/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / InternalControlCollection.cs / 1305376 / InternalControlCollection.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI { ////// internal class InternalControlCollection : ControlCollection { internal InternalControlCollection(Control owner) : base(owner) { } private void ThrowNotSupportedException() { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Control_does_not_allow_children, Owner.GetType().ToString())); } public override void Add(Control child) { ThrowNotSupportedException(); } public override void AddAt(int index, Control child) { ThrowNotSupportedException(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007./// Represents a ControlCollection that controls can only be added to internally. /// ///
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- HttpModuleActionCollection.cs
- TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute.cs
- MappingMetadataHelper.cs
- QilVisitor.cs
- WebExceptionStatus.cs
- PropertyFilter.cs
- XamlInt32CollectionSerializer.cs
- EdmItemCollection.cs
- ReflectionPermission.cs
- TemplateControlParser.cs
- DependentList.cs
- updateconfighost.cs
- MarkerProperties.cs
- TrustLevel.cs
- ClrProviderManifest.cs
- SecurityContextCookieSerializer.cs
- TabletCollection.cs
- TableCellCollection.cs
- Aes.cs
- SystemKeyConverter.cs
- DataGridItemEventArgs.cs
- XmlTypeMapping.cs
- XmlnsDefinitionAttribute.cs
- CheckableControlBaseAdapter.cs
- XmlSubtreeReader.cs
- SerializationSectionGroup.cs
- PropertyValue.cs
- TreeNodeEventArgs.cs
- FactoryId.cs
- Property.cs
- SchemaMapping.cs
- Parser.cs
- SplineKeyFrames.cs
- PreservationFileReader.cs
- _ListenerRequestStream.cs
- TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute.cs
- PolyBezierSegment.cs
- BaseProcessor.cs
- ParseNumbers.cs
- DropShadowEffect.cs
- Listbox.cs
- ServiceManagerHandle.cs
- DependentTransaction.cs
- TextPattern.cs
- AnimationStorage.cs
- WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs.cs
- XmlTextReader.cs
- Page.cs
- WorkflowQueue.cs
- TableRow.cs
- SecureStringHasher.cs
- AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs.cs
- RightsManagementManager.cs
- StateManagedCollection.cs
- RepeaterItemEventArgs.cs
- EntityDesignerDataSourceView.cs
- Wildcard.cs
- RichTextBoxConstants.cs
- WebDisplayNameAttribute.cs
- NameTable.cs
- mansign.cs
- SkinBuilder.cs
- BamlMapTable.cs
- ProxySimple.cs
- OledbConnectionStringbuilder.cs
- CreateUserWizardAutoFormat.cs
- WebScriptEndpointElement.cs
- CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.cs
- Attributes.cs
- UpdatePanelControlTrigger.cs
- NameValueFileSectionHandler.cs
- CommandValueSerializer.cs
- TableLayoutRowStyleCollection.cs
- DataQuery.cs
- ApplicationId.cs
- DataGridCommandEventArgs.cs
- DataBoundControlParameterTarget.cs
- WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs.cs
- SByteConverter.cs
- ReflectionServiceProvider.cs
- RelatedImageListAttribute.cs
- RegexEditorDialog.cs
- Accessors.cs
- EntityReference.cs
- ObjectSet.cs
- StrongNamePublicKeyBlob.cs
- MediaElementAutomationPeer.cs
- ObjectPropertyMapping.cs
- TableCell.cs
- OleDbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo.cs
- HtmlTextArea.cs
- UnmanagedMemoryStreamWrapper.cs
- UserControlParser.cs
- DynamicControlParameter.cs
- embossbitmapeffect.cs
- RsaSecurityTokenAuthenticator.cs
- LocalizabilityAttribute.cs
- GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.cs
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