/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / PtsHost / ErrorHandler.cs / 1305600 / ErrorHandler.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: ErrorHandler.cs // // Description: Helpers to handle unexpected situations. // // History: // 05/02/2003 : [....] - moving from Avalon branch. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Globalization; namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers to handle unexpected situations. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- internal static class ErrorHandler { // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Assert. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static void Assert(bool condition, string message) { #if DEBUG if (!condition) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, message); } #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Assert. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static void Assert(bool condition, string format, params object[] args) { #if DEBUG if (!condition) { string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, args); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, message); } #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization errors // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static string PtsCacheAlreadyCreated = "PTS cache is already created."; internal static string PtsCacheAlreadyDestroyed = "PTS cache is already destroyed."; internal static string NullPtsHost = "Valid PtsHost object is required."; internal static string CreateContextFailed = "Failed to create PTS Context."; //internal static string ParagraphVisualDetached = "Paragraph's visual has been already detached."; internal static string EnumIntegrationError = "Some enum values has been changed. Need to update dependent code."; //internal static string FinitePageNotCreated = "Finite page has not been created - need to handle it?"; //internal static string SubpageFormatMismatch = "Nested subpage does not match requested page format."; //internal static string PageSizeIsZero = "Requested page size is 0."; //internal static string CannotUpdateFromDirtyBreakRecord = "Cannot create page from dirty break record."; internal static string NoNeedToDestroyPtsPage = "PTS page is not created, there is no need to destroy it."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Not supported errors // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //internal static string NotSupportedSimpleTreeForTFP = "Simple tree is not supported by TextFlowPresenter."; //internal static string NotSupportedWritingDirections = "Writing directions are not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedFiniteIncremental = "Incremental update is not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedFootnotes = "Footnotes are not supported yet."; //internal static string NotSupportedHeadersFooters = "Headers/footers are not supported yet."; //internal static string NotSupportedVerticalJustify = "Vertical justification is not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedCompositeColumns = "Composite columns are not supported yet."; //internal static string NotSupportedAdvancedLine = "Advanced line features are not supported yet."; //internal static string NotSupportedOnLayoutTask = "OnLayoutTask is not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedDropCap = "DropCap is not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedForcedLineBreaks = "Forced vertical line break is not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedMultiSection = "Multiply sections are not supported yet."; internal static string NotSupportedSubtrackShift = "Column shifting is not supported yet."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle mapper // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static string NullObjectInCreateHandle = "Valid object is required to create handle."; internal static string InvalidHandle = "No object associated with the handle or type mismatch."; internal static string HandleOutOfRange = "Object handle has to be within handle array's range."; //internal static string HandleAlreadyDisposed = "UnmanagedHandle has been already disposed."; //internal static string EmptyHandleArrray = "Handle array cannot be empty."; //internal static string FreeIndexOutOfRange = "Index of the next free entry in handle array is out of range."; //internal static string NoNeedToResizeHandleArray = "There is no need to resize handle array. Free entries are still available."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Break record // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //internal static string NullPresenterCache = "Valid PresenterCache is required."; //internal static string NullElementOwner = "Valid Element is required."; internal static string BreakRecordDisposed = "Break record already disposed."; //internal static string InconsistentElementOwner = "Inconsistent element owner."; //internal static string TFPInvalidNotificationHandler = "NotificationHandler is null, or it does not belong to TextFlowPresenter."; //internal static string NullNotificationSource = "Notification source is not specified."; internal static string BreakRecordNotNeeded = "There is no need to create break record."; internal static string BrokenParaHasMcs = "Broken paragraph cannot have margin collapsing state."; internal static string BrokenParaHasTopSpace = "Top space should be always suppressed at the top of broken paragraph."; internal static string GoalReachedHasBreakRecord = "Goal is reached, so there should be no break record."; internal static string BrokenContentRequiresBreakRecord = "Goal is not reached, break record is required to continue."; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // NameTable PTS structures errors // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static string PTSAssert = "PTS Assert:\n\t{0}\n\t{1}\n\t{2}\n\t{3}"; //internal static string NullPresenter = "Valid Presenter object is required."; //internal static string NullParagraph = "Valid Paragraph object is required."; //internal static string NullParaClient = "Valid ParaClient object is required."; //internal static string NullFragment = "Valid Fragment object is required."; //internal static string InvalidParaClientCache = "ParaClient cache has not been updated yet. Forgot to call UpdateCache?"; internal static string ParaHandleMismatch = "Paragraph handle mismatch."; //internal static string