cookiecontainer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / cookiecontainer.cs / 1 / cookiecontainer.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Net { 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Net.NetworkInformation;

    internal struct HeaderVariantInfo { 

        string m_name; 
        CookieVariant m_variant; 

        internal HeaderVariantInfo(string name, CookieVariant variant) { 
            m_name = name;
            m_variant = variant;
        internal string Name {
            get { 
                return m_name; 

        internal CookieVariant Variant {
            get {
                return m_variant; 

    // CookieContainer
    //  Manage cookies for a user (implicit). Based on RFC 2965

    ///    [To be supplied.] 
    public class CookieContainer {

        public const int DefaultCookieLimit = 300;
        public const int DefaultPerDomainCookieLimit = 20; 
        public const int DefaultCookieLengthLimit = 4096;
        static readonly HeaderVariantInfo [] HeaderInfo = { 
            new HeaderVariantInfo(HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie,  CookieVariant.Rfc2109),
            new HeaderVariantInfo(HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie2, CookieVariant.Rfc2965) 

    // fields
        Hashtable m_domainTable = new Hashtable();
        int m_maxCookieSize = DefaultCookieLengthLimit; 
        int m_maxCookies = DefaultCookieLimit; 
        int m_maxCookiesPerDomain = DefaultPerDomainCookieLimit;
        int m_count = 0; 
        string  m_fqdnMyDomain = String.Empty;

    // constructors
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieContainer() {
            string domain = IPGlobalProperties.InternalGetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName; 
            if (domain != null && domain.Length > 1)
                m_fqdnMyDomain = '.' + domain;
            //Otherwise it will remain string.Empty
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieContainer(int capacity) : this(){
            if (capacity <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_toosmall), "Capacity"); 
            m_maxCookies = capacity; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public CookieContainer(int capacity, int perDomainCapacity, int maxCookieSize) : this(capacity) {
            if (perDomainCapacity != Int32.MaxValue && (perDomainCapacity <= 0 || perDomainCapacity > capacity)) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("perDomainCapacity", SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_capacity_range, "PerDomainCapacity", 0, capacity));
            m_maxCookiesPerDomain = perDomainCapacity; 
            if (maxCookieSize <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_toosmall), "MaxCookieSize"); 
            m_maxCookieSize = maxCookieSize;
    // properties
        ///    Note that after shrinking the capacity Count can become greater than Capacity.
        public int Capacity {
            get {
                return m_maxCookies;
            set {
                if (value <= 0 || (value < m_maxCookiesPerDomain && m_maxCookiesPerDomain != Int32.MaxValue)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_capacity_range, "Capacity", 0, m_maxCookiesPerDomain)); 
                if (value < m_maxCookies) { 
                    m_maxCookies = value;
                m_maxCookies = value; 
        ///    returns the total number of cookies in the container. 
        public int Count {
            get {
                return m_count; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public int MaxCookieSize {
            get {
                return m_maxCookieSize; 
            set { 
                if (value <= 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                m_maxCookieSize = value;
        ///    After shrinking domain capacity each domain will less hold than new domain capacity 
        public int PerDomainCapacity {
            get { 
                return m_maxCookiesPerDomain;
            set {
                if (value <= 0 || (value > m_maxCookies && value != Int32.MaxValue)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                if (value < m_maxCookiesPerDomain) { 
                    m_maxCookiesPerDomain = value;
                m_maxCookiesPerDomain = value;

    // methods 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 

        //This method will construct faked URI, Domain property is required for param.
        public void Add(Cookie cookie) { 
            if (cookie == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie"); 

            if (cookie.Domain.Length == 0) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall), "cookie.Domain");

            // We don't know cookie verification status -> re-create cookie and verify it 
            Cookie new_cookie = new Cookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value);
            Uri uri; 
            new_cookie.Version = cookie.Version;
            // We cannot add an invalid cookie into the container.
            // Trying to prepare Uri for the cookie verification
            string uriStr = (cookie.Secure ? Uri.UriSchemeHttps : Uri.UriSchemeHttp) + Uri.SchemeDelimiter ;
            if (cookie.Domain[0] == '.') {
                uriStr += "0";                      // Uri cctor should eat this, faked host. 
                new_cookie.Domain = cookie.Domain;  // Otherwise keep Domain as implicitly set 
            uriStr += cookie.Domain; 

            // Either keep Port as implici or set it according to original cookie
            if (cookie.PortList != null) { 
                new_cookie.Port = cookie.Port;
                uriStr += ":"+ cookie.PortList[0]; 

            // Path must be present, set to root by default 
            new_cookie.Path = cookie.Path.Length == 0 ? "/" : cookie.Path;
            uriStr += cookie.Path;

            if(!Uri.TryCreate(uriStr, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) 
                throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Domain", cookie.Domain));
            new_cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, IsLocal(uri.Host), m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 

