AnnotationHighlightLayer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Annotations / Component / AnnotationHighlightLayer.cs / 1 / AnnotationHighlightLayer.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: HighlightLayer for annotations. It handles highlights 
// and StickyNote anchors as well. 
// History: 
//  01/27/2005 ssimova - Created
using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using MS.Internal.Text; 
using System.Windows.Shapes; 
using MS.Internal.Annotations.Anchoring;
using System.Windows.Controls; 

namespace MS.Internal.Annotations.Component
    // Highlight rendering for the Annotation highlight and sticky note anchor. 
    internal class AnnotationHighlightLayer : HighlightLayer
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        /// Creates a new instance of the highlight layer 
        internal AnnotationHighlightLayer() 
            _segments = new List();
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        /// Adds a new text range to the layer 
        /// If the range does not overlap any of the existing segments it is added on the appropriate position
        /// in the _segments array - the _segments array contains non overlapping HighlightSegments sorted by ITextPointers.
        /// If the range overlaps some of the existing segments its IHighlightRange is added to the list of owners
        /// for those segments. If the input range overlaps partially some of the existing segments they will be split into 
        /// new segments by the corresponding range end points. For the overlapping parts the IHighlightRange of the new
        /// range will be added. If the new range overlaps parts of existing segments and some nonhighlighted areas, new 
        /// HighlightSegments will be generated for the nonhighlighted areas. Example: 
        /// 1. text "1234567" has 2 HighlightSegments covereing "234" and "67"
        /// 2. Add a range that covers "3456" 
        /// 3.The result will be 5 HighlightSegments - "2", "34", "5", "6" and "7". "2" and "7" will keep their original owners array.
        ///   "5" will have only one owner - the new IHighlightRange, "34" and "6" will have their previous owners + the new one.
        /// the highlight range owner 
        internal void AddRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "the owner is null"); 
            ITextPointer start = highlightRange.Range.Start;
            ITextPointer end = highlightRange.Range.End; 
            //check input data
            Debug.Assert(start != null, "start pointer is null");
            Debug.Assert(end != null, "end pointer is null");
            Debug.Assert(start.CompareTo(end) <= 0, "end pointer before start"); 

            if (start.CompareTo(end) == 0) 
                //it is a 0 length highlight - do not render it

            if (_segments.Count == 0)
                //set container type
                object textContainer = start.TextContainer; 
                IsFixedContainer = textContainer is FixedTextContainer || textContainer is DocumentSequenceTextContainer; 
            ITextPointer invalidateStart;
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd;

            ProcessOverlapingSegments(highlightRange, out invalidateStart, out invalidateEnd); 

            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer) 
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd)); 

        /// RemoveRange from the highlight layer. The corresponding IHighlightRange object will be removed 
        /// from all HighlightSegments that belong to this range. All ranges with no more owners will also be removed. 
        /// The visual properties of ranges that have more owners might change.
        /// The highlight range owner
        /// true if the range is successfuly removed
        internal void RemoveRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Debug.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data");
            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0)

            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg); 

            //get invalidate start and end point 
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End;
            for (int i = startSeg; i <= endSeg; ) 
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                int count = highlightSegment.RemoveOwner(highlightRange);
                if (count == 0) 

            //TBD:Should do something against fragmentation 
            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2.
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer) 
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));

        /// Notifies segments and listeners that a IHighlightRange colors have been modified 
        /// the highlight range to be modified 
        /// true if successfuly modified
        internal void ModifiedRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data"); 

            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0) 
            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg);
            //update colors
            for (int seg = startSeg; seg < endSeg; seg++) 
                //the owners have not changed so this will only update the colors

            //get invalidate start and end point
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End;
            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer)
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));


        /// Activate/Deactivate highlight range 
        /// the text range to be modified 
        /// true - activate, false - deactivate
        internal void ActivateRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange, bool activate)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data"); 

            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0) 
            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg);
            //get invalidate start and end point
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End; 

            //set them as active 
            for (int i = startSeg; i <= endSeg; i++)
                if (activate)

            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer)
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));

        /// Returns the value of a property stored on scoping highlight, if any. 
        /// If no property value is set, returns null.
        /// We scan all the segments in a loop end for each segment make two checks: 
        /// 1. Is the textPosition before the beginning of the segment, or at the begining with
        /// GicalDirection.Backward. If this is true our point is before the current segment. 
        /// We know that if it belongs to any of the previous segments the loop will stop, so that 
        /// means the point is outside any segments - break the loop.
        /// 2. If the textPosition is not before the current segment, check if it is on the current segment 
        /// or at the end with LogicalDirection.Backward. If this is true the point belongs to the
        /// current segment - save it and break the loop.
        /// position to check for 
        /// logical direction
        internal override object GetHighlightValue(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction) 
            object value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 
            HighlightSegment highlightSegment = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++)
                highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if ((highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(textPosition) > 0) || 
                    ((highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(textPosition) == 0) && (direction == LogicalDirection.Backward))) 
                    // the point is outside highlights 

                if ((highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(textPosition) > 0) || 
                    ((highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(textPosition) == 0) && (direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)))
                    value = highlightSegment; 

            return value;
        // Returns true if the indicated content has scoping highlights. 
        internal override bool IsContentHighlighted(StaticTextPointer staticTextPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            return GetHighlightValue(staticTextPosition, direction) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

        // Returns the position of the next highlight start or end in an 
        // indicated direction, or null if there is no such position.
        internal override StaticTextPointer GetNextChangePosition(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction) 
            ITextPointer dynamicPosition;
            if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                dynamicPosition = GetNextForwardPosition(textPosition);
                dynamicPosition = GetNextBackwardPosition(textPosition); 
            return dynamicPosition == null ? StaticTextPointer.Null : dynamicPosition.CreateStaticPointer();

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        /// Type identifying this layer for Highlights.GetHighlightValue calls. 
        internal override Type OwnerType
                return typeof(HighlightComponent);
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Events

        #region Internal Events 
        // Event raised when a highlight range is inserted, removed, moved, or
        // has a local property value change. 
        internal override event HighlightChangedEventHandler Changed;

