/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsParser / XmlParser.cs / 1 / XmlParser.cs
//// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: // The Srgs xml parser parse takes as input an xml reader and the IElementFactory // interface. With this virtualization scheme, the srgs parser do not create // directly Srgs elements. Instead methods on a set of interfaces for each // Srgs Element creates the element themselve. The underlying implementation // for each elements is different for the SrgsDocument class and the Srgs // Compiler. // // Interface definition for the IElement // History: // 6/1/2004 jeanfp Created //----------------------------------------------------------------------------using System; using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar; #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. #pragma warning disable 56524 // The _reader and and _xmlReader are not created in this module and should not be disposed // Remove all the check for null or empty warnings #pragma warning disable 56507 namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser { internal class XmlParser : ISrgsParser { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal XmlParser (XmlReader reader, Uri uri) { _reader = reader; _xmlTextReader = reader as XmlTextReader; // Try to guess the Uri if (uri == null) { // Keep a reference to the filename and XmlTextReader if it is one. if (_xmlTextReader != null && _xmlTextReader.BaseURI.Length > 0) { try { uri = new Uri (_xmlTextReader.BaseURI); } #pragma warning disable 56502 // Remove the empty catch statements warnings catch (UriFormatException) { } #pragma warning restore 56502 } } // Saves the path to the file and the file name if (uri != null) { // Saves the full path to the file _filename = !uri.IsAbsoluteUri || !uri.IsFile ? uri.OriginalString : uri.LocalPath; // Saves the filename without the path int iPosSlash = _filename.LastIndexOfAny (_SlashBackSlash); _shortFilename = iPosSlash >= 0 ? _filename.Substring (iPosSlash + 1) : _filename; } } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Methods // Initializes the object from a stream containg SRGS in XML public void Parse () { try { bool isGrammarElementFound = false; while (_reader.Read ()) { // Ignore XmlDeclaration, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, DocumentType, Entity, Notation. if (_reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && _reader.LocalName == "grammar") { if (_reader.NamespaceURI != srgsNamespace) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidSrgsNamespace); } if (isGrammarElementFound) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.GrammarDefTwice); } else { ParseGrammar (_reader, _parser.Grammar); isGrammarElementFound = true; } } } if (!isGrammarElementFound) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidSrgs); } } catch (XmlException eXml) { _parser.RemoveAllRules (); ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (_filename, _reader, SR.Get (SRID.InvalidXmlFormat), eXml); } catch (FormatException e) { // Adds a placeholder for the rule. // Once all the rules and scripts are read, the placeholder will be replaced with the proper rule. _parser.RemoveAllRules (); ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (_filename, _reader, e.Message, e.InnerException); } catch { // clear all the rules _parser.RemoveAllRules (); throw; } } ////// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. /// /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens. /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes. In these cases, the double /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary. /// /// Parent element /// /// /// /// /// internal static void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence, CreateTokenCallback createTokens) { sChars = sChars.Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); char [] achToken = sChars.ToCharArray (); int iTokenEnd = 0; int cChars = sChars.Length; for (int i = 0; i < achToken.Length; i = iTokenEnd + 1) { if (achToken [i] == ' ') // Skip white spaces { iTokenEnd = i; continue; } // Find the next token if (achToken [i] == '"') { // Quoted string. Find end of quoted string. iTokenEnd = ++i; while ((iTokenEnd < cChars) && (achToken [iTokenEnd] != '"')) { iTokenEnd++; } if (iTokenEnd >= cChars || achToken [iTokenEnd] != '"') { // Cannot find matching double quote. // "Invalid double-quoted string." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidQuotedString); } if (iTokenEnd + 1 != cChars && achToken [iTokenEnd + 1] != ' ') { // Quoted token not surrounded by whitespace."); // "Invalid double-quoted string." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidQuotedString); } } else { // Regular token. Find next white space character or end of string iTokenEnd = i + 1; while ((iTokenEnd < cChars) && achToken [iTokenEnd] != ' ') { iTokenEnd++; } } string sToken = sChars.Substring (i, iTokenEnd - i); if (sToken.IndexOf ('"') != -1) { // "The token string is not allowed to contain double quote character." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTokenString); } // Parse the token. if (createTokens != null) { createTokens (parent, sToken, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence); } } } ////// Throws an Exception with the error specified by the resource ID. /// Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a TextReader /// /// /// internal static void ThrowSrgsException (SRID id, params object [] args) { throw new FormatException (SR.Get (id, args)); } ////// Throws an Exception with the error specified by the resource ID. /// Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a TextReader /// /// /// /// /// internal static void ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (string filename, XmlReader xmlReader, string sError, Exception innerException) { // Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a XmlTextReader XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = xmlReader as XmlTextReader; if (xmlTextReader != null) { string sLine = SR.Get (SRID.Line); string sPosition = SR.Get (SRID.Position); int line = xmlTextReader.LineNumber; int position = xmlTextReader.LinePosition; if (filename == null) { sError += string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " [{0}={1}, {2}={3}]", sLine, line, sPosition, position); } else { sError = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}({1},{2}): error : {3}", filename, line, position, sError); } } throw new FormatException (sError, innerException); } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Properties // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Methods // Inmplementation of the internal interface ISrgsParser public IElementFactory ElementFactory { set { _parser = value; } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal fields // //******************************************************************* #region Internal fields internal const string emptyNamespace = ""; internal const string xmlNamespace = ""; internal const string srgsNamespace = ""; internal const string sapiNamespace = ""; #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Type // //******************************************************************* #region Private Type // Must be a class to be used with generics [Serializable] internal class ForwardReference { internal ForwardReference (string name, string value) { _name = name; _value = value; } internal string _name; internal string _value; } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Private Methods // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private void ParseGrammar (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { string sAlphabet = null; #if !NO_STG string sLanguage = null; string sNamespace = null; #endif string sVersion = null; GrammarType grammarType = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; // Process attributes. while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "root": if (grammar.Root == null) { grammar.Root = reader.Value; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined); } break; case "version": CheckForDuplicates (ref sVersion, reader); if (sVersion != "1.0") { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidVersion); } break; case "tag-format": switch (reader.Value) { case "semantics/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1; _hasTagFormat = true; break; #if SPEECHSERVER case "semantics/1.0-literals": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1; _w3c_literal = _hasTagFormat = true; break; #endif case "semantics-ms/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.MssV1; _hasTagFormat = true; break; case "properties-ms/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs; _hasTagFormat = true; break; case "": break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTagFormat); break; } break; case "mode": switch (reader.Value) { case "voice": grammar.Mode = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; break; case "dtmf": grammarType = grammar.Mode = GrammarType.DtmfGrammar; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarMode); break; } break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; case xmlNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "lang": string language = reader.Value; try { grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (language); } catch (ArgumentException) { // Special case for "es-us", create a new CultureInfo based on attributes of spanish // and english if (string.Compare ("es-us", language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { Helpers.CombineCulture ("es-ES", "en-US", new CultureInfo ("es"), 0x540A); grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (language); } else { // Unknown Culture info, fall back to the base culture. int pos = reader.Value.IndexOf ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos > 0) { grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (reader.Value.Substring (0, pos)); } else { throw; } } } break; case "base": grammar.XmlBase = new Uri (reader.Value); break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "alphabet": CheckForDuplicates (ref sAlphabet, reader); switch (sAlphabet) { case "ipa": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Ipa; break; case "sapi": case "x-sapi": case "x-microsoft-sapi": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Sapi; break; case "ups": case "x-ups": case "x-microsoft-ups": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Ups; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedPhoneticAlphabet, reader.Value); break; } break; #if !NO_STG case "language": CheckForDuplicates (ref sLanguage, reader); if (sLanguage == "C#" || sLanguage == "VB.Net") { grammar.Language = sLanguage; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedLanguage, reader.Value); } break; case "namespace": CheckForDuplicates (ref sNamespace, reader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sNamespace)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "namespace"); } grammar.Namespace = sNamespace; break; case "codebehind": if (reader.Value.Length == 0) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "codebehind"); } grammar.CodeBehind.Add (reader.Value); break; case "debug": bool f; if (bool.TryParse (reader.Value, out f)) { grammar.Debug = f; } break; #endif default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarAttribute, reader.Name); } } // The version attribute is required for the grammar element if (sVersion == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "version", "grammar"); } // The langId is require for voice grammars if (_langId == null) { if (grammarType == GrammarType.VoiceGrammar) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "xml:lang", "grammar"); } else { _langId = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; } } // Process child elements. ProcessRulesAndScriptsNodes (reader, grammar); // Validate all the scripts elements ValidateScripts (); #if !NO_STG // Add all the scripts to the rules foreach (ForwardReference script in _scripts) { _parser.AddScript (grammar, script._name, script._value); } #endif // Finish all initialisation - should check for the Root and the all // rules are defined grammar.PostParse (null); } // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private IRule ParseRule (IGrammar grammar, XmlReader reader) { string id = null; string scope = null; string dynamic = null; RulePublic publicRule = RulePublic.NotSet; RuleDynamic ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.NotSet; #if !NO_STG string sBaseClass = null; string sInit = null; string sParse = null; string sError = null; string sRecognition = null; #endif while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "id": CheckForDuplicates (ref id, reader); break; case "scope": CheckForDuplicates (ref scope, reader); switch (scope) { case "private": publicRule = RulePublic.False; break; case "public": publicRule = RulePublic.True; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleScope); break; } break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "dynamic": CheckForDuplicates (ref dynamic, reader); switch (dynamic) { case "true": ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.True; break; case "false": ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.False; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidDynamicSetting); break; } break; #if !NO_STG case "baseclass": CheckForDuplicates (ref sBaseClass, reader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sBaseClass)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "baseclass"); } break; case "onInit": CheckForDuplicates (ref sInit, reader); sInit = reader.Value; break; case "onParse": CheckForDuplicates (ref sParse, reader); sParse = reader.Value; break; case "onError": CheckForDuplicates (ref sError, reader); sError = reader.Value; break; case "onRecognition": CheckForDuplicates (ref sRecognition, reader); break; #endif default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (id)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoRuleId); } #if !NO_STG if (sInit != null && publicRule != RulePublic.True) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OnInitOnPublicRule, "OnInit", id); } if (sRecognition != null && publicRule != RulePublic.True) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OnInitOnPublicRule, "OnRecognition", id); } ValidateRuleId (id); bool hasScript = sInit != null || sParse != null || sError != null || sRecognition != null; IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, publicRule, ruleDynamic, hasScript); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sInit)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sInit, RuleMethodScript.onInit); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sParse)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sParse, RuleMethodScript.onParse); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sError)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sError, RuleMethodScript.onError); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRecognition)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sRecognition, RuleMethodScript.onRecognition); } rule.BaseClass = sBaseClass; #else ValidateRuleId (id); IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, publicRule, ruleDynamic, false); #endif _rules.Add (id); if (!ProcessChildNodes (reader, rule, rule, "rule")) { if (ruleDynamic != RuleDynamic.True) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidEmptyRule, "rule", id); } } return rule; } // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private IRuleRef ParseRuleRef (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { IRuleRef ruleRef = null; string sAlias = null; string sParams = null; string uri = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "uri": // Check that the uri pointed to in the ruleref does not point this file // in srgs.xml: ...= 0) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTokenString); } return _parser.CreateToken (parent, content, sPronunciation, sDisplay, reqConfidence); } /// /// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. /// /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens. /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes. In these cases, the double /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary. /// /// Parent element /// /// /// /// private void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((parent != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sChars))); ParseText (parent, sChars, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence, new CreateTokenCallback (_parser.CreateToken)); } private IElement ParseTag (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { string content = GetTagContent (parent, reader); //Return an empty tag if the content is empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (content)) { return _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent); } if (_parser.Grammar.TagFormat != SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs) { ISemanticTag semanticTag = _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent); #if SPEECHSERVER // For semantic interpretation literal, surround the content of the tag bu "out=" if (_w3c_literal) { content = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "out=\"{0}\";", content); } #endif semanticTag.Content (parent, content, 0); return semanticTag; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_parser.Grammar.TagFormat == SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs); IPropertyTag propertyTag = _parser.CreatePropertyTag (parent); ; string name; object value; ParsePropertyTag (content, out name, out value); propertyTag.NameValue (parent, name, value); return propertyTag; } private string GetTagContent (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { // A tag format must be specified in the grammar header if (!_hasTagFormat) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingTagFormat); } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: case sapiNamespace: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTagAttribute, reader.Name); } } return GetStringContent (reader).Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); } ////// Parse the lexicon Element /// /// Attributes: /// uri: required /// type: optional /// /// private static void ParseLexicon (XmlReader reader) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; bool fFoundUri = false; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "uri": fFoundUri = true; break; case "type": break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidLexiconAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (!fFoundUri) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "uri", "lexicon"); } // } ////// Parse the Meta Element /// /// Attributes: /// name and http-equiv: one or the other but not bothsd /// content: required /// /// private static void ParseMeta (XmlReader reader) { bool fFoundContent = false; bool fFoundNameOrEquiv = false; bool isInvalidAttribute = false; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "name": case "http-equiv": if (fFoundNameOrEquiv) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MetaNameHTTPEquiv); } fFoundNameOrEquiv = true; break; case "content": isInvalidAttribute = fFoundContent; fFoundContent = true; break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidMetaAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (!fFoundContent) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "content", "meta"); } if (!fFoundNameOrEquiv) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "name or http-equiv", "meta"); } } #if !NO_STG private void ParseScript (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { int line = _filename != null ? _xmlTextReader.LineNumber : -1; string sRule = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "rule": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule)) { sRule = reader.Value; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleAttributeDefinedMultipeTimes); } break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; } break; } } // if no rule or method defined - add the content to the generic _scrip if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule)) { _parser.AddScript (grammar, GetStringContent (reader), _filename, line); } else { // Adds a placeholder for the rule. // Once all the rules and scripts are read, the placeholder will be replaced with the proper rule. _scripts.Add (new ForwardReference (sRule, _parser.AddScript (grammar, sRule, GetStringContent (reader), _filename, line))); } } static private void ParseAssemblyReference (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "assembly": grammar.AssemblyReferences.Add (reader.Value); break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidAssemblyReferenceAttribute); break; } break; } } } static private void ParseImportNamespace (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "namespace": grammar.ImportNamespaces.Add (reader.Value); break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidImportNamespaceAttribute); break; } break; } } } #endif private bool ProcessChildNodes (XmlReader reader, IElement parent, IRule rule, string parentName) { bool fFirstElement = true; // Create a list of name value tags for this scope Listtags = null; reader.MoveToElement (); // Move to containing parent of attributes if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Read (); // Move to first child parent while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) // Process each child parent while not at end parent { bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { // Null if no children are allowed if (parent == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNotEmptyElement, parentName); } IElement child = null; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "example": if (!(parent is IRule) || !fFirstElement) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidExampleOrdering); } else { reader.Skip (); continue; } break; case "ruleref": child = ParseRuleRef (parent, reader); break; case "one-of": child = ParseOneOf (parent, rule, reader); break; case "item": child = ParseItem (parent, rule, reader); break; case "token": child = ParseToken (parent, reader); break; case "tag": child = ParseTag (parent, reader); IPropertyTag tag = child as IPropertyTag; if (tag != null) { // The tag list is delayed as it might not be necessary if (tags == null) { tags = new List (); } tags.Add (tag); } break; case "rule": default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "subset": if ((parent is IRule) || (parent is IItem)) { child = ParseSubset (parent, reader); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } break; default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; default: reader.Skip (); // Skip over parents in unknown namespaces break; } isInvalidNode = ParseChildNodeElement (parent, isInvalidNode, child); fFirstElement = false; } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) { // Null if no children are allowed if (parent == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNotEmptyElement, parentName); } isInvalidNode = ParseChildNodeText (reader, parent); fFirstElement = false; } else { reader.Skip (); // Skip over non-parent/text node types } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } reader.Read (); // Move to next sibling // Generate the tags for this scope if (tags != null) { foreach (IPropertyTag tag in tags) { tag.PostParse (parent); } } return !fFirstElement; } private bool ParseChildNodeText (XmlReader reader, IElement parent) { bool isInvalidNode = false; string content = reader.Value; // Create the SrgsElement for the text IElementText srgsText = _parser.CreateText (parent, content); // Split it in pieces ParseText (parent, content, null, null, -1f); // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item if (parent is IOneOf) { isInvalidNode = true; } else { IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; if (parentRule != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentRule, srgsText); } else { IItem parentItem = parent as IItem; if (parentItem != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentItem, srgsText); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } } reader.Read (); return isInvalidNode; } private bool ParseChildNodeElement (IElement parent, bool isInvalidNode, IElement child) { // The child parent has not been processed yet if (child != null) { // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item IOneOf parentOneOf = parent as IOneOf; if (parentOneOf != null) { IItem childItem = child as IItem; if (childItem != null) { _parser.AddItem (parentOneOf, childItem); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } else { IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; if (parentRule != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentRule, child); } else { IItem parentItem = parent as IItem; if (parentItem != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentItem, child); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } } } return isInvalidNode; } private void ProcessRulesAndScriptsNodes (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { bool fProcessedRules = false; // Move to containing element of attributes reader.MoveToElement (); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { // Move to first child element reader.Read (); // Process each child element while not at end element while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "lexicon": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } ParseLexicon (reader); break; case "meta": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } ParseMeta (reader); break; case "metadata": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } reader.Skip (); break; case "rule": IRule rule = ParseRule (grammar, reader); rule.PostParse (grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "tag": if (fProcessedRules || _hasTagFormat && grammar.TagFormat != SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } grammar.GlobalTags.Add (GetTagContent (grammar, reader)); break; default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { #if !NO_STG case "script": ParseScript (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "assemblyReference": ParseAssemblyReference (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "importNamespace": ParseImportNamespace (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; #endif default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; default: // Skip over elements in unknown namespaces reader.Skip (); break; } } else { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, "text"); } // Skip over non-element/text node types reader.Skip (); } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } // Move to next sibling reader.Read (); } static private string GetStringContent (XmlReader reader) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); reader.MoveToElement (); // Move to containing element of attributes if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Read (); // Move to first child element while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) // Process each child element while not at end element { sb.Append (reader.ReadString ()); bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: case sapiNamespace: isInvalidNode = true; break; default: reader.Skip (); // Skip over elements in unknown namespaces break; } } else if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { reader.Skip (); // Skip over non-end element node types } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } reader.Read (); // Move to next sibling return sb.ToString (); } /// TODOC <_include file='doc\Tag.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Tag.RepeatProbability"]/*' /> static void ParsePropertyTag (string sTag, out string name, out object value) { // Default value name = null; value = string.Empty; // Name= pszValue = null vValue = VT_EMPTY //Name="string" pszValue = "string" vValue = VT_EMPTY //Name=true pszValue = null vValue = VT_BOOL //Name=123 pszValue = null vValue = VT_I4 //Name=3.14 pszValue = null vValue = VT_R8 int iEqual = sTag.IndexOf ('='); if (iEqual >= 0) { // Set property name name = sTag.Substring (0, iEqual).Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); iEqual++; } else { iEqual = 0; } // Set property value int cLenProperty = sTag.Length; if (iEqual < cLenProperty) { if (sTag [iEqual] == '"') { // Name="string" iEqual++; int iEndQuote = sTag.IndexOf ('"', iEqual + 1); if (iEndQuote + 1 != cLenProperty) { // Invalid string value XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.IncorrectAttributeValue, name, sTag.Substring (iEqual)); } value = sTag.Substring (iEqual, iEndQuote - iEqual); } else { string sValue = sTag.Substring (iEqual); int iValue; if (int.TryParse (sValue, out iValue)) { // propInfo.pszValue = null // Name=123 // propInfo.vValue = VT_I4 value = iValue; } else { double flValue; if (double.TryParse (sValue, out flValue)) { // propInfo.pszValue = null // propInfo.vValue = VT_R8 value = flValue; } else { bool fValue; if (bool.TryParse (sValue, out fValue)) { // Name=true // propInfo.pszValue = null // propInfo.vValue = VT_BOOL value = fValue; } else { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNameValueProperty, name, sValue); } } } } } } ////// Convert integer range string to MinValue and MaxValue. /// For n- format, MaxValue = Int32.MaxValue /// Valid formats: n|n-|n-m n,m integers /// integer = [whitespace] [+] [0[{x|X}]] [digits] /// /// /// /// static private void SetRepeatValues (string repeat, out int minRepeat, out int maxRepeat) { minRepeat = maxRepeat = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (repeat)) { int sep = repeat.IndexOf ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (sep < 0) { int minmax = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Limit the range of valid values if (minmax < 0 || minmax > 255) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MinMaxOutOfRange, minmax, minmax); } minRepeat = maxRepeat = minmax; } else if (0 < sep) { minRepeat = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat.Substring (0, sep), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (sep < (repeat.Length - 1)) { maxRepeat = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat.Substring (sep + 1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { maxRepeat = System.Int32.MaxValue; } // Limit the range of valid values if (minRepeat < 0 || minRepeat > 255 || (maxRepeat != System.Int32.MaxValue && (maxRepeat < 0 || maxRepeat > 255))) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MinMaxOutOfRange, minRepeat, maxRepeat); } // Max be greater or equal to min if (minRepeat > maxRepeat) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.MinGreaterThanMax)); } } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidItemRepeatAttribute, repeat); } } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidItemAttribute2); } } private static void CheckForDuplicates (ref string dest, XmlReader reader) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (dest)) { StringBuilder attribute = new StringBuilder (reader.LocalName); if (reader.NamespaceURI.Length > 0) { attribute.Append (reader.NamespaceURI); attribute.Append (":"); } XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidAttributeDefinedTwice, reader.Value, attribute); } dest = reader.Value; } // Throws exception if the specified Rule does not have a valid Id. static internal void ValidateRuleId (string id) { Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (id, "id"); if (!XmlReader.IsName (id) || (id == "NULL") || (id == "VOID") || (id == "GARBAGE") || (id.IndexOfAny (_invalidRuleIdChars) != -1)) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleId, id); } } private void ValidateRulerefNotPointingToSelf (string uri) { // Check that the uri pointed to in the ruleref does not point this file // in srgs.xml: ...if (_filename != null) { if (uri.IndexOf (_shortFilename, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 && (uri.Length > _shortFilename.Length && uri [_shortFilename.Length] == '#' || uri.Length == _shortFilename.Length)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleRefSelf); } } } private void ValidateScripts () { #if !NO_STG // Check that the rule and methods are defined for a script foreach (ForwardReference script in _scripts) { if (!_rules.Contains (script._name)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptDefinition, script._name); } } #endif // Validate for unique rule names List ruleNames = new List (); foreach (string rule in _rules) { if (ruleNames.Contains (rule)) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleAttributeDefinedMultipeTimes, rule); } ruleNames.Add (rule); } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************* #region Private Fields private IElementFactory _parser; // Avoid to do a cast many times private XmlReader _reader; // Avoid to do a cast many times private XmlTextReader _xmlTextReader; // Save the filename private string _filename; // Save the filename without the path private string _shortFilename; // Language Id for this grammar private CultureInfo _langId; // Has the Grammar element a FormatTag private bool _hasTagFormat; #if SPEECHSERVER // Has the Grammar element a FormatTag private bool _w3c_literal; #endif // All defined rules List _rules = new List (); #if !NO_STG List _scripts = new List (); #endif static private readonly char [] _invalidRuleIdChars = new char [] { '.', ':', '-', '#' }; static private readonly char [] _SlashBackSlash = new char [] { '\\', '/' }; #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: // The Srgs xml parser parse takes as input an xml reader and the IElementFactory // interface. With this virtualization scheme, the