            Add(new_cookie, true); 

        private void AddRemoveDomain(string key, PathList value) {
            // Hashtable support multiple readers ans one writer 
            // Synchronize writers (make them to be just one)
            lock(this) { 
                if (value == null) { 
                else {
                    m_domainTable[key] = value;
        // This method is called *only* when cookie verification is done, 
        // so unlike with public Add(Cookie cookie) the cookie is in sane condition
        internal void Add(Cookie cookie, bool throwOnError) { 

            PathList pathList;

            if (cookie.Value.Length > m_maxCookieSize) { 
                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_size, cookie.ToString(), m_maxCookieSize)); 

            try {

                pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[cookie.DomainKey]; 
                if (pathList == null) {
                    pathList = new PathList(); 
                    AddRemoveDomain(cookie.DomainKey, pathList); 
                int domain_count = pathList.GetCookiesCount(); 

                CookieCollection cookies = (CookieCollection)pathList[cookie.Path];

                if (cookies == null) { 
                    cookies = new CookieCollection();
                    pathList[cookie.Path] = cookies; 

                if(cookie.Expired) { 
                    //Explicit removal command (Max-Age == 0)
                    lock (cookies) {
                        int idx = cookies.IndexOf(cookie);
                        if (idx != -1) { 
                else {
                    //This is about real cookie adding, check Capacity first
                    if (domain_count >= m_maxCookiesPerDomain && !AgeCookies(cookie.DomainKey)) {
                            return; //cannot age -> reject new cookie 
                    else if (this.m_count >= m_maxCookies && !AgeCookies(null)) { 
                            return; //cannot age -> reject new cookie 
                    //about to change the collection
                    lock (cookies) {
                        m_count += cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true);
            catch (Exception e) { 
                if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {

                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_container_add_cookie), e); 
            catch { 
                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_container_add_cookie), new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
        // This function, once called, must delete at least one cookie 
        // If there are expired cookies in given scope they are cleaned up 
        // If nothing found the least used Collection will be found and removed
        // from the container. 
        // Also note that expired cookies are also removed during request preparation
        // (this.GetCookies method)
        // Param. 'domain' == null means to age in the whole container
        private bool AgeCookies(string domain) { 

            // border case => shrinked to zero 
            if(m_maxCookies == 0 || m_maxCookiesPerDomain == 0) {
                m_domainTable = new Hashtable();
                m_count = 0;
                return false; 
            int      removed = 0; 
            DateTime oldUsed = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime tempUsed; 

            CookieCollection lruCc = null;
            string   lruDomain =  null;
            string   tempDomain = null; 

            PathList pathList; 
            int domain_count = 0; 
            int itemp = 0;
            float remainingFraction = 1.0F; 

            // the container was shrinked, might need additional cleanup for each domain
            if (m_count > m_maxCookies) {
                // Means the fraction of the container to be left 
                // Each domain will be cut accordingly
                remainingFraction = (float)m_maxCookies/(float)m_count; 
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in m_domainTable) {
                if (domain == null) {
                    tempDomain = (string) entry.Key;
                    pathList = (PathList) entry.Value;          //aliasing to trick foreach 
                else { 
                    tempDomain = domain; 
                    pathList = (PathList) m_domainTable[domain];

                domain_count = 0;                             // cookies in the domain
                foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                    itemp = ExpireCollection(cc); 
                    removed += itemp;
                    m_count -= itemp;                      //update this container count; 
                    domain_count += cc.Count; 
                    // we also find the least used cookie collection in ENTIRE container
                    // we count the collection as LRU only if it holds 1+ elements 
                    if (cc.Count > 0 && (tempUsed = cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check)) < oldUsed) {
                        lruDomain = tempDomain;
                        lruCc = cc;
                        oldUsed = tempUsed; 
                // Check if we have reduced to the limit of the domain by expiration only
                int min_count = Math.Min((int)(domain_count*remainingFraction), Math.Min(m_maxCookiesPerDomain, m_maxCookies)-1); 
                if (domain_count > min_count) {
                    //That case require sorting all domain collections by timestamp
                    Array cookies = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CookieCollection), pathList.Count);
                    Array stamps  = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), pathList.Count); 
                    foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                        stamps.SetValue(cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check), itemp); 
                        cookies.SetValue(cc ,itemp ); 
                        ++itemp ;
                    Array.Sort(stamps, cookies);

                    itemp = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { 
                        CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)cookies.GetValue(i);
                        lock (cc) { 
                            while (domain_count > min_count && cc.Count > 0) {
                        if (domain_count <= min_count ) { 

                    if (domain_count > min_count && domain != null) {
                        //cannot complete aging of explicit domain (no cookie adding allowed)
                        return false; 
                // we have completed aging of specific domain
                if (domain != null) { 
                    return true;


            //  The rest is  for entire container aging 
            //  We must get at least one free slot. 