        #endregion Internal Events
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        /// Checks if the input range overlaps existing segments and splits them if needed
        /// range data 
        /// start pointer of the invalid area
        /// end pointer of the invalid area 
        /// This method requires ordered nonoverlaped input segments. Otherwise it will assert.
        private void ProcessOverlapingSegments(IHighlightRange highlightRange, out ITextPointer invalidateStart, out ITextPointer invalidateEnd)
            Debug.Assert(highlightRange != null, " null highlight range"); 
            ReadOnlyCollection rangeSegments = highlightRange.Range.TextSegments;
            Debug.Assert((rangeSegments != null) && (rangeSegments.Count > 0), "invalid rangeSegments"); 

            invalidateStart = null; 
            invalidateEnd = null;
            int ind = 0;
            IEnumerator rangeEnumerator = rangeSegments.GetEnumerator();
            TextSegment rangeSegment = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext() ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null; 
            while ((ind < _segments.Count) && (!rangeSegment.IsNull))
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[ind]; 
                Debug.Assert(highlightSegment != null, "null highlight segment");
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(rangeSegment.Start) <= 0)
                    if (highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(rangeSegment.Start) > 0)
                        //split highlightSegment
                        //the split method is smart enough to take care of edge cases - point on start/end of the 
                        //segment, points outside the segment etc 
                        IList res = highlightSegment.Split(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange);
                        //if the result does not contain the original segment we need to clear the owners
                        if (!res.Contains(highlightSegment))
                        _segments.InsertRange(ind, res); 
                        ind = ind + res.Count - 1; 

                        //check if we need to move to next range segment 
                        if (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) <= 0)
                            //get next one
                            bool next = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext(); 
                            Debug.Assert(rangeEnumerator.Current.IsNull || !next ||
                                         (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(rangeEnumerator.Current.Start) <= 0), 
                                         "overlapped range segments"); 
                            rangeSegment = next ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null;
                            //get the piece that is left
                            rangeSegment = new TextSegment(highlightSegment.Segment.End, rangeSegment.End); 
                        //set invalidateStart if needed 
                        if (invalidateStart == null)
                            invalidateStart = highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 

                        //move to next highlightsegment
                    //set invalidateStart if needed
                    if (invalidateStart == null)
                        invalidateStart = rangeSegment.Start; 

                    if (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) > 0) 
                        //add the piece before the highlight segment
                        HighlightSegment temp = new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, highlightSegment.Segment.Start, highlightRange); 
                        _segments.Insert(ind++, temp);

                        //now our current segment is the rest of the range segment
                        rangeSegment = new TextSegment(highlightSegment.Segment.Start, rangeSegment.End); 

                        //just insert this range segment - it does not cover any highlight segnments. Increment ind 
                        //so it points to the same highlight segment
                        _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange));
                        //get next range segment
                        rangeSegment = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext() ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null; 
            if (!rangeSegment.IsNull)
                if (invalidateStart == null) 
                    invalidateStart = rangeSegment.Start;
                _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange)); 

            //check if there are more rangeSegments 
            while (rangeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeEnumerator.Current.Start, rangeEnumerator.Current.End, highlightRange));

            //set invalidateEnd 
            if (invalidateStart != null) 
                if (ind == _segments.Count) ind--; 
                invalidateEnd = _segments[ind].Segment.End;
        /// Gets next change position in the forward direction 
        ///  start position
        /// next position if any 
        private ITextPointer GetNextForwardPosition(StaticTextPointer pos)
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++)
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) >= 0) 
                    if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) < 0)
                        return highlightSegment.Segment.End; 
                    return highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 
            return null;

        /// Gets next change position in the backward direction 
        ///  start position 
        /// nex position if any 
        private ITextPointer GetNextBackwardPosition(StaticTextPointer pos)
            for (int i = _segments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) <= 0) 
                    if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) > 0) 
                        return highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 
                    return highlightSegment.Segment.End;

            return null; 
        void GetSpannedSegments(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, out int startSeg, out int endSeg)
            startSeg = -1;
            endSeg = -1; 
            //add it to Highlight segments
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++) 
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(start) == 0) 
                    startSeg = i;
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(end) == 0)
                    endSeg = i; 

            if ((startSeg < 0) || (endSeg < 0) || (startSeg > endSeg)) 
                Debug.Assert(false, "Mismatched segment data");

        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties 

        #region Private Properties 

        private bool IsFixedContainer 
                return _isFixedContainer;

                _isFixedContainer = value; 
        #endregion Private Properties

        //  Private Types

        #region Private Types 

        // Argument for the Changed event, encapsulates a highlight change.
        private class AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs : HighlightChangedEventArgs
            // Constructor.
            internal AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
                TextSegment[] rangeArray = new TextSegment[] { new TextSegment(start, end) };
                _ranges = new ReadOnlyCollection(rangeArray);

            // Collection of changed content ranges. 
            internal override IList Ranges
                    return _ranges; 

            // Type identifying the owner of the changed layer. 
            internal override Type OwnerType
                    return typeof(HighlightComponent); 

            // Collection of changed content ranges. 
            private readonly ReadOnlyCollection _ranges;
        /// Represent one segment of the highlight that belongs to a particular set of owners. 
        /// In case of overlaping highlights one HighlightSegment will be generated for each part
        /// that hase same set of owners.
        internal sealed class HighlightSegment : Shape 
            //  Constructors

            #region Constructors
            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with one owner 
            /// start segment position
            /// end segment position 
            /// Owners data. Used to find the right place of this owner in the list
            internal HighlightSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IHighlightRange owner)
                : base()
                List list = new List(1);
                Init(start, end, list); 
                _owners = list;

            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with a list of owners 
            /// start segment position 
            /// end segment position 
            /// owners list
            internal HighlightSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IList owners) 
                Init(start, end, owners);
                //make a copy of the owners
                _owners = new List(owners.Count); 

