/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / Serialization / Formatters / Binary / BinaryObjectWriter.cs / 1 / BinaryObjectWriter.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================ ** ** Class: ObjectWriter ** ** ** Purpose: Serializes an object graph into XML in SOAP format ** ** ===========================================================*/ namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary { using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Cache; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; internal sealed class ObjectWriter { private Queue m_objectQueue; private ObjectIDGenerator m_idGenerator; private int m_currentId; private ISurrogateSelector m_surrogates; private StreamingContext m_context; private __BinaryWriter serWriter; private SerializationObjectManager m_objectManager; private long topId; private String topName = null; private Header[] headers; private InternalFE formatterEnums; private SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit = null; private IFormatterConverter m_formatterConverter; internal Object[] crossAppDomainArray = null; internal ArrayList internalCrossAppDomainArray = null; // XMLObjectWriter Constructor internal ObjectWriter(ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context,InternalFE formatterEnums) { m_currentId = 1; m_surrogates = selector; m_context = context; this.formatterEnums = formatterEnums; m_objectManager = new SerializationObjectManager(context); SerTrace.InfoLog( formatterEnums.FEtypeFormat +" "+ ((Enum)formatterEnums.FEserializerTypeEnum)); } // Commences the process of serializing the entire graph. // initialize the graph walker. internal void Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, bool fCheck) { SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize Entry 2 ",graph,((headers == null)?" no headers ": "headers ")); if (fCheck) { CodeAccessPermission.DemandInternal(PermissionType.SecuritySerialization); } if (graph == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graph",Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Graph")); if (serWriter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serWriter",String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_WithParamName"), "serWriter")); this.serWriter = serWriter; this.headers = inHeaders; SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize New SerializedTypeTable"); serWriter.WriteBegin(); long headerId = 0; Object obj; long objectId; bool isNew; bool bMethodCall = false; bool bMethodReturn = false; // Special case IMethodCallMessage and IMethodReturnMessage for performance IMethodCallMessage mess = graph as IMethodCallMessage; if (mess != null) { bMethodCall = true; graph = WriteMethodCall(mess); } else { IMethodReturnMessage mr = graph as IMethodReturnMessage; if (mr != null) { bMethodReturn = true; graph = WriteMethodReturn(mr); } } if (graph == null) { WriteSerializedStreamHeader(topId, headerId); if (bMethodCall) serWriter.WriteMethodCall(); else if (bMethodReturn) serWriter.WriteMethodReturn(); serWriter.WriteSerializationHeaderEnd(); serWriter.WriteEnd(); return; } // allocations if methodCall or methodResponse and no graph m_idGenerator = new ObjectIDGenerator(); m_objectQueue = new Queue(); m_formatterConverter = new FormatterConverter(); serObjectInfoInit = new SerObjectInfoInit(); topId = InternalGetId(graph, false, null, out isNew); if (headers != null) headerId = InternalGetId(headers, false, null, out isNew); else headerId = -1; WriteSerializedStreamHeader(topId, headerId); if (bMethodCall) serWriter.WriteMethodCall(); else if (bMethodReturn) serWriter.WriteMethodReturn(); SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize Schedule 0"); // Write out SerializedStream header if ((headers != null) && (headers.Length > 0)) m_objectQueue.Enqueue(headers); if (graph != null) m_objectQueue.Enqueue(graph); while ((obj = GetNext(out objectId))!