/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / Remoting / ObjRef.cs / 1 / ObjRef.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================ ** ** File: ObjRef.cs ** ** ** Purpose: Defines the marshaled object reference class and related ** classes ** ** ** ===========================================================*/ namespace System.Runtime.Remoting { using System; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Permissions; using Win32Native = Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Globalization; //** Purpose: Interface for providing type information. Users can use this //** interface to provide custom type information which is carried //** along with the ObjRef. [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public interface IRemotingTypeInfo { // Return the fully qualified type name String TypeName { [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] get; [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] set; } // Check whether the given type can be cast to the type this // interface represents [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] bool CanCastTo(Type fromType, Object o); } //** Purpose: Interface for providing channel information. Users can use this //** interface to provide custom channel information which is carried //** along with the ObjRef. [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public interface IChannelInfo { // Get/Set the channel data for each channel Object[] ChannelData { [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] get; [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] set; } } //** Purpose: Interface for providing envoy information. Users can use this //** interface to provide custom envoy information which is carried //** along with the ObjRef. [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public interface IEnvoyInfo { // Get/Set the envoy sinks IMessageSink EnvoySinks { [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] get; [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] set; } } [Serializable] internal class TypeInfo : IRemotingTypeInfo { private String serverType; private String[] serverHierarchy; private String[] interfacesImplemented; // Return the fully qualified type name public virtual String TypeName { get { return serverType;} set { serverType = value;} } // Check whether the given type can be cast to the type this // interface represents public virtual bool CanCastTo(Type castType, Object o) { if (null != castType) { // check for System.Object and MBRO since those aren't included in the // heirarchy if ((castType == typeof(MarshalByRefObject)) || (castType == typeof(System.Object))) { return true; } else if (castType.IsInterface) { if (interfacesImplemented != null) return CanCastTo(castType, InterfacesImplemented); else return false; } else if (castType.IsMarshalByRef) { if (CompareTypes(castType, serverType)) return true; if ((serverHierarchy != null) && CanCastTo(castType, ServerHierarchy)) return true; } } return false; } internal static String GetQualifiedTypeName(Type type) { if (type == null) return null; return RemotingServices.GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName(type); } internal static bool ParseTypeAndAssembly(String typeAndAssembly, out String typeName, out String assemName) { if (typeAndAssembly == null) { typeName = null; assemName = null; return false; } int index = typeAndAssembly.IndexOf(','); if (index == -1) { typeName = typeAndAssembly; assemName = null; return true; } // type name is everything up to the first comma typeName = typeAndAssembly.Substring(0, index); // assembly name is the rest assemName = typeAndAssembly.Substring(index + 1).Trim(); return true; } // ParseTypeAndAssembly internal TypeInfo(Type typeOfObj) { ServerType = GetQualifiedTypeName(typeOfObj); // Compute the length of the server hierarchy Type currType = typeOfObj.BaseType; // typeOfObj is the root of all classes, but not included in the hierarachy. Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::TypeInfo: Determining length of server heirarchy\n"); int hierarchyLen = 0; while ((currType != typeof(MarshalByRefObject)) && (currType != null)) { currType = currType.BaseType; hierarchyLen++; } // Allocate an array big enough to store the hierarchy Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::TypeInfo: Determined length of server heirarchy\n"); String[] serverHierarchy = null; if (hierarchyLen > 0) { serverHierarchy = new String[hierarchyLen]; currType = typeOfObj.BaseType; for (int i = 0; i < hierarchyLen; i++) { serverHierarchy[i] = GetQualifiedTypeName(currType); currType = currType.BaseType; } } this.ServerHierarchy = serverHierarchy; Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::TypeInfo: Getting implemented interfaces\n"); // Set the interfaces implemented Type[] interfaces = typeOfObj.GetInterfaces(); String[] interfaceNames = null; // If the requested type itself is an interface we should add that to the // interfaces list as well bool isInterface = typeOfObj.IsInterface; if (interfaces.Length > 0 || isInterface) { interfaceNames = new String[interfaces.Length + (isInterface ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++) { interfaceNames[i] = GetQualifiedTypeName(interfaces[i]); } if (isInterface) interfaceNames[interfaceNames.Length - 1] = GetQualifiedTypeName(typeOfObj); } this.InterfacesImplemented = interfaceNames; } // TypeInfo internal String ServerType { get { return serverType; } set { serverType = value; } } private String[] ServerHierarchy { get { return serverHierarchy;} set { serverHierarchy = value;} } private String[] InterfacesImplemented { get { return interfacesImplemented;} set { interfacesImplemented = value;} } private bool CompareTypes(Type type1, String type2) { Type type = RemotingServices.InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(type2); return type1 == type; } private bool CanCastTo(Type castType, String[] types) { bool fCastOK = false; // Run through the type names and see if there is a // matching type if (null != castType) { for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { if (CompareTypes(castType,types[i])) { fCastOK = true; break; } } } Message.DebugOut("CanCastTo returning " + fCastOK + " for type " + castType.FullName + "\n"); return fCastOK; } } [Serializable] internal class DynamicTypeInfo : TypeInfo { internal DynamicTypeInfo(Type typeOfObj) : base(typeOfObj) { } public override bool CanCastTo(Type castType, Object o) { // < return((MarshalByRefObject)o).IsInstanceOfType(castType); } } [Serializable] internal sealed class ChannelInfo : IChannelInfo { private Object[] channelData; internal ChannelInfo() { ChannelData = ChannelServices.CurrentChannelData; } public Object[] ChannelData { get { return channelData; } set { channelData = value; } } } [Serializable] internal sealed class EnvoyInfo : IEnvoyInfo { private IMessageSink envoySinks; internal static IEnvoyInfo CreateEnvoyInfo(ServerIdentity serverID) { IEnvoyInfo info = null; if (null != serverID) { // Set the envoy sink chain if (serverID.EnvoyChain == null) { // < serverID.RaceSetEnvoyChain( serverID.ServerContext.CreateEnvoyChain( serverID.TPOrObject)); } // Create an envoy info object only if necessary IMessageSink sink = serverID.EnvoyChain as EnvoyTerminatorSink; if(null == sink) { // The chain consists of more than a terminator sink // Go ahead and create an envoy info structure, otherwise // a null is returned and we recreate the terminator sink // on the other side, automatically. info = new EnvoyInfo(serverID.EnvoyChain); } } return info; } private EnvoyInfo(IMessageSink sinks) { BCLDebug.Assert(null != sinks, "null != sinks"); EnvoySinks = sinks; } public IMessageSink EnvoySinks { get { return envoySinks;} set { envoySinks = value;} } } [Serializable] [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public class ObjRef : IObjectReference, ISerializable { // This flag is used to distinguish between the case where // an actual object was marshaled as compared to the case // where someone wants to pass the ObjRef itself to a remote call internal const int FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT = 0x00000001; // This flag is used to mark a wellknown objRef (i.e. result // of marshaling a proxy that was obtained through a Connect call) internal const int FLG_WELLKNOWN_OBJREF = 0x00000002; // This flag is used for a lightweight Object Reference. It is sent to those clients // which are not interested in receiving a full-fledged ObjRef. An example // of such a client will be a mobile device with hard memory and processing // constraints. // NOTE: In this case ALL the fields EXCEPT the uri/flags field are NULL. internal const int FLG_LITE_OBJREF = 0x00000004; internal const int FLG_PROXY_ATTRIBUTE = 0x00000008; // //If you change the fields here, you must all change them in //RemotingSurrogate::GetObjectData // internal String uri; internal IRemotingTypeInfo typeInfo; internal IEnvoyInfo envoyInfo; internal IChannelInfo channelInfo; internal int objrefFlags; internal GCHandle srvIdentity; internal int domainID; internal void SetServerIdentity(GCHandle hndSrvIdentity) { srvIdentity = hndSrvIdentity; } internal GCHandle GetServerIdentity() { return srvIdentity; } internal void SetDomainID(int id) { domainID = id; } internal int GetDomainID() { return domainID; } // Static fields private static Type orType = typeof(ObjRef); // shallow copy constructor used for smuggling. private ObjRef(ObjRef o) { BCLDebug.Assert(o.GetType() == typeof(ObjRef), "this should be just an ObjRef"); uri = o.uri; typeInfo = o.typeInfo; envoyInfo = o.envoyInfo; channelInfo = o.channelInfo; objrefFlags = o.objrefFlags; SetServerIdentity(o.GetServerIdentity()); SetDomainID(o.GetDomainID()); } // ObjRef public ObjRef(MarshalByRefObject o, Type requestedType) { bool fServer; Identity id = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(o, out fServer); Init(o, id, requestedType); } protected ObjRef(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { String url = null; // an objref lite url bool bFoundFIsMarshalled = false; SerializationInfoEnumerator e = info.