            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with a list of owners
            /// start segment position
            /// end segment position 
            /// owners list
            private void Init(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IList owners) 
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "start pointer is null");
                Debug.Assert(end != null, "end pointer is null"); 
                Debug.Assert(owners != null, "null owners list");
                Debug.Assert(owners.Count > 0, "empty owners list");
                for (int i = 0; i < owners.Count; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(owners[i] != null, "null owner"); 

                _segment = new TextSegment(start, end); 
                IsHitTestVisible = false; 
                object textContainer = start.TextContainer;
                _isFixedContainer = textContainer is FixedTextContainer || textContainer is DocumentSequenceTextContainer; 

                //check for tables, figures and floaters and extract the content

            #endregion Constructors 
            //  Internal methods
            #region Internal methods
            /// Adds one owner to the _owners list 
            /// owner data 
            internal void AddOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                //Find the right place in the list according to TimeStamp and the priority 
                //Note: - currently we care only about priority
                for (int i = 0; i < _owners.Count; i++) 
                    if (_owners[i].Priority < owner.Priority)
                        _owners.Insert(i, owner);
                //every body has higher priority - add this at the end 

            /// Removes one owner from the _owners list 
            /// owner data 
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal int RemoveOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                if (_owners.Contains(owner))
                    if (_activeOwners.Contains(owner))

                return _owners.Count; 

            /// Adds an owner to_activeOwners list 
            /// owner data 
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal void AddActiveOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                //this must be a valid owner
                if (_owners.Contains(owner))

            /// Adds owners range to_activeOwners list
            /// owner list
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            private void AddActiveOwners(List owners)

            /// Removes one owner from the _activeOwners list
            /// owner data
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal void RemoveActiveOwner(IHighlightRange owner) 
                if (_activeOwners.Contains(owner)) 

            /// Clear all segment owners - most probably the segment will be removed 
            internal void ClearOwners()

            /// Splits this HighlightSegemnt into two highlights
            /// splitting position
            /// On which side of the splitting point to add new owner 
            /// A list of resulting highlights. They have new TextSegments and the same set of
            /// owners as this 
            internal IList Split(ITextPointer ps, LogicalDirection side) 
                IList res = null; 
                if ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.Start) == 0) || (ps.CompareTo(_segment.End) == 0))
                    if ( ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.Start) == 0) && (side == LogicalDirection.Forward)) ||
                         ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.End) == 0) && (side == LogicalDirection.Backward)) ) 
                        res = new List(1); 
                else if (_segment.Contains(ps))
                    res = new List(2);
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(_segment.Start, ps, _owners)); 
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps, _segment.End, _owners));
                return res; 

            /// Splits HighlightSegment in two positions 
            /// first splitting position 
            /// second splitting position 
            /// Guid of a new owner to be added in the middle. May be null
            /// A list of resulting HighlightSegments. They have same list of owners as this 
            internal IList Split(ITextPointer ps1, ITextPointer ps2, IHighlightRange newOwner)
                Debug.Assert((ps1 != null) && (ps2 != null) && (ps1.CompareTo(ps2) <= 0), "invalid splitting points");
                IList res = new List();
                if (ps1.CompareTo(ps2) == 0) 
                    //special processing for equal splitting points 
                    if ((_segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) > 0) || (_segment.End.CompareTo(ps1) < 0))
                        return res;

                    if (_segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) < 0) 
                        res.Add(new HighlightSegment(_segment.Start, ps1, _owners)); 

                    //add 0-length segment 
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps1, ps1, _owners));

                    if (_segment.End.CompareTo(ps1) > 0)
                        res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps1, _segment.End, _owners));
                    //add active owners as well
                    foreach (HighlightSegment seg in res) 
                else if (_segment.Contains(ps1))
                    IList r1 = Split(ps1, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < r1.Count; i++)
                        if (r1[i].Segment.Contains(ps2))
                            IList r2 = r1[i].Split(ps2, LogicalDirection.Backward);
                            for (int j = 0; j < r2.Count; j++) 
                            //check if r1[i] needs to be discarded (it can be included in the split result 
                            // so we should not discard it in that case)
                            if (!r2.Contains(r1[i])) 
                    res = Split(ps2, LogicalDirection.Backward);

                if ((res != null) && (res.Count > 0) && (newOwner != null)) 
                    //add owner
                    if (res.Count == 3) 
                        //if we have 3 segments the new owner will go to the middle one
                    else if ((res[0].Segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) == 0) ||
                             (res[0].Segment.End.CompareTo(ps2) == 0)) 
                        //if one of the splitting points is on the corresponding end of the first
                        //segment it will have the new owner 
                        //if we have 1 segment we should go through the else above, so they must be 2
                        Debug.Assert(res.Count == 2, "unexpected resulting segment count after split"); 

                return res;
            internal void UpdateOwners()
                if (_cachedTopOwner != TopOwner) 
                    //remove it from the old owner children 
                    if (_cachedTopOwner != null)
                    _cachedTopOwner = TopOwner;
                    //add it to the new owner children
                    if (_cachedTopOwner != null) 
                Fill = OwnerColor; 

            /// this is called when this HighlightSegment will be discarded 
            /// It has to remove itself from the TopOwner's children and empty the
            /// owners lists 
            internal void Discard()
                if (TopOwner != null)
            #endregion Internal methods 

            //  Private methods

            #region Private methods 
            /// Calculates geometry for ine TextSegment 
            /// GeometryGroup to add the geometry
            /// TextSegment
            /// TextView to which geometry has to be transformed 
            private void GetSegmentGeometry(GeometryGroup geometry, TextSegment segment, ITextView parentView)
                List textViews = TextSelectionHelper.GetDocumentPageTextViews(segment); 
                Debug.Assert(textViews != null, "geometry text view not found");
                foreach (ITextView view in textViews)
                    Geometry viewGeometry = GetPageGeometry(segment, view, parentView);
                    if (viewGeometry != null) 
            /// Get a geometry for a particular page and transforms it to the parent page
            /// the TextSegment for which geometry we are looking 
            /// the page view
            /// the parent page view 
            private Geometry GetPageGeometry(TextSegment segment, ITextView view, ITextView parentView)
                Debug.Assert((view != null) && (parentView != null), "null text view");
                //in the initial layout update the TextViews might be invalid. This is OK
                //since there will be a second pass
                if (!view.IsValid || !parentView.IsValid) 
                    return null;
                //Debug.Assert((view.RenderScope != null) && (parentView.RenderScope != null), "null text view render scope"); 
                if ((view.RenderScope == null) || (parentView.RenderScope == null))
                    return null; 

