/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Wmi / managed / System / Management / Instrumentation / Instrumentation.cs / 1305376 / Instrumentation.cs
namespace System.Management.Instrumentation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.CSharp; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Management; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using WbemClient_v1; internal delegate void ProvisionFunction(Object o); sealed class SecurityHelper { // internal static readonly SecurityPermission UnmanagedCode = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode); } ////// public class Instrumentation { [ResourceExposure( ResourceScope.Process),DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] static extern int GetCurrentProcessId(); // The processIdentity field and ProcessIdentity property provide // a string that should be globally unique accross on this machine. // NOTE: The 'ProcessIdentity' must be all lower case. During object // retrival, we convert the keys to lower case and compare against // the ProcessIdentity. // ALTERNATIVE computation, but doesn't work for multi appdomains // - String.Format("{0}_{1:x16}", (uint)GetCurrentProcessId(), DateTime.Now.ToFileTime()); static string processIdentity = null; static internal string ProcessIdentity { get { // Avoid double checked locking falacy lock(typeof(Instrumentation)) { if(null == processIdentity) processIdentity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return processIdentity; } } #region Public Members of Instrumentation class ///Provides helper functions for exposing events and data for management. /// There is a single instance of this class per application domain. ////// ///Registers the management instance or event classes in the specified assembly with WMI. This ensures that the instrumentation schema is accessible to System.Management client applications. ///The assembly containing instrumentation instance or event types. public static void RegisterAssembly(Assembly assemblyToRegister) { // Check for valid argument if(null == assemblyToRegister) throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyToRegister"); // Force the schema to be registered if necessary GetInstrumentedAssembly(assemblyToRegister); } ////// ///Determines if the instrumentation schema of the specified assembly has already been correctly registered with WMI. ///The assembly containing instrumentation instance or event types. ////// public static bool IsAssemblyRegistered(Assembly assemblyToRegister) { // Check for valid argument if(null == assemblyToRegister) throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyToRegister"); // See if we have already loaded this assembly in the current app domain lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assemblyToRegister)) return true; } // See if the assembly is registered with WMI. This will not force the // assembly to be registered, and will not load the dynamically generated // code if it is registered. SchemaNaming naming = SchemaNaming.GetSchemaNaming(assemblyToRegister); if(naming == null) return false; return naming.IsAssemblyRegistered(); } ///true if the instrumentation schema in the specified assembly is registered with WMI; otherwise, false. ////// /// The object that determines the class, properties, and values of the event. public static void Fire(Object eventData) { IEvent evt = eventData as IEvent; if(evt != null) evt.Fire(); else GetFireFunction(eventData.GetType())(eventData); } ///Raises a management event. ////// /// The instance that is to be visible through management instrumentation. public static void Publish(Object instanceData) { Type t = instanceData as Type; Assembly assembly = instanceData as Assembly; IInstance instance = instanceData as IInstance; if(t != null) { // We were passed a 'type' to publish. This is our cue to try to intall // the schema for the assembly that t belongs to GetInstrumentedAssembly(t.Assembly); } else if(assembly != null) { // We were passed an 'assembly' to publish. This is our cue to try to intall // the schema for the assembly that t belongs to GetInstrumentedAssembly(assembly); } else if(instance != null) { instance.Published = true; } else GetPublishFunction(instanceData.GetType())(instanceData); } ///Makes an instance visible through management instrumentation. ////// /// The object to remove from visibility for management instrumentation. public static void Revoke(Object instanceData) { IInstance instance = instanceData as IInstance; if(instance != null) instance.Published = false; else GetRevokeFunction(instanceData.GetType())(instanceData); } ///Makes an instance that was previously published through the ////// method no longer visible through management instrumentation. /// Specifies the maximum number of objects of the specified type to be provided at a time. /// /// The class for which the batch size is being set. /// The maximum number of objects to be provided at a time. public static void SetBatchSize(Type instrumentationClass, int batchSize) { GetInstrumentedAssembly(instrumentationClass.Assembly).SetBatchSize(instrumentationClass, batchSize); } #endregion #region Non-Public Members of Instrumentation class internal static ProvisionFunction GetFireFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Fire); } internal static ProvisionFunction GetPublishFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Publish); } internal static ProvisionFunction GetRevokeFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Revoke); } private static Hashtable instrumentedAssemblies = new Hashtable(); private static void Initialize(Assembly assembly) { lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assembly)) return; SchemaNaming naming = SchemaNaming.GetSchemaNaming(assembly); if(naming == null) return; if(false == naming.IsAssemblyRegistered()) { // If we are not an administrator, don't try to JIT install the schema if(!WMICapabilities.IsUserAdmin()) throw new Exception(RC.GetString("ASSEMBLY_NOT_REGISTERED")); // // We always use the full version number for Whidbey. // naming.DecoupledProviderInstanceName = AssemblyNameUtility.UniqueToAssemblyFullVersion(assembly); naming.RegisterNonAssemblySpecificSchema(null); naming.RegisterAssemblySpecificSchema(); } InstrumentedAssembly instrumentedAssembly = new InstrumentedAssembly(assembly, naming); instrumentedAssemblies.Add(assembly, instrumentedAssembly); } } private static InstrumentedAssembly GetInstrumentedAssembly(Assembly assembly) { InstrumentedAssembly instrumentedAssembly; lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(false == instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assembly)) Initialize(assembly); instrumentedAssembly = (InstrumentedAssembly)instrumentedAssemblies[assembly]; } return instrumentedAssembly; } #if SUPPORTS_WMI_DEFAULT_VAULES internal static ProvisionFunction GetInitializeInstanceFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(InitializeInstance); } private static void InitializeInstance(Object o) { Type type = o.GetType(); string className = ManagedNameAttribute.GetClassName(type); SchemaNaming naming = InstrumentedAttribute.GetSchemaNaming(type.Assembly); ManagementClass theClass = new ManagementClass(naming.NamespaceName + ":" + className); foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields()) { Object val = theClass.Properties[ManagedNameAttribute.GetFieldName(field)].Value; if(null != val) { field.SetValue(o, val); } } } #endif #endregion } delegate void ConvertToWMI(object obj); class InstrumentedAssembly { SchemaNaming naming; public EventSource source; private void InitEventSource(object param) { InstrumentedAssembly threadParam = (InstrumentedAssembly) param ; threadParam.source = new EventSource(threadParam.naming.NamespaceName, threadParam.naming.DecoupledProviderInstanceName, this); } public Hashtable mapTypeToConverter; [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Machine),ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine)] public void FindReferences(Type type, CompilerParameters parameters) { //Don't add references twice (VSQFE#2469) if (!parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Contains(type.Assembly.Location)) { parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(type.Assembly.Location); } // Add references for the base type if(type.BaseType != null) // && type.BaseType.Assembly != type.Assembly) //maybe one of the ancestors is in different assembly FindReferences(type.BaseType, parameters); // Add references for implemented interfaces foreach(Type typeInterface in type.GetInterfaces()) { if(typeInterface.Assembly != type.Assembly) FindReferences(typeInterface, parameters); } } public bool IsInstrumentedType(Type type) { if (null != type.GetInterface("System.Management.Instrumentation.IEvent", false) || null != type.GetInterface("System.Management.Instrumentation.IInstance", false)) { return true; } else { object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationClassAttribute), true); return (attributes != null && attributes.Length != 0) ? true : false; } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None),ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine,ResourceScope.Machine)] public InstrumentedAssembly(Assembly assembly, SchemaNaming naming) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code this.naming = naming; Assembly compiledAssembly = naming.PrecompiledAssembly; if(null == compiledAssembly) { CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); // ICodeCompiler compiler = provider.CreateCompiler(); CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.GenerateInMemory = true; parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(assembly.Location); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(typeof(BaseEvent).Assembly.Location); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Component).Assembly.Location); // Must reference any base types in 'assembly' // foreach(Type type in assembly.GetTypes()) { // Only interested in instrumented types (VSQFE#2469) if (IsInstrumentedType(type)) FindReferences(type, parameters); } CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, naming.Code); foreach(CompilerError err in results.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(err.ToString()); } if (results.Errors.HasErrors) { // we failed to compile the generated code - the compile error shows up on console but we need to throw throw new Exception(RC.GetString("FAILED_TO_BUILD_GENERATED_ASSEMBLY")); } compiledAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly; } Type dynType = compiledAssembly.GetType("WMINET_Converter"); mapTypeToConverter = (Hashtable)dynType.GetField("mapTypeToConverter").GetValue(null); // if(!MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()) // Bug#110141 - Checking for MTA is not enough. We need to make sure we are not in a COM+ Context { ThreadDispatch disp = new ThreadDispatch ( new ThreadDispatch.ThreadWorkerMethodWithParam ( InitEventSource ) ) ; disp.Parameter = this ; disp.Start ( ) ; // We are on an STA thread. Create the event source on an MTA // Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InitEventSource)); // thread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.MTA; // thread.Start(); // thread.Join(); } else { InitEventSource( this ) ; } } public void Fire(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code Fire(o.GetType(), o); } public static ReaderWriterLock readerWriterLock = new ReaderWriterLock(); public static Hashtable mapIDToPublishedObject = new Hashtable(); static Hashtable mapPublishedObjectToID = new Hashtable(); static int upcountId = 0x0EFF; public void Publish(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code try { readerWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); if(mapPublishedObjectToID.ContainsKey(o)) return;// Bug#102932 - to make the same as IInstance, we do not throw new ArgumentException(); mapIDToPublishedObject.Add(upcountId.ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.GetFormat(typeof(System.Int32))), o); mapPublishedObjectToID.Add(o, upcountId); upcountId++; } finally { readerWriterLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } public void Revoke(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code try { readerWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); Object idObject = mapPublishedObjectToID[o]; if(idObject == null) return;// Bug#102932 - to make the same as IInstance, we do not throw new ArgumentException(); int id = (int)idObject; mapPublishedObjectToID.Remove(o); mapIDToPublishedObject.Remove(id.ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.GetFormat(typeof(System.Int32)))); } finally { readerWriterLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } class TypeInfo { // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // We store a reference to a fieldInfo that we use when updating the wbemojects pointer array. // Simply for efficiency reasons. // FieldInfo fieldInfo = null ; // Make ThreadLocal int batchSize = 64;//20; bool batchEvents = true; ConvertToWMI[] convertFunctionsBatch; ConvertToWMI convertFunctionNoBatch; IntPtr[] wbemObjects; Type converterType; int currentIndex = 0; // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Removed this member since no longer needed. // //public object o; public EventSource source; // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Changed signature to account for [....] problems. // public void Fire(object o) { if(source.Any()) return; if(!batchEvents) { // lock(this) { convertFunctionNoBatch(o); // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // At this point, the ToWMI method has been called and a new instance created. // We have to make sure the wbemObjects array (which is the array of IWbemClassObjects to be indicated) // is updated to point to the newly created instances. // wbemObjects[0] = (IntPtr) fieldInfo.GetValue ( convertFunctionNoBatch.Target ) ; source.IndicateEvents(1, wbemObjects); } } else { lock(this) { convertFunctionsBatch[currentIndex++](o); // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // At this point, the ToWMI method has been called and a new instance created. // We have to make sure the wbemObjects array (which is the array of IWbemClassObjects to be indicated) // is updated to point to the newly created instances. // wbemObjects[currentIndex-1] = (IntPtr) fieldInfo.GetValue ( convertFunctionsBatch[currentIndex-1].Target ) ; if(cleanupThread == null) { int tickCount = Environment.TickCount; if(tickCount-lastFire<1000) { lastFire = Environment.TickCount ; cleanupThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Cleanup)); cleanupThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.MTA); cleanupThread.Start(); } else { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = tickCount; } } else if(currentIndex==batchSize) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } } } } public int lastFire = 0; public void SetBatchSize(int batchSize) { // // [RAID: 125526, marioh] // Check parameter validity before continuing. // Assumption: batchSize >= 1 // Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if batchSize <= 0 // if ( batchSize <= 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("batchSize") ; } if(!WMICapabilities.MultiIndicateSupported) batchSize = 1; lock(this) { if(currentIndex > 0) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } wbemObjects = new IntPtr[batchSize]; if(batchSize > 1) { batchEvents = true; this.batchSize = batchSize; convertFunctionsBatch = new ConvertToWMI[batchSize]; for(int i=0;i0) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } } } cleanupThread = null; } public Thread cleanupThread = null; public TypeInfo(EventSource source, SchemaNaming naming, Type converterType) { this.converterType = converterType; this.source = source; Object converter = Activator.CreateInstance(converterType); convertFunctionNoBatch = (ConvertToWMI)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ConvertToWMI), converter, "ToWMI"); // NOTE: wbemObjects[0] will get initialized in SetBatchSize if batchSize == 1 SetBatchSize(batchSize); } } Hashtable mapTypeToTypeInfo = new Hashtable(); public void SetBatchSize(Type t, int batchSize) { GetTypeInfo(t).SetBatchSize(batchSize); } TypeInfo lastTypeInfo = null; Type lastType = null; TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(Type t) { lock(mapTypeToTypeInfo) { if(lastType==t) return lastTypeInfo; lastType = t; TypeInfo typeInfo = (TypeInfo)mapTypeToTypeInfo[t]; if(null==typeInfo) { typeInfo = new TypeInfo(source, naming, (Type)mapTypeToConverter[t]); mapTypeToTypeInfo.Add(t, typeInfo); } lastTypeInfo = typeInfo; return typeInfo; } } public void Fire(Type t, Object o) { TypeInfo typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(t); // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Avoid race condition whereby the class member o is changed by multiple threads and can cause // event corruption. // //typeInfo.o = o; typeInfo.Fire(o); } } /// /// public interface IEvent { ///Specifies a source of a management instrumentation event. /// Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of management /// instrumentation events. Classes that do not derive from ///should implement /// this interface instead. /// void Fire(); } ////// Raises a management event. ////// ///Represents classes derived /// from ///that are known to be /// management event classes. These derived classes inherit an implementation /// of that allows events to be /// fired through the /// method. /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Event)] public abstract class BaseEvent : IEvent { private ProvisionFunction fireFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction FireFunction { get { if(null == fireFunction) { fireFunction = Instrumentation.GetFireFunction(this.GetType()); } return fireFunction; } } ///using System; /// using System.Management; /// using System.Configuration.Install; /// using System.Management.Instrumentation; /// /// // This example demonstrates how to create a Management Event class by deriving /// // from BaseEvent class and to fire a Management Event from managed code. /// /// // Specify which namespace the Manaegment Event class is created in /// [assembly:Instrumented("Root/Default")] /// /// // Let the system know you will run InstallUtil.exe utility against /// // this assembly /// [System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(true)] /// public class MyInstaller : DefaultManagementProjectInstaller {} /// /// // Create a Management Instrumentation Event class /// public class MyEvent : BaseEvent /// { /// public string EventName; /// } /// /// public class Sample_EventProvider /// { /// public static int Main(string[] args) { /// MyEvent e = new MyEvent(); /// e.EventName = "Hello"; /// /// // Fire the Management Event /// e.Fire(); /// /// return 0; /// } /// } ///
///Imports System /// Imports System.Management /// Imports System.Configuration.Install /// Imports System.Management.Instrumentation /// /// ' This sample demonstrates how to create a Management Event class by deriving /// ' from BaseEvent class and to fire a Management Event from managed code. /// /// ' Specify which namespace the Manaegment Event class is created in /// <assembly: Instrumented("Root/Default")> /// /// ' Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// ' this assembly /// <System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(True)> _ /// Public Class MyInstaller /// Inherits DefaultManagementProjectInstaller /// End Class /// /// ' Create a Management Instrumentation Event class /// <InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Event)> _ /// Public Class MyEvent /// Inherits BaseEvent /// Public EventName As String /// End Class /// /// Public Class Sample_EventProvider /// Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer /// Dim e As New MyEvent() /// e.EventName = "Hello" /// /// ' Fire the Management Event /// e.Fire() /// /// Return 0 /// End Function /// End Class ///
////// public void Fire() { FireFunction(this); } } ///Raises a management event. ////// public interface IInstance { ///Specifies a source of a management instrumentation /// instance. Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of /// management instrumentation instances. Classes that do not derive from ///should implement /// this interface instead. /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of /// classes that implement this interface are visible through management /// instrumentation. /// ////// bool Published { get; set; } } ////// , if the /// instance is visible through management instrumentation; otherwise, /// . /// ///Represents derived classes known to be management /// instrumentation instance classes. These derived classes inherit an /// implementation of ///that allows instances to be /// published through the /// property. /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)] public abstract class Instance : IInstance { private ProvisionFunction publishFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction revokeFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction PublishFunction { get { if(null == publishFunction) { publishFunction = Instrumentation.GetPublishFunction(this.GetType()); } return publishFunction; } } private ProvisionFunction RevokeFunction { get { if(null == revokeFunction) { revokeFunction = Instrumentation.GetRevokeFunction(this.GetType()); } return revokeFunction; } } private bool published = false; ///using System; /// using System.Management; /// using System.Configuration.Install; /// using System.Management.Instrumentation; /// /// // This sample demonstrates how to create a Management Instrumentation Instance /// // class and how to publish an instance of this class to WMI. /// /// // Specify which namespace the Instance class is created in /// [assembly:Instrumented("Root/Default")] /// /// // Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// // this assembly /// [System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(true)] /// public class MyInstaller : DefaultManagementProjectInstaller {} /// /// // Create a Management Instrumentation Instance class /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)] /// public class InstanceClass : Instance /// { /// public string SampleName; /// public int SampleNumber; /// } /// /// public class Sample_InstanceProvider /// { /// public static int Main(string[] args) { /// InstanceClass instClass = new InstanceClass(); /// instClass.SampleName = "Hello"; /// instClass.SampleNumber = 888; /// /// // Publish this instance to WMI /// instClass.Published = true; /// /// return 0; /// } /// } ///
