/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Core / System / Diagnostics / Eventing / Reader / EventLogWatcher.cs / 1305376 / EventLogWatcher.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================ ** ** Class: EventLogWatcher ** ** Purpose: ** This public class is used for subscribing to event record ** notifications from event log. ** ============================================================*/ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader { ////// Used for subscribing to event record notifications from /// event log. /// [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public class EventLogWatcher : IDisposable { public event EventHandlerEventRecordWritten; private EventLogQuery eventQuery; private EventBookmark bookmark; private bool readExistingEvents; private EventLogHandle handle; private IntPtr[] eventsBuffer; private int numEventsInBuffer; private bool isSubscribing; private int callbackThreadId; AutoResetEvent subscriptionWaitHandle; AutoResetEvent unregisterDoneHandle; RegisteredWaitHandle registeredWaitHandle; /// /// Maintains cached display / metadata information returned from /// EventRecords that were obtained from this reader. /// ProviderMetadataCachedInformation cachedMetadataInformation; EventLogException asyncException; public EventLogWatcher(string path) : this(new EventLogQuery(path, PathType.LogName), null, false) { } public EventLogWatcher(EventLogQuery eventQuery) : this(eventQuery, null, false) { } public EventLogWatcher(EventLogQuery eventQuery, EventBookmark bookmark) : this(eventQuery, bookmark, false) { } public EventLogWatcher(EventLogQuery eventQuery, EventBookmark bookmark, bool readExistingEvents) { if (eventQuery == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("eventQuery"); if (bookmark != null) readExistingEvents = false; //explicit data this.eventQuery = eventQuery; this.readExistingEvents = readExistingEvents; if (this.eventQuery.ReverseDirection) throw new InvalidOperationException(); this.eventsBuffer = new IntPtr[64]; this.cachedMetadataInformation = new ProviderMetadataCachedInformation(eventQuery.Session, null, 50); this.bookmark = bookmark; } public bool Enabled { get { return isSubscribing; } set { if (value && !isSubscribing) { StartSubscribing(); } else if (!value && isSubscribing) { StopSubscribing(); } } } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] internal void StopSubscribing() { EventLogPermissionHolder.GetEventLogPermission().Demand(); // // need to set isSubscribing to false before waiting for completion of callback. // this.isSubscribing = false; if (this.registeredWaitHandle != null) { this.registeredWaitHandle.Unregister( this.unregisterDoneHandle ); if (this.callbackThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { // // not calling Stop from within callback - wait for // any outstanding callbacks to complete. // if ( this.unregisterDoneHandle != null ) this.unregisterDoneHandle.WaitOne(); } this.registeredWaitHandle = null; } if (this.unregisterDoneHandle != null) { this.unregisterDoneHandle.Close(); this.unregisterDoneHandle = null; } if (this.subscriptionWaitHandle != null) { this.subscriptionWaitHandle.Close(); this.subscriptionWaitHandle = null; } for (int i = 0; i < this.numEventsInBuffer; i++) { if (eventsBuffer[i] != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeWrapper.EvtClose(eventsBuffer[i]); eventsBuffer[i] = IntPtr.Zero; } } this.numEventsInBuffer = 0; if (handle != null && !handle.IsInvalid) handle.Dispose(); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] internal void StartSubscribing() { if (this.isSubscribing) throw new InvalidOperationException(); int flag = 0; if (bookmark != null) flag |= (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.EvtSubscribeFlags.EvtSubscribeStartAfterBookmark; else if (this.readExistingEvents) flag |= (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.EvtSubscribeFlags.EvtSubscribeStartAtOldestRecord; else flag |= (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.EvtSubscribeFlags.EvtSubscribeToFutureEvents; if (this.eventQuery.TolerateQueryErrors) flag |= (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.EvtSubscribeFlags.EvtSubscribeTolerateQueryErrors; EventLogPermissionHolder.GetEventLogPermission().Demand(); this.callbackThreadId = -1; this.unregisterDoneHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.subscriptionWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); EventLogHandle bookmarkHandle = EventLogRecord.GetBookmarkHandleFromBookmark(bookmark); using (bookmarkHandle) { handle = NativeWrapper.EvtSubscribe(this.eventQuery.Session.Handle, this.subscriptionWaitHandle.SafeWaitHandle, this.eventQuery.Path, this.eventQuery.Query, bookmarkHandle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, flag); } this.isSubscribing = true; RequestEvents(); this.registeredWaitHandle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject( this.subscriptionWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(SubscribedEventsAvailableCallback), null, -1, false); } internal void SubscribedEventsAvailableCallback(object state, bool timedOut) { this.callbackThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; try { RequestEvents(); } finally { this.callbackThreadId = -1; } } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private void RequestEvents() { EventLogPermissionHolder.GetEventLogPermission().Demand(); this.asyncException = null; Debug.Assert(this. numEventsInBuffer == 0); bool results = false; do { if (!this.isSubscribing) break; try { results = NativeWrapper.EvtNext(this.handle, this.eventsBuffer.Length, this.eventsBuffer, 0, 0, ref this. numEventsInBuffer); if (!results) return; } catch (EventLogException e) { this.asyncException = e; } HandleEventsRequestCompletion(); } while (results); } private void IssueCallback(EventRecordWrittenEventArgs eventArgs) { if (EventRecordWritten != null) { EventRecordWritten(this, eventArgs); } } // marked as SecurityCritical because allocates SafeHandles. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] private void HandleEventsRequestCompletion() { if (this.asyncException != null) { EventRecordWrittenEventArgs args = new EventRecordWrittenEventArgs(this.asyncException); IssueCallback(args); } for (int i = 0; i < this. numEventsInBuffer; i++) { if (!this.isSubscribing) break; EventLogRecord record = new EventLogRecord(new EventLogHandle(this.eventsBuffer[i], true), this.eventQuery.Session, this.cachedMetadataInformation); EventRecordWrittenEventArgs args = new EventRecordWrittenEventArgs(record); this.eventsBuffer[i] = IntPtr.Zero; // user is responsible for calling Dispose(). IssueCallback(args); } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { StopSubscribing(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.numEventsInBuffer; i++) { if (eventsBuffer[i] != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeWrapper.EvtClose(eventsBuffer[i]); eventsBuffer[i] = IntPtr.Zero; } } this.numEventsInBuffer = 0; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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