/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Interop / BrowserInteropHelper.cs / 1305600 / BrowserInteropHelper.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: BrowserInteropHelper.cs // // Description: Implements Avalon BrowserInteropHelper class, which helps // interop with the browser // // Created: 08/02/05 // // Copyright (C) by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Diagnostics; using MS.Internal; using MS.Win32; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.AppModel; using MS.Internal.Interop; using System.Threading; using SafeSecurityHelper=MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SafeSecurityHelper; namespace System.Windows.Interop { ////// Implements Avalon BrowserInteropHelper, which helps interop with the browser /// public static class BrowserInteropHelper { ////// Critical because it sets critical data. /// Safe because it is the static ctor, and the data doesn't go anywhere. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] static BrowserInteropHelper() { SetBrowserHosted(false); IsInitialViewerNavigation = true; } ////// Returns the IOleClientSite interface /// ////// Callers must have UnmanagedCode permission to call this API. /// ////// Critical: Exposes a COM interface pointer to the IOleClientSite where the app is hosted /// PublicOK: It is public, but there is a demand /// public static object ClientSite { [SecurityCritical] get { SecurityHelper.DemandUnmanagedCode(); object oleClientSite = null; if (IsBrowserHosted) { Application.Current.BrowserCallbackServices.GetOleClientSite(out oleClientSite); } return oleClientSite; } } ////// Critical: Calls a COM interface method. /// Calls the constructor of DynamicScriptObject. /// Calls InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider. /// Safe: The browser's object model is safe for scripting. /// The implementation of IHostBrowser.GetHostScriptObject() is responsible to block cross-domain access. /// public static dynamic HostScript { [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] get { // Allows to disable script interop through the registry in partial trust code. EnsureScriptInteropAllowed(); // IE's marshaling proxy for the HTMLWindow object doesn't work in MTA. Verify.IsApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); IHostBrowser2 hb2 = HostBrowser as IHostBrowser2; if (hb2 == null) return null; // One possibility is we are running under NPWPF v3.5. try { var hostScriptObject = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)hb2.HostScriptObject; if (hostScriptObject == null) return null; var scriptObject = new DynamicScriptObject(hostScriptObject); InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider(scriptObject); return scriptObject; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { return null; } } } ////// Returns true if the app is a browser hosted app. /// ////// Note that HostingFlags may not be set at the time this property is queried first. /// That's why they are still separate. Also, this one is public. /// public static bool IsBrowserHosted { get { return _isBrowserHosted.Value; } } ////// This is critical because setting the BrowserHosted status is a critical resource. /// ////// HostingFlags is set after this property. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void SetBrowserHosted(bool value) { _isBrowserHosted.Value = value; } ////// Critical: These flags are a critical resource because they are used in security decisions. /// internal static HostingFlags HostingFlags { get { return _hostingFlags.Value; } [SecurityCritical] set { _hostingFlags.Value = value; } } ////// Returns the Uri used to launch the application. /// public static Uri Source { get { return SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource; } } ////// Returns true if we are running the XAML viewer pseudo-application (what used to be XamlViewer.xbap). /// This explicitly does not cover the case of XPS documents (MimeType.Document). /// internal static bool IsViewer { get { Application app = Application.Current; return app != null && app.MimeType == MimeType.Markup; } } ////// Returns true if avalon it top level. /// Also returns true if not browser-hosted. /// ////// Critical: setting this information is a critical resource. /// internal static bool IsAvalonTopLevel { get { if (!IsBrowserHosted) return true; return (HostingFlags & HostingFlags.hfHostedInFrame) == 0; } } ////// Returns true if the host browser is IE or the WebOC hosted in a standalone application. /// Also returns false if not browser-hosted. /// internal static bool IsHostedInIEorWebOC { get { return (HostingFlags & HostingFlags.hfHostedInIEorWebOC) != 0; } } ////// Returns true if we are in viewer mode AND this is the first time that a viewer has been navigated. /// Including IsViewer is defense-in-depth in case somebody forgets to check IsViewer. There are other /// reasons why both IsViewer and IsViewerNavigation are necessary, however. /// ////// Critical: setting this information is a critical resource. /// internal static bool IsInitialViewerNavigation { get { return IsViewer && _isInitialViewerNavigation.Value; } [SecurityCritical] set { _isInitialViewerNavigation.Value = value; } } internal static IHostBrowser HostBrowser; ////// Critical: Calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject(). /// Drops the security critical service provider stored in _hostHtmlDocumentProvider. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void ReleaseBrowserInterfaces() { if (HostBrowser != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(HostBrowser); HostBrowser = null; } if (_hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value); _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value = null; } } ////// Retrieves the IServiceProvider object for the browser we're hosted in. /// This is used for IDispatchEx operations in the script interop feature. /// internal static UnsafeNativeMethods.IServiceProvider HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider { get { // HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider is used by DynamicScriptObject for IDispatchEx // operations in case of IE. During initialization we get the document node from // the DOM to obtain the required service provider. During this short timeframe // it's valid to have a null-value returned here. In all other cases, we make sure // not to run with a null service provider for sake of security. // See InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider as well. /* */ Invariant.Assert(!(_initializedHostScript.Value && _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value == null)); return _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value; } } ////// Critical: Sets the critical _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider field, which is used during script /// interop to let Internet Explorer make security decisions with regards to zones. By /// passing in another service provider it may be possible to interfere with this logic. /// [SecurityCritical] private static void InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider(DynamicScriptObject scriptObject) { // The service provider is used for Internet Explorer IDispatchEx use. if ( IsHostedInIEorWebOC && scriptObject.ScriptObject is UnsafeNativeMethods.IHTMLWindow4 && _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value == null) { // We use the IDispatch infrastructure to gain access to the document DOM node where // the IServiceProvider lives that was recommended to us by IE people. Notice during // this call the HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider property here is still null, so this // first request is made (and succeeds properly) without the service provider in place. object document; bool foundDoc = scriptObject.TryFindMemberAndInvokeNonWrapped("document", NativeMethods.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, true /* cache DISPID, why not? */, null, /* arguments */ out document); // The fact the host script is required to be a IHTMLWindow4 here ensures there is // document property and because we're dealing with IE, we know it has a service // provider on it. Invariant.Assert(foundDoc); _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IServiceProvider)document; // See HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider property get accessor for more information on the use of // this field to ensure we got a valid service provider. _initializedHostScript.Value = true; } } ////// Critical: this calls ForwardTranslateAccelerator, which is SUC'ed. /// [SecurityCritical] private static void HostFilterInput(ref MSG msg, ref bool handled) { WindowMessage message = (WindowMessage)msg.message; // The host gets to see input, keyboard and mouse messages. if (message == WindowMessage.WM_INPUT || (message >= WindowMessage.WM_KEYFIRST && message <= WindowMessage.WM_IME_KEYLAST) || (message >= WindowMessage.WM_MOUSEFIRST && message <= WindowMessage.WM_MOUSELAST)) { if (MS.Win32.NativeMethods.S_OK == ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref msg, false)) { handled = true; } } } ///This hook gets a "last chance" to handle a key. Such applicaton-unhandled /// keys are forwarded to the browser frame. /// ////// Critical: this calls ForwardTranslateAccelerator, which is SUC'ed. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static IntPtr PostFilterInput(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { if (!handled) { if ((WindowMessage)msg >= WindowMessage.WM_KEYFIRST && (WindowMessage)msg <= WindowMessage.WM_IME_KEYLAST) { MSG m = new MSG(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, SafeNativeMethods.GetMessageTime(), 0, 0); if (MS.Win32.NativeMethods.S_OK == ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref m, true)) { handled = true; } } } return IntPtr.Zero; } ////// Critical: this attaches an event to ThreadFilterMessage, which requires an assert /// Safe: doesn't expose anything, just does some internal plumbing stuff /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal static void InitializeHostFilterInput() { (new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted)).Assert(); // Blessed assert try { ComponentDispatcher.ThreadFilterMessage += new ThreadMessageEventHandler(HostFilterInput); } finally { UIPermission.RevertAssert(); } } ////// Critical: setting critical _isScriptInteropDisabled flag. /// Safe: _isScriptInteropDisabled is set from a trusted source. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private static void EnsureScriptInteropAllowed() { if (_isScriptInteropDisabled.Value == null) { _isScriptInteropDisabled.Value = SafeSecurityHelper.IsFeatureDisabled(SafeSecurityHelper.KeyToRead.ScriptInteropDisable); } // Similar approach as with WebBrowser.cs. if (_isScriptInteropDisabled.Value.Value) { // Feature is disabled - demand unrestricted WebBrowserPermission to hand out the script object. MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SecurityHelper.DemandWebBrowserPermission(); } else { // Feature is enabled - demand Safe level to hand out the script object, granted in Partial Trust by default. (new WebBrowserPermission(WebBrowserPermissionLevel.Safe)).Demand(); } } private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet_isBrowserHosted; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _hostingFlags; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _isInitialViewerNavigation; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _isScriptInteropDisabled; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _initializedHostScript; /// /// Critical - call is SUC'ed /// [SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [DllImport(ExternDll.PresentationHostDll, EntryPoint="ForwardTranslateAccelerator")] private static extern int ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref MSG pMsg, bool appUnhandled); } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: BrowserInteropHelper.cs // // Description: Implements Avalon BrowserInteropHelper class, which helps // interop with the browser // // Created: 08/02/05 // // Copyright (C) by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Diagnostics; using MS.Internal; using MS.Win32; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.AppModel; using MS.Internal.Interop; using System.Threading; using SafeSecurityHelper=MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SafeSecurityHelper; namespace System.Windows.Interop { ////// Implements Avalon BrowserInteropHelper, which helps interop with the browser /// public static class BrowserInteropHelper { ////// Critical because it sets critical data. /// Safe because it is the static ctor, and the data doesn't go anywhere. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] static BrowserInteropHelper() { SetBrowserHosted(false); IsInitialViewerNavigation = true; } ////// Returns the IOleClientSite interface /// ////// Callers must have UnmanagedCode permission to call this API. /// ////// Critical: Exposes a COM interface pointer to the IOleClientSite where the app is hosted /// PublicOK: It is public, but there is a demand /// public static object ClientSite { [SecurityCritical] get { SecurityHelper.DemandUnmanagedCode(); object oleClientSite = null; if (IsBrowserHosted) { Application.Current.BrowserCallbackServices.GetOleClientSite(out oleClientSite); } return oleClientSite; } } ////// Critical: Calls a COM interface method. /// Calls the constructor of DynamicScriptObject. /// Calls InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider. /// Safe: The browser's object model is safe for scripting. /// The implementation of IHostBrowser.GetHostScriptObject() is responsible to block cross-domain access. /// public static dynamic HostScript { [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] get { // Allows to disable script interop through the registry in partial trust code. EnsureScriptInteropAllowed(); // IE's marshaling proxy for the HTMLWindow object doesn't work in MTA. Verify.IsApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); IHostBrowser2 hb2 = HostBrowser as IHostBrowser2; if (hb2 == null) return null; // One possibility is we are running under NPWPF v3.5. try { var hostScriptObject = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)hb2.HostScriptObject; if (hostScriptObject == null) return null; var scriptObject = new DynamicScriptObject(hostScriptObject); InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider(scriptObject); return scriptObject; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { return null; } } } ////// Returns true if the app is a browser hosted app. /// ////// Note that HostingFlags may not be set at the time this property is queried first. /// That's why they are still separate. Also, this one is public. /// public static bool IsBrowserHosted { get { return _isBrowserHosted.Value; } } ////// This is critical because setting the BrowserHosted status is a critical resource. /// ////// HostingFlags is set after this property. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void SetBrowserHosted(bool value) { _isBrowserHosted.Value = value; } ////// Critical: These flags are a critical resource because they are used in security decisions. /// internal static HostingFlags HostingFlags { get { return _hostingFlags.Value; } [SecurityCritical] set { _hostingFlags.Value = value; } } ////// Returns the Uri used to launch the application. /// public static Uri Source { get { return SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource; } } ////// Returns true if we are running the XAML viewer pseudo-application (what used to be XamlViewer.xbap). /// This explicitly does not cover the case of XPS documents (MimeType.Document). /// internal static bool IsViewer { get { Application app = Application.Current; return app != null && app.MimeType == MimeType.Markup; } } ////// Returns true if avalon it top level. /// Also returns true if not browser-hosted. /// ////// Critical: setting this information is a critical resource. /// internal static bool IsAvalonTopLevel { get { if (!IsBrowserHosted) return true; return (HostingFlags & HostingFlags.hfHostedInFrame) == 0; } } ////// Returns true if the host browser is IE or the WebOC hosted in a standalone application. /// Also returns false if not browser-hosted. /// internal static bool IsHostedInIEorWebOC { get { return (HostingFlags & HostingFlags.hfHostedInIEorWebOC) != 0; } } ////// Returns true if we are in viewer mode AND this is the first time that a viewer has been navigated. /// Including IsViewer is defense-in-depth in case somebody forgets to check IsViewer. There are other /// reasons why both IsViewer and IsViewerNavigation are necessary, however. /// ////// Critical: setting this information is a critical resource. /// internal static bool IsInitialViewerNavigation { get { return IsViewer && _isInitialViewerNavigation.Value; } [SecurityCritical] set { _isInitialViewerNavigation.Value = value; } } internal static IHostBrowser HostBrowser; ////// Critical: Calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject(). /// Drops the security critical service provider stored in _hostHtmlDocumentProvider. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void ReleaseBrowserInterfaces() { if (HostBrowser != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(HostBrowser); HostBrowser = null; } if (_hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value); _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value = null; } } ////// Retrieves the IServiceProvider object for the browser we're hosted in. /// This is used for IDispatchEx operations in the script interop feature. /// internal static UnsafeNativeMethods.IServiceProvider HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider { get { // HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider is used by DynamicScriptObject for IDispatchEx // operations in case of IE. During initialization we get the document node from // the DOM to obtain the required service provider. During this short timeframe // it's valid to have a null-value returned here. In all other cases, we make sure // not to run with a null service provider for sake of security. // See InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider as well. /* */ Invariant.Assert(!