ChangePassword.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / ChangePassword.cs / 1 / ChangePassword.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Web.Security; 
    using System.Web.Configuration; 
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Net.Mail; 
    using System.Web.Management;

    ///     Displays UI that allows a user to change his password.  Uses a Membership provider 
    ///     or custom authentication logic in the OnAuthenticate event.  UI can be customized
    ///     using control properties or a template. 
    Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ChangePasswordDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign)
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] 
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    public class ChangePassword : CompositeControl, INamingContainer { 
        public static readonly string ChangePasswordButtonCommandName = "ChangePassword"; 
        public static readonly string CancelButtonCommandName = "Cancel";
        public static readonly string ContinueButtonCommandName = "Continue"; 

        private ITemplate _changePasswordTemplate;
        private ChangePasswordContainer _changePasswordContainer;
        private ITemplate _successTemplate; 
        private SuccessContainer _successContainer;
        private string _userName; 
        private string _password;
        private string _newPassword; 
        private string _confirmNewPassword;

        private bool _convertingToTemplate = false;
        private bool _renderDesignerRegion = false; 
        private View _currentView = View.ChangePassword;
        // Needed for user template feature 
        private const string _userNameID = "UserName";
        private const string _currentPasswordID = "CurrentPassword"; 
        private const string _newPasswordID = "NewPassword";
        private const string _confirmNewPasswordID = "ConfirmNewPassword";
        private const string _failureTextID = "FailureText";
        // Needed only for "convert to template" feature, otherwise unnecessary
        private const string _userNameRequiredID = "UserNameRequired"; 
        private const string _currentPasswordRequiredID = "CurrentPasswordRequired"; 
        private const string _newPasswordRequiredID = "NewPasswordRequired";
        private const string _confirmNewPasswordRequiredID = "ConfirmNewPasswordRequired"; 
        private const string _newPasswordCompareID = "NewPasswordCompare";
        private const string _newPasswordRegExpID = "NewPasswordRegExp";
        private const string _changePasswordPushButtonID = "ChangePasswordPushButton";
        private const string _changePasswordImageButtonID = "ChangePasswordImageButton"; 
        private const string _changePasswordLinkButtonID = "ChangePasswordLinkButton";
        private const string _cancelPushButtonID = "CancelPushButton"; 
        private const string _cancelImageButtonID = "CancelImageButton"; 
        private const string _cancelLinkButtonID = "CancelLinkButton";
        private const string _continuePushButtonID = "ContinuePushButton"; 
        private const string _continueImageButtonID = "ContinueImageButton";
        private const string _continueLinkButtonID = "ContinueLinkButton";
        private const string _passwordRecoveryLinkID = "PasswordRecoveryLink";
        private const string _helpLinkID = "HelpLink"; 
        private const string _createUserLinkID = "CreateUserLink";
        private const string _editProfileLinkID = "EditProfileLink"; 
        private const string _editProfileSuccessLinkID = "EditProfileLinkSuccess"; 

        private const string _changePasswordViewContainerID = "ChangePasswordContainerID"; 
        private const string _successViewContainerID = "SuccessContainerID";

        private const ValidatorDisplay _requiredFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Static;
        private const ValidatorDisplay _compareFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; 
        private const ValidatorDisplay _regexpFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
        private const string _userNameReplacementKey = "<%\\s*UserName\\s*%>"; 
        private const string _passwordReplacementKey = "<%\\s*Password\\s*%>";
        private const int _viewStateArrayLength = 14;
        private Style _changePasswordButtonStyle;
        private TableItemStyle _labelStyle;
        private Style _textBoxStyle; 
        private TableItemStyle _hyperLinkStyle;
        private TableItemStyle _instructionTextStyle; 
        private TableItemStyle _titleTextStyle; 
        private TableItemStyle _failureTextStyle;
        private TableItemStyle _successTextStyle; 
        private TableItemStyle _passwordHintStyle;
        private Style _cancelButtonStyle;
        private Style _continueButtonStyle;
        private Style _validatorTextStyle; 

        private MailDefinition _mailDefinition; 
        private Control _validatorRow;
        private Control _passwordHintTableRow; 
        private Control _userNameTableRow;

        private static readonly object EventChangePasswordError = new object();
        private static readonly object EventCancelButtonClick = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventContinueButtonClick = new object();
        private static readonly object EventChangingPassword = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventChangedPassword = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventSendingMail = new object();
        private static readonly object EventSendMailError = new object(); 

        public virtual int BorderPadding {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["BorderPadding"];
                return (obj == null) ? 1 : (int)obj;
            set { 
                if (value < -1) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_InvalidBorderPadding)); 
                ViewState["BorderPadding"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the cancel button.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string CancelButtonImageUrl {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonImageUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["CancelButtonImageUrl"] = value;

        ///     Gets the style of cancel button.
        public Style CancelButtonStyle { 
            get {
                if (_cancelButtonStyle == null) {
                    _cancelButtonStyle = new Style();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) { 
                        ((IStateManager) _cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _cancelButtonStyle;

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the cancel button.
        public virtual string CancelButtonText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultCancelButtonText) : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["CancelButtonText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the type of the cancel button. 
        public virtual ButtonType CancelButtonType {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonType"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj;
            set {
                if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                ViewState["CancelButtonType"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the continue button.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string CancelDestinationPageUrl {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["CancelDestinationPageUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["CancelDestinationPageUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the change password button. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl { 
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl"] = value;
        ///     Gets the style of change password button. 
        public Style ChangePasswordButtonStyle {
            get {
                if (_changePasswordButtonStyle == null) {
                    _changePasswordButtonStyle = new Style(); 
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _changePasswordButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _changePasswordButtonStyle; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the change password button. 
        public virtual string ChangePasswordButtonText {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordButtonText) : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the type of the create user button.
        public virtual ButtonType ChangePasswordButtonType { 
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonType"];
                return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj; 
            set {
                if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); 
                ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonType"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown when a change password attempt fails.
        public virtual string ChangePasswordFailureText {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordFailureText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordFailureText) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["ChangePasswordFailureText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the template that is used to render the control.  If null, a
        ///     default template is used. 
        public virtual ITemplate ChangePasswordTemplate { 
            get {
                return _changePasswordTemplate; 
            set {
                _changePasswordTemplate = value; 
                ChildControlsCreated = false;
        ///     Gets the container into which the template is instantiated. 
        public Control ChangePasswordTemplateContainer {
            get { 
                return _changePasswordContainer; 

        ///     Gets or sets the title text to be shown for the change password view
        public virtual string ChangePasswordTitleText {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordTitleText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordTitleText) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["ChangePasswordTitleText"] = value;

        ///     Gets the confirm new password entered by the user.
        public virtual string ConfirmNewPassword { 
            get {
                return (_confirmNewPassword == null) ? String.Empty : _confirmNewPassword; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text that identifies the new password textbox.
        public virtual string ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmNewPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the text that is displayed when the new password does not match the confirm password.
        public virtual string ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage) : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the confirm password is empty. 
        public virtual string ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage { 
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"];
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value;
        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the continue button. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string ContinueButtonImageUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonImageUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["ContinueButtonImageUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets the style of change password button.
        public Style ContinueButtonStyle { 
            get {
                if (_continueButtonStyle == null) { 
                    _continueButtonStyle = new Style(); 
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _continueButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _continueButtonStyle;
        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the continue button. 
        public virtual string ContinueButtonText {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonText"];
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultContinueButtonText) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["ContinueButtonText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the type of the continue button.
        public virtual ButtonType ContinueButtonType { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonType"];
                return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj;
            set {
                if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); 
                ViewState["ContinueButtonType"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the URL for the continue button. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string ContinueDestinationPageUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["ContinueDestinationPageUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["ContinueDestinationPageUrl"] = value; 
        private bool ConvertingToTemplate {
            get { 
                return (DesignMode && _convertingToTemplate);

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the create user link. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string CreateUserIconUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["CreateUserIconUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["CreateUserIconUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the create user link.
        public virtual string CreateUserText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["CreateUserText"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["CreateUserText"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of the create user page.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string CreateUserUrl {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["CreateUserUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["CreateUserUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets the current password entered by the user. 
        public virtual string CurrentPassword {
            get { 
                return (_password == null) ? String.Empty : _password; 

        private string CurrentPasswordInternal {
            get {
                string password = CurrentPassword; 
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _changePasswordContainer != null) {
                    ITextControl passwordTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.CurrentPasswordTextBox; 
                    if (passwordTextBox != null) { 
                        return passwordTextBox.Text;
                return password;

        /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter. 
        internal View CurrentView { 
            get {
                return _currentView;
            set { 
                if (value < View.ChangePassword || value > View.Success) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); 
                if (value != CurrentView) {
                    _currentView = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets whether the user name is shown 
        public virtual bool DisplayUserName {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["DisplayUserName"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? false : (bool) obj;
            set {
                if (DisplayUserName != value) {
                    ViewState["DisplayUserName"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL for the image shown next to the profile page.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string EditProfileIconUrl {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["EditProfileIconUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["EditProfileIconUrl"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the edit profile page
        public virtual string EditProfileText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["EditProfileText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["EditProfileText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of the edit profile page. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string EditProfileUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["EditProfileUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["EditProfileUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets the style of the failure text.
        public TableItemStyle FailureTextStyle {
            get {
                if (_failureTextStyle == null) { 
                    _failureTextStyle = new ErrorTableItemStyle();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) { 
                        ((IStateManager) _failureTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _failureTextStyle;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the help link. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string HelpPageIconUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["HelpPageIconUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["HelpPageIconUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the help link.
        public virtual string HelpPageText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["HelpPageText"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["HelpPageText"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of the help page.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string HelpPageUrl {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["HelpPageUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["HelpPageUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets the style of the hyperlinks. 
        public TableItemStyle HyperLinkStyle { 
            get {
                if (_hyperLinkStyle == null) { 
                    _hyperLinkStyle = new TableItemStyle();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _hyperLinkStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _hyperLinkStyle; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text that is displayed to give instructions. 
        public virtual string InstructionText {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["InstructionText"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["InstructionText"] = value; 

        ///     Gets the style of the instructions. 
        public TableItemStyle InstructionTextStyle { 
            get {
                if (_instructionTextStyle == null) { 
                    _instructionTextStyle = new TableItemStyle();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _instructionTextStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _instructionTextStyle; 

        ///     Gets the style of the textbox labels.
        public TableItemStyle LabelStyle { 
            get {
                if (_labelStyle == null) { 
                    _labelStyle = new TableItemStyle(); 
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _labelStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _labelStyle;
        ///     Gets or sets the name of the membership provider.  If null or empty, the default provider is used. 
        public virtual string MembershipProvider {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["MembershipProvider"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["MembershipProvider"] = value;


        ///     Gets the new password entered by the user.
        public virtual string NewPassword {
            get {
                return (_newPassword == null) ? String.Empty : _newPassword; 
        private string NewPasswordInternal {
            get { 
                string password = NewPassword;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _changePasswordContainer != null) {
                    ITextControl passwordTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.NewPasswordTextBox;
                    if (passwordTextBox != null) { 
                        return passwordTextBox.Text;
                return password;

        ///     The text that is displayed when the new password regular expression fails
        public virtual string NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage"];
                return (obj == null) ?  SR.GetString(SR.Password_InvalidPasswordErrorMessage) : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text that identifies the new password textbox. 
        public virtual string NewPasswordLabelText {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordLabelText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["NewPasswordLabelText"] = value;

        ///     Regular expression used to validate the new password
        public virtual string NewPasswordRegularExpression { 
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpression"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                if (NewPasswordRegularExpression != value) {
                    ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpression"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the new password is empty.
        public virtual string NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value;

        /// The style of the password hint text.
        public TableItemStyle PasswordHintStyle { 
            get { 
                if (_passwordHintStyle == null) {
                    _passwordHintStyle = new TableItemStyle(); 
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _passwordHintStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _passwordHintStyle;

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the password hint.
        public virtual string PasswordHintText {
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordHintText"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["PasswordHintText"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text that identifies the password textbox.
        public virtual string PasswordLabelText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordLabelText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.LoginControls_DefaultPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["PasswordLabelText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the password recovery link. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string PasswordRecoveryIconUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryIconUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["PasswordRecoveryIconUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown for the password recovery link.
        public virtual string PasswordRecoveryText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryText"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["PasswordRecoveryText"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the URL of the password recovery page.
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public virtual string PasswordRecoveryUrl {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryUrl"];
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["PasswordRecoveryUrl"] = value; 

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the password is empty. 
        public virtual string PasswordRequiredErrorMessage {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["PasswordRequiredErrorMessage"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["PasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value;

        /// Determines whether we create the regular expression validator 
        private bool RegExpEnabled { 
            get {
                return (NewPasswordRegularExpression.Length > 0);

        /// The content and format of the e-mail message that contains a successful change password notification.
        public MailDefinition MailDefinition { 
            get {
                if (_mailDefinition == null) {
                    _mailDefinition = new MailDefinition();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) { 
                        ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState();
                return _mailDefinition;

        /// The URL that the user is directed to after the password has been changed.
        /// If non-null, always redirect the user to this page after successful password change.  Else, perform the refresh action. 
        Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public virtual string SuccessPageUrl { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["SuccessPageUrl"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["SuccessPageUrl"] = value; 

        /// Template rendered after the password has been changed.
        public virtual ITemplate SuccessTemplate {
            get { 
                return _successTemplate;
            set {
                _successTemplate = value; 
                ChildControlsCreated = false;

        /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter.
        public Control SuccessTemplateContainer { 
            get {
                return _successContainer;

        /// The text to be shown after the password has been changed. 
        public virtual string SuccessText { 
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["SuccessText"];
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessText) : (string) obj; 
            set {
                ViewState["SuccessText"] = value;

        /// The style of the success text.
        public TableItemStyle SuccessTextStyle {
            get { 
                if (_successTextStyle == null) {
                    _successTextStyle = new TableItemStyle(); 
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) { 
                        ((IStateManager) _successTextStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _successTextStyle;

        ///     Gets or sets the title text to be shown for success
        public virtual string SuccessTitleText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["SuccessTitleText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessTitleText) : (string) obj;
            set {
                ViewState["SuccessTitleText"] = value; 
        protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey {
            get { 
                return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table;

        ///     Gets or sets the style of the textboxes. 
        public Style TextBoxStyle {
            get { 
                if (_textBoxStyle == null) {
                    _textBoxStyle = new Style();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _textBoxStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _textBoxStyle; 

        ///     Gets the style of the title. 
        public TableItemStyle TitleTextStyle {
            get { 
                if (_titleTextStyle == null) { 
                    _titleTextStyle = new TableItemStyle();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) { 
                        ((IStateManager) _titleTextStyle).TrackViewState();
                return _titleTextStyle; 

        ///     Gets or sets the initial value in the user name textbox.
        public virtual string UserName {
            get { 
                return (_userName == null) ? String.Empty : _userName;
            set {
                _userName = value; 
        private string UserNameInternal {
            get { 
                string userName = UserName;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && _changePasswordContainer != null && DisplayUserName) {
                    ITextControl userTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox;
                    if (userTextBox != null) { 
                        return userTextBox.Text;
                return userName;

        ///     Gets or sets the text that identifies the user name textbox.
        public virtual string UserNameLabelText { 
            get {
                object obj = ViewState["UserNameLabelText"]; 
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameLabelText) : (string) obj; 
            set { 
                ViewState["UserNameLabelText"] = value;

