HttpListenerRequest.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / HttpListenerRequest.cs / 3 / HttpListenerRequest.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Net { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; 

    internal enum ListenerClientCertState { 

    unsafe internal class ListenerClientCertAsyncResult : LazyAsyncResult { 
        private NativeOverlapped* m_pOverlapped;
        private byte[] m_BackingBuffer; 
        private UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* m_MemoryBlob; 
        private uint m_Size;
        internal NativeOverlapped* NativeOverlapped
                return m_pOverlapped;

        internal UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* RequestBlob 
                return m_MemoryBlob; 
        private static readonly IOCompletionCallback s_IOCallback = new IOCompletionCallback(WaitCallback);
        internal ListenerClientCertAsyncResult(object asyncObject, object userState, AsyncCallback callback, uint size) : base(asyncObject, userState, callback) {
            // we will use this overlapped structure to issue async IO to ul
            // the event handle will be put in by the BeginHttpApi2.ERROR_SUCCESS() method
        internal void Reset(uint size) { 
            if (size == m_Size)
            if (m_Size != 0)
            m_Size = size; 
            if (size == 0)
                m_pOverlapped = null;
                m_MemoryBlob = null;
                m_BackingBuffer = null;
            m_BackingBuffer = new byte[checked((int) size)]; 
            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped(); 
            overlapped.AsyncResult = this;
            m_pOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(s_IOCallback, m_BackingBuffer); 
            m_MemoryBlob = (UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO*) Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_BackingBuffer, 0);

        private static unsafe void WaitCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped) { 
            // take the ListenerClientCertAsyncResult object from the state
            Overlapped callbackOverlapped = Overlapped.Unpack(nativeOverlapped); 
            ListenerClientCertAsyncResult asyncResult = (ListenerClientCertAsyncResult) callbackOverlapped.AsyncResult; 

            GlobalLog.Print("ListenerClientCertAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(asyncResult) + "::WaitCallback() errorCode:[" + errorCode.ToString() + "] numBytes:[" + numBytes.ToString() + "] nativeOverlapped:[" + ((long)nativeOverlapped).ToString() + "]"); 

            HttpListenerRequest httpListenerRequest = (HttpListenerRequest) asyncResult.AsyncObject;
            object result = null;
            try { 
                if (errorCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA)
                    //There is a bug that has existed in http.sys since w2k3.  Bytesreceived will only 
                    //return the size of the inital cert structure.  To get the full size,
                    //we need to add the certificate encoding size as well. 

                    UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* pClientCertInfo = asyncResult.RequestBlob;
                    asyncResult.Reset(numBytes + pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize);
                    uint bytesReceived = 0;
                    errorCode = 
                    if(errorCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING){ 

                if (errorCode!=UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                    asyncResult.ErrorCode = (int)errorCode; 
                    result = new HttpListenerException((int)errorCode);
                else { 
                    UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* pClientCertInfo = asyncResult.m_MemoryBlob;
                    if (pClientCertInfo!=null) { 
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpListenerRequest) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() pClientCertInfo:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo)
                            + " pClientCertInfo->CertFlags:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertFlags)
                            + " pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize)
                            + " pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded) 
                            + " pClientCertInfo->Token:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->Token)
                            + " pClientCertInfo->CertDeniedByMapper:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertDeniedByMapper)); 
                        if (pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded!=null) { 
                            try {
                                byte[] certEncoded = new byte[pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize]; 
                                Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded, certEncoded, 0, certEncoded.Length);
                                result = httpListenerRequest.ClientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certEncoded);
                            catch (CryptographicException exception) { 
                                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpListenerRequest) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() caught CryptographicException in X509Certificate2..ctor():" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exception));
                                result = exception; 
                            catch (SecurityException exception) {
                                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpListenerRequest) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() caught SecurityException in X509Certificate2..ctor():" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exception)); 
                                result = exception;

                // complete the async IO and invoke the callback 
                GlobalLog.Print("ListenerClientCertAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(asyncResult) + "::WaitCallback() calling Complete()");
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception)) throw;
                result = exception; 
            finally {
                if(errorCode != UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING){ 
                    httpListenerRequest.ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.Completed;
        // Will be called from the base class upon InvokeCallback()
        protected override void Cleanup() 
            if (m_pOverlapped != null)
                m_MemoryBlob = null; 
                m_pOverlapped = null; 

            if (m_pOverlapped != null && !NclUtilities.HasShutdownStarted)
                m_pOverlapped = null;  // Must do this in case application calls GC.ReRegisterForFinalize().

