/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SapiInterop / SapiGrammar.cs / 1 / SapiGrammar.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // All the calls to SAPI interfaces are wraped into the class 'SapiRecognizer', // 'SapiContext' and 'SapiGrammar'. // // The SAPI call are executed in the context of a proxy that is either a // pass-through or forward the request to an MTA thread for SAPI 5.1 // // History: // 4/1/2006 jeanfp //----------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Speech.Recognition; using System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop { internal class SapiGrammar : IDisposable { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal SapiGrammar (ISpRecoGrammar sapiGrammar, SapiProxy thread) { _sapiGrammar = sapiGrammar; _sapiProxy = thread; } public void Dispose () { if (!_disposed) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject (_sapiGrammar); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); _disposed = true; } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods internal void SetGrammarState (SPGRAMMARSTATE state) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.SetGrammarState (state); }); } internal void SetWordSequenceData (string text, SPTEXTSELECTIONINFO info) { SPTEXTSELECTIONINFO selectionInfo = info; _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.SetWordSequenceData (text, (uint) text.Length, ref selectionInfo); }); } internal void LoadCmdFromMemory (IntPtr grammar, SPLOADOPTIONS options) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.LoadCmdFromMemory (grammar, options); }); } internal void LoadDictation (string pszTopicName, SPLOADOPTIONS options) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.LoadDictation (pszTopicName, options); }); } internal SAPIErrorCodes SetDictationState (SPRULESTATE state) { return (SAPIErrorCodes) _sapiProxy.Invoke (delegate { return _sapiGrammar.SetDictationState (state); }); } internal SAPIErrorCodes SetRuleState (string name, SPRULESTATE state) { return (SAPIErrorCodes) _sapiProxy.Invoke (delegate { return _sapiGrammar.SetRuleState (name, IntPtr.Zero, state); }); } /* * The Set of methods are only available with SAPI 5.3. There is no need then to use the SAPI proxy to switch * the call to an MTA thread. * */ internal void SetGrammarLoader (ISpGrammarResourceLoader resourceLoader) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetGrammarLoader (resourceLoader); } internal void LoadCmdFromMemory2 (IntPtr grammar, SPLOADOPTIONS options, string sharingUri, string baseUri) { SpRecoGrammar2.LoadCmdFromMemory2 (grammar, options, sharingUri, baseUri); } internal void SetRulePriority (string name, UInt32 id, Int32 priority) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetRulePriority (name, id, priority); } internal void SetRuleWeight (string name, UInt32 id, float weight) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetRuleWeight (name, id, weight); } internal void SetDictationWeight (float weight) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetDictationWeight (weight); } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Properties // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Properties internal ISpRecoGrammar2 SpRecoGrammar2 { get { if (_sapiGrammar2 == null) { _sapiGrammar2 = (ISpRecoGrammar2) _sapiGrammar; } return (ISpRecoGrammar2) _sapiGrammar2; } } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region Private Methods private ISpRecoGrammar2 _sapiGrammar2; private ISpRecoGrammar _sapiGrammar; private SapiProxy _sapiProxy; private bool _disposed; #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // All the calls to SAPI interfaces are wraped into the class 'SapiRecognizer', // 'SapiContext' and 'SapiGrammar'. // // The SAPI call are executed in the context of a proxy that is either a // pass-through or forward the request to an MTA thread for SAPI 5.1 // // History: // 4/1/2006 jeanfp //----------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Speech.Recognition; using System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop { internal class SapiGrammar : IDisposable { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal SapiGrammar (ISpRecoGrammar sapiGrammar, SapiProxy thread) { _sapiGrammar = sapiGrammar; _sapiProxy = thread; } public void Dispose () { if (!_disposed) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject (_sapiGrammar); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); _disposed = true; } } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods internal void SetGrammarState (SPGRAMMARSTATE state) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.SetGrammarState (state); }); } internal void SetWordSequenceData (string text, SPTEXTSELECTIONINFO info) { SPTEXTSELECTIONINFO selectionInfo = info; _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.SetWordSequenceData (text, (uint) text.Length, ref selectionInfo); }); } internal void LoadCmdFromMemory (IntPtr grammar, SPLOADOPTIONS options) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.LoadCmdFromMemory (grammar, options); }); } internal void LoadDictation (string pszTopicName, SPLOADOPTIONS options) { _sapiProxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _sapiGrammar.LoadDictation (pszTopicName, options); }); } internal SAPIErrorCodes SetDictationState (SPRULESTATE state) { return (SAPIErrorCodes) _sapiProxy.Invoke (delegate { return _sapiGrammar.SetDictationState (state); }); } internal SAPIErrorCodes SetRuleState (string name, SPRULESTATE state) { return (SAPIErrorCodes) _sapiProxy.Invoke (delegate { return _sapiGrammar.SetRuleState (name, IntPtr.Zero, state); }); } /* * The Set of methods are only available with SAPI 5.3. There is no need then to use the SAPI proxy to switch * the call to an MTA thread. * */ internal void SetGrammarLoader (ISpGrammarResourceLoader resourceLoader) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetGrammarLoader (resourceLoader); } internal void LoadCmdFromMemory2 (IntPtr grammar, SPLOADOPTIONS options, string sharingUri, string baseUri) { SpRecoGrammar2.LoadCmdFromMemory2 (grammar, options, sharingUri, baseUri); } internal void SetRulePriority (string name, UInt32 id, Int32 priority) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetRulePriority (name, id, priority); } internal void SetRuleWeight (string name, UInt32 id, float weight) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetRuleWeight (name, id, weight); } internal void SetDictationWeight (float weight) { SpRecoGrammar2.SetDictationWeight (weight); } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Properties // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Properties internal ISpRecoGrammar2 SpRecoGrammar2 { get { if (_sapiGrammar2 == null) { _sapiGrammar2 = (ISpRecoGrammar2) _sapiGrammar; } return (ISpRecoGrammar2) _sapiGrammar2; } } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region Private Methods private ISpRecoGrammar2 _sapiGrammar2; private ISpRecoGrammar _sapiGrammar; private SapiProxy _sapiProxy; private bool _disposed; #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- HttpRuntime.cs
- EntityDesignerUtils.cs
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- LassoSelectionBehavior.cs
- BamlResourceDeserializer.cs
- ValidationEventArgs.cs
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- ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs.cs
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- ClusterSafeNativeMethods.cs
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