/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / PropertyGridInternal / MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry.cs / 1 / MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry.cs
/* */ namespace System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal { using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using Microsoft.Win32; internal class MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry : PropertyDescriptorGridEntry { private MergePropertyDescriptor mergedPd; private object[] objs; [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors") // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete // control over who does what in the constructor. ] public MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry(PropertyGrid ownerGrid, GridEntry peParent, object[] objectArray, PropertyDescriptor[] propInfo, bool hide) : base (ownerGrid, peParent, hide) { mergedPd = new MergePropertyDescriptor(propInfo); this.objs = objectArray; base.Initialize(mergedPd); } public override IContainer Container { get { IContainer c = null; foreach (object o in objs) { IComponent comp = o as IComponent; if (comp == null) { c = null; break; } if (comp.Site != null) { if (c == null) { c = comp.Site.Container; continue; } else if (c == comp.Site.Container) { continue; } } c = null; break; } return c; } } public override bool Expandable { get { bool fExpandable = GetFlagSet(FL_EXPANDABLE); if (fExpandable && ChildCollection.Count > 0) { return true; } if (GetFlagSet(FL_EXPANDABLE_FAILED)) { return false; } try { foreach (object o in mergedPd.GetValues(objs)) { if (o == null) { fExpandable = false; break; } } } catch { fExpandable = false; } return fExpandable; } } public override object PropertyValue{ set { base.PropertyValue = value; RecreateChildren(); if (Expanded) GridEntryHost.Refresh(false); } } protected override bool CreateChildren() { return CreateChildren(false); } protected override bool CreateChildren(bool diffOldChildren) { try { if (mergedPd.PropertyType.IsValueType || (Flags & GridEntry.FLAG_IMMUTABLE) != 0) { return base.CreateChildren(diffOldChildren); } ChildCollection.Clear(); MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry[] mergedProps = MultiSelectRootGridEntry.PropertyMerger.GetMergedProperties(mergedPd.GetValues(objs), this, this.PropertySort, this.CurrentTab); Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DebugGridView.TraceVerbose && mergedProps == null, "PropertyGridView: MergedProps returned null!"); if (mergedProps != null) { ChildCollection.AddRange(mergedProps); } bool fExpandable = this.Children.Count > 0; if (!fExpandable) { SetFlag(GridEntry.FL_EXPANDABLE_FAILED,true); } return fExpandable; } catch { return false; } } public override object GetChildValueOwner(GridEntry childEntry) { if (mergedPd.PropertyType.IsValueType || (Flags & GridEntry.FLAG_IMMUTABLE) != 0) { return base.GetChildValueOwner(childEntry); } return mergedPd.GetValues(objs); } public override IComponent[] GetComponents() { IComponent[] temp = new IComponent[objs.Length]; Array.Copy(objs, 0, temp, 0, objs.Length); return temp; } ////// /// Returns the text value of this property. /// public override string GetPropertyTextValue(object value) { bool allEqual = true; try{ if (value == null && mergedPd.GetValue(objs, out allEqual) == null) { if (!allEqual) { return ""; } } } catch{ return ""; } return base.GetPropertyTextValue(value); } internal override bool NotifyChildValue(GridEntry pe, int type) { bool success = false; IDesignerHost host = DesignerHost; DesignerTransaction trans = null; if (host != null) { trans = host.CreateTransaction(); } try { success = base.NotifyChildValue(pe, type); } finally { if (trans != null) { trans.Commit(); } } return success; } protected override void NotifyParentChange(GridEntry ge) { // now see if we need to notify the parent(s) up the chain while (ge != null && ge is PropertyDescriptorGridEntry && ((PropertyDescriptorGridEntry)ge).propertyInfo.Attributes.Contains(NotifyParentPropertyAttribute.Yes)) { // find the next parent property with a differnet value owner object owner = ge.GetValueOwner(); // find the next property descriptor with a different parent while (!(ge is PropertyDescriptorGridEntry) || OwnersEqual(owner, ge.GetValueOwner())) { ge = ge.ParentGridEntry; if (ge == null) { break; } } // fire the change on that owner if (ge != null) { owner = ge.GetValueOwner(); IComponentChangeService changeService = ComponentChangeService; if (changeService != null) { Array ownerArray = owner as Array; if (ownerArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ownerArray.Length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor pd = ((PropertyDescriptorGridEntry)ge).propertyInfo;; if (pd is MergePropertyDescriptor) { pd = ((MergePropertyDescriptor)pd)[i]; } if (pd != null) { changeService.OnComponentChanging(ownerArray.GetValue(i), pd); changeService.OnComponentChanged(ownerArray.GetValue(i), pd, null, null); } } } else { changeService.OnComponentChanging(owner, ((PropertyDescriptorGridEntry)ge).propertyInfo); changeService.OnComponentChanged(owner, ((PropertyDescriptorGridEntry)ge).propertyInfo, null, null); } } } } } internal override bool NotifyValueGivenParent(object obj, int type) { if (obj is ICustomTypeDescriptor) { obj = ((ICustomTypeDescriptor)obj).GetPropertyOwner(propertyInfo); } switch (type) { case NOTIFY_RESET: object[] objects = (object[])obj; if (objects != null && objects.Length > 0) { IDesignerHost host = DesignerHost; DesignerTransaction trans = null; if (host != null) { trans = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridResetValue, this.PropertyName)); } try { bool needChangeNotify = !(objects[0] is IComponent) || ((IComponent)objects[0]).Site == null; if (needChangeNotify) { if (!OnComponentChanging()) { if (trans != null) { trans.Cancel(); trans = null; } return false; } } this.mergedPd.ResetValue(obj); if (needChangeNotify) { OnComponentChanged(); } NotifyParentChange(this); } finally { if (trans != null) { trans.Commit(); } } } return false; case NOTIFY_DBL_CLICK: case NOTIFY_RETURN: Debug.Assert(propertyInfo is MergePropertyDescriptor, "Did not get a MergePropertyDescriptor!!!"); Debug.Assert(obj is object[], "Did not get an array of objects!!"); MergePropertyDescriptor mpd = propertyInfo as MergePropertyDescriptor; if (mpd != null) { object[] objs = (object[])obj; if (eventBindings == null) { eventBindings = (IEventBindingService)GetService(typeof(IEventBindingService)); } if (eventBindings != null) { EventDescriptor descriptor = eventBindings.GetEvent(mpd[0]); if (descriptor != null) { return ViewEvent(obj, null, descriptor, true); } } return false; } else { return base.NotifyValueGivenParent(obj, type); } } return base.NotifyValueGivenParent(obj, type); } private bool OwnersEqual(object owner1, object owner2) { if (!(owner1 is Array)) { return owner1 == owner2; } else { Array a1 = owner1 as Array; Array a2 = owner2 as Array; if (a1 != null && a2 != null && a1.Length == a2.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++) { if (a1.GetValue(i) != a2.GetValue(i)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } } public override bool OnComponentChanging() { if (ComponentChangeService != null) { int cLength = objs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < cLength; i++) { try { ComponentChangeService.OnComponentChanging(objs[i], mergedPd[i]); } catch (CheckoutException co) { if (co == CheckoutException.Canceled) { return false; } throw co; } } } return true; } public override void OnComponentChanged() { if (ComponentChangeService != null) { int cLength = objs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < cLength; i++) { ComponentChangeService.OnComponentChanged(objs[i], mergedPd[i], null, null); } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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