/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / untmp / whidbey / QFE / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlTextEncoder.cs / 1 / XmlTextEncoder.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Xml { // XmlTextEncoder // // This class does special handling of text content for XML. For example // it will replace special characters with entities whenever necessary. internal class XmlTextEncoder { // // Fields // // output text writer TextWriter textWriter; // true when writing out the content of attribute value bool inAttribute; // quote char of the attribute (when inAttribute) char quoteChar; // caching of attribute value BufferBuilder attrValue; bool cacheAttrValue; // XmlCharType XmlCharType xmlCharType; // // Constants // const int SurHighStart = 0xd800; const int SurHighEnd = 0xdbff; const int SurLowStart = 0xdc00; const int SurLowEnd = 0xdfff; // // Constructor // internal XmlTextEncoder( TextWriter textWriter ) { this.textWriter = textWriter; this.quoteChar = '"'; this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } // // Internal methods and properties // internal char QuoteChar { set { this.quoteChar = value; } } internal void StartAttribute( bool cacheAttrValue ) { this.inAttribute = true; this.cacheAttrValue = cacheAttrValue; if ( cacheAttrValue ) { if ( attrValue == null ) { attrValue = new BufferBuilder(); } else { attrValue.Clear(); } } } internal void EndAttribute() { if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Clear(); } this.inAttribute = false; this.cacheAttrValue = false; } internal string AttributeValue { get { if ( cacheAttrValue ) { return attrValue.ToString(); } else { return String.Empty; } } } internal void WriteSurrogateChar( char lowChar, char highChar ) { if ( ( (int)lowChar < SurLowStart || (int)lowChar > SurLowEnd ) || ( (int)highChar < SurHighStart || (int)highChar > SurHighEnd ) ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( lowChar, highChar ); } textWriter.Write( highChar ); textWriter.Write( lowChar ); } internal void Write( char[] array, int offset, int count ) { if ( null == array ) { throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); } if ( 0 > offset ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if ( 0 > count ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if ( count > array.Length - offset ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( array, offset, count ); } int endPos = offset + count; int i = offset; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { int startPos = i; unsafe { while ( i < endPos && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = array[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( ch = array[i] ) ) ) ) { i++; } } if ( startPos < i ) { textWriter.Write( array, startPos, i - startPos ); } if ( i == endPos ) { break; } switch ( ch ) { case (char)0x9: textWriter.Write( ch ); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if ( inAttribute ) { WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } else { textWriter.Write( ch ); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl( "lt" ); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl( "gt" ); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl( "amp" ); break; case '\'': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "apos" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '\'' ); } break; case '"': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "quot" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '"' ); } break; default: if ( (int)ch >= SurHighStart && (int)ch <= SurHighEnd ) { if ( i + 1 < endPos ) { WriteSurrogateChar( array[++i], ch ); } else { throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_SurrogatePairSplit ) ); } } else if ( (int)ch >= SurLowStart && (int)ch <= SurLowEnd ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( ch ); } else { Debug.Assert( ( ch < 0x20 && !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( ch ) ) || ( ch > 0xFFFD ) ); WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } break; } i++; } } internal void Write( char ch ) { if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( ch ); } bool isAttrValue; unsafe { isAttrValue = ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0; // xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ch ) } if ( isAttrValue ) { textWriter.Write( ch ); } else { switch ( ch ) { case (char)0x9: textWriter.Write( ch ); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if ( inAttribute ) { WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } else { textWriter.Write( ch ); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl( "lt" ); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl( "gt" ); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl( "amp" ); break; case '\'': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "apos" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '\'' ); } break; case '"': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "quot" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '"' ); } break; default: if ( (int)ch >= SurHighStart && (int)ch <= SurHighEnd ) { throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar ) ); } else if ( (int)ch >= SurLowStart && (int)ch <= SurLowEnd ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( ch ); } else { Debug.Assert( ( ch < 0x20 && !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( ch ) ) || ( ch > 0xFFFD ) ); WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } break; } } } internal void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) { if ( ( (int)lowChar < SurLowStart || (int)lowChar > SurLowEnd ) || ( (int)highChar < SurHighStart || (int)highChar > SurHighEnd ) ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( lowChar, highChar ); } int surrogateChar = ( (int)lowChar - SurLowStart ) | ( ( (int)highChar - SurHighStart ) << 10 ) + 0x10000; if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( highChar ); attrValue.Append( lowChar ); } textWriter.Write( "" ); textWriter.Write( surrogateChar.ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ) ); textWriter.Write( ';' ); } internal void Write( string text ) { if ( text == null ) { return; } if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( text ); } // scan through the string to see if there are any characters to be escaped int len = text.Length; int i = 0; int startPos = 0; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { unsafe { while ( i < len && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( ch = text[i] ) ) ) ) { i++; } } if ( i == len ) { // reached the end of the string -> write it whole out textWriter.Write( text ); return; } if ( inAttribute ) { if ( ch == 0x9 ) { i++; continue; } } else { if ( ch == 0x9 || ch == 0xA || ch == 0xD || ch == '"' || ch == '\'' ) { i++; continue; } } // some character that needs to be escaped is found: break; } char[] helperBuffer = new char[256]; for (;;) { if ( startPos < i ) { WriteStringFragment( text, startPos, i - startPos, helperBuffer ); } if ( i == len ) { break; } switch ( ch ) { case (char)0x9: textWriter.Write( ch ); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if ( inAttribute ) { WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } else { textWriter.Write( ch ); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl( "lt" ); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl( "gt" ); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl( "amp" ); break; case '\'': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "apos" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '\'' ); } break; case '"': if ( inAttribute && quoteChar == ch ) { WriteEntityRefImpl( "quot" ); } else { textWriter.Write( '"' ); } break; default: if ( (int)ch >= SurHighStart && (int)ch <= SurHighEnd ) { if ( i + 1 < len ) { WriteSurrogateChar( text[++i], ch ); } else { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( text[i], ch ); } } else if ( (int)ch >= SurLowStart && (int)ch <= SurLowEnd ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( ch ); } else { Debug.Assert( ( ch < 0x20 && !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( ch ) ) || ( ch > 0xFFFD ) ); WriteCharEntityImpl( ch ); } break; } i++; startPos = i; unsafe { while ( i < len && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( text[i] ) ) ) ) { i++; } } } } internal void WriteRawWithSurrogateChecking( string text ) { if ( text == null ) { return; } if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( text ); } int len = text.Length; int i = 0; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { unsafe { while ( i < len && ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData ) != 0 // ( xmlCharType.IsCharData( ( ch = text[i] ) ) || ch < 0x20 ) ) { i++; } } if ( i == len ) { break; } if ( (int)ch >= SurHighStart && (int)ch <= SurHighEnd ) { if ( i + 1 < len ) { char lowChar = text[i+1]; if ( lowChar >= SurLowStart && lowChar <= SurLowEnd ) { i += 2; continue; } else { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( lowChar, ch ); } } throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar ) ); } else if ( (int)ch >= SurLowStart && (int)ch <= SurLowEnd ) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( ch ); } else { i++; } } textWriter.Write( text ); return; } internal void WriteRaw( string value ) { if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( value ); } textWriter.Write( value ); } internal void WriteRaw( char[] array, int offset, int count ) { if ( null == array ) { throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); } if ( 0 > count ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if ( 0 > offset ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if ( count > array.Length - offset ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( array, offset, count ); } textWriter.Write( array, offset, count ); } internal void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { if ( (int)ch >= SurHighStart && (int)ch <= SurLowEnd ) { throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar ) ); } string strVal = ((int)ch).ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ); if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( "" ); attrValue.Append( strVal ); attrValue.Append( ';' ); } WriteCharEntityImpl( strVal ); } internal void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { if ( cacheAttrValue ) { attrValue.Append( '&' ); attrValue.Append( name ); attrValue.Append( ';' ); } WriteEntityRefImpl( name ); } internal void Flush() { // } // // Private implementation methods // // This is a helper method to woraround the fact that TextWriter does not have a Write method // for fragment of a string such as Write( string, offset, count). // The string fragment will be written out by copying into a small helper buffer and then // calling textWriter to write out the buffer. private void WriteStringFragment( string str, int offset, int count, char[] helperBuffer ) { int bufferSize = helperBuffer.Length; while ( count > 0 ) { int copyCount = count; if ( copyCount > bufferSize ) { copyCount = bufferSize; } str.CopyTo( offset, helperBuffer, 0, copyCount ); textWriter.Write( helperBuffer, 0, copyCount ); offset += copyCount; count -= copyCount; } } private void WriteCharEntityImpl( char ch ) { WriteCharEntityImpl( ((int)ch).ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ) ); } private void WriteCharEntityImpl( string strVal ) { textWriter.Write( "" ); textWriter.Write( strVal ); textWriter.Write( ';' ); } private void WriteEntityRefImpl( string name ) { textWriter.Write( '&' ); textWriter.Write( name ); textWriter.Write( ';' ); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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