/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Animation / Generated / CharKeyFrameCollection.cs / 1 / CharKeyFrameCollection.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. // // Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This collection is used in conjunction with a KeyFrameCharAnimation /// to animate a Char property value along a set of key frames. /// public class CharKeyFrameCollection : Freezable, IList { #region Data private List_keyFrames; private static CharKeyFrameCollection s_emptyCollection; #endregion #region Constructors /// /// Creates a new CharKeyFrameCollection. /// public CharKeyFrameCollection() : base() { _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(2); } #endregion #region Static Methods ////// An empty CharKeyFrameCollection. /// public static CharKeyFrameCollection Empty { get { if (s_emptyCollection == null) { CharKeyFrameCollection emptyCollection = new CharKeyFrameCollection(); emptyCollection._keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(0); emptyCollection.Freeze(); s_emptyCollection = emptyCollection; } return s_emptyCollection; } } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Creates a freezable copy of this CharKeyFrameCollection. /// ///The copy public new CharKeyFrameCollection Clone() { return (CharKeyFrameCollection)base.Clone(); } ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new CharKeyFrameCollection(); } ////// Implementation of protected override void CloneCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.CloneCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].Clone(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.CloneCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void CloneCurrentValueCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.CloneCurrentValueCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].CloneCurrentValue(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.CloneCurrentValueCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void GetAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.GetAsFrozenCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].GetAsFrozen(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.GetAsFrozenCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].GetCurrentValueAsFrozen(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore . ////// /// protected override bool FreezeCore(bool isChecking) { bool canFreeze = base.FreezeCore(isChecking); for (int i = 0; i < _keyFrames.Count && canFreeze; i++) { canFreeze &= Freezable.Freeze(_keyFrames[i], isChecking); } return canFreeze; } #endregion #region IEnumerable ////// Returns an enumerator of the CharKeyFrames in the collection. /// public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.GetEnumerator(); } #endregion #region ICollection ////// Returns the number of CharKeyFrames in the collection. /// public int Count { get { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.Count; } } ////// See public bool IsSynchronized { get { ReadPreamble(); return (IsFrozen || Dispatcher != null); } } ///ICollection.IsSynchronized . ////// See public object SyncRoot { get { ReadPreamble(); return ((ICollection)_keyFrames).SyncRoot; } } ///ICollection.SyncRoot . ////// Copies all of the CharKeyFrames in the collection to an /// array. /// void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { ReadPreamble(); ((ICollection)_keyFrames).CopyTo(array, index); } ////// Copies all of the CharKeyFrames in the collection to an /// array of CharKeyFrames. /// public void CopyTo(CharKeyFrame[] array, int index) { ReadPreamble(); _keyFrames.CopyTo(array, index); } #endregion #region IList ////// Adds a CharKeyFrame to the collection. /// int IList.Add(object keyFrame) { return Add((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Adds a CharKeyFrame to the collection. /// public int Add(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { if (keyFrame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keyFrame"); } WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); WritePostscript(); return _keyFrames.Count - 1; } ////// Removes all CharKeyFrames from the collection. /// public void Clear() { WritePreamble(); if (_keyFrames.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _keyFrames.Count; i++) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[i], null); } _keyFrames.Clear(); WritePostscript(); } } ////// Returns true of the collection contains the given CharKeyFrame. /// bool IList.Contains(object keyFrame) { return Contains((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Returns true of the collection contains the given CharKeyFrame. /// public bool Contains(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.Contains(keyFrame); } ////// Returns the index of a given CharKeyFrame in the collection. /// int IList.IndexOf(object keyFrame) { return IndexOf((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Returns the index of a given CharKeyFrame in the collection. /// public int IndexOf(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.IndexOf(keyFrame); } ////// Inserts a CharKeyFrame into a specific location in the collection. /// void IList.Insert(int index, object keyFrame) { Insert(index, (CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Inserts a CharKeyFrame into a specific location in the collection. /// public void Insert(int index, CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { if (keyFrame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keyFrame"); } WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); _keyFrames.Insert(index, keyFrame); WritePostscript(); } ////// Returns true if the collection is frozen. /// public bool IsFixedSize { get { ReadPreamble(); return IsFrozen; } } ////// Returns true if the collection is frozen. /// public bool IsReadOnly { get { ReadPreamble(); return IsFrozen; } } ////// Removes a CharKeyFrame from the collection. /// void IList.Remove(object keyFrame) { Remove((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Removes a CharKeyFrame from the collection. /// public void Remove(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { WritePreamble(); if (_keyFrames.Contains(keyFrame)) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(keyFrame, null); _keyFrames.Remove(keyFrame); WritePostscript(); } } ////// Removes the CharKeyFrame at the specified index from the collection. /// public void RemoveAt(int index) { WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[index], null); _keyFrames.RemoveAt(index); WritePostscript(); } ////// Gets or sets the CharKeyFrame at a given index. /// object IList.this[int index] { get { return this[index]; } set { this[index] = (CharKeyFrame)value; } } ////// Gets or sets the CharKeyFrame at a given index. /// public CharKeyFrame this[int index] { get { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames[index]; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "CharKeyFrameCollection[{0}]", index)); } WritePreamble(); if (value != _keyFrames[index]) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[index], value); _keyFrames[index] = value; Debug.Assert(_keyFrames[index] != null); WritePostscript(); } } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. // // Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This collection is used in conjunction with a KeyFrameCharAnimation /// to animate a Char property value along