srgs parser do not create // directly Srgs elements. Instead methods on a set of interfaces for each // Srgs Element creates the element themselve. The underlying implementation // for each elements is different for the SrgsDocument class and the Srgs // Compiler. // // Interface definition for the IElement // History: // 6/1/2004 jeanfp Created //----------------------------------------------------------------------------using System; using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar; #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. #pragma warning disable 56524 // The _reader and and _xmlReader are not created in this module and should not be disposed // Remove all the check for null or empty warnings #pragma warning disable 56507 namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser { internal class XmlParser : ISrgsParser { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal XmlParser (XmlReader reader, Uri uri) { _reader = reader; _xmlTextReader = reader as XmlTextReader; // Try to guess the Uri if (uri == null) { // Keep a reference to the filename and XmlTextReader if it is one. if (_xmlTextReader != null && _xmlTextReader.BaseURI.Length > 0) { try { uri = new Uri (_xmlTextReader.BaseURI); } #pragma warning disable 56502 // Remove the empty catch statements warnings catch (UriFormatException) { } #pragma warning restore 56502 } } // Saves the path to the file and the file name if (uri != null) { // Saves the full path to the file _filename = !uri.IsAbsoluteUri || !uri.IsFile ? uri.OriginalString : uri.LocalPath; // Saves the filename without the path int iPosSlash = _filename.LastIndexOfAny (_SlashBackSlash); _shortFilename = iPosSlash >= 0 ? _filename.Substring (iPosSlash + 1) : _filename; } } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Methods // Initializes the object from a stream containg SRGS in XML public void Parse () { try { bool isGrammarElementFound = false; while (_reader.Read ()) { // Ignore XmlDeclaration, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, DocumentType, Entity, Notation. if (_reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && _reader.LocalName == "grammar") { if (_reader.NamespaceURI != srgsNamespace) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidSrgsNamespace); } if (isGrammarElementFound) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.GrammarDefTwice); } else { ParseGrammar (_reader, _parser.Grammar); isGrammarElementFound = true; } } } if (!isGrammarElementFound) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidSrgs); } } catch (XmlException eXml) { _parser.RemoveAllRules (); ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (_filename, _reader, SR.Get (SRID.InvalidXmlFormat), eXml); } catch (FormatException e) { // Adds a placeholder for the rule. // Once all the rules and scripts are read, the placeholder will be replaced with the proper rule. _parser.RemoveAllRules (); ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (_filename, _reader, e.Message, e.InnerException); } catch { // clear all the rules _parser.RemoveAllRules (); throw; } } ////// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. /// /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens. /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes. In these cases, the double /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary. /// /// Parent element /// /// /// /// /// internal static void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence, CreateTokenCallback createTokens) { sChars = sChars.Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); char [] achToken = sChars.ToCharArray (); int iTokenEnd = 0; int cChars = sChars.Length; for (int i = 0; i < achToken.Length; i = iTokenEnd + 1) { if (achToken [i] == ' ') // Skip white spaces { iTokenEnd = i; continue; } // Find the next token if (achToken [i] == '"') { // Quoted string. Find end of quoted string. iTokenEnd = ++i; while ((iTokenEnd < cChars) && (achToken [iTokenEnd] != '"')) { iTokenEnd++; } if (iTokenEnd >= cChars || achToken [iTokenEnd] != '"') { // Cannot find matching double quote. // "Invalid double-quoted string." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidQuotedString); } if (iTokenEnd + 1 != cChars && achToken [iTokenEnd + 1] != ' ') { // Quoted token not surrounded by whitespace."); // "Invalid double-quoted string." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidQuotedString); } } else { // Regular token. Find next white space character or end of string iTokenEnd = i + 1; while ((iTokenEnd < cChars) && achToken [iTokenEnd] != ' ') { iTokenEnd++; } } string sToken = sChars.Substring (i, iTokenEnd - i); if (sToken.IndexOf ('"') != -1) { // "The token string is not allowed to contain double quote character." XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTokenString); } // Parse the token. if (createTokens != null) { createTokens (parent, sToken, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence); } } } ////// Throws an Exception with the error specified by the resource ID. /// Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a TextReader /// /// /// internal static void ThrowSrgsException (SRID id, params object [] args) { throw new FormatException (SR.Get (id, args)); } ////// Throws an Exception with the error specified by the resource ID. /// Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a TextReader /// /// /// /// /// internal static void ThrowSrgsExceptionWithPosition (string filename, XmlReader xmlReader, string sError, Exception innerException) { // Add the line and column number if the XmlReader is a XmlTextReader XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = xmlReader as XmlTextReader; if (xmlTextReader != null) { string sLine = SR.Get (SRID.Line); string sPosition = SR.Get (SRID.Position); int line = xmlTextReader.LineNumber; int position = xmlTextReader.LinePosition; if (filename == null) { sError += string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " [{0}={1}, {2}={3}]", sLine, line, sPosition, position); } else { sError = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}({1},{2}): error : {3}", filename, line, position, sError); } } throw new FormatException (sError, innerException); } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Properties // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Methods // Inmplementation of the internal interface ISrgsParser public IElementFactory ElementFactory { set { _parser = value; } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal fields // //******************************************************************* #region Internal fields internal const string emptyNamespace = ""; internal const string xmlNamespace = ""; internal const string srgsNamespace = ""; internal const string sapiNamespace = ""; #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Type // //******************************************************************* #region Private Type // Must be a class to be used with generics [Serializable] internal class ForwardReference { internal ForwardReference (string name, string value) { _name = name; _value = value; } internal string _name; internal string _value; } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Private Methods // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private void ParseGrammar (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { string sAlphabet = null; #if !NO_STG string sLanguage = null; string sNamespace = null; #endif string sVersion = null; GrammarType grammarType = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; // Process attributes. while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "root": if (grammar.Root == null) { grammar.Root = reader.Value; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined); } break; case "version": CheckForDuplicates (ref sVersion, reader); if (sVersion != "1.0") { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidVersion); } break; case "tag-format": switch (reader.Value) { case "semantics/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1; _hasTagFormat = true; break; #if SPEECHSERVER case "semantics/1.0-literals": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1; _w3c_literal = _hasTagFormat = true; break; #endif case "semantics-ms/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.MssV1; _hasTagFormat = true; break; case "properties-ms/1.0": grammar.TagFormat = SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs; _hasTagFormat = true; break; case "": break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTagFormat); break; } break; case "mode": switch (reader.Value) { case "voice": grammar.Mode = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; break; case "dtmf": grammarType = grammar.Mode = GrammarType.DtmfGrammar; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarMode); break; } break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; case xmlNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "lang": string language = reader.Value; try { grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (language); } catch (ArgumentException) { // Special case for "es-us", create a new CultureInfo based on attributes of spanish // and english if (string.Compare ("es-us", language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { Helpers.CombineCulture ("es-ES", "en-US", new CultureInfo ("es"), 0x540A); grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (language); } else { // Unknown Culture info, fall back to the base culture. int pos = reader.Value.IndexOf ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos > 0) { grammar.Culture = _langId = new CultureInfo (reader.Value.Substring (0, pos)); } else { throw; } } } break; case "base": grammar.XmlBase = new Uri (reader.Value); break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "alphabet": CheckForDuplicates (ref sAlphabet, reader); switch (sAlphabet) { case "ipa": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Ipa; break; case "sapi": case "x-sapi": case "x-microsoft-sapi": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Sapi; break; case "ups": case "x-ups": case "x-microsoft-ups": grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = AlphabetType.Ups; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedPhoneticAlphabet, reader.Value); break; } break; #if !NO_STG case "language": CheckForDuplicates (ref sLanguage, reader); if (sLanguage == "C#" || sLanguage == "VB.Net") { grammar.Language = sLanguage; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedLanguage, reader.Value); } break; case "namespace": CheckForDuplicates (ref sNamespace, reader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sNamespace)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "namespace"); } grammar.Namespace = sNamespace; break; case "codebehind": if (reader.Value.Length == 0) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "codebehind"); } grammar.CodeBehind.Add (reader.Value); break; case "debug": bool f; if (bool.TryParse (reader.Value, out f)) { grammar.Debug = f; } break; #endif default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarAttribute, reader.Name); } } // The version attribute is required for the grammar element if (sVersion == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "version", "grammar"); } // The langId is require for voice grammars if (_langId == null) { if (grammarType == GrammarType.VoiceGrammar) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "xml:lang", "grammar"); } else { _langId = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; } } // Process child elements. ProcessRulesAndScriptsNodes (reader, grammar); // Validate all the scripts elements ValidateScripts (); #if !NO_STG // Add all the scripts to the rules foreach (ForwardReference script in _scripts) { _parser.AddScript (grammar, script._name, script._value); } #endif // Finish all initialisation - should check for the Root and the all // rules are defined grammar.PostParse (null); } // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private IRule ParseRule (IGrammar grammar, XmlReader reader) { string id = null; string scope = null; string dynamic = null; RulePublic publicRule = RulePublic.NotSet; RuleDynamic ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.NotSet; #if !NO_STG string sBaseClass = null; string sInit = null; string sParse = null; string sError = null; string sRecognition = null; #endif while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "id": CheckForDuplicates (ref id, reader); break; case "scope": CheckForDuplicates (ref scope, reader); switch (scope) { case "private": publicRule = RulePublic.False; break; case "public": publicRule = RulePublic.True; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleScope); break; } break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "dynamic": CheckForDuplicates (ref dynamic, reader); switch (dynamic) { case "true": ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.True; break; case "false": ruleDynamic = RuleDynamic.False; break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidDynamicSetting); break; } break; #if !NO_STG case "baseclass": CheckForDuplicates (ref sBaseClass, reader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sBaseClass)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoName1, "baseclass"); } break; case "onInit": CheckForDuplicates (ref sInit, reader); sInit = reader.Value; break; case "onParse": CheckForDuplicates (ref sParse, reader); sParse = reader.Value; break; case "onError": CheckForDuplicates (ref sError, reader); sError = reader.Value; break; case "onRecognition": CheckForDuplicates (ref sRecognition, reader); break; #endif default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (id)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.NoRuleId); } #if !NO_STG if (sInit != null && publicRule != RulePublic.True) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OnInitOnPublicRule, "OnInit", id); } if (sRecognition != null && publicRule != RulePublic.True) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OnInitOnPublicRule, "OnRecognition", id); } ValidateRuleId (id); bool hasScript = sInit != null || sParse != null || sError != null || sRecognition != null; IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, publicRule, ruleDynamic, hasScript); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sInit)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sInit, RuleMethodScript.onInit); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sParse)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sParse, RuleMethodScript.onParse); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sError)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sError, RuleMethodScript.onError); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRecognition)) { rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, sRecognition, RuleMethodScript.onRecognition); } rule.BaseClass = sBaseClass; #else ValidateRuleId (id); IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, publicRule, ruleDynamic, false); #endif _rules.Add (id); if (!ProcessChildNodes (reader, rule, rule, "rule")) { if (ruleDynamic != RuleDynamic.True) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidEmptyRule, "rule", id); } } return rule; } // The perf gain using .Lengh == 0 other readability is not worth it fixing this FxCop issue private IRuleRef ParseRuleRef (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { IRuleRef ruleRef = null; string sAlias = null; string sParams = null; string uri = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "uri": // Check that the uri pointed to in the ruleref does not point this file // in srgs.xml: ...= 0) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTokenString); } return _parser.CreateToken (parent, content, sPronunciation, sDisplay, reqConfidence); } /// /// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. /// /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens. /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes. In these cases, the double /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary. /// /// Parent element /// /// /// /// private void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((parent != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sChars))); ParseText (parent, sChars, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence, new CreateTokenCallback (_parser.CreateToken)); } private IElement ParseTag (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { string content = GetTagContent (parent, reader); //Return an empty tag if the content is empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (content)) { return _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent); } if (_parser.Grammar.TagFormat != SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs) { ISemanticTag semanticTag = _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent); #if SPEECHSERVER // For semantic interpretation literal, surround the content of the tag bu "out=" if (_w3c_literal) { content = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "out=\"{0}\";", content); } #endif semanticTag.Content (parent, content, 0); return semanticTag; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_parser.Grammar.TagFormat == SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs); IPropertyTag propertyTag = _parser.CreatePropertyTag (parent); ; string name; object value; ParsePropertyTag (content, out name, out value); propertyTag.NameValue (parent, name, value); return propertyTag; } private string GetTagContent (IElement parent, XmlReader reader) { // A tag format must be specified in the grammar header if (!_hasTagFormat) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingTagFormat); } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: case sapiNamespace: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidTagAttribute, reader.Name); } } return GetStringContent (reader).Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); } ////// Parse the lexicon Element /// /// Attributes: /// uri: required /// type: optional /// /// private static void ParseLexicon (XmlReader reader) { bool isInvalidAttribute = false; bool fFoundUri = false; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "uri": fFoundUri = true; break; case "type": break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidLexiconAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (!fFoundUri) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "uri", "lexicon"); } // } ////// Parse the Meta Element /// /// Attributes: /// name and http-equiv: one or the other but not bothsd /// content: required /// /// private static void ParseMeta (XmlReader reader) { bool fFoundContent = false; bool fFoundNameOrEquiv = false; bool isInvalidAttribute = false; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "name": case "http-equiv": if (fFoundNameOrEquiv) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MetaNameHTTPEquiv); } fFoundNameOrEquiv = true; break; case "content": isInvalidAttribute = fFoundContent; fFoundContent = true; break; default: isInvalidAttribute = true; break; } if (isInvalidAttribute) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidMetaAttribute, reader.Name); } } if (!fFoundContent) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "content", "meta"); } if (!fFoundNameOrEquiv) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MissingRequiredAttribute, "name or http-equiv", "meta"); } } #if !NO_STG private void ParseScript (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { int line = _filename != null ? _xmlTextReader.LineNumber : -1; string sRule = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "rule": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule)) { sRule = reader.Value; } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleAttributeDefinedMultipeTimes); } break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; } break; } } // if no rule or method defined - add the content to the generic _scrip if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule)) { _parser.AddScript (grammar, GetStringContent (reader), _filename, line); } else { // Adds a placeholder for the rule. // Once all the rules and scripts are read, the placeholder will be replaced with the proper rule. _scripts.Add (new ForwardReference (sRule, _parser.AddScript (grammar, sRule, GetStringContent (reader), _filename, line))); } } static private void ParseAssemblyReference (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "assembly": grammar.AssemblyReferences.Add (reader.Value); break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidAssemblyReferenceAttribute); break; } break; } } } static private void ParseImportNamespace (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case emptyNamespace: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptAttribute); break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "namespace": grammar.ImportNamespaces.Add (reader.Value); break; default: ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidImportNamespaceAttribute); break; } break; } } } #endif private bool ProcessChildNodes (XmlReader reader, IElement parent, IRule rule, string parentName) { bool fFirstElement = true; // Create a list of name value tags for this scope Listtags = null; reader.MoveToElement (); // Move to containing parent of attributes if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Read (); // Move to first child parent while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) // Process each child parent while not at end parent { bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { // Null if no children are allowed if (parent == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNotEmptyElement, parentName); } IElement child = null; switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "example": if (!(parent is IRule) || !fFirstElement) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidExampleOrdering); } else { reader.Skip (); continue; } break; case "ruleref": child = ParseRuleRef (parent, reader); break; case "one-of": child = ParseOneOf (parent, rule, reader); break; case "item": child = ParseItem (parent, rule, reader); break; case "token": child = ParseToken (parent, reader); break; case "tag": child = ParseTag (parent, reader); IPropertyTag tag = child as IPropertyTag; if (tag != null) { // The tag list is delayed as it might not be necessary if (tags == null) { tags = new List (); } tags.Add (tag); } break; case "rule": default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "subset": if ((parent is IRule) || (parent is IItem)) { child = ParseSubset (parent, reader); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } break; default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; default: reader.Skip (); // Skip over parents in unknown namespaces break; } isInvalidNode = ParseChildNodeElement (parent, isInvalidNode, child); fFirstElement = false; } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) { // Null if no children are allowed if (parent == null) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNotEmptyElement, parentName); } isInvalidNode = ParseChildNodeText (reader, parent); fFirstElement = false; } else { reader.Skip (); // Skip over non-parent/text node types } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } reader.Read (); // Move to next sibling // Generate the tags for this scope if (tags != null) { foreach (IPropertyTag tag in tags) { tag.PostParse (parent); } } return !fFirstElement; } private bool ParseChildNodeText (XmlReader reader, IElement parent) { bool isInvalidNode = false; string content = reader.Value; // Create the SrgsElement for the text IElementText srgsText = _parser.CreateText (parent, content); // Split it in pieces ParseText (parent, content, null, null, -1f); // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item if (parent is IOneOf) { isInvalidNode = true; } else { IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; if (parentRule != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentRule, srgsText); } else { IItem parentItem = parent as IItem; if (parentItem != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentItem, srgsText); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } } reader.Read (); return isInvalidNode; } private bool ParseChildNodeElement (IElement parent, bool isInvalidNode, IElement child) { // The child parent has not been processed yet if (child != null) { // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item IOneOf parentOneOf = parent as IOneOf; if (parentOneOf != null) { IItem childItem = child as IItem; if (childItem != null) { _parser.AddItem (parentOneOf, childItem); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } else { IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; if (parentRule != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentRule, child); } else { IItem parentItem = parent as IItem; if (parentItem != null) { _parser.AddElement (parentItem, child); } else { isInvalidNode = true; } } } } return isInvalidNode; } private void ProcessRulesAndScriptsNodes (XmlReader reader, IGrammar grammar) { bool fProcessedRules = false; // Move to containing element of attributes reader.MoveToElement (); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { // Move to first child element reader.Read (); // Process each child element while not at end element while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "lexicon": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } ParseLexicon (reader); break; case "meta": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } ParseMeta (reader); break; case "metadata": if (fProcessedRules) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } reader.Skip (); break; case "rule": IRule rule = ParseRule (grammar, reader); rule.PostParse (grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "tag": if (fProcessedRules || _hasTagFormat && grammar.TagFormat != SrgsTagFormat.W3cV1) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidGrammarOrdering); } grammar.GlobalTags.Add (GetTagContent (grammar, reader)); break; default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; case sapiNamespace: switch (reader.LocalName) { #if !NO_STG case "script": ParseScript (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "assemblyReference": ParseAssemblyReference (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; case "importNamespace": ParseImportNamespace (reader, grammar); fProcessedRules = true; break; #endif default: isInvalidNode = true; break; } break; default: // Skip over elements in unknown namespaces reader.Skip (); break; } } else { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, "text"); } // Skip over non-element/text node types reader.Skip (); } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } // Move to next sibling reader.Read (); } static private string GetStringContent (XmlReader reader) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); reader.MoveToElement (); // Move to containing element of attributes if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Read (); // Move to first child element while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) // Process each child element while not at end element { sb.Append (reader.ReadString ()); bool isInvalidNode = false; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case srgsNamespace: case sapiNamespace: isInvalidNode = true; break; default: reader.Skip (); // Skip over elements in unknown namespaces break; } } else if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { reader.Skip (); // Skip over non-end element node types } if (isInvalidNode) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement, reader.Name); } } } reader.Read (); // Move to next sibling return sb.ToString (); } /// TODOC <_include file='doc\Tag.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Tag.RepeatProbability"]/*' /> static void ParsePropertyTag (string sTag, out string name, out object value) { // Default value name = null; value = string.Empty; // Name= pszValue = null vValue = VT_EMPTY //Name="string" pszValue = "string" vValue = VT_EMPTY //Name=true pszValue = null vValue = VT_BOOL //Name=123 pszValue = null vValue = VT_I4 //Name=3.14 pszValue = null vValue = VT_R8 int iEqual = sTag.IndexOf ('='); if (iEqual >= 0) { // Set property name name = sTag.Substring (0, iEqual).Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); iEqual++; } else { iEqual = 0; } // Set property value int cLenProperty = sTag.Length; if (iEqual < cLenProperty) { if (sTag [iEqual] == '"') { // Name="string" iEqual++; int iEndQuote = sTag.IndexOf ('"', iEqual + 1); if (iEndQuote + 1 != cLenProperty) { // Invalid string value XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.IncorrectAttributeValue, name, sTag.Substring (iEqual)); } value = sTag.Substring (iEqual, iEndQuote - iEqual); } else { string sValue = sTag.Substring (iEqual); int iValue; if (int.TryParse (sValue, out iValue)) { // propInfo.pszValue = null // Name=123 // propInfo.vValue = VT_I4 value = iValue; } else { double flValue; if (double.TryParse (sValue, out flValue)) { // propInfo.pszValue = null // propInfo.vValue = VT_R8 value = flValue; } else { bool fValue; if (bool.TryParse (sValue, out fValue)) { // Name=true // propInfo.pszValue = null // propInfo.vValue = VT_BOOL value = fValue; } else { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidNameValueProperty, name, sValue); } } } } } } ////// Convert integer range string to MinValue and MaxValue. /// For n- format, MaxValue = Int32.MaxValue /// Valid formats: n|n-|n-m n,m integers /// integer = [whitespace] [+] [0[{x|X}]] [digits] /// /// /// /// static private void SetRepeatValues (string repeat, out int minRepeat, out int maxRepeat) { minRepeat = maxRepeat = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (repeat)) { int sep = repeat.IndexOf ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (sep < 0) { int minmax = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Limit the range of valid values if (minmax < 0 || minmax > 255) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MinMaxOutOfRange, minmax, minmax); } minRepeat = maxRepeat = minmax; } else if (0 < sep) { minRepeat = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat.Substring (0, sep), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (sep < (repeat.Length - 1)) { maxRepeat = Convert.ToInt32 (repeat.Substring (sep + 1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { maxRepeat = System.Int32.MaxValue; } // Limit the range of valid values if (minRepeat < 0 || minRepeat > 255 || (maxRepeat != System.Int32.MaxValue && (maxRepeat < 0 || maxRepeat > 255))) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MinMaxOutOfRange, minRepeat, maxRepeat); } // Max be greater or equal to min if (minRepeat > maxRepeat) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.MinGreaterThanMax)); } } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidItemRepeatAttribute, repeat); } } else { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidItemAttribute2); } } private static void CheckForDuplicates (ref string dest, XmlReader reader) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (dest)) { StringBuilder attribute = new StringBuilder (reader.LocalName); if (reader.NamespaceURI.Length > 0) { attribute.Append (reader.NamespaceURI); attribute.Append (":"); } XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidAttributeDefinedTwice, reader.Value, attribute); } dest = reader.Value; } // Throws exception if the specified Rule does not have a valid Id. static internal void ValidateRuleId (string id) { Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (id, "id"); if (!XmlReader.IsName (id) || (id == "NULL") || (id == "VOID") || (id == "GARBAGE") || (id.IndexOfAny (_invalidRuleIdChars) != -1)) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleId, id); } } private void ValidateRulerefNotPointingToSelf (string uri) { // Check that the uri pointed to in the ruleref does not point this file // in srgs.xml: ...if (_filename != null) { if (uri.IndexOf (_shortFilename, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 && (uri.Length > _shortFilename.Length && uri [_shortFilename.Length] == '#' || uri.Length == _shortFilename.Length)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidRuleRefSelf); } } } private void ValidateScripts () { #if !NO_STG // Check that the rule and methods are defined for a script foreach (ForwardReference script in _scripts) { if (!_rules.Contains (script._name)) { ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidScriptDefinition, script._name); } } #endif // Validate for unique rule names List ruleNames = new List (); foreach (string rule in _rules) { if (ruleNames.Contains (rule)) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleAttributeDefinedMultipeTimes, rule); } ruleNames.Add (rule); } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************* #region Private Fields private IElementFactory _parser; // Avoid to do a cast many times private XmlReader _reader; // Avoid to do a cast many times private XmlTextReader _xmlTextReader; // Save the filename private string _filename; // Save the filename without the path private string _shortFilename; // Language Id for this grammar private CultureInfo _langId; // Has the Grammar element a FormatTag private bool _hasTagFormat; #if SPEECHSERVER // Has the Grammar element a FormatTag private bool _w3c_literal; #endif // All defined rules List _rules = new List (); #if !NO_STG List _scripts = new List (); #endif static private readonly char [] _invalidRuleIdChars = new char [] { '.', ':', '-', '#' }; static private readonly char [] _SlashBackSlash = new char [] { '\\', '/' }; #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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