AsmxEndpointPickerExtension.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Extensions / Compilation / WCFModel / AsmxEndpointPickerExtension.cs / 1 / AsmxEndpointPickerExtension.cs

//   Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web.Services.Description; 

namespace System.Web.Compilation.WCFModel
namespace Microsoft.VSDesigner.WCFModel
    /// Wsdl import extension to remove the soap1.2 endpoint for ASMX services. 
    /// By default, ASMX services expose two endpoints, soap & soap1.2. In order
    /// to have easy-of-use-parity with VS2005 ASMX web service consumption
    /// we remove one of the endpoints for this special case.
    [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust"), PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] 
    internal class AsmxEndpointPickerExtension : System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension 
    [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust"), PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")] 
    internal class AsmxEndpointPickerExtension : System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.ImportContract(System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter importer, System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlContractConversionContext context)
            // We don't really care... 
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.ImportEndpoint(System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter importer, System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlEndpointConversionContext context)
            // We don't really care...

        /// Remove the Soap1.2 endpoint for ASMX web services if the service exposes 
        /// both a soap and a  soap 1.2 endpoint
        /// WSDL documents to modify
        /// Ignored
        /// Ignored
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.BeforeImport(System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlDocuments, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemas, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection policy) 
            if (wsdlDocuments == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("wsdlDocuments");

            foreach (ServiceDescription document in wsdlDocuments)
                foreach (Service service in document.Services) 
                    // We only touch services that have exactly two endpoints 
                    // (soap & soap 1.2) 
                    if (service.Ports.Count != 2) continue;
                    Port portToDelete = null;

                    // Check both ports to see if they are a soap & soap 1.2 pair
                    if (IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(SoapAddressBinding), service.Ports[0]) && IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(Soap12AddressBinding), service.Ports[1])) 
                        portToDelete = service.Ports[1]; 
                    else if (IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(SoapAddressBinding), service.Ports[1]) && IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(Soap12AddressBinding), service.Ports[0]))
                        portToDelete = service.Ports[0];

                    if (portToDelete != null) 
                        if (portToDelete.Binding != null)
                            // Find any associated bindings so that we can remove
                            // them as well...
                            List bindingsToDelete = new List();
                            foreach (Binding binding in document.Bindings)
                                if (String.Equals(binding.Name, portToDelete.Binding.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 

                            foreach (Binding bindingToDelete in bindingsToDelete) 
        /// Is the given port an ASMX endpoint with the given SOAP address type? 
        private bool IsSoapAsmxPort(System.Type addressType, Port port)
            SoapAddressBinding addressBinding = port.Extensions.Find(addressType) as SoapAddressBinding; 
            if (addressBinding != null && addressBinding.GetType() == addressType && IsAsmxUri(addressBinding.Location))
                return true; 
                return false;

        /// Is the given location an URL that has a .asmx file extension 
        private bool IsAsmxUri(string location)
            Uri uri = null; 

            // Invalid URI - that can't be an ASMX service... 
            if (!System.Uri.TryCreate(location, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) 
                return false; 

            //  Check if the "filename" part of the URL has a .asmx file extension
            string[] segments = uri.Segments; 

            if (segments.Length > 0) 
                    string fileName = segments[segments.Length - 1];
                    if (String.Equals(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName), ".asmx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return true; 
                catch (System.ArgumentException) 
                    // This was most likely an invalid path... well, let's just treat this as if 
                    // this is not an ASMX endpoint...
            return false; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//   Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web.Services.Description; 

namespace System.Web.Compilation.WCFModel
namespace Microsoft.VSDesigner.WCFModel
    /// Wsdl import extension to remove the soap1.2 endpoint for ASMX services. 
    /// By default, ASMX services expose two endpoints, soap & soap1.2. In order
    /// to have easy-of-use-parity with VS2005 ASMX web service consumption
    /// we remove one of the endpoints for this special case.
    [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust"), PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] 
    internal class AsmxEndpointPickerExtension : System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension 
    [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust"), PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")] 
    internal class AsmxEndpointPickerExtension : System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.ImportContract(System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter importer, System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlContractConversionContext context)
            // We don't really care... 
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.ImportEndpoint(System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter importer, System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlEndpointConversionContext context)
            // We don't really care...

        /// Remove the Soap1.2 endpoint for ASMX web services if the service exposes 
        /// both a soap and a  soap 1.2 endpoint
        /// WSDL documents to modify
        /// Ignored
        /// Ignored
        void System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.BeforeImport(System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlDocuments, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemas, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection policy) 
            if (wsdlDocuments == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("wsdlDocuments");

            foreach (ServiceDescription document in wsdlDocuments)
                foreach (Service service in document.Services) 
                    // We only touch services that have exactly two endpoints 
                    // (soap & soap 1.2) 
                    if (service.Ports.Count != 2) continue;
                    Port portToDelete = null;

                    // Check both ports to see if they are a soap & soap 1.2 pair
                    if (IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(SoapAddressBinding), service.Ports[0]) && IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(Soap12AddressBinding), service.Ports[1])) 
                        portToDelete = service.Ports[1]; 
                    else if (IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(SoapAddressBinding), service.Ports[1]) && IsSoapAsmxPort(typeof(Soap12AddressBinding), service.Ports[0]))
                        portToDelete = service.Ports[0];

                    if (portToDelete != null) 
                        if (portToDelete.Binding != null)
                            // Find any associated bindings so that we can remove
                            // them as well...
                            List bindingsToDelete = new List();
                            foreach (Binding binding in document.Bindings)
                                if (String.Equals(binding.Name, portToDelete.Binding.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 

                            foreach (Binding bindingToDelete in bindingsToDelete) 
        /// Is the given port an ASMX endpoint with the given SOAP address type? 
        private bool IsSoapAsmxPort(System.Type addressType, Port port)
            SoapAddressBinding addressBinding = port.Extensions.Find(addressType) as SoapAddressBinding; 
            if (addressBinding != null && addressBinding.GetType() == addressType && IsAsmxUri(addressBinding.Location))
                return true; 
                return false;

        /// Is the given location an URL that has a .asmx file extension 
        private bool IsAsmxUri(string location)
            Uri uri = null; 

            // Invalid URI - that can't be an ASMX service... 
            if (!System.Uri.TryCreate(location, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) 
                return false; 

            //  Check if the "filename" part of the URL has a .asmx file extension
            string[] segments = uri.Segments; 

            if (segments.Length > 0) 
                    string fileName = segments[segments.Length - 1];
                    if (String.Equals(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName), ".asmx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return true; 
                catch (System.ArgumentException) 
                    // This was most likely an invalid path... well, let's just treat this as if 
                    // this is not an ASMX endpoint...
            return false; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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