/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Base / System / Security / RightsManagement / SecureEnvironment.cs / 1305600 / SecureEnvironment.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: Secure Environment class is a starting point for Managed RM APIs // It provides basic services of enumerating User Certificates, Initializing Environment // // History: // 06/01/2005: IgorBel : Initial Implementation // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows; using MS.Internal.Security.RightsManagement; using SecurityHelper=MS.Internal.WindowsBase.SecurityHelper; using MS.Internal; using System.Security.Permissions; using SR=MS.Internal.WindowsBase.SR; using SRID=MS.Internal.WindowsBase.SRID; namespace System.Security.RightsManagement { ////// This class represent a client session, which used in activation, binding and other function calls. /// ////// Critical: This class expose access to methods that eventually do one or more of the the following /// 1. call into unmanaged code /// 2. affects state/data that will eventually cross over unmanaged code boundary /// 3. Return some RM related information which is considered private /// /// TreatAsSafe: This attrbiute automatically applied to all public entry points. All the public entry points have /// Demands for RightsManagementPermission at entry to counter the possible attacks that do /// not lead to the unamanged code directly(which is protected by another Demand there) but rather leave /// some status/data behind which eventually might cross the unamanaged boundary. /// [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public class SecureEnvironment : IDisposable { ////// This static Method builds a new instance of a SecureEnvironment for a given user that is already /// activated. If this method called with a user that isn't activated, and exception will be thrown. /// The user that is passed into the function must have a well defined authentication type /// AuthenticationType.Windows or AuthenticationType.Passport, all other Authentication /// types(AuthenticationType.WindowsPassport or AuthenticationType.Internal) are not allowed. /// public static SecureEnvironment Create(string applicationManifest, ContentUser user) { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); return CriticalCreate(applicationManifest, user); } ////// This static method activates a user and creates a new instance of SecureEnvironment. /// The authentication type determines the type of user identity that will be activated. /// If Permanent Windows activation is requested then the default currently logged on /// Windows Account identity will be activated. If Temporary Windows activation requested /// then user will be prompted for Windows Domain credentials through a dialog, and the /// user identified through those credentials will be activated. /// In case of Passport authentication, a Passport authentication dialog will always /// appear regardless of temporary or permanent activation mode. The user that authenticatd /// through that Passport Authentication dialog will be activated. /// Regardless of Windows or Passport Authentication, all Temporary created activation will be /// destroyed when SecureEnvironment instance is Disposed or Finalized. /// public static SecureEnvironment Create(string applicationManifest, AuthenticationType authentication, UserActivationMode userActivationMode) { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); return CriticalCreate(applicationManifest, authentication, userActivationMode); } ////// This property verifies whether the current machine was prepared for consuming and producing RM protected content. /// If property returns true it could be used as an indication that Init function call will not result in a network transaction. /// public static bool IsUserActivated(ContentUser user) { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } // we only let specifically identified users to be used here if ((user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Windows) && (user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Passport)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("user", SR.Get(SRID.OnlyPassportOrWindowsAuthenticatedUsersAreAllowed)); } using (ClientSession userClientSession = new ClientSession(user)) { // if machine activation is not present we can return false right away return (userClientSession.IsMachineActivated() && userClientSession.IsUserActivated()); } } ////// Removes activation for a given user. User must have Windows or Passport authnetication /// public static void RemoveActivatedUser(ContentUser user) { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } // we only let specifically identifyed users to be used here if ((user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Windows) && (user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Passport)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("user", SR.Get(SRID.OnlyPassportOrWindowsAuthenticatedUsersAreAllowed)); } // Generic client session to enumerate user certificates using (ClientSession userClientSession = new ClientSession(user)) { // Remove Licensor certificastes first ListuserClientLicensorCertificateIds = userClientSession.EnumerateUsersCertificateIds(user, EnumerateLicenseFlags.ClientLicensor); // and now we can remove certificates that have been enumerated foreach(string licenseId in userClientLicensorCertificateIds) { userClientSession.DeleteLicense(licenseId); } // Remove User's identity certificastes second List userGroupIdentityCertificateIds = userClientSession.EnumerateUsersCertificateIds(user, EnumerateLicenseFlags.GroupIdentity); // and now we can remove certificates that have been enumerated foreach(string licenseId in userGroupIdentityCertificateIds) { userClientSession.DeleteLicense(licenseId); } } } /// /// This function returns a read only collection of the activated users. /// static public