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Name.Equals("uri")) { uri = (String) e.Value; } else if (e.Name.Equals("typeInfo")) { typeInfo = (IRemotingTypeInfo) e.Value; } else if (e.Name.Equals("envoyInfo")) { envoyInfo = (IEnvoyInfo) e.Value; } else if (e.Name.Equals("channelInfo")) { channelInfo = (IChannelInfo) e.Value; } else if (e.Name.Equals("objrefFlags")) { Object o = e.Value; if(o.GetType() == typeof(String)) { objrefFlags = ((IConvertible)o).ToInt32(null); } else { objrefFlags = (int)o; } } else if (e.Name.Equals("fIsMarshalled")) { int value; Object o = e.Value; if(o.GetType() == typeof(String)) value = ((IConvertible)o).ToInt32(null); else value = (int)o; if (value == 0) bFoundFIsMarshalled = true; } else if (e.Name.Equals("url")) { url = (String)e.Value; } else if (e.Name.Equals("SrvIdentity")) { SetServerIdentity((GCHandle)e.Value); } else if (e.Name.Equals("DomainId")) { SetDomainID((int)e.Value); } } if (!bFoundFIsMarshalled) { // This ObjRef was not passed as a parameter, so we need to unmarshal it. objrefFlags |= FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT; } else objrefFlags &= ~FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT; // If only url is present, then it is an ObjRefLite. if (url != null) { uri = url; objrefFlags |= FLG_LITE_OBJREF; } } // ObjRef .ctor internal bool CanSmuggle() { // make sure this isn't a derived class or an ObjRefLite if ((this.GetType() != typeof(ObjRef)) || IsObjRefLite()) return false; Type typeOfTypeInfo = null; if (typeInfo != null) typeOfTypeInfo = typeInfo.GetType(); Type typeOfChannelInfo = null; if (channelInfo != null) typeOfChannelInfo = channelInfo.GetType(); if (((typeOfTypeInfo == null) || (typeOfTypeInfo == typeof(TypeInfo)) || (typeOfTypeInfo == typeof(DynamicTypeInfo))) && (envoyInfo == null) && ((typeOfChannelInfo == null) || (typeOfChannelInfo == typeof(ChannelInfo)))) { if (channelInfo != null) { foreach (Object channelData in channelInfo.ChannelData) { // Only consider CrossAppDomainData smuggleable. if (!(channelData is CrossAppDomainData)) { return false; } } } return true; } else { return false; } } // CanSmuggle internal ObjRef CreateSmuggleableCopy() { BCLDebug.Assert(CanSmuggle(), "Caller should have made sure that CanSmuggle() was true first."); return new ObjRef(this); } // CreateSmuggleableCopy [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } info.SetType(orType); if(!IsObjRefLite()) { info.AddValue("uri", uri, typeof(String)); info.AddValue("objrefFlags", (int) objrefFlags); info.AddValue("typeInfo", typeInfo, typeof(IRemotingTypeInfo)); info.AddValue("envoyInfo", envoyInfo, typeof(IEnvoyInfo)); info.AddValue("channelInfo", GetChannelInfoHelper(), typeof(IChannelInfo)); } else { info.AddValue("url", uri, typeof(String)); } } // GetObjectDataHelper // This method retrieves the channel info object to be serialized. // It does special checking to see if a channel url needs to be bashed // (currently used for switching "http://..." url to "https://...". private IChannelInfo GetChannelInfoHelper() { ChannelInfo oldChannelInfo = channelInfo as ChannelInfo; if (oldChannelInfo == null) return channelInfo; Object[] oldChannelData = oldChannelInfo.ChannelData; if (oldChannelData == null) return oldChannelInfo; //This will work for the IIS scenario since the machine name + application name // will differentiate the url. If we generalize this mechanism in the future, // we should only bash the url if the ObjRef is from the current appdomain. String[] bashInfo = (String[])CallContext.GetData("__bashChannelUrl"); if (bashInfo == null) return oldChannelInfo; String urlToBash = bashInfo[0]; String replacementUrl = bashInfo[1]; // Copy channel info and go bash urls. ChannelInfo newChInfo = new ChannelInfo(); newChInfo.ChannelData = new Object[oldChannelData.Length]; for (int co = 0; co < oldChannelData.Length; co++) { newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = oldChannelData[co]; // see if this is one of the ones that we need to bash ChannelDataStore channelDataStore = newChInfo.ChannelData[co] as ChannelDataStore; if (channelDataStore != null) { String[] urls = channelDataStore.ChannelUris; if ((urls != null) && (urls.Length == 1) && urls[0].Equals(urlToBash)) { // We want to bash just the url, so we do a shallow copy // and replace the url array with the replacementUrl. ChannelDataStore newChannelDataStore = channelDataStore.InternalShallowCopy(); newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris = new String[1]; newChannelDataStore.ChannelUris[0] = replacementUrl; newChInfo.ChannelData[co] = newChannelDataStore; } } } return newChInfo; } // GetChannelInfoHelper // Note: The uri will be either objURI (for normal marshals) or // it will be the URL if a wellknown object's proxy is marshaled // Basically we will take whatever the URI getter on Identity gives us public virtual String URI { get { return uri;} set { uri = value;} } public virtual IRemotingTypeInfo