            //Don't need to appy LRU if we already cleaned something 
            if (removed != 0) {
                return true;
            if (oldUsed == DateTime.MaxValue) {
            //Something strange. Either capacity is 0 or all collections are locked with cc.Used 
                return false; 
            // Remove oldest cookies from the least used collection
            lock (lruCc) {
                while (m_count >= m_maxCookies && lruCc.Count > 0) {
            return true;

        //return number of cookies removed from the collection
        private int ExpireCollection(CookieCollection cc) {
            int oldCount = cc.Count; 
            int idx = oldCount-1;
            // minor optimization by caching Now 
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            lock (cc) {
                //Cannot use enumerator as we are going to alter collection
                while (idx >= 0) {
                    Cookie cookie = cc[idx]; 
                    if (cookie.Expires <= now && cookie.Expires != DateTime.MinValue) {
            return oldCount - cc.Count;

        ///    [To be supplied.]

        // <
        public void Add(CookieCollection cookies) {
            if (cookies == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookies");
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) { 

        // This will try (if needed) get the full domain name of the host given the Uri 
        // NEVER call this function from internal methods with 'fqdnRemote' == NULL
        // Since this method counts security issue for DNS and hence will slow 
        // the performance 
        internal bool IsLocal(string host) { 

            int dot = host.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot == -1) {
                // No choice but to treat it as a host on the local domain 
                // This also covers 'localhost' and 'loopback'
                return true; 

            // quick test for usual case 
            if (host == "")
                return true;

            // test domain membership 
            if (string.Compare(m_fqdnMyDomain, 0, host, dot, m_fqdnMyDomain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) == 0) 
                return true; 

            // test for "127.###.###.###" without using regex
            string[] ipParts = host.Split('.'); 
            if (ipParts != null && ipParts.Length == 4 && ipParts[0] == "127")
                int i; 
                for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    switch (ipParts[i].Length)
                        case 3:
                            if (ipParts[i][2] < '0' || ipParts[i][2] > '9') 
                            goto case 2;
                        case 2:
                            if (ipParts[i][1] < '0' || ipParts[i][1] > '9')
                            goto case 1; 
                        case 1:
                            if (ipParts[i][0] < '0' || ipParts[i][0] > '9') 
                if (i == 4)
                    return true;
            return false;
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public void Add(Uri uri, Cookie cookie) {
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri"); 
            if(cookie == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie"); 
            cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, IsLocal(uri.Host), m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 

            Add(cookie, true);
        ///    [To be supplied.] 

        public void Add(Uri uri, CookieCollection cookies) { 
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if(cookies == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookies");
            bool isLocalDomain = IsLocal(uri.Host); 
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) {
                c.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, isLocalDomain, m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 
                Add(c, true);
        internal CookieCollection CookieCutter(Uri uri, string headerName, string setCookieHeader, bool isThrow) {
            GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() uri:" + uri + " headerName:" + headerName + " setCookieHeader:" + setCookieHeader + " isThrow:" + isThrow); 
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection(); 
            CookieVariant variant = CookieVariant.Unknown;
            if (headerName == null) { 
                variant = CookieVariant.Default;
            else for (int i = 0; i < HeaderInfo.Length; ++i) {
                if ((String.Compare(headerName, HeaderInfo[i].Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) == 0)) { 
                    variant  = HeaderInfo[i].Variant;
            bool isLocalDomain = IsLocal(uri.Host);
            try { 
                CookieParser parser = new CookieParser(setCookieHeader);
                do {
                    Cookie cookie = parser.Get();
                    GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() CookieParser returned cookie:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(cookie)); 
                    if (cookie == null) {

                    //Parser marks invalid cookies this way 
                    if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(cookie.Name)) {
                        if(isThrow) {
                            throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_format));
                        //Otherwise, ignore (reject) cookie

                    // this will set the default values from the response URI 
                    // AND will check for cookie validity
                    if(!cookie.VerifySetDefaults(variant, uri, isLocalDomain, m_fqdnMyDomain, true, isThrow)) {
                    // If many same cookies arrive we collapse them into just one, hence setting
                    // parameter isStrict = true below 
                    cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true); 

                } while (true); 
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {
                if(isThrow) { 
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_parse_header, uri.AbsoluteUri), e);
            catch {
                if(isThrow) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_parse_header, uri.AbsoluteUri), new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) {
                Add(c, isThrow); 

            return cookies;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieCollection GetCookies(Uri uri) { 
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            return InternalGetCookies(uri); 
        internal CookieCollection InternalGetCookies(Uri uri) { 

            bool isSecure = (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps); 
            int  port = uri.Port;
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection();
            ArrayList nameKeys = new ArrayList();
            int firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 0; 

            string fqdnRemote = uri.Host; 
            int dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot == -1) { 
                // DNS.resolve may return short names even for other inet domains ;-(
                // We _don't_ know what the exact domain is, so try also grab short hostname cookies.
                // grab long name from the local domain 
                if (m_fqdnMyDomain != null && m_fqdnMyDomain.Length != 0) {
                    nameKeys.Add(fqdnRemote + m_fqdnMyDomain); 
                    // grab the local domain itself 
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 3; 
                else {
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 1;
            else { 
                // grab the host itself 
                // grab the host domain 
                firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 2;
                // The following block is only for compatibility with Version0 spec.
                // Still, we'll add only Plain-Variant cookies if found under below keys 
                if (fqdnRemote.Length > 2) {
                    // We ignore the '.' at the end on the name 
                    int last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', fqdnRemote.Length-2); 
                    //AND keys with <2 dots inside.
                    if (last > 0) { 
                        last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', last-1);
                    if (last != -1) {
                        while ((dot < last) && (dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.', dot+1)) != -1) { 

            foreach (string key in nameKeys) {
            bool found = false;
            bool defaultAdded = false; 
            PathList pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[key];
                if (pathList == null) {

