/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / PtsHost / FigureParagraph.cs / 1305600 / FigureParagraph.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: UIElementParagraph.cs // // Description: FigureParagraph class provides a wrapper for nested UIElements, // which are treated by PTS as figures. // // Figures now are finite only. // // History: // 05/05/2003 : [....] - moving from Avalon branch. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // avoid generating warnings about unknown // message numbers and unknown pragmas for PRESharp contol using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security; // SecurityCritical using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Media; using MS.Internal.Text; using MS.Internal.Documents; using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods; namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FigureParagraph class provides a wrapper for nested UIElements, which // are treated by PTS as figures. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- internal sealed class FigureParagraph : BaseParagraph { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor. // // element - Element associated with paragraph. // structuralCache - Content's structural cache // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal FigureParagraph(DependencyObject element, StructuralCache structuralCache) : base(element, structuralCache) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // IDisposable.Dispose // ------------------------------------------------------------------ public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.Dispose(); _mainTextSegment = null; } } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PTS callbacks // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region PTS callbacks //------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetParaProperties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void GetParaProperties( ref PTS.FSPAP fspap) // OUT: paragraph properties { GetParaProperties(ref fspap, false); fspap.idobj = PTS.fsidobjFigure; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetParaProperties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void CreateParaclient( out IntPtr paraClientHandle) // OUT: opaque to PTS paragraph client { #pragma warning disable 6518 // Disable PRESharp warning 6518. FigureParaClient is an UnmamangedHandle, that adds itself // to HandleMapper that holds a reference to it. PTS manages lifetime of this object, and // calls DestroyParaclient to get rid of it. DestroyParaclient will call Dispose() on the object // and remove it from HandleMapper. FigureParaClient paraClient = new FigureParaClient(this); paraClientHandle = paraClient.Handle; #pragma warning restore 6518 // Create the main text segment if (_mainTextSegment == null) { _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(Element, StructuralCache); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFigureProperties //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical - as this calls Critical functions PTS.FsDestroySubpage, /// CreateSubpageBottomlessHelper and setter for SubpageHandle. /// Safe - as the parameters passed in are either generated in this function /// or they are Critical for set. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void GetFigureProperties( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: int fInTextLine, // IN: it is attached to text line uint fswdir, // IN: current direction int fBottomUndefined, // IN: bottom of page is not defined out int dur, // OUT: width of figure out int dvr, // OUT: height of figure out PTS.FSFIGUREPROPS fsfigprops, // OUT: figure attributes out int cPolygons, // OUT: number of polygons out int cVertices, // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons out int durDistTextLeft, // OUT: distance to text from MinU side out int durDistTextRight, // OUT: distance to text from MaxU side out int dvrDistTextTop, // OUT: distance to text from MinV side out int dvrDistTextBottom) // OUT: distance to text from MaxV side { Invariant.Assert(StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage); uint fswdirPara = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(((FlowDirection)Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty))); IntPtr pfsFigureContent; PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox; int cColumns; int dvrTopSpace; PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection; IntPtr pmcsclientOut; MbpInfo mbp; Figure element = (Figure)Element; // Initialize the subpage size. PTS subpage margin is always set to 0 for Figures. // If width on figure is specified, use the specified value. // Border and padding of the figure is extracted from available subpage width. // We use StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext's page dimensions as limiting values for figure MBP mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element); // We do not mirror margin as it's used to dist text left and right, and is unnecessary. durDistTextLeft = durDistTextRight = dvrDistTextTop = dvrDistTextBottom = 0; // Calculate specified width. IsAuto flag is needed because Auto is formatted the same way as column and will // not return Double.NaN. bool isWidthAuto; double specifiedWidth = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache, element, element.Width, out isWidthAuto); double anchorLimitedWidth = LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(specifiedWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight)); int subpageWidth = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedWidth) - (mbp.BPLeft + mbp.BPRight)); // Calculate figure height, IsAuto flag is used as specifiedHeight will never be NaN. bool isHeightAuto; double specifiedHeight = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache, element, element.Height, out isHeightAuto); double anchorLimitedHeight = LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(specifiedHeight, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom)); int subpageHeight = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) - (mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom)); // Initialize