        ///     Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the user name is empty. 
        public virtual string UserNameRequiredErrorMessage {
            get { 
                object obj = ViewState["UserNameRequiredErrorMessage"];
                return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj;
            set { 
                ViewState["UserNameRequiredErrorMessage"] = value;

        internal Control ValidatorRow { 
            get {
                return _validatorRow;
            set { 
                _validatorRow = value;

        public Style ValidatorTextStyle {
            get { 
                if (_validatorTextStyle == null) {
                    _validatorTextStyle = new ErrorStyle();
                    if (IsTrackingViewState) {
                        ((IStateManager) _validatorTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
                return _validatorTextStyle; 

        ///////////////////// EVENTS //////////////////////////////

        ///     Raised on the click of the cancel button. 
        public event EventHandler CancelButtonClick {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventCancelButtonClick, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventCancelButtonClick, value);

        ///     Raised after the password has been changed successfully.
        public event EventHandler ChangedPassword {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventChangedPassword, value); 
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangedPassword, value); 

        ///     Raised if the change password attempt fails. 
        public event EventHandler ChangePasswordError {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventChangePasswordError, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangePasswordError, value); 

        ///     Raised before changing the password.
        public event LoginCancelEventHandler ChangingPassword { 
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventChangingPassword, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangingPassword, value);

        ///     Raised on the click of the continue button.
        public event EventHandler ContinueButtonClick {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventContinueButtonClick, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventContinueButtonClick, value); 

        /// Raised before the e-mail is sent.
        public event MailMessageEventHandler SendingMail { 
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventSendingMail, value); 
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventSendingMail, value);
        ///     Raised when there is an error sending mail. 
        public event SendMailErrorEventHandler SendMailError { 
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventSendMailError, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventSendMailError, value);

        ///     Attempts to change the password for the user. 
        ///     Raises appropriate events along the way for login, changing password, mail.
        private void AttemptChangePassword() {
            if (Page != null && !Page.IsValid) {

            LoginCancelEventArgs cancelArgs = new LoginCancelEventArgs(); 
            if (cancelArgs.Cancel) {

            MembershipProvider provider = LoginUtil.GetProvider(MembershipProvider);
            MembershipUser user = provider.GetUser(UserNameInternal, /*userIsOnline*/ false, /*throwOnError*/ false); 
            string newPassword = NewPasswordInternal;
            if (user != null && user.ChangePassword(CurrentPasswordInternal, newPassword, /*throwOnError*/ false)) { 
                // Only log the user in if approved and not locked out 
                if (user.IsApproved && !user.IsLockedOut) {
                    System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserNameInternal, false); 

                PerformSuccessAction(user.Email, user.UserName, newPassword); 
            else { 
                string failureText = ChangePasswordFailureText;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(failureText)) { 
                    failureText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, failureText, provider.MinRequiredPasswordLength,
                SetFailureTextLabel(_changePasswordContainer, failureText); 
        private void ConfirmNewPasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) {
            _confirmNewPassword = ((ITextControl) source).Text; 

        /// Creates the controls needed for the change password view 
        private void CreateChangePasswordViewControls() { 
            _changePasswordContainer = new ChangePasswordContainer(this); 
            _changePasswordContainer.ID = _changePasswordViewContainerID;
            _changePasswordContainer.RenderDesignerRegion = _renderDesignerRegion; 

            ITemplate template = ChangePasswordTemplate;
            bool defaultTemplate = (template == null);
            if (defaultTemplate) { 
                // Only disable viewstate if using default template
                _changePasswordContainer.EnableViewState = false; 
                // Disable theming if using default template (VSWhidbey 86010)
                _changePasswordContainer.EnableTheming = false; 

                template = new DefaultChangePasswordTemplate(this);
            IEditableTextControl userNameTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox as IEditableTextControl;
            if (userNameTextBox != null) { 
                userNameTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(UserNameTextChanged);

            IEditableTextControl passwordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.CurrentPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl; 
            if (passwordTextBox != null) {
                passwordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(PasswordTextChanged); 

            IEditableTextControl newPasswordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.NewPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl; 
            if (newPasswordTextBox != null) {
                newPasswordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(NewPasswordTextChanged);
            IEditableTextControl confirmNewPasswordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl;
            if (confirmNewPasswordTextBox != null) { 
                confirmNewPasswordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ConfirmNewPasswordTextChanged); 
            // Set the editable child control properties here for two reasons:
            // - So change events will be raised if viewstate is disabled on the child controls
            //   - Viewstate is always disabled for default template, and might be for user template
            // - So the controls render correctly in the designer 

        ///     Instantiates the template in the template container, and wires up necessary events.
        protected internal override void CreateChildControls() {


        private void CreateSuccessViewControls() {
            ITemplate template = null;
            _successContainer = new SuccessContainer(this); 
            _successContainer.ID = _successViewContainerID;
            _successContainer.RenderDesignerRegion = _renderDesignerRegion; 
            if (SuccessTemplate != null) { 
                template = SuccessTemplate;
            else {
                template = new DefaultSuccessTemplate(this);
                _successContainer.EnableViewState = false; 

                // Disable theming if using default template (VSWhidbey 86010) 
                _successContainer.EnableTheming = false; 

        /// Loads the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks
        /// even when EnableViewState=false. 
        protected internal override void LoadControlState(object savedState) {
            if (savedState != null) { 
                Triplet state = (Triplet)savedState;
                if (state.First != null) {
                if (state.Second != null) {
                    _currentView = (View)(int)state.Second; 
                if (state.Third != null) {
                    _userName = (string)state.Third; 

        ///     Loads a saved state of the .
        protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) {
            if (savedState == null) {
            else {
                object[] myState = (object[]) savedState; 
                if (myState.Length != _viewStateArrayLength) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ViewState_InvalidViewState));

                if (myState[1] != null) {
                    ((IStateManager) ChangePasswordButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[1]); 
                if (myState[2] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) LabelStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); 
                if (myState[3] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) TextBoxStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]);
                if (myState[4] != null) {
                    ((IStateManager) HyperLinkStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); 
                if (myState[5] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) InstructionTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); 
                if (myState[6] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) TitleTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]);
                if (myState[7] != null) {
                    ((IStateManager) PasswordHintStyle).LoadViewState(myState[7]); 
                if (myState[8] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) FailureTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[8]); 
                if (myState[9] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) MailDefinition).LoadViewState(myState[9]);
                if (myState[10] != null) {
                    ((IStateManager) CancelButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[10]); 
                if (myState[11] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) ContinueButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[11]); 
                if (myState[12] != null) { 
                    ((IStateManager) SuccessTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[12]);
                if (myState[13] != null) {
                    ((IStateManager) ValidatorTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[13]); 

        private void NewPasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) {
            _newPassword = ((ITextControl) source).Text;

        /// Called when an event is raised by a control inside our template.  Attempts to login
        /// if the event was raised by the submit button. 
        protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) {
            bool handled = false;
            if (e is CommandEventArgs) { 
                CommandEventArgs ce = (CommandEventArgs) e;
                if (ce.CommandName.Equals(ChangePasswordButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { 
                    handled = true;
                else if (ce.CommandName.Equals(CancelButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    handled = true;
                else if (ce.CommandName.Equals(ContinueButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    handled = true; 
            return handled;

        ///     Raises the CancelClick event. 
        protected virtual void OnCancelButtonClick(EventArgs e) {
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventCancelButtonClick]; 
            if (handler != null) {
                handler(this, e);
            string cancelPageUrl = CancelDestinationPageUrl;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cancelPageUrl)) { 
                // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give 
                // page a chance to cleanup its resources.  This may be less performant though.
                // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting. 
                // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir.
                Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(cancelPageUrl), false);

        ///     Raises the ChangedPassword event.
        protected virtual void OnChangedPassword(EventArgs e) {
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventChangedPassword];
            if (handler != null) {
                handler(this, e); 

        ///     Raises the ChangePasswordError event.
        protected virtual void OnChangePasswordError(EventArgs e) {
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventChangePasswordError]; 
            if (handler != null) {
                handler(this, e); 

        ///     Raises the ChangingPassword event.
        protected virtual void OnChangingPassword(LoginCancelEventArgs e) {
            LoginCancelEventHandler handler = (LoginCancelEventHandler)Events[EventChangingPassword]; 
            if (handler != null) { 
                handler(this, e);

        ///     Raises the ContinueButtonClick event.
        protected virtual void OnContinueButtonClick(EventArgs e) { 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventContinueButtonClick];
            if (handler != null) { 
                handler(this, e);

            string continuePageUrl = ContinueDestinationPageUrl; 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(continuePageUrl)) {
                // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give 
                // page a chance to cleanup its resources.  This may be less performant though.
                // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting. 
                // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir.
                Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(continuePageUrl), false);

        protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { 
            // Fill in the User name if authenticated
            if (!DesignMode) { 
                string userName = LoginUtil.GetUserName(this);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) {
                    UserName = userName;

        ///     Overridden to set the editable child control properteries and hide the control when appropriate. 
        protected internal override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { 

            // Set the editable child control properties here instead of Render, so they get into viewstate for the user template. 
            switch (CurrentView) {
                case View.ChangePassword:

        /// Raises the SendingMail event.
        protected virtual void OnSendingMail(MailMessageEventArgs e) {
            MailMessageEventHandler handler = (MailMessageEventHandler)Events[EventSendingMail]; 
            if (handler != null) {
                handler(this, e); 

        /// Raises the SendMailError event.
        protected virtual void OnSendMailError(SendMailErrorEventArgs e) {
            SendMailErrorEventHandler handler = (SendMailErrorEventHandler)Events[EventSendMailError]; 
            if (handler != null) { 
                handler(this, e);

        private void PasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) {
            _password = ((ITextControl) source).Text; 
        private void PerformSuccessAction(string email, string userName, string newPassword) { 
            // Try to send mail only if a MailDefinition is specified for success,
            // and the user has an email address. 
            if (_mailDefinition != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) {
                LoginUtil.SendPasswordMail(email, userName, newPassword, MailDefinition, /*defaultSubject*/ null,
                                           /*defaultBody*/ null, OnSendingMail, OnSendMailError, this);

            string successPageUrl = SuccessPageUrl; 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(successPageUrl)) { 
                // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give
                // page a chance to cleanup its resources.  This may be less performant though. 
                // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting.
                // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir.
                Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(successPageUrl), false);
            else {
                CurrentView = View.Success; 

        ///     Adds the ClientID and renders contents, because we don't want the outer .
        protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
            if (Page != null) { 
            // Copied from CompositeControl.cs
            if (DesignMode) {
                ChildControlsCreated = false;

        /// Saves the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks 
        /// even when EnableViewState=false.
        protected internal override object SaveControlState() { 
            object baseState = base.SaveControlState();
            // Save the int value of the enum (instead of the enum value itself)
            // to save space in ControlState
            object currentViewState = null;
            object userNameState = null; 

            currentViewState = (int)_currentView; 
            // Don't save _userName once we have reached the success view (VSWhidbey 81327)
            if (_userName != null && _currentView != View.Success) { 
                userNameState = _userName;
            return new Triplet(baseState, currentViewState, userNameState);

        ///     Saves the state of the . 
        protected override object SaveViewState() {
            object[] myState = new object[_viewStateArrayLength];
            myState[0] = base.SaveViewState();
            myState[1] = (_changePasswordButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_changePasswordButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[2] = (_labelStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_labelStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[3] = (_textBoxStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_textBoxStyle).SaveViewState() : null;
            myState[4] = (_hyperLinkStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_hyperLinkStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[5] =
                (_instructionTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_instructionTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null;
            myState[6] = (_titleTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_titleTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null;
            myState[7] = (_passwordHintStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_passwordHintStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[8] =
                (_failureTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_failureTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[9] = (_mailDefinition != null) ? ((IStateManager)_mailDefinition).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[10] = (_cancelButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_cancelButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null;
            myState[11] = (_continueButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_continueButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null; 
            myState[12] = (_successTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_successTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null;
            myState[13] = (_validatorTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_validatorTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null;

            for (int i=0; i < _viewStateArrayLength; i++) { 
                if (myState[i] != null) {
                    return myState; 
            // More performant to return null than an array of null values
            return null;
        /// Used frequently, so extracted into method. 
        private void SetFailureTextLabel(ChangePasswordContainer container, string failureText) {
            ITextControl failureTextLabel = (ITextControl)container.FailureTextLabel; 
            if (failureTextLabel != null) {
                failureTextLabel.Text = failureText;

        ///     Internal for access from LoginAdapter 
        internal void SetChildProperties() { 
            switch (CurrentView) {
            case View.ChangePassword:
                if (ChangePasswordTemplate == null) { 
            case View.Success:
                if (SuccessTemplate == null) {
        ///     Sets change password view control properties that apply to both default and user templates. 
        private void SetCommonChangePasswordViewProperties() {
            // Clear out the access key/tab index so it doesn't get applied to the tables in the container
            Util.CopyBaseAttributesToInnerControl(this, _changePasswordContainer); 

            _successContainer.Visible = false; 
        ///     Sets success view control properties that apply to both default and user templates.
        private void SetCommonSuccessViewProperties() { 
            // Clear out the tab index so it doesn't get applied to the tables in the container
            Util.CopyBaseAttributesToInnerControl(this, _successContainer); 
            _changePasswordContainer.Visible = false; 

        /// Allows the designer to set the CurrentView, so the different templates can be shown in the designer. 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]
        protected override void SetDesignModeState(IDictionary data) { 
            if (data != null) {
                object o = data["CurrentView"];
                if (o != null) {
                    CurrentView = (View)o; 
                o = data["ConvertToTemplate"]; 
                if (o != null) { 
                    _convertingToTemplate = (bool)o;
                o = data["RegionEditing"];
                if (o != null) {
                    _renderDesignerRegion = (bool)o;

        ///     Sets child control properties that apply only to the default template.
        private void SetDefaultChangePasswordViewProperties() {
            ChangePasswordContainer container = _changePasswordContainer; 

            // Need to set the BorderPadding on the BorderTable instead of the LayoutTable, since 
            // setting it on the LayoutTable would cause all of the controls inside the Login to be 
            // separated by the BorderPadding amount.
            container.BorderTable.CellPadding = BorderPadding; 
            container.BorderTable.CellSpacing = 0;

            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Title, ChangePasswordTitleText, TitleTextStyle, true);
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Instruction, InstructionText, InstructionTextStyle, true); 
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.UserNameLabel, UserNameLabelText, LabelStyle, false);
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.CurrentPasswordLabel, PasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false); 
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.NewPasswordLabel, NewPasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false); 
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel, ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false);
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.PasswordHintLabel, PasswordHintText, PasswordHintStyle, false); 

            // Apply style to all the text boxes if necessary
            if (_textBoxStyle != null) {
                if (DisplayUserName) ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).ApplyStyle(TextBoxStyle); 
            _passwordHintTableRow.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PasswordHintText);
            _userNameTableRow.Visible = DisplayUserName;

            // Tab Index 
            if (DisplayUserName) {
                ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; 
                ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).AccessKey = AccessKey; 
            } else {
                ((WebControl)container.CurrentPasswordTextBox).AccessKey = AccessKey; 
            ((WebControl)container.CurrentPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex;
            ((WebControl)container.NewPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex;
            ((WebControl)container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; 