                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in pathList) {
                    string path = (string)entry.Key; 
                    if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(path))) {
                        found = true; 
                        CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)entry.Value;
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey<0));

                        if (path == "/") {
                            defaultAdded = true; 
                    else if (found) { 

                if (!defaultAdded) {
                    CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"]; 

                    if (cc != null) { 
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey<0));

                // Remove unused domain
                // (This is the only place that does domain removal) 
                if(pathList.Count == 0) {
                    AddRemoveDomain(key, null); 
            return cookies; 

        private void MergeUpdateCollections(CookieCollection destination, CookieCollection source, int port, bool isSecure, bool isPlainOnly) {
            // we may change it
            lock (source) { 
                //cannot use foreach as we going update 'source'
                for (int idx = 0 ; idx < source.Count; ++idx) { 
                    bool to_add = false;

                    Cookie cookie = source[idx];
                    if (cookie.Expired) {
                        //If expired, remove from container and don't add to the destination 
                    else {
                        //Add only if port does match to this request URI
                        //or was not present in the original response 
                        if(isPlainOnly && cookie.Variant != CookieVariant.Plain) {
                            ;//don;t add 
                        else if(cookie.PortList != null)
                            foreach (int p in cookie.PortList) {
                                if(p == port) {
                                    to_add = true;
                        else {
                            //it was implicit Port, always OK to add 
                            to_add = true;

                        //refuse adding secure cookie into 'unsecure' destination 
                        if (cookie.Secure && !isSecure) {
                            to_add = false; 

                        if (to_add) { 
                            // In 'source' are already orederd.
                            // If two same cookies come from dif 'source' then they
                            // will follow (not replace) each other.
                            destination.InternalAdd(cookie, false); 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public string GetCookieHeader(Uri uri) { 
            if (uri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            string dummy;
            return GetCookieHeader(uri, out dummy);


        internal string GetCookieHeader(Uri uri, out string optCookie2) { 
            CookieCollection cookies = InternalGetCookies(uri); 
            string cookieString = String.Empty;
            string delimiter = String.Empty; 

            foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies) {
                cookieString += delimiter + cookie.ToString();
                delimiter = "; "; 
            optCookie2 = cookies.IsOtherVersionSeen ? 
                          (Cookie.SpecialAttributeLiteral + 
                           Cookie.VersionAttributeName +
                           Cookie.EqualsLiteral + 
                           Cookie.MaxSupportedVersion.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) : String.Empty;

            return cookieString;

        //public CookieCollection Parse(string cookieName) { 
        //    return new CookieCollection();

        //public WebHeaderCollection Headers() {
        //public void Remove(Cookie cookie) {
        //public void Remove(string cookieName) {

        //public void RemoveAll(Cookie cookie) {
        //public void RemoveAll(string cookieName) {
        //public void SetCookie(Cookie cookie) {

        //public void SetCookies(CookieCollection cookies) {
        ///    [To be supplied.] 


        public void SetCookies(Uri uri, string cookieHeader) {
            if (uri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if(cookieHeader == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookieHeader");
            CookieCutter(uri, null, cookieHeader, true); //will throw on error

#if DEBUG 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        internal void Dump() {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in m_domainTable) {
                GlobalLog.Print("domain = \"" + de.Key + "\"");
    internal class PathList {
        SortedList m_list = (SortedList.Synchronized(new SortedList(PathListComparer.StaticInstance)));
        public PathList() {
        public int Count {
            get { 
                return m_list.Count;
        public int GetCookiesCount() {
                int count = 0; 
                foreach (CookieCollection cc in  m_list.Values) { 
                    count += cc.Count;
                return count;

        public ICollection Values { 
            get {
                return m_list.Values; 
        public object this[string s] {
            get {
                return m_list[s];
            set {
                m_list[s] = value; 
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
            return m_list.GetEnumerator();
        class PathListComparer : IComparer { 
            internal static readonly PathListComparer StaticInstance = new PathListComparer(); 

            int IComparer.Compare(object ol, object or) { 

                string pathLeft = CookieParser.CheckQuoted((string)ol);
                string pathRight = CookieParser.CheckQuoted((string)or);
                int ll = pathLeft.Length; 
                int lr = pathRight.Length;
                int length = Math.Min(ll, lr); 
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    if (pathLeft[i] != pathRight[i]) { 
                        return pathLeft[i] - pathRight[i];
                return lr - ll; 

