FontCacheLogic.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / FontCache / FontCacheLogic.cs / 1 / FontCacheLogic.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Core font cache logic.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Threading;

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Utility; 
using MS.Win32;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; 
using Microsoft.Internal;
// Since we disable PreSharp warnings in this file, we first need to disable warnings about unknown message numbers and unknown pragmas.
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691

namespace MS.Internal.FontCache 
    /// FontCacheFullException is raised when the cache limit is reached 
    internal class FontCacheFullException : ApplicationException
        internal FontCacheFullException()
    /// An abstract entity stored in the cache
    /// The layout is following: 
    /// 4 byte offset of next element
    /// 4 byte element type
    /// Everything else is element-specific
    internal interface IFontCacheElement 
        /// Matches this element with the one in the cache 
        /// Pointer to the element in the cache to compare with.
        bool Match(CheckedPointer p); 

        /// GetData is called when the element is found in cache 
        void GetData(CheckedPointer p, ElementCacher cacher); 

        /// AddToCache is called to add the element to cache
        void AddToCache(CheckedPointer p, ElementCacher cacher);
        /// Returns the number of bytes that ElementCacher should allocate for the element
        int Size

        /// Integer value unique for the element 
        int Type 
        /// Returns whether the font cache element is application specific and should not be looked for in the shared cache. 
        bool IsAppSpecific

        /// Elements must override default GetHashCode(), because different instances of otherwise identical elements
        /// should map to the same hash code. 
        /// Important note - please avoid using standard CLR GetHashCode() calls in your GetHashCode() implementations, 
        /// as they may return different results depending on the target platform (32 bit vs. 64 bit).
        /// Use HashFn helpers instead. 
        int GetHashCode();

        /// Writes the element key into a memory block to be sent to the font cache service.
        void StoreKey(CheckedPointer d, out int realSize); 

        /// Initializes the element using the element key from an input memory block.
        void RetrieveKey(CheckedPointer s);

    /// ElementCacher - manages cache lookup logic 
    /// Layout of the cache file
    /// - fixed size hash table, 4 bytes per element 
    /// - user data pool, active length is variable, maximum length is determined by the font cache file size
    internal unsafe class ElementCacher 
        private const int numberOfBuckets = 512; 
        // offset should be at least 4 byte aligned
        private const int offMarker = 0; 
        private const int offMaxSize = 4;
        private const int offCurSize = 8;
        private const int offVersion = 12;
        internal const int offHashTable = 64;//used by HashTable class 

        private const int MinCacheSize = offHashTable + numberOfBuckets * 4; 
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 12)]
        private struct CacheHeader 
            internal int Marker;
            internal int MaxSize; 
            internal int CurSize; 

        // when changing cache or element layout, increment the value stored in this string
        private const string _cacheVersionString = @"76"; 

        private object _cacheLock = new Object(); 
        private FileMapping _mfile;
        private bool        _shared;

        private HashTable   _hashTable;
        //The allocated size of the cache, as determined by the most recent call to GetCacheMemoryRemaining().
        //Since the cache size can never decrease, we know that at least this many bytes have been allocated 
        //for the cache, even if this value is out of date.  Saving this value allows us to omit redundant 
        //calls to VirtualQuery().
        //Note: _cacheAllocSize should be used instead of _mfile.Length because _cacheAllocSize
        //updates itself inside the getter of Mapping if the cache grows; _mfile.Length does not
        //get updated.
        private volatile int _cacheAllocSize = 0; 

        //Returns a pointer the cache header, without bounds-checking 
        ///Critical - accesses cache and returns a pointer 
        private unsafe CacheHeader* UnsafeGetCacheHeader() 
            return (CacheHeader*)(_mfile.PositionPointer);
        //Returns CheckedPointer representing the cache version string.  This is bounded
        //by the start of the cache table. 
        ///Critical - calls into critical code.  TreatAsSafe - cache version is ok to give out 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private unsafe CheckedPointer GetVersionPointer() 
            //Bounds-checking the buffer is not necessary here since the version is part of the header
            return new CheckedPointer(_mfile.PositionPointer + offVersion, offHashTable - offVersion);

        //Returns a pointer to the cache header, assuming the cache has already been initialized 
        ///Critical - accesses cache and returns a pointer 
        private unsafe CacheHeader* GetCacheHeader() 
            //Since the header is always in memory, Mapping.Probe() is equivlant
            //to just calling the unsafe version
            return UnsafeGetCacheHeader(); 
        //Initializes the cache header 
        ///Critical - calls UnsafeGetCacheHeader() and modifies the cache
        private void InitCacheHeader(int curSize, int maxSize)
            Invariant.Assert(curSize >= MinCacheSize);
            Invariant.Assert(maxSize >= curSize); 
            //First, commit the necessary memory

            //The unsafe version is ok here since we just committed the memory.  It is also
            //mandatory because the safe version would throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            //as the size has not been initialized yet 
            CacheHeader* header = UnsafeGetCacheHeader();
            header->Marker = 0; 
            header->CurSize = curSize; 
            header->MaxSize = maxSize;

        ///         Critical: This code serves as an entry point to unsafe code Also it initializes the server cache filemapping 
        ///         object which should not be null or spoofed
        internal ElementCacher(FileMapping mfile, bool create, bool shared)
            _mfile = mfile;
            _shared = shared;

            if (create) 
                //First, initialize the cache header; then, create the hash table. 
                InitCacheHeader(MinCacheSize, (int)_mfile.Capacity); 


