FixedNode.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / FixedNode.cs / 1305600 / FixedNode.cs

//      Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      FixedNode is an immutable type that represents a fast and 
//      efficient way to orderly locate an element in a fixed document 
//      It is inserted into Fixed Order, which provides a linear view
//      of the fixed document. 
// History:
//      11/03/2003 - Zhenbin Xu (ZhenbinX) - Created.
//      06/02/2004 - Zhenbin Xu (ZhenbinX) - Change it to immutable struct 
//                                           and rename it to FixedNode
//      11/16/2004 - Zhenbin Xu (ZhenbinX) - Added support for addressing nested element. 

namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using System; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Text; 

    /// FixedNode is an immutable type that represents a fast and
    /// efficient way to locate an element in a fixed document. All elements
    /// are leaf nodes of a fixed document tree. 
    /// It is inserted into Fixed Order to provide a linear view 
    /// of the fixed document. 
    /// Usage: 
    /// 1. Given a FixedNode, get the element it refers to (Glyphs/Image/etc. GetText etc.)
    /// 2. Given a Glyphs, construct its FixedNode representation (Page Analysis/HitTesting)
    /// 3. Given a FixedNode, find out which FlowNode it maps to.
    /// 4. Given a FixedNode, compare its relative position with another FixedNode in Fixed Order. 
    /// 5. Used to represent artifical boundary (page/document) node.
    /// Design: 
    /// FixedNode contains a path array that indicates the path from top most container 
    /// to the leaf node. Example:
    /// +------------------+
    /// | P# | ChildIndex  |            1st Level Leaf Node 
    /// +------------------+
    /// +--------------------------------+ 
    /// | P# | ChildIndex  | ChildIndex  |  2nd Level Leaf Node
    /// +--------------------------------+ 
    /// +---------------------------------------------+
    /// | P# | ChildIndex  | ChildIndex  | ChildIndex |  3rd Level Leaf Node
    /// +---------------------------------------------+ 
    /// etc. 
    /// Although I have carefully considered alternative designs that does not
    /// require using a fixed array, that uses clever schema to fully utilize 
    /// the entire uint32 address space, The Type Safty feature of CLR makes
    /// it difficult to efficiently handle overflow situation (deep nesting
    /// level leaf node).
    /// The Array approach has its virtue of simplicity.
    /// The real Page index always starts at 0, ends at n-1 
    /// The real Index always starts at 0, ends at n-1
    /// Any index outside of the range is position mark. 
    internal struct FixedNode : IComparable
        // Static Method 
        // Factory method to create a fixed node from its path
        // Avoiding create ArrayList if possible
        // Most common case childLevel is either 1, 2  level deep.
        // level 0 is always the page 
        internal static FixedNode Create(int pageIndex, int childLevels, int level1Index, int level2Index, int[] childPath)
            Debug.Assert(childLevels >= 1); 
            switch (childLevels)
                case 1:
                    return new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index);

                case 2: 
                    return new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index, level2Index);
                    return FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, childPath);

        internal static FixedNode Create(int pageIndex, int[] childPath)
            Debug.Assert(childPath != null);
            int[] completePath = new int[childPath.Length + 1]; 
            completePath[0] = pageIndex; 
            childPath.CopyTo(completePath, 1);
            return new FixedNode(completePath);

        // Connstructors 
        #region Constructors
        /// Ctor for common case of Level 1 leaf node
        private FixedNode(int page, int level1Index)
            _path = new int[2]; 
            _path[0] = page;
            _path[1] = level1Index; 


        // Ctor for common case Level 2 leaf node
        private FixedNode(int page, int level1Index, int level2Index) 
            _path = new int[3];
            _path[0] = page; 
            _path[1] = level1Index;
            _path[2] = level2Index;
        // Ctor for deep nesting case
        private FixedNode(int[] path) 
            Debug.Assert(path != null && path.Length >= 2); // At least a page index and an element index
            _path = path; 
        #endregion Constructors

        // Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods
        // IComparable Override
        public int CompareTo(object o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o"); 
            if (o.GetType() != typeof(FixedNode))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, o.GetType(), typeof(FixedNode)), "o");

            FixedNode fixedp = (FixedNode)o; 
            return CompareTo(fixedp); 

        // Strongly typed compare function to avoid boxing
        // This function wil return 0 if two nodes are parent
        // and child relationship. 
        // Positive means this node is before the input node.
        // Negative means this node is after the input node. 
        public int CompareTo(FixedNode fixedNode) 
            int comp = this.Page.CompareTo(fixedNode.Page); 
            if (comp == 0)
                // compare index when two FixedNodes are in the same page
                int level = 1; 
                while (level <= this.ChildLevels && level <= fixedNode.ChildLevels)
                    int thisIndex   = this[level]; 
                    int fixedNodeIndex = fixedNode[level];
                    if (thisIndex == fixedNodeIndex) 
                    return thisIndex.CompareTo(fixedNodeIndex);
            return comp;

        /// childPath doesn't not include the PageNumberIndex
        /// This function wil return 0 if two nodes are parent 
        /// and child relationship.
        /// Positive means this node is before the input node. 
        /// Negative means this node is after the input node. 
        internal int ComparetoIndex(int[] childPath)
            for (int i = 0; i < childPath.Length && i < _path.Length - 1; i++) 
                if (childPath[i] == _path[i + 1]) 

                return childPath[i].CompareTo(_path[i + 1]); 
            return 0;
        public static bool operator <(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2)
            return fp1.CompareTo(fp2) < 0; 
        public static bool operator <=(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2)
            return fp1.CompareTo(fp2) <= 0;

        public static bool operator >(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2) 
            return fp1.CompareTo(fp2) > 0;

        public static bool operator >=(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2)
            return fp1.CompareTo(fp2) >= 0; 
        /// Compares this FixedNode with the passed in object 
        /// The object to compare to "this"
        /// bool - true if the FixedNodes are equal, false otherwise
        public override bool Equals(object o) 
            if (o is FixedNode) 
                return Equals((FixedNode)o);

            return false;

        // Strongly typed version of Equals to avoid boxing 
        public bool Equals(FixedNode fixedp) 
            return (this.CompareTo(fixedp) == 0); 

        public static bool operator ==(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2) 
            return fp1.Equals(fp2); 

        public static bool operator !=(FixedNode fp1, FixedNode fp2) 
            return !fp1.Equals(fp2);

        /// Returns the HashCode for this FixedNode
        /// int the HashCode for this FixedNode
        public override int GetHashCode()
            //return _path.GetHashCode(); 
 			int hash = 0;
			foreach (int i in _path) 
				hash = 43 * hash + i;
			return hash;

#if DEBUG 
        /// Create a string representation of this object 
        /// string - A string representation of this object
        public override string ToString() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "P{0}-", _path[0]));
            for (int i = 1; i < _path.Length; i++) 
                sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}]", _path[i])); 
            return sb.ToString();
        #endregion Public Methods

        // Public Properties 
        // Public Events
        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 
        #endregion Internal Methods
        // Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 
        internal int Page
                return _path[0]; 

        // Accessor to different level of the path 
        // Level 0 is always the page index.
        // element index inside the page start from Level 1. 
        internal int this[int level] 
                Debug.Assert(level < _path.Length);
                return _path[level];
        // element path levels 
        // it is always greater than 1.
        internal int ChildLevels 
                Debug.Assert(_path.Length >= 2); 
                return _path.Length - 1;

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        #endregion Private Methods 

        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private readonly int[] _path;   // path (including PageIndex) to the leaf node 
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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