#if DEBUG 
        public void Dump() {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry cookies in this) {
                GlobalLog.Print("collection = \"" + cookies.Key + "\""); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Net { 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Net.NetworkInformation;

    internal struct HeaderVariantInfo { 

        string m_name; 
        CookieVariant m_variant; 

        internal HeaderVariantInfo(string name, CookieVariant variant) { 
            m_name = name;
            m_variant = variant;
        internal string Name {
            get { 
                return m_name; 

        internal CookieVariant Variant {
            get {
                return m_variant; 

    // CookieContainer
    //  Manage cookies for a user (implicit). Based on RFC 2965

    ///    [To be supplied.] 
    public class CookieContainer {

        public const int DefaultCookieLimit = 300;
        public const int DefaultPerDomainCookieLimit = 20; 
        public const int DefaultCookieLengthLimit = 4096;
        static readonly HeaderVariantInfo [] HeaderInfo = { 
            new HeaderVariantInfo(HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie,  CookieVariant.Rfc2109),
            new HeaderVariantInfo(HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie2, CookieVariant.Rfc2965) 

    // fields
        Hashtable m_domainTable = new Hashtable();
        int m_maxCookieSize = DefaultCookieLengthLimit; 
        int m_maxCookies = DefaultCookieLimit; 
        int m_maxCookiesPerDomain = DefaultPerDomainCookieLimit;
        int m_count = 0; 
        string  m_fqdnMyDomain = String.Empty;

    // constructors
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieContainer() {
            string domain = IPGlobalProperties.InternalGetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName; 
            if (domain != null && domain.Length > 1)
                m_fqdnMyDomain = '.' + domain;
            //Otherwise it will remain string.Empty
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieContainer(int capacity) : this(){
            if (capacity <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_toosmall), "Capacity"); 
            m_maxCookies = capacity; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public CookieContainer(int capacity, int perDomainCapacity, int maxCookieSize) : this(capacity) {
            if (perDomainCapacity != Int32.MaxValue && (perDomainCapacity <= 0 || perDomainCapacity > capacity)) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("perDomainCapacity", SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_capacity_range, "PerDomainCapacity", 0, capacity));
            m_maxCookiesPerDomain = perDomainCapacity; 
            if (maxCookieSize <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_toosmall), "MaxCookieSize"); 
            m_maxCookieSize = maxCookieSize;
    // properties
        ///    Note that after shrinking the capacity Count can become greater than Capacity.
        public int Capacity {
            get {
                return m_maxCookies;
            set {
                if (value <= 0 || (value < m_maxCookiesPerDomain && m_maxCookiesPerDomain != Int32.MaxValue)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_capacity_range, "Capacity", 0, m_maxCookiesPerDomain)); 
                if (value < m_maxCookies) { 
                    m_maxCookies = value;
                m_maxCookies = value; 
        ///    returns the total number of cookies in the container. 
        public int Count {
            get {
                return m_count; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public int MaxCookieSize {
            get {
                return m_maxCookieSize; 
            set { 
                if (value <= 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                m_maxCookieSize = value;
        ///    After shrinking domain capacity each domain will less hold than new domain capacity 
        public int PerDomainCapacity {
            get { 
                return m_maxCookiesPerDomain;
            set {
                if (value <= 0 || (value > m_maxCookies && value != Int32.MaxValue)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                if (value < m_maxCookiesPerDomain) { 
                    m_maxCookiesPerDomain = value;
                m_maxCookiesPerDomain = value;

    // methods 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 

        //This method will construct faked URI, Domain property is required for param.
        public void Add(Cookie cookie) { 
            if (cookie == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie"); 

            if (cookie.Domain.Length == 0) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall), "cookie.Domain");

            // We don't know cookie verification status -> re-create cookie and verify it 
            Cookie new_cookie = new Cookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value);
            Uri uri; 
            new_cookie.Version = cookie.Version;
            // We cannot add an invalid cookie into the container.
            // Trying to prepare Uri for the cookie verification
            string uriStr = (cookie.Secure ? Uri.UriSchemeHttps : Uri.UriSchemeHttp) + Uri.SchemeDelimiter ;
            if (cookie.Domain[0] == '.') {
                uriStr += "0";                      // Uri cctor should eat this, faked host. 
                new_cookie.Domain = cookie.Domain;  // Otherwise keep Domain as implicitly set 
            uriStr += cookie.Domain; 

            // Either keep Port as implici or set it according to original cookie
            if (cookie.PortList != null) { 
                new_cookie.Port = cookie.Port;
                uriStr += ":"+ cookie.PortList[0]; 

            // Path must be present, set to root by default 
            new_cookie.Path = cookie.Path.Length == 0 ? "/" : cookie.Path;
            uriStr += cookie.Path;

            if(!Uri.TryCreate(uriStr, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) 
                throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Domain", cookie.Domain));
            new_cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, IsLocal(uri.Host), m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 

            Add(new_cookie, true); 

        private void AddRemoveDomain(string key, PathList value) {
            // Hashtable support multiple readers ans one writer 
            // Synchronize writers (make them to be just one)
            lock(this) { 
                if (value == null) { 
                else {
                    m_domainTable[key] = value;
        // This method is called *only* when cookie verification is done, 
        // so unlike with public Add(Cookie cookie) the cookie is in sane condition
        internal void Add(Cookie cookie, bool throwOnError) { 

