/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / HttpRequest.cs / 12 / HttpRequest.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Request intrinsic * * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation */ namespace System.Web { using System; using System.Text; using System.Configuration.Assemblies; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Management; // enumeration of dynamic server variables internal enum DynamicServerVariable { AUTH_TYPE = 1, AUTH_USER = 2, PATH_INFO = 3, PATH_TRANSLATED = 4, QUERY_STRING = 5, SCRIPT_NAME = 6 }; internal enum HttpVerb { Unparsed = 0, // must be 0 so that it's zero-init value is Unparsed Unknown, GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, DEBUG, DELETE, } ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public sealed class HttpRequest { // worker request private HttpWorkerRequest _wr; // context private HttpContext _context; // properties private String _httpMethod; private HttpVerb _httpVerb; private String _requestType; private VirtualPath _path; private String _rewrittenUrl; private bool _computePathInfo; private VirtualPath _filePath; private VirtualPath _currentExecutionFilePath; private VirtualPath _pathInfo; private String _queryStringText; private bool _queryStringOverriden; private byte[] _queryStringBytes; private String _pathTranslated; private String _contentType; private int _contentLength = -1; private String _clientTarget; private String[] _acceptTypes; private String[] _userLanguages; private HttpBrowserCapabilities _browsercaps; private Uri _url; private Uri _referrer; private HttpInputStream _inputStream; private HttpClientCertificate _clientCertificate; private WindowsIdentity _logonUserIdentity; // collections private HttpValueCollection _params; private HttpValueCollection _queryString; private HttpValueCollection _form; private HttpHeaderCollection _headers; private HttpServerVarsCollection _serverVariables; private HttpCookieCollection _cookies; private HttpFileCollection _files; // content (to be read once) private HttpRawUploadedContent _rawContent; private bool _readEntityBody; private MultipartContentElement[] _multipartContentElements; // encoding (for content and query string) private Encoding _encoding; // content filtering private HttpInputStreamFilterSource _filterSource; private Stream _installedFilter; // Input validation #pragma warning disable 0649 private SimpleBitVector32 _flags; #pragma warning restore 0649 // const masks into the BitVector32 private const int needToValidateQueryString = 0x0001; private const int needToValidateForm = 0x0002; private const int needToValidateCookies = 0x0004; private const int needToValidateHeaders = 0x0008; private const int needToValidateServerVariables = 0x0010; private const int contentEncodingResolved = 0x0020; private const int needToValidatePostedFiles = 0x0040; private const int needToValidateRawUrl = 0x0080; // Browser caps one-time evaluator objects internal static object s_browserLock = new object(); internal static bool s_browserCapsEvaled = false; /* * Internal constructor to create requests * that have associated HttpWorkerRequest * * @param wr HttpWorkerRequest */ internal HttpRequest(HttpWorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) { _wr = wr; _context = context; } /* * Public constructor for request that come from arbitrary place * * @param filename physical file name * @param queryString query string */ ////// Enables /// type-safe browser to server communication. Used to gain access to HTTP request data /// elements supplied by a client. /// ////// public HttpRequest(String filename, String url, String queryString) { _wr = null; _pathTranslated = filename; _httpMethod = "GET"; _url = new Uri(url); _path = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(_url.AbsolutePath); _queryStringText = queryString; _queryStringOverriden = true; _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(_queryStringText, true, true, Encoding.Default); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_EXECUTING); } internal HttpRequest(VirtualPath virtualPath, String queryString) { _wr = null; _pathTranslated = virtualPath.MapPath(); _httpMethod = "GET"; _url = new Uri("http://localhost" + virtualPath.VirtualPathString); _path = virtualPath; _queryStringText = queryString; _queryStringOverriden = true; _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(_queryStringText, true, true, Encoding.Default); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_EXECUTING); } internal byte[] EntityBody { get { return _readEntityBody ? _rawContent.GetAsByteArray() : null; } } internal string ClientTarget { get { return (_clientTarget == null) ? String.Empty : _clientTarget; } set { _clientTarget = value; // force re-create of browser caps _browsercaps = null; } } internal HttpContext Context { get { return _context; } set { _context = value; } } /* * internal response object */ internal HttpResponse Response { get { if (_context == null) return null; return _context.Response; } } /* * Internal property to determine if request is local */ public bool IsLocal { get { String remoteAddress = UserHostAddress; // if unknown, assume not local if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteAddress)) return false; // check if localhost if (remoteAddress == "" || remoteAddress == "::1") return true; // compare with local address if (remoteAddress == LocalAddress) return true; return false; } } /* * Cleanup code */ internal void Dispose() { if (_serverVariables != null) _serverVariables.Dispose(); // disconnect from request if (_rawContent != null) _rawContent.Dispose(); // remove temp file with uploaded content // } // // Misc private methods to fill in collections from HttpWorkerRequest // properties // private static String[] ParseMultivalueHeader(String s) { int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; if (l == 0) return null; // collect comma-separated values into list ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { // find next , int ci = s.IndexOf(',', i); if (ci < 0) ci = l; // append corresponding server value values.Add(s.Substring(i, ci-i)); // move to next i = ci+1; // skip leading space if (i < l && s[i] == ' ') i++; } // return list as array of strings int n = values.Count; if (n == 0) return null; String[] strings = new String[n]; values.CopyTo(0, strings, 0, n); return strings; } // // Query string collection support // private void FillInQueryStringCollection() { // try from raw bytes when available (better for globalization) byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { if (rawQueryString.Length != 0) _queryString.FillFromEncodedBytes(rawQueryString, QueryStringEncoding); } else if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.QueryStringText))) { _queryString.FillFromString(this.QueryStringText, true, QueryStringEncoding); } } // // Form collection support // private void FillInFormCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; if (!_wr.HasEntityBody()) return; String contentType = this.ContentType; if (contentType == null) return; if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { // regular urlencoded form byte[] formBytes = null; HttpRawUploadedContent content = GetEntireRawContent(); if (content != null) formBytes = content.GetAsByteArray(); if (formBytes != null) { try { _form.FillFromEncodedBytes(formBytes, ContentEncoding); } catch (Exception e) { // could be thrown because of malformed data throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_urlencoded_form_data), e); } } } else if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(contentType, "multipart/form-data")) { // multipart form MultipartContentElement[] elements = GetMultipartContent(); if (elements != null) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if (elements[i].IsFormItem) _form.Add(elements[i].Name, elements[i].GetAsString(ContentEncoding)); } } } } // // Headers collection support // private void FillInHeadersCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; // known headers for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) { String name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(i); _headers.SynchronizeHeader(name, h); } } // unknown headers String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) _headers.SynchronizeHeader(hh[i][0], hh[i][1]); } } // // Server variables collection support // private static String ServerVariableNameFromHeader(String header) { return("HTTP_" + header.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('-', '_')); } private String CombineAllHeaders(bool asRaw) { if (_wr == null) return String.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); // known headers for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) { String name; if (!asRaw) name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariableNameFromKnownRequestHeaderIndex(i); else name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(i); if (name != null) { sb.Append(name); sb.Append(asRaw ? ": " : ":"); // for ASP compat don't add space sb.Append(h); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } } // unknown headers String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) { String name = hh[i][0]; if (!asRaw) name = ServerVariableNameFromHeader(name); sb.Append(name); sb.Append(asRaw ? ": " : ":"); // for ASP compat don't add space sb.Append(hh[i][1]); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } return sb.ToString(); } // callback to calculate dynamic server variable internal String CalcDynamicServerVariable(DynamicServerVariable var) { String value = null; switch (var) { case DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_TYPE: if (_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) value = _context.User.Identity.AuthenticationType; else value = String.Empty; break; case DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER: if (_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) value = _context.User.Identity.Name; else value = String.Empty; break; case DynamicServerVariable.PATH_INFO: value = this.Path; break; case DynamicServerVariable.PATH_TRANSLATED: value = this.PhysicalPathInternal; break; case DynamicServerVariable.QUERY_STRING: value = this.QueryStringText; break; case DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME: value = this.FilePath; break; } return value; } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name, DynamicServerVariable var) { // dynamic server var _serverVariables.AddDynamic(name, var); } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name, String value) { if (value == null) value = String.Empty; // static server var _serverVariables.AddStatic(name, value); } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name) { // static server var from worker request _serverVariables.AddStatic(name, _wr.GetServerVariable(name)); } internal void FillInServerVariablesCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; // Add from hardcoded list AddServerVariableToCollection("ALL_HTTP", CombineAllHeaders(false)); AddServerVariableToCollection("ALL_RAW", CombineAllHeaders(true)); AddServerVariableToCollection("APPL_MD_PATH"); AddServerVariableToCollection("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", _wr.GetAppPathTranslated()); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_TYPE", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_TYPE); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_USER", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_PASSWORD"); AddServerVariableToCollection("LOGON_USER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_USER", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_COOKIE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_FLAGS"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_KEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERIALNUMBER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERVER_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SUBJECT"); String clString = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); AddServerVariableToCollection("CONTENT_LENGTH", (clString != null) ? clString : "0"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CONTENT_TYPE", this.ContentType); AddServerVariableToCollection("GATEWAY_INTERFACE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_KEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("INSTANCE_ID"); AddServerVariableToCollection("INSTANCE_META_PATH"); AddServerVariableToCollection("LOCAL_ADDR", _wr.GetLocalAddress()); AddServerVariableToCollection("PATH_INFO", DynamicServerVariable.PATH_INFO); AddServerVariableToCollection("PATH_TRANSLATED", DynamicServerVariable.PATH_TRANSLATED); AddServerVariableToCollection("QUERY_STRING", DynamicServerVariable.QUERY_STRING); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_ADDR", this.UserHostAddress); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_HOST", this.UserHostName); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_PORT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("REQUEST_METHOD", this.HttpMethod); AddServerVariableToCollection("SCRIPT_NAME", DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_NAME", _wr.GetServerName()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PORT", _wr.GetLocalPortAsString()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PORT_SECURE", _wr.IsSecure() ? "1" : "0"); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PROTOCOL", _wr.GetHttpVersion()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("URL", DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME); // Add all headers in HTTP_XXX format for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) AddServerVariableToCollection(HttpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariableNameFromKnownRequestHeaderIndex(i), h); } String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) AddServerVariableToCollection(ServerVariableNameFromHeader(hh[i][0]), hh[i][1]); } } // // Cookies collection support // internal static HttpCookie CreateCookieFromString(String s) { HttpCookie c = new HttpCookie(); int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int ai, ei; bool firstValue = true; int numValues = 1; // Format: cookiename[=key1=val2&key2=val2&...] while (i < l) { // find next & ai = s.IndexOf('&', i); if (ai < 0) ai = l; // first value might contain cookie name before = if (firstValue) { ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { c.Name = s.Substring(i, ei-i); i = ei+1; } else if (ai == l) { // the whole cookie is just a name c.Name = s; break; } firstValue = false; } // find '=' ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei < 0 && ai == l && numValues == 0) { // simple cookie with simple value c.Value = s.Substring(i, l-i); } else if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { // key=value c.Values.Add(s.Substring(i, ei-i), s.Substring(ei+1, ai-ei-1)); numValues++; } else { // value without key c.Values.Add(null, s.Substring(i, ai-i)); numValues++; } i = ai+1; } return c; } internal void FillInCookiesCollection(HttpCookieCollection cookieCollection, bool includeResponse) { if (_wr == null) return; String s = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie); // Parse the cookie server variable. // Format: c1=k1=v1&k2=v2; c2=... int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int j; char ch; HttpCookie lastCookie = null; while (i < l) { // find next ';' (don't look to ',' as per 91884) j = i; while (j < l) { ch = s[j]; if (ch == ';') break; j++; } // create cookie form string String cookieString = s.