/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / XsltOld / ProcessingInstructionAction.cs / 1 / ProcessingInstructionAction.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; internal class ProcessingInstructionAction : ContainerAction { private const int NameEvaluated = 2; private const int NameReady = 3; private Avt nameAvt; // Compile time precalculated AVT private string name; private const char CharX = 'X'; private const char Charx = 'x'; private const char CharM = 'M'; private const char Charm = 'm'; private const char CharL = 'L'; private const char Charl = 'l'; internal ProcessingInstructionAction() {} internal override void Compile(Compiler compiler) { CompileAttributes(compiler); CheckRequiredAttribute(compiler, this.nameAvt, Keywords.s_Name); if(this.nameAvt.IsConstant) { = this.nameAvt.Evaluate(null, null); this.nameAvt = null; if (! IsProcessingInstructionName( { // For Now: set to null to ignore action late; = null; } } if (compiler.Recurse()) { CompileTemplate(compiler); compiler.ToParent(); } } internal override bool CompileAttribute(Compiler compiler) { string name = compiler.Input.LocalName; string value = compiler.Input.Value; if (Keywords.Equals(name, compiler.Atoms.Name)) { this.nameAvt = Avt.CompileAvt(compiler, value); } else { return false; } return true; } internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if(this.nameAvt == null) { frame.StoredOutput =; if( == null) { // name was static but was bad; frame.Finished(); break; } } else { frame.StoredOutput = this.nameAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame); if (! IsProcessingInstructionName(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.Finished(); break; } } goto case NameReady; case NameReady: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, string.Empty, frame.StoredOutput, string.Empty, false) == false) { // Come back later frame.State = NameReady; break; } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction) == false) { frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ElementAction execution state"); frame.Finished(); break; } } internal static bool IsProcessingInstructionName(string name) { if (name == null) { return false; } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position ++; } if (position >= nameLength) { return false; } if (position < nameLength && ! xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar(name[position])) { return false; } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(name[position])) { position ++; } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position ++; } if (position < nameLength) { return false; } if (nameLength == 3 && (name[0] == CharX || name[0] == Charx) && (name[1] == CharM || name[1] == Charm) && (name[2] == CharL || name[2] == Charl) ) { return false; } return true; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; internal class ProcessingInstructionAction : ContainerAction { private const int NameEvaluated = 2; private const int NameReady = 3; private Avt nameAvt; // Compile time precalculated AVT private string name; private const char CharX = 'X'; private const char Charx = 'x'; private const char CharM = 'M'; private const char Charm = 'm'; private const char CharL = 'L'; private const char Charl = 'l'; internal ProcessingInstructionAction() {} internal override void Compile(Compiler compiler) { CompileAttributes(compiler); CheckRequiredAttribute(compiler, this.nameAvt, Keywords.s_Name); if(this.nameAvt.IsConstant) { = this.nameAvt.Evaluate(null, null); this.nameAvt = null; if (! IsProcessingInstructionName( { // For Now: set to null to ignore action late; = null; } } if (compiler.Recurse()) { CompileTemplate(compiler); compiler.ToParent(); } } internal override bool CompileAttribute(Compiler compiler) { string name = compiler.Input.LocalName; string value = compiler.Input.Value; if (Keywords.Equals(name, compiler.Atoms.Name)) { this.nameAvt = Avt.CompileAvt(compiler, value); } else { return false; } return true; } internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if(this.nameAvt == null) { frame.StoredOutput =; if( == null) { // name was static but was bad; frame.Finished(); break; } } else { frame.StoredOutput = this.nameAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame); if (! IsProcessingInstructionName(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.Finished(); break; } } goto case NameReady; case NameReady: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, string.Empty, frame.StoredOutput, string.Empty, false) == false) { // Come back later frame.State = NameReady; break; } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction) == false) { frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ElementAction execution state"); frame.Finished(); break; } } internal static bool IsProcessingInstructionName(string name) { if (name == null) { return false; } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position ++; } if (position >= nameLength) { return false; } if (position < nameLength && ! xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar(name[position])) { return false; } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(name[position])) { position ++; } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position ++; } if (position < nameLength) { return false; } if (nameLength == 3 && (name[0] == CharX || name[0] == Charx) && (name[1] == CharM || name[1] == Charm) && (name[2] == CharL || name[2] == Charl) ) { return false; } return true; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- UserControl.cs
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