/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WebForms / System / Web / UI / Design / WebControls / AddDataControlFieldDialog.cs / 1 / AddDataControlFieldDialog.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.UI.Design.Util; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using Control = System.Web.UI.Control; using ControlDesigner = System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner; using GridView = System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView; using BorderStyle =System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle; using Button = System.Windows.Forms.Button; using Label = System.Windows.Forms.Label; using ComboBox = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; using TextBox = System.Windows.Forms.TextBox; using CheckBox = System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox; using RadioButton = System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton; using Panel = System.Windows.Forms.Panel; ////// The AddDataControlField dialog used for web controls. This is invoked when you click the "Add new column" verb on DetailsView or GridView. /// ///[System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] internal sealed class AddDataControlFieldDialog : DesignerForm { private DataBoundControlDesigner _controlDesigner; DataControlFieldControl[] _dataControlFieldControls; private IDataSourceFieldSchema[] _fieldSchemas; private bool _initialIgnoreRefreshSchemaValue; private Button _okButton; private Button _cancelButton; private Label _fieldLabel; private ComboBox _fieldList; private LinkLabel _refreshSchemaLink; private Panel _controlsPanel; private const int buttonWidth = 75; private const int buttonHeight = 23; private const int formHeight = 510; private const int formWidth = 330; private const int labelLeft = 12; private const int labelHeight = 17; private const int labelPadding = 2; private const int labelWidth = 270; private const int controlLeft = 12; private const int controlHeight = 20; private const int fieldChooserWidth = 150; private const int textBoxWidth = 270; private const int vertPadding = 4; private const int horizPadding = 6; private const int topPadding = 12; private const int bottomPadding = 12; private const int rightPadding = 12; private const int linkWidth = 100; private const int checkBoxWidth = 125; private int fieldControlTop = topPadding + labelHeight + labelPadding + controlHeight; /// /// Creates a new instance of the class /// public AddDataControlFieldDialog(DataBoundControlDesigner controlDesigner) : base(controlDesigner.Component.Site) { this._controlDesigner = controlDesigner; IgnoreRefreshSchemaEvents(); InitForm(); } private DataBoundControl Control { get { return _controlDesigner.Component as DataBoundControl; } } protected override string HelpTopic { get { return "net.Asp.DataControlField.AddDataControlFieldDialog"; } } private bool IgnoreRefreshSchema { get { if (_controlDesigner is GridViewDesigner) { return ((GridViewDesigner)_controlDesigner)._ignoreSchemaRefreshedEvent; } if (_controlDesigner is DetailsViewDesigner) { return ((DetailsViewDesigner)_controlDesigner)._ignoreSchemaRefreshedEvent; } return false; } set { if (_controlDesigner is GridViewDesigner) { ((GridViewDesigner)_controlDesigner)._ignoreSchemaRefreshedEvent = value; } if (_controlDesigner is DetailsViewDesigner) { ((DetailsViewDesigner)_controlDesigner)._ignoreSchemaRefreshedEvent = value; } } } ////// Adds the controls that are common to all fields /// private void AddControls() { _okButton.SetBounds(formWidth - rightPadding - (buttonWidth * 2) - horizPadding, formHeight - bottomPadding - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); _okButton.Click += new EventHandler(this.OnClickOKButton); _okButton.Text = SR.GetString(SR.OKCaption); _okButton.TabIndex = 201; _okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; _okButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; _cancelButton.SetBounds(formWidth - rightPadding - buttonWidth, formHeight - bottomPadding - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); _cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; _cancelButton.Text = SR.GetString(SR.CancelCaption); _cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; _cancelButton.TabIndex = 202; _cancelButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel; _fieldLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ChooseField); _fieldLabel.TabStop = false; _fieldLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _fieldLabel.SetBounds(labelLeft, topPadding, formWidth - (labelLeft * 2), labelHeight); _fieldLabel.TabIndex = 0; _fieldList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _fieldList.TabIndex = 1; _controlsPanel.SetBounds(controlLeft, fieldControlTop, formWidth, formHeight - fieldControlTop - bottomPadding - buttonHeight - vertPadding); _controlsPanel.TabIndex = 100; for (int i = 0; i < GetDataControlFieldControls().Length; i++) { DataControlFieldControl fieldControl = GetDataControlFieldControls()[i]; _fieldList.Items.Add(fieldControl.FieldName); fieldControl.Visible = false; fieldControl.TabStop = false; fieldControl.SetBounds(0, 0, formWidth, formHeight - fieldControlTop - bottomPadding - buttonHeight - vertPadding); _controlsPanel.Controls.Add(fieldControl); } _fieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _fieldList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnSelectedFieldTypeChanged); SetSelectedFieldControlVisible(); _fieldList.SetBounds(labelLeft, topPadding + labelHeight + labelPadding, fieldChooserWidth, controlHeight); _refreshSchemaLink.SetBounds(labelLeft, formHeight - bottomPadding - buttonHeight, linkWidth, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding); _refreshSchemaLink.TabIndex = 200; _refreshSchemaLink.Visible = false; _refreshSchemaLink.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DataSourceDesigner_RefreshSchemaNoHotkey); _refreshSchemaLink.UseMnemonic = true; _refreshSchemaLink.