            // Validator setup 
            bool enableValidation = true; 
            ValidatorRow.Visible = enableValidation;
            RequiredFieldValidator userNameRequired = container.UserNameRequired;
            userNameRequired.ErrorMessage = UserNameRequiredErrorMessage;
            userNameRequired.ToolTip = UserNameRequiredErrorMessage;
            userNameRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; 
            userNameRequired.Visible = enableValidation;
            if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { 
            RequiredFieldValidator passwordRequired = container.PasswordRequired;
            passwordRequired.ErrorMessage = PasswordRequiredErrorMessage;
            passwordRequired.ToolTip = PasswordRequiredErrorMessage;
            passwordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; 
            passwordRequired.Visible = enableValidation;
            RequiredFieldValidator newPasswordRequired = container.NewPasswordRequired; 
            newPasswordRequired.ErrorMessage = NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage;
            newPasswordRequired.ToolTip = NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; 
            newPasswordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation;
            newPasswordRequired.Visible = enableValidation;

            RequiredFieldValidator confirmNewPasswordRequired = container.ConfirmNewPasswordRequired; 
            confirmNewPasswordRequired.ErrorMessage = ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage;
            confirmNewPasswordRequired.ToolTip = ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; 
            confirmNewPasswordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; 
            confirmNewPasswordRequired.Visible = enableValidation;
            CompareValidator newPasswordCompareValidator = container.NewPasswordCompareValidator;
            newPasswordCompareValidator.ErrorMessage = ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage;
            newPasswordCompareValidator.Enabled = enableValidation;
            newPasswordCompareValidator.Visible = enableValidation; 

            if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { 

            RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = container.RegExpValidator; 
            regExpValidator.ErrorMessage = NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage;
            regExpValidator.Enabled = enableValidation; 
            regExpValidator.Visible = enableValidation; 
            if (_validatorTextStyle != null) {

            //Button setup
            LinkButton linkButton = container.ChangePasswordLinkButton; 
            LinkButton cancelLinkButton = container.CancelLinkButton;
            ImageButton imageButton = container.ChangePasswordImageButton; 
            ImageButton cancelImageButton = container.CancelImageButton; 
            Button pushButton = container.ChangePasswordPushButton;
            Button cancelPushButton = container.CancelPushButton; 

            WebControl changePasswordButton = null;
            WebControl cancelButton = null;
            switch (CancelButtonType) { 
                case ButtonType.Link:
                    cancelLinkButton.Text = CancelButtonText; 
                    cancelButton = cancelLinkButton; 
                case ButtonType.Image: 
                    cancelImageButton.ImageUrl = CancelButtonImageUrl;
                    cancelImageButton.AlternateText = CancelButtonText;
                    cancelButton = cancelImageButton;
                case ButtonType.Button:
                    cancelPushButton.Text = CancelButtonText; 
                    cancelButton = cancelPushButton; 
            switch (ChangePasswordButtonType) {
                case ButtonType.Link:
                    linkButton.Text = ChangePasswordButtonText;
                    changePasswordButton = linkButton; 
                case ButtonType.Image: 
                    imageButton.ImageUrl = ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl; 
                    imageButton.AlternateText = ChangePasswordButtonText;
                    changePasswordButton = imageButton; 
                case ButtonType.Button:
                    pushButton.Text = ChangePasswordButtonText;
                    changePasswordButton = pushButton; 
            // Set all buttons to nonvisible, then set the selected button to visible
            linkButton.Visible = false; 
            imageButton.Visible = false;
            pushButton.Visible = false;
            cancelLinkButton.Visible = false;
            cancelImageButton.Visible = false; 
            cancelPushButton.Visible = false;
            changePasswordButton.Visible = true; 
            cancelButton.Visible = true; 
            cancelButton.TabIndex = TabIndex;
            changePasswordButton.TabIndex = TabIndex; 

            if (CancelButtonStyle != null) cancelButton.ApplyStyle(CancelButtonStyle);
            if (ChangePasswordButtonStyle != null) changePasswordButton.ApplyStyle(ChangePasswordButtonStyle);
            // Link Setup
            Image createUserIcon = container.CreateUserIcon; 
            HyperLink createUserLink = container.CreateUserLink; 
            LiteralControl createUserLinkSeparator = container.CreateUserLinkSeparator;
            HyperLink passwordRecoveryLink = container.PasswordRecoveryLink; 
            Image passwordRecoveryIcon = container.PasswordRecoveryIcon;
            HyperLink helpPageLink = container.HelpPageLink;
            Image helpPageIcon = container.HelpPageIcon;
            LiteralControl helpPageLinkSeparator = container.HelpPageLinkSeparator; 
            LiteralControl editProfileLinkSeparator = container.EditProfileLinkSeparator;
            HyperLink editProfileLink = container.EditProfileLink; 
            Image editProfileIcon = container.EditProfileIcon; 
            string createUserText = CreateUserText;
            string createUserIconUrl = CreateUserIconUrl; 
            string passwordRecoveryText = PasswordRecoveryText;
            string passwordRecoveryIconUrl = PasswordRecoveryIconUrl;
            string helpPageText = HelpPageText;
            string helpPageIconUrl = HelpPageIconUrl; 
            string editProfileText = EditProfileText;
            string editProfileIconUrl = EditProfileIconUrl; 
            bool createUserTextVisible = (createUserText.Length > 0); 
            bool passwordRecoveryTextVisible = (passwordRecoveryText.Length > 0);
            bool helpPageTextVisible = (helpPageText.Length > 0); 
            bool helpPageIconVisible = (helpPageIconUrl.Length > 0);
            bool createUserIconVisible = (createUserIconUrl.Length > 0);
            bool passwordRecoveryIconVisible = (passwordRecoveryIconUrl.Length > 0);
            bool helpPageLineVisible = helpPageTextVisible || helpPageIconVisible; 
            bool createUserLineVisible = createUserTextVisible || createUserIconVisible;
            bool passwordRecoveryLineVisible = passwordRecoveryTextVisible || passwordRecoveryIconVisible; 
            bool editProfileTextVisible = (editProfileText.Length > 0); 
            bool editProfileIconVisible = (editProfileIconUrl.Length > 0);
            bool editProfileLineVisible = (editProfileTextVisible || editProfileIconVisible); 

            helpPageLink.Visible = helpPageTextVisible;
            helpPageLinkSeparator.Visible = helpPageLineVisible && (passwordRecoveryLineVisible || createUserLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible);
            if (helpPageTextVisible) { 
                helpPageLink.Text = helpPageText;
                helpPageLink.NavigateUrl = HelpPageUrl; 
                helpPageLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; 
            helpPageIcon.Visible = helpPageIconVisible; 
            if (helpPageIconVisible) {
                helpPageIcon.ImageUrl = helpPageIconUrl;
                helpPageIcon.AlternateText = HelpPageText;

            createUserLink.Visible = createUserTextVisible; 
            createUserLinkSeparator.Visible = (createUserLineVisible && (passwordRecoveryLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible)); 
            if (createUserTextVisible) {
                createUserLink.Text = createUserText; 
                createUserLink.NavigateUrl = CreateUserUrl;
                createUserLink.TabIndex = TabIndex;
            createUserIcon.Visible = createUserIconVisible; 
            if (createUserIconVisible) {
                createUserIcon.ImageUrl = createUserIconUrl; 
                createUserIcon.AlternateText = CreateUserText; 
            passwordRecoveryLink.Visible = passwordRecoveryTextVisible;
            if (passwordRecoveryTextVisible) {
                passwordRecoveryLink.Text = passwordRecoveryText;
                passwordRecoveryLink.NavigateUrl = PasswordRecoveryUrl; 
                passwordRecoveryLink.TabIndex = TabIndex;
            passwordRecoveryIcon.Visible = passwordRecoveryIconVisible; 
            if (passwordRecoveryIconVisible) {
                passwordRecoveryIcon.ImageUrl = passwordRecoveryIconUrl; 
                passwordRecoveryIcon.AlternateText = PasswordRecoveryText;
            editProfileLinkSeparator.Visible = (passwordRecoveryLineVisible && editProfileLineVisible);
            editProfileLink.Visible = editProfileTextVisible;
            editProfileIcon.Visible = editProfileIconVisible; 
            if (editProfileTextVisible) { 
                editProfileLink.Text = editProfileText;
                editProfileLink.NavigateUrl = EditProfileUrl; 
                editProfileLink.TabIndex = TabIndex;
            if (editProfileIconVisible) {
                editProfileIcon.ImageUrl = editProfileIconUrl; 
                editProfileIcon.AlternateText = EditProfileText;
            if (createUserLineVisible || passwordRecoveryLineVisible || helpPageLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible) {
                if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { 
                    // Apply style except font to table cell, then apply font and forecolor to HyperLinks
                    // VSWhidbey 81289
                    TableItemStyle hyperLinkStyleExceptFont = new TableItemStyle();
                    LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(createUserLink, hyperLinkStyleExceptFont); 
                    createUserLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor;
                    passwordRecoveryLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor;
                    helpPageLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor;
                    editProfileLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor;
                LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(helpPageLink, true); 
            else { 
                LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(helpPageLink, false);

            Control failureTextLabel = container.FailureTextLabel; 
            if (((ITextControl)failureTextLabel).Text.Length > 0) {
                LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(failureTextLabel, FailureTextStyle); 
                LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(failureTextLabel, true); 
            else { 
                LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(failureTextLabel, false);
        /// Internal because called from ChangePasswordAdapter. 
        internal void SetDefaultSuccessViewProperties() {
            SuccessContainer container = _successContainer; 
            LinkButton linkButton = container.ContinueLinkButton;
            ImageButton imageButton = container.ContinueImageButton;
            Button pushButton = container.ContinuePushButton;
            container.BorderTable.CellPadding = BorderPadding;
            container.BorderTable.CellSpacing = 0; 
            WebControl button = null;
            switch (ContinueButtonType) { 
                case ButtonType.Link:
                    linkButton.Text = ContinueButtonText;
                    button = linkButton;
                case ButtonType.Image:
                    imageButton.ImageUrl = ContinueButtonImageUrl; 
                    imageButton.AlternateText = ContinueButtonText; 
                    button = imageButton;
                case ButtonType.Button:
                    pushButton.Text = ContinueButtonText;
                    button = pushButton;
            linkButton.Visible = false; 
            imageButton.Visible = false;
            pushButton.Visible = false; 
            button.Visible = true;
            button.TabIndex = TabIndex;
            button.AccessKey = AccessKey;
            if (ContinueButtonStyle != null) button.ApplyStyle(ContinueButtonStyle);
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Title, SuccessTitleText, _titleTextStyle, true); 
            LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.SuccessTextLabel, SuccessText, _successTextStyle, true);
            string editProfileText = EditProfileText;
            string editProfileIconUrl = EditProfileIconUrl;
            bool editProfileVisible = (editProfileText.Length > 0);
            bool editProfileIconVisible = (editProfileIconUrl.Length > 0); 
            HyperLink editProfileLink = container.EditProfileLink;
            Image editProfileIcon = container.EditProfileIcon; 
            editProfileIcon.Visible = editProfileIconVisible; 
            editProfileLink.Visible = editProfileVisible;
            if (editProfileVisible) { 
                editProfileLink.Text = editProfileText;
                editProfileLink.NavigateUrl = EditProfileUrl;
                editProfileLink.TabIndex = TabIndex;
                if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { 
                    // Apply style except font to table cell, then apply font and forecolor to HyperLinks
                    // VSWhidbey 81289 
                    Style hyperLinkStyleExceptFont = new TableItemStyle(); 
                    LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(editProfileLink, hyperLinkStyleExceptFont);
                    editProfileLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor;
            if (editProfileIconVisible) { 
                editProfileIcon.ImageUrl = editProfileIconUrl; 
                editProfileIcon.AlternateText = EditProfileText;
            LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(editProfileLink, editProfileVisible || editProfileIconVisible);

        ///     Sets the properties of child controls that are editable by the client.
        private void SetEditableChildProperties() { 
            // We need to use UserNameInternal for the DropDownList case where it won't fire a TextChanged for the first item
            if (UserNameInternal.Length > 0 && DisplayUserName) { 
                ITextControl userNameTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox;
                if (userNameTextBox != null) {
                    userNameTextBox.Text = UserNameInternal;
        ///     Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the 
        ///     control as part of the control viewstate.
        protected override void TrackViewState() {

            if (_changePasswordButtonStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _changePasswordButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_labelStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _labelStyle).TrackViewState();
            if (_textBoxStyle != null) {
                ((IStateManager) _textBoxStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_successTextStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _successTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _hyperLinkStyle).TrackViewState();
            if (_instructionTextStyle != null) {
                ((IStateManager) _instructionTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_titleTextStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _titleTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_passwordHintStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _passwordHintStyle).TrackViewState();
            if (_failureTextStyle != null) {
                ((IStateManager) _failureTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_mailDefinition != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_cancelButtonStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
            if (_continueButtonStyle != null) {
                ((IStateManager) _continueButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); 
            if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { 
                ((IStateManager) _validatorTextStyle).TrackViewState(); 

        private void UpdateValidators() {
            if (DesignMode) {
            ChangePasswordContainer container = _changePasswordContainer; 

            if (container != null) { 
                bool displayUserName = DisplayUserName;
                RequiredFieldValidator userNameRequired = container.UserNameRequired;
                if (userNameRequired != null) {
                    userNameRequired.Enabled = displayUserName; 
                    userNameRequired.Visible = displayUserName;
                bool regExpEnabled = RegExpEnabled;
                RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = container.RegExpValidator; 
                if (regExpValidator != null) {
                    regExpValidator.Enabled = regExpEnabled;
                    regExpValidator.Visible = regExpEnabled;
        private void UserNameTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) {
            string userName = ((ITextControl) source).Text; 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) {
                UserName = userName;

        /// The default success template for the control, used if SuccessTemplate is null. 
        private sealed class DefaultSuccessTemplate : ITemplate { 
            private ChangePassword _owner;

            public DefaultSuccessTemplate(ChangePassword owner) {
                _owner = owner; 
            private void CreateControls(SuccessContainer successContainer) { 
                successContainer.Title = new Literal();
                successContainer.SuccessTextLabel = new Literal(); 
                successContainer.EditProfileLink = new HyperLink();
                successContainer.EditProfileLink.ID = _editProfileSuccessLinkID;
                successContainer.EditProfileIcon = new Image();
                LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton();
                linkButton.ID = _continueLinkButtonID; 
                linkButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName; 
                linkButton.CausesValidation = false;
                successContainer.ContinueLinkButton = linkButton; 

                ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton();
                imageButton.ID = _continueImageButtonID;
                imageButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName; 
                imageButton.CausesValidation = false;
                successContainer.ContinueImageButton = imageButton; 
                Button pushButton = new Button();
                pushButton.ID = _continuePushButtonID; 
                pushButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName;
                pushButton.CausesValidation = false;
                successContainer.ContinuePushButton = pushButton;

            private void LayoutControls(SuccessContainer successContainer) { 
                Table table = new Table(); 
                table.CellPadding = 0;
                TableRow r; 
                TableCell c;

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell(); 
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; 

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell();
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell(); 
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate);
                r = new TableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();

                successContainer.LayoutTable = table; 
                successContainer.BorderTable = table2; 

            void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container) {
                SuccessContainer successContainer = (SuccessContainer) container;