                _hashTable = new HashTable(this, numberOfBuckets);

                // flush the cache so that clients have a consistent view of it 
                //Cache data is already initialized and committed to memory,
                //so all we have to do is just initialize the hash table
                _hashTable = new HashTable(this, numberOfBuckets); 

        /// Specifies whether ElementCacher corresponds to an instance of shared cache.
        /// Elements such as FamilyCollection perform error handling differently if they operate on the shared cache. 
        public bool IsShared
                return _shared;
        ///    Critical: Calls into critical code which is unsafe to do string copy
        ///    TreatAsSafe: Ok to call since this sets version 
        private void SetVersion()
            Util.StringCopyToCheckedPointer(GetVersionPointer(), _cacheVersionString);
        ///     Critical:This code calls into _mapping which is a byte * 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code is safe to expose
        internal bool VersionUpToDate() 
            return Util.StringEqual(GetVersionPointer(), _cacheVersionString); 

        ///     Critical: This code calls GetCacheHeader, which returns a pointer
        ///     TreatAsSafe: get() accessor doesn't change anything and cache is always allocated to include the header
        internal int MaxCacheSize 
                return GetCacheHeader()->MaxSize; 
                GetCacheHeader()->MaxSize = value;

        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Get is safe - doesn't change anything
        internal int CurrentSize
                return GetCacheHeader()->CurSize;
        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This operation is safe 
        internal void SetNew()
            GetCacheHeader()->Marker = 0;

        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Marking this as obsolete is a safe operation
        internal void MarkObsolete()
            GetCacheHeader()->Marker = 1; 
        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulation 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This information is ok to give out
        internal bool IsObsolete() 
            return GetCacheHeader()->Marker != 0; 

        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulations, and the input parameter may cause spoofing or overrun.
        internal void InitFromCacheImage(CheckedPointer cacheImage) 
            if (cacheImage.Size < MinCacheSize || 
                (cacheImage.Size % 8) != 0 || 
                cacheImage.Size > MaxCacheSize)
                // Malformed input cache, just return. Assert in debug builds to catch possible bugs.

            int oldCurrentSize; 
                // Validate the current size field in the existing cache image. 
                oldCurrentSize = *(int*)cacheImage.Probe(offCurSize, sizeof(int));

            if (Util.Align8(oldCurrentSize) != oldCurrentSize || oldCurrentSize != cacheImage.Size) 
                // Malformed input cache, just return. Assert in debug builds to catch possible bugs. 

            GetCacheHeader()->CurSize = cacheImage.Size;
            // This can happen only if the current cache size field was not set properly in the cache image, 
            // and we should have caught this situation earlier in this function.
            Invariant.Assert(CurrentSize == cacheImage.Size); 

        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulations, and the input parameter may cause spoofing or overrun. 
        internal void InitFromPreviousCache(ElementCacher oldCache, int newCacheSize) 
            // We need to lock the old cache to make sure it's CurrentSize is not updated in the middle of the copy.
            lock (oldCache.Lock)
                // Reset max cache size to the new size, because InitFromCacheImage overwrote it. 
                MaxCacheSize = newCacheSize;

        /// Note: we use _mapping + offset directly instead of this indexer 
        /// in cases when CurrentSize property is not set yet
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///               It also returns a pointer. 
        internal unsafe byte* this[int offset]
                Invariant.Assert(offset != Util.nullOffset); 
                Invariant.Assert(0 <= offset && offset <= CurrentSize); // Note: offset==CurrentSize for zero length arrays
                // Eventually we plan to switch everything to CheckedPointer,
                // and this unsafe probe will go away. For now we rely on caller to
                // specify correct buffer sizes when manipulating values returned from this[int].
                return (byte*)(Mapping.Probe(offset, 0)); 
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand 
        internal int this[byte* pointer]
                long longRes = Mapping.OffsetOf(pointer); 
                int intRes = (int)longRes;
                Invariant.Assert(longRes == intRes); 
                return intRes;
        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulation
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code returns a checked pointer, getting to the data in it is critical 
        ///     This acts like a container for the critical pointer and is all safe unless one 
        ///     extracts the pointer
        internal CheckedPointer GetCheckedPointer(int offset)
            Invariant.Assert(offset != Util.nullOffset && offset <= CurrentSize); 
            return Mapping + offset;
        internal object Lock
                return _cacheLock;
        /// Allocates 8 byte aligned data from _mfile.
        /// Throws FontCacheFullException if we are out of space 
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code allocates memory for the cacher and is safe 
        internal int Alloc(int size) 
            Invariant.Assert(size >= 0);

            // If the requested size is zero, we can return any offset within the file. 
            if (size == 0)
                return 0; 
                int oldSize = CurrentSize;
                int newSize = Util.Align8(oldSize + size);
                Invariant.Assert(newSize > oldSize); 
                if (newSize > MaxCacheSize)
                    throw new FontCacheFullException(); 

                //commit the memory for the new data 

                //Now, update the size entry in the cache header
                GetCacheHeader()->CurSize = newSize; 

                return oldSize; 