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); i = j+1; // next cookie start if (cookieString.Length == 0) continue; HttpCookie cookie = CreateCookieFromString(cookieString); // some cookies starting with '$' are really attributes of the last cookie if (lastCookie != null) { String name = cookie.Name; // add known attribute to the last cookie (if any) if (name != null && name.Length > 0 && name[0] == '$') { if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Path")) lastCookie.Path = cookie.Value; else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Domain")) lastCookie.Domain = cookie.Value; continue; } } // regular cookie cookieCollection.AddCookie(cookie, true); lastCookie = cookie; // goto next cookie } // Append response cookies if ((includeResponse) && (Response != null)) { HttpCookieCollection responseCookies = Response.Cookies; // if (responseCookies.Count > 0) { HttpCookie[] rcookies = new HttpCookie[responseCookies.Count]; responseCookies.CopyTo(rcookies, 0); for (int iCookie = 0; iCookie < rcookies.Length; iCookie++) cookieCollection.AddCookie(rcookies[iCookie], true); } } } // Params collection support private void FillInParamsCollection() { _params.Add(this.QueryString); _params.Add(this.Form); _params.Add(this.Cookies); _params.Add(this.ServerVariables); } // // Files collection support // private void FillInFilesCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; if (!StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(ContentType, "multipart/form-data")) return; MultipartContentElement[] elements = GetMultipartContent(); if (elements == null) return; bool validateFileName = false; if (_flags[needToValidatePostedFiles]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidatePostedFiles); validateFileName = true; } for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if (elements[i].IsFile) { HttpPostedFile p = elements[i].GetAsPostedFile(); if (validateFileName) ValidateString(p.FileName, "filename", "Request.Files"); _files.AddFile(elements[i].Name, p); } } } // // Reading posted content ... // /* * Get attribute off header value */ private static String GetAttributeFromHeader(String headerValue, String attrName) { if (headerValue == null) return null; int l = headerValue.Length; int k = attrName.Length; // find properly separated attribute name int i = 1; // start searching from 1 while (i < l) { i = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(headerValue, attrName, i, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if (i < 0) break; if (i+k >= l) break; char chPrev = headerValue[i-1]; char chNext = headerValue[i+k]; if ((chPrev == ';' || chPrev == ',' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chPrev)) && (chNext == '=' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chNext))) break; i += k; } if (i < 0 || i >= l) return null; // skip to '=' and the following whitespaces i += k; while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i])) i++; if (i >= l || headerValue[i] != '=') return null; i++; while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i])) i++; if (i >= l) return null; // parse the value String attrValue = null; int j; if (i < l && headerValue[i] == '"') { if (i == l-1) return null; j = headerValue.IndexOf('"', i+1); if (j < 0 || j == i+1) return null; attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i+1, j-i-1).Trim(); } else { for (j = i; j < l; j++) { if (headerValue[j] == ' ' || headerValue[j] == ',') break; } if (j == i) return null; attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); } return attrValue; } /* * In case content-type header contains encoding it should override the config */ private Encoding GetEncodingFromHeaders() { if (UserAgent != null && CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(UserAgent, "UP")) { String postDataCharset = Headers["x-up-devcap-post-charset"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postDataCharset)) { try { return Encoding.GetEncoding(postDataCharset); } catch { // Exception may be thrown when charset is not valid. // In this case, do nothing, and let the framework // use the configured RequestEncoding setting. } } } if (!_wr.HasEntityBody()) return null; String contentType = this.ContentType; if (contentType == null) return null; String charSet = GetAttributeFromHeader(contentType, "charset"); if (charSet == null) return null; Encoding encoding = null; try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charSet); } catch { // bad encoding string throws an exception that needs to be consumed } return encoding; } /* * Read entire raw content as byte array */ private HttpRawUploadedContent GetEntireRawContent() { if (_wr == null) return null; if (_rawContent != null) return _rawContent; // enforce the limit HttpRuntimeSection cfg = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; int limit = cfg.MaxRequestLengthBytes; if (ContentLength > limit) { if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { Response.CloseConnectionAfterError(); } throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Max_request_length_exceeded), null, WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); } // threshold to go to file int fileThreshold = cfg.RequestLengthDiskThresholdBytes; // read the preloaded content HttpRawUploadedContent rawContent = new HttpRawUploadedContent(fileThreshold, ContentLength); byte[] preloadedContent = _wr.GetPreloadedEntityBody(); if (preloadedContent != null) { _wr.UpdateRequestCounters(preloadedContent.Length); rawContent.AddBytes(preloadedContent, 0, preloadedContent.Length); } // read the remaing content if (!_wr.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded()) { int remainingBytes = (ContentLength > 0) ? ContentLength - rawContent.Length : Int32.MaxValue; HttpApplication app = _context.ApplicationInstance; byte[] buf = (app != null) ? app.EntityBuffer : new byte[8 * 1024]; int numBytesRead = rawContent.Length; while (remainingBytes > 0) { int bytesToRead = buf.Length; if (bytesToRead > remainingBytes) bytesToRead = remainingBytes; int bytesRead = _wr.ReadEntityBody(buf, bytesToRead); if (bytesRead <= 0) break; _wr.UpdateRequestCounters(bytesRead); _readEntityBody = true; rawContent.AddBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); remainingBytes -= bytesRead; numBytesRead += bytesRead; if (numBytesRead > limit) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Max_request_length_exceeded), null, WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); } } } rawContent.DoneAddingBytes(); // filter content if (_installedFilter != null) { if (rawContent.Length > 0) { try { try { _filterSource.SetContent(rawContent); HttpRawUploadedContent filteredRawContent = new HttpRawUploadedContent(fileThreshold, rawContent.Length); HttpApplication app = _context.ApplicationInstance; byte[] buf = (app != null) ? app.EntityBuffer : new byte[8 * 1024]; for (;;) { int bytesRead = _installedFilter.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (bytesRead == 0) break; filteredRawContent.AddBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); } filteredRawContent.DoneAddingBytes(); rawContent = filteredRawContent; } finally { _filterSource.SetContent(null); } } catch { // Protect against exception filters throw; } } } _rawContent = rawContent; return _rawContent; } /* * Get multipart posted content as array of elements */ private MultipartContentElement[] GetMultipartContent() { // already parsed if (_multipartContentElements != null) return _multipartContentElements; // check the boundary byte[] boundary = GetMultipartBoundary(); if (boundary == null) return new MultipartContentElement[0]; // read the content if not read already HttpRawUploadedContent content = GetEntireRawContent(); if (content == null) return new MultipartContentElement[0]; // do the parsing _multipartContentElements = HttpMultipartContentTemplateParser.Parse(content, content.Length, boundary, ContentEncoding); return _multipartContentElements; } /* * Get boundary for the posted multipart content as byte array */ private byte[] GetMultipartBoundary() { // extract boundary value String b = GetAttributeFromHeader(ContentType, "boundary"); if (b == null) return null; // prepend with "--" and convert to byte array b = "--" + b; return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(b.ToCharArray()); } // // Request cookies sometimes are populated from Response // Here are helper methods to do that. // /* * Add response cookie to request collection (can override existing) */ internal void AddResponseCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { // cookies collection if (_cookies != null) _cookies.AddCookie(cookie, true); // cookies also go to parameters collection if (_params != null) { _params.MakeReadWrite(); _params.Add(cookie.Name, cookie.Value); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } } /* * Clear any cookies response might've added */ internal void ResetCookies() { // cookies collection if (_cookies != null) { _cookies.Reset(); FillInCookiesCollection(_cookies, true /*includeResponse*/); } // cookies also go to parameters collection if (_params != null) { _params.MakeReadWrite(); _params.Reset(); FillInParamsCollection(); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } } /* * Http method (verb) associated with the current request */ ////// Initializes an HttpRequest object. /// ////// public String HttpMethod { get { // Directly from worker request if (_httpMethod == null) { Debug.Assert(_wr != null); _httpMethod = _wr.GetHttpVerbName(); } return _httpMethod; } } internal HttpVerb HttpVerb { get { if (_httpVerb == HttpVerb.Unparsed) { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.Unknown; string method = HttpMethod; if (method != null) { switch (method.Length) { case 3: if (method == "GET") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.GET; } else if (method == "PUT") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.PUT; } break; case 4: if (method == "POST") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.POST; } else if (method == "HEAD") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.HEAD; } break; case 5: if (method == "DEBUG") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.DEBUG; } break; case 6: if (method == "DELETE") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.DELETE; } break; } } } return _httpVerb; } } // Check whether this is a DEBUG verb request internal bool IsDebuggingRequest { get { return (HttpVerb == HttpVerb.DEBUG); } } /* * RequestType default to verb, but can be changed */ ///Indicates the HTTP data transfer method used by client (GET, POST). This property is read-only. ////// Indicates the HTTP data transfer method used by client /// (GET, POST). /// public String RequestType { get { return(_requestType != null) ? _requestType : this.HttpMethod; } set { _requestType = value; } } /* * Content-type of the content posted with the current request */ ////// public String ContentType { get { if (_contentType == null) { if (_wr != null) _contentType = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType); if (_contentType == null) _contentType = String.Empty; } return _contentType; } set { _contentType = value; } } ///Indicates the MIME content type of incoming request. This property is read-only. ////// public int ContentLength { get { if (_contentLength == -1) { if (_wr != null) { String s = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); if (s != null) { try { _contentLength = Int32.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { } } else { // no content-length header, but there is data if (_wr.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded()) { byte[] preloadedContent = _wr.GetPreloadedEntityBody(); if (preloadedContent != null) _contentLength = preloadedContent.Length; } } } } return (_contentLength >= 0) ? _contentLength : 0; } } /* * Encoding to read posted text content */ ///Indicates the content length of incoming request. This property is read-only. ////// public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if(_flags[contentEncodingResolved] && _encoding != null) { return _encoding; } _encoding = GetEncodingFromHeaders(); if (_encoding == null) { // WOS 1953542: No Event Is Logged When App Config is Corrupt GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; _encoding = globConfig.RequestEncoding; } _flags.Set(contentEncodingResolved); return _encoding; } set { _encoding = value; _flags.Set(contentEncodingResolved); } } internal Encoding QueryStringEncoding { get { Encoding e = ContentEncoding; // query string is never unicode - use utf-8 if instead return e.Equals(Encoding.Unicode) ? Encoding.UTF8 : e; } } /* * Parsed Accept header as array of strings */ ///Indicates the character set of data supplied by client. This property is read-only. ////// public String[] AcceptTypes { get { if (_acceptTypes == null) { if (_wr != null) _acceptTypes = ParseMultivalueHeader(_wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept)); } return _acceptTypes; } } // Is the request authenticated? public bool IsAuthenticated { get { return(_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated); } } // Is using HTTPS? // Indicates whether the HTTP connection is secure (that is, HTTPS). This property is read-only. public bool IsSecureConnection { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.IsSecure(); else return false; } } /* * Virtual path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Returns a string array of client-supported MIME accept types. This property is read-only. ////// public String Path { get { return PathObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath PathObject { get { if (_path == null) { // Directly from worker request Debug.Assert(_wr != null); // Don't allow malformed paths for security reasons _path = VirtualPath.Create(_wr.GetUriPath(), VirtualPathOptions.AllowAbsolutePath); } return _path; } } internal string _AnonymousId = null; public string AnonymousID { get { return _AnonymousId;} } internal String PathWithQueryString { get { String qs = QueryStringText; return (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) ? (Path + "?" + qs) : Path; } } // The virtual file path where the client browsers think we are. // However, in the case of cookieless session, ClientFilePath does *not* include the session id. private VirtualPath _clientFilePath; internal VirtualPath ClientFilePath { get { if (_clientFilePath != null) return _clientFilePath; IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { _clientFilePath = VirtualPath.Create(iis7WorkerRequest.GetUriPathInternal(false /*includePathInfo*/, true /*useParentContext*/), VirtualPathOptions.AllowAbsolutePath | VirtualPathOptions.AllowNull | VirtualPathOptions.FailIfMalformed); } if (_wr != null) { _clientFilePath = _wr.GetFilePathObject(); } else { _clientFilePath = PathObject; } return _clientFilePath; } } // The base dir of the client virtual file path. // However, in the case of cookieless session, ClientFilePath does *not* include the session id. private VirtualPath _clientBaseDir; // VSWhidbey 560283 : The ClientBaseDir represents the directory of the current // request to the client. // // the request is ClientBaseDir FilePathObject (FilePathObject.Parent) // 1. /app/sub/ /app/sub/ /app/ // 2. /app/sub /app/ /app/ internal VirtualPath ClientBaseDir { get { if (_clientBaseDir == null) { // client virtual path before the last '/' if (ClientFilePath.HasTrailingSlash) { _clientBaseDir = ClientFilePath; } else { _clientBaseDir = ClientFilePath.Parent; } } return _clientBaseDir; } } /* * File