=null) { SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize GetNext ",obj); WriteObjectInfo objectInfo = null; // GetNext will return either an object or a WriteObjectInfo. // A WriteObjectInfo is returned if this object was member of another object if (obj is WriteObjectInfo) { SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize GetNext recognizes WriteObjectInfo"); objectInfo = (WriteObjectInfo)obj; } else { objectInfo = WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(obj, m_surrogates, m_context, serObjectInfoInit, m_formatterConverter, this); objectInfo.assemId = GetAssemblyId(objectInfo); } objectInfo.objectId = objectId; NameInfo typeNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(objectInfo); Write(objectInfo, typeNameInfo, typeNameInfo); PutNameInfo(typeNameInfo); objectInfo.ObjectEnd(); } serWriter.WriteSerializationHeaderEnd(); serWriter.WriteEnd(); // Invoke OnSerialized Event m_objectManager.RaiseOnSerializedEvent(); SerTrace.Log( this, "Serialize Exit "); } private Object[] WriteMethodCall(IMethodCallMessage mcm) { // In header String uri = mcm.Uri; String methodName = mcm.MethodName; String typeName = mcm.TypeName; // Optional Object methodSignature = null; Object callContext = null; Object[] properties = null; // instantiation args Type[] instArgs = null; if (mcm.MethodBase.IsGenericMethod) instArgs = mcm.MethodBase.GetGenericArguments(); // args Object[] args = mcm.Args; IInternalMessage iim = mcm as IInternalMessage; // user properties (everything but special entries) if ((iim == null) || iim.HasProperties()) properties = StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage(mcm); // handle method signature if (mcm.MethodSignature != null && RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(mcm)) methodSignature = mcm.MethodSignature; // handle call context LogicalCallContext lcc = mcm.LogicalCallContext; if (lcc == null) { callContext = null; } else if (lcc.HasInfo) callContext = lcc; else { // just smuggle the call id string callContext = lcc.RemotingData.LogicalCallID; } return serWriter.WriteCallArray(uri, methodName, typeName, instArgs, args, methodSignature, callContext, properties); } private Object[] WriteMethodReturn(IMethodReturnMessage mrm) { Object returnValue = mrm.ReturnValue; Object[] args = mrm.Args; Exception exception = mrm.Exception; Object callContext; Object[] properties = null; ReturnMessage retMsg = mrm as ReturnMessage; // user properties (everything but special entries) if ((retMsg == null) || retMsg.HasProperties()) properties = StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage(mrm); // handle call context LogicalCallContext lcc = mrm.LogicalCallContext; if (lcc == null) { callContext = null; } else if (lcc.HasInfo) callContext = lcc; else { // just smuggle the call id string callContext = lcc.RemotingData.LogicalCallID; } return serWriter.WriteReturnArray(returnValue, args, exception, callContext, properties); } // returns number of entries added to argsToSerialize private static Object[] StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage(IMethodMessage msg) { ArrayList argsToSerialize = null; IDictionary properties = msg.Properties; if (properties == null) return null; MessageDictionary dict = properties as MessageDictionary; if (dict != null) { if (dict.HasUserData()) { int co = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dict.InternalDictionary) { if (argsToSerialize == null) argsToSerialize = new ArrayList(); argsToSerialize.Add(entry); co++; } return argsToSerialize.ToArray(); } else { return null; } } else { // < int co = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in properties) { if (argsToSerialize == null) argsToSerialize = new ArrayList(); argsToSerialize.Add(entry); co++; } if (argsToSerialize != null) return argsToSerialize.ToArray(); else return null; } } // StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage internal SerializationObjectManager ObjectManager { get { return m_objectManager; } } // Writes a given object to the stream. private void Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) { #if _DEBUG SerTrace.Log( this, "Write 1 Entry objectInfo ",objectInfo,", memberNameInfo ",memberNameInfo,", typeNameInfo ",typeNameInfo); memberNameInfo.Dump("Write memberNameInfo"); typeNameInfo.Dump("Write typeNameInfo"); #endif Object obj = objectInfo.obj; if (obj==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("objectInfo.obj", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Obj")); SerTrace.Log( this, "Write 1 objectInfo obj ",objectInfo.obj," objectId ", objectInfo.objectId, " objectType ", objectInfo.objectType); Type objType = objectInfo.objectType; long objectId = objectInfo.objectId; SerTrace.Log( this, "Write 1 ",obj," ObjectId ",objectId); if (objType == Converter.typeofString) { // Top level String memberNameInfo.NIobjectId = objectId; serWriter.WriteObjectString((int)objectId, obj.ToString()); } else { if (objectInfo.isArray) { WriteArray(objectInfo, memberNameInfo, null); } else { String[] memberNames; Type[] memberTypes; Object[] memberData; objectInfo.GetMemberInfo(out memberNames, out memberTypes, out memberData); // Only Binary needs to transmit types for ISerializable because the binary formatter transmits the types in URT format. // Soap transmits all types as strings, so it is up to the ISerializable object to convert the string back to its URT type if (objectInfo.isSi || CheckTypeFormat(formatterEnums.FEtypeFormat, FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways)) { SerTrace.Log( this, "Write 1 TransmitOnObject "); memberNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnObject = true; memberNameInfo.NIisParentTypeOnObject = true; typeNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnObject = true; typeNameInfo.NIisParentTypeOnObject = true; } WriteObjectInfo[] memberObjectInfos = new WriteObjectInfo[memberNames.Length]; // Get assembly information // Binary Serializer, assembly names need to be // written before objects are referenced. // GetAssemId here will write out the // assemblyStrings at the right Binary // Serialization object boundary. for (int i=0; i0) { // Array as object SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Schedule 3"); memberNameInfo.NIobjectId = arrayId; WriteObjectRef(memberNameInfo, arrayId); } else { // Nested Array serWriter.WriteMemberNested(memberNameInfo); memberObjectInfo.objectId = arrayId; memberNameInfo.NIobjectId = arrayId; WriteArray(memberObjectInfo, memberNameInfo, memberObjectInfo); objectInfo.ObjectEnd(); } SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Array Exit "); return; } if (!WriteKnownValueClass(memberNameInfo, memberTypeNameInfo, memberData)) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Object ",memberData); #if false // Value or NO_ID, need to explicitly check for IsValue because a top level // value class has an objectId of 1 /* if (memberType.IsValueType) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Value Type or NO_ID parameter"); bool isNew; memberObjectInfo.objectId = InternalGetId(outObj, assignUniqueIdToValueType, memberType, out isNew) ; NameInfo newTypeNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(memberObjectInfo); newTypeNameInfo.NIobjectId = memberObjectInfo.objectId; Write( memberObjectInfo, memberNameInfo, newTypeNameInfo); PutNameInfo(newTypeNameInfo); memberObjectInfo.ObjectEnd(); } else */ #endif { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Schedule 4 ", outType, " memberInfo ",memberObjectInfo); if (outType == null) outType = GetType(outObj); long memberObjectId = Schedule(outObj, assignUniqueIdToValueType, outType, memberObjectInfo); if (memberObjectId < 0) { // Nested object SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Nesting"); memberObjectInfo.objectId = memberObjectId; NameInfo newTypeNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(memberObjectInfo); newTypeNameInfo.NIobjectId = memberObjectId; Write(memberObjectInfo, memberNameInfo, newTypeNameInfo); PutNameInfo(newTypeNameInfo); memberObjectInfo.ObjectEnd(); } else { // Object reference memberNameInfo.NIobjectId = memberObjectId; WriteObjectRef(memberNameInfo, memberObjectId); } } } SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteMembers Exit "); } // Writes out an array private void WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteArray Entry ",objectInfo.obj," ",objectInfo.objectId); bool isAllocatedMemberNameInfo = false; if (memberNameInfo == null) { memberNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(objectInfo); isAllocatedMemberNameInfo = true; } memberNameInfo.NIisArray = true; long objectId = objectInfo.objectId; memberNameInfo.NIobjectId = objectInfo.objectId; // Get array type System.Array array = (System.Array)objectInfo.obj; //Type arrayType = array.GetType(); Type arrayType = objectInfo.objectType; // Get type of array element Type arrayElemType = arrayType.GetElementType(); WriteObjectInfo arrayElemObjectInfo = null; if (!arrayElemType.IsPrimitive) { arrayElemObjectInfo = WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(arrayElemType, m_surrogates, m_context, serObjectInfoInit, m_formatterConverter); arrayElemObjectInfo.assemId = GetAssemblyId(arrayElemObjectInfo); } NameInfo arrayElemTypeNameInfo = null; if (arrayElemObjectInfo == null) arrayElemTypeNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(arrayElemType); else arrayElemTypeNameInfo = TypeToNameInfo(arrayElemObjectInfo); arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NIisArray = arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NItype.IsArray; NameInfo arrayNameInfo = memberNameInfo; arrayNameInfo.NIobjectId = objectId; arrayNameInfo.NIisArray = true; arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NIobjectId = objectId; arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnMember = memberNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnMember; arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnObject = memberNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnObject; arrayElemTypeNameInfo.NIisParentTypeOnObject = memberNameInfo.NIisParentTypeOnObject; // Get rank and length information int rank = array.Rank; int[] lengthA = new int[rank]; int[] lowerBoundA = new int[rank]; int[] upperBoundA = new int[rank]; for (int i=0; i -1; irank--) { // Find the current or lower dimension which can be incremented. if (currentA[irank] < maxA[irank]-1) { // The current dimension is at maximum. Increase the next lower dimension by 1 currentA[irank]++; if (irank < rank-1) { // The current dimension and higher dimensions are zeroed. for (int i = irank+1; i 0) { if (objectInfo == null) m_objectQueue.Enqueue(obj); else m_objectQueue.Enqueue(objectInfo); } SerTrace.Log( this, "Schedule Exit, id: ",id," isNew: ",isNew); return id; } // Determines if a type is a primitive type, if it is it is written private bool WriteKnownValueClass(NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo, Object data) { #if _DEBUG SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteKnownValueClass Entry ",typeNameInfo.NIname," ",data," ",memberNameInfo.NIname); memberNameInfo.Dump("WriteKnownValueClass memberNameInfo"); typeNameInfo.Dump("WriteKnownValueClass typeNameInfo"); #endif if (typeNameInfo.NItype == Converter.typeofString) { WriteString(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo, data); } else { if (typeNameInfo.NIprimitiveTypeEnum == InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteKnownValueClass Exit false"); return false; } else { if (typeNameInfo.NIisArray) // null if an array serWriter.WriteItem(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo, data); else { serWriter.WriteMember(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo, data); } } } SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteKnownValueClass Exit true"); return true; } // Writes an object reference to the stream. private void WriteObjectRef(NameInfo nameInfo, long objectId) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteObjectRef Entry ",nameInfo.NIname," ",objectId); serWriter.WriteMemberObjectRef(nameInfo, (int)objectId); SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteObjectRef Exit "); } // Writes a string into the XML stream private void WriteString(NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo, Object stringObject) { SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteString stringObject ",stringObject," memberName ",memberNameInfo.NIname); bool isFirstTime = true; long stringId = -1; if (!CheckTypeFormat(formatterEnums.FEtypeFormat, FormatterTypeStyle.XsdString)) stringId= InternalGetId(stringObject, false, null, out isFirstTime); typeNameInfo.NIobjectId = stringId; SerTrace.Log( this, "WriteString stringId ",stringId," isFirstTime ",isFirstTime); if ((isFirstTime) || (stringId < 0)) serWriter.WriteMemberString(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo, (String)stringObject); else WriteObjectRef(memberNameInfo, stringId); } // Writes a null member into the stream private bool CheckForNull(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo, Object data) { #if _DEBUG SerTrace.Log( this, "CheckForNull Entry data ",Util.PString(data),", memberType ",Util.PString(typeNameInfo.NItype)); #endif bool isNull = false; if (data == null) // || Convert.IsDBNull(data) isNull = true; // Optimization, Null members are only written for Binary if ((isNull) && (((formatterEnums.FEserializerTypeEnum == InternalSerializerTypeE.Binary)) || memberNameInfo.NIisArrayItem || memberNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnObject || memberNameInfo.NItransmitTypeOnMember || objectInfo.isSi || (CheckTypeFormat(formatterEnums.FEtypeFormat, FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways)))) { SerTrace.Log( this, "CheckForNull Write"); if (typeNameInfo.NIisArrayItem) { if (typeNameInfo.NIarrayEnum == InternalArrayTypeE.Single) serWriter.WriteDelayedNullItem(); else serWriter.WriteNullItem(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo); } else