/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebParts / WebPartPersonalization.cs / 1305376 / WebPartPersonalization.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.Configuration.Provider; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Web; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.Hosting; [TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(EmptyStringExpandableObjectConverter))] public class WebPartPersonalization { public static readonly WebPartUserCapability ModifyStateUserCapability = new WebPartUserCapability("modifyState"); public static readonly WebPartUserCapability EnterSharedScopeUserCapability = new WebPartUserCapability("enterSharedScope"); private WebPartManager _owner; // Properties private bool _enabled; private string _providerName; private PersonalizationScope _initialScope; // Computed state private bool _initialized; private bool _initializedSet; private PersonalizationProvider _provider; private PersonalizationScope _currentScope; private IDictionary _userCapabilities; private PersonalizationState _personalizationState; private bool _scopeToggled; private bool _shouldResetPersonalizationState; ////// public WebPartPersonalization(WebPartManager owner) { if (owner == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("owner"); } _owner = owner; _enabled = true; } ////// Indicates whether the current user has the permissions to switch /// into shared personalization scope. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public bool CanEnterSharedScope { get { // We cannot cache this value, since UserCapabilities is protected virtual, // and could return a different value at any time IDictionary userCapabilities = UserCapabilities; bool canEnterSharedScope = (userCapabilities != null) && (userCapabilities.Contains(WebPartPersonalization.EnterSharedScopeUserCapability)); return canEnterSharedScope; } } ////// [ DefaultValue(true), NotifyParentProperty(true), WebSysDescription(SR.WebPartPersonalization_Enabled) ] public virtual bool Enabled { get { return _enabled; } set { if (!WebPartManager.DesignMode && _initializedSet && (value != Enabled)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_MustSetBeforeInit, "Enabled", "WebPartPersonalization")); } _enabled = value; } } // Returns true if the current user in the current scope on the current page has personalization data [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual bool HasPersonalizationState { get { if (_provider == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_CantUsePropertyBeforeInit, "HasPersonalizationState", "WebPartPersonalization")); } Page page = WebPartManager.Page; if (page == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page")); } HttpRequest request = page.RequestInternal; if (request == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page.Request")); } PersonalizationStateQuery query = new PersonalizationStateQuery(); query.PathToMatch = request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath; if (Scope == PersonalizationScope.User && request.IsAuthenticated) { query.UsernameToMatch = page.User.Identity.Name; } return (_provider.GetCountOfState(Scope, query) > 0); } } ////// Allows changing the initial personalization scope that is given /// preference when requesting the page on its first request. /// This must be set before personalization data is loaded into the /// WebPartManager. /// [ DefaultValue(PersonalizationScope.User), NotifyParentProperty(true), WebSysDescription(SR.WebPartPersonalization_InitialScope) ] public virtual PersonalizationScope InitialScope { get { return _initialScope; } set { if ((value < PersonalizationScope.User) || (value > PersonalizationScope.Shared)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } if (!WebPartManager.DesignMode && _initializedSet && (value != InitialScope)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_MustSetBeforeInit, "InitialScope", "WebPartPersonalization")); } _initialScope = value; } } ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public bool IsEnabled { get { return IsInitialized; } } ////// Indicates whether personalization state has been loaded. Properties of this /// object cannot be saved once this object is initialized. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] protected bool IsInitialized { get { return _initialized; } } ////// Determines if personalization and the ability to modify personalization state is enabled /// in the current request. This depends on whether a user is authenticated for this request, /// and if that user has the rights to modify personalization state. /// To check if just personalization is enabled at all, the IsEnabled property /// should be used. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public bool IsModifiable { get { // We cannot cache this value, since UserCapabilities is protected virtual, // and could return a different value at any time IDictionary userCapabilities = UserCapabilities; bool isModifiable = (userCapabilities != null) && (userCapabilities.Contains(WebPartPersonalization.ModifyStateUserCapability)); return isModifiable; } } ////// [ DefaultValue(""), NotifyParentProperty(true), WebSysDescription(SR.WebPartPersonalization_ProviderName) ] public virtual string ProviderName { get { return (_providerName != null) ? _providerName : String.Empty; } set { if (!WebPartManager.DesignMode && _initializedSet && !String.Equals(value, ProviderName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_MustSetBeforeInit, "ProviderName", "WebPartPersonalization")); } _providerName = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public PersonalizationScope Scope { get { return _currentScope; } } internal bool ScopeToggled { get { return _scopeToggled; } } // True if the personalization data was reset this request. If so, we will not save data // at the end of the request. protected bool ShouldResetPersonalizationState { get { return _shouldResetPersonalizationState; } set { _shouldResetPersonalizationState = value; } } protected virtual IDictionary UserCapabilities { get { if (_userCapabilities == null) { _userCapabilities = new HybridDictionary(); } return _userCapabilities; } } protected WebPartManager WebPartManager { get { return _owner; } } ////// protected internal virtual void ApplyPersonalizationState() { if (IsEnabled) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.ApplyWebPartManagerPersonalization(); } } ////// protected internal virtual void ApplyPersonalizationState(WebPart webPart) { if (webPart == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("webPart"); } if (IsEnabled) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.ApplyWebPartPersonalization(webPart); } } // Helper method used by CopyPersonalizationState() private void ApplyPersonalizationState(Control control, PersonalizationInfo info) { ITrackingPersonalizable trackingPersonalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable; IPersonalizable customPersonalizable = control as IPersonalizable; if (trackingPersonalizable != null) { trackingPersonalizable.BeginLoad(); } // If customPersonalizable is null, then info.CustomProperties should also be null Debug.Assert(!(customPersonalizable == null && info.CustomProperties != null)); if (customPersonalizable != null && info.CustomProperties != null && info.CustomProperties.Count > 0) { customPersonalizable.Load(info.CustomProperties); } if (info.Properties != null && info.Properties.Count > 0) { BlobPersonalizationState.SetPersonalizedProperties(control, info.Properties); } if (trackingPersonalizable != null) { trackingPersonalizable.EndLoad(); } } protected virtual void ChangeScope(PersonalizationScope scope) { PersonalizationProviderHelper.CheckPersonalizationScope(scope); if (scope == _currentScope) { return; } if ((scope == PersonalizationScope.Shared) && (!CanEnterSharedScope)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_CannotEnterSharedScope)); } _currentScope = scope; _scopeToggled = true; } // Extracts the personalization state from webPartA, and applies it to webPartB. // Assumes that webPartA and webPartB are the same type. If the WebParts are GenericWebParts, // then copies the personalization state from the ChildControl of webPartA to the // ChildControl of webPartB. protected internal virtual void CopyPersonalizationState(WebPart webPartA, WebPart webPartB) { if (webPartA == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("webPartA"); } if (webPartB == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("webPartB"); } if (webPartA.GetType() != webPartB.GetType()) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString( SR.WebPartPersonalization_SameType, "webPartA", "webPartB")); } CopyPersonalizationState((Control)webPartA, (Control)webPartB); GenericWebPart genericWebPartA = webPartA as GenericWebPart; GenericWebPart genericWebPartB = webPartB as GenericWebPart; // Assert that the GenericWebParts are either both null or both non-null Debug.Assert((genericWebPartA == null) == (genericWebPartB == null)); if (genericWebPartA != null && genericWebPartB != null) { Control childControlA = genericWebPartA.ChildControl; Control childControlB = genericWebPartB.ChildControl; if (childControlA == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString( SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "ChildControl"), "webPartA"); } if (childControlB == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString( SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "ChildControl"), "webPartB"); } if (childControlA.GetType() != childControlB.GetType()) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString( SR.WebPartPersonalization_SameType, "webPartA.ChildControl", "webPartB.ChildControl")); } CopyPersonalizationState(childControlA, childControlB); } // IPersonalizable.IsDirty should always be false on the new WebPart, since the only data // on the new WebPart was loaded via personalization, which should not cause the control // to be dirty. However, we want to save the IPersonalizable data on