column info. Figure always has just 1 column. cColumns = 1; columnInfoCollection = new PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[cColumns]; columnInfoCollection[0].durBefore = 0; columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth; // Create subpage { PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr; IntPtr brParaOut; PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight); CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect, cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, out dvrTopSpace); if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut)); } } // PTS subpage does not support autosizing, but Figure needs to autosize to its // content. To workaround this problem, second format of subpage is performed, if // necessary. It means that if the width of bounding box is smaller than subpage's // width, second formatting is performed. if(PTS.ToBoolean(fsbbox.fDefined)) { if (fsbbox.fsrc.du < subpageWidth && isWidthAuto) { // There is a need to reformat PTS subpage, so destroy any resourcces allocated by PTS // during previous formatting. if (pfsFigureContent != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpage(PtsContext.Context, pfsFigureContent), PtsContext); } if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero) { MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState; PTS.ValidateHandle(mcs); mcs.Dispose(); pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero; } // Create subpage with new width. subpageWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du + 1; // add 1/300px to avoid rounding errors columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth; // Create subpage PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr; IntPtr brParaOut; PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight); CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect, cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, out dvrTopSpace); if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut)); } } } else { subpageWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth); } // Get the size of the figure. For height PTS already reports calculated value. // But width is the same as subpage width. Include margins in dur since we are not using // distance to text anymore. dur = subpageWidth + mbp.MBPLeft + mbp.MBPRight; // Destroy objects created by PTS, but not used here. if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero) { MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState; PTS.ValidateHandle(mcs); mcs.Dispose(); pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero; } dvr += mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom; if(!isHeightAuto) { // Replace height with explicit height if specified, adding margins in addition to height // Border and padding are included in specified height but margins are external dvr = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) + mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom; } FigureHorizontalAnchor horzAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; fsfigprops.fskrefU = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)horzAnchor) / 3); fsfigprops.fskrefV = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)vertAnchor) / 3); fsfigprops.fskalfU = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)horzAnchor) % 3); fsfigprops.fskalfV = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)vertAnchor) % 3); // PTS does not allow to anchor delayed figures to 'Character' if (!PTS.ToBoolean(fInTextLine)) { if (fsfigprops.fskrefU == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar) { fsfigprops.fskrefU = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin; fsfigprops.fskalfU = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin; } if (fsfigprops.fskrefV == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar) { fsfigprops.fskrefV = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin; fsfigprops.fskalfV = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin; } } // Always wrap text on both sides of the floater. fsfigprops.fskwrap = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(element.WrapDirection); fsfigprops.fNonTextPlane = PTS.False; fsfigprops.fAllowOverlap = PTS.False; fsfigprops.fDelayable = PTS.FromBoolean(element.CanDelayPlacement); // Tight wrap is disabled for now. cPolygons = cVertices = 0; // Update handle to PTS subpage. ((FigureParaClient)paraClient).SubpageHandle = pfsFigureContent; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFigurePolygons //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: uint fswdir, // IN: current direction int ncVertices, // IN: size of array of vertex counts (= number of polygons) int nfspt, // IN: size of the array of all vertices int* rgcVertices, // OUT: array of vertex counts (array containing number of vertices for each polygon) out int ccVertices, // OUT: actual number of vertex counts PTS.FSPOINT* rgfspt, // OUT: array of all vertices out int cfspt, // OUT: actual total number of vertices in all polygons out int fWrapThrough) // OUT: fill text in empty areas within obstacles? { Debug.Assert(false, "Tight wrap is not currently supported."); ccVertices = cfspt = fWrapThrough = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalcFigurePosition //------------------------------------------------------------------- internal void CalcFigurePosition( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: uint fswdir, // IN: current direction ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage, // IN: page rectangle ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin, // IN: rectangle within page margins ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack, // IN: track rectangle ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary,// IN: prelim figure rect calculated from figure props int fMustPosition, // IN: must find position in this track? int fInTextLine, // IN: it is attached to text line out int fPushToNextTrack, // OUT: push to next track? out PTS.FSRECT fsrcFlow, // OUT: FlowAround rectangle out PTS.FSRECT fsrcOverlap, // OUT: Overlap rectangle