        /// IFontCacheElement lookup
        /// Adds the element if it doesn't exist in the cache. 
        /// Can be called only if caller is on the same side as cache construction (e.g. client-client). 
        /// Thread safe.
        /// Throws FontCacheFullException in case of cache overflow 
        /// Returns whether the element already existed in the cache.
        ///       Critical: This code adds a font cache element to the hashtable
        ///       TreatAsSafe: This code is safe to expose since it simply adds an element to the cache 
        internal bool LookupAndAdd(IFontCacheElement e) 
            return _hashTable.Lookup(e, true); 

        /// IFontCacheElement read-only lookup 
        /// Thread safe. 
        /// Returns whether the element was found in the cache.
        ///     Critical: This code yields unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This information is ok to return
        internal bool ReadOnlyLookup(IFontCacheElement e)
            return _hashTable.Lookup(e, false); 
        /// Critical - uses unsafe code blocks, performs pointer manipulation, and calls VirtualQuery() and CheckedPointer constructor
        /// TreatAsSafe: Returned pointer is guaranteed to fall within the bounds of memory allocated for the cache.
        internal CheckedPointer Mapping
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                    //The size of the CheckedPointer buffer will be equal to the size of the cache,
                    //as contained in the mapping itself. 

                    //To prevent corrupt cache data from causing buffer overflows, we check the cache size 
                    //against the maximum cache size and number of bytes actually allocated for the cache. 
                    //An Invariant.Assert() will be triggered if the cache size extends past the cache buffer.
                    //If the cache size field is larger than the actual cache size, but smaller than the cache buffer 
                    //size, we are ok because this excess space is not being used for anything else and if it exposes
                    //corrupt internal offsets, we will eventually have a CheckedPointer ArgumentOutOfRangeException, rather
                    //than buffer overflow.
                    //Since FileMapping objects are guarenteed to be at least one page long, overflowing
                    //the buffer while accessing the font cache header information is not possible. 
                    byte* mapping = _mfile.PositionPointer;
                    int currentCacheSize = *((int*)(mapping + offCurSize)); 
                    int maxCacheSize = *((int*)(mapping + offMaxSize));
                    Invariant.Assert(currentCacheSize <= maxCacheSize);

                    //Generate a local copy in case another thread changes _cacheAllocSize in this section 
                    int cacheAllocSize = _cacheAllocSize;
                    if (currentCacheSize > cacheAllocSize) 
                        //Verify that the cache has grown to accomodate the additional space. 
                        int bytesRemaining = GetCacheMemoryRemaining(mapping + cacheAllocSize);
                        cacheAllocSize += bytesRemaining;
                        Invariant.Assert(currentCacheSize <= cacheAllocSize);
                        //If _cacheAllocSize increased during our call to GetCacheMemoryRemaining by another thread,
                        //use the newer value.  If another thread increases the value of _cacheAllocSize while we 
                        //are inside Math.Max, _cacheAllocSize will be set to a value smaller than the actual allocation 
                        //size.  This just means there is a slight chance that we might end up doing a redundant call
                        //to VirtualQuery() later, but the correctness of the program is not affected. 
                        _cacheAllocSize = Math.Max(cacheAllocSize, _cacheAllocSize);

                    //Internal cache size is ok, so create the CheckedPointer for our mapping 
                    return new CheckedPointer(mapping, currentCacheSize);

        //Returns the number of bytes available for the current cache
        //starting from the given pointer, which may lie anywhere in the middle
        //of the cache.  ptr need not be aligned on a page boundary. 
        /// Critical - uses unsafe code blocks. 
        private unsafe int GetCacheMemoryRemaining(byte* ptr) 
            VirtualQueryClass.MemoryBasicInformation mbi;

            VirtualQueryClass.VirtualQuery(ptr, out mbi); 

            //These assertions will fail if ptr is not part of the font cache 
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.AllocationBase == _mfile.PositionPointer); 
            Invariant.Assert((mbi.AllocationProtect == VirtualQueryClass.PageReadOnly) ||
                             (mbi.AllocationProtect == VirtualQueryClass.PageReadWrite)); 
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.State == VirtualQueryClass.MemCommit);
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.Type == VirtualQueryClass.MemMapped);

            //Now, compute the memory remaining 
            int offsetIntoPage = (int)(ptr - (byte*)mbi.BaseAddress);
            return ((int)mbi.RegionSize) - offsetIntoPage; 


    ///     Critical - calls critical code, communicates with the font cache service, exposes font data.
    internal static class CacheManager 
        // Disable Presharp warning about Dispose() not being called on the disposable FileMapping object.
        // This is by design, because lifetime of m extends this function - the pointer is passed to ElementCacher ctor. 
#pragma warning disable 6518

        private static ElementCacher OpenServerCache(string serverSectionName)
            // Disable Presharp warning about empty catch body.
            // This is by design, as we should continue even in case of server connection failures. 
#pragma warning disable 6502 
                // open cache
                FileMapping m = new FileMapping();
                ElementCacher c = new ElementCacher(m, false, true); 

                if (c.VersionUpToDate()) 
                    _serverCache = c;
                    return c; 
            // This can be thrown when for some reason we cannot connect to the server.
            catch (IOException) 
            return null; 
#pragma warning restore 6502

        internal static ElementCacher GetServerCache()
            // the current cache is up to date 
            if (_serverCache != null && !_serverCache.IsObsolete())
                return _serverCache; 
            // we know that connecting to the service will likely fail
            if (!_tryToConnect) 
                return _serverCache;