        ///     Container for the success template.
        ///     Internal instead of private because it must be used by ChangePasswordAdapter.
        internal sealed class SuccessContainer : LoginUtil.GenericContainer, INonBindingContainer { 
            private Literal _successTextLabel;
            private Button _continuePushButton; 
            private LinkButton _continueLinkButton; 
            private ImageButton _continueImageButton;
            private Image _editProfileIcon; 
            private HyperLink _editProfileLink;
            private Literal _title;

            public SuccessContainer(ChangePassword owner) : base(owner) { 
            internal ImageButton ContinueImageButton { 
                get {
                    return _continueImageButton; 
                set {
                    _continueImageButton = value;
            internal LinkButton ContinueLinkButton { 
                get {
                    return _continueLinkButton; 
                set {
                    _continueLinkButton = value;
            internal Button ContinuePushButton { 
                get {
                    return _continuePushButton; 
                set {
                    _continuePushButton = value;
            protected override bool ConvertingToTemplate { 
                get {
                    return Owner.ConvertingToTemplate; 

            internal Image EditProfileIcon { 
                get {
                    return _editProfileIcon; 
                set {
                    _editProfileIcon = value; 

            internal HyperLink EditProfileLink { 
                get {
                    return _editProfileLink; 
                set {
                    _editProfileLink = value; 

            public Literal SuccessTextLabel { 
                get {
                    return _successTextLabel; 
                set {
                    _successTextLabel = value; 

            internal Literal Title { 
                get {
                    return _title; 
                set {
                    _title = value; 
        ///     The default template for the control, used if ChangePasswordTemplate is null. 
        private sealed class DefaultChangePasswordTemplate : ITemplate {
            private ChangePassword _owner; 

            public DefaultChangePasswordTemplate(ChangePassword owner) {
                _owner = owner;

            ///     Helper function to create and set properties for a required field validator 
            private RequiredFieldValidator CreateRequiredFieldValidator(string id, TextBox textBox, string validationGroup, bool enableValidation) { 
                RequiredFieldValidator validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
                validator.ID = id;
                validator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup;
                validator.ControlToValidate = textBox.ID; 
                validator.Display = _requiredFieldValidatorDisplay;
                validator.Text = SR.GetString(SR.LoginControls_DefaultRequiredFieldValidatorText); 
                validator.Enabled = enableValidation; 
                validator.Visible = enableValidation;
                return validator; 

            ///     Creates the child controls, sets certain properties (mostly static properties) 
            private void CreateControls(ChangePasswordContainer container) { 
                string validationGroup = _owner.UniqueID; 

                container.Title = new Literal(); 
                container.Instruction = new Literal();
                container.PasswordHintLabel = new Literal();

                TextBox userNameTextBox = new TextBox(); 
                // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events
                userNameTextBox.ID = _userNameID; 
                container.UserNameTextBox = userNameTextBox; 
                container.UserNameLabel = new LabelLiteral(userNameTextBox);
                bool enableValidation = (_owner.CurrentView == View.ChangePassword);

                container.UserNameRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_userNameRequiredID, userNameTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation);
                TextBox currentPasswordTextBox = new TextBox();
                // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events 
                currentPasswordTextBox.ID = _currentPasswordID; 
                currentPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
                container.CurrentPasswordTextBox = currentPasswordTextBox; 
                container.CurrentPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(currentPasswordTextBox);

                container.PasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_currentPasswordRequiredID, currentPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation);
                TextBox newPasswordTextBox = new TextBox();
                // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events 
                newPasswordTextBox.ID = _newPasswordID; 
                newPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
                container.NewPasswordTextBox = newPasswordTextBox; 
                container.NewPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(newPasswordTextBox);

                container.NewPasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_newPasswordRequiredID, newPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation);
                TextBox confirmNewPasswordTextBox = new TextBox();
                // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events 
                confirmNewPasswordTextBox.ID = _confirmNewPasswordID; 
                confirmNewPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
                container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox = confirmNewPasswordTextBox; 
                container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(confirmNewPasswordTextBox);

                container.ConfirmNewPasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_confirmNewPasswordRequiredID, confirmNewPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation);
                // Setup compare validator for new/confirmNewPassword values
                CompareValidator compareValidator = new CompareValidator(); 
                compareValidator.ID = _newPasswordCompareID; 
                compareValidator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup;
                compareValidator.ControlToValidate = _confirmNewPasswordID; 
                compareValidator.ControlToCompare = _newPasswordID;
                compareValidator.Operator = ValidationCompareOperator.Equal;
                compareValidator.ErrorMessage = _owner.ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage;
                compareValidator.Display = _compareFieldValidatorDisplay; 
                compareValidator.Enabled = enableValidation;
                compareValidator.Visible = enableValidation; 
                container.NewPasswordCompareValidator = compareValidator; 

                // Reg exp validator 
                RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = new RegularExpressionValidator();
                regExpValidator.ID = _newPasswordRegExpID;
                regExpValidator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup;
                regExpValidator.ControlToValidate = _newPasswordID; 
                regExpValidator.ErrorMessage = _owner.NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage;
                regExpValidator.ValidationExpression = _owner.NewPasswordRegularExpression; 
                regExpValidator.Display = _regexpFieldValidatorDisplay; 
                regExpValidator.Enabled = enableValidation;
                regExpValidator.Visible = enableValidation; 
                container.RegExpValidator = regExpValidator;

                // Buttons
                LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton(); 
                linkButton.ID = _changePasswordLinkButtonID;
                linkButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; 
                linkButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName; 
                container.ChangePasswordLinkButton = linkButton;
                linkButton = new LinkButton();
                linkButton.ID = _cancelLinkButtonID;
                linkButton.CausesValidation = false;
                linkButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; 
                container.CancelLinkButton = linkButton;
                ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton(); 
                imageButton.ID = _changePasswordImageButtonID;
                imageButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; 
                imageButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName;
                container.ChangePasswordImageButton = imageButton;

                imageButton = new ImageButton(); 
                imageButton.ID = _cancelImageButtonID;
                imageButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; 
                imageButton.CausesValidation = false; 
                container.CancelImageButton = imageButton;
                Button pushButton = new Button();
                pushButton.ID = _changePasswordPushButtonID;
                pushButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup;
                pushButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName; 
                container.ChangePasswordPushButton = pushButton;
                pushButton = new Button(); 
                pushButton.ID = _cancelPushButtonID;
                pushButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; 
                pushButton.CausesValidation = false;
                container.CancelPushButton = pushButton;

                container.PasswordRecoveryIcon = new Image(); 
                container.PasswordRecoveryLink = new HyperLink();
                container.PasswordRecoveryLink.ID = _passwordRecoveryLinkID; 
                container.CreateUserIcon = new Image();
                container.CreateUserLink = new HyperLink(); 
                container.CreateUserLink.ID = _createUserLinkID;
                container.CreateUserLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl();

                container.HelpPageIcon = new Image(); 
                container.HelpPageLink = new HyperLink();
                container.HelpPageLink.ID = _helpLinkID; 
                container.HelpPageLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl(); 

                container.EditProfileLink = new HyperLink(); 
                container.EditProfileLink.ID = _editProfileLinkID;
                container.EditProfileIcon = new Image();
                container.EditProfileLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl();
                Literal failureTextLabel = new Literal();
                failureTextLabel.ID = _failureTextID; 
                container.FailureTextLabel = failureTextLabel; 
            ///     Adds the controls to a table for layout.  Layout depends on TextLayout properties.
            private void LayoutControls(ChangePasswordContainer container) { 
                Table table = new Table();
                table.CellPadding = 0; 
                TableRow r; 
                TableCell c;
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell();
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; 

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
                // UserName is only visible if enabled
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) {
                    container.UserNameLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; 

                c = new TableCell(); 
                _owner._userNameTableRow = r;
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; 
                if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) {
                    container.CurrentPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true;
                c = new TableCell(); 

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; 
                if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) {
                    container.NewPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; 

                c = new TableCell(); 
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell();
                c = new TableCell(); 
                _owner._passwordHintTableRow = r;
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) {
                    container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; 
                c = new TableCell();
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; 
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;

                if (_owner.RegExpEnabled) { 
                    r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                    c = new TableCell();
                    c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; 
                    c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                _owner.ValidatorRow = r; 
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell(); 
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); 
                c = new TableCell();
                c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; 
                c = new TableCell();