                Geometry pageGeometry = null;
                pageGeometry = view.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(segment.Start, segment.End);
                if (pageGeometry != null)
                    if (parentView != null) 
                        Transform additionalTransform = (Transform)view.RenderScope.TransformToVisual(parentView.RenderScope); 
                        if (pageGeometry.Transform != null)
                            //we need to create geometry group in this case
                            TransformGroup group = new TransformGroup(); 
                            pageGeometry.Transform = group; 
                            //now set the transformation
                            pageGeometry.Transform = additionalTransform;
                return pageGeometry;

            /// Checks the TextSegment for tables, figures and floaters and gets the content if any
            private void GetContent()
                Debug.Assert(!_segment.IsNull, "null TextSegment"); 
                ITextPointer cursor = _segment.Start.CreatePointer();
                ITextPointer segmentStart = null;

                while (cursor.CompareTo(_segment.End) < 0) 
                    TextPointerContext nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                        Type elementType = cursor.GetElementType(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        if (typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                            // Open new segment if it was not opened already 
                            OpenSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor);
                        else if (typeof(Table).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                                 typeof(Floater).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) || 
                            // Start of table encountered. Add previous segment to the collection
                            CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End); 
                        if (typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                        {// Skip the whole element - it dos not contain Tables, Figures or Floaters
                    else if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 
                        Type elementType = cursor.ParentType;
                        if (typeof(TableCell).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) || 
                            typeof(Floater).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                            // End of cell encountered. Add the previous segment to the collection 
                            CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End);
                        // Skip the closing tag
                    else if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.Text || nextContext == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement)
                        // Open new segment if it was not opened already 
                        OpenSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor);
                        // Skip the text run 
                        Invariant.Assert(false, "unexpected TextPointerContext");
                // Close the last segment 
                CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End);

            // Opens a segment for the following portion 
            private void OpenSegment(ref ITextPointer segmentStart, ITextPointer cursor)
                if (segmentStart == null) 
                    // Create normalized position for the segment start 
                    segmentStart = cursor.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Adds individual segment to a collection 
            private void CloseSegment(ref ITextPointer segmentStart, ITextPointer cursor, ITextPointer end) 
                if (segmentStart != null) 
                    // Check for going beyond the end
                    if (cursor.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                        cursor = end;
                    // Create normalized position for the segment end
                    ITextPointer segmentEnd = cursor.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 

                    // Add segment to the collection if it is not empty
                    if (segmentStart.CompareTo(segmentEnd) < 0)
                        _contentSegments.Add(new TextSegment(segmentStart, segmentEnd));

                    // Close the previous segment 
                    segmentStart = null;


            #endregion Private methods 

            #region Protected Properties 

            /// Get the geometry that defines this shape
            protected override Geometry DefiningGeometry
                    //on fixed document the highlights are drawn in a different way 
                    if (_isFixedContainer)
                        return Geometry.Empty;

                    Debug.Assert(TopOwner != null, "invalid TopOwner"); 
                    ITextView parentView = TextSelectionHelper.GetDocumentPageTextView(TopOwner.Range.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward));
                    Debug.Assert(parentView != null, "geometry parent text view not found"); 
                    GeometryGroup geometry = new GeometryGroup(); 

                    if (TopOwner.HighlightContent) 
                        foreach (TextSegment segment in _contentSegments)
                            GetSegmentGeometry(geometry, segment, parentView); 
                        GetSegmentGeometry(geometry, _segment, parentView); 

                    //reset render transformation of the TopOwner
                    UIElement uie = TopOwner as UIElement; 
                    if (uie != null)
                        uie.RenderTransform = Transform.Identity; 
                    return geometry;

            #endregion Protected Properties 

            //  Internal properties

            #region Internal Properties
            internal TextSegment Segment
                    return _segment; 

            /// returns the IHighlightRange that is currently drawn on top of this TextSegment
            internal IHighlightRange TopOwner 
                    if (_activeOwners.Count != 0)
                        return _activeOwners[0];
                        //TBD implement Z order
                        return _owners.Count > 0 ? _owners[0] : null; 
            #endregion Internal Properties

            //  Private properties

            #region Private Properties 

            /// Creates a background Brush for this segment that reflects the properties
            /// and Z order of the owners 
            private Brush OwnerColor 
                    if (_activeOwners.Count != 0)
                        return new SolidColorBrush(_activeOwners[0].SelectedBackground);
                        //TBD implement Z order 
                        return _owners.Count > 0 ? new SolidColorBrush(_owners[0].Background) : null;

            #endregion Private Properties

            //  Private fields

            #region Private fields 

            private TextSegment _segment;
            private List _contentSegments = new List(1);
            private readonly List _owners; 
            private List _activeOwners = new List();
            private IHighlightRange _cachedTopOwner = null; 
            private bool _isFixedContainer; 

            #endregion Private fields 

        #endregion Private Types
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        /// A list of all HiglightSegments ordered by position
        List _segments; 
        bool _isFixedContainer = false;
        #endregion Private Fields


