/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / StringSorter.cs / 1 / StringSorter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System.Threading; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using System.Globalization; ////// /// /// internal sealed class StringSorter { ////// This class provides methods to perform locale based comparison of strings /// and sorting of arrays. /// ////// /// Ignore case when comparing two strings. When this flag is specified in /// calls to compare() and sort(), two strings are considered equal if they /// differ only in casing. /// public const int IgnoreCase = 0x00000001; ////// /// Do not differentiate between Hiragana and Katakana characters. When this /// flag is specified in calls to compare() and sort(), corresponding /// Hiragana and Katakana characters compare as equal. /// public const int IgnoreKanaType = 0x00010000; ////// /// Ignore nonspacing marks (accents, diacritics, and vowel marks). When /// this flag is specified in calls to compare() and sort(), strings compare /// as equal if they differ only in how characters are accented. /// public const int IgnoreNonSpace = 0x00000002; ////// /// Ignore symbols. When this flag is specified in calls to compare() and /// sort(), strings compare as equal if they differ only in what symbol /// characters they contain. /// public const int IgnoreSymbols = 0x00000004; ////// /// Ignore character widths. When this flag is specified in calls to /// compare() and sort(), string comparisons do not differentiate between a /// single-ubyte character and the same character as a double-ubyte character. /// public const int IgnoreWidth = 0x00020000; ////// /// Treat punctuation the same as symbols. Typically, strings are compared /// using what is called a "word sort" technique. In a word sort, all /// punctuation marks and other nonalphanumeric characters, except for the /// hyphen and the apostrophe, come before any alphanumeric character. The /// hyphen and the apostrophe are treated differently than the other /// nonalphanumeric symbols, in order to ensure that words such as "coop" /// and "co-op" stay together within a sorted list. If the STRINGSORT flag /// is specified, strings are compared using what is called a "string sort" /// technique. In a string sort, the hyphen and apostrophe are treated just /// like any other nonalphanumeric symbols: they come before the /// alphanumeric symbols. /// public const int StringSort = 0x00001000; ////// /// Descending sort. When this flag is specified in a call to sort(), the /// strings are sorted in descending order. This flag should not be used in /// calls to compare(). /// public const int Descending = unchecked((int)0x80000000); private const int CompareOptions = IgnoreCase | IgnoreKanaType | IgnoreNonSpace | IgnoreSymbols | IgnoreWidth | StringSort; private string[] keys; private object[] items; private int lcid; private int options; private bool descending; ////// /// Constructs a StringSorter. Instances are created by the sort() routines, /// but never by the user. /// private StringSorter(CultureInfo culture, string[] keys, object[] items, int options) { if (keys == null) { if (items is string[]) { keys = (string[])items; items = null; } else { keys = new string[items.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { object item = items[i]; if (item != null) keys[i] = item.ToString(); } } } this.keys = keys; this.items = items; this.lcid = culture == null? SafeNativeMethods.GetThreadLocale(): culture.LCID; this.options = options & CompareOptions; this.descending = (options & Descending) != 0; } ////// /// ///internal static int ArrayLength(object[] array) { if (array == null) return 0; else return array.Length; } /// /// /// Compares two strings using the default locale and no additional string /// comparison flags. /// public static int Compare(string s1, string s2) { return Compare(SafeNativeMethods.GetThreadLocale(), s1, s2, 0); } ////// /// Compares two strings using the default locale with the given set of /// string comparison flags. /// public static int Compare(string s1, string s2, int options) { return Compare(SafeNativeMethods.GetThreadLocale(), s1, s2, options); } ////// /// Compares two strings using a given locale and a given set of comparison /// flags. If the two strings are of different lengths, they are compared up /// to the length of the shortest one. If they are equal to that point, then /// the return value will indicate that the longer string is greater. Notice /// that if the return value is 0, the two strings are "equal" in the /// collation sense, though not necessarily identical. /// A public static int Compare(CultureInfo culture, string s1, string s2, int options) { return Compare(culture.LCID, s1, s2, options); } ///string always sorts before a non-null string. Two /// strings are considered equal. /// The parameter is a combination of zero or more of /// the following flags: IGNORECASE
. ////// /// ///private static int Compare(int lcid, string s1, string s2, int options) { if (s1 == null) return s2 == null? 0: -1; if (s2 == null) return 1; return String.Compare(s1, s2, false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } /// /// /// ///private int CompareKeys(string s1, string s2) { int result = Compare(lcid, s1, s2, options); return descending? -result: result; } /// /// /// Implementation of Quicksort algorithm. Within the outer ///do