            lock (_sharedCacheLock)
                // repeat the checks from above within the lock
                if (_serverCache != null && !_serverCache.IsObsolete()) 
                    return _serverCache; 

                if (!_tryToConnect) 
                    return _serverCache;

                if (_fc == null)
                    _fc = FontCacheConfig.Current;
                    _ipcMngr = new IPCCacheManager(_fc); 

                int errorCode = 0; 
                string serverSectionName = null;
                if (_serverCache != null)
                    // Server port is open, but the cache is obsolete. Get a new section name. 
                    Debug.WriteLine("Retrieving cache name from server");
                    //Ignore error code, just let serverSectionName be null if error. 
                    serverSectionName = _ipcMngr.GetServerSectionName(_fc.SecondConnectTimeout, out errorCode);
                    //Connect to the server and get the server cache
                    int[] timeouts = { _fc.FirstConnectTimeout, _fc.SecondConnectTimeout }; 
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) 
                        //If we had an old connection lying around close it and get rid of it 
                        if (_ipcMngr.IsConnected)
                        //Get the server name.  If we're not connected, connect.
                        serverSectionName = _ipcMngr.GetServerSectionName(timeouts[i], out errorCode); 
                        //If we succeeded, we can stop here
                        if (serverSectionName != null) 

                        if ((i + 1) >= timeouts.Length)
                            break;//all attempts exhausted - give up 

                        //If we failed, it could be because the font cache service isn't running, 
                        //so try to start it now.  Don't waste time with this if we fail for another reason. 
                        if (errorCode == _ipcMngr.ServerNotFoundErrorCode)
                            if (_fc.RestartServiceOnError)
                                if (!ServiceOps.StartServiceWithTimeout(BuildInfo.FontCacheServiceName,_fc.ServerStartTimeout))
                                    //could not start service - give up
                                break;//restart service option not set
                            break;//no point in continuing
                if (serverSectionName == null) 
                    // keep using the old cache if the new name can't be obtained (or null if there is no old cache)
                    _tryToConnect = false; 
                    return _serverCache;
                //Attempt to open the cache.  Update _serverCache if successful,
                //but keep using the old cache if there is an error. 
                ElementCacher c = OpenServerCache(serverSectionName);
                if (c != null)
                    _serverCache = c;
                    // low memory conditions, don't attempt to connect, but keep using the old cache 
                    _tryToConnect = false; 
                return _serverCache;
        internal static ElementCacher GetCurrentCache()
            ElementCacher c = _currentCache; 
            if (c == null || c.IsObsolete())
                c = RenewCache(c); 

            Debug.Assert(c != null);
            return c;

        internal static ElementCacher RenewCache(ElementCacher oldCache) 
            lock (_clientCacheLock)
                // If another thread has already updated the cache, we don't need to renew.
                if (_currentCache != oldCache)
                    return _currentCache;
                // The size of the new cache.
                int newCacheSize; 
                // Whether to copy the contents of the old cache into the new cache.
                bool copyOldCache = false; 

                if (oldCache == null)
                    newCacheSize = FontCacheConstants.InitialLocalCacheSize;
                    newCacheSize = oldCache.MaxCacheSize * FontCacheConstants.CacheGrowthFactor; 
                    if (newCacheSize > FontCacheConstants.MaximumLocalCacheSize)
                        newCacheSize = FontCacheConstants.MaximumLocalCacheSize; 
                        copyOldCache = true;
                // Current client cache either doesn't exist or it is obsolete,
                // create a new one. 
                FileMapping m = new FileMapping(); 
                m.Create(null, newCacheSize);
                ElementCacher c = new ElementCacher(m, true, false); 

                if (copyOldCache)
                    // Copy the bits from the old cache. 
                    Debug.Assert(newCacheSize > oldCache.CurrentSize);
                    c.InitFromPreviousCache(oldCache, newCacheSize); 
                // Flush the cache before exposing it, so that clients have a consistent view of it

                _currentCache = c; 

                if (oldCache != null) 
                return c;
#pragma warning restore 6518

        internal static void SaveNativeCache(ElementCacher c, IList nativeCaches) 
            int count = nativeCaches.Count; 
            if (count > 0 && c == nativeCaches[count - 1]) 
                return; // it's already stored, so don't bother

        internal static void SendMissReport(IFontCacheElement e)

        internal static void Lookup(IFontCacheElement e) 
            ElementCacher c;
            if (!e.IsAppSpecific)
                c = GetServerCache();
                if (c != null) 
                    if (c.ReadOnlyLookup(e))

                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info);
                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info); 
            c = GetCurrentCache();

            for (; ; )
                    if (!c.LookupAndAdd(e) && !e.IsAppSpecific) 
                        // send a miss report if we had to add a new element 
                catch (FontCacheFullException)
                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info); 
                // Cache overflow, start a new cache and attempt element construction again.
                c = RenewCache(c);

        // Private Fields                 //
        #region Private Fields

        private static object _sharedCacheLock = new object();
        private static FontCacheConfig _fc = null;
        private static IPCCacheManager _ipcMngr = null; 

        private static volatile ElementCacher _serverCache; 

        // this will be set to false if we decide that FontCacheService is in a bad state
        private static volatile bool _tryToConnect = true;
        // client cache
        private static object _clientCacheLock = new object(); 
        private static volatile ElementCacher _currentCache;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Core font cache logic.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Threading;