this request, so // we call SetDirty() to force the IPersonalizable data to be saved. SetDirty(webPartB); } private void CopyPersonalizationState(Control controlA, Control controlB) { PersonalizationInfo info = ExtractPersonalizationState(controlA); ApplyPersonalizationState(controlB, info); } ////// private void DeterminePersonalizationProvider() { string providerName = ProviderName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName)) { // Use the default provider _provider = PersonalizationAdministration.Provider; // The default provider can never be null Debug.Assert(_provider != null); } else { // Look for a provider with the specified name PersonalizationProvider provider = PersonalizationAdministration.Providers[providerName]; if (provider != null) { _provider = provider; } else { throw new ProviderException( SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_ProviderNotFound, providerName)); } } } ////// public void EnsureEnabled(bool ensureModifiable) { bool value = (ensureModifiable ? IsModifiable : IsEnabled); if (!value) { string message; if (ensureModifiable) { message = SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_PersonalizationNotModifiable); } else { message = SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_PersonalizationNotEnabled); } throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } } private void EnsurePersonalizationState() { if (_personalizationState == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_PersonalizationStateNotLoaded)); } } ////// protected internal virtual void ExtractPersonalizationState() { // If we reset the personalization data on this request, we should not extract data since // it will not be saved. if (IsEnabled && !ShouldResetPersonalizationState) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.ExtractWebPartManagerPersonalization(); } } ////// protected internal virtual void ExtractPersonalizationState(WebPart webPart) { // If we reset the personalization data on this request, we should not extract data since // it will not be saved. if (IsEnabled && !ShouldResetPersonalizationState) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.ExtractWebPartPersonalization(webPart); } } // Helper method used by CopyPersonalizationState() private PersonalizationInfo ExtractPersonalizationState(Control control) { ITrackingPersonalizable trackingPersonalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable; IPersonalizable customPersonalizable = control as IPersonalizable; if (trackingPersonalizable != null) { trackingPersonalizable.BeginSave(); } PersonalizationInfo info = new PersonalizationInfo(); if (customPersonalizable != null) { info.CustomProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary(); customPersonalizable.Save(info.CustomProperties); } info.Properties = BlobPersonalizationState.GetPersonalizedProperties(control, PersonalizationScope.Shared); if (trackingPersonalizable != null) { trackingPersonalizable.EndSave(); } return info; } // Returns the AuthorizationFilter string for a WebPart before it is instantiated // Returns null if there is no personalized value for AuthorizationFilter protected internal virtual string GetAuthorizationFilter(string webPartID) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPartID)) { throw ExceptionUtil.ParameterNullOrEmpty("webPartID"); } EnsureEnabled(false); EnsurePersonalizationState(); return _personalizationState.GetAuthorizationFilter(webPartID); } ////// internal void LoadInternal() { if (Enabled) { _currentScope = Load(); _initialized = true; } _initializedSet = true; } ////// Loads personalization information from its storage, and computes the initial personalization /// scope. This method determines the provider type to be used, and the current user's capabilities. /// protected virtual PersonalizationScope Load() { if (!Enabled) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_PersonalizationNotEnabled)); } // Determine the provider early, as it is needed to continue execution. // Provider is used to detect user's capabilities, load personalization state // and determine initial scope. DeterminePersonalizationProvider(); Debug.Assert(_provider != null); Page page = WebPartManager.Page; if (page == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page")); } HttpRequest request = page.RequestInternal; if (request == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page.Request")); } // Ask the provider to load information about what are the capabilities of // the current user if (request.IsAuthenticated) { _userCapabilities = _provider.DetermineUserCapabilities(WebPartManager); } // A derived WebPartPersonalization can have ignoreCurrentUser to be true. _personalizationState = _provider.LoadPersonalizationState(WebPartManager, /* ignoreCurrentUser */ false); if (_personalizationState == null) { // We can't assume that _personalizationState will be non-null, because // it depends on the provider implementation. throw new ProviderException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_CannotLoadPersonalization)); } return _provider.DetermineInitialScope(WebPartManager, _personalizationState); } // Resets the personalization data for the current user in the current scope on the current page public virtual void ResetPersonalizationState() { EnsureEnabled(/* ensureModifiable */ true); if (_provider == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_CantCallMethodBeforeInit, "ResetPersonalizationState", "WebPartPersonalization")); } _provider.ResetPersonalizationState(WebPartManager); ShouldResetPersonalizationState = true; Page page = WebPartManager.Page; if (page == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page")); } // Transfer execution to a new instance of the same page. The new page will execute // after personalization data has been reset. TransferToCurrentPage(page); } ////// internal void SaveInternal() { if (IsModifiable) { Save(); } } ////// Saves personalization information back to its storage if necessary. /// protected virtual void Save() { EnsureEnabled(/* ensureModifiable */ true); EnsurePersonalizationState(); if (_provider == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.WebPartPersonalization_CantCallMethodBeforeInit, "Save", "WebPartPersonalization")); } // If we reset the personalization data on this request, we should not save data to the // DB on this request. It is likely we would not save data anyway, since the data probably // did not change since the last request, but there are some scenarios where the data could // have changed (like a WebPart using personalization as a cache). if (_personalizationState.IsDirty && !ShouldResetPersonalizationState) { _provider.SavePersonalizationState(_personalizationState); } } ////// protected internal virtual void SetDirty() { if (IsEnabled) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.SetWebPartManagerDirty(); } } ////// protected internal virtual void SetDirty(WebPart webPart) { if (IsEnabled) { EnsurePersonalizationState(); _personalizationState.SetWebPartDirty(webPart); } } ////// public virtual void ToggleScope() { EnsureEnabled(/* ensureModifiable */ false); Page page = WebPartManager.Page; if (page == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page")); } if (page.IsExportingWebPart) { // If the page is exporting, the page determines the desired scope, and it is not meaningful // to toggle the scope. Note that we no-op the call, rather than throwing because // that would require exposing a CanToggleScope property, require page developers // to check for it. Furthermore, we don't guarantee ToggleScope does toggle // (eg. in the case of absense of user capability to enter shared scope), so // simply no-op'ing isn't terribly bad... return; } Page previousPage = page.PreviousPage; if ((previousPage != null) && (previousPage.IsCrossPagePostBack == false)) { WebPartManager previousWebPartManager = WebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager(previousPage); if ((previousWebPartManager != null) && (previousWebPartManager.Personalization.ScopeToggled)) { // Looks like some sort of infinite recursion is going on // and we're toggling again. Like the previous case, we're // going to no-op and protect ourselves from "----" code... return; } } if (_currentScope == PersonalizationScope.Shared) { ChangeScope(PersonalizationScope.User); } else { ChangeScope(PersonalizationScope.Shared); } // Transfer execution to a new instance of the same page. The new page will detect the scope // it should run in, when it begins to load personalization data. TransferToCurrentPage(page); } // Transfers execution to a new instance of the same page. We need to clear the form collection, // since it should not carry over to the page in the new scope (i.e. ViewState). If the form // method is GET, then we must not include the query string, since the entire form collection // is in the query string. If the form method is POST (or there is no form), then we must // include the query string, since the developer could be using the query string to drive the // logic of their page (VSWhidbey 444385 and 527117). private void TransferToCurrentPage(Page page) { HttpRequest request = page.RequestInternal; if (request == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page.Request")); } string path = request.CurrentExecutionFilePath; if (page.Form == null || String.Equals(page.Form.Method, "post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string queryString = page.ClientQueryString; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) { path += "?" + queryString; } } IScriptManager scriptManager = page.ScriptManager; if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.IsInAsyncPostBack) { request.Response.Redirect(path); } else { page.Server.Transfer(path, /* preserveForm */ false); } } private sealed class PersonalizationInfo { public IDictionary Properties; public PersonalizationDictionary CustomProperties; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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