    public sealed unsafe class HttpListenerRequest/* BaseHttpRequest, */  {
        private Uri m_RequestUri; 
        private ulong m_RequestId;
        internal ulong m_ConnectionId; 
        private SslStatus m_SslStatus;
        private string m_RawUrl;
        private string m_CookedUrl;
        private long m_ContentLength; 
        private Stream m_RequestStream;
        private string m_HttpMethod; 
        private TriState m_KeepAlive; 
        private Version m_Version;
        private WebHeaderCollection m_WebHeaders; 
        private IPEndPoint m_LocalEndPoint;
        private IPEndPoint m_RemoteEndPoint;
        private BoundaryType m_BoundaryType;
        private ListenerClientCertState m_ClientCertState; 
        private X509Certificate2 m_ClientCertificate;
        private int m_ClientCertificateError; 
        private RequestContextBase m_MemoryBlob; 
        private CookieCollection m_Cookies;
        private HttpListenerContext m_HttpContext; 
        private bool m_IsDisposed = false;
        internal const uint CertBoblSize = 1500;

        private enum SslStatus : byte

        internal HttpListenerRequest(HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
            if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext); 
            m_HttpContext = httpContext; 
            m_MemoryBlob = memoryBlob;
            m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None; 

            // Set up some of these now to avoid refcounting on memory blob later.
            m_RequestId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RequestId;
            m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->ConnectionId; 
            m_SslStatus = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo == null ? SslStatus.Insecure :
                memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo->SslClientCertNegotiated == 0 ? SslStatus.NoClientCert : 
            if (memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl != null && memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength > 0)
                m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength);
            if (memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl.pFullUrl != null && memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl.FullUrlLength > 0)
                m_CookedUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl.pFullUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl.FullUrlLength/2);
            m_Version = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MinorVersion); 
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
            GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() RequestId:" + RequestId + " ConnectionId:" + m_ConnectionId + " RawConnectionId:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawConnectionId + " UrlContext:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->UrlContext + " RawUrl:" + m_RawUrl + " CookedUrl:" + m_CookedUrl + " Version:" + m_Version.ToString() + " Secure:" + m_SslStatus.ToString()); 
            if(Logging.On)Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#"+ ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext)+ " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(HttpMethod));
            // Log headers
            if(Logging.On) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n"); 
                for (int i=0; i0) {
                        try { 
                            return Encoding.GetEncoding(postDataCharset);
                        catch (ArgumentException) {
                if (HasEntityBody) { 
                    if (ContentType!=null) {
                        string charSet = Helpers.GetAttributeFromHeader(ContentType, "charset"); 
                        if (charSet!=null) {
                            try {
                                return Encoding.GetEncoding(charSet);
                            catch (ArgumentException) {
                return Encoding.Default;
        public /* override */ long ContentLength64 {
            get { 
                if (m_BoundaryType==BoundaryType.None) { 
                    if (GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.TransferEncoding)==HttpWebRequest.ChunkedHeader) {
                        m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.Chunked; 
                        m_ContentLength = -1;
                    else {
                        m_ContentLength = 0; 
                        m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.ContentLength;
                        string length = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.ContentLength); 
                        if (length!=null) { 
                            bool success = long.TryParse(length, NumberStyles.None,  CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat, out m_ContentLength);
                            if (!success) { 
                                m_ContentLength = 0;
                                m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.Invalid;
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ContentLength_get() returning m_ContentLength:" + m_ContentLength + " m_BoundaryType:" + m_BoundaryType); 
                return m_ContentLength;

        public /* override */ string ContentType {
            get { 
                return GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType);

        public /* override */ NameValueCollection Headers { 
            get {
                if (m_WebHeaders==null) {
                    m_WebHeaders = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.GetHeaders(RequestBuffer, OriginalBlobAddress);
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Headers_get() returning#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_WebHeaders));
                return m_WebHeaders; 