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(this.OnClickRefreshSchema); this.AcceptButton = this._okButton; this.CancelButton = this._cancelButton; this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _cancelButton, _okButton, _fieldLabel, _fieldList, _controlsPanel, _refreshSchemaLink }); } private IDataSourceFieldSchema[] GetBooleanFieldSchemas() { IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas = GetFieldSchemas(); ArrayList booleanFieldsList = new ArrayList(); IDataSourceFieldSchema[] booleanFieldSchemas = null; if (fieldSchemas != null) { foreach (IDataSourceFieldSchema schema in fieldSchemas) { if (schema.DataType == typeof(bool)) { booleanFieldsList.Add(schema); } } booleanFieldSchemas = new IDataSourceFieldSchema[booleanFieldsList.Count]; booleanFieldsList.CopyTo(booleanFieldSchemas); } return booleanFieldSchemas; } private DataControlFieldControl[] GetDataControlFieldControls() { Type controlType = Control.GetType(); if (_dataControlFieldControls == null) { _dataControlFieldControls = new DataControlFieldControl[] { new BoundFieldControl(GetFieldSchemas(), controlType), new CheckBoxFieldControl(GetBooleanFieldSchemas(), controlType), new HyperLinkFieldControl(GetFieldSchemas(), controlType), new ButtonFieldControl(null, controlType), new CommandFieldControl(null, controlType), new ImageFieldControl(GetFieldSchemas(), controlType), new TemplateFieldControl(null, controlType) }; } return _dataControlFieldControls; } ////// Returns an array of string indicating the fields of the schema, paying attention /// to DataMember if there is one. /// private IDataSourceFieldSchema[] GetFieldSchemas() { if (_fieldSchemas == null) { IDataSourceViewSchema schema = null; if (_controlDesigner != null) { DesignerDataSourceView view = _controlDesigner.DesignerView; if (view != null) { try { schema = view.Schema; } catch (Exception ex) { IComponentDesignerDebugService debugService = (IComponentDesignerDebugService)ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IComponentDesignerDebugService)); if (debugService != null) { debugService.Fail(SR.GetString(SR.DataSource_DebugService_FailedCall, "DesignerDataSourceView.Schema", ex.Message)); } } } } if (schema != null) { _fieldSchemas = schema.GetFields(); } } return _fieldSchemas; } private void IgnoreRefreshSchemaEvents() { _initialIgnoreRefreshSchemaValue = IgnoreRefreshSchema; IgnoreRefreshSchema = true; IDataSourceDesigner dsd = _controlDesigner.DataSourceDesigner; if (dsd != null) { dsd.SuppressDataSourceEvents(); } } ////// Initialized the form and calls functions to add controls to the form /// private void InitForm() { SuspendLayout(); _okButton = new Button(); _cancelButton = new Button(); _fieldLabel = new Label(); _fieldList = new ComboBox(); _refreshSchemaLink = new LinkLabel(); _controlsPanel = new Panel(); AddControls(); IDataSourceDesigner dataSourceDesigner = _controlDesigner.DataSourceDesigner; if (dataSourceDesigner != null) { if (dataSourceDesigner.CanRefreshSchema) { _refreshSchemaLink.Visible = true; } } this.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_Title); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; this.ClientSize = new Size(formWidth, formHeight); this.AcceptButton = _okButton; this.CancelButton = _cancelButton; this.Icon = null; InitializeForm(); ResumeLayout(false); PerformLayout(); } ////// Handles the OK click event and closes the form. /// private void OnClickOKButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataControlFieldControl fieldControl = GetDataControlFieldControls()[_fieldList.SelectedIndex]; DataBoundControl control = Control; if (control is GridView) { ((GridView)control).Columns.Add(fieldControl.SaveValues()); } else if (control is DetailsView) { ((DetailsView)control).Fields.Add(fieldControl.SaveValues()); } } ////// Refreshes the schema of the data bound control. /// private void OnClickRefreshSchema(object source, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { if (_controlDesigner != null) { IDataSourceDesigner dataSourceDesigner = _controlDesigner.DataSourceDesigner; if (dataSourceDesigner != null) { if (dataSourceDesigner.CanRefreshSchema) { IDictionary preservedFields = GetDataControlFieldControls()[_fieldList.SelectedIndex].PreserveFields(); dataSourceDesigner.RefreshSchema(false); _fieldSchemas = GetFieldSchemas(); GetDataControlFieldControls()[0].RefreshSchema(_fieldSchemas); GetDataControlFieldControls()[1].RefreshSchema(GetBooleanFieldSchemas()); GetDataControlFieldControls()[2].RefreshSchema(_fieldSchemas); GetDataControlFieldControls()[5].RefreshSchema(_fieldSchemas); GetDataControlFieldControls()[_fieldList.SelectedIndex].RestoreFields(preservedFields); } } } } protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { IDataSourceDesigner dsd = _controlDesigner.DataSourceDesigner; if (dsd != null) { dsd.ResumeDataSourceEvents(); } IgnoreRefreshSchema = _initialIgnoreRefreshSchemaValue; } ////// Handles a selection change in the drop down that picks a field type /// private void OnSelectedFieldTypeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetSelectedFieldControlVisible(); } private void SetSelectedFieldControlVisible() { foreach (DataControlFieldControl fieldControl in GetDataControlFieldControls()) { fieldControl.Visible = false; } GetDataControlFieldControls()[_fieldList.SelectedIndex].Visible = true; this.Refresh(); } private abstract class DataControlFieldControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control { protected string[] _fieldSchemaNames; protected Type _controlType; protected bool _haveSchema; protected IDataSourceFieldSchema[] _fieldSchemas; private Label _headerTextLabel; private TextBox _headerTextBox; public DataControlFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) { _fieldSchemas = fieldSchemas; if (fieldSchemas != null && fieldSchemas.Length > 0) { _haveSchema = true; } _controlType = controlType; InitializeComponent(); } public abstract string FieldName { get; } protected string[] GetFieldSchemaNames() { if (_fieldSchemaNames == null) { if (_fieldSchemas != null) { int fields = _fieldSchemas.Length; _fieldSchemaNames = new string[fields]; for (int i = 0; i < fields; i++) { _fieldSchemaNames[i] = _fieldSchemas[i].Name; } } } return _fieldSchemaNames; } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected virtual void InitializeComponent() { _headerTextLabel = new Label(); _headerTextBox = new TextBox(); _headerTextLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_HeaderText); _headerTextLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _headerTextLabel.SetBounds(0, 0, labelWidth, labelHeight); _headerTextBox.TabIndex = 0; _headerTextBox.