/// loop, the method recurses on the shorter side and loops on the longer /// side. This bounds the recursive depth by log2(n) in the worst case. /// Otherwise, worst case recursive depth would be n. ///private void QuickSort(int left, int right) { do { int i = left; int j = right; string s = keys[(i + j) >> 1]; do { while (CompareKeys(keys[i], s) < 0) i++; while (CompareKeys(s, keys[j]) < 0) j--; if (i > j) break; if (i < j) { string key = keys[i]; keys[i] = keys[j]; keys[j] = key; if (items != null) { object item = items[i]; items[i] = items[j]; items[j] = item; } } i++; j--; } while (i <= j); if (j - left <= right - i) { if (left < j) QuickSort(left, j); left = i; } else { if (i < right) QuickSort(i, right); right = j; } } while (left < right); } /// /// /// Sorts an object array based on the string representation of the /// elements. If the public static void Sort(object[] items) { Sort(null, null, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), 0); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, the ///toString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the default locale. ////// /// Sorts a range in an object array based on the string representation of /// the elements. If the public static void Sort(object[] items, int index, int count) { Sort(null, null, items, index, count, 0); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, /// thetoString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the default locale. ////// /// Sorts a string array and an object array based on the elements of the /// string array. The arrays are sorted using the default locale. /// public static void Sort(string[] keys, object[] items) { Sort(null, keys, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), 0); } ////// /// Sorts a range in a string array and a range in an object array based on /// the elements of the string array. The arrays are sorted using the /// default locale. /// public static void Sort(string[] keys, object[] items, int index, int count) { Sort(null, keys, items, index, count, 0); } ////// /// Sorts an object array based on the string representation of the /// elements. If the public static void Sort(object[] items, int options) { Sort(null, null, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), options); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, the ///toString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the default locale and the given sorting /// options. ////// /// Sorts a range in an object array based on the string representation of /// the elements. If the public static void Sort(object[] items, int index, int count, int options) { Sort(null, null, items, index, count, options); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, /// thetoString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the default locale and the given sorting /// options. ////// /// Sorts a string array and an object array based on the elements of the /// string array. The arrays are sorted using the default locale and the /// given sorting options. /// public static void Sort(string[] keys, object[] items, int options) { Sort(null, keys, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), options); } ////// /// Sorts a range in a string array and a range in an object array based on /// the elements of the string array. The arrays are sorted using the /// default locale and the given sorting options. /// public static void Sort(string[] keys, object[] items, int index, int count, int options) { Sort(null, keys, items, index, count, options); } ////// /// Sorts an object array based on the string representation of the /// elements. If the public static void Sort(CultureInfo culture, object[] items, int options) { Sort(culture, null, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), options); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, the ///toString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the given locale and the given sorting /// options. ////// /// Sorts a range in an object array based on the string representation of /// the elements. If the public static void Sort(CultureInfo culture, object[] items, int index, int count, int options) { Sort(culture, null, items, index, count, options); } ///items
parameter is not a string array, /// thetoString
method of each of the elements is called to /// produce the string representation. The objects are then sorted by their /// string representations using the given locale and the given sorting /// options. ////// /// Sorts a string array and an object array based on the elements of the /// string array. The arrays are sorted using the given locale and the /// given sorting options. /// public static void Sort(CultureInfo culture, string[] keys, object[] items, int options) { Sort(culture, keys, items, 0, ArrayLength(items), options); } ////// /// Sorts a range in a string array and a range in an object array based on /// the elements of the string array. Elements in the public static void Sort(CultureInfo culture, string[] keys, object[] items, int index, int count, int options) { // keys and items have to be the same length // if ((items == null) || ((keys != null) && (keys.Length != items.Length))) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ArraysNotSameSize, "keys", "items")); if (count > 1) { StringSorter sorter = new StringSorter(culture, keys, items, options); sorter.QuickSort(index, index + count - 1); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.keys
/// array specify the sort keys for corresponding elements in the ///items
array. The range of elements given by the ///index
parameters is sorted in both /// arrays according to the given locale and sorting options. /// If thekeys
parameter isnull
, the sort keys /// are instead computed by calling thetoString
method of each /// element in theitems
array. ///null
keys always sort before a non-null keys. /// Theoptions
parameter is a combination of zero or more of /// the following flags:IGNORECASE
. ///
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