/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlAutoDetectWriter.cs / 1305376 / XmlAutoDetectWriter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; ////// This writer implements XmlOutputMethod.AutoDetect. If the first element is "html", then output will be /// directed to an Html writer. Otherwise, output will be directed to an Xml writer. /// internal class XmlAutoDetectWriter : XmlRawWriter, IRemovableWriter { private XmlRawWriter wrapped; private OnRemoveWriter onRemove; private XmlWriterSettings writerSettings; private XmlEventCache eventCache; // Cache up events until first StartElement is encountered private TextWriter textWriter; private Stream strm; //----------------------------------------------- // Constructors //----------------------------------------------- private XmlAutoDetectWriter(XmlWriterSettings writerSettings) { Debug.Assert(writerSettings.OutputMethod == XmlOutputMethod.AutoDetect); this.writerSettings = (XmlWriterSettings)writerSettings.Clone(); this.writerSettings.ReadOnly = true; // Start caching all events this.eventCache = new XmlEventCache(string.Empty, true); } public XmlAutoDetectWriter(TextWriter textWriter, XmlWriterSettings writerSettings) : this(writerSettings) { this.textWriter = textWriter; } public XmlAutoDetectWriter(Stream strm, XmlWriterSettings writerSettings) : this(writerSettings) { this.strm = strm; } //----------------------------------------------- // IRemovableWriter interface //----------------------------------------------- ////// This writer will raise this event once it has determined whether to replace itself with the Html or Xml writer. /// public OnRemoveWriter OnRemoveWriterEvent { get { return this.onRemove; } set { this.onRemove = value; } } //----------------------------------------------- // XmlWriter interface //----------------------------------------------- public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get { return this.writerSettings; } } public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteDocType(name, pubid, sysid, subset); } public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { if (this.wrapped == null) { // This is the first time WriteStartElement has been called, so create the Xml or Html writer if (ns.Length == 0 && IsHtmlTag(localName)) CreateWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Html); else CreateWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); } this.wrapped.WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, ns); } public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteStartAttribute(prefix, localName, ns); } public override void WriteEndAttribute() { Debug.Assert(this.wrapped != null); this.wrapped.WriteEndAttribute(); } public override void WriteCData(string text) { if (TextBlockCreatesWriter(text)) this.wrapped.WriteCData(text); else this.eventCache.WriteCData(text); } public override void WriteComment(string text) { if (this.wrapped == null) this.eventCache.WriteComment(text); else this.wrapped.WriteComment(text); } public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) { if (this.wrapped == null) this.eventCache.WriteProcessingInstruction(name, text); else this.wrapped.WriteProcessingInstruction(name, text); } public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) { if (this.wrapped == null) this.eventCache.WriteWhitespace(ws); else this.wrapped.WriteWhitespace(ws); } public override void WriteString(string text) { if (TextBlockCreatesWriter(text)) this.wrapped.WriteString(text); else this.eventCache.WriteString(text); } public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { WriteString(new string(buffer, index, count)); } public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { WriteRaw(new string(buffer, index, count)); } public override void WriteRaw(string data) { if (TextBlockCreatesWriter(data)) this.wrapped.WriteRaw(data); else this.eventCache.WriteRaw(data); } public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteEntityRef(name); } public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteCharEntity(ch); } public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteSurrogateCharEntity(lowChar, highChar); } public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteBase64(buffer, index, count); } public override void WriteBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteBinHex(buffer, index, count); } public override void Close() { // Flush any cached events to an Xml writer EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.Close(); } public override void Flush() { // Flush any cached events to an Xml writer EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.Flush(); } public override void WriteValue(object value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(string value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(bool value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(DateTime value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(double value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(float value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(decimal value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(int value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } public override void WriteValue(long value) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteValue(value); } //----------------------------------------------- // XmlRawWriter interface //----------------------------------------------- internal override IXmlNamespaceResolver NamespaceResolver { get { return this.resolver; } set { this.resolver = value; if (this.wrapped == null) this.eventCache.NamespaceResolver = value; else this.wrapped.NamespaceResolver = value; } } internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration(XmlStandalone standalone) { // Forces xml writer to be created EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteXmlDeclaration(standalone); } internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration(string xmldecl) { // Forces xml writer to be created EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteXmlDeclaration(xmldecl); } internal override void StartElementContent() { Debug.Assert(this.wrapped != null); this.wrapped.StartElementContent(); } internal override void WriteEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { Debug.Assert(this.wrapped != null); this.wrapped.WriteEndElement(prefix, localName, ns); } internal override void WriteFullEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { Debug.Assert(this.wrapped != null); this.wrapped.WriteFullEndElement(prefix, localName, ns); } internal override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration(string prefix, string ns) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteNamespaceDeclaration(prefix, ns); } internal override bool SupportsNamespaceDeclarationInChunks { get { return this.wrapped.SupportsNamespaceDeclarationInChunks; } } internal override void WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration( string prefix ) { EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); this.wrapped.WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration(prefix); } internal override void WriteEndNamespaceDeclaration() { this.wrapped.WriteEndNamespaceDeclaration(); } //----------------------------------------------- // Helper methods //----------------------------------------------- ////// Return true if "tagName" == "html" (case-insensitive). /// private static bool IsHtmlTag(string tagName) { if (tagName.Length != 4) return false; if (tagName[0] != 'H' && tagName[0] != 'h') return false; if (tagName[1] != 'T' && tagName[1] != 't') return false; if (tagName[2] != 'M' && tagName[2] != 'm') return false; if (tagName[3] != 'L' && tagName[3] != 'l') return false; return true; } ////// If a wrapped writer has not yet been created, create one. /// private void EnsureWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod outMethod) { if (this.wrapped == null) CreateWrappedWriter(outMethod); } ////// If the specified text consist only of whitespace, then cache the whitespace, as it is not enough to /// force the creation of a wrapped writer. Otherwise, create a wrapped writer if one has not yet been /// created and return true. /// private bool TextBlockCreatesWriter(string textBlock) { if (this.wrapped == null) { // Whitespace-only text blocks aren't enough to determine Xml vs. Html if (XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(textBlock)) { return false; } // Non-whitespace text block selects Xml method CreateWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod.Xml); } return true; } ////// Create either the Html or Xml writer and send any cached events to it. /// private void CreateWrappedWriter(XmlOutputMethod outMethod) { Debug.Assert(this.wrapped == null); // Create either the Xml or Html writer this.writerSettings.ReadOnly = false; this.writerSettings.OutputMethod = outMethod; // If Indent was not set by the user, then default to True for Html if (outMethod == XmlOutputMethod.Html && this.writerSettings.IndentInternal == TriState.Unknown) this.writerSettings.Indent = true; this.writerSettings.ReadOnly = true; if (textWriter != null) this.wrapped = ((XmlWellFormedWriter)XmlWriter.Create(this.textWriter, this.writerSettings)).RawWriter; else this.wrapped = ((XmlWellFormedWriter)XmlWriter.Create(this.strm, this.writerSettings)).RawWriter; // Send cached events to the new writer this.eventCache.EndEvents(); this.eventCache.EventsToWriter(this.wrapped); // Send OnRemoveWriter event if (this.onRemove != null) (this.onRemove)(this.wrapped); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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