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _headerTextLabel, _headerTextBox}); } ////// Called on the field in focus right before RefreshSchema is called /// public IDictionary PreserveFields() { Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); table["HeaderText"] = _headerTextBox.Text; PreserveFields(table); return table; } protected abstract void PreserveFields(IDictionary table); public void RefreshSchema(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas) { _fieldSchemas = fieldSchemas; _fieldSchemaNames = null; if (fieldSchemas != null && fieldSchemas.Length > 0) { _haveSchema = true; } RefreshSchemaFields(); } protected virtual void RefreshSchemaFields() { return; } ////// Called on the field in focus after RefreshSchema is called /// public void RestoreFields(IDictionary table) { _headerTextBox.Text = table["HeaderText"].ToString(); RestoreFieldsInternal(table); } protected abstract void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table); ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected abstract DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText); ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// public DataControlField SaveValues() { string headerText = _headerTextBox.Text; return SaveValues(headerText); } protected string StripAccelerators(string text) { return text.Replace("&", String.Empty); } } private class BoundFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { Label _dataFieldLabel; ComboBox _dataFieldList; TextBox _dataFieldBox; CheckBox _readOnlyCheckBox; public BoundFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "BoundField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _dataFieldList = new ComboBox(); _dataFieldBox = new TextBox(); _dataFieldLabel = new Label(); _readOnlyCheckBox = new CheckBox(); _dataFieldLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_DataField); _dataFieldLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _dataFieldLabel.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + vertPadding + controlHeight, labelWidth, labelHeight); _dataFieldList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _dataFieldList.TabIndex = 1; _dataFieldList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _dataFieldList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(OnSelectedDataFieldChanged); _dataFieldBox.TabIndex = 1; _dataFieldBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _readOnlyCheckBox.TabIndex = 2; _readOnlyCheckBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ReadOnly); _readOnlyCheckBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), textBoxWidth, controlHeight); RefreshSchemaFields(); Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _dataFieldLabel, _dataFieldBox, _dataFieldList, _readOnlyCheckBox}); } private void OnSelectedDataFieldChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_haveSchema) { int dataFieldIndex = Array.IndexOf(GetFieldSchemaNames(), _dataFieldList.Text); if (dataFieldIndex >= 0) { if (_fieldSchemas[dataFieldIndex].PrimaryKey) { _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked = true; return; } } } _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked = false; } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { if (_haveSchema) { table["DataField"] = _dataFieldList.Text; } else { table["DataField"] = _dataFieldBox.Text; } table["ReadOnly"] = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; } protected override void RefreshSchemaFields() { if (_haveSchema) { _dataFieldList.Items.Clear(); _dataFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _dataFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _dataFieldList.Visible = true; _dataFieldBox.Visible = false; } else { _dataFieldList.Visible = false; _dataFieldBox.Visible = true; } } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { string dataField = table["DataField"].ToString(); if (_haveSchema) { if (dataField.Length > 0) { bool foundItem = false; foreach (object listItem in _dataFieldList.Items) { if (String.Compare(dataField, listItem.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { _dataFieldList.SelectedItem = listItem; foundItem = true; break; } } if (!foundItem) { _dataFieldList.Items.Insert(0, dataField); _dataFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } else { _dataFieldBox.Text = dataField; } _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked = (bool)table["ReadOnly"]; } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { BoundField field = new BoundField(); field.HeaderText = headerText; if (_haveSchema) { field.DataField = _dataFieldList.Text; } else { field.DataField = _dataFieldBox.Text; } field.ReadOnly = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; field.SortExpression = field.DataField; return field; } } private class CheckBoxFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { Label _dataFieldLabel; ComboBox _dataFieldList; TextBox _dataFieldBox; CheckBox _readOnlyCheckBox; public CheckBoxFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "CheckBoxField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _dataFieldList = new ComboBox(); _dataFieldBox = new TextBox(); _dataFieldLabel = new Label(); _readOnlyCheckBox = new CheckBox(); _dataFieldLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_DataField); _dataFieldLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _dataFieldLabel.