                r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow();
                c = new TableCell(); 
                c.ColumnSpan = 2;
                container.HelpPageLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; container.CreateUserLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; container.EditProfileLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; c.Controls.Add(container.CreateUserLinkSeparator); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordRecoveryIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordRecoveryLink); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileLinkSeparator); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileLink); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); r = new TableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(table); r.Cells.Add(c); table2.Rows.Add(r); container.LayoutTable = table; container.BorderTable = table2; container.Controls.Add(table2); } #region ITemplate implementation void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container) { ChangePasswordContainer cpContainer = (ChangePasswordContainer) container; CreateControls(cpContainer); LayoutControls(cpContainer); } #endregion } /// /// Container for the layout template. Contains properties that reference each child control. /// For the default template, the properties are set when the child controls are created. /// For the user template, the controls are looked up dynamically by ID. Some controls are required, /// and an exception is thrown if they are missing. Other controls are optional, and an exception is /// thrown if they have the wrong type. /// Internal instead of private because it must be used by LoginAdapter. /// internal sealed class ChangePasswordContainer : LoginUtil.GenericContainer, INonBindingContainer { private LiteralControl _createUserLinkSeparator; private LiteralControl _helpPageLinkSeparator; private LiteralControl _editProfileLinkSeparator; private Control _failureTextLabel; private ImageButton _changePasswordImageButton; private LinkButton _changePasswordLinkButton; private Button _changePasswordPushButton; private ImageButton _cancelImageButton; private LinkButton _cancelLinkButton; private Button _cancelPushButton; private Image _createUserIcon; private Image _helpPageIcon; private Image _passwordRecoveryIcon; private Image _editProfileIcon; private RequiredFieldValidator _passwordRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _userNameRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _confirmNewPasswordRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _newPasswordRequired; private CompareValidator _newPasswordCompareValidator; private RegularExpressionValidator _regExpValidator; private Literal _title; private Literal _instruction; private LabelLiteral _userNameLabel; private LabelLiteral _currentPasswordLabel; private LabelLiteral _newPasswordLabel; private LabelLiteral _confirmNewPasswordLabel; private Literal _passwordHintLabel; private Control _userNameTextBox; private Control _currentPasswordTextBox; private Control _newPasswordTextBox; private Control _confirmNewPasswordTextBox; private HyperLink _helpPageLink; private HyperLink _passwordRecoveryLink; private HyperLink _createUserLink; private HyperLink _editProfileLink; public ChangePasswordContainer(ChangePassword owner) : base(owner) { } internal ImageButton CancelImageButton { get { return _cancelImageButton; } set { _cancelImageButton = value; } } internal LinkButton CancelLinkButton { get { return _cancelLinkButton; } set { _cancelLinkButton = value; } } internal Button CancelPushButton { get { return _cancelPushButton; } set { _cancelPushButton = value; } } internal ImageButton ChangePasswordImageButton { get { return _changePasswordImageButton; } set { _changePasswordImageButton = value; } } internal LinkButton ChangePasswordLinkButton { get { return _changePasswordLinkButton; } set { _changePasswordLinkButton = value; } } internal Button ChangePasswordPushButton { get { return _changePasswordPushButton; } set { _changePasswordPushButton = value; } } internal LabelLiteral ConfirmNewPasswordLabel { get { return _confirmNewPasswordLabel; } set { _confirmNewPasswordLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator ConfirmNewPasswordRequired { get { return _confirmNewPasswordRequired; } set { _confirmNewPasswordRequired = value; } } internal Control ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox { get { if (_confirmNewPasswordTextBox != null) { return _confirmNewPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindOptionalControl(_confirmNewPasswordID); } } set { _confirmNewPasswordTextBox = value; } } protected override bool ConvertingToTemplate { get { return Owner.ConvertingToTemplate; } } internal Image CreateUserIcon { get { return _createUserIcon; } set { _createUserIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink CreateUserLink { get { return _createUserLink; } set { _createUserLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl CreateUserLinkSeparator { get { return _createUserLinkSeparator; } set { _createUserLinkSeparator = value; } } internal LabelLiteral CurrentPasswordLabel { get { return _currentPasswordLabel; } set { _currentPasswordLabel = value; } } internal Control CurrentPasswordTextBox { get { if (_currentPasswordTextBox != null) { return _currentPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindRequiredControl(_currentPasswordID, SR.ChangePassword_NoCurrentPasswordTextBox); } } set { _currentPasswordTextBox = value; } } internal Image EditProfileIcon { get { return _editProfileIcon; } set { _editProfileIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink EditProfileLink { get { return _editProfileLink; } set { _editProfileLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl EditProfileLinkSeparator { get { return _editProfileLinkSeparator; } set { _editProfileLinkSeparator = value; } } internal Control FailureTextLabel { get { if (_failureTextLabel != null) { return _failureTextLabel; } else { return FindOptionalControl(_failureTextID); } } set { _failureTextLabel = value; } } internal Image HelpPageIcon { get { return _helpPageIcon; } set { _helpPageIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink HelpPageLink { get { return _helpPageLink; } set { _helpPageLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl HelpPageLinkSeparator { get { return _helpPageLinkSeparator; } set { _helpPageLinkSeparator = value; } } internal Literal Instruction { get { return _instruction; } set { _instruction = value; } } internal CompareValidator NewPasswordCompareValidator { get { return _newPasswordCompareValidator; } set { _newPasswordCompareValidator = value; } } internal LabelLiteral NewPasswordLabel { get { return _newPasswordLabel; } set { _newPasswordLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator NewPasswordRequired { get { return _newPasswordRequired; } set { _newPasswordRequired = value; } } internal Control NewPasswordTextBox { get { if (_newPasswordTextBox != null) { return _newPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindRequiredControl(_newPasswordID, SR.ChangePassword_NoNewPasswordTextBox); } } set { _newPasswordTextBox = value; } } internal Literal PasswordHintLabel { get { return _passwordHintLabel; } set { _passwordHintLabel = value; } } internal Image PasswordRecoveryIcon { get { return _passwordRecoveryIcon; } set { _passwordRecoveryIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink PasswordRecoveryLink { get { return _passwordRecoveryLink; } set { _passwordRecoveryLink = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator PasswordRequired { get { return _passwordRequired; } set { _passwordRequired = value; } } internal RegularExpressionValidator RegExpValidator { get { return _regExpValidator; } set { _regExpValidator = value; } } internal Literal Title { get { return _title; } set { _title = value; } } internal LabelLiteral UserNameLabel { get { return _userNameLabel; } set { _userNameLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator UserNameRequired { get { return _userNameRequired; } set { _userNameRequired = value; } } internal Control UserNameTextBox { get { if (_userNameTextBox != null) { return _userNameTextBox; } else { // UserNameTextBox is required if DisplayUserName is true, but the control *must not* be // present if DisplayUserName is false. (VSWhidbey 393444) if (Owner.DisplayUserName) { return FindRequiredControl(_userNameID, SR.ChangePassword_NoUserNameTextBox); } else { VerifyControlNotPresent(_userNameID, SR.ChangePassword_UserNameTextBoxNotAllowed); return null; } } } set { _userNameTextBox = value; } } } /// /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter /// internal enum View { ChangePassword, Success } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.UI; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Web.Management; /// /// Displays UI that allows a user to change his password. Uses a Membership provider /// or custom authentication logic in the OnAuthenticate event. UI can be customized /// using control properties or a template. /// [ Bindable(false), DefaultEvent("ChangedPassword"), Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ChangePasswordDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class ChangePassword : CompositeControl, INamingContainer { public static readonly string ChangePasswordButtonCommandName = "ChangePassword"; public static readonly string CancelButtonCommandName = "Cancel"; public static readonly string ContinueButtonCommandName = "Continue"; private ITemplate _changePasswordTemplate; private ChangePasswordContainer _changePasswordContainer; private ITemplate _successTemplate; private SuccessContainer _successContainer; private string _userName; private string _password; private string _newPassword; private string _confirmNewPassword; private bool _convertingToTemplate = false; private bool _renderDesignerRegion = false; private View _currentView = View.ChangePassword; // Needed for user template feature private const string _userNameID = "UserName"; private const string _currentPasswordID = "CurrentPassword"; private const string _newPasswordID = "NewPassword"; private const string _confirmNewPasswordID = "ConfirmNewPassword"; private const string _failureTextID = "FailureText"; // Needed only for "convert to template" feature, otherwise unnecessary private const string _userNameRequiredID = "UserNameRequired"; private const string _currentPasswordRequiredID = "CurrentPasswordRequired"; private const string _newPasswordRequiredID = "NewPasswordRequired"; private const string _confirmNewPasswordRequiredID = "ConfirmNewPasswordRequired"; private const string _newPasswordCompareID = "NewPasswordCompare"; private const string _newPasswordRegExpID = "NewPasswordRegExp"; private const string _changePasswordPushButtonID = "ChangePasswordPushButton"; private const string _changePasswordImageButtonID = "ChangePasswordImageButton"; private const string _changePasswordLinkButtonID = "ChangePasswordLinkButton"; private const string _cancelPushButtonID = "CancelPushButton"; private const string _cancelImageButtonID = "CancelImageButton"; private const string _cancelLinkButtonID = "CancelLinkButton"; private const string _continuePushButtonID = "ContinuePushButton"; private const string _continueImageButtonID = "ContinueImageButton"; private const string _continueLinkButtonID = "ContinueLinkButton"; private const string _passwordRecoveryLinkID = "PasswordRecoveryLink"; private const string _helpLinkID = "HelpLink"; private const string _createUserLinkID = "CreateUserLink"; private const string _editProfileLinkID = "EditProfileLink"; private const string _editProfileSuccessLinkID = "EditProfileLinkSuccess"; private const string _changePasswordViewContainerID = "ChangePasswordContainerID"; private const string _successViewContainerID = "SuccessContainerID"; private const ValidatorDisplay _requiredFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Static; private const ValidatorDisplay _compareFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; private const ValidatorDisplay _regexpFieldValidatorDisplay = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; private const string _userNameReplacementKey = "<%\\s*UserName\\s*%>"; private const string _passwordReplacementKey = "<%\\s*Password\\s*%>"; private const int _viewStateArrayLength = 14; private Style _changePasswordButtonStyle; private TableItemStyle _labelStyle; private Style _textBoxStyle; private TableItemStyle _hyperLinkStyle; private TableItemStyle _instructionTextStyle; private TableItemStyle _titleTextStyle; private TableItemStyle _failureTextStyle; private TableItemStyle _successTextStyle; private TableItemStyle _passwordHintStyle; private Style _cancelButtonStyle; private Style _continueButtonStyle; private Style _validatorTextStyle; private MailDefinition _mailDefinition; private Control _validatorRow; private Control _passwordHintTableRow; private Control _userNameTableRow; private static readonly object EventChangePasswordError = new object(); private static readonly object EventCancelButtonClick = new object(); private static readonly object EventContinueButtonClick = new object(); private static readonly object EventChangingPassword = new object(); private static readonly object EventChangedPassword = new object(); private static readonly object EventSendingMail = new object(); private static readonly object EventSendMailError = new object(); [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(1), WebSysDescription(SR.Login_BorderPadding) ] public virtual int BorderPadding { get { object obj = ViewState["BorderPadding"]; return (obj == null) ? 1 : (int)obj; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_InvalidBorderPadding)); } ViewState["BorderPadding"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the cancel button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelButtonImageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string CancelButtonImageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonImageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CancelButtonImageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of cancel button. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelButtonStyle) ] public Style CancelButtonStyle { get { if (_cancelButtonStyle == null) { _cancelButtonStyle = new Style(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _cancelButtonStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the cancel button. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultCancelButtonText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelButtonText) ] public virtual string CancelButtonText { get { object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultCancelButtonText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CancelButtonText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the type of the cancel button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(ButtonType.Button), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelButtonType) ] public virtual ButtonType CancelButtonType { get { object obj = ViewState["CancelButtonType"]; return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj; } set { if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["CancelButtonType"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the continue button. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelDestinationPageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), Themeable(false), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string CancelDestinationPageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["CancelDestinationPageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CancelDestinationPageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the change password button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of change password button. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordButtonStyle) ] public Style ChangePasswordButtonStyle { get { if (_changePasswordButtonStyle == null) { _changePasswordButtonStyle = new Style(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _changePasswordButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _changePasswordButtonStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the change password button. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordButtonText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordButtonText) ] public virtual string ChangePasswordButtonText { get { object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordButtonText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the type of the create user button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(ButtonType.Button), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordButtonType) ] public virtual ButtonType ChangePasswordButtonType { get { object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonType"]; return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj; } set { if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["ChangePasswordButtonType"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown when a change password attempt fails. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordFailureText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordFailureText) ] public virtual string ChangePasswordFailureText { get { object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordFailureText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordFailureText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ChangePasswordFailureText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the template that is used to render the control. If null, a /// default template is used. /// [ Browsable(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(ChangePassword)) ] public virtual ITemplate ChangePasswordTemplate { get { return _changePasswordTemplate; } set { _changePasswordTemplate = value; ChildControlsCreated = false; } } /// /// Gets the container into which the template is instantiated. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public Control ChangePasswordTemplateContainer { get { EnsureChildControls(); return _changePasswordContainer; } } /// /// Gets or sets the title text to be shown for the change password view /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordTitleText), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_TitleText) ] public virtual string ChangePasswordTitleText { get { object obj = ViewState["ChangePasswordTitleText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultChangePasswordTitleText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ChangePasswordTitleText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the confirm new password entered by the user. /// [ Browsable(false), Themeable(false), Filterable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual string ConfirmNewPassword { get { return (_confirmNewPassword == null) ? String.Empty : _confirmNewPassword; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that identifies the new password textbox. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmNewPasswordLabelText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText) ] public virtual string ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText { get { object obj = ViewState["ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmNewPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that is displayed when the new password does not match the confirm password. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage) ] public virtual string ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the confirm password is empty. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) ] public virtual string ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an image to be displayed for the continue button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ContinueButtonImageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string ContinueButtonImageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonImageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ContinueButtonImageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of change password button. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ContinueButtonStyle) ] public Style ContinueButtonStyle { get { if (_continueButtonStyle == null) { _continueButtonStyle = new Style(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _continueButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _continueButtonStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the continue button. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultContinueButtonText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ContinueButtonText) ] public virtual string ContinueButtonText { get { object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultContinueButtonText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ContinueButtonText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the type of the continue button. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(ButtonType.Button), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ContinueButtonType) ] public virtual ButtonType ContinueButtonType { get { object obj = ViewState["ContinueButtonType"]; return (obj == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) obj; } set { if (value < ButtonType.Button || value > ButtonType.Link) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["ContinueButtonType"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL for the continue button. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_ContinueDestinationPageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), Themeable(false), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string ContinueDestinationPageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["ContinueDestinationPageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["ContinueDestinationPageUrl"] = value; } } private bool ConvertingToTemplate { get { return (DesignMode && _convertingToTemplate); } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the create user link. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CreateUserIconUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string CreateUserIconUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["CreateUserIconUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CreateUserIconUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the create user link. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CreateUserText) ] public virtual string CreateUserText { get { object obj = ViewState["CreateUserText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CreateUserText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of the create user page. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CreateUserUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string CreateUserUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["CreateUserUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["CreateUserUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the current password entered by the user. /// [ Browsable(false), Themeable(false), Filterable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual string CurrentPassword { get { return (_password == null) ? String.Empty : _password; } } private string CurrentPasswordInternal { get { string password = CurrentPassword; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _changePasswordContainer != null) { ITextControl passwordTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.CurrentPasswordTextBox; if (passwordTextBox != null) { return passwordTextBox.Text; } } return password; } } /// /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter. /// internal View CurrentView { get { return _currentView; } set { if (value < View.ChangePassword || value > View.Success) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } if (value != CurrentView) { _currentView = value; } } } /// /// Gets or sets whether the user name is shown /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_DisplayUserName) ] public virtual bool DisplayUserName { get { object obj = ViewState["DisplayUserName"]; return (obj == null) ? false : (bool) obj; } set { if (DisplayUserName != value) { ViewState["DisplayUserName"] = value; UpdateValidators(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL for the image shown next to the profile page. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_EditProfileIconUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string EditProfileIconUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["EditProfileIconUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["EditProfileIconUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the edit profile page /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_EditProfileText) ] public virtual string EditProfileText { get { object obj = ViewState["EditProfileText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["EditProfileText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of the edit profile page. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_EditProfileUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string EditProfileUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["EditProfileUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["EditProfileUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of the failure text. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_FailureTextStyle) ] public TableItemStyle FailureTextStyle { get { if (_failureTextStyle == null) { _failureTextStyle = new ErrorTableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _failureTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _failureTextStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the help link. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_HelpPageIconUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string HelpPageIconUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["HelpPageIconUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["HelpPageIconUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the help link. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_HelpPageText) ] public virtual string HelpPageText { get { object obj = ViewState["HelpPageText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["HelpPageText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of the help page. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_HelpPageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string HelpPageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["HelpPageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["HelpPageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of the hyperlinks. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HyperLinkStyle) ] public TableItemStyle HyperLinkStyle { get { if (_hyperLinkStyle == null) { _hyperLinkStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _hyperLinkStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _hyperLinkStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that is displayed to give instructions. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_InstructionText) ] public virtual string InstructionText { get { object obj = ViewState["InstructionText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["InstructionText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the style of the instructions. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_InstructionTextStyle) ] public TableItemStyle InstructionTextStyle { get { if (_instructionTextStyle == null) { _instructionTextStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _instructionTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _instructionTextStyle; } } /// /// Gets the style of the textbox labels. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_LabelStyle) ] public TableItemStyle LabelStyle { get { if (_labelStyle == null) { _labelStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _labelStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _labelStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the name of the membership provider. If null or empty, the default provider is used. /// [ WebCategory("Data"), DefaultValue(""), Themeable(false), WebSysDescription(SR.MembershipProvider_Name) ] public virtual string MembershipProvider { get { object obj = ViewState["MembershipProvider"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["MembershipProvider"] = value; } } /// /// Gets the new password entered by the user. /// [ Browsable(false), Themeable(false), Filterable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual string NewPassword { get { return (_newPassword == null) ? String.Empty : _newPassword; } } private string NewPasswordInternal { get { string password = NewPassword; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _changePasswordContainer != null) { ITextControl passwordTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.NewPasswordTextBox; if (passwordTextBox != null) { return passwordTextBox.Text; } } return password; } } /// /// The text that is displayed when the new password regular expression fails /// [ WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.Password_InvalidPasswordErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage) ] public virtual string NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.Password_InvalidPasswordErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that identifies the new password textbox. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordLabelText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_NewPasswordLabelText) ] public virtual string NewPasswordLabelText { get { object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordLabelText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["NewPasswordLabelText"] = value; } } /// /// Regular expression used to validate the new password /// [ WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_NewPasswordRegularExpression) ] public virtual string NewPasswordRegularExpression { get { object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpression"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { if (NewPasswordRegularExpression != value) { ViewState["NewPasswordRegularExpression"] = value; UpdateValidators(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the new password is empty. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) ] public virtual string NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultNewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } /// /// The style of the password hint text. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordHintStyle) ] public TableItemStyle PasswordHintStyle { get { if (_passwordHintStyle == null) { _passwordHintStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _passwordHintStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _passwordHintStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the password hint. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordHintText) ] public virtual string PasswordHintText { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordHintText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordHintText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that identifies the password textbox. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.LoginControls_DefaultPasswordLabelText), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_PasswordLabelText) ] public virtual string PasswordLabelText { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordLabelText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.LoginControls_DefaultPasswordLabelText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordLabelText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of an icon to be displayed for the password recovery link. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordRecoveryIconUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string PasswordRecoveryIconUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryIconUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordRecoveryIconUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown for the password recovery link. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordRecoveryText) ] public virtual string PasswordRecoveryText { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryText"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordRecoveryText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL of the password recovery page. /// [ WebCategory("Links"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordRecoveryUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string PasswordRecoveryUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordRecoveryUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordRecoveryUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the password is empty. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultPasswordRequiredErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_PasswordRequiredErrorMessage) ] public virtual string PasswordRequiredErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["PasswordRequiredErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultPasswordRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["PasswordRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } /// /// Determines whether we create the regular expression validator /// private bool RegExpEnabled { get { return (NewPasswordRegularExpression.Length > 0); } } /// /// The content and format of the e-mail message that contains a successful change password notification. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), Themeable(false), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_MailDefinition) ] public MailDefinition MailDefinition { get { if (_mailDefinition == null) { _mailDefinition = new MailDefinition(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState(); } } return _mailDefinition; } } /// /// The URL that the user is directed to after the password has been changed. /// If non-null, always redirect the user to this page after successful password change. Else, perform the refresh action. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_SuccessPageUrl), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), Themeable(false), UrlProperty() ] public virtual string SuccessPageUrl { get { object obj = ViewState["SuccessPageUrl"]; return (obj == null) ? String.Empty : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["SuccessPageUrl"] = value; } } /// /// Template rendered after the password has been changed. /// [ Browsable(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(ChangePassword)) ] public virtual ITemplate SuccessTemplate { get { return _successTemplate; } set { _successTemplate = value; ChildControlsCreated = false; } } /// /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public Control SuccessTemplateContainer { get { EnsureChildControls(); return _successContainer; } } /// /// The text to be shown after the password has been changed. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_SuccessText) ] public virtual string SuccessText { get { object obj = ViewState["SuccessText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["SuccessText"] = value; } } /// /// The style of the success text. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_SuccessTextStyle) ] public TableItemStyle SuccessTextStyle { get { if (_successTextStyle == null) { _successTextStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _successTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _successTextStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the title text to be shown for success /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessTitleText), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_SuccessTitleText) ] public virtual string SuccessTitleText { get { object obj = ViewState["SuccessTitleText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultSuccessTitleText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["SuccessTitleText"] = value; } } protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } /// /// Gets or sets the style of the textboxes. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_TextBoxStyle) ] public Style TextBoxStyle { get { if (_textBoxStyle == null) { _textBoxStyle = new Style(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _textBoxStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _textBoxStyle; } } /// /// Gets the style of the title. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_TitleTextStyle) ] public TableItemStyle TitleTextStyle { get { if (_titleTextStyle == null) { _titleTextStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _titleTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _titleTextStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the initial value in the user name textbox. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.UserName_InitialValue) ] public virtual string UserName { get { return (_userName == null) ? String.Empty : _userName; } set { _userName = value; } } private string UserNameInternal { get { string userName = UserName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && _changePasswordContainer != null && DisplayUserName) { ITextControl userTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox; if (userTextBox != null) { return userTextBox.Text; } } return userName; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text that identifies the user name textbox. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameLabelText), WebSysDescription(SR.LoginControls_UserNameLabelText) ] public virtual string UserNameLabelText { get { object obj = ViewState["UserNameLabelText"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameLabelText) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["UserNameLabelText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text to be shown in the validation summary when the user name is empty. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Validation"), WebSysDefaultValue(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameRequiredErrorMessage), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_UserNameRequiredErrorMessage) ] public virtual string UserNameRequiredErrorMessage { get { object obj = ViewState["UserNameRequiredErrorMessage"]; return (obj == null) ? SR.GetString(SR.ChangePassword_DefaultUserNameRequiredErrorMessage) : (string) obj; } set { ViewState["UserNameRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } internal Control ValidatorRow { get { return _validatorRow; } set { _validatorRow = value; } } [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ValidatorTextStyle) ] public Style ValidatorTextStyle { get { if (_validatorTextStyle == null) { _validatorTextStyle = new ErrorStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager) _validatorTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } return _validatorTextStyle; } } ///////////////////// EVENTS ////////////////////////////// /// /// Raised on the click of the cancel button. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_CancelButtonClick) ] public event EventHandler CancelButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler(EventCancelButtonClick, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventCancelButtonClick, value); } } /// /// Raised after the password has been changed successfully. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangedPassword) ] public event EventHandler ChangedPassword { add { Events.AddHandler(EventChangedPassword, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangedPassword, value); } } /// /// Raised if the change password attempt fails. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangePasswordError) ] public event EventHandler ChangePasswordError { add { Events.AddHandler(EventChangePasswordError, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangePasswordError, value); } } /// /// Raised before changing the password. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ChangingPassword) ] public event LoginCancelEventHandler ChangingPassword { add { Events.AddHandler(EventChangingPassword, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventChangingPassword, value); } } /// /// Raised on the click of the continue button. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_ContinueButtonClick) ] public event EventHandler ContinueButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler(EventContinueButtonClick, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventContinueButtonClick, value); } } /// /// Raised before the e-mail is sent. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_SendingMail) ] public event MailMessageEventHandler SendingMail { add { Events.AddHandler(EventSendingMail, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventSendingMail, value); } } /// /// Raised when there is an error sending mail. /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.ChangePassword_SendMailError) ] public event SendMailErrorEventHandler SendMailError { add { Events.AddHandler(EventSendMailError, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventSendMailError, value); } } /// /// Attempts to change the password for the user. /// Raises appropriate events along the way for login, changing password, mail. /// private void AttemptChangePassword() { if (Page != null && !Page.IsValid) { return; } LoginCancelEventArgs cancelArgs = new LoginCancelEventArgs(); OnChangingPassword(cancelArgs); if (cancelArgs.Cancel) { return; } MembershipProvider provider = LoginUtil.GetProvider(MembershipProvider); MembershipUser user = provider.GetUser(UserNameInternal, /*userIsOnline*/ false, /*throwOnError*/ false); string newPassword = NewPasswordInternal; if (user != null && user.ChangePassword(CurrentPasswordInternal, newPassword, /*throwOnError*/ false)) { // Only log the user in if approved and not locked out if (user.IsApproved && !user.IsLockedOut) { System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserNameInternal, false); } OnChangedPassword(EventArgs.Empty); PerformSuccessAction(user.Email, user.UserName, newPassword); } else { OnChangePasswordError(EventArgs.Empty); string failureText = ChangePasswordFailureText; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(failureText)) { failureText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, failureText, provider.MinRequiredPasswordLength, provider.MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters); } SetFailureTextLabel(_changePasswordContainer, failureText); } } private void ConfirmNewPasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) { _confirmNewPassword = ((ITextControl) source).Text; } /// /// Creates the controls needed for the change password view /// private void CreateChangePasswordViewControls() { _changePasswordContainer = new ChangePasswordContainer(this); _changePasswordContainer.ID = _changePasswordViewContainerID; _changePasswordContainer.RenderDesignerRegion = _renderDesignerRegion; ITemplate template = ChangePasswordTemplate; bool defaultTemplate = (template == null); if (defaultTemplate) { // Only disable viewstate if using default template _changePasswordContainer.EnableViewState = false; // Disable theming if using default template (VSWhidbey 86010) _changePasswordContainer.EnableTheming = false; template = new DefaultChangePasswordTemplate(this); } template.InstantiateIn(_changePasswordContainer); Controls.Add(_changePasswordContainer); IEditableTextControl userNameTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox as IEditableTextControl; if (userNameTextBox != null) { userNameTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(UserNameTextChanged); } IEditableTextControl passwordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.CurrentPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl; if (passwordTextBox != null) { passwordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(PasswordTextChanged); } IEditableTextControl newPasswordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.NewPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl; if (newPasswordTextBox != null) { newPasswordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(NewPasswordTextChanged); } IEditableTextControl confirmNewPasswordTextBox = _changePasswordContainer.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox as IEditableTextControl; if (confirmNewPasswordTextBox != null) { confirmNewPasswordTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ConfirmNewPasswordTextChanged); } // Set the editable child control properties here for two reasons: // - So change events will be raised if viewstate is disabled on the child controls // - Viewstate is always disabled for default template, and might be for user template // - So the controls render correctly in the designer SetEditableChildProperties(); } /// /// Instantiates the template in the template container, and wires up necessary events. /// protected internal override void CreateChildControls() { Controls.Clear(); CreateChangePasswordViewControls(); CreateSuccessViewControls(); UpdateValidators(); } private void CreateSuccessViewControls() { ITemplate template = null; _successContainer = new SuccessContainer(this); _successContainer.ID = _successViewContainerID; _successContainer.RenderDesignerRegion = _renderDesignerRegion; if (SuccessTemplate != null) { template = SuccessTemplate; } else { // template = new DefaultSuccessTemplate(this); _successContainer.EnableViewState = false; // Disable theming if using default template (VSWhidbey 86010) _successContainer.EnableTheming = false; } template.InstantiateIn(_successContainer); Controls.Add(_successContainer); } /// /// Loads the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. /// protected internal override void LoadControlState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { Triplet state = (Triplet)savedState; if (state.First != null) { base.LoadControlState(state.First); } if (state.Second != null) { _currentView = (View)(int)state.Second; } if (state.Third != null) { _userName = (string)state.Third; } } } /// /// /// Loads a saved state of the . /// protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState == null) { base.LoadViewState(null); } else { object[] myState = (object[]) savedState; if (myState.Length != _viewStateArrayLength) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ViewState_InvalidViewState)); } base.LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) { ((IStateManager) ChangePasswordButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[1]); } if (myState[2] != null) { ((IStateManager) LabelStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); } if (myState[3] != null) { ((IStateManager) TextBoxStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); } if (myState[4] != null) { ((IStateManager) HyperLinkStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); } if (myState[5] != null) { ((IStateManager) InstructionTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); } if (myState[6] != null) { ((IStateManager) TitleTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]); } if (myState[7] != null) { ((IStateManager) PasswordHintStyle).LoadViewState(myState[7]); } if (myState[8] != null) { ((IStateManager) FailureTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[8]); } if (myState[9] != null) { ((IStateManager) MailDefinition).LoadViewState(myState[9]); } if (myState[10] != null) { ((IStateManager) CancelButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[10]); } if (myState[11] != null) { ((IStateManager) ContinueButtonStyle).LoadViewState(myState[11]); } if (myState[12] != null) { ((IStateManager) SuccessTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[12]); } if (myState[13] != null) { ((IStateManager) ValidatorTextStyle).LoadViewState(myState[13]); } } UpdateValidators(); } private void NewPasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) { _newPassword = ((ITextControl) source).Text; } /// /// Called when an event is raised by a control inside our template. Attempts to login /// if the event was raised by the submit button. /// protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) { bool handled = false; if (e is CommandEventArgs) { CommandEventArgs ce = (CommandEventArgs) e; if (ce.CommandName.Equals(ChangePasswordButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { AttemptChangePassword(); handled = true; } else if (ce.CommandName.Equals(CancelButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { OnCancelButtonClick(ce); handled = true; } else if (ce.CommandName.Equals(ContinueButtonCommandName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { OnContinueButtonClick(ce); handled = true; } } return handled; } /// /// Raises the CancelClick event. /// protected virtual void OnCancelButtonClick(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventCancelButtonClick]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } string cancelPageUrl = CancelDestinationPageUrl; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cancelPageUrl)) { // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give // page a chance to cleanup its resources. This may be less performant though. // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting. // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir. Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(cancelPageUrl), false); } } /// /// Raises the ChangedPassword event. /// protected virtual void OnChangedPassword(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventChangedPassword]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Raises the ChangePasswordError event. /// protected virtual void OnChangePasswordError(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventChangePasswordError]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Raises the ChangingPassword event. /// protected virtual void OnChangingPassword(LoginCancelEventArgs e) { LoginCancelEventHandler handler = (LoginCancelEventHandler)Events[EventChangingPassword]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Raises the ContinueButtonClick event. /// protected virtual void OnContinueButtonClick(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventContinueButtonClick]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } string continuePageUrl = ContinueDestinationPageUrl; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(continuePageUrl)) { // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give // page a chance to cleanup its resources. This may be less performant though. // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting. // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir. Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(continuePageUrl), false); } } protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { // Fill in the User name if authenticated if (!DesignMode) { string userName = LoginUtil.GetUserName(this); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { UserName = userName; } } base.OnInit(e); Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(this); } /// /// Overridden to set the editable child control properteries and hide the control when appropriate. /// protected internal override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); // Set the editable child control properties here instead of Render, so they get into viewstate for the user template. switch (CurrentView) { case View.ChangePassword: SetEditableChildProperties(); break; } } /// /// Raises the SendingMail event. /// protected virtual void OnSendingMail(MailMessageEventArgs e) { MailMessageEventHandler handler = (MailMessageEventHandler)Events[EventSendingMail]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Raises the SendMailError event. /// protected virtual void OnSendMailError(SendMailErrorEventArgs e) { SendMailErrorEventHandler handler = (SendMailErrorEventHandler)Events[EventSendMailError]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } private void PasswordTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) { _password = ((ITextControl) source).Text; } private void PerformSuccessAction(string email, string userName, string newPassword) { // Try to send mail only if a MailDefinition is specified for success, // and the user has an email address. if (_mailDefinition != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { LoginUtil.SendPasswordMail(email, userName, newPassword, MailDefinition, /*defaultSubject*/ null, /*defaultBody*/ null, OnSendingMail, OnSendMailError, this); } string successPageUrl = SuccessPageUrl; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(successPageUrl)) { // [....] suggested that we should not terminate execution of current page, to give // page a chance to cleanup its resources. This may be less performant though. // [....] suggested that we need to call ResolveClientUrl before redirecting. // Example is this control inside user control, want redirect relative to user control dir. Page.Response.Redirect(ResolveClientUrl(successPageUrl), false); } else { CurrentView = View.Success; } } /// /// Adds the ClientID and renders contents, because we don't want the outer . /// protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (Page != null) { Page.VerifyRenderingInServerForm(this); } // Copied from CompositeControl.cs if (DesignMode) { ChildControlsCreated = false; } EnsureChildControls(); SetChildProperties(); RenderContents(writer); } /// /// Saves the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. /// protected internal override object SaveControlState() { object baseState = base.SaveControlState(); // Save the int value of the enum (instead of the enum value itself) // to save space in ControlState object currentViewState = null; object userNameState = null; currentViewState = (int)_currentView; // Don't save _userName once we have reached the success view (VSWhidbey 81327) if (_userName != null && _currentView != View.Success) { userNameState = _userName; } return new Triplet(baseState, currentViewState, userNameState); } /// /// /// Saves the state of the . /// protected override object SaveViewState() { object[] myState = new object[_viewStateArrayLength]; myState[0] = base.SaveViewState(); myState[1] = (_changePasswordButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_changePasswordButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[2] = (_labelStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_labelStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[3] = (_textBoxStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_textBoxStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[4] = (_hyperLinkStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_hyperLinkStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[5] = (_instructionTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_instructionTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[6] = (_titleTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_titleTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[7] = (_passwordHintStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_passwordHintStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[8] = (_failureTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_failureTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[9] = (_mailDefinition != null) ? ((IStateManager)_mailDefinition).SaveViewState() : null; myState[10] = (_cancelButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_cancelButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[11] = (_continueButtonStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_continueButtonStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[12] = (_successTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_successTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; myState[13] = (_validatorTextStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_validatorTextStyle).SaveViewState() : null; for (int i=0; i < _viewStateArrayLength; i++) { if (myState[i] != null) { return myState; } } // More performant to return null than an array of null values return null; } /// /// Used frequently, so extracted into method. /// private void SetFailureTextLabel(ChangePasswordContainer container, string failureText) { ITextControl failureTextLabel = (ITextControl)container.FailureTextLabel; if (failureTextLabel != null) { failureTextLabel.Text = failureText; } } /// /// Internal for access from LoginAdapter /// internal void SetChildProperties() { switch (CurrentView) { case View.ChangePassword: SetCommonChangePasswordViewProperties(); if (ChangePasswordTemplate == null) { SetDefaultChangePasswordViewProperties(); } break; case View.Success: SetCommonSuccessViewProperties(); if (SuccessTemplate == null) { SetDefaultSuccessViewProperties(); } break; } } /// /// Sets change password view control properties that apply to both default and user templates. /// private void SetCommonChangePasswordViewProperties() { // Clear out the access key/tab index so it doesn't get applied to the tables in the container Util.CopyBaseAttributesToInnerControl(this, _changePasswordContainer); _changePasswordContainer.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); _successContainer.Visible = false; } /// /// Sets success view control properties that apply to both default and user templates. /// private void SetCommonSuccessViewProperties() { // Clear out the tab index so it doesn't get applied to the tables in the container Util.CopyBaseAttributesToInnerControl(this, _successContainer); _successContainer.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); _changePasswordContainer.Visible = false; } /// /// /// Allows the designer to set the CurrentView, so the different templates can be shown in the designer. /// [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)] protected override void SetDesignModeState(IDictionary data) { if (data != null) { object o = data["CurrentView"]; if (o != null) { CurrentView = (View)o; } o = data["ConvertToTemplate"]; if (o != null) { _convertingToTemplate = (bool)o; } o = data["RegionEditing"]; if (o != null) { _renderDesignerRegion = (bool)o; } } } /// /// Sets child control properties that apply only to the default template. /// private void SetDefaultChangePasswordViewProperties() { ChangePasswordContainer container = _changePasswordContainer; // Need to set the BorderPadding on the BorderTable instead of the LayoutTable, since // setting it on the LayoutTable would cause all of the controls inside the Login to be // separated by the BorderPadding amount. container.BorderTable.CellPadding = BorderPadding; container.BorderTable.CellSpacing = 0; LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Title, ChangePasswordTitleText, TitleTextStyle, true); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Instruction, InstructionText, InstructionTextStyle, true); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.UserNameLabel, UserNameLabelText, LabelStyle, false); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.CurrentPasswordLabel, PasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.NewPasswordLabel, NewPasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel, ConfirmNewPasswordLabelText, LabelStyle, false); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.PasswordHintLabel, PasswordHintText, PasswordHintStyle, false); // Apply style to all the text boxes if necessary if (_textBoxStyle != null) { if (DisplayUserName) ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).ApplyStyle(TextBoxStyle); ((WebControl)container.CurrentPasswordTextBox).ApplyStyle(TextBoxStyle); ((WebControl)container.NewPasswordTextBox).ApplyStyle(TextBoxStyle); ((WebControl)container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox).ApplyStyle(TextBoxStyle); } _passwordHintTableRow.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PasswordHintText); _userNameTableRow.Visible = DisplayUserName; // Tab Index if (DisplayUserName) { ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; ((WebControl)container.UserNameTextBox).AccessKey = AccessKey; } else { ((WebControl)container.CurrentPasswordTextBox).AccessKey = AccessKey; } ((WebControl)container.CurrentPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; ((WebControl)container.NewPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; ((WebControl)container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox).TabIndex = TabIndex; // Validator setup bool enableValidation = true; ValidatorRow.Visible = enableValidation; RequiredFieldValidator userNameRequired = container.UserNameRequired; userNameRequired.ErrorMessage = UserNameRequiredErrorMessage; userNameRequired.ToolTip = UserNameRequiredErrorMessage; userNameRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; userNameRequired.Visible = enableValidation; if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { userNameRequired.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); } RequiredFieldValidator passwordRequired = container.PasswordRequired; passwordRequired.ErrorMessage = PasswordRequiredErrorMessage; passwordRequired.ToolTip = PasswordRequiredErrorMessage; passwordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; passwordRequired.Visible = enableValidation; RequiredFieldValidator newPasswordRequired = container.NewPasswordRequired; newPasswordRequired.ErrorMessage = NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; newPasswordRequired.ToolTip = NewPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; newPasswordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; newPasswordRequired.Visible = enableValidation; RequiredFieldValidator confirmNewPasswordRequired = container.ConfirmNewPasswordRequired; confirmNewPasswordRequired.ErrorMessage = ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; confirmNewPasswordRequired.ToolTip = ConfirmPasswordRequiredErrorMessage; confirmNewPasswordRequired.Enabled = enableValidation; confirmNewPasswordRequired.Visible = enableValidation; CompareValidator newPasswordCompareValidator = container.NewPasswordCompareValidator; newPasswordCompareValidator.ErrorMessage = ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage; newPasswordCompareValidator.Enabled = enableValidation; newPasswordCompareValidator.Visible = enableValidation; if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { passwordRequired.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); newPasswordRequired.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); confirmNewPasswordRequired.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); newPasswordCompareValidator.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); } RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = container.RegExpValidator; regExpValidator.ErrorMessage = NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage; regExpValidator.Enabled = enableValidation; regExpValidator.Visible = enableValidation; if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { regExpValidator.ApplyStyle(_validatorTextStyle); } //Button setup LinkButton linkButton = container.ChangePasswordLinkButton; LinkButton cancelLinkButton = container.CancelLinkButton; ImageButton imageButton = container.ChangePasswordImageButton; ImageButton cancelImageButton = container.CancelImageButton; Button pushButton = container.ChangePasswordPushButton; Button cancelPushButton = container.CancelPushButton; WebControl changePasswordButton = null; WebControl cancelButton = null; switch (CancelButtonType) { case ButtonType.Link: cancelLinkButton.Text = CancelButtonText; cancelButton = cancelLinkButton; break; case ButtonType.Image: cancelImageButton.ImageUrl = CancelButtonImageUrl; cancelImageButton.AlternateText = CancelButtonText; cancelButton = cancelImageButton; break; case ButtonType.Button: cancelPushButton.Text = CancelButtonText; cancelButton = cancelPushButton; break; } switch (ChangePasswordButtonType) { case ButtonType.Link: linkButton.Text = ChangePasswordButtonText; changePasswordButton = linkButton; break; case ButtonType.Image: imageButton.ImageUrl = ChangePasswordButtonImageUrl; imageButton.AlternateText = ChangePasswordButtonText; changePasswordButton = imageButton; break; case ButtonType.Button: pushButton.Text = ChangePasswordButtonText; changePasswordButton = pushButton; break; } // Set all buttons to nonvisible, then set the selected button to visible linkButton.Visible = false; imageButton.Visible = false; pushButton.Visible = false; cancelLinkButton.Visible = false; cancelImageButton.Visible = false; cancelPushButton.Visible = false; changePasswordButton.Visible = true; cancelButton.Visible = true; cancelButton.TabIndex = TabIndex; changePasswordButton.TabIndex = TabIndex; if (CancelButtonStyle != null) cancelButton.ApplyStyle(CancelButtonStyle); if (ChangePasswordButtonStyle != null) changePasswordButton.ApplyStyle(ChangePasswordButtonStyle); // Link Setup Image createUserIcon = container.CreateUserIcon; HyperLink createUserLink = container.CreateUserLink; LiteralControl createUserLinkSeparator = container.CreateUserLinkSeparator; HyperLink passwordRecoveryLink = container.PasswordRecoveryLink; Image passwordRecoveryIcon = container.PasswordRecoveryIcon; HyperLink helpPageLink = container.HelpPageLink; Image helpPageIcon = container.HelpPageIcon; LiteralControl helpPageLinkSeparator = container.HelpPageLinkSeparator; LiteralControl editProfileLinkSeparator = container.EditProfileLinkSeparator; HyperLink editProfileLink = container.EditProfileLink; Image editProfileIcon = container.EditProfileIcon; string createUserText = CreateUserText; string createUserIconUrl = CreateUserIconUrl; string passwordRecoveryText = PasswordRecoveryText; string passwordRecoveryIconUrl = PasswordRecoveryIconUrl; string helpPageText = HelpPageText; string helpPageIconUrl = HelpPageIconUrl; string editProfileText = EditProfileText; string editProfileIconUrl = EditProfileIconUrl; bool createUserTextVisible = (createUserText.Length > 0); bool passwordRecoveryTextVisible = (passwordRecoveryText.Length > 0); bool helpPageTextVisible = (helpPageText.Length > 0); bool helpPageIconVisible = (helpPageIconUrl.Length > 0); bool createUserIconVisible = (createUserIconUrl.Length > 0); bool passwordRecoveryIconVisible = (passwordRecoveryIconUrl.Length > 0); bool helpPageLineVisible = helpPageTextVisible || helpPageIconVisible; bool createUserLineVisible = createUserTextVisible || createUserIconVisible; bool passwordRecoveryLineVisible = passwordRecoveryTextVisible || passwordRecoveryIconVisible; bool editProfileTextVisible = (editProfileText.Length > 0); bool editProfileIconVisible = (editProfileIconUrl.Length > 0); bool editProfileLineVisible = (editProfileTextVisible || editProfileIconVisible); helpPageLink.Visible = helpPageTextVisible; helpPageLinkSeparator.Visible = helpPageLineVisible && (passwordRecoveryLineVisible || createUserLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible); if (helpPageTextVisible) { helpPageLink.Text = helpPageText; helpPageLink.NavigateUrl = HelpPageUrl; helpPageLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; } helpPageIcon.Visible = helpPageIconVisible; if (helpPageIconVisible) { helpPageIcon.ImageUrl = helpPageIconUrl; helpPageIcon.AlternateText = HelpPageText; } createUserLink.Visible = createUserTextVisible; createUserLinkSeparator.Visible = (createUserLineVisible && (passwordRecoveryLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible)); if (createUserTextVisible) { createUserLink.Text = createUserText; createUserLink.NavigateUrl = CreateUserUrl; createUserLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; } createUserIcon.Visible = createUserIconVisible; if (createUserIconVisible) { createUserIcon.ImageUrl = createUserIconUrl; createUserIcon.AlternateText = CreateUserText; } passwordRecoveryLink.Visible = passwordRecoveryTextVisible; if (passwordRecoveryTextVisible) { passwordRecoveryLink.Text = passwordRecoveryText; passwordRecoveryLink.NavigateUrl = PasswordRecoveryUrl; passwordRecoveryLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; } passwordRecoveryIcon.Visible = passwordRecoveryIconVisible; if (passwordRecoveryIconVisible) { passwordRecoveryIcon.ImageUrl = passwordRecoveryIconUrl; passwordRecoveryIcon.AlternateText = PasswordRecoveryText; } editProfileLinkSeparator.Visible = (passwordRecoveryLineVisible && editProfileLineVisible); editProfileLink.Visible = editProfileTextVisible; editProfileIcon.Visible = editProfileIconVisible; if (editProfileTextVisible) { editProfileLink.Text = editProfileText; editProfileLink.NavigateUrl = EditProfileUrl; editProfileLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; } if (editProfileIconVisible) { editProfileIcon.ImageUrl = editProfileIconUrl; editProfileIcon.AlternateText = EditProfileText; } if (createUserLineVisible || passwordRecoveryLineVisible || helpPageLineVisible || editProfileLineVisible) { if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { // Apply style except font to table cell, then apply font and forecolor to HyperLinks // VSWhidbey 81289 TableItemStyle hyperLinkStyleExceptFont = new TableItemStyle(); hyperLinkStyleExceptFont.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle); hyperLinkStyleExceptFont.Font.Reset(); LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(createUserLink, hyperLinkStyleExceptFont); createUserLink.Font.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle.Font); createUserLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor; passwordRecoveryLink.Font.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle.Font); passwordRecoveryLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor; helpPageLink.Font.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle.Font); helpPageLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor; editProfileLink.Font.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle.Font); editProfileLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor; } LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(helpPageLink, true); } else { LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(helpPageLink, false); } Control failureTextLabel = container.FailureTextLabel; if (((ITextControl)failureTextLabel).Text.Length > 0) { LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(failureTextLabel, FailureTextStyle); LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(failureTextLabel, true); } else { LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(failureTextLabel, false); } } /// /// Internal because called from ChangePasswordAdapter. /// internal void SetDefaultSuccessViewProperties() { SuccessContainer container = _successContainer; LinkButton linkButton = container.ContinueLinkButton; ImageButton imageButton = container.ContinueImageButton; Button pushButton = container.ContinuePushButton; container.BorderTable.CellPadding = BorderPadding; container.BorderTable.CellSpacing = 0; WebControl button = null; switch (ContinueButtonType) { case ButtonType.Link: linkButton.Text = ContinueButtonText; button = linkButton; break; case ButtonType.Image: imageButton.ImageUrl = ContinueButtonImageUrl; imageButton.AlternateText = ContinueButtonText; button = imageButton; break; case ButtonType.Button: pushButton.Text = ContinueButtonText; button = pushButton; break; } linkButton.Visible = false; imageButton.Visible = false; pushButton.Visible = false; button.Visible = true; button.TabIndex = TabIndex; button.AccessKey = AccessKey; if (ContinueButtonStyle != null) button.ApplyStyle(ContinueButtonStyle); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.Title, SuccessTitleText, _titleTextStyle, true); LoginUtil.ApplyStyleToLiteral(container.SuccessTextLabel, SuccessText, _successTextStyle, true); string editProfileText = EditProfileText; string editProfileIconUrl = EditProfileIconUrl; bool editProfileVisible = (editProfileText.Length > 0); bool editProfileIconVisible = (editProfileIconUrl.Length > 0); HyperLink editProfileLink = container.EditProfileLink; Image editProfileIcon = container.EditProfileIcon; editProfileIcon.Visible = editProfileIconVisible; editProfileLink.Visible = editProfileVisible; if (editProfileVisible) { editProfileLink.Text = editProfileText; editProfileLink.NavigateUrl = EditProfileUrl; editProfileLink.TabIndex = TabIndex; if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { // Apply style except font to table cell, then apply font and forecolor to HyperLinks // VSWhidbey 81289 Style hyperLinkStyleExceptFont = new TableItemStyle(); hyperLinkStyleExceptFont.