SqlDependencyListener.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / SqlClient / SqlDependencyListener.cs / 1305376 / SqlDependencyListener.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
// [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.ProviderBase; 
using System.Data.Sql; 
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

// This class is the process wide dependency dispatcher.  It contains all connection listeners for the entire process and 
// receives notifications on those connections to dispatch to the corresponding AppDomain dispatcher to notify the
// appropriate dependencies. 
// NOTE - a reference to this class is stored in native code - PROCESS WIDE STATE.
internal class SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher : MarshalByRefObject { // MBR since ref'ed by other appdomains.

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Class to contain/store all relevant information about a connection that waits on the SSB queue. 
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private class SqlConnectionContainer { 
        private SqlConnection                    _con;
        private SqlCommand                       _com; 
        private SqlParameter                     _conversationGuidParam;
        private SqlParameter                     _timeoutParam;
        private SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper _hashHelper;
        private WindowsIdentity                  _windowsIdentity; 
        private string                           _queue;
        private string                           _receiveQuery; 
        private string                           _beginConversationQuery; 
        private string                           _endConversationQuery;
        private string                           _concatQuery; 
        private readonly int                     _defaultWaitforTimeout   = 60000; // Waitfor(Receive) timeout (milleseconds)
        private string                           _escapedQueueName;
        private string                           _sprocName;
        private string                           _dialogHandle; 
        private string                           _cachedServer;
        private string                           _cachedDatabase; 
        private volatile bool                    _errorState              = false; 
        private volatile bool                    _stop                    = false; // Can probably simplify this slightly - one bool instead of two.
        private volatile bool                    _stopped                 = false; 
        private volatile bool                    _serviceQueueCreated     = false;
        private int                              _startCount              = 0;     // Each container class is called once per Start() - we refCount
                                                                           // to track when we can dispose.
        private Timer                            _retryTimer              = null; 
        private Dictionary          _appDomainKeyHash        = null;  // AppDomainKey->Open RefCount
        // ----------- 
        // BID members
        // ----------- 

        private readonly int                     _objectID               = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
        private static   int                     _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
        internal int ObjectID { 
            get {
                return _objectID; 
        // -----------
        // Constructor
        // -----------
        internal SqlConnectionContainer(SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper hashHelper, string appDomainKey, bool useDefaults) {
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, queue: '%ls'", ObjectID, hashHelper.Queue); 

            bool setupCompleted = false; 

            try {
                _hashHelper = hashHelper;
                string guid = null; 

                // If default, queue name is not present on hashHelper at this point - so we need to 
                // generate one and complete initialization. 
                if (useDefaults) {
                    guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 
                    _queue = SQL.SqlNotificationServiceDefault+"-"+guid;
                    _hashHelper.ConnectionStringBuilder.ApplicationName = _queue; // Used by cleanup sproc.
                else { 
                    _queue = _hashHelper.Queue;
                SqlConnectionString connectionStringOptions = new SqlConnectionString(_hashHelper.ConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString); 
                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Modified connection string: '%ls'\n", connectionStringOptions.UsersConnectionStringForTrace());

                // Always use ConnectionStringBuilder since in default case it is different from the 
                // connection string used in the hashHelper.
                _con = new SqlConnection(_hashHelper.ConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString); // Create connection and open. 
                // Assert permission for this particular connection string since it differs from the user passed string
                // which we have already demanded upon. 
                ((SqlConnectionString) _con.ConnectionOptions).CreatePermissionSet().Assert();

                _cachedServer = _con.DataSource; // SQL BU DT 390531. 

                if (!_con.IsYukonOrNewer) { // After open, verify Yukon or later. 
                    throw SQL.NotificationsRequireYukon(); 
                if (hashHelper.Identity != null) {
                    // For now, DbConnectionPoolIdentity does not cache WindowsIdentity.
                    // That means for every container creation, we create a WindowsIdentity twice.
                    // We may want to improve this. 
                    _windowsIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrentWindowsIdentity();
                _escapedQueueName      = SqlConnection.FixupDatabaseTransactionName(_queue); // Properly escape to prevent SQL Injection.
                _appDomainKeyHash      = new Dictionary(); // Dictionary stores the Start/Stop refcount per AppDomain for this container. 
                _com                   = new SqlCommand();
                _com.Connection        = _con;

                // SQL BU DT 391534 - determine if broker is enabled on current database. 
                _com.CommandText = "select is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where database_id=db_id()";
                if (!(bool) _com.ExecuteScalar()) { 
                    throw SQL.SqlDependencyDatabaseBrokerDisabled();

                _conversationGuidParam = new SqlParameter("@p1", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                _timeoutParam          = new SqlParameter("@p2", SqlDbType.Int);
                _timeoutParam.Value    = 0; // Timeout set to 0 for initial [....] query. 
                setupCompleted = true; 
                // connection with the server has been setup - from this point use TearDownAndDispose() in case of error
                // Create standard query.
                _receiveQuery = "WAITFOR(RECEIVE TOP (1) message_type_name, conversation_handle, cast(message_body AS XML) as message_body from " + _escapedQueueName + "), TIMEOUT @p2;";