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + vertPadding + controlHeight, labelWidth, labelHeight); _dataFieldList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _dataFieldList.TabIndex = 1; _dataFieldList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _dataFieldBox.TabIndex = 1; _dataFieldBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _readOnlyCheckBox.TabIndex = 2; _readOnlyCheckBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ReadOnly); _readOnlyCheckBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), textBoxWidth, controlHeight); RefreshSchemaFields(); Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _dataFieldLabel, _dataFieldBox, _dataFieldList, _readOnlyCheckBox}); } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { if (_haveSchema) { table["DataField"] = _dataFieldList.Text; } else { table["DataField"] = _dataFieldBox.Text; } table["ReadOnly"] = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; } protected override void RefreshSchemaFields() { if (_haveSchema) { _dataFieldList.Items.Clear(); _dataFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _dataFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _dataFieldList.Visible = true; _dataFieldBox.Visible = false; } else { _dataFieldList.Visible = false; _dataFieldBox.Visible = true; } } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { string dataField = table["DataField"].ToString(); if (_haveSchema) { if (dataField.Length > 0) { bool foundItem = false; foreach (object listItem in _dataFieldList.Items) { if (String.Compare(dataField, listItem.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { _dataFieldList.SelectedItem = listItem; foundItem = true; break; } } if (!foundItem) { _dataFieldList.Items.Insert(0, dataField); _dataFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } else { _dataFieldBox.Text = dataField; } _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked = (bool)table["ReadOnly"]; } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { CheckBoxField field = new CheckBoxField(); field.HeaderText = headerText; if (_haveSchema) { field.DataField = _dataFieldList.Text; } else { field.DataField = _dataFieldBox.Text; } field.ReadOnly = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; field.SortExpression = field.DataField; return field; } } private class ButtonFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { Label _buttonTypeLabel; Label _commandNameLabel; Label _textLabel; ComboBox _buttonTypeList; ComboBox _commandNameList; TextBox _textBox; public ButtonFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "ButtonField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _buttonTypeLabel = new Label(); _commandNameLabel = new Label(); _textLabel = new Label(); _buttonTypeList = new ComboBox(); _commandNameList = new ComboBox(); _textBox = new TextBox(); _buttonTypeLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ButtonType); _buttonTypeLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _buttonTypeLabel.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + vertPadding + controlHeight, labelWidth, labelHeight); _buttonTypeList.Items.Add(ButtonType.Link.ToString()); _buttonTypeList.Items.Add(ButtonType.Button.ToString()); _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex = 0; _buttonTypeList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _buttonTypeList.TabIndex= 1; _buttonTypeList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _commandNameLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_CommandName); _commandNameLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _commandNameLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), labelWidth, labelHeight); _commandNameList.Items.Add("Cancel"); _commandNameList.Items.Add("Delete"); _commandNameList.Items.Add("Edit"); _commandNameList.Items.Add("Update"); if (_controlType == typeof(DetailsView)) { _commandNameList.Items.Insert(3, "Insert"); _commandNameList.Items.Insert(4, "New"); } else { if (_controlType == typeof(GridView)) { _commandNameList.Items.Insert(3, "Select"); } } _commandNameList.SelectedIndex = 0; _commandNameList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _commandNameList.TabIndex = 2; _commandNameList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _textLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_Text); _textLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _textLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 3) + (controlHeight * 3), labelWidth, labelHeight); _textBox.TabIndex = 3; _textBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFEditor_Button); _textBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 4) + (labelPadding * 4) + (vertPadding * 3) + (controlHeight * 3), textBoxWidth, controlHeight); Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _buttonTypeLabel, _commandNameLabel, _textLabel, _buttonTypeList, _commandNameList, _textBox}); } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { table["ButtonType"] = _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex; table["CommandName"] = _commandNameList.SelectedIndex; table["Text"] = _textBox.Text; } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex = (int)table["ButtonType"]; _commandNameList.SelectedIndex = (int)table["CommandName"]; _textBox.Text = table["Text"].ToString(); } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { ButtonField field = new ButtonField(); if (headerText != null && headerText.Length > 0) { field.HeaderText = headerText; field.ShowHeader = true; } field.CommandName = _commandNameList.Text; field.Text = _textBox.Text; if (_buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex == 0) { field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Link; } else { field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Button; } return