FlowDocumentView.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / documents / FlowDocumentView.cs / 1305600 / FlowDocumentView.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: FlowDocumentView.cs 
// Description: Provides a view port for content of FlowDocument formatted 
//              bottomless area. 
// History: 
//  11/07/2005 : [....] - created.
using System;                               // Object
using System.Windows;                       // Size 
using System.Windows.Controls;              // ScrollViewer 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;   // IScrollInfo
using System.Windows.Documents;             // FlowDocument 
using System.Windows.Media;                 // Visual
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;         // RenderTargetBitmap
using MS.Internal.PtsHost;                  // FlowDocumentPage
using MS.Internal.Text;                     // TextDpi 

namespace MS.Internal.Documents 
    /// Provides a view port for content of FlowDocument formatted bottomless area. 
    internal class FlowDocumentView : FrameworkElement, IScrollInfo, IServiceProvider
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        /// Static Constructor 
        static FlowDocumentView() 
        /// Constructor
        internal FlowDocumentView() 
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Protected Methods
        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Content measurement.
        /// Constraint size.
        /// Computed desired size. 
        protected sealed override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            Size desiredSize = new Size(); 

            if (_suspendLayout) 
                desiredSize = this.DesiredSize;
            else if (Document != null) 
                // Create bottomless formatter, if necessary. 

                // Format bottomless content. 

                // DesiredSize is set to the calculated size of the page.
                // If hosted by ScrollViewer, desired size is limited to constraint. 
                if (_scrollData != null)
                    desiredSize.Width = Math.Min(constraint.Width, _formatter.DocumentPage.Size.Width); 
                    desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(constraint.Height, _formatter.DocumentPage.Size.Height);
                    desiredSize = _formatter.DocumentPage.Size;
            return desiredSize; 

        /// Content arrangement.
        /// Size that element should use to arrange itself and its children.
        protected sealed override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) 
            Rect viewport = Rect.Empty; 
            Vector offset; 
            bool invalidateScrollInfo = false;
            Size safeArrangeSize = arrangeSize; 

            if (!_suspendLayout)
                // Convert to TextDpi and convert back to double, to make sure that we are not 
                // getting rounding errors later.
                TextDpi.SnapToTextDpi(ref safeArrangeSize); 
                if (Document != null)
                    // Create bottomless formatter, if necessary.

                    // Arrange bottomless content. 
                    if (_scrollData != null)
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Viewport, safeArrangeSize)) 
                            _scrollData.Viewport = safeArrangeSize; 
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true;

                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Extent, _formatter.DocumentPage.Size)) 
                            _scrollData.Extent = _formatter.DocumentPage.Size; 
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true; 
                            // DocumentPage Size is calculated by converting double to int and then back to double.
                            // This conversion may produce rounding errors and force us to show scrollbars in cases 
                            // when extent is within 1px from viewport. To workaround this issue, snap extent to viewport
                            // if we are within 1px range.
                            if (Math.Abs(_scrollData.ExtentWidth - _scrollData.ViewportWidth) < 1)
                                _scrollData.ExtentWidth = _scrollData.ViewportWidth;
                            if (Math.Abs(_scrollData.ExtentHeight - _scrollData.ViewportHeight) < 1) 
                                _scrollData.ExtentHeight = _scrollData.ViewportHeight; 
                        offset = new Vector(
                            Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentWidth - _scrollData.ViewportWidth, _scrollData.HorizontalOffset)), 
                            Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentHeight - _scrollData.ViewportHeight, _scrollData.VerticalOffset)));
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData.Offset)) 
                            _scrollData.Offset = offset;
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true; 
                        if (invalidateScrollInfo && _scrollData.ScrollOwner != null)
                        viewport = new Rect(_scrollData.HorizontalOffset, _scrollData.VerticalOffset, safeArrangeSize.Width, safeArrangeSize.Height); 
                    _formatter.Arrange(safeArrangeSize, viewport);
                    // Connect to visual tree.
                    if (_pageVisual != _formatter.DocumentPage.Visual)
                        if (_textView != null) 
                        if (_pageVisual != null)
                        _pageVisual = (PageVisual)_formatter.DocumentPage.Visual;
                    // Set appropriate content offset 
                    if (_scrollData != null)
                        _pageVisual.Offset = new Vector(-_scrollData.HorizontalOffset, -_scrollData.VerticalOffset);

                    // DocumentPage.Visual is always returned in LeftToRight FlowDirection. 
                    // Hence, if the the current FlowDirection is RightToLeft,
                    // mirroring transform need to be applied to the content. 
                    PtsHelper.UpdateMirroringTransform(FlowDirection, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, _pageVisual, safeArrangeSize.Width); 
                    if (_pageVisual != null)
                        if (_textView != null) 
                        _pageVisual = null; 
                    // Arrange bottomless content.
                    if (_scrollData != null)
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Viewport, safeArrangeSize))
                            _scrollData.Viewport = safeArrangeSize; 
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true;
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Extent, new Size()))
                            _scrollData.Extent = new Size();
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true; 
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Offset, new Vector())) 
                            _scrollData.Offset = new Vector();
                            invalidateScrollInfo = true; 
                        if (invalidateScrollInfo && _scrollData.ScrollOwner != null)
            return arrangeSize; 

        /// Returns visual child at specified index. FlowDocumentView has just one child. 
        protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) 
            if (index != 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange));
            return _pageVisual;

        #endregion Protected Methods 
        //  Protected Properties
        #region Protected Properties
        /// Returns number of children. FlowDocumentView has just one child.
        protected override int VisualChildrenCount
                return _pageVisual == null ? 0 : 1;

