/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / DataBoundControl.cs / 1 / DataBoundControl.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; ////// A DataBoundControl is bound to a data source and generates its /// user interface (or child control hierarchy typically), by enumerating /// the items in the data source it is bound to. /// DataBoundControl is an abstract base class that defines the common /// characteristics of all controls that use a list as a data source, such as /// DataGrid, DataBoundTable, ListBox etc. It encapsulates the logic /// of how a data-bound control binds to collections or DataControl instances. /// [ Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataBoundControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public abstract class DataBoundControl : BaseDataBoundControl { private DataSourceView _currentView; private bool _currentViewIsFromDataSourceID; private bool _currentViewValid; private IDataSource _currentDataSource; private bool _currentDataSourceValid; private DataSourceSelectArguments _arguments; private bool _pagePreLoadFired; private bool _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged; private const string DataBoundViewStateKey = "_!DataBound"; ////// The name of the list that the DataBoundControl should bind to when /// its data source contains more than one list of data items. /// [ DefaultValue(""), Themeable(false), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataBoundControl_DataMember) ] public virtual string DataMember { get { object o = ViewState["DataMember"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["DataMember"] = value; OnDataPropertyChanged(); } } ///[ IDReferenceProperty(typeof(DataSourceControl)) ] public override string DataSourceID { get { return base.DataSourceID; } set { base.DataSourceID = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public IDataSource DataSourceObject { get { return GetDataSource(); } } protected DataSourceSelectArguments SelectArguments { get { if (_arguments == null) { _arguments = CreateDataSourceSelectArguments(); } return _arguments; } } /// /// Connects this data bound control to the appropriate DataSourceView /// and hooks up the appropriate event listener for the /// DataSourceViewChanged event. The return value is the new view (if /// any) that was connected to. An exception is thrown if there is /// a problem finding the requested view or data source. /// private DataSourceView ConnectToDataSourceView() { if (_currentViewValid && !DesignMode) { // If the current view is correct, there is no need to reconnect return _currentView; } // Disconnect from old view, if necessary if ((_currentView != null) && (_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID)) { // We only care about this event if we are bound through the DataSourceID property _currentView.DataSourceViewChanged -= new EventHandler(OnDataSourceViewChanged); } // Connect to new view _currentDataSource = GetDataSource(); string dataMember = DataMember; if (_currentDataSource == null) { // DataSource control was not found, construct a temporary data source to wrap the data _currentDataSource = new ReadOnlyDataSource(DataSource, dataMember); } else { // Ensure that both DataSourceID as well as DataSource are not set at the same time if (DataSource != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_MultipleDataSources, ID)); } } _currentDataSourceValid = true; // IDataSource was found, extract the appropriate view and return it DataSourceView newView = _currentDataSource.GetView(dataMember); if (newView == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_ViewNotFound, ID)); } _currentViewIsFromDataSourceID = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; _currentView = newView; if ((_currentView != null) && (_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID)) { // We only care about this event if we are bound through the DataSourceID property _currentView.DataSourceViewChanged += new EventHandler(OnDataSourceViewChanged); } _currentViewValid = true; return _currentView; } ////// Override to create the DataSourceSelectArguments that will be passed to the view's Select command. /// protected virtual DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments() { return DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty; } ////// Gets the DataSourceView of the IDataSource that this control is /// bound to, if any. /// protected virtual DataSourceView GetData() { DataSourceView view = ConnectToDataSourceView(); Debug.Assert(_currentViewValid); return view; } ////// Gets the IDataSource that this control is bound to, if any. /// Because this method can be called directly by derived classes, it's virtual so data can be retrieved /// from data sources that don't live on the page. /// protected virtual IDataSource GetDataSource() { if (!DesignMode && _currentDataSourceValid && (_currentDataSource != null)) { return _currentDataSource; } IDataSource ds = null; string dataSourceID = DataSourceID; if (dataSourceID.Length != 0) { // Try to find a DataSource control with the ID specified in DataSourceID Control control = DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl(this, dataSourceID); if (control == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist, ID, dataSourceID)); } ds = control as IDataSource; if (ds == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_DataSourceIDMustBeDataControl, ID, dataSourceID)); } } return ds; } protected void MarkAsDataBound() { ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] = true; } protected override void OnDataPropertyChanged() { _currentViewValid = false; _currentDataSourceValid = false; base.OnDataPropertyChanged(); } ////// This method is called when the DataSourceView raises a DataSourceViewChanged event. /// protected virtual void OnDataSourceViewChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_ignoreDataSourceViewChanged) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } private void OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback(IEnumerable data) { _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged = false; // We only call OnDataBinding here if we haven't done it already in PerformSelect(). if (DataSourceID.Length > 0) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } if(_adapter != null) { DataBoundControlAdapter dataBoundControlAdapter = _adapter as DataBoundControlAdapter; if(dataBoundControlAdapter != null) { dataBoundControlAdapter.PerformDataBinding(data); } else { PerformDataBinding(data); } } else { PerformDataBinding(data); } OnDataBound(EventArgs.Empty); } protected internal override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { ConfirmInitState(); ConnectToDataSourceView(); if (Page != null && !