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Utility; 
using MS.Win32;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; 
using Microsoft.Internal;
// Since we disable PreSharp warnings in this file, we first need to disable warnings about unknown message numbers and unknown pragmas.
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691

namespace MS.Internal.FontCache 
    /// FontCacheFullException is raised when the cache limit is reached 
    internal class FontCacheFullException : ApplicationException
        internal FontCacheFullException()
    /// An abstract entity stored in the cache
    /// The layout is following: 
    /// 4 byte offset of next element
    /// 4 byte element type
    /// Everything else is element-specific
    internal interface IFontCacheElement 
        /// Matches this element with the one in the cache 
        /// Pointer to the element in the cache to compare with.
        bool Match(CheckedPointer p); 

        /// GetData is called when the element is found in cache 
        void GetData(CheckedPointer p, ElementCacher cacher); 

        /// AddToCache is called to add the element to cache
        void AddToCache(CheckedPointer p, ElementCacher cacher);
        /// Returns the number of bytes that ElementCacher should allocate for the element
        int Size

        /// Integer value unique for the element 
        int Type 
        /// Returns whether the font cache element is application specific and should not be looked for in the shared cache. 
        bool IsAppSpecific

        /// Elements must override default GetHashCode(), because different instances of otherwise identical elements
        /// should map to the same hash code. 
        /// Important note - please avoid using standard CLR GetHashCode() calls in your GetHashCode() implementations, 
        /// as they may return different results depending on the target platform (32 bit vs. 64 bit).
        /// Use HashFn helpers instead. 
        int GetHashCode();

        /// Writes the element key into a memory block to be sent to the font cache service.
        void StoreKey(CheckedPointer d, out int realSize); 

        /// Initializes the element using the element key from an input memory block.
        void RetrieveKey(CheckedPointer s);

    /// ElementCacher - manages cache lookup logic 
    /// Layout of the cache file
    /// - fixed size hash table, 4 bytes per element 
    /// - user data pool, active length is variable, maximum length is determined by the font cache file size
    internal unsafe class ElementCacher 
        private const int numberOfBuckets = 512; 
        // offset should be at least 4 byte aligned
        private const int offMarker = 0; 
        private const int offMaxSize = 4;
        private const int offCurSize = 8;
        private const int offVersion = 12;
        internal const int offHashTable = 64;//used by HashTable class 

        private const int MinCacheSize = offHashTable + numberOfBuckets * 4; 
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 12)]
        private struct CacheHeader 
            internal int Marker;
            internal int MaxSize; 
            internal int CurSize; 

        // when changing cache or element layout, increment the value stored in this string
        private const string _cacheVersionString = @"76"; 

        private object _cacheLock = new Object(); 
        private FileMapping _mfile;
        private bool        _shared;

        private HashTable   _hashTable;
        //The allocated size of the cache, as determined by the most recent call to GetCacheMemoryRemaining().
        //Since the cache size can never decrease, we know that at least this many bytes have been allocated 
        //for the cache, even if this value is out of date.  Saving this value allows us to omit redundant 
        //calls to VirtualQuery().
        //Note: _cacheAllocSize should be used instead of _mfile.Length because _cacheAllocSize
        //updates itself inside the getter of Mapping if the cache grows; _mfile.Length does not
        //get updated.
        private volatile int _cacheAllocSize = 0; 

        //Returns a pointer the cache header, without bounds-checking 
        ///Critical - accesses cache and returns a pointer 
        private unsafe CacheHeader* UnsafeGetCacheHeader() 
            return (CacheHeader*)(_mfile.PositionPointer);
        //Returns CheckedPointer representing the cache version string.  This is bounded
        //by the start of the cache table. 
        ///Critical - calls into critical code.  TreatAsSafe - cache version is ok to give out 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private unsafe CheckedPointer GetVersionPointer() 
            //Bounds-checking the buffer is not necessary here since the version is part of the header
            return new CheckedPointer(_mfile.PositionPointer + offVersion, offHashTable - offVersion);

        //Returns a pointer to the cache header, assuming the cache has already been initialized 
        ///Critical - accesses cache and returns a pointer 
        private unsafe CacheHeader* GetCacheHeader() 
            //Since the header is always in memory, Mapping.Probe() is equivlant
            //to just calling the unsafe version
            return UnsafeGetCacheHeader(); 
        //Initializes the cache header 
        ///Critical - calls UnsafeGetCacheHeader() and modifies the cache
        private void InitCacheHeader(int curSize, int maxSize)
            Invariant.Assert(curSize >= MinCacheSize);
            Invariant.Assert(maxSize >= curSize); 
            //First, commit the necessary memory

            //The unsafe version is ok here since we just committed the memory.  It is also
            //mandatory because the safe version would throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            //as the size has not been initialized yet 
            CacheHeader* header = UnsafeGetCacheHeader();
            header->Marker = 0; 
            header->CurSize = curSize; 
            header->MaxSize = maxSize;

        ///         Critical: This code serves as an entry point to unsafe code Also it initializes the server cache filemapping 
        ///         object which should not be null or spoofed
        internal ElementCacher(FileMapping mfile, bool create, bool shared)
            _mfile = mfile;
            _shared = shared;

            if (create) 
                //First, initialize the cache header; then, create the hash table. 
                InitCacheHeader(MinCacheSize, (int)_mfile.Capacity); 


                _hashTable = new HashTable(this, numberOfBuckets);