path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Indicates the virtual path of the current /// request, including the path PathInfo. This property is read-only. ////// public String FilePath { get { return VirtualPath.GetVirtualPathString(FilePathObject); } } internal VirtualPath FilePathObject { get { if (_filePath != null) { return _filePath; } if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request if (_wr != null) { _filePath = _wr.GetFilePathObject(); _clientFilePath = _filePath; } else { _filePath = PathObject; } } else if (_context != null) { // From config // // RAID#93378 // Config system relies on FilePath for lookups so we should not // be calling it while _filePath is null or it will lead to // infinite recursion. // // It is safe to set _filePath to Path as longer path would still // yield correct configuration, just a little slower. _filePath = PathObject; int filePathLen = _context.GetFilePathData().Path.VirtualPathStringNoTrailingSlash.Length; // case could be wrong in config (_path has the correct case) if (Path.Length == filePathLen) _filePath = PathObject; else _filePath = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(Path.Substring(0, filePathLen)); } return _filePath; } } /* * Normally the same as FilePath. The difference is that when doing a * Server.Execute, FilePath doesn't change, while this changes to the * currently executing virtual path */ public string CurrentExecutionFilePath { get { return CurrentExecutionFilePathObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath CurrentExecutionFilePathObject { get { if (_currentExecutionFilePath != null) return _currentExecutionFilePath; return FilePathObject; } } internal VirtualPath SwitchCurrentExecutionFilePath(VirtualPath path) { VirtualPath oldPath = _currentExecutionFilePath; _currentExecutionFilePath = path; return oldPath; } // Same as CurrentExecutionFilePath, but made relative to the application root, // so it is application-agnostic. public string AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath { get { return UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppRelative(CurrentExecutionFilePath); } } // Path-info corresponding to the requested Url // Indicates additional path information for a resource with a URL extension. i.e. for the URL // /virdir/page.html/tail, the PathInfo value is /tail. This property is read-only. public String PathInfo { get { VirtualPath pathInfoObject = PathInfoObject; return pathInfoObject == null ? String.Empty : PathInfoObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath PathInfoObject { get { if (_pathInfo != null) { return _pathInfo; } if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request if (_wr != null) { _pathInfo = VirtualPath.CreateAbsoluteAllowNull(_wr.GetPathInfo()); } } if (_pathInfo == null && _context != null) { VirtualPath path = PathObject; int pathLength = path.VirtualPathString.Length; VirtualPath filePath = FilePathObject; int filePathLength = filePath.VirtualPathString.Length; if (filePath == null) _pathInfo = path; else if (path == null || pathLength <= filePathLength) _pathInfo = null; else { string pathInfoString = path.VirtualPathString.Substring(filePathLength, pathLength - filePathLength); _pathInfo = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(pathInfoString); } } return _pathInfo; } } /* * Physical path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Indicates the virtual path of the current request, but without the PathInfo. /// This property is read-only. ////// public String PhysicalPath { get { String path = PhysicalPathInternal; InternalSecurityPermissions.PathDiscovery(path).Demand(); return path; } } internal String PhysicalPathInternal { get { if (_pathTranslated == null) { if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request Debug.Assert(_wr != null); _pathTranslated = _wr.GetFilePathTranslated(); } if (_pathTranslated == null && _wr != null) { // Compute after rewrite _pathTranslated = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(FilePath); } } return _pathTranslated; } } /* * Virtual path to the application root */ ///Gets the physical file system path corresponding /// to /// the requested URL. This property is read-only. ////// public String ApplicationPath { get { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath; } } internal VirtualPath ApplicationPathObject { get { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathObject; } } /* * Physical path to the application root */ ///Gets the /// virtual path to the currently executing server application. ////// public String PhysicalApplicationPath { get { InternalSecurityPermissions.AppPathDiscovery.Demand(); if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetAppPathTranslated(); else return null; } } /* * User agent string */ ///Gets the physical /// file system path of currently executing server application. ////// public String UserAgent { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent); else return null; } } /* * Accepted user languages */ ///Gets the client /// browser's raw User Agent String. ////// public String[] UserLanguages { get { if (_userLanguages == null) { if (_wr != null) _userLanguages = ParseMultivalueHeader(_wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage)); } return _userLanguages; } } // Browser caps // Provides information about incoming client's browser capabilities. public HttpBrowserCapabilities Browser { get { if(_browsercaps != null) { return _browsercaps; } if (! s_browserCapsEvaled) { lock (s_browserLock) { if (! s_browserCapsEvaled) { HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetBrowserCapabilities(this); } s_browserCapsEvaled = true; } } _browsercaps = (HttpBrowserCapabilities)HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetBrowserCapabilities(this); return _browsercaps; } set { _browsercaps = value; } } /* * Client's host name */ ///Gets a /// sorted array of client language preferences. ////// public String UserHostName { get { String s = (_wr != null) ? _wr.GetRemoteName() : null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) s = UserHostAddress; return s; } } /* * Client's host address */ ///Gets the /// DNS name of remote client. ////// public String UserHostAddress { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetRemoteAddress(); else return null; } } internal String LocalAddress { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetLocalAddress(); else return null; } } /* * The current request's RAW Url (as supplied by worker request) */ ///Gets the /// IP host address of remote client. ////// public String RawUrl { get { String url; if (_wr != null) { url = _wr.GetRawUrl(); } else { String p = this.Path; String qs = this.QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) url = p + "?" + qs; else url = p; } if (_flags[needToValidateRawUrl]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateRawUrl); ValidateString(url, null, "Request.RawUrl"); } return url; } } // WOS 1953542: No Event Is Logged When App Config is Corrupt // This should never throw. Since Uri.ctor can throw if config // is bad, we cannot use the public Url property. internal String UrlInternal { get { string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) q = "?" + HttpUtility.CollapsePercentUFromStringInternal(q, QueryStringEncoding); String serverName = _wr.GetServerName(); if (serverName.IndexOf(':') >= 0 && serverName[0] != '[') serverName = "[" + serverName + "]"; // IPv6 if (_wr.GetLocalPortAsString() == "80") { return _wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + Path + q; } else { return _wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + ":" + _wr.GetLocalPortAsString() + Path + q; } } } // The current request's Url // Gets Information regarding URL of current request. public Uri Url { get { if (_url == null && _wr != null) { string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) q = "?" + HttpUtility.CollapsePercentUFromStringInternal(q, QueryStringEncoding); String serverName = _wr.GetServerName(); if (serverName.IndexOf(':') >= 0 && serverName[0] != '[') serverName = "[" + serverName + "]"; // IPv6 _url = new Uri(_wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + ":" + _wr.GetLocalPortAsString() + Path + q); } return _url; } } // Url of the Http referrer /// Gets information regarding the URL of the client's previous request that linked to the current URL. public Uri UrlReferrer { get { if (_referrer == null) { if (_wr != null) { String r = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) { try { if (r.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) _referrer = new Uri(r); else _referrer = new Uri(this.Url, r); } catch (HttpException) { // malformed referrer shouldn't crash the request _referrer = null; } } } } return _referrer; } } // special case for perf in output cache module internal String IfModifiedSince { get { if (_wr == null) return null; return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderIfModifiedSince); } } // special case for perf in output cache module internal String IfNoneMatch { get { if (_wr == null) return null; return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderIfNoneMatch); } } // Params collection - combination of query string, form, server vars // Gets a combined collection of QueryString+Form+ ServerVariable+Cookies. public NameValueCollection Params { get { if (HttpRuntime.HasAspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)) return GetParams(); else return GetParamsWithDemand(); } } // Used in integrated pipeline mode to invalidate the params collection // after a change is made to the headers or server variables internal void InvalidateParams() { _params = null; } private NameValueCollection GetParams() { if (_params == null) { _params = new HttpValueCollection(64); FillInParamsCollection(); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } return _params; } [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] private NameValueCollection GetParamsWithDemand() { return GetParams(); } // Default property that goes through the collections // QueryString, Form, Cookies, ClientCertificate and ServerVariables public String this[String key] { get { String s; s = QueryString[key]; if (s != null) return s; s = Form[key]; if (s != null) return s; HttpCookie c = Cookies[key]; if (c != null) return c.Value; s = ServerVariables[key]; if (s != null) return s; return null; } } // Query string as String (private) internal String QueryStringText { get { if (_queryStringText == null) { if (_wr != null) { // if raw bytes available use them byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { if (rawQueryString.Length > 0) _queryStringText = QueryStringEncoding.GetString(rawQueryString); else _queryStringText = String.Empty; } else { _queryStringText = _wr.GetQueryString(); } } if (_queryStringText == null) _queryStringText = String.Empty; } return _queryStringText; } set { // override the query string _queryStringText = value; _queryStringOverriden = true; if (_queryString != null) { _params=null; _queryString.MakeReadWrite(); _queryString.Reset(); FillInQueryStringCollection(); _queryString.MakeReadOnly(); } } } // Query string as byte[] (private) -- for parsing internal byte[] QueryStringBytes { get { if (_queryStringOverriden) return null; if (_queryStringBytes == null) { if (_wr != null) _queryStringBytes = _wr.GetQueryStringRawBytes(); } return _queryStringBytes; } } // Query string collection //Gets the current request's raw URL. ///Gets the collection of QueryString variables. // public NameValueCollection QueryString { get { if (_queryString == null) { _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInQueryStringCollection(); _queryString.MakeReadOnly(); } if (_flags[needToValidateQueryString]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateQueryString); ValidateNameValueCollection(_queryString, "Request.QueryString"); } return _queryString; } } internal bool HasQueryString { get { if (_queryString != null) return (_queryString.Count > 0); byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { return (rawQueryString.Length > 0); } else { return (QueryStringText.Length > 0); } } } // Form collection /// Gets a collection of Form variables. public NameValueCollection Form { get { if (_form == null) { _form = new HttpValueCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInFormCollection(); _form.MakeReadOnly(); } if (_flags[needToValidateForm]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateForm); ValidateNameValueCollection(_form, "Request.Form"); } return _form; } } internal bool HasForm { get { if (_form != null) { return (_form.Count > 0); } else { if (_wr != null && !_wr.HasEntityBody()) { return false; } else { return (Form.Count > 0); } } } } internal HttpValueCollection SwitchForm(HttpValueCollection form) { HttpValueCollection oldForm = _form; _form = form; return oldForm; } // Headers collection // Gets a collection of HTTP headers. public NameValueCollection Headers { get { if (_headers == null) { _headers = new HttpHeaderCollection(_wr, this, 8); if (_wr != null) FillInHeadersCollection(); if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { _headers.MakeReadOnly(); } } return _headers; } } // Server vars collection // Gets a collection of web server variables. public NameValueCollection ServerVariables { get { if (HttpRuntime.HasAspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)) return GetServerVars(); else return GetServerVarsWithDemand(); } } [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] private NameValueCollection GetServerVarsWithDemand() { return GetServerVars(); } private NameValueCollection GetServerVars() { if (_serverVariables == null) { _serverVariables = new HttpServerVarsCollection(_wr, this); if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { _serverVariables.MakeReadOnly(); } } return _serverVariables; } internal void SetSkipAuthorization(bool value) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null) { return; } // If value is true, set server variable to "1". // If value is false, remove server variable by setting value to null. // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { wr.SetServerVariable("IS_LOGIN_PAGE", value ? "1" : null); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("IS_LOGIN_PAGE", value ? "1" : null); } } internal void SetDynamicCompression(bool enable) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null) { return; } // If "enable" is true, remove server variable by setting value to null. // If "enable" is false, set server variable to "0" to disable. // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { wr.SetServerVariable("IIS_EnableDynamicCompression", enable ? null : "0"); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("IIS_EnableDynamicCompression", enable ? null : "0"); } } // WOS 1526602: ASP.Net v2.0: Response.AppendToLog does not work properly in integrated mode internal void AppendToLogQueryString(string logData) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(logData)) { return; } // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { string currentLogData = wr.GetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLogData)) { wr.SetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING", QueryStringText + logData); } else { wr.SetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING", currentLogData + logData); } } else { string currentLogData = _serverVariables.Get("LOG_QUERY_STRING"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLogData)) { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("LOG_QUERY_STRING", QueryStringText + logData); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("LOG_QUERY_STRING", currentLogData + logData); } } } // Cookie collection associated with current request // Gets a collection of client's cookie variables. public HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get { if (_cookies == null) { _cookies = new HttpCookieCollection(null, false); if (_wr != null) FillInCookiesCollection(_cookies, true /*includeResponse*/); } if (_flags[needToValidateCookies]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateCookies); ValidateCookieCollection(_cookies); } return _cookies; } } // File collection associated with current request // Gets the collection of client-uploaded files (Multipart MIME format). public HttpFileCollection Files { get { if (_files == null) { _files = new HttpFileCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInFilesCollection(); } return _files; } } // Stream to read raw content // Provides access to the raw contents of the incoming HTTP entity body. public Stream InputStream { get { if (_inputStream == null) { HttpRawUploadedContent rawContent = null; if (_wr != null) rawContent = GetEntireRawContent(); if (rawContent != null) { _inputStream = new HttpInputStream( rawContent, 0, rawContent.Length ); } else { _inputStream = new HttpInputStream(null, 0, 0); } } return _inputStream; } } // ASP classic compat // Gets the number of bytes in the current input stream. public int TotalBytes { get { Stream s = InputStream; return(s != null) ? (int)s.Length : 0; } } // ASP classic compat // Performs a binary read of a specified number of bytes from the current input stream. public byte[] BinaryRead(int count) { if (count < 0 || count > TotalBytes) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); if (count == 0) return new byte[0]; byte[] buffer = new byte[count]; int c = InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, count); if (c != count) { byte[] b2 = new byte[c]; if (c > 0) Array.Copy(buffer, b2, c); buffer = b2; } return buffer; } // Filtering of the input // Gets or sets a filter to use when reading the current input stream. public Stream Filter { get { if (_installedFilter != null) return _installedFilter; if (_filterSource == null) _filterSource = new HttpInputStreamFilterSource(); return _filterSource; } set { if (_filterSource == null) // have to use the source -- null means source wasn't ever asked for throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_request_filter)); _installedFilter = value; } } // Client Certificate // Gets information on the current request's client security certificate. public HttpClientCertificate ClientCertificate { [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] get { if (_clientCertificate == null) { _clientCertificate = CreateHttpClientCertificateWithAssert(); } return _clientCertificate; } } [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] HttpClientCertificate CreateHttpClientCertificateWithAssert() { return new HttpClientCertificate(_context); } // Gets LOGON_USER as WindowsIdentity public WindowsIdentity LogonUserIdentity { [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)] get { if (_logonUserIdentity == null) { if (_wr != null) { if (_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest && ((_context.NotificationContext.CurrentNotification == RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest && !_context.NotificationContext.IsPostNotification) || (_context.NotificationContext.CurrentNotification < RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest))) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_before_authentication)); } IntPtr token = _wr.GetUserToken(); if (token != IntPtr.Zero) { String logonUser = _wr.GetServerVariable("LOGON_USER"); String authType = _wr.GetServerVariable("AUTH_TYPE"); bool isAuthenticated = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logonUser) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authType) && !StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(authType, "basic"))); _logonUserIdentity = CreateWindowsIdentityWithAssert(token, ((authType == null) ? "" : authType), WindowsAccountType.Normal, isAuthenticated); } } } return _logonUserIdentity; } } [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] private static WindowsIdentity CreateWindowsIdentityWithAssert(IntPtr token, string authType, WindowsAccountType accountType, bool isAuthenticated) { return new WindowsIdentity(token, authType, accountType, isAuthenticated); } // Validate that the input from the browser is safe. public void ValidateInput() { // This is to prevent some XSS (cross site scripting) attacks (ASURT 122278) _flags.Set(needToValidateQueryString); _flags.Set(needToValidateForm); _flags.Set(needToValidateCookies); _flags.Set(needToValidatePostedFiles); _flags.Set(needToValidateRawUrl); // } internal string ValidateRawUrl() { return RawUrl; } private static string RemoveNullCharacters(string s) { if (s == null) return null; // Ignore null characters to prevent attacks (VSWhidbey 85016) if (s.IndexOf('\0') > -1) return s.Replace("\0", String.Empty); return s; } private static void ValidateString(string s, string valueName, string collectionName) { s = RemoveNullCharacters(s); int matchIndex=0; if (CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(s, out matchIndex)) { // Display only the piece of the string that caused the problem, padded by on each side string detectedString = valueName + "=\""; int startIndex = matchIndex - 10; if (startIndex <= 0) { startIndex = 0; } else { // Start with "..." to show that this is not the beginning detectedString += "..."; } int endIndex = matchIndex + 20; if (endIndex >= s.Length) { endIndex = s.Length; detectedString += s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex) + "\""; } else { detectedString += s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex) + "...\""; } throw new HttpRequestValidationException(SR.GetString(SR.Dangerous_input_detected, collectionName, detectedString)); } } private static void ValidateNameValueCollection(NameValueCollection nvc, string collectionName) { int c = nvc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = nvc.GetKey(i); // Skip all our internal fields, since they don't need to be checked (VSWhidbey 275811) // if (key != null && key.StartsWith(System.Web.UI.Page.systemPostFieldPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { continue; } String val = nvc.Get(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) ValidateString(val, key, collectionName); } } private static void ValidateCookieCollection(HttpCookieCollection cc) { int c = cc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = cc.GetKey(i); String val = cc.Get(i).Value; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) ValidateString(val, key, "Request.Cookies"); } } /* * Get coordinates of the clicked image send as name.x=&name.y= * in the form or in the query string * @param imageFieldName name of the image field * @return x,y as int[2] or null if not found */ ////// public int[] MapImageCoordinates(String imageFieldName) { // Select collection where to look according to verb NameValueCollection c = null; switch (this.HttpVerb) { case HttpVerb.GET: case HttpVerb.HEAD: c = this.QueryString; break; case HttpVerb.POST: c = this.Form; break; default: return null; } // Look for .x and .y values in the collection int[] ret = null; try { String x = c[imageFieldName + ".x"]; String y = c[imageFieldName + ".y"]; if (x != null && y != null) ret = (new int[] { Int32.Parse(x, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int32.Parse(y, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}); } catch { // eat parsing exceptions } return ret; } /* * Save contents of request into a file * @param filename where to save * @param includeHeaders flag to request inclusion of Http headers */ ////// Maps an incoming image field form parameter into appropriate x/y /// coordinate values. /// ////// public void SaveAs(String filename, bool includeHeaders) { // NDPWhidbey 14376 if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { HttpRuntimeSection config = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; if (config.RequireRootedSaveAsPath) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.SaveAs_requires_rooted_path, filename)); } } FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); try { // headers if (includeHeaders) { TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(f); w.Write(this.HttpMethod + " " + this.Path); String qs = this.QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) w.Write("?" + qs); if (_wr != null) { // real request -- add protocol w.Write(" " + _wr.GetHttpVersion() + "\r\n"); // headers w.Write(CombineAllHeaders(true)); } else { // manufactured request w.Write("\r\n"); } w.Write("\r\n"); w.Flush(); } // entity body HttpInputStream s = (HttpInputStream)this.InputStream; s.WriteTo(f); f.Flush(); } finally { f.Close(); } } /* * Map virtual path to physical path relative to current request * @param virtualPath virtual path (absolute or relative) * @return physical path */ ///Saves an HTTP request to disk. ////// public String MapPath(String virtualPath) { return MapPath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(virtualPath)); } internal String MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath) { if (_wr != null) { return MapPath(virtualPath, FilePathObject, true/*allowCrossAppMapping*/); } else { return virtualPath.MapPath(); } } ////// Maps the given virtual path to a physical path. /// ////// public String MapPath(string virtualPath, string baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { VirtualPath baseVirtualDirObject; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseVirtualDir)) { // If no base is passed in, use the request's base dir (VSWhidbey 539063) baseVirtualDirObject = FilePathObject; } else { // We need to ensure a trailing slash to match v1.x behavior (VSWhidbey 539063) baseVirtualDirObject = VirtualPath.CreateTrailingSlash(baseVirtualDir); } return MapPath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(virtualPath), baseVirtualDirObject, allowCrossAppMapping); } internal String MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, VirtualPath baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { if (_wr == null) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_map_path_without_context)); // treat null as "." // if (virtualPath == null) virtualPath = VirtualPath.Create("."); VirtualPath originalVirtualPath = virtualPath; // remember for patch-up at the end // Combine it with the base if one was passed in if (baseVirtualDir != null) { virtualPath = baseVirtualDir.Combine(virtualPath); } if (!allowCrossAppMapping) virtualPath.FailIfNotWithinAppRoot(); string realPath = virtualPath.MapPathInternal(); // patch up the result for Everett combatibility (VSWhidbey 319826) if (virtualPath.VirtualPathString == "/" && originalVirtualPath.VirtualPathString != "/" && !originalVirtualPath.HasTrailingSlash && UrlPath.PathEndsWithExtraSlash(realPath)) { realPath = realPath.Substring(0, realPath.Length - 1); } InternalSecurityPermissions.PathDiscovery(realPath).Demand(); return realPath; } internal void InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath newPath, String newQueryString, bool rebaseClientPath) { // clear things that depend on path _pathTranslated = null; _pathInfo = null; _filePath = null; _url = null; // DevDiv Bug 164390: calling the worker request's GetRawUrl method here // to ensure we cache the original request Url in Url Mapping scenarios. if (_wr != null) { _wr.GetRawUrl(); } // remember the new path _path = newPath; if (rebaseClientPath) { _clientBaseDir = null; _clientFilePath = newPath; } // set a flag so we compute things that depend on path by hand _computePathInfo = true; // parse the new query string (might require config) if (newQueryString != null) this.QueryStringText = newQueryString; // remember the rewritten url _rewrittenUrl = _path.VirtualPathString; string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) _rewrittenUrl += "?" + q; IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { iis7WorkerRequest.RewriteNotifyPipeline(_path.VirtualPathString, newQueryString, rebaseClientPath); } } internal void InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath newFilePath, VirtualPath newPathInfo, String newQueryString, bool setClientFilePath) { // clear things that depend on path _pathTranslated = (_wr != null) ? newFilePath.MapPathInternal() : null; _pathInfo = newPathInfo; _filePath = newFilePath; _url = null; // DevDiv Bug 164390: calling the worker request's GetRawUrl method here // to ensure we cache the original request Url in Url Mapping scenarios. if (_wr != null) { _wr.GetRawUrl(); } if (newPathInfo == null) { _path = newFilePath; } else { // Combine the file path and the pathInfo to get the path. Note that we can't call // newFilePath.Combine here, since the rules are very different here (VSWhidbey 498926, 528055) string newFullPathString = newFilePath.VirtualPathStringWhicheverAvailable + "/" + newPathInfo.VirtualPathString; _path = VirtualPath.Create(newFullPathString); } if (newQueryString != null) this.QueryStringText = newQueryString; // remember the rewritten url _rewrittenUrl = _path.VirtualPathString; string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) _rewrittenUrl += "?" + q; // no need to calculate any paths _computePathInfo = false; if (setClientFilePath) { _clientFilePath = newFilePath; } IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { String newPath = (_path != null && _path.VirtualPathString != null) ? _path.VirtualPathString : String.Empty; iis7WorkerRequest.RewriteNotifyPipeline(newPath, newQueryString, setClientFilePath); } } internal String RewrittenUrl { get { return _rewrittenUrl; } } internal string FetchServerVariable(string variable) { return _wr.GetServerVariable(variable); } // Used by IIS7WorkerRequest.SynchronizeServerVariables to update server variables in the collection internal void SynchronizeServerVariable(String name, String value) { if (name == "IS_LOGIN_PAGE") { bool skipAuth = (value != null && value != "0") ? true : false; _context.SetSkipAuthorizationNoDemand(skipAuth, true /*managedOnly*/); } // populate the server variables collection if necessary HttpServerVarsCollection serverVars = ServerVariables as HttpServerVarsCollection; if (serverVars != null) { serverVars.SynchronizeServerVariable(name, value); } } // Used by IIS7WorkerRequest.SynchronizeServerVariables to update server variables in the collection internal void SynchronizeHeader(String name, String value) { // populate the headers collection if necessary HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; if (headers != null) { headers.SynchronizeHeader(name, value); } // if a header changes, the server variable also needs to be updated // populate the server variables collection if necessary HttpServerVarsCollection serverVars = ServerVariables as HttpServerVarsCollection; if (serverVars != null) { string svName = "HTTP_" + name.