/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Base / System / Windows / Input / TraversalRequest.cs / 1 / TraversalRequest.cs
using System; namespace System.Windows.Input { ////// Represents a request to an element to move focus to another control. /// [Serializable()] public class TraversalRequest { ////// Constructor that requests passing FocusNavigationDirection /// /// Type of focus traversal to perform public TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection) { if (focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Next && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Previous && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.First && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Last && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Left && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Right && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Up && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Down) { throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("focusNavigationDirection", (int)focusNavigationDirection, typeof(FocusNavigationDirection)); } _focusNavigationDirection = focusNavigationDirection; } ////// true if reached the end of child elements that should have focus /// public bool Wrapped { get{return _wrapped;} set{_wrapped = value;} } ////// Determine how to move the focus /// public FocusNavigationDirection FocusNavigationDirection { get { return _focusNavigationDirection; } } private bool _wrapped; private FocusNavigationDirection _focusNavigationDirection; } ////// Determine how to move the focus /// public enum FocusNavigationDirection { ////// Move the focus to the next Control in Tab order. /// Next, ////// Move the focus to the previous Control in Tab order. Shift+Tab /// Previous, ////// Move the focus to the first Control in Tab order inside the subtree. /// First, ////// Move the focus to the last Control in Tab order inside the subtree. /// Last, ////// Move the focus to the left. /// Left, ////// Move the focus to the right. /// Right, ////// Move the focus to the up. /// Up, ////// Move the focus to the down. /// Down, // If you add a new value you should also add a validation check to TraversalRequest constructor } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; namespace System.Windows.Input { ////// Represents a request to an element to move focus to another control. /// [Serializable()] public class TraversalRequest { ////// Constructor that requests passing FocusNavigationDirection /// /// Type of focus traversal to perform public TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection) { if (focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Next && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Previous && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.First && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Last && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Left && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Right && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Up && focusNavigationDirection != FocusNavigationDirection.Down) { throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("focusNavigationDirection", (int)focusNavigationDirection, typeof(FocusNavigationDirection)); } _focusNavigationDirection = focusNavigationDirection; } ////// true if reached the end of child elements that should have focus /// public bool Wrapped { get{return _wrapped;} set{_wrapped = value;} } ////// Determine how to move the focus /// public FocusNavigationDirection FocusNavigationDirection { get { return _focusNavigationDirection; } } private bool _wrapped; private FocusNavigationDirection _focusNavigationDirection; } ////// Determine how to move the focus /// public enum FocusNavigationDirection { ////// Move the focus to the next Control in Tab order. /// Next, ////// Move the focus to the previous Control in Tab order. Shift+Tab /// Previous, ////// Move the focus to the first Control in Tab order inside the subtree. /// First, ////// Move the focus to the last Control in Tab order inside the subtree. /// Last, ////// Move the focus to the left. /// Left, ////// Move the focus to the right. /// Right, ////// Move the focus to the up. /// Up, ////// Move the focus to the down. /// Down, // If you add a new value you should also add a validation check to TraversalRequest constructor } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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