            PathList pathList;

            if (cookie.Value.Length > m_maxCookieSize) { 
                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_size, cookie.ToString(), m_maxCookieSize)); 

            try {

                pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[cookie.DomainKey]; 
                if (pathList == null) {
                    pathList = new PathList(); 
                    AddRemoveDomain(cookie.DomainKey, pathList); 
                int domain_count = pathList.GetCookiesCount(); 

                CookieCollection cookies = (CookieCollection)pathList[cookie.Path];

                if (cookies == null) { 
                    cookies = new CookieCollection();
                    pathList[cookie.Path] = cookies; 

                if(cookie.Expired) { 
                    //Explicit removal command (Max-Age == 0)
                    lock (cookies) {
                        int idx = cookies.IndexOf(cookie);
                        if (idx != -1) { 
                else {
                    //This is about real cookie adding, check Capacity first
                    if (domain_count >= m_maxCookiesPerDomain && !AgeCookies(cookie.DomainKey)) {
                            return; //cannot age -> reject new cookie 
                    else if (this.m_count >= m_maxCookies && !AgeCookies(null)) { 
                            return; //cannot age -> reject new cookie 
                    //about to change the collection
                    lock (cookies) {
                        m_count += cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true);
            catch (Exception e) { 
                if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {

                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_container_add_cookie), e); 
            catch { 
                if (throwOnError) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_container_add_cookie), new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
        // This function, once called, must delete at least one cookie 
        // If there are expired cookies in given scope they are cleaned up 
        // If nothing found the least used Collection will be found and removed
        // from the container. 
        // Also note that expired cookies are also removed during request preparation
        // (this.GetCookies method)
        // Param. 'domain' == null means to age in the whole container
        private bool AgeCookies(string domain) { 

            // border case => shrinked to zero 
            if(m_maxCookies == 0 || m_maxCookiesPerDomain == 0) {
                m_domainTable = new Hashtable();
                m_count = 0;
                return false; 
            int      removed = 0; 
            DateTime oldUsed = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime tempUsed; 

            CookieCollection lruCc = null;
            string   lruDomain =  null;
            string   tempDomain = null; 

            PathList pathList; 
            int domain_count = 0; 
            int itemp = 0;
            float remainingFraction = 1.0F; 

            // the container was shrinked, might need additional cleanup for each domain
            if (m_count > m_maxCookies) {
                // Means the fraction of the container to be left 
                // Each domain will be cut accordingly
                remainingFraction = (float)m_maxCookies/(float)m_count; 
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in m_domainTable) {
                if (domain == null) {
                    tempDomain = (string) entry.Key;
                    pathList = (PathList) entry.Value;          //aliasing to trick foreach 
                else { 
                    tempDomain = domain; 
                    pathList = (PathList) m_domainTable[domain];

                domain_count = 0;                             // cookies in the domain
                foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                    itemp = ExpireCollection(cc); 
                    removed += itemp;
                    m_count -= itemp;                      //update this container count; 
                    domain_count += cc.Count; 
                    // we also find the least used cookie collection in ENTIRE container
                    // we count the collection as LRU only if it holds 1+ elements 
                    if (cc.Count > 0 && (tempUsed = cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check)) < oldUsed) {
                        lruDomain = tempDomain;
                        lruCc = cc;
                        oldUsed = tempUsed; 
                // Check if we have reduced to the limit of the domain by expiration only
                int min_count = Math.Min((int)(domain_count*remainingFraction), Math.Min(m_maxCookiesPerDomain, m_maxCookies)-1); 
                if (domain_count > min_count) {
                    //That case require sorting all domain collections by timestamp
                    Array cookies = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CookieCollection), pathList.Count);
                    Array stamps  = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), pathList.Count); 
                    foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                        stamps.SetValue(cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check), itemp); 
                        cookies.SetValue(cc ,itemp ); 
                        ++itemp ;
                    Array.Sort(stamps, cookies);

                    itemp = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { 
                        CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)cookies.GetValue(i);
                        lock (cc) { 
                            while (domain_count > min_count && cc.Count > 0) {
                        if (domain_count <= min_count ) { 

                    if (domain_count > min_count && domain != null) {
                        //cannot complete aging of explicit domain (no cookie adding allowed)
                        return false; 
                // we have completed aging of specific domain
                if (domain != null) { 
                    return true;


            //  The rest is  for entire container aging 
            //  We must get at least one free slot. 

            //Don't need to appy LRU if we already cleaned something 
            if (removed != 0) {
                return true;
            if (oldUsed == DateTime.MaxValue) {
            //Something strange. Either capacity is 0 or all collections are locked with cc.Used 
                return false; 
            // Remove oldest cookies from the least used collection
            lock (lruCc) {
                while (m_count >= m_maxCookies && lruCc.Count > 0) {
            return true;

        //return number of cookies removed from the collection
        private int ExpireCollection(CookieCollection cc) {
            int oldCount = cc.Count; 
            int idx = oldCount-1;
            // minor optimization by caching Now 
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            lock (cc) {
                //Cannot use enumerator as we are going to alter collection
                while (idx >= 0) {
                    Cookie cookie = cc[idx]; 
                    if (cookie.Expires <= now && cookie.Expires != DateTime.MinValue) {
            return oldCount - cc.Count;

        ///    [To be supplied.]