                // Create queue, service, [....] query, and async query on user thread to ensure proper 
                // init prior to return.
                if (useDefaults) { // Only create if user did not specify service & database. 
                    _sprocName = SqlConnection.FixupDatabaseTransactionName(SQL.SqlNotificationStoredProcedureDefault+"-"+guid);
                    CreateQueueAndService(false); // Fail if we cannot create service, queue, etc. 
                else {
                    // Continue query setup.
                    _com.CommandText      = _receiveQuery; 
                    _endConversationQuery = "END CONVERSATION @p1; ";
                    _concatQuery          = _endConversationQuery + _receiveQuery; 

                bool ignored = false; 
                IncrementStartCount(appDomainKey, out ignored);
                // Query synchronously once to ensure everything is working correctly.
                // We want the exception to occur on start to immediately inform caller.
                _timeoutParam.Value = _defaultWaitforTimeout; // [....] successful, extend timeout to 60 seconds.
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 

                ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, but trace for now. 
                if (setupCompleted) {
                    // Be sure to drop service & queue.  This may fail if create service & queue failed. 
                    // This method will not drop unless we created or service & queue ref-count is 0. 
                else {
                    // connection has not been fully setup yet - cannot use TearDownAndDispose();
                    // we have to dispose the command and the connection to avoid connection leaks (until GC collects them).
                    if (_com != null) { 
                        _com = null; 
                    if (_con != null) {
                        _con = null;

            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        // ----------
        // Properties 
        // ----------
        internal string Database { 
            get {
                if (_cachedDatabase == null) { 
                    _cachedDatabase = _con.Database;
                return _cachedDatabase;
        internal SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper HashHelper { 
            get {
                return _hashHelper; 

        internal bool InErrorState { 
            get {
                return _errorState; 
        internal string Queue {
            get {
                return _queue;
        internal string Server { 
            get {
                return _cachedServer; 

        // ------- 
        // Methods
        // ------- 
        // This function is called by a ThreadPool thread as a result of an AppDomain calling
        // SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher.QueueAppDomainUnload on AppDomain.Unload. 
        internal bool AppDomainUnload(string appDomainKey) {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, AppDomainKey: '%ls'", ObjectID, appDomainKey);
            try { 
                Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(appDomainKey), "Unexpected empty appDomainKey!");
                // Dictionary used to track how many times start has been called per app domain. 
                // For each decrement, subtract from count, and delete if we reach 0.
                lock (_appDomainKeyHash) { 
                    if (_appDomainKeyHash.ContainsKey(appDomainKey)) { // Do nothing if AppDomain did not call Start!
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash contained AppDomainKey: '%ls'.\n", appDomainKey);
                        int value = _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey];
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash for AppDomainKey: '%ls' count: '%d'.\n", appDomainKey, value); 
                        Debug.Assert(value > 0, "Why is value 0 or less?");
                        bool ignored = false; 
                        while (value > 0) {
                            Debug.Assert(!_stopped, "We should not yet be stopped!"); 
                            Stop(appDomainKey, out ignored); // Stop will decrement value and remove if necessary from _appDomainKeyHash.
                        // Stop will remove key when decremented to 0 for this AppDomain, which should now be the case.
                        Debug.Assert(0 == value, "We did not reach 0 at end of loop in AppDomainUnload!"); 
                        Debug.Assert(!_appDomainKeyHash.ContainsKey(appDomainKey), "Key not removed after AppDomainUnload!"); 

                        if (_appDomainKeyHash.ContainsKey(appDomainKey)) { 
                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" ERROR - after the Stop() loop, _appDomainKeyHash for AppDomainKey: '%ls' entry not removed from hash.  Count: %d'\n", appDomainKey, _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey]);
                    else { 
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash did not contain AppDomainKey: '%ls'.\n", appDomainKey);

                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Exiting, _stopped: '%d'.\n", _stopped); 
                return _stopped;
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
        private void AsynchronouslyQueryServiceBrokerQueue() {
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try {
                AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(AsyncResultCallback);
                _com.BeginExecuteReader(callback, null); // NO LOCK NEEDED 
            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 

        private void AsyncResultCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); 
            try {
                try { 
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = _com.EndExecuteReader(asyncResult)) { 

                    // Successfull completion of query - no errors.
                    if (!_stop) {
                        AsynchronouslyQueryServiceBrokerQueue(); // Requeue... 
                    else { 
                catch (Exception e) {
                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Exception occurred.\n"); 
                    if (!_stop) { // Only assert if not in cancel path. 
                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, but trace for now.

                    // Failure - likely due to cancelled command.  Check _stop state.
                    if (_stop) {
                    else { 
                        _errorState = true; 
                        Restart(null); // Error code path.  Will Invalidate based on server if 1st retry fails.
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
        private void CreateQueueAndService(bool restart) {
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try {
                SqlCommand     com   = new SqlCommand();
                com.Connection       = _con; 
                SqlTransaction trans = null;
                try { 
                    trans            = _con.BeginTransaction(); // Since we cannot batch proc creation, start transaction.
                    com.Transaction  = trans; 

                    string nameLiteral = SqlServerEscapeHelper.MakeStringLiteral(_queue);