        public /* override */ string HttpMethod {
            get {
                if (m_HttpMethod==null) { 
                    m_HttpMethod = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.GetVerb(RequestBuffer, OriginalBlobAddress);
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::HttpMethod_get() returning m_HttpMethod:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_HttpMethod)); 
                return m_HttpMethod;

        public /* override */ Stream InputStream {
            get { 
                if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.HttpListener, this, "InputStream_get", "");
                if (m_RequestStream==null) { 
                    m_RequestStream = HasEntityBody ? new HttpRequestStream(HttpListenerContext) : Stream.Null; 
                if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.HttpListener, this, "InputStream_get", ""); 
                return m_RequestStream;
        // Requires ControlPrincipal permission if the request was authenticated with Negotiate, NTLM, or Digest.
        public /* override */ bool IsAuthenticated { 
            get { 
                IPrincipal user = HttpListenerContext.User;
                return user != null && user.Identity != null && user.Identity.IsAuthenticated; 

        public /* override */ bool IsLocal { 
            get {
                return LocalEndPoint.Address==RemoteEndPoint.Address; 
        public /* override */ bool IsSecureConnection {
            get {
                return m_SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure;
        public /* override */ NameValueCollection QueryString { 
            get {
                NameValueCollection queryString = new NameValueCollection(); 
                Helpers.FillFromString(queryString, Url.Query, true, ContentEncoding);
                return queryString;

        public /* override */ string RawUrl { 
            get { 
                return m_RawUrl;

        public /* override */ Uri Url {
            get { 
                return RequestUri;

        public /* override */ Uri UrlReferrer { 
            get {
                string referrer = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.Referer);
                if (referrer==null) {
                    return null; 
                Uri urlReferrer; 
                bool success = Uri.TryCreate(referrer, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out urlReferrer); 
                return success ? urlReferrer : null;

        public /* override */ string UserAgent {
            get { 
                return GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent);

        public /* override */ string UserHostAddress { 
            get {
                return LocalEndPoint.ToString();

        public /* override */ string UserHostName { 
            get { 
                return GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.Host);

        public /* override */ string[] UserLanguages {
            get { 
                return Helpers.ParseMultivalueHeader(GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptLanguage));

        public int ClientCertificateError { 
            get {
                if (m_ClientCertState == ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_listener_mustcall, "GetClientCertificate()/BeginGetClientCertificate()"));
                else if (m_ClientCertState == ListenerClientCertState.InProgress) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_listener_mustcompletecall, "GetClientCertificate()/BeginGetClientCertificate()"));
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ClientCertificateError_get() returning ClientCertificateError:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_ClientCertificateError)); 
                return m_ClientCertificateError;

        internal X509Certificate2 ClientCertificate {
            set { 
                m_ClientCertificate = value;

        internal ListenerClientCertState ClientCertState { 
            set {
                m_ClientCertState = value;

        internal void SetClientCertificateError(int clientCertificateError) 
            m_ClientCertificateError = clientCertificateError;

        public X509Certificate2 GetClientCertificate() {
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.HttpListener, this, "GetClientCertificate", "");
            try { 
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetClientCertificate() returning m_ClientCertificate:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_ClientCertificate)); 
            } finally { 
                if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.HttpListener, this, "GetClientCertificate", ValidationHelper.ToString(m_ClientCertificate));
            return m_ClientCertificate;

        public IAsyncResult BeginGetClientCertificate(AsyncCallback requestCallback, object state) { 
            if(Logging.On)Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, "BeginGetClientCertificate", "");
            return AsyncProcessClientCertificate(requestCallback, state); 