///Imports System /// Imports System.Management /// Imports System.Configuration.Install /// Imports System.Management.Instrumentation /// /// ' This sample demonstrate how to create a Management Instrumentation Instance /// ' class and how to publish an instance of this class to WMI. /// ' Specify which namespace the Instance class is created in /// <assembly: Instrumented("Root/Default")> /// /// ' Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// ' this assembly /// <System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(True)> _ /// Public Class MyInstaller /// Inherits DefaultManagementProjectInstaller /// End Class /// /// ' Create a Management Instrumentation Instance class /// <InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)> _ /// Public Class InstanceClass /// Inherits Instance /// Public SampleName As String /// Public SampleNumber As Integer /// End Class /// /// Public Class Sample_InstanceProvider /// Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer /// Dim instClass As New InstanceClass() /// instClass.SampleName = "Hello" /// instClass.SampleNumber = 888 /// /// ' Publish this instance to WMI /// instClass.Published = True /// /// Return 0 /// End Function /// End Class ///
////// ///Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. ////// [IgnoreMember] public bool Published { get { return published; } set { if(published && false==value) { // We ARE published, and the caller is setting published to FALSE RevokeFunction(this); published = false; } else if(!published && true==value) { // We ARE NOT published, and the caller is setting published to TRUE PublishFunction(this); published = true; } } } } } #if JEFF_WARNING_REMOVAL_TEST namespace System.Management { class DoNothing { static void SayNothing() { tag_SWbemRpnConst w; w.unionhack = 0; tag_CompileStatusInfo x; x.lPhaseError = 0; x.hRes = 0; x.ObjectNum = 0; x.FirstLine = 0; x.LastLine = 0; x.dwOutFlags = 0; tag_SWbemQueryQualifiedName y; y.m_uVersion = 0; y.m_uTokenType = 0; y.m_uNameListSize = 0; y.m_ppszNameList = IntPtr.Zero; y.m_bArraysUsed = 0; y.m_pbArrayElUsed = IntPtr.Zero; y.m_puArrayIndex = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemRpnQueryToken z; z.m_uVersion = 0; z.m_uTokenType = 0; z.m_uSubexpressionShape = 0; z.m_uOperator = 0; z.m_pRightIdent = IntPtr.Zero; z.m_pLeftIdent = IntPtr.Zero; z.m_uConstApparentType = 0; z.m_Const = w; z.m_uConst2ApparentType = 0; z.m_Const2 = w; z.m_pszRightFunc = ""; z.m_pszLeftFunc = ""; tag_SWbemRpnTokenList a; a.m_uVersion = 0; a.m_uTokenType = 0; a.m_uNumTokens = 0; tag_SWbemRpnEncodedQuery b; b.m_uVersion = 0; b.m_uTokenType = 0; b.m_uParsedFeatureMask1 = 0; b.m_uParsedFeatureMask2 = 0; b.m_uDetectedArraySize = 0; b.m_puDetectedFeatures = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uSelectListSize = 0; b.m_ppSelectList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uFromTargetType = 0; b.m_pszOptionalFromPath = ""; b.m_uFromListSize = 0; b.m_ppszFromList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uWhereClauseSize = 0; b.m_ppRpnWhereClause = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_dblWithinPolling = 0; b.m_dblWithinWindow = 0; b.m_uOrderByListSize = 0; b.m_ppszOrderByList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uOrderDirectionEl = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAnalysisMatrix c; c.m_uVersion = 0; c.m_uMatrixType = 0; c.m_pszProperty = ""; c.m_uPropertyType = 0; c.m_uEntries = 0; c.m_pValues = IntPtr.Zero; c.m_pbTruthTable = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAnalysisMatrixList d; d.m_uVersion = 0; d.m_uMatrixType = 0; d.m_uNumMatrices = 0; d.m_pMatrices = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAssocQueryInf e; e.m_uVersion = 0; e.m_uAnalysisType = 0; e.m_uFeatureMask = 0; e.m_pPath = null; e.m_pszPath = ""; e.m_pszQueryText = ""; e.m_pszResultClass = ""; e.m_pszAssocClass = ""; e.m_pszRole = ""; e.m_pszResultRole = ""; e.m_pszRequiredQualifier = ""; e.m_pszRequiredAssocQualifier = ""; } } } #endif #if xxxx ////// , if the /// instance is visible through management instrumentation; otherwise, /// . /// public static void SetField(Object inst, ISWbemProperty prop, FieldInfo field) { Object o = prop.get_Value(); IConvertible i = (IConvertible)o; Type t2 = field.FieldType; if(t2 == typeof(SByte)) o = i.ToSByte(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Byte)) o = i.ToByte(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int16)) o = i.ToInt16(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt16)) o = i.ToUInt16(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int32)) o = i.ToInt32(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt32)) o = i.ToUInt32(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int64)) o = i.ToInt64(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt64)) o = i.ToUInt64(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Single)) o = i.ToSingle(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Double)) o = i.ToDouble(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Boolean)) o = i.ToBoolean(null); else if(t2 == typeof(String)) o = i.ToString(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Char)) o = i.ToChar(null); else if(t2 == typeof(DateTime)) // o = i.ToDateTime(null); {/*Console.WriteLine(" NO CONVERSION TO DATETIME: "+o+" - "+o.GetType().Name);*/return;} else if(t2 == typeof(TimeSpan)) // o = //i.To; {/*Console.WriteLine(" NO CONVERSION TO TIMESPAN: "+o+" - "+o.GetType().Name);*/return;} else if(t2 == typeof(Object)) /*Nothing to do*/o = o; else throw new Exception("Unsupported type for default property - " + t2.Name); field.SetValue(inst, o); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// public static void SetProp(Object o, ISWbemProperty prop) { try { // if(o == null) /*NOTHING TO DO*/o = o; else if(o.GetType() == typeof(DateTime)) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)o; TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(dt.ToUniversalTime()); int diffUTC = (ts.Minutes + ts.Hours * 60); if(diffUTC >= 0) o = String.Format("{0:D4}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}{4:D2}{5:D2}.{6:D3}000+{7:D3}", new Object [] {dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, dt.Millisecond, diffUTC}); else o = String.Format("{0:D4}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}{4:D2}{5:D2}.{6:D3}000-{7:D3}", new Object [] {dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, dt.Millisecond, -diffUTC}); } else if(o.GetType() == typeof(TimeSpan)) { TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)o; o = String.Format("{0:D8}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}.