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('-', '_'); serverVars.SynchronizeServerVariable(svName, value); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///// Maps the given virtual path to a physical path. /// ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Request intrinsic * * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation */ namespace System.Web { using System; using System.Text; using System.Configuration.Assemblies; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Management; // enumeration of dynamic server variables internal enum DynamicServerVariable { AUTH_TYPE = 1, AUTH_USER = 2, PATH_INFO = 3, PATH_TRANSLATED = 4, QUERY_STRING = 5, SCRIPT_NAME = 6 }; internal enum HttpVerb { Unparsed = 0, // must be 0 so that it's zero-init value is Unparsed Unknown, GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, DEBUG, DELETE, } ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public sealed class HttpRequest { // worker request private HttpWorkerRequest _wr; // context private HttpContext _context; // properties private String _httpMethod; private HttpVerb _httpVerb; private String _requestType; private VirtualPath _path; private String _rewrittenUrl; private bool _computePathInfo; private VirtualPath _filePath; private VirtualPath _currentExecutionFilePath; private VirtualPath _pathInfo; private String _queryStringText; private bool _queryStringOverriden; private byte[] _queryStringBytes; private String _pathTranslated; private String _contentType; private int _contentLength = -1; private String _clientTarget; private String[] _acceptTypes; private String[] _userLanguages; private HttpBrowserCapabilities _browsercaps; private Uri _url; private Uri _referrer; private HttpInputStream _inputStream; private HttpClientCertificate _clientCertificate; private WindowsIdentity _logonUserIdentity; // collections private HttpValueCollection _params; private HttpValueCollection _queryString; private HttpValueCollection _form; private HttpHeaderCollection _headers; private HttpServerVarsCollection _serverVariables; private HttpCookieCollection _cookies; private HttpFileCollection _files; // content (to be read once) private HttpRawUploadedContent _rawContent; private bool _readEntityBody; private MultipartContentElement[] _multipartContentElements; // encoding (for content and query string) private Encoding _encoding; // content filtering private HttpInputStreamFilterSource _filterSource; private Stream _installedFilter; // Input validation #pragma warning disable 0649 private SimpleBitVector32 _flags; #pragma warning restore 0649 // const masks into the BitVector32 private const int needToValidateQueryString = 0x0001; private const int needToValidateForm = 0x0002; private const int needToValidateCookies = 0x0004; private const int needToValidateHeaders = 0x0008; private const int needToValidateServerVariables = 0x0010; private const int contentEncodingResolved = 0x0020; private const int needToValidatePostedFiles = 0x0040; private const int needToValidateRawUrl = 0x0080; // Browser caps one-time evaluator objects internal static object s_browserLock = new object(); internal static bool s_browserCapsEvaled = false; /* * Internal constructor to create requests * that have associated HttpWorkerRequest * * @param wr HttpWorkerRequest */ internal HttpRequest(HttpWorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) { _wr = wr; _context = context; } /* * Public constructor for request that come from arbitrary place * * @param filename physical file name * @param queryString query string */ ////// Enables /// type-safe browser to server communication. Used to gain access to HTTP request data /// elements supplied by a client. /// ////// public HttpRequest(String filename, String url, String queryString) { _wr = null; _pathTranslated = filename; _httpMethod = "GET"; _url = new Uri(url); _path = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(_url.AbsolutePath); _queryStringText = queryString; _queryStringOverriden = true; _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(_queryStringText, true, true, Encoding.Default); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_EXECUTING); } internal HttpRequest(VirtualPath virtualPath, String queryString) { _wr = null; _pathTranslated = virtualPath.MapPath(); _httpMethod = "GET"; _url = new Uri("http://localhost" + virtualPath.VirtualPathString); _path = virtualPath; _queryStringText = queryString; _queryStringOverriden = true; _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(_queryStringText, true, true, Encoding.Default); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_EXECUTING); } internal byte[] EntityBody { get { return _readEntityBody ? _rawContent.GetAsByteArray() : null; } } internal string ClientTarget { get { return (_clientTarget == null) ? String.Empty : _clientTarget; } set { _clientTarget = value; // force re-create of browser caps _browsercaps = null; } } internal HttpContext Context { get { return _context; } set { _context = value; } } /* * internal response object */ internal HttpResponse Response { get { if (_context == null) return null; return _context.Response; } } /* * Internal property to determine if request is local */ public bool IsLocal { get { String remoteAddress = UserHostAddress; // if unknown, assume not local if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteAddress)) return false; // check if localhost if (remoteAddress == "" || remoteAddress == "::1") return true; // compare with local address if (remoteAddress == LocalAddress) return true; return false; } } /* * Cleanup code */ internal void Dispose() { if (_serverVariables != null) _serverVariables.Dispose(); // disconnect from request if (_rawContent != null) _rawContent.Dispose(); // remove temp file with uploaded content // } // // Misc private methods to fill in collections from HttpWorkerRequest // properties // private static String[] ParseMultivalueHeader(String s) { int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; if (l == 0) return null; // collect comma-separated values into list ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { // find next , int ci = s.IndexOf(',', i); if (ci < 0) ci = l; // append corresponding server value values.Add(s.Substring(i, ci-i)); // move to next i = ci+1; // skip leading space if (i < l && s[i] == ' ') i++; } // return list as array of strings int n = values.Count; if (n == 0) return null; String[] strings = new String[n]; values.CopyTo(0, strings, 0, n); return strings; } // // Query string collection support // private void FillInQueryStringCollection() { // try from raw bytes when available (better for globalization) byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { if (rawQueryString.Length != 0) _queryString.FillFromEncodedBytes(rawQueryString, QueryStringEncoding); } else if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.QueryStringText))) { _queryString.FillFromString(this.QueryStringText, true, QueryStringEncoding); } } // // Form collection support // private void FillInFormCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; if (!_wr.HasEntityBody()) return; String contentType = this.ContentType; if (contentType == null) return; if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { // regular urlencoded form byte[] formBytes = null; HttpRawUploadedContent content = GetEntireRawContent(); if (content != null) formBytes = content.GetAsByteArray(); if (formBytes != null) { try { _form.FillFromEncodedBytes(formBytes, ContentEncoding); } catch (Exception e) { // could be thrown because of malformed data throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_urlencoded_form_data), e); } } } else if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(contentType, "multipart/form-data")) { // multipart form MultipartContentElement[] elements = GetMultipartContent(); if (elements != null) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if (elements[i].IsFormItem) _form.Add(elements[i].Name, elements[i].GetAsString(ContentEncoding)); } } } } // // Headers collection support // private void FillInHeadersCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; // known headers for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) { String name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(i); _headers.SynchronizeHeader(name, h); } } // unknown headers String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) _headers.SynchronizeHeader(hh[i][0], hh[i][1]); } } // // Server variables collection support // private static String ServerVariableNameFromHeader(String header) { return("HTTP_" + header.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('-', '_')); } private String CombineAllHeaders(bool asRaw) { if (_wr == null) return String.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); // known headers for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) { String name; if (!asRaw) name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariableNameFromKnownRequestHeaderIndex(i); else name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(i); if (name != null) { sb.Append(name); sb.Append(asRaw ? ": " : ":"); // for ASP compat don't add space sb.Append(h); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } } // unknown headers String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) { String name = hh[i][0]; if (!asRaw) name = ServerVariableNameFromHeader(name); sb.Append(name); sb.Append(asRaw ? ": " : ":"); // for ASP compat don't add space sb.Append(hh[i][1]); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } return sb.ToString(); } // callback to calculate dynamic server variable internal String CalcDynamicServerVariable(DynamicServerVariable var) { String value = null; switch (var) { case DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_TYPE: if (_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) value = _context.User.Identity.AuthenticationType; else value = String.Empty; break; case DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER: if (_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) value = _context.User.Identity.Name; else value = String.Empty; break; case DynamicServerVariable.PATH_INFO: value = this.Path; break; case DynamicServerVariable.PATH_TRANSLATED: value = this.PhysicalPathInternal; break; case DynamicServerVariable.QUERY_STRING: value = this.QueryStringText; break; case DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME: value = this.FilePath; break; } return value; } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name, DynamicServerVariable var) { // dynamic server var _serverVariables.AddDynamic(name, var); } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name, String value) { if (value == null) value = String.Empty; // static server var _serverVariables.AddStatic(name, value); } private void AddServerVariableToCollection(String name) { // static server var from worker request _serverVariables.AddStatic(name, _wr.GetServerVariable(name)); } internal void FillInServerVariablesCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; // Add from hardcoded list AddServerVariableToCollection("ALL_HTTP", CombineAllHeaders(false)); AddServerVariableToCollection("ALL_RAW", CombineAllHeaders(true)); AddServerVariableToCollection("APPL_MD_PATH"); AddServerVariableToCollection("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", _wr.GetAppPathTranslated()); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_TYPE", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_TYPE); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_USER", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER); AddServerVariableToCollection("AUTH_PASSWORD"); AddServerVariableToCollection("LOGON_USER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_USER", DynamicServerVariable.AUTH_USER); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_COOKIE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_FLAGS"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_KEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERIALNUMBER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERVER_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CERT_SUBJECT"); String clString = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); AddServerVariableToCollection("CONTENT_LENGTH", (clString != null) ? clString : "0"); AddServerVariableToCollection("CONTENT_TYPE", this.ContentType); AddServerVariableToCollection("GATEWAY_INTERFACE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_KEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER"); AddServerVariableToCollection("HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("INSTANCE_ID"); AddServerVariableToCollection("INSTANCE_META_PATH"); AddServerVariableToCollection("LOCAL_ADDR", _wr.GetLocalAddress()); AddServerVariableToCollection("PATH_INFO", DynamicServerVariable.PATH_INFO); AddServerVariableToCollection("PATH_TRANSLATED", DynamicServerVariable.PATH_TRANSLATED); AddServerVariableToCollection("QUERY_STRING", DynamicServerVariable.QUERY_STRING); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_ADDR", this.UserHostAddress); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_HOST", this.UserHostName); AddServerVariableToCollection("REMOTE_PORT"); AddServerVariableToCollection("REQUEST_METHOD", this.HttpMethod); AddServerVariableToCollection("SCRIPT_NAME", DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_NAME", _wr.GetServerName()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PORT", _wr.GetLocalPortAsString()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PORT_SECURE", _wr.IsSecure() ? "1" : "0"); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_PROTOCOL", _wr.GetHttpVersion()); AddServerVariableToCollection("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); AddServerVariableToCollection("URL", DynamicServerVariable.SCRIPT_NAME); // Add all headers in HTTP_XXX format for (int i = 0; i < HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum; i++) { String h = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(h)) AddServerVariableToCollection(HttpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariableNameFromKnownRequestHeaderIndex(i), h); } String[][] hh = _wr.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (hh != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hh.Length; i++) AddServerVariableToCollection(ServerVariableNameFromHeader(hh[i][0]), hh[i][1]); } } // // Cookies collection support // internal static HttpCookie CreateCookieFromString(String s) { HttpCookie c = new HttpCookie(); int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int ai, ei; bool firstValue = true; int numValues = 1; // Format: cookiename[=key1=val2&key2=val2&...] while (i < l) { // find next & ai = s.IndexOf('&', i); if (ai < 0) ai = l; // first value might contain cookie name before = if (firstValue) { ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { c.Name = s.Substring(i, ei-i); i = ei+1; } else if (ai == l) { // the whole cookie is just a name c.Name = s; break; } firstValue = false; } // find '=' ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei < 0 && ai == l && numValues == 0) { // simple cookie with simple value c.Value = s.Substring(i, l-i); } else if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { // key=value c.Values.Add(s.Substring(i, ei-i), s.Substring(ei+1, ai-ei-1)); numValues++; } else { // value without key c.Values.Add(null, s.Substring(i, ai-i)); numValues++; } i = ai+1; } return c; } internal void FillInCookiesCollection(HttpCookieCollection cookieCollection, bool includeResponse) { if (_wr == null) return; String s = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie); // Parse the cookie server variable. // Format: c1=k1=v1&k2=v2; c2=... int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int j; char ch; HttpCookie lastCookie = null; while (i < l) { // find next ';' (don't look to ',' as per 91884) j = i; while (j < l) { ch = s[j]; if (ch == ';') break; j++; } // create cookie form string String cookieString = s.