        // <
        public void Add(CookieCollection cookies) {
            if (cookies == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookies");
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) { 

        // This will try (if needed) get the full domain name of the host given the Uri 
        // NEVER call this function from internal methods with 'fqdnRemote' == NULL
        // Since this method counts security issue for DNS and hence will slow 
        // the performance 
        internal bool IsLocal(string host) { 

            int dot = host.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot == -1) {
                // No choice but to treat it as a host on the local domain 
                // This also covers 'localhost' and 'loopback'
                return true; 

            // quick test for usual case 
            if (host == "")
                return true;

            // test domain membership 
            if (string.Compare(m_fqdnMyDomain, 0, host, dot, m_fqdnMyDomain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) == 0) 
                return true; 

            // test for "127.###.###.###" without using regex
            string[] ipParts = host.Split('.'); 
            if (ipParts != null && ipParts.Length == 4 && ipParts[0] == "127")
                int i; 
                for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    switch (ipParts[i].Length)
                        case 3:
                            if (ipParts[i][2] < '0' || ipParts[i][2] > '9') 
                            goto case 2;
                        case 2:
                            if (ipParts[i][1] < '0' || ipParts[i][1] > '9')
                            goto case 1; 
                        case 1:
                            if (ipParts[i][0] < '0' || ipParts[i][0] > '9') 
                if (i == 4)
                    return true;
            return false;
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public void Add(Uri uri, Cookie cookie) {
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri"); 
            if(cookie == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie"); 
            cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, IsLocal(uri.Host), m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 

            Add(cookie, true);
        ///    [To be supplied.] 

        public void Add(Uri uri, CookieCollection cookies) { 
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if(cookies == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookies");
            bool isLocalDomain = IsLocal(uri.Host); 
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) {
                c.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant.Unknown, uri, isLocalDomain, m_fqdnMyDomain, true, true); 
                Add(c, true);
        internal CookieCollection CookieCutter(Uri uri, string headerName, string setCookieHeader, bool isThrow) {
            GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() uri:" + uri + " headerName:" + headerName + " setCookieHeader:" + setCookieHeader + " isThrow:" + isThrow); 
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection(); 
            CookieVariant variant = CookieVariant.Unknown;
            if (headerName == null) { 
                variant = CookieVariant.Default;
            else for (int i = 0; i < HeaderInfo.Length; ++i) {
                if ((String.Compare(headerName, HeaderInfo[i].Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) == 0)) { 
                    variant  = HeaderInfo[i].Variant;
            bool isLocalDomain = IsLocal(uri.Host);
            try { 
                CookieParser parser = new CookieParser(setCookieHeader);
                do {
                    Cookie cookie = parser.Get();
                    GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() CookieParser returned cookie:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(cookie)); 
                    if (cookie == null) {

                    //Parser marks invalid cookies this way 
                    if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(cookie.Name)) {
                        if(isThrow) {
                            throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_format));
                        //Otherwise, ignore (reject) cookie

                    // this will set the default values from the response URI 
                    // AND will check for cookie validity
                    if(!cookie.VerifySetDefaults(variant, uri, isLocalDomain, m_fqdnMyDomain, true, isThrow)) {
                    // If many same cookies arrive we collapse them into just one, hence setting
                    // parameter isStrict = true below 
                    cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true); 

                } while (true); 
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {
                if(isThrow) { 
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_parse_header, uri.AbsoluteUri), e);
            catch {
                if(isThrow) {
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_parse_header, uri.AbsoluteUri), new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
            foreach (Cookie c in cookies) {
                Add(c, isThrow); 

            return cookies;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public CookieCollection GetCookies(Uri uri) { 
            if (uri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            return InternalGetCookies(uri); 
        internal CookieCollection InternalGetCookies(Uri uri) { 

            bool isSecure = (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps); 
            int  port = uri.Port;
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection();
            ArrayList nameKeys = new ArrayList();
            int firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 0; 

            string fqdnRemote = uri.Host; 
            int dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot == -1) { 
                // DNS.resolve may return short names even for other inet domains ;-(
                // We _don't_ know what the exact domain is, so try also grab short hostname cookies.
                // grab long name from the local domain 
                if (m_fqdnMyDomain != null && m_fqdnMyDomain.Length != 0) {
                    nameKeys.Add(fqdnRemote + m_fqdnMyDomain); 
                    // grab the local domain itself 
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 3; 
                else {
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 1;
            else { 
                // grab the host itself 
                // grab the host domain 
                firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 2;
                // The following block is only for compatibility with Version0 spec.
                // Still, we'll add only Plain-Variant cookies if found under below keys 
                if (fqdnRemote.Length > 2) {
                    // We ignore the '.' at the end on the name 
                    int last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', fqdnRemote.Length-2); 
                    //AND keys with <2 dots inside.
                    if (last > 0) { 
                        last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', last-1);
                    if (last != -1) {
                        while ((dot < last) && (dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.', dot+1)) != -1) { 

            foreach (string key in nameKeys) {
            bool found = false;
            bool defaultAdded = false; 
            PathList pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[key];
                if (pathList == null) {