                    com.CommandText = 
                            "CREATE PROCEDURE "+_sprocName+" AS"
                            + " BEGIN" 
                                + " BEGIN TRANSACTION;" 
                                + " RECEIVE TOP(0) conversation_handle FROM "+_escapedQueueName+";"
                                + " IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "+_escapedQueueName+" WHERE message_type_name = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/DialogTimer') > 0" 
                                + " BEGIN"
                                    + " if ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.services WHERE name = " + nameLiteral + ") > 0)"
                                    + "   DROP SERVICE " + _escapedQueueName + ";"
                                    + " if (OBJECT_ID(" + nameLiteral + ", 'SQ') IS NOT NULL)" 
                                    + "   DROP QUEUE " + _escapedQueueName + ";"
                                    + " DROP PROCEDURE " + _sprocName + ";" // Don't need conditional because this is self 
                                + " END" 
                                + " COMMIT TRANSACTION;"
                            + " END"; 

                    if (!restart) {
                    else { // Upon restart, be resilient to the user dropping queue, service, or procedure.
                        try { 
                            com.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Cannot add 'IF OBJECT_ID' to create procedure query - wrap and discard failure. 
                        catch (Exception e) { 
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                            try { // Since the failure will result in a rollback, rollback our object. 
                                if (null != trans) { 
                                    trans = null; 
                            catch (Exception f) {
                                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(f)) { 
                                ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(f); // Discard failure, but trace for now. 

                        if (null == trans) { // Create a new transaction for next operations.
                            trans = _con.BeginTransaction();
                            com.Transaction = trans; 

                    com.CommandText = 
                             "IF OBJECT_ID("+nameLiteral+", 'SQ') IS NULL"
                                + " BEGIN"
                                + " CREATE QUEUE "+_escapedQueueName+" WITH ACTIVATION (PROCEDURE_NAME="+_sprocName+", MAX_QUEUE_READERS=1, EXECUTE AS OWNER);"
                                + " END;" 
                          + " IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.services WHERE NAME="+nameLiteral+") = 0"
                                + " BEGIN" 
                                + " CREATE SERVICE "+_escapedQueueName+" ON QUEUE "+_escapedQueueName+" ([http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification]);" 
                             + " IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name='sql_dependency_subscriber' AND type='R') <> 0"
                                  + " BEGIN" 
                                  + " GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::"+_escapedQueueName+" TO sql_dependency_subscriber;"
                                  + " END; "
                                + " END;"
                          + " BEGIN DIALOG @dialog_handle FROM SERVICE "+_escapedQueueName+" TO SERVICE "+nameLiteral; 

                    SqlParameter param  = new SqlParameter(); 
                    param.ParameterName = "@dialog_handle"; 
                    param.DbType        = DbType.Guid;
                    param.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output; 

                    // Finish setting up queries and state.  For re-start, we need to ensure we begin a new dialog above and reset 
                    // our queries to use the new dialogHandle.
                    _dialogHandle          = ((Guid) param.Value).ToString(); 
                    _beginConversationQuery= "BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER ('"+_dialogHandle+"') TIMEOUT = 120; " + _receiveQuery; 
                    _com.CommandText       = _beginConversationQuery;
                    _endConversationQuery  = "END CONVERSATION @p1; "; 
                    _concatQuery           = _endConversationQuery + _com.CommandText;

                    trans = null; 
                    _serviceQueueCreated = true;
                finally { 
                    if (null != trans) {
                        try { 
                            trans = null;
                        catch (Exception e) { 
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {
                            ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, but trace for now.
            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        internal void IncrementStartCount(string appDomainKey, out bool appDomainStart) 
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try { 
                appDomainStart = false; // Reset out param.
                int result = Interlocked.Increment(ref _startCount); // Add to refCount. 
                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, incremented _startCount: %d\n", _staticInstance.ObjectID, result); 

                // Dictionary used to track how many times start has been called per app domain. 
                // For each increment, add to count, and create entry if not present.
                lock (_appDomainKeyHash) {
                    if (_appDomainKeyHash.ContainsKey(appDomainKey)) {
                        _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey] = _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey] + 1; 
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash contained AppDomainKey: '%ls', incremented count: '%d'.\n", appDomainKey, _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey]);
                    else { 
                        _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey] = 1;
                        appDomainStart = true; 
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash did not contain AppDomainKey: '%ls', added to hashtable and value set to 1.\n", appDomainKey);
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
        private void ProcessNotificationResults(SqlDataReader reader)
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); 
            try {
                Guid handle = Guid.Empty; // Conversation_handle.  Always close this! 
                try { 
                    if (!_stop) {
                        while (reader.Read()) { 
                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Row read.\n");
                            for (int i=0; i column: %ls, value: %ls\n", reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i).ToString()); 
                            string msgType = reader.GetString(0); 
                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" msgType: '%ls'\n", msgType);
                            handle = reader.GetGuid(1); 
//                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" conversationHandle: '%p(GUID)'\n", conversationHandle);

                            // Only process QueryNotification messages.
                            if (0 == String.Compare(msgType, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotification", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { 
                                SqlXml payload = reader.GetSqlXml(2);
                                if (null != payload) { 
                                    SqlNotification notification = SqlNotificationParser.ProcessMessage(payload); 
                                    if (null != notification) {
                                        string key    = notification.Key; 
                                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Key: '%ls'\n", key);
                                        int    index  = key.IndexOf(';'); // Our format is simple: "AppDomainKey;commandHash"