ReadOnlyCollectionGetActivatedUsers() { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); //build user with the default authentication type and a default name // neither name not authentication type is important in this case //ContentUser tempUser = new ContentUser(_defaultUserName, AuthenticationType.Windows); // Generic client session to enumerate user certificates using(ClientSession genericClientSession = ClientSession.DefaultUserClientSession(AuthenticationType.Windows)) { List userList = new List (); // if machine activation is not present we can return empty list right away if (genericClientSession.IsMachineActivated()) { int index =0; while(true) { // we get a string which can be parsed to get the ID and type string userCertificate = genericClientSession.EnumerateLicense(EnumerateLicenseFlags.GroupIdentity, index); if (userCertificate == null) break; // we need to parse the information out of the string ContentUser user = ClientSession.ExtractUserFromCertificateChain(userCertificate); // User specific client session to check it's status using(ClientSession userClientSession = new ClientSession(user)) { if (userClientSession.IsUserActivated()) { userList.Add(user); } } index ++; } } return new ReadOnlyCollection (userList); } } /// /// This method is responsible for tearing down secure environment that was built as a result of Init call. /// public void Dispose() { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } ////// Read only property which returns the User provided in the constructor. /// public ContentUser User { get { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); CheckDisposed(); return _user; } } ////// Read only property which returns the Application Manifest provided in the constructor. /// public string ApplicationManifest { get { SecurityHelper.DemandRightsManagementPermission(); CheckDisposed(); return _applicationManifest; } } ////// Dispose(bool) /// /// protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if (disposing && (_clientSession != null)) { _clientSession.Dispose(); } } finally { _clientSession = null; } } internal ClientSession ClientSession { get { Invariant.Assert(_clientSession != null); return _clientSession; } } ////// This static Method builds a new instance of a secure environment for a given user that is assumed to be already activated. /// client Application can use GetActivatedUsers property to enumerate Activated users. /// private static SecureEnvironment CriticalCreate(string applicationManifest, ContentUser user) { if (applicationManifest == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationManifest"); } if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } // we only let specifically identifyed users to be used here if ((user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Windows) && (user.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.Passport)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("user"); } if (!IsUserActivated(user)) { throw new RightsManagementException(RightsManagementFailureCode.NeedsGroupIdentityActivation); } ClientSession clientSession = new ClientSession(user); try { clientSession.BuildSecureEnvironment(applicationManifest); return new SecureEnvironment(applicationManifest, user, clientSession); } catch { clientSession.Dispose(); throw; } } private static SecureEnvironment CriticalCreate( string applicationManifest, AuthenticationType authentication, UserActivationMode userActivationMode) { if (applicationManifest == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationManifest"); } if ((authentication != AuthenticationType.Windows) && (authentication != AuthenticationType.Passport)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("authentication"); } if ((userActivationMode != UserActivationMode.Permanent) && (userActivationMode != UserActivationMode.Temporary)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("userActivationMode"); } //build user with the given authnetication type and a default name // only authentication type is critical in this case ContentUser user; using (ClientSession tempClientSession = ClientSession.DefaultUserClientSession(authentication)) { //Activate Machine if neccessary if (!tempClientSession.IsMachineActivated()) { // activate Machine tempClientSession.ActivateMachine(authentication); } //Activate User (we will force start activation at this point) // at this point we should have a real user name user = tempClientSession.ActivateUser(authentication, userActivationMode); } Debug.Assert(IsUserActivated(user)); ClientSession clientSession = new ClientSession(user, userActivationMode); try { try { // make sure we have a Client Licensor Certificate clientSession.AcquireClientLicensorCertificate(); } catch (RightsManagementException) { // In case of the RightsMnaagement exception we are willing to proceed // as ClientLicensorCertificate only required for publishing not for consumption // and therefore it is optional to have one. } clientSession.BuildSecureEnvironment(applicationManifest); return new SecureEnvironment(applicationManifest, user, clientSession); } catch { clientSession.Dispose(); throw; } } ////// Private Constructor for the SecureEnvironment. /// private SecureEnvironment(string applicationManifest, ContentUser user, ClientSession clientSession) { Invariant.Assert(applicationManifest != null); Invariant.Assert(user != null); Invariant.Assert(clientSession != null); _user = user; _applicationManifest = applicationManifest; _clientSession = clientSession; } ////// Call this before accepting any API call /// private void CheckDisposed() { if (_clientSession == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException("SecureEnvironment"); } private ContentUser _user; private string _applicationManifest; private ClientSession _clientSession; // if null we are disposed } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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