TypeInfo { get { return typeInfo;} set { typeInfo = value;} } public virtual IEnvoyInfo EnvoyInfo { get { return envoyInfo;} set { envoyInfo = value;} } public virtual IChannelInfo ChannelInfo { [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] get { return channelInfo;} set { channelInfo = value;} } // This is called when doing fix-ups during deserialization [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] public virtual Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { return GetRealObjectHelper(); } // This is the common helper called by serialization / smuggling internal Object GetRealObjectHelper() { // Check if we are a result of serialiazing an MBR object // or if someone wanted to pass an ObjRef itself if (!IsMarshaledObject()) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "ObjRef.GetRealObject: Returning *this*\n"); return this; } else { // Check if this is a lightweight objref if(IsObjRefLite()) { BCLDebug.Assert(null != uri, "null != uri"); // transform the url, if this is a local object (we know it is local // if we find the current application id in the url) int index = uri.IndexOf(RemotingConfiguration.ApplicationId); // we need to be past 0, since we have to back up a space and pick up // a slash. if (index > 0) uri = uri.Substring(index - 1); } // In the general case, 'this' is the // objref of an activated object // It may also be a well known object ref ... which came by // because someone did a Connect(URL) and then passed the proxy // over to a remote method call. // The below call handles both cases. bool fRefine = !(GetType() == typeof(ObjRef)); Object ret = RemotingServices.Unmarshal(this, fRefine); // Check for COMObject & do some special custom marshaling ret = GetCustomMarshaledCOMObject(ret); return ret; } } private Object GetCustomMarshaledCOMObject(Object ret) { #if FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Some special work we need to do for __COMObject // (Note that we use typeInfo to detect this case instead of // calling GetType on 'ret' so as to not refine the proxy) DynamicTypeInfo dt = this.TypeInfo as DynamicTypeInfo; if (dt != null) { // This is a COMObject type ... we do the special work // only if it is from the same process but another appDomain // We rely on the x-appDomain channel data in the objRef // to provide us with the answers. Object ret1 = null; IntPtr pUnk = Win32Native.NULL; if (IsFromThisProcess() && !IsFromThisAppDomain()) { try { bool fIsURTAggregated; pUnk = ((__ComObject)ret).GetIUnknown(out fIsURTAggregated); if (pUnk != Win32Native.NULL && !fIsURTAggregated) { // The RCW for an IUnk is per-domain. This call // gets (or creates) the RCW for this pUnk for // the current domain. String srvTypeName = TypeInfo.TypeName; String typeName = null; String assemName = null; System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeInfo.ParseTypeAndAssembly(srvTypeName, out typeName, out assemName); BCLDebug.Assert((null != typeName) && (null != assemName), "non-null values expected"); Assembly asm = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromStringNoThrow(assemName); if (asm==null) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "ObjRef.GetCustomMarshaledCOMObject. AssemblyName is: ", assemName, " but we can't load it."); throw new RemotingException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_AssemblyNotFound"), assemName)); } Type serverType = asm.GetType(typeName, false, false); if (serverType != null && !serverType.IsVisible) serverType = null; BCLDebug.Assert(serverType!=null, "bad objRef!"); ret1 = InteropServices.Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(pUnk, serverType); if (ret1 != null) { ret = ret1; } } } finally { if (pUnk != Win32Native.NULL) { InteropServices.Marshal.Release(pUnk); } } } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP return ret; } public ObjRef() { objrefFlags = 0x0; } internal bool IsMarshaledObject() { return (objrefFlags & FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT) == FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT; } internal void SetMarshaledObject() { objrefFlags |= FLG_MARSHALED_OBJECT; } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal bool IsWellKnown() { return (objrefFlags & FLG_WELLKNOWN_OBJREF) == FLG_WELLKNOWN_OBJREF; } internal void SetWellKnown() { objrefFlags |= FLG_WELLKNOWN_OBJREF; } internal bool HasProxyAttribute() { return (objrefFlags & FLG_PROXY_ATTRIBUTE) == FLG_PROXY_ATTRIBUTE; } internal void SetHasProxyAttribute() { objrefFlags |= FLG_PROXY_ATTRIBUTE; } internal bool IsObjRefLite() { return (objrefFlags & FLG_LITE_OBJREF) == FLG_LITE_OBJREF; } internal void SetObjRefLite() { objrefFlags |= FLG_LITE_OBJREF; } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] private CrossAppDomainData GetAppDomainChannelData() { BCLDebug.Assert( ObjRef.IsWellFormed(this), "ObjRef.IsWellFormed()"); // Look at the ChannelData part to find CrossAppDomainData int i=0; CrossAppDomainData xadData = null; while (i
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