field; } } private class HyperLinkFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { TextBox _dataTextFieldBox; TextBox _dataNavFieldBox; TextBox _dataNavFSBox; TextBox _textBox; TextBox _textFSBox; TextBox _linkBox; ComboBox _dataTextFieldList; ComboBox _dataNavFieldList; RadioButton _staticTextRadio; RadioButton _bindTextRadio; RadioButton _staticUrlRadio; RadioButton _bindUrlRadio; Label _linkTextFormatStringLabel; Label _linkUrlFormatStringLabel; Label _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel; Label _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel; GroupBox _textGroupBox; GroupBox _linkGroupBox; Panel _staticTextPanel; Panel _bindTextPanel; Panel _staticUrlPanel; Panel _bindUrlPanel; public HyperLinkFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "HyperLinkField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _dataTextFieldBox = new TextBox(); _dataNavFieldBox = new TextBox(); _dataNavFSBox = new TextBox(); _linkBox = new TextBox(); _textBox = new TextBox(); _textFSBox = new TextBox(); _dataTextFieldList = new ComboBox(); _dataNavFieldList = new ComboBox(); _staticTextRadio = new RadioButton(); _bindTextRadio = new RadioButton(); _staticUrlRadio = new RadioButton(); _bindUrlRadio = new RadioButton(); _linkTextFormatStringLabel = new Label(); _linkUrlFormatStringLabel = new Label(); _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel = new Label(); _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel = new Label(); _textGroupBox = new GroupBox(); _linkGroupBox = new GroupBox(); _staticTextPanel = new Panel(); _bindTextPanel = new Panel(); _staticUrlPanel = new Panel(); _bindUrlPanel = new Panel(); const int boxOffset = 9; // text _textGroupBox.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + (vertPadding * 2) + controlHeight, labelWidth + 20, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 3) + (controlHeight * 5)); _textGroupBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_HyperlinkText); _textGroupBox.TabIndex = 1; // static text radio _staticTextRadio.TabIndex = 0; _staticTextRadio.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_SpecifyText); _staticTextRadio.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnTextRadioChanged); _staticTextRadio.Checked = true; _staticTextRadio.SetBounds(boxOffset, labelHeight + labelPadding, labelWidth - boxOffset, controlHeight); // _staticTextPanel contents _textBox.TabIndex = 0; _textBox.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _textBox.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_SpecifyText)); // end _staticTextPanel contents _staticTextPanel.TabIndex = 1; _staticTextPanel.SetBounds(15 + boxOffset, labelHeight + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 1), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight + vertPadding); _staticTextPanel.Controls.Add(_textBox); // bind text radio _bindTextRadio.TabIndex = 2; _bindTextRadio.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindText); _bindTextRadio.SetBounds(boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 2) + vertPadding, labelWidth - boxOffset, controlHeight); // _bindTextPanel contents _dataTextFieldList.TabIndex = 0; _dataTextFieldList.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _dataTextFieldList.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindText)); _dataTextFieldBox.TabIndex = 1; _dataTextFieldBox.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _dataTextFieldBox.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindText)); _linkTextFormatStringLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_TextFormatString); _linkTextFormatStringLabel.TabIndex = 2; _linkTextFormatStringLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _linkTextFormatStringLabel.SetBounds(0, (controlHeight * 1), labelWidth - 15 - boxOffset, labelHeight); _textFSBox.TabIndex = 3; _textFSBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 1), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_TextFormatStringExample); _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel.Enabled = false; _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 2), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, labelHeight); // end _bindTextPanel contents _bindTextPanel.TabIndex = 3; _bindTextPanel.SetBounds(15 + boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 3) + vertPadding, labelWidth - 15 - boxOffset, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2)); _bindTextPanel.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _bindTextRadio, _dataTextFieldList, _dataTextFieldBox, _linkTextFormatStringLabel, _textFSBox, _linkTextFormatStringExampleLabel}); _textGroupBox.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _staticTextRadio, _staticTextPanel, _bindTextRadio, _bindTextPanel}); // url _linkGroupBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 4) + (labelPadding * 4) + (vertPadding * 6) + (controlHeight * 6), labelWidth + 20, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 4) + (controlHeight * 5)); _linkGroupBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_HyperlinkURL); _linkGroupBox.TabIndex = 2; // staticUrlRadio _staticUrlRadio.TabIndex = 0; _staticUrlRadio.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_SpecifyURL); _staticUrlRadio.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnUrlRadioChanged); _staticUrlRadio.Checked = true; _staticUrlRadio.SetBounds(boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding, labelWidth - boxOffset, controlHeight); // _staticUrlPanel contents _linkBox.TabIndex = 0; _linkBox.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _linkBox.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_SpecifyURL)); // end _staticUrlPanel contents _staticUrlPanel.TabIndex = 1; _staticUrlPanel.SetBounds(15 + boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 1), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight + vertPadding); _staticUrlPanel.Controls.Add(_linkBox); // _bindUrlRadio _bindUrlRadio.TabIndex = 2; _bindUrlRadio.