                // flush the cache so that clients have a consistent view of it 
                //Cache data is already initialized and committed to memory,
                //so all we have to do is just initialize the hash table
                _hashTable = new HashTable(this, numberOfBuckets); 

        /// Specifies whether ElementCacher corresponds to an instance of shared cache.
        /// Elements such as FamilyCollection perform error handling differently if they operate on the shared cache. 
        public bool IsShared
                return _shared;
        ///    Critical: Calls into critical code which is unsafe to do string copy
        ///    TreatAsSafe: Ok to call since this sets version 
        private void SetVersion()
            Util.StringCopyToCheckedPointer(GetVersionPointer(), _cacheVersionString);
        ///     Critical:This code calls into _mapping which is a byte * 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code is safe to expose
        internal bool VersionUpToDate() 
            return Util.StringEqual(GetVersionPointer(), _cacheVersionString); 

        ///     Critical: This code calls GetCacheHeader, which returns a pointer
        ///     TreatAsSafe: get() accessor doesn't change anything and cache is always allocated to include the header
        internal int MaxCacheSize 
                return GetCacheHeader()->MaxSize; 
                GetCacheHeader()->MaxSize = value;

        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Get is safe - doesn't change anything
        internal int CurrentSize
                return GetCacheHeader()->CurSize;
        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This operation is safe 
        internal void SetNew()
            GetCacheHeader()->Marker = 0;

        ///     Critical: This code yieds unverifiable code 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Marking this as obsolete is a safe operation
        internal void MarkObsolete()
            GetCacheHeader()->Marker = 1; 
        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulation 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This information is ok to give out
        internal bool IsObsolete() 
            return GetCacheHeader()->Marker != 0; 

        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulations, and the input parameter may cause spoofing or overrun.
        internal void InitFromCacheImage(CheckedPointer cacheImage) 
            if (cacheImage.Size < MinCacheSize || 
                (cacheImage.Size % 8) != 0 || 
                cacheImage.Size > MaxCacheSize)
                // Malformed input cache, just return. Assert in debug builds to catch possible bugs.

            int oldCurrentSize; 
                // Validate the current size field in the existing cache image. 
                oldCurrentSize = *(int*)cacheImage.Probe(offCurSize, sizeof(int));

            if (Util.Align8(oldCurrentSize) != oldCurrentSize || oldCurrentSize != cacheImage.Size) 
                // Malformed input cache, just return. Assert in debug builds to catch possible bugs. 

            GetCacheHeader()->CurSize = cacheImage.Size;
            // This can happen only if the current cache size field was not set properly in the cache image, 
            // and we should have caught this situation earlier in this function.
            Invariant.Assert(CurrentSize == cacheImage.Size); 

        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulations, and the input parameter may cause spoofing or overrun. 
        internal void InitFromPreviousCache(ElementCacher oldCache, int newCacheSize) 
            // We need to lock the old cache to make sure it's CurrentSize is not updated in the middle of the copy.
            lock (oldCache.Lock)
                // Reset max cache size to the new size, because InitFromCacheImage overwrote it. 
                MaxCacheSize = newCacheSize;

        /// Note: we use _mapping + offset directly instead of this indexer 
        /// in cases when CurrentSize property is not set yet
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///               It also returns a pointer. 
        internal unsafe byte* this[int offset]
                Invariant.Assert(offset != Util.nullOffset); 
                Invariant.Assert(0 <= offset && offset <= CurrentSize); // Note: offset==CurrentSize for zero length arrays
                // Eventually we plan to switch everything to CheckedPointer,
                // and this unsafe probe will go away. For now we rely on caller to
                // specify correct buffer sizes when manipulating values returned from this[int].
                return (byte*)(Mapping.Probe(offset, 0)); 
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand 
        internal int this[byte* pointer]
                long longRes = Mapping.OffsetOf(pointer); 
                int intRes = (int)longRes;
                Invariant.Assert(longRes == intRes); 
                return intRes;
        ///     Critical: This code does unsafe pointer manipulation
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code returns a checked pointer, getting to the data in it is critical 
        ///     This acts like a container for the critical pointer and is all safe unless one 
        ///     extracts the pointer
        internal CheckedPointer GetCheckedPointer(int offset)
            Invariant.Assert(offset != Util.nullOffset && offset <= CurrentSize); 
            return Mapping + offset;
        internal object Lock
                return _cacheLock;
        /// Allocates 8 byte aligned data from _mfile.
        /// Throws FontCacheFullException if we are out of space 
        ///     Critical: This code yield unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code allocates memory for the cacher and is safe 
        internal int Alloc(int size) 
            Invariant.Assert(size >= 0);

            // If the requested size is zero, we can return any offset within the file. 
            if (size == 0)
                return 0; 
                int oldSize = CurrentSize;
                int newSize = Util.Align8(oldSize + size);
                Invariant.Assert(newSize > oldSize); 
                if (newSize > MaxCacheSize)
                    throw new FontCacheFullException(); 

                //commit the memory for the new data 

                //Now, update the size entry in the cache header
                GetCacheHeader()->CurSize = newSize; 

                return oldSize; 