        public X509Certificate2 EndGetClientCertificate(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { 
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.HttpListener, this, "EndGetClientCertificate", "");
            X509Certificate2 clientCertificate = null;
            try {
                if (asyncResult==null) { 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult");
                ListenerClientCertAsyncResult clientCertAsyncResult = asyncResult as ListenerClientCertAsyncResult; 
                if (clientCertAsyncResult==null || clientCertAsyncResult.AsyncObject!=this) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidasyncresult), "asyncResult"); 
                if (clientCertAsyncResult.EndCalled) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidendcall, "EndGetClientCertificate"));
                clientCertAsyncResult.EndCalled = true;
                clientCertificate = clientCertAsyncResult.InternalWaitForCompletion() as X509Certificate2; 
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::EndGetClientCertificate() returning m_ClientCertificate:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_ClientCertificate)); 
            } finally {
                if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.HttpListener, this, "EndGetClientCertificate", ValidationHelper.HashString(clientCertificate)); 
            return clientCertificate;
        CookieCollection ParseCookies(Uri uri, string setCookieHeader) {
            GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ParseCookies() uri:" + uri + " setCookieHeader:" + setCookieHeader); 
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection(); 
            CookieParser parser = new CookieParser(setCookieHeader);
            for (;;) { 
                Cookie cookie = parser.GetServer();
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ParseCookies() CookieParser returned cookie:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(cookie));
                if (cookie==null) {
                    // EOF, done. 
                if (cookie.Name.Length==0) { 
                cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true);
            return cookies;

        public CookieCollection Cookies { 
            get { 
                if (m_Cookies==null) {
                    string cookieString = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie); 
                    if (cookieString!=null && cookieString.Length>0) {
                        m_Cookies = ParseCookies(RequestUri, cookieString);
                    if (m_Cookies==null) { 
                        m_Cookies = new CookieCollection();
                    if (HttpListenerContext.PromoteCookiesToRfc2965) { 
                        for (int index=0; index 0 && m_BoundaryType == BoundaryType.ContentLength) ||
                    m_BoundaryType == BoundaryType.Chunked || m_BoundaryType == BoundaryType.Multipart;

        public /* override */ bool KeepAlive 
                if (m_KeepAlive == TriState.Unspecified)
                    string header = Headers[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ProxyConnection];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header)) 
                        header = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.Connection); 
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                        if (ProtocolVersion >= HttpVersion.Version11)
                            m_KeepAlive = TriState.True;
                            header = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.KeepAlive); 
                            m_KeepAlive = string.IsNullOrEmpty(header) ? TriState.False : TriState.True;
                        m_KeepAlive = header.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf("close") < 0 || header.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf("keep-alive") >= 0 ? TriState.True : TriState.False; 
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::KeepAlive_get() returning:" + m_KeepAlive);
                return m_KeepAlive == TriState.True; 

        public /* override */ IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint { 
            get {
                if (m_RemoteEndPoint==null) { 
                    m_RemoteEndPoint = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.GetRemoteEndPoint(RequestBuffer, OriginalBlobAddress); 
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RemoteEndPoint_get() returning:" + m_RemoteEndPoint); 
                return m_RemoteEndPoint;
        public /* override */ IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint {
            get { 
                if (m_LocalEndPoint==null) { 
                    m_LocalEndPoint = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.GetLocalEndPoint(RequestBuffer, OriginalBlobAddress);
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::LocalEndPoint_get() returning:" + m_LocalEndPoint);
                return m_LocalEndPoint;

        //should only be called from httplistenercontext 
        internal void Close() { 
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.HttpListener, this, "Close", "");
            RequestContextBase memoryBlob = m_MemoryBlob; 
            if (memoryBlob != null)
                m_MemoryBlob = null; 
            m_IsDisposed = true; 
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.HttpListener, this, "Close", ""); 

        private ListenerClientCertAsyncResult AsyncProcessClientCertificate(AsyncCallback requestCallback, object state) {
            if (m_ClientCertState == ListenerClientCertState.InProgress)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_listener_callinprogress, "GetClientCertificate()/BeginGetClientCertificate()")); 
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.InProgress;
            ListenerClientCertAsyncResult asyncResult = null;
			//When you configure the HTTP.SYS with a flag value 2
			//which means require client certificates, when the client makes the
			//initial SSL connection, server (HTTP.SYS) demands the client certificate
			//Some apps may not want to demand the client cert at the beginning
 			//perhaps server the default.htm. In this case the HTTP.SYS is configured 
 			//with a flag value other than 2, whcih means that the client certificate is 
			//optional.So intially when SSL is established HTTP.SYS won't ask for client
 			//certificate. This works fine for the default.htm in the case above 
			//However, if the app wants to demand a client certficate at a later time
			//perhaps showing "YOUR ORDERS" page, then the server wans to demand
			//Client certs. this will inturn makes HTTP.SYS to do the
 			//SEC_I_RENOGOTIATE through which the client cert demand is made 