                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in pathList) {
                    string path = (string)entry.Key; 
                    if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(path))) {
                        found = true; 
                        CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)entry.Value;
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey<0));

                        if (path == "/") {
                            defaultAdded = true; 
                    else if (found) { 

                if (!defaultAdded) {
                    CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"]; 

                    if (cc != null) { 
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey<0));

                // Remove unused domain
                // (This is the only place that does domain removal) 
                if(pathList.Count == 0) {
                    AddRemoveDomain(key, null); 
            return cookies; 

        private void MergeUpdateCollections(CookieCollection destination, CookieCollection source, int port, bool isSecure, bool isPlainOnly) {
            // we may change it
            lock (source) { 
                //cannot use foreach as we going update 'source'
                for (int idx = 0 ; idx < source.Count; ++idx) { 
                    bool to_add = false;

                    Cookie cookie = source[idx];
                    if (cookie.Expired) {
                        //If expired, remove from container and don't add to the destination 
                    else {
                        //Add only if port does match to this request URI
                        //or was not present in the original response 
                        if(isPlainOnly && cookie.Variant != CookieVariant.Plain) {
                            ;//don;t add 
                        else if(cookie.PortList != null)
                            foreach (int p in cookie.PortList) {
                                if(p == port) {
                                    to_add = true;
                        else {
                            //it was implicit Port, always OK to add 
                            to_add = true;

                        //refuse adding secure cookie into 'unsecure' destination 
                        if (cookie.Secure && !isSecure) {
                            to_add = false; 

                        if (to_add) { 
                            // In 'source' are already orederd.
                            // If two same cookies come from dif 'source' then they
                            // will follow (not replace) each other.
                            destination.InternalAdd(cookie, false); 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public string GetCookieHeader(Uri uri) { 
            if (uri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            string dummy;
            return GetCookieHeader(uri, out dummy);


        internal string GetCookieHeader(Uri uri, out string optCookie2) { 
            CookieCollection cookies = InternalGetCookies(uri); 
            string cookieString = String.Empty;
            string delimiter = String.Empty; 

            foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies) {
                cookieString += delimiter + cookie.ToString();
                delimiter = "; "; 
            optCookie2 = cookies.IsOtherVersionSeen ? 
                          (Cookie.SpecialAttributeLiteral + 
                           Cookie.VersionAttributeName +
                           Cookie.EqualsLiteral + 
                           Cookie.MaxSupportedVersion.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) : String.Empty;

            return cookieString;

        //public CookieCollection Parse(string cookieName) { 
        //    return new CookieCollection();

        //public WebHeaderCollection Headers() {
        //public void Remove(Cookie cookie) {
        //public void Remove(string cookieName) {

        //public void RemoveAll(Cookie cookie) {
        //public void RemoveAll(string cookieName) {
        //public void SetCookie(Cookie cookie) {

        //public void SetCookies(CookieCollection cookies) {
        ///    [To be supplied.] 


        public void SetCookies(Uri uri, string cookieHeader) {
            if (uri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if(cookieHeader == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookieHeader");
            CookieCutter(uri, null, cookieHeader, true); //will throw on error

#if DEBUG 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        internal void Dump() {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in m_domainTable) {
                GlobalLog.Print("domain = \"" + de.Key + "\"");
    internal class PathList {
        SortedList m_list = (SortedList.Synchronized(new SortedList(PathListComparer.StaticInstance)));
        public PathList() {
        public int Count {
            get { 
                return m_list.Count;
        public int GetCookiesCount() {
                int count = 0; 
                foreach (CookieCollection cc in  m_list.Values) { 
                    count += cc.Count;
                return count;

        public ICollection Values { 
            get {
                return m_list.Values; 
        public object this[string s] {
            get {
                return m_list[s];
            set {
                m_list[s] = value; 
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
            return m_list.GetEnumerator();
        class PathListComparer : IComparer { 
            internal static readonly PathListComparer StaticInstance = new PathListComparer(); 

            int IComparer.Compare(object ol, object or) { 

                string pathLeft = CookieParser.CheckQuoted((string)ol);
                string pathRight = CookieParser.CheckQuoted((string)or);
                int ll = pathLeft.Length; 
                int lr = pathRight.Length;
                int length = Math.Min(ll, lr); 
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    if (pathLeft[i] != pathRight[i]) { 
                        return pathLeft[i] - pathRight[i];
                return lr - ll; 

#if DEBUG 
        public void Dump() {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry cookies in this) {
                GlobalLog.Print("collection = \"" + cookies.Key + "\""); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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