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindURL); _bindUrlRadio.SetBounds(boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 2) + vertPadding, labelWidth - boxOffset, controlHeight); // _bindUrlPanel contents _dataNavFieldList.TabIndex = 0; _dataNavFieldList.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _dataNavFieldList.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindURL)); _dataNavFieldBox.TabIndex = 1; _dataNavFieldBox.SetBounds(0, 0, textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _dataNavFieldBox.AccessibleName = StripAccelerators(SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_BindURL)); _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_URLFormatString); _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.TabIndex = 2; _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.SetBounds(0, (controlHeight * 1), labelWidth - 15 - boxOffset, labelHeight); _dataNavFSBox.TabIndex = 3; _dataNavFSBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 1), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, controlHeight); _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_URLFormatStringExample); _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel.Enabled = false; _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 2), textBoxWidth - 15 - boxOffset, labelHeight); // end _bindUrlPanel contents _bindUrlPanel.TabIndex = 3; _bindUrlPanel.SetBounds(15 + boxOffset, (labelHeight * 1) + labelPadding + (controlHeight * 3) + vertPadding, labelWidth - 15 - boxOffset, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2)); _bindUrlPanel.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _dataNavFieldList, _dataNavFieldBox, _linkUrlFormatStringLabel, _dataNavFSBox, _linkUrlFormatStringExampleLabel}); _linkGroupBox.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _staticUrlRadio, _staticUrlPanel, _bindUrlRadio, _bindUrlPanel}); // end RefreshSchemaFields(); Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _textGroupBox, _linkGroupBox}); } private void OnTextRadioChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_staticTextRadio.Checked) { _textBox.Enabled = true; _dataTextFieldList.Enabled = false; _dataTextFieldBox.Enabled = false; _textFSBox.Enabled = false; _linkTextFormatStringLabel.Enabled = false; } else { _textBox.Enabled = false; _dataTextFieldList.Enabled = true; _dataTextFieldBox.Enabled = true; _textFSBox.Enabled = true; _linkTextFormatStringLabel.Enabled = true; } } private void OnUrlRadioChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_staticUrlRadio.Checked) { _linkBox.Enabled = true; _dataNavFieldList.Enabled = false; _dataNavFieldBox.Enabled = false; _dataNavFSBox.Enabled = false; _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.Enabled = false; } else { _linkBox.Enabled = false; _dataNavFieldList.Enabled = true; _dataNavFieldBox.Enabled = true; _dataNavFSBox.Enabled = true; _linkUrlFormatStringLabel.Enabled = true; } } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { if (_haveSchema) { table["DataTextField"] = _dataTextFieldList.Text; table["DataNavigateUrlField"] = _dataNavFieldList.Text; } else { table["DataTextField"] = _dataTextFieldBox.Text; table["DataNavigateUrlField"] = _dataNavFieldBox.Text; } table["DataNavigateUrlFormatString"] = _dataNavFSBox.Text; table["DataTextFormatString"] = _textFSBox.Text; table["NavigateUrl"] = _linkBox.Text; table["linkMode"] = _staticUrlRadio.Checked; table["textMode"] = _staticTextRadio.Checked; table["Text"] = _textBox.Text; } protected override void RefreshSchemaFields() { if (_haveSchema) { _dataTextFieldList.Items.Clear(); _dataTextFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _dataTextFieldList.Items.Insert(0, String.Empty); _dataTextFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _dataTextFieldList.Visible = true; _dataTextFieldBox.Visible = false; _dataNavFieldList.Items.Clear(); _dataNavFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _dataNavFieldList.Items.Insert(0, String.Empty); _dataNavFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _dataNavFieldList.Visible = true; _dataNavFieldBox.Visible = false; } else { _dataTextFieldList.Visible = false; _dataTextFieldBox.Visible = true; _dataNavFieldList.Visible = false; _dataNavFieldBox.Visible = true; } } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { string dataTextField = table["DataTextField"].ToString(); string dataNavigateUrlField = table["DataNavigateUrlField"].ToString(); if (_haveSchema) { bool foundItem = false; if (dataTextField.Length > 0) { foreach (object listItem in _dataTextFieldList.Items) { if (String.Compare(dataTextField, listItem.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { _dataTextFieldList.SelectedItem = listItem; foundItem = true; break; } } if (!foundItem) { _dataTextFieldList.Items.Insert(0, dataTextField); _dataTextFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } if (dataNavigateUrlField.Length > 0) { foundItem = false; foreach (object listItem in _dataNavFieldList.Items) { if (String.Compare(dataNavigateUrlField, listItem.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { _dataNavFieldList.SelectedItem = listItem; foundItem = true; break; } } if (!foundItem) { _dataNavFieldList.Items.Insert(0, dataNavigateUrlField); _dataNavFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } else { _dataTextFieldBox.Text = dataTextField; _dataNavFieldBox.Text = dataNavigateUrlField; } _dataNavFSBox.Text = table["DataNavigateUrlFormatString"].ToString(); _textFSBox.Text = table["DataTextFormatString"].ToString(); _linkBox.Text = table["NavigateUrl"].ToString(); _textBox.Text = table["Text"].ToString(); _staticUrlRadio.Checked = (bool)table["linkMode"]; _staticTextRadio.Checked = (bool)table["textMode"]; } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { HyperLinkField field = new HyperLinkField(); field.HeaderText = headerText; if (_staticTextRadio.Checked) { field.Text = _textBox.Text; } else { field.DataTextFormatString = _textFSBox.Text; if (_haveSchema) { field.DataTextField = _dataTextFieldList.Text; } else { field.DataTextField = _dataTextFieldBox.Text; } } if (_staticUrlRadio.Checked) { field.NavigateUrl = _linkBox.Text; } else { field.