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: HighlightLayer for annotations. It handles highlights 
// and StickyNote anchors as well. 
// History: 
//  01/27/2005 ssimova - Created
using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using MS.Internal.Text; 
using System.Windows.Shapes; 
using MS.Internal.Annotations.Anchoring;
using System.Windows.Controls; 

namespace MS.Internal.Annotations.Component
    // Highlight rendering for the Annotation highlight and sticky note anchor. 
    internal class AnnotationHighlightLayer : HighlightLayer
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        /// Creates a new instance of the highlight layer 
        internal AnnotationHighlightLayer() 
            _segments = new List();
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        /// Adds a new text range to the layer 
        /// If the range does not overlap any of the existing segments it is added on the appropriate position
        /// in the _segments array - the _segments array contains non overlapping HighlightSegments sorted by ITextPointers.
        /// If the range overlaps some of the existing segments its IHighlightRange is added to the list of owners
        /// for those segments. If the input range overlaps partially some of the existing segments they will be split into 
        /// new segments by the corresponding range end points. For the overlapping parts the IHighlightRange of the new
        /// range will be added. If the new range overlaps parts of existing segments and some nonhighlighted areas, new 
        /// HighlightSegments will be generated for the nonhighlighted areas. Example: 
        /// 1. text "1234567" has 2 HighlightSegments covereing "234" and "67"
        /// 2. Add a range that covers "3456" 
        /// 3.The result will be 5 HighlightSegments - "2", "34", "5", "6" and "7". "2" and "7" will keep their original owners array.
        ///   "5" will have only one owner - the new IHighlightRange, "34" and "6" will have their previous owners + the new one.
        /// the highlight range owner 
        internal void AddRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "the owner is null"); 
            ITextPointer start = highlightRange.Range.Start;
            ITextPointer end = highlightRange.Range.End; 
            //check input data
            Debug.Assert(start != null, "start pointer is null");
            Debug.Assert(end != null, "end pointer is null");
            Debug.Assert(start.CompareTo(end) <= 0, "end pointer before start"); 

            if (start.CompareTo(end) == 0) 
                //it is a 0 length highlight - do not render it

            if (_segments.Count == 0)
                //set container type
                object textContainer = start.TextContainer; 
                IsFixedContainer = textContainer is FixedTextContainer || textContainer is DocumentSequenceTextContainer; 
            ITextPointer invalidateStart;
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd;

            ProcessOverlapingSegments(highlightRange, out invalidateStart, out invalidateEnd); 

            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer) 
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd)); 

        /// RemoveRange from the highlight layer. The corresponding IHighlightRange object will be removed 
        /// from all HighlightSegments that belong to this range. All ranges with no more owners will also be removed. 
        /// The visual properties of ranges that have more owners might change.
        /// The highlight range owner
        /// true if the range is successfuly removed
        internal void RemoveRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Debug.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data");
            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0)

            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg); 

            //get invalidate start and end point 
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End;
            for (int i = startSeg; i <= endSeg; ) 
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                int count = highlightSegment.RemoveOwner(highlightRange);
                if (count == 0) 

            //TBD:Should do something against fragmentation 
            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2.
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer) 
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));

        /// Notifies segments and listeners that a IHighlightRange colors have been modified 
        /// the highlight range to be modified 
        /// true if successfuly modified
        internal void ModifiedRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data"); 

            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0) 
            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg);
            //update colors
            for (int seg = startSeg; seg < endSeg; seg++) 
                //the owners have not changed so this will only update the colors

            //get invalidate start and end point
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End;
            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer)
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));


        /// Activate/Deactivate highlight range 
        /// the text range to be modified 
        /// true - activate, false - deactivate
        internal void ActivateRange(IHighlightRange highlightRange, bool activate)
            Invariant.Assert(highlightRange != null, "null range data"); 

            //if range is 0 length do nothing 
            if (highlightRange.Range.Start.CompareTo(highlightRange.Range.End) == 0) 
            int startSeg;
            int endSeg;
            GetSpannedSegments(highlightRange.Range.Start, highlightRange.Range.End, out startSeg, out endSeg);
            //get invalidate start and end point
            ITextPointer invalidateStart = _segments[startSeg].Segment.Start; 
            ITextPointer invalidateEnd = _segments[endSeg].Segment.End; 

            //set them as active 
            for (int i = startSeg; i <= endSeg; i++)
                if (activate)

            //fire event - do it only for fixed to avoid disposing of the page in flow. Needs to be changed in V2. 
            if ((Changed != null) && IsFixedContainer)
                Changed(this, new AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidateStart, invalidateEnd));

        /// Returns the value of a property stored on scoping highlight, if any. 
        /// If no property value is set, returns null.
        /// We scan all the segments in a loop end for each segment make two checks: 
        /// 1. Is the textPosition before the beginning of the segment, or at the begining with
        /// GicalDirection.Backward. If this is true our point is before the current segment. 
        /// We know that if it belongs to any of the previous segments the loop will stop, so that 
        /// means the point is outside any segments - break the loop.
        /// 2. If the textPosition is not before the current segment, check if it is on the current segment 
        /// or at the end with LogicalDirection.Backward. If this is true the point belongs to the
        /// current segment - save it and break the loop.
        /// position to check for 
        /// logical direction
        internal override object GetHighlightValue(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction) 
            object value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 
            HighlightSegment highlightSegment = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++)
                highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if ((highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(textPosition) > 0) || 
                    ((highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(textPosition) == 0) && (direction == LogicalDirection.Backward))) 
                    // the point is outside highlights 

                if ((highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(textPosition) > 0) || 
                    ((highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(textPosition) == 0) && (direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)))
                    value = highlightSegment; 

            return value;
        // Returns true if the indicated content has scoping highlights. 
        internal override bool IsContentHighlighted(StaticTextPointer staticTextPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            return GetHighlightValue(staticTextPosition, direction) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

        // Returns the position of the next highlight start or end in an 
        // indicated direction, or null if there is no such position.
        internal override StaticTextPointer GetNextChangePosition(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction) 
            ITextPointer dynamicPosition;
            if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                dynamicPosition = GetNextForwardPosition(textPosition);
                dynamicPosition = GetNextBackwardPosition(textPosition); 
            return dynamicPosition == null ? StaticTextPointer.Null : dynamicPosition.CreateStaticPointer();

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        /// Type identifying this layer for Highlights.GetHighlightValue calls. 
        internal override Type OwnerType
                return typeof(HighlightComponent);
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Events

        #region Internal Events 
        // Event raised when a highlight range is inserted, removed, moved, or
        // has a local property value change. 
        internal override event HighlightChangedEventHandler Changed;

