator generator = (IItemContainerGenerator)_itemContainerGenerator; 
            using (generator.StartAt(pos, GeneratorDirection.Forward))
                for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                    UIElement e = generator.GenerateNext() as UIElement;
                    if(e != null) 
                        _uiElementCollection.InsertInternal(pos.Index + 1 + i, e);

        private void RemoveChildren(GeneratorPosition pos, int containerCount) 
            // If anything is wrong, I think these collections should do parameter checking
            _uiElementCollection.RemoveRangeInternal(pos.Index, containerCount); 

        private void ReplaceChildren(GeneratorPosition pos, int itemCount, int containerCount)
            Debug.Assert(itemCount == containerCount, "Panel expects Replace to affect only realized containers");
            Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Encountered a null _itemContainerGenerator while receiving an Replace action from a generator."); 
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = (IItemContainerGenerator)_itemContainerGenerator;
            using (generator.StartAt(pos, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                    bool isNewlyRealized; 
                    UIElement e = generator.GenerateNext(out isNewlyRealized) as UIElement;
                    Debug.Assert(e != null && !isNewlyRealized, "Panel expects Replace to affect only realized containers"); 
                    if(e != null && !isNewlyRealized)
                        _uiElementCollection.SetInternal(pos.Index + i, e);
        private void MoveChildren(GeneratorPosition fromPos, GeneratorPosition toPos, int containerCount)
            if (fromPos == toPos)

            Debug.Assert(_itemContainerGenerator != null, "Encountered a null _itemContainerGenerator while receiving an Move action from a generator."); 

            IItemContainerGenerator generator = (IItemContainerGenerator)_itemContainerGenerator; 
            int toIndex = generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(toPos); 

            UIElement[] elements = new UIElement[containerCount]; 

            for (int i = 0; i < containerCount; i++)
                elements[i] = _uiElementCollection[fromPos.Index + i];
            _uiElementCollection.RemoveRangeInternal(fromPos.Index, containerCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < containerCount; i++) 
                _uiElementCollection.InsertInternal(toIndex + i, elements[i]); 

        private void ResetChildren() 
        private bool GetBoolField(BoolField field)
            return (_boolFieldStore & field) != 0;

        private void SetBoolField(BoolField field, bool value) 
            if (value)
                 _boolFieldStore |= field;
                 _boolFieldStore &= (~field);

        //  This property
        //  1. Finds the correct initial size for the _effectiveValues store on the current DependencyObject
        //  2. This is a performance optimization
        internal override int EffectiveValuesInitialSize
            get { return 9; } 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        private enum BoolField : byte
            IsZStateDirty                   = 0x01,   //  "1" when Z state needs to be recomputed
            IsZStateDiverse                 = 0x02,   //  "1" when children have different ZIndexProperty values 
            IsVirtualizing                  = 0x04,   //  Used by VirtualizingStackPanel 
            HasMeasured                     = 0x08,   //  Used by VirtualizingStackPanel
            IsPixelBased                    = 0x10    //  Used by VirtualizingStackPanel 
            // free bit                     = 0x20
            // free bit                     = 0x40
            // free bit                     = 0x80

        private UIElementCollection _uiElementCollection; 
        private ItemContainerGenerator _itemContainerGenerator; 
        private BoolField _boolFieldStore;
        private const int c_zDefaultValue = 0;              //  default ZIndexProperty value
        private int _zConsonant;                            //  iff (_boolFieldStore.IsZStateDiverse == 0) then this is the value all children have
        private int[] _zLut;                                //  look up table for converting from logical to visual indices
        #endregion Private Fields
        #region ZIndex Support 