            if (m_SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure)
                // at this point we know that DefaultFlags has the 2 bit set (Negotiate Client certificate)
                // the cert, though might or might not be there. try to retrieve it 
                // this number is the same that IIS decided to use 
                uint size = CertBoblSize;
                asyncResult = new ListenerClientCertAsyncResult(this, state, requestCallback, size); 
                try {
                    while (true)
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() calling UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate size:" + size); 
                        uint bytesReceived = 0;
                        uint statusCode = 
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() call to UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate returned:" + statusCode + " bytesReceived:" + bytesReceived);
                        if (statusCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA) 
                            UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* pClientCertInfo = asyncResult.RequestBlob;
                            size = bytesReceived + pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize;
                        if (statusCode != UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS && 
                            statusCode != UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
                            // someother bad error, possible(?) return values are: 
                            // Also ERROR_BAD_DATA if we got it twice or it reported smaller size buffer required.
                            throw new HttpListenerException((int)statusCode);
                catch {
                    if (asyncResult!=null) { 
            } else {
                asyncResult = new ListenerClientCertAsyncResult(this, state, requestCallback, 0); 
            return asyncResult; 

        private void ProcessClientCertificate() {
            if (m_ClientCertState == ListenerClientCertState.InProgress) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_listener_callinprogress, "GetClientCertificate()/BeginGetClientCertificate()"));
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.InProgress; 
            GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate()"); 
 			//When you configure the HTTP.SYS with a flag value 2 
			//which means require client certificates, when the client makes the
 			//initial SSL connection, server (HTTP.SYS) demands the client certificate
			//Some apps may not want to demand the client cert at the beginning 
 			//perhaps server the default.htm. In this case the HTTP.SYS is configured
			//with a flag value other than 2, whcih means that the client certificate is 
			//optional.So intially when SSL is established HTTP.SYS won't ask for client 
			//certificate. This works fine for the default.htm in the case above
 			//However, if the app wants to demand a client certficate at a later time 
			//perhaps showing "YOUR ORDERS" page, then the server wans to demand
 			//Client certs. this will inturn makes HTTP.SYS to do the
 			//SEC_I_RENOGOTIATE through which the client cert demand is made




            if (m_SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure)
                // at this point we know that DefaultFlags has the 2 bit set (Negotiate Client certificate) 
                // the cert, though might or might not be there. try to retrieve it
                // this number is the same that IIS decided to use 
                uint size = CertBoblSize; 
                while (true)
                    byte[] clientCertInfoBlob = new byte[checked((int) size)];
                    fixed (byte* pClientCertInfoBlob = clientCertInfoBlob)
                        UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO* pClientCertInfo = (UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO*) pClientCertInfoBlob; 

                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() calling UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate size:" + size); 
                        uint bytesReceived = 0; 

                        uint statusCode = 
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() call to UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate returned:" + statusCode + " bytesReceived:" + bytesReceived);
                        if (statusCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
                            size = bytesReceived + pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize;
                        else if (statusCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS) { 
                            if (pClientCertInfo!=null) { 
                                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() pClientCertInfo:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo)
                                    + " pClientCertInfo->CertFlags:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertFlags) 
                                    + " pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize)
                                    + " pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded)
                                    + " pClientCertInfo->Token:" + ValidationHelper.ToString((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->Token)
                                    + " pClientCertInfo->CertDeniedByMapper:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pClientCertInfo->CertDeniedByMapper)); 
                                if (pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded!=null) {
                                    try { 
                                        byte[] certEncoded = new byte[pClientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize]; 
                                        Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)pClientCertInfo->pCertEncoded, certEncoded, 0, certEncoded.Length);
                                        m_ClientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certEncoded); 
                                    catch (CryptographicException exception) {
                                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() caught CryptographicException in X509Certificate2..ctor():" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exception));
                                    catch (SecurityException exception) {
                                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ProcessClientCertificate() caught SecurityException in X509Certificate2..ctor():" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exception)); 
                                m_ClientCertificateError = (int)pClientCertInfo->CertFlags; 
                        else {
                            GlobalLog.Assert(statusCode == UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "HttpListenerRequest#{0}::ProcessClientCertificate()|Call to UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate() failed with statusCode {1}.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this), statusCode); 
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.Completed;