                                        if (index >= 0) { // Ensure ';' present. 
                                            string appDomainKey = key.Substring(0, index);
                                            SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher dispatcher; 
                                            lock (_staticInstance._sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers) { 
                                                dispatcher = _staticInstance._sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers[appDomainKey];
                                            if (null != dispatcher) {
                                                try {
                                                    dispatcher.InvalidateCommandID(notification); // CROSS APP-DOMAIN CALL!
                                                catch (Exception e) {
                                                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                                    ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure.  User event could throw exception. 
                                            else {
                                                Debug.Assert(false, "Received notification but do not have an associated PerAppDomainDispatcher!"); 
                                                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Received notification but do not have an associated PerAppDomainDispatcher!\n");
                                        else {
                                            Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected ID format received!"); 
                                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Unexpected ID format received!\n");
                                    else { 
                                        Debug.Assert(false, "Null notification returned from ProcessMessage!");
                                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Null notification returned from ProcessMessage!\n"); 
                                else { 
                                    Debug.Assert(false, "Null payload for QN notification type!");
                                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Null payload for QN notification type!\n");
                            else {
                                handle = Guid.Empty; 
                                // VSDD 546707: this assert was hit by SQL Notification fuzzing tests, disable it to let these tests run on Debug bits 
                                // Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected message format received!");
                                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Unexpected message format received!\n"); 
                finally {
                    // Since we do not want to make a separate round trip just for the end conversation call, we need to 
                    // batch it with the next command. 
                    if (handle == Guid.Empty) { // This should only happen if failure occurred, or if non-QN format received.
                        _com.CommandText = (null != _beginConversationQuery) ? _beginConversationQuery : _receiveQuery; // If we're doing the initial query, we won't have a conversation Guid to begin yet. 
                        if (_com.Parameters.Count > 1) { // Remove conversation param since next execute is only query.
                        Debug.Assert(_com.Parameters.Count == 1, "Unexpected number of parameters!"); 
                    else { 
                        _com.CommandText = _concatQuery; // END query + WAITFOR RECEIVE query. 
                        _conversationGuidParam.Value = handle; // Set value for conversation handle.
                        if (_com.Parameters.Count == 1) { // Add parameter if previous execute was only query. 
                        Debug.Assert(_com.Parameters.Count == 2, "Unexpected number of parameters!");
            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        // SxS: this method uses WindowsIdentity.Impersonate to impersonate the current thread with the
        // credentials used to create this SqlConnectionContainer. 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
        private void Restart(object unused) { // Unused arg required by TimerCallback. 
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); 
            try {
                try {
                    lock (this) {
                        if (!_stop) { // Only execute if we are still in running state. 
                            try {
                            catch (Exception e) {
                                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard close failure, if it occurs.  Only trace it.
                    // Rather than one long lock - take lock 3 times for shorter periods.
                    lock (this) {
                        if (!_stop) {
                            if (null != _hashHelper.Identity) { // Only impersonate if Integrated Security.
                                WindowsImpersonationContext context = null; 
                                RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); // CER for context.Undo.
                                try { 
                                    context = _windowsIdentity.Impersonate(); 
                                finally {
                                    if (null != context) {
                            else { // Else SQL Authentication. 

                    lock (this) { 
                        if (!_stop) {
                            if (_serviceQueueCreated) { 
                                bool failure = false; 

                                try { 
                                    CreateQueueAndService(true); // Ensure service, queue, etc is present, if we created it.
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                    ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, but trace for now. 
                                    failure = true;

                                if (failure) {
                                    // If we failed to re-created queue, service, sproc - invalidate!
                                                               new SqlNotification(SqlNotificationInfo.Error,

                    lock (this) { 
                        if (!_stop) { 
                            _timeoutParam.Value = 0; // Reset timeout to zero - we do not want to block.
                            // If the above succeeds, we are back in success case - requeue for async call.
                            _timeoutParam.Value = _defaultWaitforTimeout; // If success, reset to default for re-queue.
                            _errorState = false; 
                            _retryTimer = null;

                    if (_stop) { 
                        TearDownAndDispose(); // Function will lock(this).
                catch (Exception e) { 
                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {
                    try {
                        // If unexpected query or connection failure, invalidate all dependencies against this server.
                        // We may over-notify if only some of the connections to a particular database were affected,
                        // but this should not be frequent enough to be a concern. 
                        // NOTE - we invalidate after failure first occurs and then retry fails.  We will then continue
                        // to invalidate every time the retry fails. 
                                                   new SqlNotification(SqlNotificationInfo.Error,
                    catch (Exception f) { 
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(f)) {
                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(f); // Discard exception from Invalidate.  User events can throw.

                    try {
                    catch (Exception f) {
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(f)) { 
                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(f); // Discard close failure, if it occurs.  Only trace it. 

                    if (!_stop) {
                        // Create a timer to callback in one minute, retrying the call to Restart(). 
                        _retryTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(Restart), null, _defaultWaitforTimeout, Timeout.Infinite);
                        // We will retry this indefinitely, until success - or Stop(); 
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        internal bool Stop(string appDomainKey, out bool appDomainStop) { 
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try { 
                appDomainStop = false;

                // Dictionary used to track how many times start has been called per app domain.
                // For each decrement, subtract from count, and delete if we reach 0. 