(_initializedHostScript.Value && _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value == null)); return _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value; } } ////// Critical: Sets the critical _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider field, which is used during script /// interop to let Internet Explorer make security decisions with regards to zones. By /// passing in another service provider it may be possible to interfere with this logic. /// [SecurityCritical] private static void InitializeHostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider(DynamicScriptObject scriptObject) { // The service provider is used for Internet Explorer IDispatchEx use. if ( IsHostedInIEorWebOC && scriptObject.ScriptObject is UnsafeNativeMethods.IHTMLWindow4 && _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value == null) { // We use the IDispatch infrastructure to gain access to the document DOM node where // the IServiceProvider lives that was recommended to us by IE people. Notice during // this call the HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider property here is still null, so this // first request is made (and succeeds properly) without the service provider in place. object document; bool foundDoc = scriptObject.TryFindMemberAndInvokeNonWrapped("document", NativeMethods.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, true /* cache DISPID, why not? */, null, /* arguments */ out document); // The fact the host script is required to be a IHTMLWindow4 here ensures there is // document property and because we're dealing with IE, we know it has a service // provider on it. Invariant.Assert(foundDoc); _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider.Value = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IServiceProvider)document; // See HostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider property get accessor for more information on the use of // this field to ensure we got a valid service provider. _initializedHostScript.Value = true; } } ////// Critical: this calls ForwardTranslateAccelerator, which is SUC'ed. /// [SecurityCritical] private static void HostFilterInput(ref MSG msg, ref bool handled) { WindowMessage message = (WindowMessage)msg.message; // The host gets to see input, keyboard and mouse messages. if (message == WindowMessage.WM_INPUT || (message >= WindowMessage.WM_KEYFIRST && message <= WindowMessage.WM_IME_KEYLAST) || (message >= WindowMessage.WM_MOUSEFIRST && message <= WindowMessage.WM_MOUSELAST)) { if (MS.Win32.NativeMethods.S_OK == ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref msg, false)) { handled = true; } } } ///This hook gets a "last chance" to handle a key. Such applicaton-unhandled /// keys are forwarded to the browser frame. /// ////// Critical: this calls ForwardTranslateAccelerator, which is SUC'ed. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static IntPtr PostFilterInput(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { if (!handled) { if ((WindowMessage)msg >= WindowMessage.WM_KEYFIRST && (WindowMessage)msg <= WindowMessage.WM_IME_KEYLAST) { MSG m = new MSG(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, SafeNativeMethods.GetMessageTime(), 0, 0); if (MS.Win32.NativeMethods.S_OK == ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref m, true)) { handled = true; } } } return IntPtr.Zero; } ////// Critical: this attaches an event to ThreadFilterMessage, which requires an assert /// Safe: doesn't expose anything, just does some internal plumbing stuff /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal static void InitializeHostFilterInput() { (new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted)).Assert(); // Blessed assert try { ComponentDispatcher.ThreadFilterMessage += new ThreadMessageEventHandler(HostFilterInput); } finally { UIPermission.RevertAssert(); } } ////// Critical: setting critical _isScriptInteropDisabled flag. /// Safe: _isScriptInteropDisabled is set from a trusted source. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private static void EnsureScriptInteropAllowed() { if (_isScriptInteropDisabled.Value == null) { _isScriptInteropDisabled.Value = SafeSecurityHelper.IsFeatureDisabled(SafeSecurityHelper.KeyToRead.ScriptInteropDisable); } // Similar approach as with WebBrowser.cs. if (_isScriptInteropDisabled.Value.Value) { // Feature is disabled - demand unrestricted WebBrowserPermission to hand out the script object. MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SecurityHelper.DemandWebBrowserPermission(); } else { // Feature is enabled - demand Safe level to hand out the script object, granted in Partial Trust by default. (new WebBrowserPermission(WebBrowserPermissionLevel.Safe)).Demand(); } } private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet_isBrowserHosted; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _hostingFlags; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _isInitialViewerNavigation; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _isScriptInteropDisabled; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _hostHtmlDocumentServiceProvider; private static SecurityCriticalDataForSet _initializedHostScript; /// /// Critical - call is SUC'ed /// [SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [DllImport(ExternDll.PresentationHostDll, EntryPoint="ForwardTranslateAccelerator")] private static extern int ForwardTranslateAccelerator(ref MSG pMsg, bool appUnhandled); } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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