        /// IFontCacheElement lookup
        /// Adds the element if it doesn't exist in the cache. 
        /// Can be called only if caller is on the same side as cache construction (e.g. client-client). 
        /// Thread safe.
        /// Throws FontCacheFullException in case of cache overflow 
        /// Returns whether the element already existed in the cache.
        ///       Critical: This code adds a font cache element to the hashtable
        ///       TreatAsSafe: This code is safe to expose since it simply adds an element to the cache 
        internal bool LookupAndAdd(IFontCacheElement e) 
            return _hashTable.Lookup(e, true); 

        /// IFontCacheElement read-only lookup 
        /// Thread safe. 
        /// Returns whether the element was found in the cache.
        ///     Critical: This code yields unverifiable code which triggers a demand
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This information is ok to return
        internal bool ReadOnlyLookup(IFontCacheElement e)
            return _hashTable.Lookup(e, false); 
        /// Critical - uses unsafe code blocks, performs pointer manipulation, and calls VirtualQuery() and CheckedPointer constructor
        /// TreatAsSafe: Returned pointer is guaranteed to fall within the bounds of memory allocated for the cache.
        internal CheckedPointer Mapping
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                    //The size of the CheckedPointer buffer will be equal to the size of the cache,
                    //as contained in the mapping itself. 

                    //To prevent corrupt cache data from causing buffer overflows, we check the cache size 
                    //against the maximum cache size and number of bytes actually allocated for the cache. 
                    //An Invariant.Assert() will be triggered if the cache size extends past the cache buffer.
                    //If the cache size field is larger than the actual cache size, but smaller than the cache buffer 
                    //size, we are ok because this excess space is not being used for anything else and if it exposes
                    //corrupt internal offsets, we will eventually have a CheckedPointer ArgumentOutOfRangeException, rather
                    //than buffer overflow.
                    //Since FileMapping objects are guarenteed to be at least one page long, overflowing
                    //the buffer while accessing the font cache header information is not possible. 
                    byte* mapping = _mfile.PositionPointer;
                    int currentCacheSize = *((int*)(mapping + offCurSize)); 
                    int maxCacheSize = *((int*)(mapping + offMaxSize));
                    Invariant.Assert(currentCacheSize <= maxCacheSize);

                    //Generate a local copy in case another thread changes _cacheAllocSize in this section 
                    int cacheAllocSize = _cacheAllocSize;
                    if (currentCacheSize > cacheAllocSize) 
                        //Verify that the cache has grown to accomodate the additional space. 
                        int bytesRemaining = GetCacheMemoryRemaining(mapping + cacheAllocSize);
                        cacheAllocSize += bytesRemaining;
                        Invariant.Assert(currentCacheSize <= cacheAllocSize);
                        //If _cacheAllocSize increased during our call to GetCacheMemoryRemaining by another thread,
                        //use the newer value.  If another thread increases the value of _cacheAllocSize while we 
                        //are inside Math.Max, _cacheAllocSize will be set to a value smaller than the actual allocation 
                        //size.  This just means there is a slight chance that we might end up doing a redundant call
                        //to VirtualQuery() later, but the correctness of the program is not affected. 
                        _cacheAllocSize = Math.Max(cacheAllocSize, _cacheAllocSize);

                    //Internal cache size is ok, so create the CheckedPointer for our mapping 
                    return new CheckedPointer(mapping, currentCacheSize);

        //Returns the number of bytes available for the current cache
        //starting from the given pointer, which may lie anywhere in the middle
        //of the cache.  ptr need not be aligned on a page boundary. 
        /// Critical - uses unsafe code blocks. 
        private unsafe int GetCacheMemoryRemaining(byte* ptr) 
            VirtualQueryClass.MemoryBasicInformation mbi;

            VirtualQueryClass.VirtualQuery(ptr, out mbi); 

            //These assertions will fail if ptr is not part of the font cache 
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.AllocationBase == _mfile.PositionPointer); 
            Invariant.Assert((mbi.AllocationProtect == VirtualQueryClass.PageReadOnly) ||
                             (mbi.AllocationProtect == VirtualQueryClass.PageReadWrite)); 
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.State == VirtualQueryClass.MemCommit);
            Invariant.Assert(mbi.Type == VirtualQueryClass.MemMapped);

            //Now, compute the memory remaining 
            int offsetIntoPage = (int)(ptr - (byte*)mbi.BaseAddress);
            return ((int)mbi.RegionSize) - offsetIntoPage; 


    ///     Critical - calls critical code, communicates with the font cache service, exposes font data.
    internal static class CacheManager 
        // Disable Presharp warning about Dispose() not being called on the disposable FileMapping object.
        // This is by design, because lifetime of m extends this function - the pointer is passed to ElementCacher ctor. 
#pragma warning disable 6518

        private static ElementCacher OpenServerCache(string serverSectionName)
            // Disable Presharp warning about empty catch body.
            // This is by design, as we should continue even in case of server connection failures. 
#pragma warning disable 6502 
                // open cache
                FileMapping m = new FileMapping();
                ElementCacher c = new ElementCacher(m, false, true); 

                if (c.VersionUpToDate()) 
                    _serverCache = c;
                    return c; 
            // This can be thrown when for some reason we cannot connect to the server.
            catch (IOException) 
            return null; 
#pragma warning restore 6502

        internal static ElementCacher GetServerCache()
            // the current cache is up to date 
            if (_serverCache != null && !_serverCache.IsObsolete())
                return _serverCache; 
            // we know that connecting to the service will likely fail
            if (!_tryToConnect) 
                return _serverCache;