                if (null != appDomainKey) {
                    // If null, then this was called from SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher, we ignore appDomainKeyHash. 
                    lock (_appDomainKeyHash) {
                        if (_appDomainKeyHash.ContainsKey(appDomainKey)) { // Do nothing if AppDomain did not call Start!
                            int value = _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey];
                            Debug.Assert(value > 0, "Unexpected count for appDomainKey");
                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _appDomainKeyHash contained AppDomainKey: '%ls', pre-decrement Count: '%d'.\n", appDomainKey, value); 
                            if (value > 0) {
                                _appDomainKeyHash[appDomainKey] = value - 1; 
                            else {
                                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" ERROR pre-decremented count <= 0!\n");
                                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected AppDomainKey count in Stop()"); 
                            if (1 == value) { // Remove from dictionary if pre-decrement count was one. 
                                appDomainStop = true; 
                        else {
                            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" ERROR appDomainKey not null and not found in hash!\n"); 
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected state on Stop() - no AppDomainKey entry in hashtable!");
                Debug.Assert(_startCount > 0, "About to decrement _startCount less than 0!");
                int result = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _startCount);

                if (0 == result) { // If we've reached refCount 0, destroy. 
                    // Lock to ensure Cancel() complete prior to other thread calling TearDown.
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Reached 0 count, cancelling and waiting.\n"); 
                    lock (this) { 
                        try {
                            // Race condition with executing thread - will throw if connection is closed due to failure. 
                            // Rather than fighting the ----, just call it and discard any potential failure.
                            _com.Cancel(); // Cancel the pending command.  No-op if connection closed.
                        catch (Exception e) { 
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {
                            ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, if it should occur.
                        _stop = true;

                    // Wait until stopped and service & queue are dropped. 
                    while (true) { 
                        lock (this) { 
                            if (_stopped) {

                            if (_errorState) { // Exit if in error state!
                                Timer retryTimer = _retryTimer; 
                                _retryTimer = null;
                                if (retryTimer != null) { 
                                    retryTimer.Dispose(); // Dispose timer - stop retry loop! 
                                TearDownAndDispose(); // Will not hit server unless connection open! 
                        Thread.Sleep(0); // Yield the thread since the stop has not yet completed.
                else { 
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" _startCount not 0 after decrement.  _startCount: '%d'.\n", _startCount); 
                Debug.Assert(0 <= _startCount, "Invalid start count state");

                return _stopped;
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
        private void SynchronouslyQueryServiceBrokerQueue() {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try { 
                using (SqlDataReader reader = _com.ExecuteReader()) {
            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:ReviewSqlQueriesForSecurityVulnerabilities")]
        private void TearDownAndDispose() { 
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try { 
                lock (this) { // Lock to ensure Stop() (with Cancel()) complete prior to TearDown.
                    try {
                        // Only execute if connection is still up and open.
                        if (ConnectionState.Closed != _con.State && ConnectionState.Broken != _con.State) { 
                            if (_com.Parameters.Count > 1) { // Need to close dialog before completing.
                                // In the normal case, the "End Conversation" query is executed before a 
                                // receive query and upon return we will clear the state.  However, unless 
                                // a non notification query result is returned, we will not clear it.  That
                                // means a query is generally always executing with an "end conversation" on 
                                // the wire.  Rather than synchronize for success of the other "end conversation",
                                // simply re-execute.
                                try {
                                    _com.CommandText = _endConversationQuery; 
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                    ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure.
                            if (_serviceQueueCreated && !_errorState) { 
    DROP SERVICE "+_escapedQueueName+";
    DROP QUEUE "+_escapedQueueName+";
    DROP PROCEDURE "+_sprocName+";
                                _com.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION; DROP SERVICE "+_escapedQueueName+"; DROP QUEUE "+_escapedQueueName+"; DROP PROCEDURE "+_sprocName+"; COMMIT TRANSACTION;"; 
                                try { 
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {
                                    ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure.
                    finally {
                        _stopped = true;
                        _con.Dispose(); // Close and dispose connection.
            finally { 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
    // -----------------------------------------
    // END SqlConnectionContainer private class. 
    // -----------------------------------------

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Private class encapsulating the notification payload parsing logic.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------


    private class SqlNotificationParser { 
        private enum MessageAttributes {
            None   = 0, 
            Type   = 1,
            Source = 2,
            Info   = 4,
            All    = Type+Source+Info, 
        // node names in the payload 
        private const string RootNode        = "QueryNotification";
        private const string MessageNode     = "Message"; 

        // attribute names (on the QueryNotification element)
        private const string InfoAttribute   = "info";
        private const string SourceAttribute = "source"; 
        private const string TypeAttribute   = "type";
        internal static SqlNotification ProcessMessage(SqlXml xmlMessage) { 
            using (XmlReader xmlReader = xmlMessage.CreateReader()) {
                string keyvalue = String.Empty; 

                MessageAttributes messageAttributes = MessageAttributes.None;

