/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / clr / src / ManagedLibraries / Security / System / Security / Cryptography / Xml / EncryptedReference.cs / 1 / EncryptedReference.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // // EncryptedReference.cs // // This object implements the EncryptedReference element. // // 04/01/2002 // namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Xml { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public abstract class EncryptedReference { private string m_uri; private string m_referenceType; private TransformChain m_transformChain; internal XmlElement m_cachedXml = null; protected EncryptedReference () : this (String.Empty, new TransformChain()) { } protected EncryptedReference (string uri) : this (uri, new TransformChain()) { } protected EncryptedReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) { this.TransformChain = transformChain; this.Uri = uri; m_cachedXml = null; } public string Uri { get { return m_uri; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_UriRequired")); m_uri = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } public TransformChain TransformChain { get { if (m_transformChain == null) m_transformChain = new TransformChain(); return m_transformChain; } set { m_transformChain = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } public void AddTransform (Transform transform) { this.TransformChain.Add(transform); } protected string ReferenceType { get { return m_referenceType; } set { m_referenceType = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } internal protected bool CacheValid { get { return (m_cachedXml != null); } } public virtual XmlElement GetXml () { if (CacheValid) return m_cachedXml; XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.PreserveWhitespace = true; return GetXml(document); } internal XmlElement GetXml (XmlDocument document) { if (ReferenceType == null) throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceTypeRequired")); // Create the Reference XmlElement referenceElement = document.CreateElement(ReferenceType, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_uri)) referenceElement.SetAttribute("URI", m_uri); // Add the transforms to the CipherReference if (this.TransformChain.Count > 0) referenceElement.AppendChild(this.TransformChain.GetXml(document, SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl)); return referenceElement; } public virtual void LoadXml (XmlElement value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); this.ReferenceType = value.LocalName; this.Uri = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "URI", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); // Transforms XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(value.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsm.AddNamespace("ds", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl); XmlNode transformsNode = value.SelectSingleNode("ds:Transforms", nsm); if (transformsNode != null) this.TransformChain.LoadXml(transformsNode as XmlElement); // cache the Xml m_cachedXml = value; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class CipherReference : EncryptedReference { private byte[] m_cipherValue; public CipherReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } public CipherReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } public CipherReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } // This method is used to cache results from resolved cipher references. internal byte[] CipherValue { get { if (!CacheValid) return null; return m_cipherValue; } set { m_cipherValue = value; } } public override XmlElement GetXml () { if (CacheValid) return m_cachedXml; XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.PreserveWhitespace = true; return GetXml(document); } new internal XmlElement GetXml (XmlDocument document) { if (ReferenceType == null) throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceTypeRequired")); // Create the Reference XmlElement referenceElement = document.CreateElement(ReferenceType, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Uri)) referenceElement.SetAttribute("URI", this.Uri); // Add the transforms to the CipherReference if (this.TransformChain.Count > 0) referenceElement.AppendChild(this.TransformChain.GetXml(document, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl)); return referenceElement; } public override void LoadXml (XmlElement value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); this.ReferenceType = value.LocalName; this.Uri = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "URI", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); // Transforms XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(value.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsm.AddNamespace("enc", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); XmlNode transformsNode = value.SelectSingleNode("enc:Transforms", nsm); if (transformsNode != null) this.TransformChain.LoadXml(transformsNode as XmlElement); // cache the Xml m_cachedXml = value; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class DataReference : EncryptedReference { public DataReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } public DataReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } public DataReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class KeyReference : EncryptedReference { public KeyReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } public KeyReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } public KeyReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // // EncryptedReference.cs // // This object implements the EncryptedReference element. // // 04/01/2002 // namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Xml { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public abstract class EncryptedReference { private string m_uri; private string m_referenceType; private TransformChain m_transformChain; internal XmlElement m_cachedXml = null; protected EncryptedReference () : this (String.Empty, new TransformChain()) { } protected EncryptedReference (string uri) : this (uri, new TransformChain()) { } protected EncryptedReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) { this.TransformChain = transformChain; this.Uri = uri; m_cachedXml = null; } public string Uri { get { return m_uri; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_UriRequired")); m_uri = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } public TransformChain TransformChain { get { if (m_transformChain == null) m_transformChain = new TransformChain(); return m_transformChain; } set { m_transformChain = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } public void AddTransform (Transform transform) { this.TransformChain.Add(transform); } protected string ReferenceType { get { return m_referenceType; } set { m_referenceType = value; m_cachedXml = null; } } internal protected bool CacheValid { get { return (m_cachedXml != null); } } public virtual XmlElement GetXml () { if (CacheValid) return m_cachedXml; XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.PreserveWhitespace = true; return GetXml(document); } internal XmlElement GetXml (XmlDocument document) { if (ReferenceType == null) throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceTypeRequired")); // Create the Reference XmlElement referenceElement = document.CreateElement(ReferenceType, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_uri)) referenceElement.SetAttribute("URI", m_uri); // Add the transforms to the CipherReference if (this.TransformChain.Count > 0) referenceElement.AppendChild(this.TransformChain.GetXml(document, SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl)); return referenceElement; } public virtual void LoadXml (XmlElement value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); this.ReferenceType = value.LocalName; this.Uri = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "URI", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); // Transforms XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(value.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsm.AddNamespace("ds", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl); XmlNode transformsNode = value.SelectSingleNode("ds:Transforms", nsm); if (transformsNode != null) this.TransformChain.LoadXml(transformsNode as XmlElement); // cache the Xml m_cachedXml = value; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class CipherReference : EncryptedReference { private byte[] m_cipherValue; public CipherReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } public CipherReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } public CipherReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "CipherReference"; } // This method is used to cache results from resolved cipher references. internal byte[] CipherValue { get { if (!CacheValid) return null; return m_cipherValue; } set { m_cipherValue = value; } } public override XmlElement GetXml () { if (CacheValid) return m_cachedXml; XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.PreserveWhitespace = true; return GetXml(document); } new internal XmlElement GetXml (XmlDocument document) { if (ReferenceType == null) throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceTypeRequired")); // Create the Reference XmlElement referenceElement = document.CreateElement(ReferenceType, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Uri)) referenceElement.SetAttribute("URI", this.Uri); // Add the transforms to the CipherReference if (this.TransformChain.Count > 0) referenceElement.AppendChild(this.TransformChain.GetXml(document, EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl)); return referenceElement; } public override void LoadXml (XmlElement value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); this.ReferenceType = value.LocalName; this.Uri = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "URI", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); // Transforms XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(value.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsm.AddNamespace("enc", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl); XmlNode transformsNode = value.SelectSingleNode("enc:Transforms", nsm); if (transformsNode != null) this.TransformChain.LoadXml(transformsNode as XmlElement); // cache the Xml m_cachedXml = value; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class DataReference : EncryptedReference { public DataReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } public DataReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } public DataReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "DataReference"; } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtection(MayLeakOnAbort = true)] public sealed class KeyReference : EncryptedReference { public KeyReference () : base () { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } public KeyReference (string uri) : base(uri) { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } public KeyReference (string uri, TransformChain transformChain) : base(uri, transformChain) { ReferenceType = "KeyReference"; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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