            lock (_sharedCacheLock)
                // repeat the checks from above within the lock
                if (_serverCache != null && !_serverCache.IsObsolete()) 
                    return _serverCache; 

                if (!_tryToConnect) 
                    return _serverCache;

                if (_fc == null)
                    _fc = FontCacheConfig.Current;
                    _ipcMngr = new IPCCacheManager(_fc); 

                int errorCode = 0; 
                string serverSectionName = null;
                if (_serverCache != null)
                    // Server port is open, but the cache is obsolete. Get a new section name. 
                    Debug.WriteLine("Retrieving cache name from server");
                    //Ignore error code, just let serverSectionName be null if error. 
                    serverSectionName = _ipcMngr.GetServerSectionName(_fc.SecondConnectTimeout, out errorCode);
                    //Connect to the server and get the server cache
                    int[] timeouts = { _fc.FirstConnectTimeout, _fc.SecondConnectTimeout }; 
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) 
                        //If we had an old connection lying around close it and get rid of it 
                        if (_ipcMngr.IsConnected)
                        //Get the server name.  If we're not connected, connect.
                        serverSectionName = _ipcMngr.GetServerSectionName(timeouts[i], out errorCode); 
                        //If we succeeded, we can stop here
                        if (serverSectionName != null) 

                        if ((i + 1) >= timeouts.Length)
                            break;//all attempts exhausted - give up 

                        //If we failed, it could be because the font cache service isn't running, 
                        //so try to start it now.  Don't waste time with this if we fail for another reason. 
                        if (errorCode == _ipcMngr.ServerNotFoundErrorCode)
                            if (_fc.RestartServiceOnError)
                                if (!ServiceOps.StartServiceWithTimeout(BuildInfo.FontCacheServiceName,_fc.ServerStartTimeout))
                                    //could not start service - give up
                                break;//restart service option not set
                            break;//no point in continuing
                if (serverSectionName == null) 
                    // keep using the old cache if the new name can't be obtained (or null if there is no old cache)
                    _tryToConnect = false; 
                    return _serverCache;
                //Attempt to open the cache.  Update _serverCache if successful,
                //but keep using the old cache if there is an error. 
                ElementCacher c = OpenServerCache(serverSectionName);
                if (c != null)
                    _serverCache = c;
                    // low memory conditions, don't attempt to connect, but keep using the old cache 
                    _tryToConnect = false; 
                return _serverCache;
        internal static ElementCacher GetCurrentCache()
            ElementCacher c = _currentCache; 
            if (c == null || c.IsObsolete())
                c = RenewCache(c); 

            Debug.Assert(c != null);
            return c;

        internal static ElementCacher RenewCache(ElementCacher oldCache) 
            lock (_clientCacheLock)
                // If another thread has already updated the cache, we don't need to renew.
                if (_currentCache != oldCache)
                    return _currentCache;
                // The size of the new cache.
                int newCacheSize; 
                // Whether to copy the contents of the old cache into the new cache.
                bool copyOldCache = false; 

                if (oldCache == null)
                    newCacheSize = FontCacheConstants.InitialLocalCacheSize;
                    newCacheSize = oldCache.MaxCacheSize * FontCacheConstants.CacheGrowthFactor; 
                    if (newCacheSize > FontCacheConstants.MaximumLocalCacheSize)
                        newCacheSize = FontCacheConstants.MaximumLocalCacheSize; 
                        copyOldCache = true;
                // Current client cache either doesn't exist or it is obsolete,
                // create a new one. 
                FileMapping m = new FileMapping(); 
                m.Create(null, newCacheSize);
                ElementCacher c = new ElementCacher(m, true, false); 

                if (copyOldCache)
                    // Copy the bits from the old cache. 
                    Debug.Assert(newCacheSize > oldCache.CurrentSize);
                    c.InitFromPreviousCache(oldCache, newCacheSize); 
                // Flush the cache before exposing it, so that clients have a consistent view of it

                _currentCache = c; 

                if (oldCache != null) 
                return c;
#pragma warning restore 6518

        internal static void SaveNativeCache(ElementCacher c, IList nativeCaches) 
            int count = nativeCaches.Count; 
            if (count > 0 && c == nativeCaches[count - 1]) 
                return; // it's already stored, so don't bother

        internal static void SendMissReport(IFontCacheElement e)

        internal static void Lookup(IFontCacheElement e) 
            ElementCacher c;
            if (!e.IsAppSpecific)
                c = GetServerCache();
                if (c != null) 
                    if (c.ReadOnlyLookup(e))

                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info);
                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info); 
            c = GetCurrentCache();

            for (; ; )
                    if (!c.LookupAndAdd(e) && !e.IsAppSpecific) 
                        // send a miss report if we had to add a new element 
                catch (FontCacheFullException)
                    EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.FONTCACHELIMITGUID, EventType.Info); 
                // Cache overflow, start a new cache and attempt element construction again.
                c = RenewCache(c);

        // Private Fields                 //
        #region Private Fields

        private static object _sharedCacheLock = new object();
        private static FontCacheConfig _fc = null;
        private static IPCCacheManager _ipcMngr = null; 

        private static volatile ElementCacher _serverCache; 

        // this will be set to false if we decide that FontCacheService is in a bad state
        private static volatile bool _tryToConnect = true;
        // client cache
        private static object _clientCacheLock = new object(); 
        private static volatile ElementCacher _currentCache;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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