serWriter.WriteNullMember(memberNameInfo, typeNameInfo); } SerTrace.Log( this, "CheckForNull Exit ",isNull); return isNull; } // Writes the SerializedStreamHeader private void WriteSerializedStreamHeader(long topId, long headerId) { serWriter.WriteSerializationHeader((int)topId, (int)headerId, 1, 0); } // Transforms a type to the serialized string form. URT Primitive types are converted to XMLData Types private NameInfo TypeToNameInfo(Type type, WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, InternalPrimitiveTypeE code, NameInfo nameInfo) { SerTrace.Log( this, "TypeToNameInfo Entry type ",type,", objectInfo ",objectInfo,", code ", ((Enum)code).ToString()); if (nameInfo == null) nameInfo = GetNameInfo(); else nameInfo.Init(); if (code == InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid) { if (objectInfo != null) { nameInfo.NIname = objectInfo.GetTypeFullName(); nameInfo.NIassemId = objectInfo.assemId; } } nameInfo.NIprimitiveTypeEnum = code; nameInfo.NItype = type; SerTrace.Log( this, "TypeToNameInfo Exit ",type, " typeName "+nameInfo.NIname); return nameInfo; } private NameInfo TypeToNameInfo(Type type) { return TypeToNameInfo(type, null, ToCode(type), null); } private NameInfo TypeToNameInfo(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo) { return TypeToNameInfo(objectInfo.objectType, objectInfo, ToCode(objectInfo.objectType), null); } private NameInfo TypeToNameInfo(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo nameInfo) { return TypeToNameInfo(objectInfo.objectType, objectInfo, ToCode(objectInfo.objectType), nameInfo); } private void TypeToNameInfo(Type type, NameInfo nameInfo) { TypeToNameInfo(type, null, ToCode(type), nameInfo); } private NameInfo MemberToNameInfo(String name) { NameInfo memberNameInfo = GetNameInfo(); memberNameInfo.NIname = name; return memberNameInfo; } Type previousType = null; InternalPrimitiveTypeE previousCode = InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid; internal InternalPrimitiveTypeE ToCode(Type type) { if (previousType == type) { return previousCode; } else { InternalPrimitiveTypeE code = Converter.ToCode(type); if (code != InternalPrimitiveTypeE.Invalid) { previousType = type; previousCode = code; } return code; } } private Hashtable assemblyToIdTable = null; private long GetAssemblyId(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo) { //use objectInfo to get assembly string with new criteria SerTrace.Log( this, "GetAssemblyId Entry ",objectInfo.objectType," isSi ",objectInfo.isSi); if (assemblyToIdTable == null) assemblyToIdTable = new Hashtable(5); long assemId = 0; bool isNew = false; String assemblyString = objectInfo.GetAssemblyString(); String serializedAssemblyString = assemblyString; if (assemblyString.Length == 0) { assemId = 0; } else if (assemblyString.Equals(Converter.urtAssemblyString)) { // Urt type is an assemId of 0. No assemblyString needs // to be sent SerTrace.Log( this, "GetAssemblyId urt Assembly String "); assemId = 0; } else { // Assembly needs to be sent // Need to prefix assembly string to separate the string names from the // assemblyName string names. That is a string can have the same value // as an assemblyNameString, but it is serialized differently if (assemblyToIdTable.ContainsKey(assemblyString)) { assemId = (long)assemblyToIdTable[assemblyString]; isNew = false; } else { assemId = InternalGetId("___AssemblyString___"+assemblyString, false, null, out isNew); assemblyToIdTable[assemblyString] = assemId; } serWriter.WriteAssembly(objectInfo.GetTypeFullName(), objectInfo.objectType, serializedAssemblyString, (int)assemId, isNew, false); } SerTrace.Log( this, "GetAssemblyId Exit id ",assemId," isNew ",isNew," assemblyString ",serializedAssemblyString); return assemId; } private Type GetType(Object obj) { Type type = null; if (RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(obj)) type = Converter.typeofMarshalByRefObject; else type = obj.GetType(); return type; } private SerStack niPool = new SerStack("NameInfo Pool"); private NameInfo GetNameInfo() { NameInfo nameInfo = null; if (!niPool.IsEmpty()) { nameInfo = (NameInfo)niPool.Pop(); nameInfo.Init(); } else nameInfo = new NameInfo(); return nameInfo; } private bool CheckTypeFormat(FormatterTypeStyle test, FormatterTypeStyle want) { return(test & want) == want; } private void PutNameInfo(NameInfo nameInfo) { niPool.Push(nameInfo); } } }
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