_pagePreLoadFired && ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] == null) { // If the control was added after PagePreLoad, we still need to databind it because it missed its // first change in PagePreLoad. If this control was created by a call to a parent control's DataBind // in Page_Load (with is relatively common), this control will already have been databound even // though pagePreLoad never fired and the page isn't a postback. if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } // If the control was added to the page after page.PreLoad, we'll never get the event and we'll // never databind the control. So if we're catching up and Load happens but PreLoad never happened, // call DataBind. This may make the control get databound twice if the user called DataBind on the control // directly in Page.OnLoad, but better to bind twice than never to bind at all. else if (IsViewStateEnabled) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } base.OnLoad(e); } protected override void OnPagePreLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.OnPagePreLoad(sender, e); if (Page != null) { // Setting RequiresDataBinding to true in OnLoad is too late because the OnLoad page event // happens before the control.OnLoad method gets called. So a page_load handler on the page // that calls DataBind won't prevent DataBind from getting called again in PreRender. if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } // If this is a postback and viewstate is enabled, but we have never bound the control // before, it is probably because its visibility was changed in the postback. In this // case, we need to bind the control or it will never appear. This is a common scenario // for Wizard and MultiView. else if (IsViewStateEnabled && ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] == null) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } _pagePreLoadFired = true; } ////// This method should be overridden by databound controls to perform their databinding. /// Overriding this method instead of DataBind() will allow the DataBound control developer /// to not worry about DataBinding events to be called in the right order. /// protected internal virtual void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data) { } ////// Issues an asynchronous request for data to the data source using the arguments from CreateDataSourceSelectArguments. /// protected override void PerformSelect() { // We need to call OnDataBinding here if we're potentially bound to a DataSource (instead of a DataSourceID) // because the databinding statement that is the datasource needs to be evaluated before the call to GetData() // happens, because we don't rebind when the datasource is changed unless DataSourceID.Length > 0. if (DataSourceID.Length == 0) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } DataSourceView view = GetData(); _arguments = CreateDataSourceSelectArguments(); _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged = true; RequiresDataBinding = false; MarkAsDataBound(); view.Select(_arguments, OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback); } protected override void ValidateDataSource(object dataSource) { if ((dataSource == null) || (dataSource is IListSource) || (dataSource is IEnumerable) || (dataSource is IDataSource)) { return; } throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_InvalidDataSourceType)); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; ////// A DataBoundControl is bound to a data source and generates its /// user interface (or child control hierarchy typically), by enumerating /// the items in the data source it is bound to. /// DataBoundControl is an abstract base class that defines the common /// characteristics of all controls that use a list as a data source, such as /// DataGrid, DataBoundTable, ListBox etc. It encapsulates the logic /// of how a data-bound control binds to collections or DataControl instances. /// [ Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataBoundControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public abstract class DataBoundControl : BaseDataBoundControl { private DataSourceView _currentView; private bool _currentViewIsFromDataSourceID; private bool _currentViewValid; private IDataSource _currentDataSource; private bool _currentDataSourceValid; private DataSourceSelectArguments _arguments; private bool _pagePreLoadFired; private bool _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged; private const string DataBoundViewStateKey = "_!DataBound"; ////// The name of the list that the DataBoundControl should bind to when /// its data source contains more than one list of data items. /// [ DefaultValue(""), Themeable(false), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataBoundControl_DataMember) ] public virtual string DataMember { get { object o = ViewState["DataMember"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["DataMember"] = value; OnDataPropertyChanged(); } } ///[ IDReferenceProperty(typeof(DataSourceControl)) ] public override string DataSourceID { get { return base.DataSourceID; } set { base.DataSourceID = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public IDataSource DataSourceObject { get { return GetDataSource(); } } protected DataSourceSelectArguments SelectArguments { get { if (_arguments == null) { _arguments = CreateDataSourceSelectArguments(); } return _arguments; } } /// /// Connects this data bound control to the appropriate DataSourceView /// and hooks up the appropriate event listener for the /// DataSourceViewChanged event. The return value is the new view (if /// any) that was connected to. An exception is thrown if there is /// a problem finding the requested view or data source. /// private DataSourceView ConnectToDataSourceView() { if (_currentViewValid && !DesignMode) { // If the current view is correct, there is no need to reconnect return _currentView; } // Disconnect from old view, if necessary if ((_currentView != null) && (_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID)) { // We only care about this event if we are bound through the DataSourceID property _currentView.DataSourceViewChanged -= new EventHandler(OnDataSourceViewChanged); } // Connect to new view _currentDataSource = GetDataSource(); string dataMember = DataMember; if (_currentDataSource == null) { // DataSource control was not found, construct a temporary data source to wrap the data _currentDataSource = new ReadOnlyDataSource(DataSource, dataMember); } else { // Ensure that both DataSourceID as well as DataSource are not set at the same time if (DataSource != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_MultipleDataSources, ID)); } } _currentDataSourceValid = true; // IDataSource was found, extract the appropriate view and return it DataSourceView newView = _currentDataSource.GetView(dataMember); if (newView == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_ViewNotFound, ID)); } _currentViewIsFromDataSourceID = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; _currentView = newView; if ((_currentView != null) && (_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID)) { // We only care about this event if we are bound through the DataSourceID property _currentView.DataSourceViewChanged += new EventHandler(OnDataSourceViewChanged); } _currentViewValid = true; return _currentView; } ////// Override to create the DataSourceSelectArguments that will be passed to the view's Select command. /// protected virtual DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments() { return DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty; } ////// Gets the DataSourceView of the IDataSource that this control is /// bound to, if any. /// protected virtual DataSourceView GetData() { DataSourceView view = ConnectToDataSourceView(); Debug.Assert(_currentViewValid); return view; } ////// Gets the IDataSource that this control is bound to, if any. /// Because this method can be called directly by derived classes, it's virtual so data can be retrieved /// from data sources that don't live on the page. /// protected virtual IDataSource GetDataSource() { if (!DesignMode && _currentDataSourceValid && (_currentDataSource != null)) { return _currentDataSource; } IDataSource ds = null; string dataSourceID = DataSourceID; if (dataSourceID.Length != 0) { // Try to find a DataSource control with the ID specified in DataSourceID Control control = DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl(this, dataSourceID); if (control == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist, ID, dataSourceID)); } ds = control as IDataSource; if (ds == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControl_DataSourceIDMustBeDataControl, ID, dataSourceID)); } } return ds; } protected void MarkAsDataBound() { ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] = true; } protected override void OnDataPropertyChanged() { _currentViewValid = false; _currentDataSourceValid = false; base.OnDataPropertyChanged(); } ////// This method is called when the DataSourceView raises a DataSourceViewChanged event. /// protected virtual void OnDataSourceViewChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_ignoreDataSourceViewChanged) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } private void OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback(IEnumerable data) { _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged = false; // We only call OnDataBinding here if we haven't done it already in PerformSelect(). if (DataSourceID.Length > 0) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } if(_adapter != null) { DataBoundControlAdapter dataBoundControlAdapter = _adapter as DataBoundControlAdapter; if(dataBoundControlAdapter != null) { dataBoundControlAdapter.PerformDataBinding(data); } else { PerformDataBinding(data); } } else { PerformDataBinding(data); } OnDataBound(EventArgs.Empty); } protected internal override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { ConfirmInitState(); ConnectToDataSourceView(); if (Page != null && !_pagePreLoadFired && ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] == null) { // If the control was added after PagePreLoad, we still need to databind it because it missed its // first change in PagePreLoad. If this control was created by a call to a parent control's DataBind // in Page_Load (with is relatively common), this control will already have been databound even // though pagePreLoad never fired and the page isn't a postback. if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } // If the control was added to the page after page.PreLoad, we'll never get the event and we'll // never databind the control. So if we're catching up and Load happens but PreLoad never happened, // call DataBind. This may make the control get databound twice if the user called DataBind on the control // directly in Page.OnLoad, but better to bind twice than never to bind at all. else if (IsViewStateEnabled) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } base.OnLoad(e); } protected override void OnPagePreLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.OnPagePreLoad(sender, e); if (Page != null) { // Setting RequiresDataBinding to true in OnLoad is too late because the OnLoad page event // happens before the control.OnLoad method gets called. So a page_load handler on the page // that calls DataBind won't prevent DataBind from getting called again in PreRender. if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } // If this is a postback and viewstate is enabled, but we have never bound the control // before, it is probably because its visibility was changed in the postback. In this // case, we need to bind the control or it will never appear. This is a common scenario // for Wizard and MultiView. else if (IsViewStateEnabled && ViewState[DataBoundViewStateKey] == null) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } _pagePreLoadFired = true; } ////// This method should be overridden by databound controls to perform their databinding. /// Overriding this method instead of DataBind() will allow the DataBound control developer /// to not worry about DataBinding events to be called in the right order. /// protected internal virtual void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data) { } ////// Issues an asynchronous request for data to the data source using the arguments from CreateDataSourceSelectArguments. /// protected override void PerformSelect() { // We need to call OnDataBinding here if we're potentially bound to a DataSource (instead of a DataSourceID) // because the databinding statement that is the datasource needs to be evaluated before the call to GetData() // happens, because we don't rebind when the datasource is changed unless DataSourceID.Length > 0. if (DataSourceID.Length == 0) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } DataSourceView view = GetData(); _arguments = CreateDataSourceSelectArguments(); _ignoreDataSourceViewChanged = true; RequiresDataBinding = false; MarkAsDataBound(); view.Select(_arguments, OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback); } protected override void ValidateDataSource(object dataSource) { if ((dataSource == null) || (dataSource is IListSource) || (dataSource is IEnumerable) || (dataSource is IDataSource)) { return; } throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_InvalidDataSourceType)); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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