        #endregion Internal Events
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        /// Checks if the input range overlaps existing segments and splits them if needed
        /// range data 
        /// start pointer of the invalid area
        /// end pointer of the invalid area 
        /// This method requires ordered nonoverlaped input segments. Otherwise it will assert.
        private void ProcessOverlapingSegments(IHighlightRange highlightRange, out ITextPointer invalidateStart, out ITextPointer invalidateEnd)
            Debug.Assert(highlightRange != null, " null highlight range"); 
            ReadOnlyCollection rangeSegments = highlightRange.Range.TextSegments;
            Debug.Assert((rangeSegments != null) && (rangeSegments.Count > 0), "invalid rangeSegments"); 

            invalidateStart = null; 
            invalidateEnd = null;
            int ind = 0;
            IEnumerator rangeEnumerator = rangeSegments.GetEnumerator();
            TextSegment rangeSegment = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext() ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null; 
            while ((ind < _segments.Count) && (!rangeSegment.IsNull))
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[ind]; 
                Debug.Assert(highlightSegment != null, "null highlight segment");
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(rangeSegment.Start) <= 0)
                    if (highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(rangeSegment.Start) > 0)
                        //split highlightSegment
                        //the split method is smart enough to take care of edge cases - point on start/end of the 
                        //segment, points outside the segment etc 
                        IList res = highlightSegment.Split(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange);
                        //if the result does not contain the original segment we need to clear the owners
                        if (!res.Contains(highlightSegment))
                        _segments.InsertRange(ind, res); 
                        ind = ind + res.Count - 1; 

                        //check if we need to move to next range segment 
                        if (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) <= 0)
                            //get next one
                            bool next = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext(); 
                            Debug.Assert(rangeEnumerator.Current.IsNull || !next ||
                                         (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(rangeEnumerator.Current.Start) <= 0), 
                                         "overlapped range segments"); 
                            rangeSegment = next ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null;
                            //get the piece that is left
                            rangeSegment = new TextSegment(highlightSegment.Segment.End, rangeSegment.End); 
                        //set invalidateStart if needed 
                        if (invalidateStart == null)
                            invalidateStart = highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 

                        //move to next highlightsegment
                    //set invalidateStart if needed
                    if (invalidateStart == null)
                        invalidateStart = rangeSegment.Start; 

                    if (rangeSegment.End.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) > 0) 
                        //add the piece before the highlight segment
                        HighlightSegment temp = new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, highlightSegment.Segment.Start, highlightRange); 
                        _segments.Insert(ind++, temp);

                        //now our current segment is the rest of the range segment
                        rangeSegment = new TextSegment(highlightSegment.Segment.Start, rangeSegment.End); 

                        //just insert this range segment - it does not cover any highlight segnments. Increment ind 
                        //so it points to the same highlight segment
                        _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange));
                        //get next range segment
                        rangeSegment = rangeEnumerator.MoveNext() ? rangeEnumerator.Current : TextSegment.Null; 
            if (!rangeSegment.IsNull)
                if (invalidateStart == null) 
                    invalidateStart = rangeSegment.Start;
                _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeSegment.Start, rangeSegment.End, highlightRange)); 

            //check if there are more rangeSegments 
            while (rangeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                _segments.Insert(ind++, new HighlightSegment(rangeEnumerator.Current.Start, rangeEnumerator.Current.End, highlightRange));

            //set invalidateEnd 
            if (invalidateStart != null) 
                if (ind == _segments.Count) ind--; 
                invalidateEnd = _segments[ind].Segment.End;
        /// Gets next change position in the forward direction 
        ///  start position
        /// next position if any 
        private ITextPointer GetNextForwardPosition(StaticTextPointer pos)
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++)
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) >= 0) 
                    if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) < 0)
                        return highlightSegment.Segment.End; 
                    return highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 
            return null;

        /// Gets next change position in the backward direction 
        ///  start position 
        /// nex position if any 
        private ITextPointer GetNextBackwardPosition(StaticTextPointer pos)
            for (int i = _segments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.End) <= 0) 
                    if (pos.CompareTo(highlightSegment.Segment.Start) > 0) 
                        return highlightSegment.Segment.Start; 
                    return highlightSegment.Segment.End;

            return null; 
        void GetSpannedSegments(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, out int startSeg, out int endSeg)
            startSeg = -1;
            endSeg = -1; 
            //add it to Highlight segments
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++) 
                HighlightSegment highlightSegment = _segments[i];
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.Start.CompareTo(start) == 0) 
                    startSeg = i;
                if (highlightSegment.Segment.End.CompareTo(end) == 0)
                    endSeg = i; 

            if ((startSeg < 0) || (endSeg < 0) || (startSeg > endSeg)) 
                Debug.Assert(false, "Mismatched segment data");

        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties 

        #region Private Properties 

        private bool IsFixedContainer 
                return _isFixedContainer;

                _isFixedContainer = value; 
        #endregion Private Properties

        //  Private Types

        #region Private Types 

        // Argument for the Changed event, encapsulates a highlight change.
        private class AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs : HighlightChangedEventArgs
            // Constructor.
            internal AnnotationHighlightChangedEventArgs(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
                TextSegment[] rangeArray = new TextSegment[] { new TextSegment(start, end) };
                _ranges = new ReadOnlyCollection(rangeArray);

            // Collection of changed content ranges. 
            internal override IList Ranges
                    return _ranges; 

            // Type identifying the owner of the changed layer. 
            internal override Type OwnerType
                    return typeof(HighlightComponent); 

            // Collection of changed content ranges. 
            private readonly ReadOnlyCollection _ranges;
        /// Represent one segment of the highlight that belongs to a particular set of owners. 
        /// In case of overlaping highlights one HighlightSegment will be generated for each part
        /// that hase same set of owners.
        internal sealed class HighlightSegment : Shape 
            //  Constructors

            #region Constructors
            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with one owner 
            /// start segment position
            /// end segment position 
            /// Owners data. Used to find the right place of this owner in the list
            internal HighlightSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IHighlightRange owner)
                : base()
                List list = new List(1);
                Init(start, end, list); 
                _owners = list;