{4:D3}000:000", new Object [] {ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds}); } else if(o.GetType() == typeof(char)) { if(0 == (char)o) o = (int)0; else o=o.ToString(); } prop.set_Value(ref o); } catch { // Console.WriteLine(prop.Name + " - "+o.GetType().Name + " - " + (o == null)); o = o.ToString(); prop.set_Value(ref o); } } #endif // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. namespace System.Management.Instrumentation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.CSharp; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Management; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using WbemClient_v1; internal delegate void ProvisionFunction(Object o); sealed class SecurityHelper { // internal static readonly SecurityPermission UnmanagedCode = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// public class Instrumentation { [ResourceExposure( ResourceScope.Process),DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] static extern int GetCurrentProcessId(); // The processIdentity field and ProcessIdentity property provide // a string that should be globally unique accross on this machine. // NOTE: The 'ProcessIdentity' must be all lower case. During object // retrival, we convert the keys to lower case and compare against // the ProcessIdentity. // ALTERNATIVE computation, but doesn't work for multi appdomains // - String.Format("{0}_{1:x16}", (uint)GetCurrentProcessId(), DateTime.Now.ToFileTime()); static string processIdentity = null; static internal string ProcessIdentity { get { // Avoid double checked locking falacy lock(typeof(Instrumentation)) { if(null == processIdentity) processIdentity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return processIdentity; } } #region Public Members of Instrumentation class ///Provides helper functions for exposing events and data for management. /// There is a single instance of this class per application domain. ////// ///Registers the management instance or event classes in the specified assembly with WMI. This ensures that the instrumentation schema is accessible to System.Management client applications. ///The assembly containing instrumentation instance or event types. public static void RegisterAssembly(Assembly assemblyToRegister) { // Check for valid argument if(null == assemblyToRegister) throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyToRegister"); // Force the schema to be registered if necessary GetInstrumentedAssembly(assemblyToRegister); } ////// ///Determines if the instrumentation schema of the specified assembly has already been correctly registered with WMI. ///The assembly containing instrumentation instance or event types. ////// public static bool IsAssemblyRegistered(Assembly assemblyToRegister) { // Check for valid argument if(null == assemblyToRegister) throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyToRegister"); // See if we have already loaded this assembly in the current app domain lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assemblyToRegister)) return true; } // See if the assembly is registered with WMI. This will not force the // assembly to be registered, and will not load the dynamically generated // code if it is registered. SchemaNaming naming = SchemaNaming.GetSchemaNaming(assemblyToRegister); if(naming == null) return false; return naming.IsAssemblyRegistered(); } ///true if the instrumentation schema in the specified assembly is registered with WMI; otherwise, false. ////// /// The object that determines the class, properties, and values of the event. public static void Fire(Object eventData) { IEvent evt = eventData as IEvent; if(evt != null) evt.Fire(); else GetFireFunction(eventData.GetType())(eventData); } ///Raises a management event. ////// /// The instance that is to be visible through management instrumentation. public static void Publish(Object instanceData) { Type t = instanceData as Type; Assembly assembly = instanceData as Assembly; IInstance instance = instanceData as IInstance; if(t != null) { // We were passed a 'type' to publish. This is our cue to try to intall // the schema for the assembly that t belongs to GetInstrumentedAssembly(t.Assembly); } else if(assembly != null) { // We were passed an 'assembly' to publish. This is our cue to try to intall // the schema for the assembly that t belongs to GetInstrumentedAssembly(assembly); } else if(instance != null) { instance.Published = true; } else GetPublishFunction(instanceData.GetType())(instanceData); } ///Makes an instance visible through management instrumentation. ////// /// The object to remove from visibility for management instrumentation. public static void Revoke(Object instanceData) { IInstance instance = instanceData as IInstance; if(instance != null) instance.Published = false; else GetRevokeFunction(instanceData.GetType())(instanceData); } ///Makes an instance that was previously published through the ////// method no longer visible through management instrumentation. /// Specifies the maximum number of objects of the specified type to be provided at a time. /// /// The class for which the batch size is being set. /// The maximum number of objects to be provided at a time. public static void SetBatchSize(Type instrumentationClass, int batchSize) { GetInstrumentedAssembly(instrumentationClass.Assembly).SetBatchSize(instrumentationClass, batchSize); } #endregion #region Non-Public Members of Instrumentation class internal static ProvisionFunction GetFireFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Fire); } internal static ProvisionFunction GetPublishFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Publish); } internal static ProvisionFunction GetRevokeFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(GetInstrumentedAssembly(type.Assembly).Revoke); } private static Hashtable instrumentedAssemblies = new Hashtable(); private static void Initialize(Assembly assembly) { lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assembly)) return; SchemaNaming naming = SchemaNaming.GetSchemaNaming(assembly); if(naming == null) return; if(false == naming.IsAssemblyRegistered()) { // If we are not an administrator, don't try to JIT install the schema if(!WMICapabilities.IsUserAdmin()) throw new Exception(RC.GetString("ASSEMBLY_NOT_REGISTERED")); // // We always use the full version number for Whidbey. // naming.DecoupledProviderInstanceName = AssemblyNameUtility.UniqueToAssemblyFullVersion(assembly); naming.RegisterNonAssemblySpecificSchema(null); naming.RegisterAssemblySpecificSchema(); } InstrumentedAssembly instrumentedAssembly = new InstrumentedAssembly(assembly, naming); instrumentedAssemblies.Add(assembly, instrumentedAssembly); } } private static InstrumentedAssembly GetInstrumentedAssembly(Assembly assembly) { InstrumentedAssembly instrumentedAssembly; lock(instrumentedAssemblies) { if(false == instrumentedAssemblies.ContainsKey(assembly)) Initialize(assembly); instrumentedAssembly = (InstrumentedAssembly)instrumentedAssemblies[assembly]; } return instrumentedAssembly; } #if SUPPORTS_WMI_DEFAULT_VAULES internal static ProvisionFunction GetInitializeInstanceFunction(Type type) { return new ProvisionFunction(InitializeInstance); } private static void InitializeInstance(Object o) { Type type = o.GetType(); string className = ManagedNameAttribute.GetClassName(type); SchemaNaming naming = InstrumentedAttribute.GetSchemaNaming(type.Assembly); ManagementClass theClass = new ManagementClass(naming.NamespaceName + ":" + className); foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields()) { Object val = theClass.Properties[ManagedNameAttribute.GetFieldName(field)].Value; if(null != val) { field.SetValue(o, val); } } } #endif #endregion } delegate void ConvertToWMI(object obj); class InstrumentedAssembly { SchemaNaming naming; public EventSource source; private void InitEventSource(object param) { InstrumentedAssembly threadParam = (InstrumentedAssembly) param ; threadParam.source = new EventSource(threadParam.naming.NamespaceName, threadParam.naming.DecoupledProviderInstanceName, this); } public Hashtable mapTypeToConverter; [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Machine),ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine)] public void FindReferences(Type type, CompilerParameters parameters) { //Don't add references twice (VSQFE#2469) if (!parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Contains(type.Assembly.Location)) { parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(type.Assembly.Location); } // Add references for the base type if(type.BaseType != null) // && type.BaseType.Assembly != type.Assembly) //maybe one of the ancestors is in different assembly FindReferences(type.BaseType, parameters); // Add references for implemented interfaces foreach(Type typeInterface in type.GetInterfaces()) { if(typeInterface.Assembly != type.Assembly) FindReferences(typeInterface, parameters); } } public bool IsInstrumentedType(Type type) { if (null != type.GetInterface("System.Management.Instrumentation.IEvent", false) || null != type.GetInterface("System.Management.Instrumentation.IInstance", false)) { return true; } else { object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationClassAttribute), true); return (attributes != null && attributes.Length != 0) ? true : false; } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None),ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine,ResourceScope.Machine)] public InstrumentedAssembly(Assembly assembly, SchemaNaming naming) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code this.naming = naming; Assembly compiledAssembly = naming.PrecompiledAssembly; if(null == compiledAssembly) { CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); // ICodeCompiler compiler = provider.CreateCompiler(); CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.GenerateInMemory = true; parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(assembly.Location); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(typeof(BaseEvent).Assembly.Location); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Component).Assembly.Location); // Must reference any base types in 'assembly' // foreach(Type type in assembly.GetTypes()) { // Only interested in instrumented types (VSQFE#2469) if (IsInstrumentedType(type)) FindReferences(type, parameters); } CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, naming.Code); foreach(CompilerError err in results.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(err.ToString()); } if (results.Errors.HasErrors) { // we failed to compile the generated code - the compile error shows up on console but we need to throw throw new Exception(RC.GetString("FAILED_TO_BUILD_GENERATED_ASSEMBLY")); } compiledAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly; } Type dynType = compiledAssembly.GetType("WMINET_Converter"); mapTypeToConverter = (Hashtable)dynType.GetField("mapTypeToConverter").GetValue(null); // if(!MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()) // Bug#110141 - Checking for MTA is not enough. We need to make sure we are not in a COM+ Context { ThreadDispatch disp = new ThreadDispatch ( new ThreadDispatch.ThreadWorkerMethodWithParam ( InitEventSource ) ) ; disp.Parameter = this ; disp.Start ( ) ; // We are on an STA thread. Create the event source on an MTA // Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InitEventSource)); // thread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.MTA; // thread.Start(); // thread.Join(); } else { InitEventSource( this ) ; } } public void Fire(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code Fire(o.GetType(), o); } public static ReaderWriterLock readerWriterLock = new ReaderWriterLock(); public static Hashtable mapIDToPublishedObject = new Hashtable(); static Hashtable mapPublishedObjectToID = new Hashtable(); static int upcountId = 0x0EFF; public void Publish(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code try { readerWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); if(mapPublishedObjectToID.ContainsKey(o)) return;// Bug#102932 - to make the same as IInstance, we do not throw new ArgumentException(); mapIDToPublishedObject.Add(upcountId.ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.GetFormat(typeof(System.Int32))), o); mapPublishedObjectToID.Add(o, upcountId); upcountId++; } finally { readerWriterLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } public void Revoke(Object o) { SecurityHelper.UnmanagedCode.Demand(); // Bug#112640 - Close off any potential use from anything but fully trusted code try { readerWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); Object idObject = mapPublishedObjectToID[o]; if(idObject == null) return;// Bug#102932 - to make the same as IInstance, we do not throw new ArgumentException(); int id = (int)idObject; mapPublishedObjectToID.Remove(o); mapIDToPublishedObject.Remove(id.ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.GetFormat(typeof(System.Int32)))); } finally { readerWriterLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } class TypeInfo { // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // We store a reference to a fieldInfo that we use when updating the wbemojects pointer array. // Simply for efficiency reasons. // FieldInfo fieldInfo = null ; // Make ThreadLocal int batchSize = 64;//20; bool batchEvents = true; ConvertToWMI[] convertFunctionsBatch; ConvertToWMI convertFunctionNoBatch; IntPtr[] wbemObjects; Type converterType; int currentIndex = 0; // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Removed this member since no longer needed. // //public object o; public EventSource source; // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Changed signature to account for [....] problems. // public void Fire(object o) { if(source.Any()) return; if(!batchEvents) { // lock(this) { convertFunctionNoBatch(o); // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // At this point, the ToWMI method has been called and a new instance created. // We have to make sure the wbemObjects array (which is the array of IWbemClassObjects to be indicated) // is updated to point to the newly created instances. // wbemObjects[0] = (IntPtr) fieldInfo.GetValue ( convertFunctionNoBatch.Target ) ; source.IndicateEvents(1, wbemObjects); } } else { lock(this) { convertFunctionsBatch[currentIndex++](o); // // Reuters VSQFE#: 750 [marioh] // At this point, the ToWMI method has been called and a new instance created. // We have to make sure the wbemObjects array (which is the array of IWbemClassObjects to be indicated) // is updated to point to the newly created instances. // wbemObjects[currentIndex-1] = (IntPtr) fieldInfo.GetValue ( convertFunctionsBatch[currentIndex-1].Target ) ; if(cleanupThread == null) { int tickCount = Environment.TickCount; if(tickCount-lastFire<1000) { lastFire = Environment.TickCount ; cleanupThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Cleanup)); cleanupThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.MTA); cleanupThread.Start(); } else { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = tickCount; } } else if(currentIndex==batchSize) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } } } } public int lastFire = 0; public void SetBatchSize(int batchSize) { // // [RAID: 125526, marioh] // Check parameter validity before continuing. // Assumption: batchSize >= 1 // Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if batchSize <= 0 // if ( batchSize <= 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("batchSize") ; } if(!WMICapabilities.MultiIndicateSupported) batchSize = 1; lock(this) { if(currentIndex > 0) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } wbemObjects = new IntPtr[batchSize]; if(batchSize > 1) { batchEvents = true; this.batchSize = batchSize; convertFunctionsBatch = new ConvertToWMI[batchSize]; for(int i=0;i0) { source.IndicateEvents(currentIndex, wbemObjects); currentIndex = 0; lastFire = Environment.TickCount; } } } cleanupThread = null; } public Thread cleanupThread = null; public TypeInfo(EventSource source, SchemaNaming naming, Type converterType) { this.converterType = converterType; this.source = source; Object converter = Activator.CreateInstance(converterType); convertFunctionNoBatch = (ConvertToWMI)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ConvertToWMI), converter, "ToWMI"); // NOTE: wbemObjects[0] will get initialized in SetBatchSize if batchSize == 1 SetBatchSize(batchSize); } } Hashtable mapTypeToTypeInfo = new Hashtable(); public void SetBatchSize(Type t, int batchSize) { GetTypeInfo(t).SetBatchSize(batchSize); } TypeInfo lastTypeInfo = null; Type lastType = null; TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(Type t) { lock(mapTypeToTypeInfo) { if(lastType==t) return lastTypeInfo; lastType = t; TypeInfo typeInfo = (TypeInfo)mapTypeToTypeInfo[t]; if(null==typeInfo) { typeInfo = new TypeInfo(source, naming, (Type)mapTypeToConverter[t]); mapTypeToTypeInfo.Add(t, typeInfo); } lastTypeInfo = typeInfo; return typeInfo; } } public void Fire(Type t, Object o) { TypeInfo typeInfo = GetTypeInfo(t); // // [marioh, RAID: 123543] // Avoid race condition whereby the class member o is changed by multiple threads and can cause // event corruption. // //typeInfo.o = o; typeInfo.Fire(o); } } /// /// public interface IEvent { ///Specifies a source of a management instrumentation event. /// Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of management /// instrumentation events. Classes that do not derive from ///should implement /// this interface instead. /// void Fire(); } ////// Raises a management event. ////// ///Represents classes derived /// from ///that are known to be /// management event classes. These derived classes inherit an implementation /// of that allows events to be /// fired through the /// method. /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Event)] public abstract class BaseEvent : IEvent { private ProvisionFunction fireFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction FireFunction { get { if(null == fireFunction) { fireFunction = Instrumentation.GetFireFunction(this.GetType()); } return fireFunction; } } ///using System; /// using System.Management; /// using System.Configuration.Install; /// using System.Management.Instrumentation; /// /// // This example demonstrates how to create a Management Event class by deriving /// // from BaseEvent class and to fire a Management Event from managed code. /// /// // Specify which namespace the Manaegment Event class is created in /// [assembly:Instrumented("Root/Default")] /// /// // Let the system know you will run InstallUtil.exe utility against /// // this assembly /// [System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(true)] /// public class MyInstaller : DefaultManagementProjectInstaller {} /// /// // Create a Management Instrumentation Event class /// public class MyEvent : BaseEvent /// { /// public string EventName; /// } /// /// public class Sample_EventProvider /// { /// public static int Main(string[] args) { /// MyEvent e = new MyEvent(); /// e.EventName = "Hello"; /// /// // Fire the Management Event /// e.Fire(); /// /// return 0; /// } /// } ///
///Imports System /// Imports System.Management /// Imports System.Configuration.Install /// Imports System.Management.Instrumentation /// /// ' This sample demonstrates how to create a Management Event class by deriving /// ' from BaseEvent class and to fire a Management Event from managed code. /// /// ' Specify which namespace the Manaegment Event class is created in /// <assembly: Instrumented("Root/Default")> /// /// ' Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// ' this assembly /// <System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(True)> _ /// Public Class MyInstaller /// Inherits DefaultManagementProjectInstaller /// End Class /// /// ' Create a Management Instrumentation Event class /// <InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Event)> _ /// Public Class MyEvent /// Inherits BaseEvent /// Public EventName As String /// End Class /// /// Public Class Sample_EventProvider /// Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer /// Dim e As New MyEvent() /// e.EventName = "Hello" /// /// ' Fire the Management Event /// e.Fire() /// /// Return 0 /// End Function /// End Class ///
////// public void Fire() { FireFunction(this); } } ///Raises a management event. ////// public interface IInstance { ///Specifies a source of a management instrumentation /// instance. Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of /// management instrumentation instances. Classes that do not derive from ///should implement /// this interface instead. /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of /// classes that implement this interface are visible through management /// instrumentation. /// ////// bool Published { get; set; } } ////// , if the /// instance is visible through management instrumentation; otherwise, /// . /// ///Represents derived classes known to be management /// instrumentation instance classes. These derived classes inherit an /// implementation of ///that allows instances to be /// published through the /// property. /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)] public abstract class Instance : IInstance { private ProvisionFunction publishFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction revokeFunction = null; private ProvisionFunction PublishFunction { get { if(null == publishFunction) { publishFunction = Instrumentation.GetPublishFunction(this.GetType()); } return publishFunction; } } private ProvisionFunction RevokeFunction { get { if(null == revokeFunction) { revokeFunction = Instrumentation.GetRevokeFunction(this.GetType()); } return revokeFunction; } } private bool published = false; ///using System; /// using System.Management; /// using System.Configuration.Install; /// using System.Management.Instrumentation; /// /// // This sample demonstrates how to create a Management Instrumentation Instance /// // class and how to publish an instance of this class to WMI. /// /// // Specify which namespace the Instance class is created in /// [assembly:Instrumented("Root/Default")] /// /// // Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// // this assembly /// [System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(true)] /// public class MyInstaller : DefaultManagementProjectInstaller {} /// /// // Create a Management Instrumentation Instance class /// [InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)] /// public class InstanceClass : Instance /// { /// public string SampleName; /// public int SampleNumber; /// } /// /// public class Sample_InstanceProvider /// { /// public static int Main(string[] args) { /// InstanceClass instClass = new InstanceClass(); /// instClass.SampleName = "Hello"; /// instClass.SampleNumber = 888; /// /// // Publish this instance to WMI /// instClass.Published = true; /// /// return 0; /// } /// } ///