                SqlNotificationType   type   = SqlNotificationType.Unknown; 
                SqlNotificationInfo   info   = SqlNotificationInfo.Unknown;
                SqlNotificationSource source = SqlNotificationSource.Unknown; 
                string key = string.Empty;
                // Move to main node, expecting "QueryNotification".
                if ( (XmlNodeType.Element == xmlReader.NodeType) &&
                     (RootNode == xmlReader.LocalName) && 
                     (3 <= xmlReader.AttributeCount) ) {
                    // Loop until we've processed all the attributes. 
                    while ((MessageAttributes.All != messageAttributes) && (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute())) { 
                        try {
                            switch (xmlReader.LocalName) { 
                                case TypeAttribute:
                                    try {
                                        SqlNotificationType temp = (SqlNotificationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlNotificationType), xmlReader.Value, true);
                                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SqlNotificationType), temp)) { 
                                            type = temp;
                                    catch (Exception e) {
                                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, if it should occur.
                                    messageAttributes |= MessageAttributes.Type;
                                case SourceAttribute: 
                                    try {
                                        SqlNotificationSource temp = (SqlNotificationSource)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlNotificationSource), xmlReader.Value, true); 
                                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SqlNotificationSource), temp)) {
                                            source = temp;
                                    catch (Exception e) {
                                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, if it should occur. 
                                    messageAttributes |= MessageAttributes.Source;
                                case InfoAttribute: 
                                    try {
                                        string value = xmlReader.Value; 
                                        // SQL BU DT 390529 - 3 of the server info values do not match client values - map. 
                                        switch (value) {
                                            case "set options": 
                                                info = SqlNotificationInfo.Options;
                                            case "previous invalid":
                                                info = SqlNotificationInfo.PreviousFire; 
                                            case "query template limit": 
                                                info = SqlNotificationInfo.TemplateLimit; 
                                                SqlNotificationInfo temp = (SqlNotificationInfo)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlNotificationInfo), value, true);
                                                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SqlNotificationInfo), temp)) {
                                                    info = temp;
                                    catch (Exception e) {
                                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, if it should occur.
                                    messageAttributes |= MessageAttributes.Info;
                        catch (ArgumentException e) {
                            ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(e); // Discard failure, but trace.
                            Bid.Trace(" Exception thrown - Enum.Parse failed to parse the value '%ls' of the attribute '%ls'.\n", xmlReader.Value, xmlReader.LocalName); 
                            return null;

                    if (MessageAttributes.All != messageAttributes) { 
                        Bid.Trace(" Not all expected attributes in Message; messageAttributes = '%d'.\n", (int)messageAttributes);
                        return null;
                    // Proceed to the "Message" node.
                    if (!xmlReader.Read()) { 
                        Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n"); 
                        return null;

                    // Verify state after Read().
                    if ((XmlNodeType.Element != xmlReader.NodeType) || (0 != String.Compare(xmlReader.LocalName, MessageNode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
                        Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n"); 
                        return null;
                    // Proceed to the Text Node.
                    if (!xmlReader.Read()) { 
                        Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n");
                        return null;
                    // Verify state after Read().
                    if (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text) { 
                        Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n"); 
                        return null;

                    // Create a new XmlTextReader on the Message node value.
                    using (XmlTextReader xmlMessageReader = new XmlTextReader(xmlReader.Value, XmlNodeType.Element, null)) {
                        // Proceed to the Text Node. 
                        if (!xmlMessageReader.Read()) {
                            Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n"); 
                            return null; 
                        if (xmlMessageReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) {
                            key = xmlMessageReader.Value;
                        else {
                            Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n"); 
                            return null; 

                    return new SqlNotification(info, source, type, key);
                else { 
                    Bid.Trace(" unexpected Read failure on xml or unexpected structure of xml.\n");
                    return null; // failure 
    // ----------------------------------------
    // END SqlNotificationParser private class.
    // ---------------------------------------- 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Private class encapsulating the SqlConnectionContainer hash logic. 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    private class SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper {
        // For default, queue is computed in SqlConnectionContainer constructor, so queue will be empty and 
        // connection string will not include app name based on queue.  As a result, the connection string
        // builder will always contain up to date info, but _connectionString and _queue will not. 
        // As a result, we will not use _connectionStringBuilder as part of Equals or GetHashCode.
        private DbConnectionPoolIdentity   _identity;
        private string                     _connectionString;
        private string                     _queue;
        private SqlConnectionStringBuilder _connectionStringBuilder; // Not to be used for comparison! 

        internal SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, string connectionString, 
                                                  string queue, SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder) { 
            _identity                = identity;
            _connectionString        = connectionString; 
            _queue                   = queue;
            _connectionStringBuilder = connectionStringBuilder;
        internal string ConnectionString {
            get { 
                return _connectionString; 
        internal SqlConnectionStringBuilder ConnectionStringBuilder { // Not to be used for comparison!
            get {
                return _connectionStringBuilder; 
        internal DbConnectionPoolIdentity Identity {
            get { 
                return _identity;
        internal string Queue {
            get { 
                return _queue; 

        override public bool Equals(object value) {
            SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper temp = (SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper) value;
            bool result = false;
            // Ignore SqlConnectionStringBuilder, since it is present largely for debug purposes. 

            if (null == temp) { // If passed value null - false. 
                result = false;
            else if (this == temp) { // If instances equal - true.
                result = true; 
            else { 
                if ( (_identity != null && temp._identity == null) || // If XOR of null identities false - false. 
                     (_identity == null && temp._identity != null) ) {
                    result = false; 
                else if (_identity == null && temp._identity == null) {
                    if (temp._connectionString == _connectionString &&
                        String.Equals(temp._queue, _queue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { 
                        result = true;
                    else { 
                        result = false;
                else {
                    if (temp._identity.Equals(_identity) &&
                        temp._connectionString == _connectionString && 
                        String.Equals(temp._queue, _queue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                        result = true; 
                    else {
                        result = false; 
            return result;
        override public int GetHashCode() {
            int hashValue = 0; 

            if (null != _identity) {
                hashValue = _identity.GetHashCode();

            if (null != _queue) { 
                hashValue = unchecked(_connectionString.GetHashCode() + _queue.GetHashCode() + hashValue); 
            else { 
                hashValue = unchecked(_connectionString.GetHashCode() + hashValue);

            return hashValue; 
    // ---------------------------------------- 
    // END SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper private class.
    // ---------------------------------------- 