out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, // OUT: bbox out PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch) // OUT: search area for overlap { Figure element = (Figure)Element; // If overlapping happens, let PTS find another position withing // the track rectangle. FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; fsrcSearch = CalculateSearchArea(horizAnchor, vertAnchor, ref fsrcPage, ref fsrcMargin, ref fsrcTrack, ref fsrcFigurePreliminary); if(vertAnchor == FigureVerticalAnchor.ParagraphTop && fsrcFigurePreliminary.v != fsrcMargin.v && // If we're not at the top of the column ( (fsrcFigurePreliminary.v + fsrcFigurePreliminary.dv) > (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv) ) && // And we exceed column height !PTS.ToBoolean(fMustPosition)) // Can delay placement is handled by figure properties. { fPushToNextTrack = PTS.True; } else { fPushToNextTrack = PTS.False; } // Use rectangle proposed by PTS and make sure that figure fits completely in the page. fsrcFlow = fsrcFigurePreliminary; if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcFlow.u += CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(horizAnchor, fsrcFigurePreliminary); } // Apply horizontal and vertical offsets. Offsets are limited by page height and width fsrcFlow.u += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.HorizontalOffset); fsrcFlow.v += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.VerticalOffset); // Overlap rectangle is the same as flow around rect fsrcOverlap = fsrcFlow; /* If we're anchored to column/content left or right, inflate our overlap width to prevent from aligning two figures right next to one another by incorporating column gap information */ if(!FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor) && horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnCenter && horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentCenter) { double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); int duColumnWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth); int duGapWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(gap); int duColumnWidthWithGap = duColumnWidth + duGapWidth; int fullColumns = (fsrcOverlap.du / duColumnWidthWithGap); int duRoundedToNearestColumn = ((fullColumns + 1) * duColumnWidthWithGap) - duGapWidth; fsrcOverlap.du = duRoundedToNearestColumn; // Round overlap rect to nearest column if(horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentRight || horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { fsrcOverlap.u = (fsrcFlow.u + fsrcFlow.du + duGapWidth) - fsrcOverlap.du; } // Force search rect to only work vertically within overlap space. fsrcSearch.u = fsrcOverlap.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcOverlap.du; } // Bounding box is equal to actual size of the figure. fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX(); fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True; fsbbox.fsrc = fsrcFlow; } #endregion PTS callbacks #region Internal Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clear previously accumulated update info. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void ClearUpdateInfo() { if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.ClearUpdateInfo(); } base.ClearUpdateInfo(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Invalidate content's structural cache. // // startPosition - Position to start invalidation from. // // Returns: 'true' if entire paragraph is invalid. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal override bool InvalidateStructure(int startPosition) { Debug.Assert(ParagraphEndCharacterPosition >= startPosition); if (_mainTextSegment != null) { if (_mainTextSegment.InvalidateStructure(startPosition)) { _mainTextSegment.Dispose(); _mainTextSegment = null; } } return (_mainTextSegment == null); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Invalidate accumulated format caches. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal override void InvalidateFormatCache() { if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.InvalidateFormatCache(); } } ////// Update number of characters consumed by the main text segment. /// internal void UpdateSegmentLastFormatPositions() { _mainTextSegment.UpdateLastFormatPositions(); } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateSubpageFiniteHelper // NOTE: This helper is useful for debugging the caller of this function // because the debugger cannot show local variables in unsafe methods. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsCreateSubpageFinite and passes /// pointer parameters directly that'll be written to, /// b) calls the Critical constructor of SubpageBreakRecord, /// c) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] private unsafe void CreateSubpageFiniteHelper( PtsContext ptsContext, // IN: ptr to FS context IntPtr brParaIn, // IN: break record---use if !NULL int fFromPreviousPage, // IN: break record was created on previous page IntPtr nSeg, // IN: name of the segment to start from-if pointer to break rec is NULL IntPtr pFtnRej, // IN: pftnrej int fEmptyOk, // IN: fEmptyOK int fSuppressTopSpace, // IN: fSuppressTopSpace uint fswdir, // IN: fswdir int lWidth, // IN: width of subpage int lHeight, // IN: height of subpage ref PTS.FSRECT rcMargin, // IN: rectangle within subpage margins int cColumns, // IN: number of columns PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection, // IN: array of column info int fApplyColumnBalancing, // IN: apply column balancing? out PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr, // OUT: why formatting was stopped out IntPtr pSubPage, // OUT: ptr to the subpage out IntPtr brParaOut, // OUT: break record of the subpage out int dvrUsed, // OUT: dvrUsed out PTS.FSBBOX fsBBox, // OUT: subpage bbox out IntPtr pfsMcsClient, // OUT: margin collapsing state at the bottom out int topSpace) // OUT: top space due to collapsed margins { // Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level measure context will be nulled out if thrown. StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(new Size(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lWidth), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lHeight)), new Thickness(), false, true); fixed (PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO* rgColumnInfo = columnInfoCollection) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsCreateSubpageFinite(ptsContext.Context, brParaIn, fFromPreviousPage, nSeg, pFtnRej, fEmptyOk, fSuppressTopSpace, fswdir, lWidth, lHeight, ref rcMargin, cColumns, rgColumnInfo, PTS.False, 0, null, null, 0, null, null, PTS.False, PTS.FSKSUPPRESSHARDBREAKBEFOREFIRSTPARA.fsksuppresshardbreakbeforefirstparaNone, out fsfmtr, out pSubPage, out brParaOut, out dvrUsed, out fsBBox, out pfsMcsClient, out topSpace), ptsContext); } StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PopPageData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Determines what offset is required to convert a paragraph aligned figure into a column aligned figure. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ private int CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor, PTS.FSRECT fsrcInColumn) { Invariant.Assert(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizontalAnchor)); int uComparisonPoint; // Depending on anchoring, only the anchored edge (center) is guaranteed to be inside of the column, so finding affected column // requires us to compare against the anchored edge U position. if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnLeft) { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u; } else if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u + fsrcInColumn.du - 1; // du is non-inclusive } else { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u + (fsrcInColumn.du / 2) - 1; // du is non-inclusive } double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); Invariant.Assert(cColumns > 0); int duColumnTotal = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth + gap); int affectedColumn = (uComparisonPoint - StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMarginRect.u) / duColumnTotal; int columnLeft = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMarginRect.u + affectedColumn * duColumnTotal; int columnDU = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth); int totalMarginLeft = columnLeft - fsrcInColumn.u; int totalMarginRight = (columnLeft + columnDU) - (fsrcInColumn.u + fsrcInColumn.du); if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnLeft) { return totalMarginLeft; } else if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { return totalMarginRight; } else { return (totalMarginRight + totalMarginLeft) / 2; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Determines the max total width for this figure element, subtracts the element margins to determine the maximum size the // Subpage can be formatted at. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private double LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(double width, double elementMarginWidth) { Figure element = (Figure)Element; FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; double maxTotalWidth = 0.0; // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring. if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor)) { maxTotalWidth = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth; } else if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizAnchor)) { Thickness pageMargin = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin; maxTotalWidth = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth - pageMargin.Left - pageMargin.Right; } else { double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); maxTotalWidth = columnWidth; } if((width + elementMarginWidth) > maxTotalWidth) { width = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, maxTotalWidth - elementMarginWidth); } return width; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Determines the max total height for this figure element, subtracts the element margins to determine the maximum size the // Subpage can be formatted at. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private double LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(double height, double elementMarginHeight) { Figure element = (Figure)Element; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; double maxTotalHeight = 0.0; // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring. if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(vertAnchor)) { maxTotalHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight; } else { Thickness pageMargin = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin; maxTotalHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom; } if((height + elementMarginHeight) > maxTotalHeight) { height = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, maxTotalHeight - elementMarginHeight); } return height; } ////// Returns an appropriate search rectangle for collision based on anchor properties. /// private PTS.FSRECT CalculateSearchArea(FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor, FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary) { PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch; if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcPage.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcPage.du; } else if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcMargin.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcMargin.du; } else { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcTrack.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcTrack.du; } if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(vertAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcPage.v; fsrcSearch.dv = fsrcPage.dv; } else if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalContentAnchor(vertAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcMargin.v; fsrcSearch.dv = fsrcMargin.dv; } else { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcFigurePreliminary.v; fsrcSearch.dv = (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv) - fsrcFigurePreliminary.v; } return fsrcSearch; } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main text segment. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private BaseParagraph _mainTextSegment; #endregion Private Fields } } #pragma warning enable 1634, 1691 // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: UIElementParagraph.cs // // Description: FigureParagraph class provides a wrapper for nested UIElements, // which are treated by PTS as figures. // // Figures now are finite only. // // History: // 05/05/2003 : [....] - moving from Avalon branch. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // avoid generating warnings about unknown // message numbers and unknown pragmas for PRESharp contol using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security; // SecurityCritical using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Media; using MS.Internal.Text; using MS.Internal.Documents; using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods; namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FigureParagraph class provides a wrapper for nested UIElements, which // are treated by PTS as figures. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- internal sealed class FigureParagraph : BaseParagraph { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor. // // element - Element associated with paragraph. // structuralCache - Content's structural cache // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal FigureParagraph(DependencyObject element, StructuralCache structuralCache) : base(element, structuralCache) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // IDisposable.Dispose // ------------------------------------------------------------------ public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.Dispose(); _mainTextSegment = null; } } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PTS callbacks // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region PTS callbacks //------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetParaProperties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void GetParaProperties( ref PTS.FSPAP fspap) // OUT: paragraph properties { GetParaProperties(ref fspap, false); fspap.idobj = PTS.fsidobjFigure; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetParaProperties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void CreateParaclient( out IntPtr paraClientHandle) // OUT: opaque to PTS paragraph client { #pragma warning disable 6518 // Disable PRESharp warning 6518. FigureParaClient is an UnmamangedHandle, that adds itself // to HandleMapper that holds a reference to it. PTS manages lifetime of this object, and // calls DestroyParaclient to get rid of it. DestroyParaclient will call Dispose() on the object // and remove it from HandleMapper. FigureParaClient paraClient = new FigureParaClient(this); paraClientHandle = paraClient.Handle; #pragma warning restore 6518 // Create the main text segment if (_mainTextSegment == null) { _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(Element, StructuralCache); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFigureProperties //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical - as this calls Critical functions PTS.FsDestroySubpage, /// CreateSubpageBottomlessHelper and setter for SubpageHandle. /// Safe - as the parameters passed in are either generated in this function /// or they are Critical for set. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void GetFigureProperties( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: int fInTextLine, // IN: it is attached to text line uint fswdir, // IN: current direction int fBottomUndefined, // IN: bottom of page is not defined out int dur, // OUT: width of figure out int dvr, // OUT: height of figure out PTS.FSFIGUREPROPS fsfigprops, // OUT: figure attributes out int cPolygons, // OUT: number of polygons out int cVertices, // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons out int durDistTextLeft, // OUT: distance to text from MinU side out int durDistTextRight, // OUT: distance to text from MaxU side out int dvrDistTextTop, // OUT: distance to text from MinV side out int dvrDistTextBottom) // OUT: distance to text from MaxV side { Invariant.Assert(StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage); uint fswdirPara = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(((FlowDirection)Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty))); IntPtr pfsFigureContent; PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox; int cColumns; int dvrTopSpace; PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection; IntPtr pmcsclientOut; MbpInfo mbp; Figure element = (Figure)Element; // Initialize the subpage size. PTS subpage margin is always set to 0 for Figures. // If width on figure is specified, use the specified value. // Border and padding of the figure is extracted from available subpage width. // We use StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext's page dimensions as limiting values for figure MBP mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element); // We do not mirror margin as it's used to dist text left and right, and is unnecessary. durDistTextLeft = durDistTextRight = dvrDistTextTop = dvrDistTextBottom = 0; // Calculate specified width. IsAuto flag is needed because Auto is formatted the same way as column and will // not return Double.NaN. bool isWidthAuto; double specifiedWidth = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache, element, element.Width, out isWidthAuto); double anchorLimitedWidth = LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(specifiedWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight)); int subpageWidth = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedWidth) - (mbp.BPLeft + mbp.BPRight)); // Calculate figure height, IsAuto flag is used as specifiedHeight will never be NaN. bool isHeightAuto; double specifiedHeight = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache, element, element.Height, out isHeightAuto); double anchorLimitedHeight = LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(specifiedHeight, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom)); int subpageHeight = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) - (mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom)); // Initialize column info. Figure always has just 1 