        protected internal override void OnVisualChildrenChanged(
            DependencyObject visualAdded, 
            DependencyObject visualRemoved)
            if (!IsZStateDirty) 
                if (IsZStateDiverse) 
                    //  if children have different ZIndex values,
                    //  then _zLut have to be recomputed
                    IsZStateDirty = true; 
                else if (visualAdded != null) 
                    //  if current children have consonant ZIndex values,
                    //  then _zLut have to be recomputed, only if the new 
                    //  child makes z state diverse
                    int zNew = (int)visualAdded.GetValue(ZIndexProperty);
                    if (zNew != _zConsonant)
                        IsZStateDirty = true;
            base.OnVisualChildrenChanged(visualAdded, visualRemoved);
            // Recompute the zLut array and invalidate children rendering order.
            if (IsZStateDirty)
        /// ZIndex property is an attached property. Panel reads it to alter the order
        /// of children rendering. Children with greater values will be rendered on top of
        /// children with lesser values. 
        /// In case of two children with the same ZIndex property value, order of rendering
        /// is determined by their order in Panel.Children collection. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ZIndexProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnZIndexPropertyChanged))); 
        /// Helper for setting ZIndex property on a UIElement. 
        /// UIElement to set ZIndex property on.
        /// ZIndex property value.
        public static void SetZIndex(UIElement element, int value) 
            if (element == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            element.SetValue(ZIndexProperty, value);
        /// Helper for reading ZIndex property from a UIElement. 
        /// UIElement to read ZIndex property from.
        /// ZIndex property value. 
        public static int GetZIndex(UIElement element)
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
            return ((int)element.GetValue(ZIndexProperty));

        private static void OnZIndexPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            int oldValue = (int)e.OldValue; 
            int newValue = (int)e.NewValue;
            if (oldValue == newValue)

            UIElement child = d as UIElement; 
            if (child == null)
            Panel panel = child.InternalVisualParent as Panel;
            if (panel == null) 

        /// Sets the Z state to be dirty
        internal void InvalidateZState()
            if (!IsZStateDirty
             && _uiElementCollection != null) 

            IsZStateDirty = true; 

        private bool IsZStateDirty
            get { return GetBoolField(BoolField.IsZStateDirty); }
            set { SetBoolField(BoolField.IsZStateDirty, value); } 

        private bool IsZStateDiverse 
            get { return GetBoolField(BoolField.IsZStateDiverse); }
            set { SetBoolField(BoolField.IsZStateDiverse, value); }

        //  Helper method to update this panel's state related to children rendering order handling 
        private void RecomputeZState() 
            int count = (_uiElementCollection != null) ? _uiElementCollection.Count : 0; 
            bool isDiverse = false;
            bool lutRequired = false;
            int zIndexDefaultValue = (int)ZIndexProperty.GetDefaultValue(DependencyObjectType);
            int consonant = zIndexDefaultValue; 
            System.Collections.Generic.List stableKeyValues = null;
            if (count > 0) 
                if (_uiElementCollection[0] != null) 
                    consonant = (int)_uiElementCollection[0].GetValue(ZIndexProperty);
                if (count > 1)
                    stableKeyValues = new System.Collections.Generic.List(count); 
                    stableKeyValues.Add((Int64)consonant << 32);
                    int prevZ = consonant;

                    int i = 1;
                        int z = _uiElementCollection[i] != null 
                            ? (int)_uiElementCollection[i].GetValue(ZIndexProperty) 
                            : zIndexDefaultValue;
                        //  this way of calculating values of stableKeyValues required to
                        //  1)  workaround the fact that Array.Sort is not stable (does not preserve the original
                        //      order of elements if the keys are equal)
                        //  2)  avoid O(N^2) performance of Array.Sort, which is QuickSort, which is known to become O(N^2) 
                        //      on sorting N eqial keys
                        stableKeyValues.Add(((Int64)z << 32) + i); 
                        //  look-up-table is required iff z's are not monotonically increasing function of index. 
                        //  in other words if stableKeyValues[i] >= stableKeyValues[i-1] then calculated look-up-table
                        //  is guaranteed to be degenerated... 
                        lutRequired |= z < prevZ;
                        prevZ = z;

                        isDiverse |= (z != consonant); 
                    } while (++i < count);

            if (lutRequired) 

                if (_zLut == null || _zLut.Length != count) 
                    _zLut = new int[count]; 

                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
                    _zLut[i] = (int)(stableKeyValues[i] & 0xffffffff);
                _zLut = null; 
            IsZStateDiverse = isDiverse;
            _zConsonant = consonant;
            IsZStateDirty = false;

        #endregion ZIndex Support 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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