    // --------------------------------------------- 
    // SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher static members
    // --------------------------------------------- 
    private static SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher _staticInstance = new SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher(null);
    // Dictionaries used as maps.
    private Dictionary _connectionContainers;                 // NT_ID+ConStr+Service->Container
    private Dictionary              _sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers; // AppDomainKey->Callback
    // -----------
    // BID members 
    // ----------- 

    private readonly int    _objectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount); 
    private static   int    _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
    internal int ObjectID {
        get {
            return _objectID; 
    // ------------
    // Constructors 
    // ------------

    // Private constructor - only called by public constructor for static initialization.
    private SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher(object dummyVariable) { 
        Debug.Assert(null == _staticInstance, "Real constructor called with static instance already created!");
        IntPtr hscp; 
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); 
        try {
#if DEBUG 
            // Possibly expensive, limit to debug.
            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName: %ls\n", ObjectID, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
            _connectionContainers                       = new Dictionary(); 
            _sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers       = new Dictionary();
        finally { 
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

    // Constructor is only called by remoting.
    // Required to be public, even on internal class, for Remoting infrastructure. 
    public SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher() {
        IntPtr hscp; 
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); 
        try {
            // Empty constructor and object - dummy to obtain singleton. 
            // Possibly expensive, limit to debug.
            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName: %ls\n", ObjectID, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
        finally { 
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 

    // ----------
    // Properties
    // ---------- 

    internal SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher SingletonProcessDispatcher { 
        get { 
            return _staticInstance;

    // -----------------------
    // Various private methods 
    // -----------------------
    private static SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper GetHashHelper(    string                     connectionString, 
                                                                  out SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder,
                                                                  out DbConnectionPoolIdentity   identity, 
                                                                  out string                     user,
                                                                      string                     queue) {
        IntPtr hscp;
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, queue: %ls", _staticInstance.ObjectID, queue); 
        try {
            // Force certain connection string properties to be used by SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher. 
            // This logic is done here to enable us to have the complete connection string now to be used 
            // for tracing as we flow through the logic.
            connectionStringBuilder                        = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); 
            connectionStringBuilder.AsynchronousProcessing = true;
            connectionStringBuilder.Pooling                = false;
            connectionStringBuilder.Enlist                 = false;
            if (null != queue) { // User provided! 
                connectionStringBuilder.ApplicationName    = queue; // ApplicationName will be set to queue name.
            if (connectionStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity) {
                // Use existing identity infrastructure for error cases and proper hash value. 
                identity   = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();
                user       = null;
            else { 
                identity   = null;
                user       = connectionStringBuilder.UserID; 

            return new SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper(identity, connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString, 
                                                        queue, connectionStringBuilder);
        finally {
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
    // Needed for remoting to prevent lifetime issues and default GC cleanup.
    public override object InitializeLifetimeService() { 
        return null;

    private void Invalidate(string server, SqlNotification sqlNotification) { 
        IntPtr hscp;
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, server: %ls", ObjectID, server); 
        try { 
            Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!");
            lock (_sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers) { 

                foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers) {
                    SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher perAppDomainDispatcher = entry.Value;
                    try { 
                        perAppDomainDispatcher.InvalidateServer(server, sqlNotification);
                    catch (Exception f) { 
                        // Since we are looping over dependency dispatchers, do not allow one Invalidate
                        // that results in a throw prevent us from invalidating all dependencies 
                        // related to this server.
                        // NOTE - SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher already wraps individual dependency invalidates
                        // with try/catch, but we should be careful and do the same here.
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(f)) { 
                        ADP.TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow(f); // Discard failure, but trace. 
        finally {
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // Clean-up method initiated by other AppDomain.Unloads 
    // ----------------------------------------------------

    // Individual AppDomains upon AppDomain.UnloadEvent will call this method.
    internal void QueueAppDomainUnloading(string appDomainKey) { 
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(AppDomainUnloading), appDomainKey);
    // This method is only called by queued work-items from the method above.
    private void AppDomainUnloading(object state) { 
        IntPtr hscp;
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
        try {
            string appDomainKey = (string) state; 

            Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!"); 
            lock (_connectionContainers) { 
                List containersToRemove = new List();
                foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _connectionContainers) {
                    SqlConnectionContainer container = entry.Value;
                    if (container.AppDomainUnload(appDomainKey)) { // Perhaps wrap in try catch.
                foreach (SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper hashHelper in containersToRemove) {

            lock (_sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers) { // Remove from global Dictionary. 
        finally {
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 