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = _dataNavFSBox.Text; if (_haveSchema) { field.DataNavigateUrlFields = new string[1]{_dataNavFieldList.Text}; } else { field.DataNavigateUrlFields = new string[1]{_dataNavFieldBox.Text}; } } return field; } } private class CommandFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { Label _buttonTypeLabel; Label _commandButtonsLabel; ComboBox _buttonTypeList; CheckBox _deleteBox; CheckBox _selectBox; CheckBox _cancelBox; CheckBox _updateBox; CheckBox _insertBox; const int checkBoxLeft = 8; public CommandFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "CommandField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _buttonTypeLabel = new Label(); _buttonTypeList = new ComboBox(); _commandButtonsLabel = new Label(); _deleteBox = new CheckBox(); _selectBox = new CheckBox(); _cancelBox = new CheckBox(); _updateBox = new CheckBox(); _insertBox = new CheckBox(); _buttonTypeLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ButtonType); _buttonTypeLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _buttonTypeLabel.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + vertPadding + controlHeight, labelWidth, labelHeight); _buttonTypeList.Items.Add(ButtonType.Link.ToString()); _buttonTypeList.Items.Add(ButtonType.Button.ToString()); _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex = 0; _buttonTypeList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _buttonTypeList.TabIndex= 1; _buttonTypeList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _commandButtonsLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_CommandButtons); _commandButtonsLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _commandButtonsLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), labelWidth, labelHeight); _deleteBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_Delete); _deleteBox.AccessibleDescription = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_DeleteDesc); _deleteBox.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _deleteBox.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _deleteBox.TabIndex = 2; _deleteBox.SetBounds(checkBoxLeft, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), checkBoxWidth, controlHeight); _selectBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_Select); _selectBox.AccessibleDescription = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_SelectDesc); _selectBox.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _selectBox.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _selectBox.TabIndex = 4; _selectBox.SetBounds(checkBoxLeft, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 3), checkBoxWidth, controlHeight); _cancelBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ShowCancel); _cancelBox.AccessibleDescription = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ShowCancelDesc); _cancelBox.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _cancelBox.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _cancelBox.Enabled = false; _cancelBox.Checked = true; _cancelBox.TabIndex = 6; _cancelBox.SetBounds(checkBoxLeft, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 4), textBoxWidth, controlHeight * 2 + vertPadding); _updateBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_EditUpdate); _updateBox.AccessibleDescription = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_EditUpdateDesc); _updateBox.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _updateBox.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _updateBox.TabIndex = 3; _updateBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnCheckedChanged); _updateBox.SetBounds(checkBoxWidth + horizPadding + checkBoxLeft, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), checkBoxWidth, controlHeight); _insertBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_NewInsert); _insertBox.AccessibleDescription = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_NewInsertDesc); _insertBox.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _insertBox.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; _insertBox.TabIndex = 5; _insertBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnCheckedChanged); _insertBox.SetBounds(checkBoxLeft, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 3), checkBoxWidth, controlHeight); if (_controlType == typeof(GridView)) { _insertBox.Visible = false; } else if (_controlType == typeof(DetailsView)) { _selectBox.Visible = false; } Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _buttonTypeLabel, _buttonTypeList, _commandButtonsLabel, _deleteBox, _selectBox, _cancelBox, _updateBox, _insertBox }); } private void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { _cancelBox.Enabled = _updateBox.Checked || _insertBox.Checked; } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { table["ButtonType"] = _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex; table["ShowDeleteButton"] = _deleteBox.Checked; table["ShowSelectButton"] = _selectBox.Checked; table["ShowCancelButton"] = _cancelBox.Checked; table["ShowEditButton"] = _updateBox.Checked; table["ShowInsertButton"] = _insertBox.Checked; } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { _buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex = (int)table["ButtonType"]; _deleteBox.Checked = (bool)table["ShowDeleteButton"]; _selectBox.Checked = (bool)table["ShowSelectButton"]; _cancelBox.Checked = (bool)table["ShowCancelButton"]; _updateBox.Checked = (bool)table["ShowEditButton"]; _insertBox.Checked = (bool)table["ShowInsertButton"]; } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { CommandField field = new CommandField(); if (headerText != null && headerText.Length > 0) { field.HeaderText = headerText; field.ShowHeader = true; } if (_buttonTypeList.SelectedIndex == 0) { field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Link; } else { field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Button; } field.ShowDeleteButton = _deleteBox.Checked; field.ShowSelectButton = _selectBox.Checked; if (_cancelBox.Enabled) { field.ShowCancelButton = _cancelBox.Checked; } field.ShowEditButton = _updateBox.Checked; field.ShowInsertButton = _insertBox.Checked; return field; } } private class TemplateFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { public TemplateFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "TemplateField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { TemplateField field = new TemplateField(); field.HeaderText = headerText; return field; } } private class ImageFieldControl : DataControlFieldControl { Label _imageUrlFieldLabel; ComboBox _imageUrlFieldList; TextBox _imageUrlFieldBox; CheckBox _readOnlyCheckBox; TextBox _urlFormatBox; Label _urlFormatBoxLabel; Label _urlFormatExampleLabel; public ImageFieldControl(IDataSourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas, Type controlType) : base(fieldSchemas, controlType) { } public override string FieldName { get { return "ImageField"; } } ////// Adds all necessary controls to this controls' control tree /// protected override void InitializeComponent() { base.InitializeComponent(); _imageUrlFieldList = new ComboBox(); _imageUrlFieldBox = new TextBox(); _imageUrlFieldLabel = new Label(); _readOnlyCheckBox = new CheckBox(); _urlFormatBox = new TextBox(); _urlFormatBoxLabel = new Label(); _urlFormatExampleLabel = new Label(); _imageUrlFieldLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_DataField); _imageUrlFieldLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _imageUrlFieldLabel.SetBounds(0, labelHeight + labelPadding + vertPadding + controlHeight, labelWidth, labelHeight); _imageUrlFieldList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; _imageUrlFieldList.TabIndex = 1; _imageUrlFieldList.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _imageUrlFieldBox.TabIndex = 2; _imageUrlFieldBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + vertPadding + controlHeight, textBoxWidth, controlHeight); _urlFormatBoxLabel.TabIndex = 3; _urlFormatBoxLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_LinkFormatString); _urlFormatBoxLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _urlFormatBoxLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 2) + (labelPadding * 2) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), labelWidth, labelHeight); _urlFormatBox.TabIndex = 4; _urlFormatBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 2), labelWidth, controlHeight); _urlFormatExampleLabel.Enabled = false; _urlFormatExampleLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ExampleFormatString); _urlFormatExampleLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _urlFormatExampleLabel.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 3) + (labelPadding * 3) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 3), labelWidth, labelHeight); _readOnlyCheckBox.TabIndex = 5; _readOnlyCheckBox.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DCFAdd_ReadOnly); _readOnlyCheckBox.SetBounds(0, (labelHeight * 4) + (labelPadding * 4) + (vertPadding * 2) + (controlHeight * 3), textBoxWidth, controlHeight); if (_haveSchema) { _imageUrlFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _imageUrlFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _imageUrlFieldList.Visible = true; _imageUrlFieldBox.Visible = false; } else { _imageUrlFieldList.Visible = false; _imageUrlFieldBox.Visible = true; } Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { _imageUrlFieldLabel, _imageUrlFieldBox, _imageUrlFieldList, _readOnlyCheckBox, _urlFormatBoxLabel, _urlFormatBox, _urlFormatExampleLabel}); } protected override void PreserveFields(IDictionary table) { if (_haveSchema) { table["ImageUrlField"] = _imageUrlFieldList.Text; } else { table["ImageUrlField"] = _imageUrlFieldBox.Text; } table["ReadOnly"] = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; table["FormatString"] = _urlFormatBox.Text; } protected override void RefreshSchemaFields() { if (_haveSchema) { _imageUrlFieldList.Items.Clear(); _imageUrlFieldList.Items.AddRange(GetFieldSchemaNames()); _imageUrlFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; _imageUrlFieldList.Visible = true; _imageUrlFieldBox.Visible = false; } else { _imageUrlFieldList.Visible = false; _imageUrlFieldBox.Visible = true; } } protected override void RestoreFieldsInternal(IDictionary table) { string dataField = table["ImageUrlField"].ToString(); if (_haveSchema) { if (dataField.Length > 0) { bool foundItem = false; foreach (object listItem in _imageUrlFieldList.Items) { if (String.Compare(dataField, listItem.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { _imageUrlFieldList.SelectedItem = listItem; foundItem = true; break; } } if (!foundItem) { _imageUrlFieldList.Items.Insert(0, dataField); _imageUrlFieldList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } else { _imageUrlFieldBox.Text = dataField; } _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked = (bool)table["ReadOnly"]; _urlFormatBox.Text = (string)table["FormatString"]; } ////// Called when OK is pressed to reflect the control's values back into the newly created field. /// protected override DataControlField SaveValues(string headerText) { ImageField field = new ImageField(); field.HeaderText = headerText; if (_haveSchema) { field.DataImageUrlField = _imageUrlFieldList.Text; } else { field.DataImageUrlField = _imageUrlFieldBox.Text; } field.ReadOnly = _readOnlyCheckBox.Checked; field.DataImageUrlFormatString = _urlFormatBox.Text; return field; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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