        private string RequestScheme { 
            get {
                return IsSecureConnection ? "https://" : "http://"; 
        private Uri RequestUri {
            get {
                if (m_RequestUri==null) {
                    bool success = false; 
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CookedUrl))
                        success = Uri.TryCreate(m_CookedUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out m_RequestUri); 
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RequestUri_get() m_CookedUrl:[" + m_CookedUrl + "] Uri.TryCreate() returned:" + success);
                    if (!success && RawUrl != null && RawUrl.Length > 0 && RawUrl[0] != '/')
                        success = Uri.TryCreate(RawUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out m_RequestUri);
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RequestUri_get() RawUrl:[" + RawUrl + "] Uri.TryCreate() returned:" + success); 
                    if (!success /* && pRequest->CookedUrl.pHost!=null && pRequest->CookedUrl.HostLength>0 */) 
                        string host = RequestScheme + UserHostName;
                        if (RawUrl!=null && RawUrl.Length>0) { 
                            if (RawUrl[0]!='/') {
                                host += "/" + RawUrl;
                            else { 
                                host += RawUrl;
                        else {
                            host += "/"; 
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RequestUri [before] host:[" + host + "] Uri.TryCreate() returned:" + success);
                        success = Uri.TryCreate(host, UriKind.Absolute, out m_RequestUri);
                        GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RequestUri host:[" + host + "] Uri.TryCreate() returned:" + success); 
                GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::RequestUri_get() returning m_RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_RequestUri)); 
                return m_RequestUri;

        private DateTime IfModifiedSince { 
            get {
                string headerValue = GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader.IfModifiedSince); 
                if (headerValue==null) { 
                    return DateTime.Now;
                return DateTime.Parse(headerValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        private string GetKnownHeader(HttpRequestHeader header) { 
            return UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.GetKnownHeader(RequestBuffer, OriginalBlobAddress, (int) header); 
        internal void CheckDisposed() {
            if (m_IsDisposed) {
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName);
        // < 


        static class Helpers {
            // Get attribute off header value
            internal static String GetAttributeFromHeader(String headerValue, String attrName) { 
                if (headerValue == null)
                    return null; 

                int l = headerValue.Length;
                int k = attrName.Length;
               // find properly separated attribute name
                int i = 1; // start searching from 1 
                while (i < l) {
                    i = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(headerValue, attrName, i, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); 
                    if (i < 0)
                    if (i+k >= l)

                    char chPrev = headerValue[i-1]; 
                    char chNext = headerValue[i+k]; 
                    if ((chPrev == ';' || chPrev == ',' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chPrev)) && (chNext == '=' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chNext)))

                    i += k;
                if (i < 0 || i >= l)
                    return null; 
               // skip to '=' and the following whitespaces
                i += k; 
                while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i]))
                if (i >= l || headerValue[i] != '=')
                    return null; 
                while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i])) 
                if (i >= l)
                    return null; 

               // parse the value
                String attrValue = null;
                int j;
                if (i < l && headerValue[i] == '"') { 
                    if (i == l-1)
                        return null; 
                    j = headerValue.IndexOf('"', i+1);
                    if (j < 0 || j == i+1)
                        return null;
                    attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i+1, j-i-1).Trim();
                else { 
                    for (j = i; j < l; j++) {
                        if (headerValue[j] == ' ' || headerValue[j] == ',') 

                    if (j == i) 
                        return null;
                    attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); 
                return attrValue;

            internal static String[] ParseMultivalueHeader(String s) { 
                int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0;
                if (l == 0) 
                    return null; 

               // collect comma-separated values into list 

                ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
                int i = 0;
                while (i < l) {
                   // find next , 
                    int ci = s.IndexOf(',', i); 
                    if (ci < 0)
                        ci = l; 

                   // append corresponding server value
                    values.Add(s.Substring(i, ci-i));
                   // move to next
                    i = ci+1; 
                   // skip leading space
                    if (i < l && s[i] == ' ') 

               // return list as array of strings 

                int n = values.Count; 
                if (n == 0) 
                    return null;
                String[] strings = new String[n];
                values.CopyTo(0, strings, 0, n);
                return strings;

            private static string UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(string s, Encoding e) { 
                int count = s.Length;
                UrlDecoder helper = new UrlDecoder(count, e); 

