/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Serialization / SchemaImporter.cs / 1 / SchemaImporter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Configuration; using System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced; #if DEBUG using System.Diagnostics; #endif ////// /// /// [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public abstract class SchemaImporter { XmlSchemas schemas; StructMapping root; CodeGenerationOptions options; CodeDomProvider codeProvider; TypeScope scope; ImportContext context; bool rootImported; NameTable typesInUse; NameTable groupsInUse; SchemaImporterExtensionCollection extensions; internal SchemaImporter(XmlSchemas schemas, CodeGenerationOptions options, CodeDomProvider codeProvider, ImportContext context) { if (!schemas.Contains(XmlSchema.Namespace)) { schemas.AddReference(XmlSchemas.XsdSchema); schemas.SchemaSet.Add(XmlSchemas.XsdSchema); } if (!schemas.Contains(XmlReservedNs.NsXml)) { schemas.AddReference(XmlSchemas.XmlSchema); schemas.SchemaSet.Add(XmlSchemas.XmlSchema); } this.schemas = schemas; this.options = options; this.codeProvider = codeProvider; this.context = context; Schemas.SetCache(Context.Cache, Context.ShareTypes); SchemaImporterExtensionsSection section = PrivilegedConfigurationManager.GetSection(ConfigurationStrings.SchemaImporterExtensionsSectionPath) as SchemaImporterExtensionsSection; if (section != null) extensions = section.SchemaImporterExtensionsInternal; else extensions = new SchemaImporterExtensionCollection(); } internal ImportContext Context { get { if (context == null) context = new ImportContext(); return context; } } internal CodeDomProvider CodeProvider { get { if (codeProvider == null) codeProvider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(); return codeProvider; } } public SchemaImporterExtensionCollection Extensions { get { if (extensions == null) extensions = new SchemaImporterExtensionCollection(); return extensions; } } internal Hashtable ImportedElements { get { return Context.Elements; } } internal Hashtable ImportedMappings { get { return Context.Mappings; } } internal CodeIdentifiers TypeIdentifiers { get { return Context.TypeIdentifiers; } } internal XmlSchemas Schemas { get { if (schemas == null) schemas = new XmlSchemas(); return schemas; } } internal TypeScope Scope { get { if (scope == null) scope = new TypeScope(); return scope; } } internal NameTable GroupsInUse { get { if (groupsInUse == null) groupsInUse = new NameTable(); return groupsInUse; } } internal NameTable TypesInUse { get { if (typesInUse == null) typesInUse = new NameTable(); return typesInUse; } } internal CodeGenerationOptions Options { get { return options; } } internal void MakeDerived(StructMapping structMapping, Type baseType, bool baseTypeCanBeIndirect) { structMapping.ReferencedByTopLevelElement = true; TypeDesc baseTypeDesc; if (baseType != null) { baseTypeDesc = Scope.GetTypeDesc(baseType); if (baseTypeDesc != null) { TypeDesc typeDescToChange = structMapping.TypeDesc; if (baseTypeCanBeIndirect) { // if baseTypeCanBeIndirect is true, we apply the supplied baseType to the top of the // inheritance chain, not necessarily directly to the imported type. while (typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != null && typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != baseTypeDesc) typeDescToChange = typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc; } if (typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != null && typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != baseTypeDesc) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidBaseType, structMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, baseType.FullName, typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc.FullName)); typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc = baseTypeDesc; } } } internal string GenerateUniqueTypeName(string typeName) { typeName = CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(typeName); return TypeIdentifiers.AddUnique(typeName, typeName); } StructMapping CreateRootMapping() { TypeDesc typeDesc = Scope.GetTypeDesc(typeof(object)); StructMapping mapping = new StructMapping(); mapping.TypeDesc = typeDesc; mapping.Members = new MemberMapping[0]; mapping.IncludeInSchema = false; mapping.TypeName = Soap.UrType; mapping.Namespace = XmlSchema.Namespace; return mapping; } internal StructMapping GetRootMapping() { if (root == null) root = CreateRootMapping(); return root; } internal StructMapping ImportRootMapping() { if (!rootImported) { rootImported = true; ImportDerivedTypes(XmlQualifiedName.Empty); } return GetRootMapping(); } internal abstract void ImportDerivedTypes(XmlQualifiedName baseName); internal void AddReference(XmlQualifiedName name, NameTable references, string error) { if (name.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace) return; if (references[name] != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(error, name.Name, name.Namespace)); } references[name] = name; } internal void RemoveReference(XmlQualifiedName name, NameTable references) { references[name] = null; } internal void AddReservedIdentifiersForDataBinding(CodeIdentifiers scope) { if ((options & CodeGenerationOptions.EnableDataBinding) != 0) { scope.AddReserved(CodeExporter.PropertyChangedEvent.Name); scope.AddReserved(CodeExporter.RaisePropertyChangedEventMethod.Name); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //[To be supplied.] ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Configuration; using System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced; #if DEBUG using System.Diagnostics; #endif ////// /// /// [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public abstract class SchemaImporter { XmlSchemas schemas; StructMapping root; CodeGenerationOptions options; CodeDomProvider codeProvider; TypeScope scope; ImportContext context; bool rootImported; NameTable typesInUse; NameTable groupsInUse; SchemaImporterExtensionCollection extensions; internal SchemaImporter(XmlSchemas schemas, CodeGenerationOptions options, CodeDomProvider codeProvider, ImportContext context) { if (!schemas.Contains(XmlSchema.Namespace)) { schemas.AddReference(XmlSchemas.XsdSchema); schemas.SchemaSet.Add(XmlSchemas.XsdSchema); } if (!schemas.Contains(XmlReservedNs.NsXml)) { schemas.AddReference(XmlSchemas.XmlSchema); schemas.SchemaSet.Add(XmlSchemas.XmlSchema); } this.schemas = schemas; this.options = options; this.codeProvider = codeProvider; this.context = context; Schemas.SetCache(Context.Cache, Context.ShareTypes); SchemaImporterExtensionsSection section = PrivilegedConfigurationManager.GetSection(ConfigurationStrings.SchemaImporterExtensionsSectionPath) as SchemaImporterExtensionsSection; if (section != null) extensions = section.SchemaImporterExtensionsInternal; else extensions = new SchemaImporterExtensionCollection(); } internal ImportContext Context { get { if (context == null) context = new ImportContext(); return context; } } internal CodeDomProvider CodeProvider { get { if (codeProvider == null) codeProvider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(); return codeProvider; } } public SchemaImporterExtensionCollection Extensions { get { if (extensions == null) extensions = new SchemaImporterExtensionCollection(); return extensions; } } internal Hashtable ImportedElements { get { return Context.Elements; } } internal Hashtable ImportedMappings { get { return Context.Mappings; } } internal CodeIdentifiers TypeIdentifiers { get { return Context.TypeIdentifiers; } } internal XmlSchemas Schemas { get { if (schemas == null) schemas = new XmlSchemas(); return schemas; } } internal TypeScope Scope { get { if (scope == null) scope = new TypeScope(); return scope; } } internal NameTable GroupsInUse { get { if (groupsInUse == null) groupsInUse = new NameTable(); return groupsInUse; } } internal NameTable TypesInUse { get { if (typesInUse == null) typesInUse = new NameTable(); return typesInUse; } } internal CodeGenerationOptions Options { get { return options; } } internal void MakeDerived(StructMapping structMapping, Type baseType, bool baseTypeCanBeIndirect) { structMapping.ReferencedByTopLevelElement = true; TypeDesc baseTypeDesc; if (baseType != null) { baseTypeDesc = Scope.GetTypeDesc(baseType); if (baseTypeDesc != null) { TypeDesc typeDescToChange = structMapping.TypeDesc; if (baseTypeCanBeIndirect) { // if baseTypeCanBeIndirect is true, we apply the supplied baseType to the top of the // inheritance chain, not necessarily directly to the imported type. while (typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != null && typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != baseTypeDesc) typeDescToChange = typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc; } if (typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != null && typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc != baseTypeDesc) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidBaseType, structMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, baseType.FullName, typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc.FullName)); typeDescToChange.BaseTypeDesc = baseTypeDesc; } } } internal string GenerateUniqueTypeName(string typeName) { typeName = CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(typeName); return TypeIdentifiers.AddUnique(typeName, typeName); } StructMapping CreateRootMapping() { TypeDesc typeDesc = Scope.GetTypeDesc(typeof(object)); StructMapping mapping = new StructMapping(); mapping.TypeDesc = typeDesc; mapping.Members = new MemberMapping[0]; mapping.IncludeInSchema = false; mapping.TypeName = Soap.UrType; mapping.Namespace = XmlSchema.Namespace; return mapping; } internal StructMapping GetRootMapping() { if (root == null) root = CreateRootMapping(); return root; } internal StructMapping ImportRootMapping() { if (!rootImported) { rootImported = true; ImportDerivedTypes(XmlQualifiedName.Empty); } return GetRootMapping(); } internal abstract void ImportDerivedTypes(XmlQualifiedName baseName); internal void AddReference(XmlQualifiedName name, NameTable references, string error) { if (name.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace) return; if (references[name] != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(error, name.Name, name.Namespace)); } references[name] = name; } internal void RemoveReference(XmlQualifiedName name, NameTable references) { references[name] = null; } internal void AddReservedIdentifiersForDataBinding(CodeIdentifiers scope) { if ((options & CodeGenerationOptions.EnableDataBinding) != 0) { scope.AddReserved(CodeExporter.PropertyChangedEvent.Name); scope.AddReserved(CodeExporter.RaisePropertyChangedEventMethod.Name); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.[To be supplied.] ///
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