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle); hyperLinkStyleExceptFont.Font.Reset(); LoginUtil.SetTableCellStyle(editProfileLink, hyperLinkStyleExceptFont); editProfileLink.Font.CopyFrom(_hyperLinkStyle.Font); editProfileLink.ForeColor = _hyperLinkStyle.ForeColor; } } if (editProfileIconVisible) { editProfileIcon.ImageUrl = editProfileIconUrl; editProfileIcon.AlternateText = EditProfileText; } LoginUtil.SetTableCellVisible(editProfileLink, editProfileVisible || editProfileIconVisible); } /// /// Sets the properties of child controls that are editable by the client. /// private void SetEditableChildProperties() { // We need to use UserNameInternal for the DropDownList case where it won't fire a TextChanged for the first item if (UserNameInternal.Length > 0 && DisplayUserName) { ITextControl userNameTextBox = (ITextControl)_changePasswordContainer.UserNameTextBox; if (userNameTextBox != null) { userNameTextBox.Text = UserNameInternal; } } } /// /// Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. /// protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (_changePasswordButtonStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _changePasswordButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_labelStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _labelStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_textBoxStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _textBoxStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_successTextStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _successTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _hyperLinkStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_instructionTextStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _instructionTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_titleTextStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _titleTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_passwordHintStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _passwordHintStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_failureTextStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _failureTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_mailDefinition != null) { ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState(); } if (_cancelButtonStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_continueButtonStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _continueButtonStyle).TrackViewState(); } if (_validatorTextStyle != null) { ((IStateManager) _validatorTextStyle).TrackViewState(); } } private void UpdateValidators() { if (DesignMode) { return; } ChangePasswordContainer container = _changePasswordContainer; if (container != null) { bool displayUserName = DisplayUserName; RequiredFieldValidator userNameRequired = container.UserNameRequired; if (userNameRequired != null) { userNameRequired.Enabled = displayUserName; userNameRequired.Visible = displayUserName; } bool regExpEnabled = RegExpEnabled; RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = container.RegExpValidator; if (regExpValidator != null) { regExpValidator.Enabled = regExpEnabled; regExpValidator.Visible = regExpEnabled; } } } private void UserNameTextChanged(object source, EventArgs e) { string userName = ((ITextControl) source).Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { UserName = userName; } } /// /// The default success template for the control, used if SuccessTemplate is null. /// private sealed class DefaultSuccessTemplate : ITemplate { private ChangePassword _owner; public DefaultSuccessTemplate(ChangePassword owner) { _owner = owner; } private void CreateControls(SuccessContainer successContainer) { successContainer.Title = new Literal(); successContainer.SuccessTextLabel = new Literal(); successContainer.EditProfileLink = new HyperLink(); successContainer.EditProfileLink.ID = _editProfileSuccessLinkID; successContainer.EditProfileIcon = new Image(); LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton(); linkButton.ID = _continueLinkButtonID; linkButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName; linkButton.CausesValidation = false; successContainer.ContinueLinkButton = linkButton; ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton(); imageButton.ID = _continueImageButtonID; imageButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName; imageButton.CausesValidation = false; successContainer.ContinueImageButton = imageButton; Button pushButton = new Button(); pushButton.ID = _continuePushButtonID; pushButton.CommandName = ContinueButtonCommandName; pushButton.CausesValidation = false; successContainer.ContinuePushButton = pushButton; } private void LayoutControls(SuccessContainer successContainer) { Table table = new Table(); table.CellPadding = 0; TableRow r; TableCell c; r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.Controls.Add(successContainer.Title); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(successContainer.SuccessTextLabel); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; c.Controls.Add(successContainer.ContinuePushButton); c.Controls.Add(successContainer.ContinueLinkButton); c.Controls.Add(successContainer.ContinueImageButton); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.Controls.Add(successContainer.EditProfileIcon); c.Controls.Add(successContainer.EditProfileLink); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); r = new TableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(table); r.Cells.Add(c); table2.Rows.Add(r); successContainer.LayoutTable = table; successContainer.BorderTable = table2; successContainer.Controls.Add(table2); } void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container) { SuccessContainer successContainer = (SuccessContainer) container; CreateControls(successContainer); LayoutControls(successContainer); } } /// /// Container for the success template. /// Internal instead of private because it must be used by ChangePasswordAdapter. /// internal sealed class SuccessContainer : LoginUtil.GenericContainer, INonBindingContainer { private Literal _successTextLabel; private Button _continuePushButton; private LinkButton _continueLinkButton; private ImageButton _continueImageButton; private Image _editProfileIcon; private HyperLink _editProfileLink; private Literal _title; public SuccessContainer(ChangePassword owner) : base(owner) { } internal ImageButton ContinueImageButton { get { return _continueImageButton; } set { _continueImageButton = value; } } internal LinkButton ContinueLinkButton { get { return _continueLinkButton; } set { _continueLinkButton = value; } } internal Button ContinuePushButton { get { return _continuePushButton; } set { _continuePushButton = value; } } protected override bool ConvertingToTemplate { get { return Owner.ConvertingToTemplate; } } internal Image EditProfileIcon { get { return _editProfileIcon; } set { _editProfileIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink EditProfileLink { get { return _editProfileLink; } set { _editProfileLink = value; } } public Literal SuccessTextLabel { get { return _successTextLabel; } set { _successTextLabel = value; } } internal Literal Title { get { return _title; } set { _title = value; } } } /// /// The default template for the control, used if ChangePasswordTemplate is null. /// private sealed class DefaultChangePasswordTemplate : ITemplate { private ChangePassword _owner; public DefaultChangePasswordTemplate(ChangePassword owner) { _owner = owner; } /// /// Helper function to create and set properties for a required field validator /// private RequiredFieldValidator CreateRequiredFieldValidator(string id, TextBox textBox, string validationGroup, bool enableValidation) { RequiredFieldValidator validator = new RequiredFieldValidator(); validator.ID = id; validator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; validator.ControlToValidate = textBox.ID; validator.Display = _requiredFieldValidatorDisplay; validator.Text = SR.GetString(SR.LoginControls_DefaultRequiredFieldValidatorText); validator.Enabled = enableValidation; validator.Visible = enableValidation; return validator; } /// /// Creates the child controls, sets certain properties (mostly static properties) /// private void CreateControls(ChangePasswordContainer container) { string validationGroup = _owner.UniqueID; container.Title = new Literal(); container.Instruction = new Literal(); container.PasswordHintLabel = new Literal(); TextBox userNameTextBox = new TextBox(); // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events userNameTextBox.ID = _userNameID; container.UserNameTextBox = userNameTextBox; container.UserNameLabel = new LabelLiteral(userNameTextBox); bool enableValidation = (_owner.CurrentView == View.ChangePassword); container.UserNameRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_userNameRequiredID, userNameTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation); TextBox currentPasswordTextBox = new TextBox(); // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events currentPasswordTextBox.ID = _currentPasswordID; currentPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; container.CurrentPasswordTextBox = currentPasswordTextBox; container.CurrentPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(currentPasswordTextBox); container.PasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_currentPasswordRequiredID, currentPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation); TextBox newPasswordTextBox = new TextBox(); // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events newPasswordTextBox.ID = _newPasswordID; newPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; container.NewPasswordTextBox = newPasswordTextBox; container.NewPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(newPasswordTextBox); container.NewPasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_newPasswordRequiredID, newPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation); TextBox confirmNewPasswordTextBox = new TextBox(); // Must explicitly set the ID of controls that raise postback events confirmNewPasswordTextBox.ID = _confirmNewPasswordID; confirmNewPasswordTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox = confirmNewPasswordTextBox; container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel = new LabelLiteral(confirmNewPasswordTextBox); container.ConfirmNewPasswordRequired = CreateRequiredFieldValidator(_confirmNewPasswordRequiredID, confirmNewPasswordTextBox, validationGroup, enableValidation); // Setup compare validator for new/confirmNewPassword values CompareValidator compareValidator = new CompareValidator(); compareValidator.ID = _newPasswordCompareID; compareValidator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; compareValidator.ControlToValidate = _confirmNewPasswordID; compareValidator.ControlToCompare = _newPasswordID; compareValidator.Operator = ValidationCompareOperator.Equal; compareValidator.ErrorMessage = _owner.ConfirmPasswordCompareErrorMessage; compareValidator.Display = _compareFieldValidatorDisplay; compareValidator.Enabled = enableValidation; compareValidator.Visible = enableValidation; container.NewPasswordCompareValidator = compareValidator; // Reg exp validator RegularExpressionValidator regExpValidator = new RegularExpressionValidator(); regExpValidator.ID = _newPasswordRegExpID; regExpValidator.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; regExpValidator.ControlToValidate = _newPasswordID; regExpValidator.ErrorMessage = _owner.NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage; regExpValidator.ValidationExpression = _owner.NewPasswordRegularExpression; regExpValidator.Display = _regexpFieldValidatorDisplay; regExpValidator.Enabled = enableValidation; regExpValidator.Visible = enableValidation; container.RegExpValidator = regExpValidator; // Buttons LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton(); linkButton.ID = _changePasswordLinkButtonID; linkButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; linkButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName; container.ChangePasswordLinkButton = linkButton; linkButton = new LinkButton(); linkButton.ID = _cancelLinkButtonID; linkButton.CausesValidation = false; linkButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; container.CancelLinkButton = linkButton; ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton(); imageButton.ID = _changePasswordImageButtonID; imageButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; imageButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName; container.ChangePasswordImageButton = imageButton; imageButton = new ImageButton(); imageButton.ID = _cancelImageButtonID; imageButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; imageButton.CausesValidation = false; container.CancelImageButton = imageButton; Button pushButton = new Button(); pushButton.ID = _changePasswordPushButtonID; pushButton.ValidationGroup = validationGroup; pushButton.CommandName = ChangePasswordButtonCommandName; container.ChangePasswordPushButton = pushButton; pushButton = new Button(); pushButton.ID = _cancelPushButtonID; pushButton.CommandName = CancelButtonCommandName; pushButton.CausesValidation = false; container.CancelPushButton = pushButton; container.PasswordRecoveryIcon = new Image(); container.PasswordRecoveryLink = new HyperLink(); container.PasswordRecoveryLink.ID = _passwordRecoveryLinkID; container.CreateUserIcon = new Image(); container.CreateUserLink = new HyperLink(); container.CreateUserLink.ID = _createUserLinkID; container.CreateUserLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl(); container.HelpPageIcon = new Image(); container.HelpPageLink = new HyperLink(); container.HelpPageLink.ID = _helpLinkID; container.HelpPageLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl(); container.EditProfileLink = new HyperLink(); container.EditProfileLink.ID = _editProfileLinkID; container.EditProfileIcon = new Image(); container.EditProfileLinkSeparator = new LiteralControl(); Literal failureTextLabel = new Literal(); failureTextLabel.ID = _failureTextID; container.FailureTextLabel = failureTextLabel; } /// /// Adds the controls to a table for layout. Layout depends on TextLayout properties. /// private void LayoutControls(ChangePasswordContainer container) { Table table = new Table(); table.CellPadding = 0; TableRow r; TableCell c; r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.Controls.Add(container.Title); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.Controls.Add(container.Instruction); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); // UserName is only visible if enabled r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) { container.UserNameLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; } c.Controls.Add(container.UserNameLabel); r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.UserNameTextBox); c.Controls.Add(container.UserNameRequired); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); _owner._userNameTableRow = r; r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; c.Controls.Add(container.CurrentPasswordLabel); if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) { container.CurrentPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; } r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.CurrentPasswordTextBox); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordRequired); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; c.Controls.Add(container.NewPasswordLabel); if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) { container.NewPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; } r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.NewPasswordTextBox); c.Controls.Add(container.NewPasswordRequired); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordHintLabel); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); _owner._passwordHintTableRow = r; r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; c.Controls.Add(container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel); if (_owner.ConvertingToTemplate) { container.ConfirmNewPasswordLabel.RenderAsLabel = true; } r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox); c.Controls.Add(container.ConfirmNewPasswordRequired); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.Controls.Add(container.NewPasswordCompareValidator); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); if (_owner.RegExpEnabled) { r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.Controls.Add(container.RegExpValidator); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); } _owner.ValidatorRow = r; r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.Controls.Add(container.FailureTextLabel); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; c.Controls.Add(container.ChangePasswordLinkButton); c.Controls.Add(container.ChangePasswordImageButton); c.Controls.Add(container.ChangePasswordPushButton); r.Cells.Add(c); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(container.CancelLinkButton); c.Controls.Add(container.CancelImageButton); c.Controls.Add(container.CancelPushButton); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); r = new LoginUtil.DisappearingTableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.ColumnSpan = 2; c.Controls.Add(container.HelpPageIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.HelpPageLink); c.Controls.Add(container.HelpPageLinkSeparator); c.Controls.Add(container.CreateUserIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.CreateUserLink); container.HelpPageLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; container.CreateUserLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; container.EditProfileLinkSeparator.Text = "
"; c.Controls.Add(container.CreateUserLinkSeparator); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordRecoveryIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.PasswordRecoveryLink); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileLinkSeparator); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileIcon); c.Controls.Add(container.EditProfileLink); r.Cells.Add(c); table.Rows.Add(r); Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); r = new TableRow(); c = new TableCell(); c.Controls.Add(table); r.Cells.Add(c); table2.Rows.Add(r); container.LayoutTable = table; container.BorderTable = table2; container.Controls.Add(table2); } #region ITemplate implementation void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container) { ChangePasswordContainer cpContainer = (ChangePasswordContainer) container; CreateControls(cpContainer); LayoutControls(cpContainer); } #endregion } /// /// Container for the layout template. Contains properties that reference each child control. /// For the default template, the properties are set when the child controls are created. /// For the user template, the controls are looked up dynamically by ID. Some controls are required, /// and an exception is thrown if they are missing. Other controls are optional, and an exception is /// thrown if they have the wrong type. /// Internal instead of private because it must be used by LoginAdapter. /// internal sealed class ChangePasswordContainer : LoginUtil.GenericContainer, INonBindingContainer { private LiteralControl _createUserLinkSeparator; private LiteralControl _helpPageLinkSeparator; private LiteralControl _editProfileLinkSeparator; private Control _failureTextLabel; private ImageButton _changePasswordImageButton; private LinkButton _changePasswordLinkButton; private Button _changePasswordPushButton; private ImageButton _cancelImageButton; private LinkButton _cancelLinkButton; private Button _cancelPushButton; private Image _createUserIcon; private Image _helpPageIcon; private Image _passwordRecoveryIcon; private Image _editProfileIcon; private RequiredFieldValidator _passwordRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _userNameRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _confirmNewPasswordRequired; private RequiredFieldValidator _newPasswordRequired; private CompareValidator _newPasswordCompareValidator; private RegularExpressionValidator _regExpValidator; private Literal _title; private Literal _instruction; private LabelLiteral _userNameLabel; private LabelLiteral _currentPasswordLabel; private LabelLiteral _newPasswordLabel; private LabelLiteral _confirmNewPasswordLabel; private Literal _passwordHintLabel; private Control _userNameTextBox; private Control _currentPasswordTextBox; private Control _newPasswordTextBox; private Control _confirmNewPasswordTextBox; private HyperLink _helpPageLink; private HyperLink _passwordRecoveryLink; private HyperLink _createUserLink; private HyperLink _editProfileLink; public ChangePasswordContainer(ChangePassword owner) : base(owner) { } internal ImageButton CancelImageButton { get { return _cancelImageButton; } set { _cancelImageButton = value; } } internal LinkButton CancelLinkButton { get { return _cancelLinkButton; } set { _cancelLinkButton = value; } } internal Button CancelPushButton { get { return _cancelPushButton; } set { _cancelPushButton = value; } } internal ImageButton ChangePasswordImageButton { get { return _changePasswordImageButton; } set { _changePasswordImageButton = value; } } internal LinkButton ChangePasswordLinkButton { get { return _changePasswordLinkButton; } set { _changePasswordLinkButton = value; } } internal Button ChangePasswordPushButton { get { return _changePasswordPushButton; } set { _changePasswordPushButton = value; } } internal LabelLiteral ConfirmNewPasswordLabel { get { return _confirmNewPasswordLabel; } set { _confirmNewPasswordLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator ConfirmNewPasswordRequired { get { return _confirmNewPasswordRequired; } set { _confirmNewPasswordRequired = value; } } internal Control ConfirmNewPasswordTextBox { get { if (_confirmNewPasswordTextBox != null) { return _confirmNewPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindOptionalControl(_confirmNewPasswordID); } } set { _confirmNewPasswordTextBox = value; } } protected override bool ConvertingToTemplate { get { return Owner.ConvertingToTemplate; } } internal Image CreateUserIcon { get { return _createUserIcon; } set { _createUserIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink CreateUserLink { get { return _createUserLink; } set { _createUserLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl CreateUserLinkSeparator { get { return _createUserLinkSeparator; } set { _createUserLinkSeparator = value; } } internal LabelLiteral CurrentPasswordLabel { get { return _currentPasswordLabel; } set { _currentPasswordLabel = value; } } internal Control CurrentPasswordTextBox { get { if (_currentPasswordTextBox != null) { return _currentPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindRequiredControl(_currentPasswordID, SR.ChangePassword_NoCurrentPasswordTextBox); } } set { _currentPasswordTextBox = value; } } internal Image EditProfileIcon { get { return _editProfileIcon; } set { _editProfileIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink EditProfileLink { get { return _editProfileLink; } set { _editProfileLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl EditProfileLinkSeparator { get { return _editProfileLinkSeparator; } set { _editProfileLinkSeparator = value; } } internal Control FailureTextLabel { get { if (_failureTextLabel != null) { return _failureTextLabel; } else { return FindOptionalControl(_failureTextID); } } set { _failureTextLabel = value; } } internal Image HelpPageIcon { get { return _helpPageIcon; } set { _helpPageIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink HelpPageLink { get { return _helpPageLink; } set { _helpPageLink = value; } } internal LiteralControl HelpPageLinkSeparator { get { return _helpPageLinkSeparator; } set { _helpPageLinkSeparator = value; } } internal Literal Instruction { get { return _instruction; } set { _instruction = value; } } internal CompareValidator NewPasswordCompareValidator { get { return _newPasswordCompareValidator; } set { _newPasswordCompareValidator = value; } } internal LabelLiteral NewPasswordLabel { get { return _newPasswordLabel; } set { _newPasswordLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator NewPasswordRequired { get { return _newPasswordRequired; } set { _newPasswordRequired = value; } } internal Control NewPasswordTextBox { get { if (_newPasswordTextBox != null) { return _newPasswordTextBox; } else { return FindRequiredControl(_newPasswordID, SR.ChangePassword_NoNewPasswordTextBox); } } set { _newPasswordTextBox = value; } } internal Literal PasswordHintLabel { get { return _passwordHintLabel; } set { _passwordHintLabel = value; } } internal Image PasswordRecoveryIcon { get { return _passwordRecoveryIcon; } set { _passwordRecoveryIcon = value; } } internal HyperLink PasswordRecoveryLink { get { return _passwordRecoveryLink; } set { _passwordRecoveryLink = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator PasswordRequired { get { return _passwordRequired; } set { _passwordRequired = value; } } internal RegularExpressionValidator RegExpValidator { get { return _regExpValidator; } set { _regExpValidator = value; } } internal Literal Title { get { return _title; } set { _title = value; } } internal LabelLiteral UserNameLabel { get { return _userNameLabel; } set { _userNameLabel = value; } } internal RequiredFieldValidator UserNameRequired { get { return _userNameRequired; } set { _userNameRequired = value; } } internal Control UserNameTextBox { get { if (_userNameTextBox != null) { return _userNameTextBox; } else { // UserNameTextBox is required if DisplayUserName is true, but the control *must not* be // present if DisplayUserName is false. (VSWhidbey 393444) if (Owner.DisplayUserName) { return FindRequiredControl(_userNameID, SR.ChangePassword_NoUserNameTextBox); } else { VerifyControlNotPresent(_userNameID, SR.ChangePassword_UserNameTextBoxNotAllowed); return null; } } } set { _userNameTextBox = value; } } } /// /// Internal because used from ChangePasswordAdapter /// internal enum View { ChangePassword, Success } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.

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