///Imports System /// Imports System.Management /// Imports System.Configuration.Install /// Imports System.Management.Instrumentation /// /// ' This sample demonstrate how to create a Management Instrumentation Instance /// ' class and how to publish an instance of this class to WMI. /// ' Specify which namespace the Instance class is created in /// <assembly: Instrumented("Root/Default")> /// /// ' Let the system know InstallUtil.exe utility will be run against /// ' this assembly /// <System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(True)> _ /// Public Class MyInstaller /// Inherits DefaultManagementProjectInstaller /// End Class /// /// ' Create a Management Instrumentation Instance class /// <InstrumentationClass(InstrumentationType.Instance)> _ /// Public Class InstanceClass /// Inherits Instance /// Public SampleName As String /// Public SampleNumber As Integer /// End Class /// /// Public Class Sample_InstanceProvider /// Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer /// Dim instClass As New InstanceClass() /// instClass.SampleName = "Hello" /// instClass.SampleNumber = 888 /// /// ' Publish this instance to WMI /// instClass.Published = True /// /// Return 0 /// End Function /// End Class ///
////// ///Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. ////// [IgnoreMember] public bool Published { get { return published; } set { if(published && false==value) { // We ARE published, and the caller is setting published to FALSE RevokeFunction(this); published = false; } else if(!published && true==value) { // We ARE NOT published, and the caller is setting published to TRUE PublishFunction(this); published = true; } } } } } #if JEFF_WARNING_REMOVAL_TEST namespace System.Management { class DoNothing { static void SayNothing() { tag_SWbemRpnConst w; w.unionhack = 0; tag_CompileStatusInfo x; x.lPhaseError = 0; x.hRes = 0; x.ObjectNum = 0; x.FirstLine = 0; x.LastLine = 0; x.dwOutFlags = 0; tag_SWbemQueryQualifiedName y; y.m_uVersion = 0; y.m_uTokenType = 0; y.m_uNameListSize = 0; y.m_ppszNameList = IntPtr.Zero; y.m_bArraysUsed = 0; y.m_pbArrayElUsed = IntPtr.Zero; y.m_puArrayIndex = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemRpnQueryToken z; z.m_uVersion = 0; z.m_uTokenType = 0; z.m_uSubexpressionShape = 0; z.m_uOperator = 0; z.m_pRightIdent = IntPtr.Zero; z.m_pLeftIdent = IntPtr.Zero; z.m_uConstApparentType = 0; z.m_Const = w; z.m_uConst2ApparentType = 0; z.m_Const2 = w; z.m_pszRightFunc = ""; z.m_pszLeftFunc = ""; tag_SWbemRpnTokenList a; a.m_uVersion = 0; a.m_uTokenType = 0; a.m_uNumTokens = 0; tag_SWbemRpnEncodedQuery b; b.m_uVersion = 0; b.m_uTokenType = 0; b.m_uParsedFeatureMask1 = 0; b.m_uParsedFeatureMask2 = 0; b.m_uDetectedArraySize = 0; b.m_puDetectedFeatures = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uSelectListSize = 0; b.m_ppSelectList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uFromTargetType = 0; b.m_pszOptionalFromPath = ""; b.m_uFromListSize = 0; b.m_ppszFromList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uWhereClauseSize = 0; b.m_ppRpnWhereClause = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_dblWithinPolling = 0; b.m_dblWithinWindow = 0; b.m_uOrderByListSize = 0; b.m_ppszOrderByList = IntPtr.Zero; b.m_uOrderDirectionEl = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAnalysisMatrix c; c.m_uVersion = 0; c.m_uMatrixType = 0; c.m_pszProperty = ""; c.m_uPropertyType = 0; c.m_uEntries = 0; c.m_pValues = IntPtr.Zero; c.m_pbTruthTable = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAnalysisMatrixList d; d.m_uVersion = 0; d.m_uMatrixType = 0; d.m_uNumMatrices = 0; d.m_pMatrices = IntPtr.Zero; tag_SWbemAssocQueryInf e; e.m_uVersion = 0; e.m_uAnalysisType = 0; e.m_uFeatureMask = 0; e.m_pPath = null; e.m_pszPath = ""; e.m_pszQueryText = ""; e.m_pszResultClass = ""; e.m_pszAssocClass = ""; e.m_pszRole = ""; e.m_pszResultRole = ""; e.m_pszRequiredQualifier = ""; e.m_pszRequiredAssocQualifier = ""; } } } #endif #if xxxx ////// , if the /// instance is visible through management instrumentation; otherwise, /// . /// public static void SetField(Object inst, ISWbemProperty prop, FieldInfo field) { Object o = prop.get_Value(); IConvertible i = (IConvertible)o; Type t2 = field.FieldType; if(t2 == typeof(SByte)) o = i.ToSByte(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Byte)) o = i.ToByte(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int16)) o = i.ToInt16(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt16)) o = i.ToUInt16(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int32)) o = i.ToInt32(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt32)) o = i.ToUInt32(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Int64)) o = i.ToInt64(null); else if(t2 == typeof(UInt64)) o = i.ToUInt64(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Single)) o = i.ToSingle(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Double)) o = i.ToDouble(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Boolean)) o = i.ToBoolean(null); else if(t2 == typeof(String)) o = i.ToString(null); else if(t2 == typeof(Char)) o = i.ToChar(null); else if(t2 == typeof(DateTime)) // o = i.ToDateTime(null); {/*Console.WriteLine(" NO CONVERSION TO DATETIME: "+o+" - "+o.GetType().Name);*/return;} else if(t2 == typeof(TimeSpan)) // o = //i.To; {/*Console.WriteLine(" NO CONVERSION TO TIMESPAN: "+o+" - "+o.GetType().Name);*/return;} else if(t2 == typeof(Object)) /*Nothing to do*/o = o; else throw new Exception("Unsupported type for default property - " + t2.Name); field.SetValue(inst, o); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// public static void SetProp(Object o, ISWbemProperty prop) { try { // if(o == null) /*NOTHING TO DO*/o = o; else if(o.GetType() == typeof(DateTime)) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)o; TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(dt.ToUniversalTime()); int diffUTC = (ts.Minutes + ts.Hours * 60); if(diffUTC >= 0) o = String.Format("{0:D4}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}{4:D2}{5:D2}.{6:D3}000+{7:D3}", new Object [] {dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, dt.Millisecond, diffUTC}); else o = String.Format("{0:D4}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}{4:D2}{5:D2}.{6:D3}000-{7:D3}", new Object [] {dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, dt.Millisecond, -diffUTC}); } else if(o.GetType() == typeof(TimeSpan)) { TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)o; o = String.Format("{0:D8}{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}.{4:D3}000:000", new Object [] {ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds}); } else if(o.GetType() == typeof(char)) { if(0 == (char)o) o = (int)0; else o=o.ToString(); } prop.set_Value(ref o); } catch { // Console.WriteLine(prop.Name + " - "+o.GetType().Name + " - " + (o == null)); o = o.ToString(); prop.set_Value(ref o); } } #endif // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.[To be supplied.] ///
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- EventLogRecord.cs
- ObjectKeyFrameCollection.cs
- ObjectDisposedException.cs
- ItemList.cs
- StorageInfo.cs
- ParseChildrenAsPropertiesAttribute.cs
- COM2AboutBoxPropertyDescriptor.cs
- ArrayHelper.cs
- XmlWhitespace.cs
- SelectedCellsCollection.cs
- CngAlgorithm.cs
- ImageListStreamer.cs
- RequestCachePolicy.cs
- ConfigXmlDocument.cs
- XmlCollation.cs
- ColumnResult.cs
- ResourceIDHelper.cs
- sqlnorm.cs
- FontWeightConverter.cs
- SHA384Cng.cs
- OracleTransaction.cs
- DataBoundControl.cs
- CacheOutputQuery.cs
- SiteMapDataSource.cs
- connectionpool.cs
- ControlCollection.cs
- ClientTargetCollection.cs
- ResourceAttributes.cs
- listitem.cs
- ListenerConfig.cs
- SmiEventSink.cs
- ImageCollectionCodeDomSerializer.cs
- TimeoutValidationAttribute.cs
- XmlILAnnotation.cs
- IntegerCollectionEditor.cs
- SafeRightsManagementQueryHandle.cs
- UshortList2.cs
- PasswordBox.cs
- xamlnodes.cs
- SmtpNtlmAuthenticationModule.cs
- initElementDictionary.cs
- PageHandlerFactory.cs
- TickBar.cs
- CacheMemory.cs
- RequestUriProcessor.cs
- StoreContentChangedEventArgs.cs
- ImageMapEventArgs.cs
- ScrollChrome.cs