a set of key frames. /// public class CharKeyFrameCollection : Freezable, IList { #region Data private List_keyFrames; private static CharKeyFrameCollection s_emptyCollection; #endregion #region Constructors /// /// Creates a new CharKeyFrameCollection. /// public CharKeyFrameCollection() : base() { _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(2); } #endregion #region Static Methods ////// An empty CharKeyFrameCollection. /// public static CharKeyFrameCollection Empty { get { if (s_emptyCollection == null) { CharKeyFrameCollection emptyCollection = new CharKeyFrameCollection(); emptyCollection._keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(0); emptyCollection.Freeze(); s_emptyCollection = emptyCollection; } return s_emptyCollection; } } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Creates a freezable copy of this CharKeyFrameCollection. /// ///The copy public new CharKeyFrameCollection Clone() { return (CharKeyFrameCollection)base.Clone(); } ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new CharKeyFrameCollection(); } ////// Implementation of protected override void CloneCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.CloneCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].Clone(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.CloneCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void CloneCurrentValueCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.CloneCurrentValueCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].CloneCurrentValue(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.CloneCurrentValueCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void GetAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.GetAsFrozenCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].GetAsFrozen(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.GetAsFrozenCore . ////// Implementation of protected override void GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) { CharKeyFrameCollection sourceCollection = (CharKeyFrameCollection) sourceFreezable; base.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(sourceFreezable); int count = sourceCollection._keyFrames.Count; _keyFrames = new List< CharKeyFrame>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharKeyFrame keyFrame = (CharKeyFrame)sourceCollection._keyFrames[i].GetCurrentValueAsFrozen(); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); } } ///Freezable.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore . ////// /// protected override bool FreezeCore(bool isChecking) { bool canFreeze = base.FreezeCore(isChecking); for (int i = 0; i < _keyFrames.Count && canFreeze; i++) { canFreeze &= Freezable.Freeze(_keyFrames[i], isChecking); } return canFreeze; } #endregion #region IEnumerable ////// Returns an enumerator of the CharKeyFrames in the collection. /// public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.GetEnumerator(); } #endregion #region ICollection ////// Returns the number of CharKeyFrames in the collection. /// public int Count { get { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.Count; } } ////// See public bool IsSynchronized { get { ReadPreamble(); return (IsFrozen || Dispatcher != null); } } ///ICollection.IsSynchronized . ////// See public object SyncRoot { get { ReadPreamble(); return ((ICollection)_keyFrames).SyncRoot; } } ///ICollection.SyncRoot . ////// Copies all of the CharKeyFrames in the collection to an /// array. /// void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { ReadPreamble(); ((ICollection)_keyFrames).CopyTo(array, index); } ////// Copies all of the CharKeyFrames in the collection to an /// array of CharKeyFrames. /// public void CopyTo(CharKeyFrame[] array, int index) { ReadPreamble(); _keyFrames.CopyTo(array, index); } #endregion #region IList ////// Adds a CharKeyFrame to the collection. /// int IList.Add(object keyFrame) { return Add((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Adds a CharKeyFrame to the collection. /// public int Add(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { if (keyFrame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keyFrame"); } WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); _keyFrames.Add(keyFrame); WritePostscript(); return _keyFrames.Count - 1; } ////// Removes all CharKeyFrames from the collection. /// public void Clear() { WritePreamble(); if (_keyFrames.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _keyFrames.Count; i++) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[i], null); } _keyFrames.Clear(); WritePostscript(); } } ////// Returns true of the collection contains the given CharKeyFrame. /// bool IList.Contains(object keyFrame) { return Contains((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Returns true of the collection contains the given CharKeyFrame. /// public bool Contains(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.Contains(keyFrame); } ////// Returns the index of a given CharKeyFrame in the collection. /// int IList.IndexOf(object keyFrame) { return IndexOf((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Returns the index of a given CharKeyFrame in the collection. /// public int IndexOf(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames.IndexOf(keyFrame); } ////// Inserts a CharKeyFrame into a specific location in the collection. /// void IList.Insert(int index, object keyFrame) { Insert(index, (CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Inserts a CharKeyFrame into a specific location in the collection. /// public void Insert(int index, CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { if (keyFrame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keyFrame"); } WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(null, keyFrame); _keyFrames.Insert(index, keyFrame); WritePostscript(); } ////// Returns true if the collection is frozen. /// public bool IsFixedSize { get { ReadPreamble(); return IsFrozen; } } ////// Returns true if the collection is frozen. /// public bool IsReadOnly { get { ReadPreamble(); return IsFrozen; } } ////// Removes a CharKeyFrame from the collection. /// void IList.Remove(object keyFrame) { Remove((CharKeyFrame)keyFrame); } ////// Removes a CharKeyFrame from the collection. /// public void Remove(CharKeyFrame keyFrame) { WritePreamble(); if (_keyFrames.Contains(keyFrame)) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(keyFrame, null); _keyFrames.Remove(keyFrame); WritePostscript(); } } ////// Removes the CharKeyFrame at the specified index from the collection. /// public void RemoveAt(int index) { WritePreamble(); OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[index], null); _keyFrames.RemoveAt(index); WritePostscript(); } ////// Gets or sets the CharKeyFrame at a given index. /// object IList.this[int index] { get { return this[index]; } set { this[index] = (CharKeyFrame)value; } } ////// Gets or sets the CharKeyFrame at a given index. /// public CharKeyFrame this[int index] { get { ReadPreamble(); return _keyFrames[index]; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "CharKeyFrameCollection[{0}]", index)); } WritePreamble(); if (value != _keyFrames[index]) { OnFreezablePropertyChanged(_keyFrames[index], value); _keyFrames[index] = value; Debug.Assert(_keyFrames[index] != null); WritePostscript(); } } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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