        #endregion Protected Properties 

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Suspends page layout.
        internal void SuspendLayout() 
            _suspendLayout = true; 
            if (_pageVisual != null) 
                _pageVisual.Opacity = 0.5; 

        /// Resumes page layout.
        internal void ResumeLayout() 
            _suspendLayout = false; 
            if (_pageVisual != null)
                _pageVisual.Opacity = 1.0;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        /// BreakRecordTable.
        internal FlowDocument Document
                return _document; 
                if (_formatter != null)
                    HandleFormatterSuspended(_formatter, EventArgs.Empty); 
                _suspendLayout = false; 
                _textView = null; 
                _document = value;
                InvalidateVisual(); //ensure re-rendering
        /// DocumentPage. 
        internal FlowDocumentPage DocumentPage
                if (_document != null)
                    return _formatter.DocumentPage; 
                return null;

        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        /// Ensures valid instance of FlowDocumentFormatter.
        private void EnsureFormatter() 
            Invariant.Assert(_document != null); 
            if (_formatter == null)
                _formatter = _document.BottomlessFormatter;
                _formatter.ContentInvalidated += new EventHandler(HandleContentInvalidated); 
                _formatter.Suspended += new EventHandler(HandleFormatterSuspended);
            Invariant.Assert(_formatter == _document.BottomlessFormatter); 
        /// Responds to content invalidation.
        private void HandleContentInvalidated(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(sender == _formatter); 
            InvalidateVisual(); //ensure re-rendering

        /// Responds to formatter suspention.
        private void HandleFormatterSuspended(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(sender == _formatter); 

            // Disconnect formatter. 
            _formatter.ContentInvalidated -= new EventHandler(HandleContentInvalidated);
            _formatter.Suspended -= new EventHandler(HandleFormatterSuspended);
            _formatter = null;
            // Disconnect any content associated with the formatter.
            if (_pageVisual != null && !_suspendLayout) 
                if (_textView != null)
                _pageVisual = null; 
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields 

        private FlowDocument _document;             // Hosted FlowDocument 
        private PageVisual _pageVisual;             // Visual representing the content
        private FlowDocumentFormatter _formatter;   // Bottomless formatter associated with FlowDocument
        private ScrollData _scrollData;             // IScrollInfo related data, if hosted by ScrollViewer
        private DocumentPageTextView _textView;     // TextView associated with this element. 
        private bool _suspendLayout;                // Layout of the page is suspended.
        #endregion Private Fields 

        //  IScrollInfo Members

        #region IScrollInfo Members 
        void IScrollInfo.LineUp()
            if (_scrollData != null) 
        void IScrollInfo.LineDown() 
            if (_scrollData != null) 

        void IScrollInfo.LineLeft() 
            if (_scrollData != null)
        void IScrollInfo.LineRight()
            if (_scrollData != null)
        void IScrollInfo.PageUp()
            if (_scrollData != null)

        void IScrollInfo.PageDown()
            if (_scrollData != null)

        void IScrollInfo.PageLeft()
            if (_scrollData != null) 

        void IScrollInfo.PageRight() 
            if (_scrollData != null) 

        void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelUp() 
            if (_scrollData != null)
        void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelDown()
            if (_scrollData != null) 
        void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelLeft() 
            if (_scrollData != null) 

        void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelRight() 
            if (_scrollData != null)
        void IScrollInfo.SetHorizontalOffset(double offset)
            if (_scrollData != null)
                _scrollData.SetHorizontalOffset(this, offset);
        void IScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset(double offset)
            if (_scrollData != null)
                _scrollData.SetVerticalOffset(this, offset);

        Rect IScrollInfo.MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle)
            if (_scrollData == null)
                rectangle = Rect.Empty; 
                rectangle = _scrollData.MakeVisible(this, visual, rectangle);
            return rectangle;
        bool IScrollInfo.CanVerticallyScroll
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll : false; 
                if (_scrollData != null)
                    _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll = value;
        bool IScrollInfo.CanHorizontallyScroll
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll : false; 
                if (_scrollData != null)
                    _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll = value;
        double IScrollInfo.ExtentWidth
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentWidth : 0; 
        double IScrollInfo.ExtentHeight 
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentHeight : 0;

        double IScrollInfo.ViewportWidth 
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportWidth : 0;
        double IScrollInfo.ViewportHeight
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportHeight : 0;
        double IScrollInfo.HorizontalOffset
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.HorizontalOffset : 0;

        double IScrollInfo.VerticalOffset
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.VerticalOffset : 0; 

        ScrollViewer IScrollInfo.ScrollOwner
                return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ScrollOwner : null; 

                if (_scrollData == null)
                    // Create cached scroll info. 
                    _scrollData = new ScrollData();
                _scrollData.SetScrollOwner(this, value);
        #endregion IScrollInfo Members
        //  IServiceProvider Members 

        #region IServiceProvider Members 

        /// Gets the service object of the specified type. 
        /// An object that specifies the type of service object to get.
        /// A service object of type serviceType. A null reference if there is no 
        /// service object of type serviceType.
        object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) 
            object service = null; 

            if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView))
                if (_textView == null && _document != null) 
                    _textView = new DocumentPageTextView(this, _document.StructuralCache.TextContainer); 
                service = _textView;
            else if (serviceType == typeof(ITextContainer))
                if (Document != null)
                    service = Document.StructuralCache.TextContainer as TextContainer;

            return service; 

        #endregion IServiceProvider Members

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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