/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / tx / System / Transactions / VolatileEnlistmentMultiplexing.cs / 1305376 / VolatileEnlistmentMultiplexing.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Transactions { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Transactions; using System.Transactions.Diagnostics; // The volatile Demultiplexer is a fanout point for promoted volatile enlistments. // When a transaction is promoted a single volatile enlistment is created in the new // transaction for all volitile enlistments on the transaction. When the VolatileDemux // receives a preprepare it will fan that notification out to all of the enlistments // on the transaction. When it has gathered all of the responses it will send a // single vote back to the DistributedTransactionManager. internal abstract class VolatileDemultiplexer : IEnlistmentNotificationInternal { // Reference the transactions so that we have access to it's enlistments protected InternalTransaction transaction; // Store the IVolatileEnlistment interface to call back to the Distributed TM internal IPromotedEnlistment oletxEnlistment; internal IPromotedEnlistment preparingEnlistment; public VolatileDemultiplexer( InternalTransaction transaction ) { this.transaction = transaction; } internal void BroadcastCommitted( ref VolatileEnlistmentSet volatiles ) { // Broadcast preprepare to the volatile subordinates for( int i = 0; i < volatiles.volatileEnlistmentCount; i++ ) { volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i].twoPhaseState.InternalCommitted( volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i] ); } } // This broadcast is used by the state machines and therefore must be internal. internal void BroadcastRollback( ref VolatileEnlistmentSet volatiles ) { // Broadcast preprepare to the volatile subordinates for( int i = 0; i < volatiles.volatileEnlistmentCount; i++ ) { volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i].twoPhaseState.InternalAborted( volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i] ); } } internal void BroadcastInDoubt( ref VolatileEnlistmentSet volatiles ) { // Broadcast preprepare to the volatile subordinates for( int i = 0; i < volatiles.volatileEnlistmentCount; i++ ) { volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i].twoPhaseState.InternalIndoubt( volatiles.volatileEnlistments [i] ); } } // Object for synchronizing access to the entire class( avoiding lock( typeof( ... )) ) private static object classSyncObject; internal static object ClassSyncObject { get { if( classSyncObject == null ) { object o = new object(); Interlocked.CompareExchange( ref classSyncObject, o, null ); } return classSyncObject; } } private static WaitCallback prepareCallback; private static WaitCallback PrepareCallback { get { if( prepareCallback == null ) { lock( ClassSyncObject ) { if( prepareCallback == null ) { WaitCallback temp = new WaitCallback( PoolablePrepare ); Thread.MemoryBarrier(); prepareCallback = temp; } } } return prepareCallback; } } protected static void PoolablePrepare( object state ) { VolatileDemultiplexer demux = (VolatileDemultiplexer) state; // Don't block an enlistment thread (or a thread pool thread). So // try to get the transaction lock but if unsuccessfull give up and // queue this operation to try again later. bool tookLock = false; try { System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(demux.transaction, 250, ref tookLock); if (tookLock) { demux.InternalPrepare(); } else { if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(PrepareCallback, demux)) { throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.TraceSourceLtm), SR.GetString(SR.UnexpectedFailureOfThreadPool), null ); } } } finally { if (tookLock) { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(demux.transaction); } } } private static WaitCallback commitCallback; private static WaitCallback CommitCallback { get { if( commitCallback == null ) { lock( ClassSyncObject ) { if( commitCallback == null ) { WaitCallback temp = new WaitCallback( PoolableCommit ); Thread.MemoryBarrier(); commitCallback = temp; } } } return commitCallback; } } protected static void PoolableCommit( object state ) { VolatileDemultiplexer demux = (VolatileDemultiplexer) state; // Don't block an enlistment thread (or a thread pool thread). So // try to get the transaction lock but if unsuccessfull give up and // queue this operation to try again later. bool tookLock = false; try { System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(demux.transaction, 250, ref tookLock); if (tookLock) { demux.InternalCommit(); } else { if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CommitCallback, demux)) { throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.TraceSourceLtm), SR.GetString(SR.UnexpectedFailureOfThreadPool), null ); } } } finally { if (tookLock) { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(demux.transaction); } } } private static WaitCallback rollbackCallback; private static WaitCallback RollbackCallback { get { if( rollbackCallback == null ) { lock( ClassSyncObject ) { if(rollbackCallback == null ) { WaitCallback temp = new WaitCallback( PoolableRollback ); Thread.MemoryBarrier(); rollbackCallback = temp; } } } return rollbackCallback; } } protected static void PoolableRollback( object state ) { VolatileDemultiplexer demux = (VolatileDemultiplexer) state; // Don't block an enlistment thread (or a thread pool thread). So // try to get the transaction lock but if unsuccessfull give up and // queue this operation to try again later. bool tookLock = false; try { System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(demux.transaction, 250, ref tookLock); if (tookLock) { demux.InternalRollback(); } else { if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RollbackCallback, demux)) { throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.TraceSourceLtm), SR.GetString(SR.UnexpectedFailureOfThreadPool), null ); } } } finally { if (tookLock) { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(demux.transaction); } } } private static WaitCallback inDoubtCallback; private static WaitCallback InDoubtCallback { get { if(inDoubtCallback == null ) { lock( ClassSyncObject ) { if(inDoubtCallback == null ) { WaitCallback temp = new WaitCallback( PoolableInDoubt ); Thread.MemoryBarrier(); inDoubtCallback = temp; } } } return inDoubtCallback; } } protected static void PoolableInDoubt( object state ) { VolatileDemultiplexer demux = (VolatileDemultiplexer) state; // Don't block an enlistment thread (or a thread pool thread). So // try to get the transaction lock but if unsuccessfull give up and // queue this operation to try again later. bool tookLock = false; try { System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(demux.transaction, 250, ref tookLock); if (tookLock) { demux.InternalInDoubt(); } else { if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(InDoubtCallback, demux)) { throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.TraceSourceLtm), SR.GetString(SR.UnexpectedFailureOfThreadPool), null ); } } } finally { if (tookLock) { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(demux.transaction); } } } protected abstract void InternalPrepare(); protected abstract void InternalCommit(); protected abstract void InternalRollback(); protected abstract void InternalInDoubt(); #region IEnlistmentNotification Members // Fanout Preprepare notifications public abstract void Prepare( IPromotedEnlistment en ); public abstract void Commit( IPromotedEnlistment en ); public abstract void Rollback( IPromotedEnlistment en ); public abstract void InDoubt( IPromotedEnlistment en ); #endregion } // This class implements the phase 0 version of a volatile demux. internal class Phase0VolatileDemultiplexer : VolatileDemultiplexer { public Phase0VolatileDemultiplexer( InternalTransaction transaction ) : base( transaction ) {} protected override void InternalPrepare() { try { this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedPhase0( this.transaction ); } catch( TransactionAbortedException e ) { this.oletxEnlistment.ForceRollback(e); if ( DiagnosticTrace.Verbose ) { ExceptionConsumedTraceRecord.Trace( SR.GetString( SR.TraceSourceLtm ), e ); } } catch( TransactionInDoubtException e ) { this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); if ( DiagnosticTrace.Verbose ) { ExceptionConsumedTraceRecord.Trace( SR.GetString( SR.TraceSourceLtm ), e ); } } } protected override void InternalCommit() { // Respond immediately to the TM this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedCommitted( this.transaction ); } protected override void InternalRollback() { // Respond immediately to the TM this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedAborted( this.transaction ); } protected override void InternalInDoubt() { this.transaction.State.InDoubtFromDtc( this.transaction ); } #region IEnlistmentNotification Members // Fanout Preprepare notifications public override void Prepare( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.preparingEnlistment = en; PoolablePrepare( this ); } public override void Commit( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableCommit( this ); } public override void Rollback( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableRollback( this ); } public override void InDoubt( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableInDoubt( this ); } #endregion } // This class implements the phase 1 version of a volatile demux. internal class Phase1VolatileDemultiplexer : VolatileDemultiplexer { public Phase1VolatileDemultiplexer( InternalTransaction transaction ) : base( transaction ) {} protected override void InternalPrepare() { try { this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedPhase1( this.transaction ); } catch( TransactionAbortedException e ) { this.oletxEnlistment.ForceRollback(e); if ( DiagnosticTrace.Verbose ) { ExceptionConsumedTraceRecord.Trace( SR.GetString( SR.TraceSourceLtm ), e ); } } catch( TransactionInDoubtException e ) { this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); if ( DiagnosticTrace.Verbose ) { ExceptionConsumedTraceRecord.Trace( SR.GetString( SR.TraceSourceLtm ), e ); } } } protected override void InternalCommit() { // Respond immediately to the TM this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedCommitted( this.transaction ); } protected override void InternalRollback() { // Respond immediately to the TM this.oletxEnlistment.EnlistmentDone(); this.transaction.State.ChangeStatePromotedAborted( this.transaction ); } protected override void InternalInDoubt() { this.transaction.State.InDoubtFromDtc( this.transaction ); } // Fanout Preprepare notifications public override void Prepare( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.preparingEnlistment = en; PoolablePrepare( this ); } public override void Commit( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableCommit( this ); } public override void Rollback( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableRollback( this ); } public override void InDoubt( IPromotedEnlistment en ) { this.oletxEnlistment = en; PoolableInDoubt( this ); } } internal struct VolatileEnlistmentSet { internal InternalEnlistment[] volatileEnlistments; internal int volatileEnlistmentCount; internal int volatileEnlistmentSize; internal int dependentClones; // Track the number of volatile enlistments that have prepared. internal int preparedVolatileEnlistments; // This is a single pinpoint enlistment to represent all volatile enlistments that // may exist on a promoted transaction. This member should only be initialized if // a transaction is promoted. private VolatileDemultiplexer volatileDemux; internal VolatileDemultiplexer VolatileDemux { get { return this.volatileDemux; } set { Debug.Assert( this.volatileDemux == null, "volatileDemux can only be set once." ); this.volatileDemux = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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