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); i = j+1; // next cookie start if (cookieString.Length == 0) continue; HttpCookie cookie = CreateCookieFromString(cookieString); // some cookies starting with '$' are really attributes of the last cookie if (lastCookie != null) { String name = cookie.Name; // add known attribute to the last cookie (if any) if (name != null && name.Length > 0 && name[0] == '$') { if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Path")) lastCookie.Path = cookie.Value; else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Domain")) lastCookie.Domain = cookie.Value; continue; } } // regular cookie cookieCollection.AddCookie(cookie, true); lastCookie = cookie; // goto next cookie } // Append response cookies if ((includeResponse) && (Response != null)) { HttpCookieCollection responseCookies = Response.Cookies; // if (responseCookies.Count > 0) { HttpCookie[] rcookies = new HttpCookie[responseCookies.Count]; responseCookies.CopyTo(rcookies, 0); for (int iCookie = 0; iCookie < rcookies.Length; iCookie++) cookieCollection.AddCookie(rcookies[iCookie], true); } } } // Params collection support private void FillInParamsCollection() { _params.Add(this.QueryString); _params.Add(this.Form); _params.Add(this.Cookies); _params.Add(this.ServerVariables); } // // Files collection support // private void FillInFilesCollection() { if (_wr == null) return; if (!StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(ContentType, "multipart/form-data")) return; MultipartContentElement[] elements = GetMultipartContent(); if (elements == null) return; bool validateFileName = false; if (_flags[needToValidatePostedFiles]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidatePostedFiles); validateFileName = true; } for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if (elements[i].IsFile) { HttpPostedFile p = elements[i].GetAsPostedFile(); if (validateFileName) ValidateString(p.FileName, "filename", "Request.Files"); _files.AddFile(elements[i].Name, p); } } } // // Reading posted content ... // /* * Get attribute off header value */ private static String GetAttributeFromHeader(String headerValue, String attrName) { if (headerValue == null) return null; int l = headerValue.Length; int k = attrName.Length; // find properly separated attribute name int i = 1; // start searching from 1 while (i < l) { i = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(headerValue, attrName, i, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if (i < 0) break; if (i+k >= l) break; char chPrev = headerValue[i-1]; char chNext = headerValue[i+k]; if ((chPrev == ';' || chPrev == ',' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chPrev)) && (chNext == '=' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(chNext))) break; i += k; } if (i < 0 || i >= l) return null; // skip to '=' and the following whitespaces i += k; while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i])) i++; if (i >= l || headerValue[i] != '=') return null; i++; while (i < l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(headerValue[i])) i++; if (i >= l) return null; // parse the value String attrValue = null; int j; if (i < l && headerValue[i] == '"') { if (i == l-1) return null; j = headerValue.IndexOf('"', i+1); if (j < 0 || j == i+1) return null; attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i+1, j-i-1).Trim(); } else { for (j = i; j < l; j++) { if (headerValue[j] == ' ' || headerValue[j] == ',') break; } if (j == i) return null; attrValue = headerValue.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); } return attrValue; } /* * In case content-type header contains encoding it should override the config */ private Encoding GetEncodingFromHeaders() { if (UserAgent != null && CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(UserAgent, "UP")) { String postDataCharset = Headers["x-up-devcap-post-charset"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postDataCharset)) { try { return Encoding.GetEncoding(postDataCharset); } catch { // Exception may be thrown when charset is not valid. // In this case, do nothing, and let the framework // use the configured RequestEncoding setting. } } } if (!_wr.HasEntityBody()) return null; String contentType = this.ContentType; if (contentType == null) return null; String charSet = GetAttributeFromHeader(contentType, "charset"); if (charSet == null) return null; Encoding encoding = null; try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charSet); } catch { // bad encoding string throws an exception that needs to be consumed } return encoding; } /* * Read entire raw content as byte array */ private HttpRawUploadedContent GetEntireRawContent() { if (_wr == null) return null; if (_rawContent != null) return _rawContent; // enforce the limit HttpRuntimeSection cfg = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; int limit = cfg.MaxRequestLengthBytes; if (ContentLength > limit) { if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { Response.CloseConnectionAfterError(); } throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Max_request_length_exceeded), null, WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); } // threshold to go to file int fileThreshold = cfg.RequestLengthDiskThresholdBytes; // read the preloaded content HttpRawUploadedContent rawContent = new HttpRawUploadedContent(fileThreshold, ContentLength); byte[] preloadedContent = _wr.GetPreloadedEntityBody(); if (preloadedContent != null) { _wr.UpdateRequestCounters(preloadedContent.Length); rawContent.AddBytes(preloadedContent, 0, preloadedContent.Length); } // read the remaing content if (!_wr.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded()) { int remainingBytes = (ContentLength > 0) ? ContentLength - rawContent.Length : Int32.MaxValue; HttpApplication app = _context.ApplicationInstance; byte[] buf = (app != null) ? app.EntityBuffer : new byte[8 * 1024]; int numBytesRead = rawContent.Length; while (remainingBytes > 0) { int bytesToRead = buf.Length; if (bytesToRead > remainingBytes) bytesToRead = remainingBytes; int bytesRead = _wr.ReadEntityBody(buf, bytesToRead); if (bytesRead <= 0) break; _wr.UpdateRequestCounters(bytesRead); _readEntityBody = true; rawContent.AddBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); remainingBytes -= bytesRead; numBytesRead += bytesRead; if (numBytesRead > limit) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Max_request_length_exceeded), null, WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); } } } rawContent.DoneAddingBytes(); // filter content if (_installedFilter != null) { if (rawContent.Length > 0) { try { try { _filterSource.SetContent(rawContent); HttpRawUploadedContent filteredRawContent = new HttpRawUploadedContent(fileThreshold, rawContent.Length); HttpApplication app = _context.ApplicationInstance; byte[] buf = (app != null) ? app.EntityBuffer : new byte[8 * 1024]; for (;;) { int bytesRead = _installedFilter.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (bytesRead == 0) break; filteredRawContent.AddBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); } filteredRawContent.DoneAddingBytes(); rawContent = filteredRawContent; } finally { _filterSource.SetContent(null); } } catch { // Protect against exception filters throw; } } } _rawContent = rawContent; return _rawContent; } /* * Get multipart posted content as array of elements */ private MultipartContentElement[] GetMultipartContent() { // already parsed if (_multipartContentElements != null) return _multipartContentElements; // check the boundary byte[] boundary = GetMultipartBoundary(); if (boundary == null) return new MultipartContentElement[0]; // read the content if not read already HttpRawUploadedContent content = GetEntireRawContent(); if (content == null) return new MultipartContentElement[0]; // do the parsing _multipartContentElements = HttpMultipartContentTemplateParser.Parse(content, content.Length, boundary, ContentEncoding); return _multipartContentElements; } /* * Get boundary for the posted multipart content as byte array */ private byte[] GetMultipartBoundary() { // extract boundary value String b = GetAttributeFromHeader(ContentType, "boundary"); if (b == null) return null; // prepend with "--" and convert to byte array b = "--" + b; return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(b.ToCharArray()); } // // Request cookies sometimes are populated from Response // Here are helper methods to do that. // /* * Add response cookie to request collection (can override existing) */ internal void AddResponseCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { // cookies collection if (_cookies != null) _cookies.AddCookie(cookie, true); // cookies also go to parameters collection if (_params != null) { _params.MakeReadWrite(); _params.Add(cookie.Name, cookie.Value); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } } /* * Clear any cookies response might've added */ internal void ResetCookies() { // cookies collection if (_cookies != null) { _cookies.Reset(); FillInCookiesCollection(_cookies, true /*includeResponse*/); } // cookies also go to parameters collection if (_params != null) { _params.MakeReadWrite(); _params.Reset(); FillInParamsCollection(); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } } /* * Http method (verb) associated with the current request */ ////// Initializes an HttpRequest object. /// ////// public String HttpMethod { get { // Directly from worker request if (_httpMethod == null) { Debug.Assert(_wr != null); _httpMethod = _wr.GetHttpVerbName(); } return _httpMethod; } } internal HttpVerb HttpVerb { get { if (_httpVerb == HttpVerb.Unparsed) { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.Unknown; string method = HttpMethod; if (method != null) { switch (method.Length) { case 3: if (method == "GET") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.GET; } else if (method == "PUT") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.PUT; } break; case 4: if (method == "POST") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.POST; } else if (method == "HEAD") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.HEAD; } break; case 5: if (method == "DEBUG") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.DEBUG; } break; case 6: if (method == "DELETE") { _httpVerb = HttpVerb.DELETE; } break; } } } return _httpVerb; } } // Check whether this is a DEBUG verb request internal bool IsDebuggingRequest { get { return (HttpVerb == HttpVerb.DEBUG); } } /* * RequestType default to verb, but can be changed */ ///Indicates the HTTP data transfer method used by client (GET, POST). This property is read-only. ////// Indicates the HTTP data transfer method used by client /// (GET, POST). /// public String RequestType { get { return(_requestType != null) ? _requestType : this.HttpMethod; } set { _requestType = value; } } /* * Content-type of the content posted with the current request */ ////// public String ContentType { get { if (_contentType == null) { if (_wr != null) _contentType = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType); if (_contentType == null) _contentType = String.Empty; } return _contentType; } set { _contentType = value; } } ///Indicates the MIME content type of incoming request. This property is read-only. ////// public int ContentLength { get { if (_contentLength == -1) { if (_wr != null) { String s = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); if (s != null) { try { _contentLength = Int32.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { } } else { // no content-length header, but there is data if (_wr.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded()) { byte[] preloadedContent = _wr.GetPreloadedEntityBody(); if (preloadedContent != null) _contentLength = preloadedContent.Length; } } } } return (_contentLength >= 0) ? _contentLength : 0; } } /* * Encoding to read posted text content */ ///Indicates the content length of incoming request. This property is read-only. ////// public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if(_flags[contentEncodingResolved] && _encoding != null) { return _encoding; } _encoding = GetEncodingFromHeaders(); if (_encoding == null) { // WOS 1953542: No Event Is Logged When App Config is Corrupt GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; _encoding = globConfig.RequestEncoding; } _flags.Set(contentEncodingResolved); return _encoding; } set { _encoding = value; _flags.Set(contentEncodingResolved); } } internal Encoding QueryStringEncoding { get { Encoding e = ContentEncoding; // query string is never unicode - use utf-8 if instead return e.Equals(Encoding.Unicode) ? Encoding.UTF8 : e; } } /* * Parsed Accept header as array of strings */ ///Indicates the character set of data supplied by client. This property is read-only. ////// public String[] AcceptTypes { get { if (_acceptTypes == null) { if (_wr != null) _acceptTypes = ParseMultivalueHeader(_wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept)); } return _acceptTypes; } } // Is the request authenticated? public bool IsAuthenticated { get { return(_context.User != null && _context.User.Identity != null && _context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated); } } // Is using HTTPS? // Indicates whether the HTTP connection is secure (that is, HTTPS). This property is read-only. public bool IsSecureConnection { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.IsSecure(); else return false; } } /* * Virtual path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Returns a string array of client-supported MIME accept types. This property is read-only. ////// public String Path { get { return PathObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath PathObject { get { if (_path == null) { // Directly from worker request Debug.Assert(_wr != null); // Don't allow malformed paths for security reasons _path = VirtualPath.Create(_wr.GetUriPath(), VirtualPathOptions.AllowAbsolutePath); } return _path; } } internal string _AnonymousId = null; public string AnonymousID { get { return _AnonymousId;} } internal String PathWithQueryString { get { String qs = QueryStringText; return (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) ? (Path + "?" + qs) : Path; } } // The virtual file path where the client browsers think we are. // However, in the case of cookieless session, ClientFilePath does *not* include the session id. private VirtualPath _clientFilePath; internal VirtualPath ClientFilePath { get { if (_clientFilePath != null) return _clientFilePath; IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { _clientFilePath = VirtualPath.Create(iis7WorkerRequest.GetUriPathInternal(false /*includePathInfo*/, true /*useParentContext*/), VirtualPathOptions.AllowAbsolutePath | VirtualPathOptions.AllowNull | VirtualPathOptions.FailIfMalformed); } if (_wr != null) { _clientFilePath = _wr.GetFilePathObject(); } else { _clientFilePath = PathObject; } return _clientFilePath; } } // The base dir of the client virtual file path. // However, in the case of cookieless session, ClientFilePath does *not* include the session id. private VirtualPath _clientBaseDir; // VSWhidbey 560283 : The ClientBaseDir represents the directory of the current // request to the client. // // the request is ClientBaseDir FilePathObject (FilePathObject.Parent) // 1. /app/sub/ /app/sub/ /app/ // 2. /app/sub /app/ /app/ internal VirtualPath ClientBaseDir { get { if (_clientBaseDir == null) { // client virtual path before the last '/' if (ClientFilePath.HasTrailingSlash) { _clientBaseDir = ClientFilePath; } else { _clientBaseDir = ClientFilePath.Parent; } } return _clientBaseDir; } } /* * File path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Indicates the virtual path of the current /// request, including the path PathInfo. This property is read-only. ////// public String FilePath { get { return VirtualPath.GetVirtualPathString(FilePathObject); } } internal VirtualPath FilePathObject { get { if (_filePath != null) { return _filePath; } if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request if (_wr != null) { _filePath = _wr.GetFilePathObject(); _clientFilePath = _filePath; } else { _filePath = PathObject; } } else if (_context != null) { // From config // // RAID#93378 // Config system relies on FilePath for lookups so we should not // be calling it while _filePath is null or it will lead to // infinite recursion. // // It is safe to set _filePath to Path as longer path would still // yield correct configuration, just a little slower. _filePath = PathObject; int filePathLen = _context.GetFilePathData().Path.VirtualPathStringNoTrailingSlash.Length; // case could be wrong in config (_path has the correct case) if (Path.Length == filePathLen) _filePath = PathObject; else _filePath = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(Path.Substring(0, filePathLen)); } return _filePath; } } /* * Normally the same as FilePath. The difference is that when doing a * Server.Execute, FilePath doesn't change, while this changes to the * currently executing virtual path */ public string CurrentExecutionFilePath { get { return CurrentExecutionFilePathObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath CurrentExecutionFilePathObject { get { if (_currentExecutionFilePath != null) return _currentExecutionFilePath; return FilePathObject; } } internal VirtualPath SwitchCurrentExecutionFilePath(VirtualPath path) { VirtualPath oldPath = _currentExecutionFilePath; _currentExecutionFilePath = path; return oldPath; } // Same as CurrentExecutionFilePath, but made relative to the application root, // so it is application-agnostic. public string AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath { get { return UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppRelative(CurrentExecutionFilePath); } } // Path-info corresponding to the requested Url // Indicates additional path information for a resource with a URL extension. i.e. for the URL // /virdir/page.html/tail, the PathInfo value is /tail. This property is read-only. public String PathInfo { get { VirtualPath pathInfoObject = PathInfoObject; return pathInfoObject == null ? String.Empty : PathInfoObject.VirtualPathString; } } internal VirtualPath PathInfoObject { get { if (_pathInfo != null) { return _pathInfo; } if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request if (_wr != null) { _pathInfo = VirtualPath.CreateAbsoluteAllowNull(_wr.GetPathInfo()); } } if (_pathInfo == null && _context != null) { VirtualPath path = PathObject; int pathLength = path.VirtualPathString.Length; VirtualPath filePath = FilePathObject; int filePathLength = filePath.VirtualPathString.Length; if (filePath == null) _pathInfo = path; else if (path == null || pathLength <= filePathLength) _pathInfo = null; else { string pathInfoString = path.VirtualPathString.Substring(filePathLength, pathLength - filePathLength); _pathInfo = VirtualPath.CreateAbsolute(pathInfoString); } } return _pathInfo; } } /* * Physical path corresponding to the requested Url */ ///Indicates the virtual path of the current request, but without the PathInfo. /// This property is read-only. ////// public String PhysicalPath { get { String path = PhysicalPathInternal; InternalSecurityPermissions.PathDiscovery(path).Demand(); return path; } } internal String PhysicalPathInternal { get { if (_pathTranslated == null) { if (!_computePathInfo) { // Directly from worker request Debug.Assert(_wr != null); _pathTranslated = _wr.GetFilePathTranslated(); } if (_pathTranslated == null && _wr != null) { // Compute after rewrite _pathTranslated = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(FilePath); } } return _pathTranslated; } } /* * Virtual path to the application root */ ///Gets the physical file system path corresponding /// to /// the requested URL. This property is read-only. ////// public String ApplicationPath { get { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath; } } internal VirtualPath ApplicationPathObject { get { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathObject; } } /* * Physical path to the application root */ ///Gets the /// virtual path to the currently executing server application. ////// public String PhysicalApplicationPath { get { InternalSecurityPermissions.AppPathDiscovery.Demand(); if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetAppPathTranslated(); else return null; } } /* * User agent string */ ///Gets the physical /// file system path of currently executing server application. ////// public String UserAgent { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent); else return null; } } /* * Accepted user languages */ ///Gets the client /// browser's raw User Agent String. ////// public String[] UserLanguages { get { if (_userLanguages == null) { if (_wr != null) _userLanguages = ParseMultivalueHeader(_wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage)); } return _userLanguages; } } // Browser caps // Provides information about incoming client's browser capabilities. public HttpBrowserCapabilities Browser { get { if(_browsercaps != null) { return _browsercaps; } if (! s_browserCapsEvaled) { lock (s_browserLock) { if (! s_browserCapsEvaled) { HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetBrowserCapabilities(this); } s_browserCapsEvaled = true; } } _browsercaps = (HttpBrowserCapabilities)HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetBrowserCapabilities(this); return _browsercaps; } set { _browsercaps = value; } } /* * Client's host name */ ///Gets a /// sorted array of client language preferences. ////// public String UserHostName { get { String s = (_wr != null) ? _wr.GetRemoteName() : null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) s = UserHostAddress; return s; } } /* * Client's host address */ ///Gets the /// DNS name of remote client. ////// public String UserHostAddress { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetRemoteAddress(); else return null; } } internal String LocalAddress { get { if (_wr != null) return _wr.GetLocalAddress(); else return null; } } /* * The current request's RAW Url (as supplied by worker request) */ ///Gets the /// IP host address of remote client. ////// public String RawUrl { get { String url; if (_wr != null) { url = _wr.GetRawUrl(); } else { String p = this.Path; String qs = this.QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) url = p + "?" + qs; else url = p; } if (_flags[needToValidateRawUrl]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateRawUrl); ValidateString(url, null, "Request.RawUrl"); } return url; } } // WOS 1953542: No Event Is Logged When App Config is Corrupt // This should never throw. Since Uri.ctor can throw if config // is bad, we cannot use the public Url property. internal String UrlInternal { get { string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) q = "?" + HttpUtility.CollapsePercentUFromStringInternal(q, QueryStringEncoding); String serverName = _wr.GetServerName(); if (serverName.IndexOf(':') >= 0 && serverName[0] != '[') serverName = "[" + serverName + "]"; // IPv6 if (_wr.GetLocalPortAsString() == "80") { return _wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + Path + q; } else { return _wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + ":" + _wr.GetLocalPortAsString() + Path + q; } } } // The current request's Url // Gets Information regarding URL of current request. public Uri Url { get { if (_url == null && _wr != null) { string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) q = "?" + HttpUtility.CollapsePercentUFromStringInternal(q, QueryStringEncoding); String serverName = _wr.GetServerName(); if (serverName.IndexOf(':') >= 0 && serverName[0] != '[') serverName = "[" + serverName + "]"; // IPv6 _url = new Uri(_wr.GetProtocol() + "://" + serverName + ":" + _wr.GetLocalPortAsString() + Path + q); } return _url; } } // Url of the Http referrer /// Gets information regarding the URL of the client's previous request that linked to the current URL. public Uri UrlReferrer { get { if (_referrer == null) { if (_wr != null) { String r = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) { try { if (r.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) _referrer = new Uri(r); else _referrer = new Uri(this.Url, r); } catch (HttpException) { // malformed referrer shouldn't crash the request _referrer = null; } } } } return _referrer; } } // special case for perf in output cache module internal String IfModifiedSince { get { if (_wr == null) return null; return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderIfModifiedSince); } } // special case for perf in output cache module internal String IfNoneMatch { get { if (_wr == null) return null; return _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderIfNoneMatch); } } // Params collection - combination of query string, form, server vars // Gets a combined collection of QueryString+Form+ ServerVariable+Cookies. public NameValueCollection Params { get { if (HttpRuntime.HasAspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)) return GetParams(); else return GetParamsWithDemand(); } } // Used in integrated pipeline mode to invalidate the params collection // after a change is made to the headers or server variables internal void InvalidateParams() { _params = null; } private NameValueCollection GetParams() { if (_params == null) { _params = new HttpValueCollection(64); FillInParamsCollection(); _params.MakeReadOnly(); } return _params; } [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] private NameValueCollection GetParamsWithDemand() { return GetParams(); } // Default property that goes through the collections // QueryString, Form, Cookies, ClientCertificate and ServerVariables public String this[String key] { get { String s; s = QueryString[key]; if (s != null) return s; s = Form[key]; if (s != null) return s; HttpCookie c = Cookies[key]; if (c != null) return c.Value; s = ServerVariables[key]; if (s != null) return s; return null; } } // Query string as String (private) internal String QueryStringText { get { if (_queryStringText == null) { if (_wr != null) { // if raw bytes available use them byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { if (rawQueryString.Length > 0) _queryStringText = QueryStringEncoding.GetString(rawQueryString); else _queryStringText = String.Empty; } else { _queryStringText = _wr.GetQueryString(); } } if (_queryStringText == null) _queryStringText = String.Empty; } return _queryStringText; } set { // override the query string _queryStringText = value; _queryStringOverriden = true; if (_queryString != null) { _params=null; _queryString.MakeReadWrite(); _queryString.Reset(); FillInQueryStringCollection(); _queryString.MakeReadOnly(); } } } // Query string as byte[] (private) -- for parsing internal byte[] QueryStringBytes { get { if (_queryStringOverriden) return null; if (_queryStringBytes == null) { if (_wr != null) _queryStringBytes = _wr.GetQueryStringRawBytes(); } return _queryStringBytes; } } // Query string collection //Gets the current request's raw URL. ///Gets the collection of QueryString variables. // public NameValueCollection QueryString { get { if (_queryString == null) { _queryString = new HttpValueCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInQueryStringCollection(); _queryString.MakeReadOnly(); } if (_flags[needToValidateQueryString]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateQueryString); ValidateNameValueCollection(_queryString, "Request.QueryString"); } return _queryString; } } internal bool HasQueryString { get { if (_queryString != null) return (_queryString.Count > 0); byte[] rawQueryString = this.QueryStringBytes; if (rawQueryString != null) { return (rawQueryString.Length > 0); } else { return (QueryStringText.Length > 0); } } } // Form collection /// Gets a collection of Form variables. public NameValueCollection Form { get { if (_form == null) { _form = new HttpValueCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInFormCollection(); _form.MakeReadOnly(); } if (_flags[needToValidateForm]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateForm); ValidateNameValueCollection(_form, "Request.Form"); } return _form; } } internal bool HasForm { get { if (_form != null) { return (_form.Count > 0); } else { if (_wr != null && !_wr.HasEntityBody()) { return false; } else { return (Form.Count > 0); } } } } internal HttpValueCollection SwitchForm(HttpValueCollection form) { HttpValueCollection oldForm = _form; _form = form; return oldForm; } // Headers collection // Gets a collection of HTTP headers. public NameValueCollection Headers { get { if (_headers == null) { _headers = new HttpHeaderCollection(_wr, this, 8); if (_wr != null) FillInHeadersCollection(); if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { _headers.MakeReadOnly(); } } return _headers; } } // Server vars collection // Gets a collection of web server variables. public NameValueCollection ServerVariables { get { if (HttpRuntime.HasAspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)) return GetServerVars(); else return GetServerVarsWithDemand(); } } [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] private NameValueCollection GetServerVarsWithDemand() { return GetServerVars(); } private NameValueCollection GetServerVars() { if (_serverVariables == null) { _serverVariables = new HttpServerVarsCollection(_wr, this); if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { _serverVariables.MakeReadOnly(); } } return _serverVariables; } internal void SetSkipAuthorization(bool value) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null) { return; } // If value is true, set server variable to "1". // If value is false, remove server variable by setting value to null. // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { wr.SetServerVariable("IS_LOGIN_PAGE", value ? "1" : null); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("IS_LOGIN_PAGE", value ? "1" : null); } } internal void SetDynamicCompression(bool enable) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null) { return; } // If "enable" is true, remove server variable by setting value to null. // If "enable" is false, set server variable to "0" to disable. // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { wr.SetServerVariable("IIS_EnableDynamicCompression", enable ? null : "0"); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("IIS_EnableDynamicCompression", enable ? null : "0"); } } // WOS 1526602: ASP.Net v2.0: Response.AppendToLog does not work properly in integrated mode internal void AppendToLogQueryString(string logData) { IIS7WorkerRequest wr = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (wr == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(logData)) { return; } // Don't create server variable collection if it's not created yet. if (_serverVariables == null) { string currentLogData = wr.GetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLogData)) { wr.SetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING", QueryStringText + logData); } else { wr.SetServerVariable("LOG_QUERY_STRING", currentLogData + logData); } } else { string currentLogData = _serverVariables.Get("LOG_QUERY_STRING"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLogData)) { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("LOG_QUERY_STRING", QueryStringText + logData); } else { _serverVariables.SetNoDemand("LOG_QUERY_STRING", currentLogData + logData); } } } // Cookie collection associated with current request // Gets a collection of client's cookie variables. public HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get { if (_cookies == null) { _cookies = new HttpCookieCollection(null, false); if (_wr != null) FillInCookiesCollection(_cookies, true /*includeResponse*/); } if (_flags[needToValidateCookies]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateCookies); ValidateCookieCollection(_cookies); } return _cookies; } } // File collection associated with current request // Gets the collection of client-uploaded files (Multipart MIME format). public HttpFileCollection Files { get { if (_files == null) { _files = new HttpFileCollection(); if (_wr != null) FillInFilesCollection(); } return _files; } } // Stream to read raw content // Provides access to the raw contents of the incoming HTTP entity body. public Stream InputStream { get { if (_inputStream == null) { HttpRawUploadedContent rawContent = null; if (_wr != null) rawContent = GetEntireRawContent(); if (rawContent != null) { _inputStream = new HttpInputStream( rawContent, 0, rawContent.Length ); } else { _inputStream = new HttpInputStream(null, 0, 0); } } return _inputStream; } } // ASP classic compat // Gets the number of bytes in the current input stream. public int TotalBytes { get { Stream s = InputStream; return(s != null) ? (int)s.Length : 0; } } // ASP classic compat // Performs a binary read of a specified number of bytes from the current input stream. public byte[] BinaryRead(int count) { if (count < 0 || count > TotalBytes) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); if (count == 0) return new byte[0]; byte[] buffer = new byte[count]; int c = InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, count); if (c != count) { byte[] b2 = new byte[c]; if (c > 0) Array.Copy(buffer, b2, c); buffer = b2; } return buffer; } // Filtering of the input // Gets or sets a filter to use when reading the current input stream. public Stream Filter { get { if (_installedFilter != null) return _installedFilter; if (_filterSource == null) _filterSource = new HttpInputStreamFilterSource(); return _filterSource; } set { if (_filterSource == null) // have to use the source -- null means source wasn't ever asked for throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_request_filter)); _installedFilter = value; } } // Client Certificate // Gets information on the current request's client security certificate. public HttpClientCertificate ClientCertificate { [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] get { if (_clientCertificate == null) { _clientCertificate = CreateHttpClientCertificateWithAssert(); } return _clientCertificate; } } [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] HttpClientCertificate CreateHttpClientCertificateWithAssert() { return new HttpClientCertificate(_context); } // Gets LOGON_USER as WindowsIdentity public WindowsIdentity LogonUserIdentity { [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)] get { if (_logonUserIdentity == null) { if (_wr != null) { if (_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest && ((_context.NotificationContext.CurrentNotification == RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest && !_context.NotificationContext.IsPostNotification) || (_context.NotificationContext.CurrentNotification < RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest))) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_before_authentication)); } IntPtr token = _wr.GetUserToken(); if (token != IntPtr.Zero) { String logonUser = _wr.GetServerVariable("LOGON_USER"); String authType = _wr.GetServerVariable("AUTH_TYPE"); bool isAuthenticated = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logonUser) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authType) && !StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(authType, "basic"))); _logonUserIdentity = CreateWindowsIdentityWithAssert(token, ((authType == null) ? "" : authType), WindowsAccountType.Normal, isAuthenticated); } } } return _logonUserIdentity; } } [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] private static WindowsIdentity CreateWindowsIdentityWithAssert(IntPtr token, string authType, WindowsAccountType accountType, bool isAuthenticated) { return new WindowsIdentity(token, authType, accountType, isAuthenticated); } // Validate that the input from the browser is safe. public void ValidateInput() { // This is to prevent some XSS (cross site scripting) attacks (ASURT 122278) _flags.Set(needToValidateQueryString); _flags.Set(needToValidateForm); _flags.Set(needToValidateCookies); _flags.Set(needToValidatePostedFiles); _flags.Set(needToValidateRawUrl); // } internal string ValidateRawUrl() { return RawUrl; } private static string RemoveNullCharacters(string s) { if (s == null) return null; // Ignore null characters to prevent attacks (VSWhidbey 85016) if (s.IndexOf('\0') > -1) return s.Replace("\0", String.Empty); return s; } private static void ValidateString(string s, string valueName, string collectionName) { s = RemoveNullCharacters(s); int matchIndex=0; if (CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(s, out matchIndex)) { // Display only the piece of the string that caused the problem, padded by on each side string detectedString = valueName + "=\""; int startIndex = matchIndex - 10; if (startIndex <= 0) { startIndex = 0; } else { // Start with "..." to show that this is not the beginning detectedString += "..."; } int endIndex = matchIndex + 20; if (endIndex >= s.Length) { endIndex = s.Length; detectedString += s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex) + "\""; } else { detectedString += s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex) + "...\""; } throw new HttpRequestValidationException(SR.GetString(SR.Dangerous_input_detected, collectionName, detectedString)); } } private static void ValidateNameValueCollection(NameValueCollection nvc, string collectionName) { int c = nvc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = nvc.GetKey(i); // Skip all our internal fields, since they don't need to be checked (VSWhidbey 275811) // if (key != null && key.StartsWith(System.Web.UI.Page.systemPostFieldPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { continue; } String val = nvc.Get(i); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) ValidateString(val, key, collectionName); } } private static void ValidateCookieCollection(HttpCookieCollection cc) { int c = cc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = cc.GetKey(i); String val = cc.Get(i).Value; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) ValidateString(val, key, "Request.Cookies"); } } /* * Get coordinates of the clicked image send as name.x=&name.y= * in the form or in the query string * @param imageFieldName name of the image field * @return x,y as int[2] or null if not found */ ////// public int[] MapImageCoordinates(String imageFieldName) { // Select collection where to look according to verb NameValueCollection c = null; switch (this.HttpVerb) { case HttpVerb.GET: case HttpVerb.HEAD: c = this.QueryString; break; case HttpVerb.POST: c = this.Form; break; default: return null; } // Look for .x and .y values in the collection int[] ret = null; try { String x = c[imageFieldName + ".x"]; String y = c[imageFieldName + ".y"]; if (x != null && y != null) ret = (new int[] { Int32.Parse(x, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int32.Parse(y, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}); } catch { // eat parsing exceptions } return ret; } /* * Save contents of request into a file * @param filename where to save * @param includeHeaders flag to request inclusion of Http headers */ ////// Maps an incoming image field form parameter into appropriate x/y /// coordinate values. /// ////// public void SaveAs(String filename, bool includeHeaders) { // NDPWhidbey 14376 if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { HttpRuntimeSection config = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; if (config.RequireRootedSaveAsPath) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.SaveAs_requires_rooted_path, filename)); } } FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); try { // headers if (includeHeaders) { TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(f); w.Write(this.HttpMethod + " " + this.Path); String qs = this.QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) w.Write("?" + qs); if (_wr != null) { // real request -- add protocol w.Write(" " + _wr.GetHttpVersion() + "\r\n"); // headers w.Write(CombineAllHeaders(true)); } else { // manufactured request w.Write("\r\n"); } w.Write("\r\n"); w.Flush(); } // entity body HttpInputStream s = (HttpInputStream)this.InputStream; s.WriteTo(f); f.Flush(); } finally { f.Close(); } } /* * Map virtual path to physical path relative to current request * @param virtualPath virtual path (absolute or relative) * @return physical path */ ///Saves an HTTP request to disk. ////// public String MapPath(String virtualPath) { return MapPath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(virtualPath)); } internal String MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath) { if (_wr != null) { return MapPath(virtualPath, FilePathObject, true/*allowCrossAppMapping*/); } else { return virtualPath.MapPath(); } } ////// Maps the given virtual path to a physical path. /// ////// public String MapPath(string virtualPath, string baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { VirtualPath baseVirtualDirObject; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseVirtualDir)) { // If no base is passed in, use the request's base dir (VSWhidbey 539063) baseVirtualDirObject = FilePathObject; } else { // We need to ensure a trailing slash to match v1.x behavior (VSWhidbey 539063) baseVirtualDirObject = VirtualPath.CreateTrailingSlash(baseVirtualDir); } return MapPath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(virtualPath), baseVirtualDirObject, allowCrossAppMapping); } internal String MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, VirtualPath baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { if (_wr == null) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_map_path_without_context)); // treat null as "." // if (virtualPath == null) virtualPath = VirtualPath.Create("."); VirtualPath originalVirtualPath = virtualPath; // remember for patch-up at the end // Combine it with the base if one was passed in if (baseVirtualDir != null) { virtualPath = baseVirtualDir.Combine(virtualPath); } if (!allowCrossAppMapping) virtualPath.FailIfNotWithinAppRoot(); string realPath = virtualPath.MapPathInternal(); // patch up the result for Everett combatibility (VSWhidbey 319826) if (virtualPath.VirtualPathString == "/" && originalVirtualPath.VirtualPathString != "/" && !originalVirtualPath.HasTrailingSlash && UrlPath.PathEndsWithExtraSlash(realPath)) { realPath = realPath.Substring(0, realPath.Length - 1); } InternalSecurityPermissions.PathDiscovery(realPath).Demand(); return realPath; } internal void InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath newPath, String newQueryString, bool rebaseClientPath) { // clear things that depend on path _pathTranslated = null; _pathInfo = null; _filePath = null; _url = null; // DevDiv Bug 164390: calling the worker request's GetRawUrl method here // to ensure we cache the original request Url in Url Mapping scenarios. if (_wr != null) { _wr.GetRawUrl(); } // remember the new path _path = newPath; if (rebaseClientPath) { _clientBaseDir = null; _clientFilePath = newPath; } // set a flag so we compute things that depend on path by hand _computePathInfo = true; // parse the new query string (might require config) if (newQueryString != null) this.QueryStringText = newQueryString; // remember the rewritten url _rewrittenUrl = _path.VirtualPathString; string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) _rewrittenUrl += "?" + q; IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { iis7WorkerRequest.RewriteNotifyPipeline(_path.VirtualPathString, newQueryString, rebaseClientPath); } } internal void InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath newFilePath, VirtualPath newPathInfo, String newQueryString, bool setClientFilePath) { // clear things that depend on path _pathTranslated = (_wr != null) ? newFilePath.MapPathInternal() : null; _pathInfo = newPathInfo; _filePath = newFilePath; _url = null; // DevDiv Bug 164390: calling the worker request's GetRawUrl method here // to ensure we cache the original request Url in Url Mapping scenarios. if (_wr != null) { _wr.GetRawUrl(); } if (newPathInfo == null) { _path = newFilePath; } else { // Combine the file path and the pathInfo to get the path. Note that we can't call // newFilePath.Combine here, since the rules are very different here (VSWhidbey 498926, 528055) string newFullPathString = newFilePath.VirtualPathStringWhicheverAvailable + "/" + newPathInfo.VirtualPathString; _path = VirtualPath.Create(newFullPathString); } if (newQueryString != null) this.QueryStringText = newQueryString; // remember the rewritten url _rewrittenUrl = _path.VirtualPathString; string q = QueryStringText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) _rewrittenUrl += "?" + q; // no need to calculate any paths _computePathInfo = false; if (setClientFilePath) { _clientFilePath = newFilePath; } IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { String newPath = (_path != null && _path.VirtualPathString != null) ? _path.VirtualPathString : String.Empty; iis7WorkerRequest.RewriteNotifyPipeline(newPath, newQueryString, setClientFilePath); } } internal String RewrittenUrl { get { return _rewrittenUrl; } } internal string FetchServerVariable(string variable) { return _wr.GetServerVariable(variable); } // Used by IIS7WorkerRequest.SynchronizeServerVariables to update server variables in the collection internal void SynchronizeServerVariable(String name, String value) { if (name == "IS_LOGIN_PAGE") { bool skipAuth = (value != null && value != "0") ? true : false; _context.SetSkipAuthorizationNoDemand(skipAuth, true /*managedOnly*/); } // populate the server variables collection if necessary HttpServerVarsCollection serverVars = ServerVariables as HttpServerVarsCollection; if (serverVars != null) { serverVars.SynchronizeServerVariable(name, value); } } // Used by IIS7WorkerRequest.SynchronizeServerVariables to update server variables in the collection internal void SynchronizeHeader(String name, String value) { // populate the headers collection if necessary HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; if (headers != null) { headers.SynchronizeHeader(name, value); } // if a header changes, the server variable also needs to be updated // populate the server variables collection if necessary HttpServerVarsCollection serverVars = ServerVariables as HttpServerVarsCollection; if (serverVars != null) { string svName = "HTTP_" + name.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('-', '_'); serverVars.SynchronizeServerVariable(svName, value); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007./// Maps the given virtual path to a physical path. /// ///
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