                // go through the string's chars collapsing %XX and %uXXXX and
                // appending each char as char, with exception of %XX constructs
                // that are appended as bytes 

                for (int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { 
                    char ch = s[pos]; 

                    if (ch == '+') { 
                        ch = ' ';
                    else if (ch == '%' && pos < count-2) {
                        if (s[pos+1] == 'u' && pos < count-5) { 
                            int h1 = HexToInt(s[pos+2]);
                            int h2 = HexToInt(s[pos+3]); 
                            int h3 = HexToInt(s[pos+4]); 
                            int h4 = HexToInt(s[pos+5]);
                            if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0 && h3 >= 0 && h4 >= 0) {   // valid 4 hex chars
                                ch = (char)((h1 << 12) | (h2 << 8) | (h3 << 4) | h4);
                                pos += 5;
                                // only add as char
                        else {
                            int h1 = HexToInt(s[pos+1]);
                            int h2 = HexToInt(s[pos+2]);
                            if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0) {     // valid 2 hex chars
                                byte b = (byte)((h1 << 4) | h2); 
                                pos += 2; 

                                // don't add as char 
                    if ((ch & 0xFF80) == 0) 
                        helper.AddByte((byte)ch); // 7 bit have to go as bytes because of Unicode

                return helper.GetString(); 
            private static int HexToInt(char h) { 
                return( h >= '0' && h <= '9' ) ? h - '0' :
                ( h >= 'a' && h <= 'f' ) ? h - 'a' + 10 : 
                ( h >= 'A' && h <= 'F' ) ? h - 'A' + 10 :
            private class UrlDecoder {
                private int _bufferSize; 
                // Accumulate characters in a special array
                private int _numChars; 
                private char[] _charBuffer;

                // Accumulate bytes for decoding into characters in a special array
                private int _numBytes; 
                private byte[] _byteBuffer;
                // Encoding to convert chars to bytes 
                private Encoding _encoding;
                private void FlushBytes() {
                    if (_numBytes > 0) {
                        _numChars += _encoding.GetChars(_byteBuffer, 0, _numBytes, _charBuffer, _numChars);
                        _numBytes = 0; 
                internal UrlDecoder(int bufferSize, Encoding encoding) {
                    _bufferSize = bufferSize; 
                    _encoding = encoding;

                    _charBuffer = new char[bufferSize];
                    // byte buffer created on demand 
                internal void AddChar(char ch) { 
                    if (_numBytes > 0)

                    _charBuffer[_numChars++] = ch;
                internal void AddByte(byte b) {
                    // if there are no pending bytes treat 7 bit bytes as characters 
                    // this optimization is temp disable as it doesn't work for some encodings 
                    if (_numBytes == 0 && ((b & 0x80) == 0)) { 
                        if (_byteBuffer == null) 
                            _byteBuffer = new byte[_bufferSize]; 

                        _byteBuffer[_numBytes++] = b; 

                internal String GetString() { 
                    if (_numBytes > 0)
                    if (_numChars > 0)
                        return new String(_charBuffer, 0, _numChars); 
                        return String.Empty;

            internal static void FillFromString(NameValueCollection nvc, String s, bool urlencoded, Encoding encoding) { 
                int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0;
                int i = (s.Length>0 && s[0]=='?') ? 1 : 0; 

                while (i < l) {
                    // find next & while noting first = on the way (and if there are more)
                    int si = i;
                    int ti = -1; 
                    while (i < l) {
                        char ch = s[i]; 

                        if (ch == '=') {
                            if (ti < 0)
                                ti = i; 
                        else if (ch == '&') { 

                    // extract the name / value pair 

                    String name = null; 
                    String value = null; 

                    if (ti >= 0) { 
                        name = s.Substring(si, ti-si);
                        value = s.Substring(ti+1, i-ti-1);
                    else { 
                        value = s.Substring(si, i-si);
                    // add name / value pair to the collection
                    if (urlencoded)
                           name == null ? null : UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(name, encoding),
                           UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(value, encoding)); 
                        nvc.Add(name, value); 
                    // trailing '&'
                    if (i == l-1 && s[i] == '&')
                        nvc.Add(null, "");



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