    // ------------- 
    // Start methods
    // ------------- 
    internal bool StartWithDefault(    string                              connectionString,
                                   out string                              server, 
                                   out DbConnectionPoolIdentity            identity,
                                   out string                              user,
                                   out string                              database,
                                   ref string                              service, 
                                       string                              appDomainKey,
                                       SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher dispatcher, 
                                   out bool                                errorOccurred, 
                                   out bool                                appDomainStart) {
        Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!"); 
        return Start(    connectionString,
                     out server,
                     out identity,
                     out user, 
                     out database,
                     ref service, 
                     out errorOccurred, 
                     out appDomainStart,
    internal bool Start(string                              connectionString,
                        string                              queue, 
                        string                              appDomainKey, 
                        SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher dispatcher) {
        Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!"); 
        string                   dummyValue1 = null;
        bool                     dummyValue2 = false;
        DbConnectionPoolIdentity dummyValue3 = null;
        return Start(    connectionString, 
                     out dummyValue1,
                     out dummyValue3, 
                     out dummyValue1, 
                     out dummyValue1,
                     ref queue, 
                     out dummyValue2,
                     out dummyValue2, 
    private bool Start(    string                              connectionString,
                       out string                              server, 
                       out DbConnectionPoolIdentity            identity,
                       out string                              user,
                       out string                              database,
                       ref string                              queueService, 
                           string                              appDomainKey,
                           SqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatcher dispatcher, 
                       out bool                                errorOccurred, 
                       out bool                                appDomainStart,
                           bool                                useDefaults) { 
        IntPtr hscp;
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, queue: '%ls', appDomainKey: '%ls', perAppDomainDispatcher ID: '%d'", ObjectID, queueService, appDomainKey, dispatcher.ObjectID);
        try {
            Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!"); 
            server         = null;  // Reset out params.
            identity       = null; 
            user           = null; 
            database       = null;
            errorOccurred  = false; 
            appDomainStart = false;

            lock (_sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers) {
                if (!_sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers.ContainsKey(appDomainKey)) { 
                    _sqlDependencyPerAppDomainDispatchers[appDomainKey] = dispatcher;

            SqlConnectionStringBuilder       connectionStringBuilder = null; 
            SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper hashHelper              = GetHashHelper(    connectionString,
                                                                                     out connectionStringBuilder,
                                                                                     out identity,
                                                                                     out user, 
#if DEBUG 
            SqlConnectionString connectionStringOptions = new SqlConnectionString(connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString); 
            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Modified connection string: '%ls'\n", connectionStringOptions.UsersConnectionStringForTrace());

            bool started = false;

            SqlConnectionContainer container = null; 
            lock (_connectionContainers) {
                if (!_connectionContainers.ContainsKey(hashHelper)) { 
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, hashtable miss, creating new container.\n", ObjectID); 
                    container = new SqlConnectionContainer(hashHelper, appDomainKey, useDefaults);
                    _connectionContainers.Add(hashHelper, container); 
                    started        = true;
                    appDomainStart = true;
                else { 
                    container = _connectionContainers[hashHelper];
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, hashtable hit, container: %d\n", ObjectID, container.ObjectID); 
                    if (container.InErrorState) { 
                        Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, container: %d is in error state!\n", ObjectID, container.ObjectID);
                        errorOccurred = true; // Set outparam errorOccurred true so we invalidate on Start(). 
                    else {
                        container.IncrementStartCount(appDomainKey, out appDomainStart);
            if (useDefaults && !errorOccurred) { // Return server, database, and queue for use by SqlDependency.
                server       = container.Server; 
                database     = container.Database;
                queueService = container.Queue;
                Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, default service: '%ls', server: '%ls', database: '%ls'\n", ObjectID, queueService, server, database);

            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, started: %d\n", ObjectID, started); 
            return started;
        finally {
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

    // ------------ 
    // Stop methods 
    // ------------
    internal bool Stop(    string                   connectionString,
                       out string                   server,
                       out DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity,
                       out string                   user, 
                       out string                   database,
                       ref string                   queueService, 
                           string                   appDomainKey, 
                       out bool                     appDomainStop) {
        IntPtr hscp; 
        Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, queue: '%ls'", ObjectID, queueService);
        try {
            Debug.Assert(this == _staticInstance, "Instance method called on non _staticInstance instance!");
            server        = null;  // Reset out param. 
            identity      = null;
            user          = null; 
            database      = null; 
            appDomainStop = false;
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder       connectionStringBuilder = null;
            SqlConnectionContainerHashHelper hashHelper              = GetHashHelper(    connectionString,
                                                                                     out connectionStringBuilder,
                                                                                     out identity, 
                                                                                     out user,
#if DEBUG 
            SqlConnectionString connectionStringOptions = new SqlConnectionString(connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString);
            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" Modified connection string: '%ls'\n", connectionStringOptions.UsersConnectionStringForTrace()); 

            bool stopped = false;
            lock (_connectionContainers) {
                if (_connectionContainers.ContainsKey(hashHelper)) { 
                    SqlConnectionContainer container = _connectionContainers[hashHelper]; 
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, hashtable hit, container: %d\n", ObjectID, container.ObjectID);
                    server       = container.Server;   // Return server, database, and queue info for use by calling SqlDependency. 
                    database     = container.Database;
                    queueService = container.Queue;
                    if (container.Stop(appDomainKey, out appDomainStop)) { // Stop can be blocking if refCount == 0 on container.
                        stopped = true; 
                        _connectionContainers.Remove(hashHelper); // Remove from collection.
                else {
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, hashtable miss.\n", ObjectID); 

            Bid.NotificationsTrace(" %d#, stopped: %d\n", ObjectID, stopped); 
            return stopped;
        finally { 
            Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

    // -----------------------------------------
    // END SqlDependencyProcessDispatcher class. 
    // -----------------------------------------

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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