            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with a list of owners 
            /// start segment position 
            /// end segment position 
            /// owners list
            internal HighlightSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IList owners) 
                Init(start, end, owners);
                //make a copy of the owners
                _owners = new List(owners.Count); 

            /// Creates a new HighlightSegment with a list of owners
            /// start segment position
            /// end segment position 
            /// owners list
            private void Init(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, IList owners) 
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "start pointer is null");
                Debug.Assert(end != null, "end pointer is null"); 
                Debug.Assert(owners != null, "null owners list");
                Debug.Assert(owners.Count > 0, "empty owners list");
                for (int i = 0; i < owners.Count; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(owners[i] != null, "null owner"); 

                _segment = new TextSegment(start, end); 
                IsHitTestVisible = false; 
                object textContainer = start.TextContainer;
                _isFixedContainer = textContainer is FixedTextContainer || textContainer is DocumentSequenceTextContainer; 

                //check for tables, figures and floaters and extract the content

            #endregion Constructors 
            //  Internal methods
            #region Internal methods
            /// Adds one owner to the _owners list 
            /// owner data 
            internal void AddOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                //Find the right place in the list according to TimeStamp and the priority 
                //Note: - currently we care only about priority
                for (int i = 0; i < _owners.Count; i++) 
                    if (_owners[i].Priority < owner.Priority)
                        _owners.Insert(i, owner);
                //every body has higher priority - add this at the end 

            /// Removes one owner from the _owners list 
            /// owner data 
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal int RemoveOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                if (_owners.Contains(owner))
                    if (_activeOwners.Contains(owner))

                return _owners.Count; 

            /// Adds an owner to_activeOwners list 
            /// owner data 
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal void AddActiveOwner(IHighlightRange owner)
                //this must be a valid owner
                if (_owners.Contains(owner))

            /// Adds owners range to_activeOwners list
            /// owner list
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            private void AddActiveOwners(List owners)

            /// Removes one owner from the _activeOwners list
            /// owner data
            /// the number of owners left for this HighlightSegment 
            internal void RemoveActiveOwner(IHighlightRange owner) 
                if (_activeOwners.Contains(owner)) 

            /// Clear all segment owners - most probably the segment will be removed 
            internal void ClearOwners()

            /// Splits this HighlightSegemnt into two highlights
            /// splitting position
            /// On which side of the splitting point to add new owner 
            /// A list of resulting highlights. They have new TextSegments and the same set of
            /// owners as this 
            internal IList Split(ITextPointer ps, LogicalDirection side) 
                IList res = null; 
                if ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.Start) == 0) || (ps.CompareTo(_segment.End) == 0))
                    if ( ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.Start) == 0) && (side == LogicalDirection.Forward)) ||
                         ((ps.CompareTo(_segment.End) == 0) && (side == LogicalDirection.Backward)) ) 
                        res = new List(1); 
                else if (_segment.Contains(ps))
                    res = new List(2);
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(_segment.Start, ps, _owners)); 
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps, _segment.End, _owners));
                return res; 

            /// Splits HighlightSegment in two positions 
            /// first splitting position 
            /// second splitting position 
            /// Guid of a new owner to be added in the middle. May be null
            /// A list of resulting HighlightSegments. They have same list of owners as this 
            internal IList Split(ITextPointer ps1, ITextPointer ps2, IHighlightRange newOwner)
                Debug.Assert((ps1 != null) && (ps2 != null) && (ps1.CompareTo(ps2) <= 0), "invalid splitting points");
                IList res = new List();
                if (ps1.CompareTo(ps2) == 0) 
                    //special processing for equal splitting points 
                    if ((_segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) > 0) || (_segment.End.CompareTo(ps1) < 0))
                        return res;

                    if (_segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) < 0) 
                        res.Add(new HighlightSegment(_segment.Start, ps1, _owners)); 

                    //add 0-length segment 
                    res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps1, ps1, _owners));

                    if (_segment.End.CompareTo(ps1) > 0)
                        res.Add(new HighlightSegment(ps1, _segment.End, _owners));
                    //add active owners as well
                    foreach (HighlightSegment seg in res) 
                else if (_segment.Contains(ps1))
                    IList r1 = Split(ps1, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < r1.Count; i++)
                        if (r1[i].Segment.Contains(ps2))
                            IList r2 = r1[i].Split(ps2, LogicalDirection.Backward);
                            for (int j = 0; j < r2.Count; j++) 
                            //check if r1[i] needs to be discarded (it can be included in the split result 
                            // so we should not discard it in that case)
                            if (!r2.Contains(r1[i])) 
                    res = Split(ps2, LogicalDirection.Backward);

                if ((res != null) && (res.Count > 0) && (newOwner != null)) 
                    //add owner
                    if (res.Count == 3) 
                        //if we have 3 segments the new owner will go to the middle one
                    else if ((res[0].Segment.Start.CompareTo(ps1) == 0) ||
                             (res[0].Segment.End.CompareTo(ps2) == 0)) 
                        //if one of the splitting points is on the corresponding end of the first
                        //segment it will have the new owner 
                        //if we have 1 segment we should go through the else above, so they must be 2
                        Debug.Assert(res.Count == 2, "unexpected resulting segment count after split"); 

                return res;
            internal void UpdateOwners()
                if (_cachedTopOwner != TopOwner) 
                    //remove it from the old owner children 
                    if (_cachedTopOwner != null)
                    _cachedTopOwner = TopOwner;
                    //add it to the new owner children
                    if (_cachedTopOwner != null) 
                Fill = OwnerColor; 

            /// this is called when this HighlightSegment will be discarded 
            /// It has to remove itself from the TopOwner's children and empty the
            /// owners lists 
            internal void Discard()
                if (TopOwner != null)
            #endregion Internal methods 