column. cColumns = 1; columnInfoCollection = new PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[cColumns]; columnInfoCollection[0].durBefore = 0; columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth; // Create subpage { PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr; IntPtr brParaOut; PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight); CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect, cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, out dvrTopSpace); if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut)); } } // PTS subpage does not support autosizing, but Figure needs to autosize to its // content. To workaround this problem, second format of subpage is performed, if // necessary. It means that if the width of bounding box is smaller than subpage's // width, second formatting is performed. if(PTS.ToBoolean(fsbbox.fDefined)) { if (fsbbox.fsrc.du < subpageWidth && isWidthAuto) { // There is a need to reformat PTS subpage, so destroy any resourcces allocated by PTS // during previous formatting. if (pfsFigureContent != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpage(PtsContext.Context, pfsFigureContent), PtsContext); } if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero) { MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState; PTS.ValidateHandle(mcs); mcs.Dispose(); pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero; } // Create subpage with new width. subpageWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du + 1; // add 1/300px to avoid rounding errors columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth; // Create subpage PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr; IntPtr brParaOut; PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight); CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect, cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, out dvrTopSpace); if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut)); } } } else { subpageWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth); } // Get the size of the figure. For height PTS already reports calculated value. // But width is the same as subpage width. Include margins in dur since we are not using // distance to text anymore. dur = subpageWidth + mbp.MBPLeft + mbp.MBPRight; // Destroy objects created by PTS, but not used here. if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero) { MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState; PTS.ValidateHandle(mcs); mcs.Dispose(); pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero; } dvr += mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom; if(!isHeightAuto) { // Replace height with explicit height if specified, adding margins in addition to height // Border and padding are included in specified height but margins are external dvr = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) + mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom; } FigureHorizontalAnchor horzAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; fsfigprops.fskrefU = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)horzAnchor) / 3); fsfigprops.fskrefV = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)vertAnchor) / 3); fsfigprops.fskalfU = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)horzAnchor) % 3); fsfigprops.fskalfV = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)vertAnchor) % 3); // PTS does not allow to anchor delayed figures to 'Character' if (!PTS.ToBoolean(fInTextLine)) { if (fsfigprops.fskrefU == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar) { fsfigprops.fskrefU = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin; fsfigprops.fskalfU = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin; } if (fsfigprops.fskrefV == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar) { fsfigprops.fskrefV = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin; fsfigprops.fskalfV = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin; } } // Always wrap text on both sides of the floater. fsfigprops.fskwrap = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(element.WrapDirection); fsfigprops.fNonTextPlane = PTS.False; fsfigprops.fAllowOverlap = PTS.False; fsfigprops.fDelayable = PTS.FromBoolean(element.CanDelayPlacement); // Tight wrap is disabled for now. cPolygons = cVertices = 0; // Update handle to PTS subpage. ((FigureParaClient)paraClient).SubpageHandle = pfsFigureContent; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFigurePolygons //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: uint fswdir, // IN: current direction int ncVertices, // IN: size of array of vertex counts (= number of polygons) int nfspt, // IN: size of the array of all vertices int* rgcVertices, // OUT: array of vertex counts (array containing number of vertices for each polygon) out int ccVertices, // OUT: actual number of vertex counts PTS.FSPOINT* rgfspt, // OUT: array of all vertices out int cfspt, // OUT: actual total number of vertices in all polygons out int fWrapThrough) // OUT: fill text in empty areas within obstacles? { Debug.Assert(false, "Tight wrap is not currently supported."); ccVertices = cfspt = fWrapThrough = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalcFigurePosition //------------------------------------------------------------------- internal void CalcFigurePosition( FigureParaClient paraClient, // IN: uint fswdir, // IN: current direction ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage, // IN: page rectangle ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin, // IN: rectangle within page margins ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack, // IN: track rectangle ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary,// IN: prelim figure rect calculated from figure props int fMustPosition, // IN: must find position in this track? int fInTextLine, // IN: it is attached to text line out int fPushToNextTrack, // OUT: push to next track? out PTS.FSRECT fsrcFlow, // OUT: FlowAround rectangle out PTS.FSRECT fsrcOverlap, // OUT: Overlap rectangle out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, // OUT: bbox out PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch) // OUT: search area for overlap { Figure element = (Figure)Element; // If overlapping happens, let PTS find another position withing // the track rectangle. FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; fsrcSearch = CalculateSearchArea(horizAnchor, vertAnchor, ref fsrcPage, ref fsrcMargin, ref fsrcTrack, ref fsrcFigurePreliminary); if(vertAnchor == FigureVerticalAnchor.ParagraphTop && fsrcFigurePreliminary.v != fsrcMargin.v && // If we're not at the top of the column ( (fsrcFigurePreliminary.v + fsrcFigurePreliminary.dv) > (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv) ) && // And we exceed column height !PTS.ToBoolean(fMustPosition)) // Can delay placement is handled by figure properties. { fPushToNextTrack = PTS.True; } else { fPushToNextTrack = PTS.False; } // Use rectangle proposed by PTS and make sure that figure fits completely in the page. fsrcFlow = fsrcFigurePreliminary; if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcFlow.u += CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(horizAnchor, fsrcFigurePreliminary); } // Apply horizontal and vertical offsets. Offsets are limited by page height and width fsrcFlow.u += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.HorizontalOffset); fsrcFlow.v += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.VerticalOffset); // Overlap rectangle is the same as flow around rect fsrcOverlap = fsrcFlow; /* If we're anchored to column/content left or right, inflate our overlap width to prevent from aligning two figures right next to one another by incorporating column gap information */ if(!FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor) && horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnCenter && horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentCenter) { double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); int duColumnWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth); int duGapWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(gap); int duColumnWidthWithGap = duColumnWidth + duGapWidth; int fullColumns = (fsrcOverlap.du / duColumnWidthWithGap); int duRoundedToNearestColumn = ((fullColumns + 1) * duColumnWidthWithGap) - duGapWidth; fsrcOverlap.du = duRoundedToNearestColumn; // Round overlap rect to nearest column if(horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentRight || horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { fsrcOverlap.u = (fsrcFlow.u + fsrcFlow.du + duGapWidth) - fsrcOverlap.du; } // Force search rect to only work vertically within overlap space. fsrcSearch.u = fsrcOverlap.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcOverlap.du; } // Bounding box is equal to actual size of the figure. fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX(); fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True; fsbbox.fsrc = fsrcFlow; } #endregion PTS callbacks #region Internal Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clear previously accumulated update info. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal override void ClearUpdateInfo() { if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.ClearUpdateInfo(); } base.ClearUpdateInfo(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Invalidate content's structural cache. // // startPosition - Position to start invalidation from. // // Returns: 'true' if entire paragraph is invalid. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal override bool InvalidateStructure(int startPosition) { Debug.Assert(ParagraphEndCharacterPosition >= startPosition); if (_mainTextSegment != null) { if (_mainTextSegment.InvalidateStructure(startPosition)) { _mainTextSegment.Dispose(); _mainTextSegment = null; } } return (_mainTextSegment == null); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Invalidate accumulated format caches. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal override void InvalidateFormatCache() { if (_mainTextSegment != null) { _mainTextSegment.InvalidateFormatCache(); } } ////// Update number of characters consumed by the main text segment. /// internal void UpdateSegmentLastFormatPositions() { _mainTextSegment.UpdateLastFormatPositions(); } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateSubpageFiniteHelper // NOTE: This helper is useful for debugging the caller of this function // because the debugger cannot show local variables in unsafe methods. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsCreateSubpageFinite and passes /// pointer parameters directly that'll be written to, /// b) calls the Critical constructor of SubpageBreakRecord, /// c) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] private unsafe void CreateSubpageFiniteHelper( PtsContext ptsContext, // IN: ptr to FS context IntPtr brParaIn, // IN: break record---use if !NULL int fFromPreviousPage, // IN: break record was created on previous page IntPtr nSeg, // IN: name of the segment to start from-if pointer to break rec is NULL IntPtr pFtnRej, // IN: pftnrej int fEmptyOk, // IN: fEmptyOK int fSuppressTopSpace, // IN: fSuppressTopSpace uint fswdir, // IN: fswdir int lWidth, // IN: width of subpage int lHeight, // IN: height of subpage ref PTS.FSRECT rcMargin, // IN: rectangle within subpage margins int cColumns, // IN: number of columns PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection, // IN: array of column info int fApplyColumnBalancing, // IN: apply column balancing? out PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr, // OUT: why formatting was stopped out IntPtr pSubPage, // OUT: ptr to the subpage out IntPtr brParaOut, // OUT: break record of the subpage out int dvrUsed, // OUT: dvrUsed out PTS.FSBBOX fsBBox, // OUT: subpage bbox out IntPtr pfsMcsClient, // OUT: margin collapsing state at the bottom out int topSpace) // OUT: top space due to collapsed margins { // Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level measure context will be nulled out if thrown. StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(new Size(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lWidth), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lHeight)), new Thickness(), false, true); fixed (PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO* rgColumnInfo = columnInfoCollection) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsCreateSubpageFinite(ptsContext.Context, brParaIn, fFromPreviousPage, nSeg, pFtnRej, fEmptyOk, fSuppressTopSpace, fswdir, lWidth, lHeight, ref rcMargin, cColumns, rgColumnInfo, PTS.False, 0, null, null, 0, null, null, PTS.False, PTS.FSKSUPPRESSHARDBREAKBEFOREFIRSTPARA.fsksuppresshardbreakbeforefirstparaNone, out fsfmtr, out pSubPage, out brParaOut, out dvrUsed, out fsBBox, out pfsMcsClient, out topSpace), ptsContext); } StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PopPageData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Determines what offset is required to convert a paragraph aligned figure into a column aligned figure. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ private int CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor, PTS.FSRECT fsrcInColumn) { Invariant.Assert(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizontalAnchor)); int uComparisonPoint; // Depending on anchoring, only the anchored edge (center) is guaranteed to be inside of the column, so finding affected column // requires us to compare against the anchored edge U position. if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnLeft) { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u; } else if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u + fsrcInColumn.du - 1; // du is non-inclusive } else { uComparisonPoint = fsrcInColumn.u + (fsrcInColumn.du / 2) - 1; // du is non-inclusive } double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); Invariant.Assert(cColumns > 0); int duColumnTotal = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth + gap); int affectedColumn = (uComparisonPoint - StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMarginRect.u) / duColumnTotal; int columnLeft = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMarginRect.u + affectedColumn * duColumnTotal; int columnDU = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth); int totalMarginLeft = columnLeft - fsrcInColumn.u; int totalMarginRight = (columnLeft + columnDU) - (fsrcInColumn.u + fsrcInColumn.du); if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnLeft) { return totalMarginLeft; } else if(horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight) { return totalMarginRight; } else { return (totalMarginRight + totalMarginLeft) / 2; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Determines the max total width for this figure element, subtracts the element margins to determine the maximum size the // Subpage can be formatted at. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private double LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(double width, double elementMarginWidth) { Figure element = (Figure)Element; FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor; double maxTotalWidth = 0.0; // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring. if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor)) { maxTotalWidth = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth; } else if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizAnchor)) { Thickness pageMargin = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin; maxTotalWidth = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth - pageMargin.Left - pageMargin.Right; } else { double columnWidth, gap, rule; int cColumns; FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule); maxTotalWidth = columnWidth; } if((width + elementMarginWidth) > maxTotalWidth) { width = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, maxTotalWidth - elementMarginWidth); } return width; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Determines the max total height for this figure element, subtracts the element margins to determine the maximum size the // Subpage can be formatted at. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private double LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(double height, double elementMarginHeight) { Figure element = (Figure)Element; FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor; double maxTotalHeight = 0.0; // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring. if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(vertAnchor)) { maxTotalHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight; } else { Thickness pageMargin = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin; maxTotalHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom; } if((height + elementMarginHeight) > maxTotalHeight) { height = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, maxTotalHeight - elementMarginHeight); } return height; } ////// Returns an appropriate search rectangle for collision based on anchor properties. /// private PTS.FSRECT CalculateSearchArea(FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor, FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary) { PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch; if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcPage.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcPage.du; } else if(FigureHelper.IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcMargin.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcMargin.du; } else { fsrcSearch.u = fsrcTrack.u; fsrcSearch.du = fsrcTrack.du; } if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(vertAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcPage.v; fsrcSearch.dv = fsrcPage.dv; } else if(FigureHelper.IsVerticalContentAnchor(vertAnchor)) { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcMargin.v; fsrcSearch.dv = fsrcMargin.dv; } else { fsrcSearch.v = fsrcFigurePreliminary.v; fsrcSearch.dv = (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv) - fsrcFigurePreliminary.v; } return fsrcSearch; } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main text segment. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- private BaseParagraph _mainTextSegment; #endregion Private Fields } } #pragma warning enable 1634, 1691 // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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