FragmentNotDetached = "Fragment object has not been detached."; //internal static string FragmentAlreadyDetached = "Fragment has been already detached."; //internal static string BBoxNotDefined = "Bounding box is not defined."; //internal static string UseSimpleQueryPath = "Simple query path should be used."; //internal static string UseComplexQueryPath = "Complex query path should be used."; //internal static string UseComplexCompositeQueryPath = "Complex composite query path should be used."; internal static string PTSObjectsCountMismatch = "Actual number of PTS objects does not match number of requested PTS objects."; //internal static string PageAlreadyDestroyed = "Page has been already destroyed."; //internal static string NullChildPresenter = "ChildPresenter has not been created."; //internal static string InconsistentDataForBrokenPara = "Inconsistent data for broken paragraph."; //internal static string IncorrectPositionOfTreePtr = "TreePtr has not been properly positioned."; internal static string SubmitForEmptyRange = "Submitting embedded objects for empty range."; internal static string SubmitInvalidList = "Submitting invalid list of embedded objects."; //internal static string SubmitInvalidObjectType = "Submitting invalid embedded object type."; //internal static string LineNotHit = "The current line should be hit."; //internal static string NoObjectAtDcp = "No object has been found for specified 'dcp'."; //internal static string InvalidArg = "Invalid argument."; //internal static string EmptyLine = "Created line is empty."; //internal static string ParaRectOutOfSync = "Paragraph rect out of [....]."; internal static string HandledInsideSegmentPara = "Paragraph structure invalidation should be handled by Segments."; internal static string EmptyParagraph = "There are no lines in the paragraph."; //internal static string UnsuportedParagraphBreak = "Returned paragraph break is not supported."; internal static string ParaStartsWithEOP = "NameTable is out of [....] with TextContainer. The next paragraph begins with EOP."; internal static string FetchParaAtTextRangePosition = "Trying to fetch paragraph at not supported TextPointer - TextRange."; internal static string ParagraphCharacterCountMismatch = "Paragraph's character count is out of [....]."; internal static string ContainerNeedsTextElement = "Container paragraph can be only created for TextElement."; internal static string CannotPositionInsideUIElement = "Cannot position TextPointer inside a UIElement."; internal static string CannotFindUIElement = "Cannot find specified UIElement in the TextContainer."; internal static string InvalidDocumentPage = "DocumentPage is not created for IDocumentPaginatorSource object."; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Incremental update errors // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //internal static string InconsistentUpdateRecordData = "Inconsistent UpdateRecord data."; //internal static string NullUpdateRecord = "Valid UpdateRecord object is required."; //internal static string UpdateRecordAlreadyCreated = "UpdateRecord has been already created."; //internal static string EmptyDTRList = "DTR list is empty."; //internal static string NullNextUpdateRecord = "Next UpdateRecord cannot be null."; //internal static string DTRListOutOfSync = "DTRList is out of [....]."; //internal static string DtrOutOfScope = "DTR is exciding presenter scope."; internal static string NoVisualToTransfer = "Old paragraph does not have a visual node. Cannot transfer data."; internal static string UpdateShiftedNotValid = "Update shifted is not a valid update type for top level PTS objects."; internal static string ColumnVisualCountMismatch = "Number of column visuals does not match number of columns."; internal static string VisualTypeMismatch = "Visual does not match expected type."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Line formatting // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static string EmbeddedObjectTypeMismatch = "EmbeddedObject type missmatch."; internal static string EmbeddedObjectOwnerMismatch = "Cannot transfer data from an embedded object representing another element."; //internal static string ElementOwnerMismatch = "Element owner mismatch."; //internal static string UnsuportedPositionType = "Unsupported position type."; //internal static string ObjectRunNotFound = "There is no object run in the cache. Why FormatObject has been called?"; //internal static string ObjectRunExpected = "Only object run is expected in FormatObject."; //internal static string NullChildPresenterInRenderMode = "ChildPresenter cannot be null in render mode."; //internal static string LLLineCreationFailed = "Failed to create a line."; internal static string LineAlreadyDestroyed = "Line has been already disposed."; internal static string OnlyOneRectIsExpected = "Expecting only one rect for text object."; //internal static string RenderOnlyMode = "Supported only during render mode."; //internal static string NoFloatersInLine = "There are no floaters in the line."; //internal static string FloatersNumberMismatch = "Number of floaters doesn't match size of PTS array."; //internal static string NoFiguresInLine = "There are no figures in the line."; //internal static string FiguresNumberMismatch = "Number of figures doesn't match size of PTS array."; //internal static string NullLineLayoutHostContext = "Context for LineLayoutHost has not been set."; internal static string NotInLineBoundary = "Requesting data outside of line's range."; internal static string FetchRunAtTextArrayStart = "Trying to fetch run at the beginning of TextContainer."; internal static string TextFormatterHostNotInitialized = "TextFormatter host is not initialized."; internal static string NegativeCharacterIndex = "Character index must be non-negative."; internal static string NoClientDataForObjectRun = "ClientData should be always provided for object runs."; internal static string UnknownDOTypeInTextArray = "Unknown DependencyObject type stored in TextContainer."; internal static string NegativeObjectWidth = "Negative object's width within a text line."; internal static string NoUIElementForObjectPosition = "TextContainer does not have a UIElement for position of Object type."; internal static string InlineObjectCacheCorrupted = "Paragraph's inline object cache is corrupted."; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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