            //  Private methods

            #region Private methods 
            /// Calculates geometry for ine TextSegment 
            /// GeometryGroup to add the geometry
            /// TextSegment
            /// TextView to which geometry has to be transformed 
            private void GetSegmentGeometry(GeometryGroup geometry, TextSegment segment, ITextView parentView)
                List textViews = TextSelectionHelper.GetDocumentPageTextViews(segment); 
                Debug.Assert(textViews != null, "geometry text view not found");
                foreach (ITextView view in textViews)
                    Geometry viewGeometry = GetPageGeometry(segment, view, parentView);
                    if (viewGeometry != null) 
            /// Get a geometry for a particular page and transforms it to the parent page
            /// the TextSegment for which geometry we are looking 
            /// the page view
            /// the parent page view 
            private Geometry GetPageGeometry(TextSegment segment, ITextView view, ITextView parentView)
                Debug.Assert((view != null) && (parentView != null), "null text view");
                //in the initial layout update the TextViews might be invalid. This is OK
                //since there will be a second pass
                if (!view.IsValid || !parentView.IsValid) 
                    return null;
                //Debug.Assert((view.RenderScope != null) && (parentView.RenderScope != null), "null text view render scope"); 
                if ((view.RenderScope == null) || (parentView.RenderScope == null))
                    return null; 

                Geometry pageGeometry = null;
                pageGeometry = view.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(segment.Start, segment.End);
                if (pageGeometry != null)
                    if (parentView != null) 
                        Transform additionalTransform = (Transform)view.RenderScope.TransformToVisual(parentView.RenderScope); 
                        if (pageGeometry.Transform != null)
                            //we need to create geometry group in this case
                            TransformGroup group = new TransformGroup(); 
                            pageGeometry.Transform = group; 
                            //now set the transformation
                            pageGeometry.Transform = additionalTransform;
                return pageGeometry;

            /// Checks the TextSegment for tables, figures and floaters and gets the content if any
            private void GetContent()
                Debug.Assert(!_segment.IsNull, "null TextSegment"); 
                ITextPointer cursor = _segment.Start.CreatePointer();
                ITextPointer segmentStart = null;

                while (cursor.CompareTo(_segment.End) < 0) 
                    TextPointerContext nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                        Type elementType = cursor.GetElementType(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        if (typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                            // Open new segment if it was not opened already 
                            OpenSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor);
                        else if (typeof(Table).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                                 typeof(Floater).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) || 
                            // Start of table encountered. Add previous segment to the collection
                            CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End); 
                        if (typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                        {// Skip the whole element - it dos not contain Tables, Figures or Floaters
                    else if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 
                        Type elementType = cursor.ParentType;
                        if (typeof(TableCell).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) || 
                            typeof(Floater).IsAssignableFrom(elementType) ||
                            // End of cell encountered. Add the previous segment to the collection 
                            CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End);
                        // Skip the closing tag
                    else if (nextContext == TextPointerContext.Text || nextContext == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement)
                        // Open new segment if it was not opened already 
                        OpenSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor);
                        // Skip the text run 
                        Invariant.Assert(false, "unexpected TextPointerContext");
                // Close the last segment 
                CloseSegment(ref segmentStart, cursor, _segment.End);

            // Opens a segment for the following portion 
            private void OpenSegment(ref ITextPointer segmentStart, ITextPointer cursor)
                if (segmentStart == null) 
                    // Create normalized position for the segment start 
                    segmentStart = cursor.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Adds individual segment to a collection 
            private void CloseSegment(ref ITextPointer segmentStart, ITextPointer cursor, ITextPointer end) 
                if (segmentStart != null) 
                    // Check for going beyond the end
                    if (cursor.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                        cursor = end;
                    // Create normalized position for the segment end
                    ITextPointer segmentEnd = cursor.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 

                    // Add segment to the collection if it is not empty
                    if (segmentStart.CompareTo(segmentEnd) < 0)
                        _contentSegments.Add(new TextSegment(segmentStart, segmentEnd));

                    // Close the previous segment 
                    segmentStart = null;


            #endregion Private methods 

            #region Protected Properties 

            /// Get the geometry that defines this shape
            protected override Geometry DefiningGeometry
                    //on fixed document the highlights are drawn in a different way 
                    if (_isFixedContainer)
                        return Geometry.Empty;

                    Debug.Assert(TopOwner != null, "invalid TopOwner"); 
                    ITextView parentView = TextSelectionHelper.GetDocumentPageTextView(TopOwner.Range.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward));
                    Debug.Assert(parentView != null, "geometry parent text view not found"); 
                    GeometryGroup geometry = new GeometryGroup(); 

                    if (TopOwner.HighlightContent) 
                        foreach (TextSegment segment in _contentSegments)
                            GetSegmentGeometry(geometry, segment, parentView); 
                        GetSegmentGeometry(geometry, _segment, parentView); 

                    //reset render transformation of the TopOwner
                    UIElement uie = TopOwner as UIElement; 
                    if (uie != null)
                        uie.RenderTransform = Transform.Identity; 
                    return geometry;

            #endregion Protected Properties 

            //  Internal properties

            #region Internal Properties
            internal TextSegment Segment
                    return _segment; 

            /// returns the IHighlightRange that is currently drawn on top of this TextSegment
            internal IHighlightRange TopOwner 
                    if (_activeOwners.Count != 0)
                        return _activeOwners[0];
                        //TBD implement Z order
                        return _owners.Count > 0 ? _owners[0] : null; 
            #endregion Internal Properties

            //  Private properties

            #region Private Properties 

            /// Creates a background Brush for this segment that reflects the properties
            /// and Z order of the owners 
            private Brush OwnerColor 
                    if (_activeOwners.Count != 0)
                        return new SolidColorBrush(_activeOwners[0].SelectedBackground);
                        //TBD implement Z order 
                        return _owners.Count > 0 ? new SolidColorBrush(_owners[0].Background) : null;

            #endregion Private Properties

            //  Private fields

            #region Private fields 

            private TextSegment _segment;
            private List _contentSegments = new List(1);
            private readonly List _owners; 
            private List _activeOwners = new List();
            private IHighlightRange _cachedTopOwner = null; 
            private bool _isFixedContainer; 

            #endregion Private fields 

        #endregion Private Types
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        /// A list of all HiglightSegments ordered by position
        List _segments; 
        bool _isFixedContainer = false;
        #endregion Private Fields


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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