MulticastDelegate.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / MulticastDelegate.cs / 1 / MulticastDelegate.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
namespace System
    using System; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 

    public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate 
        private Object   _invocationList; 
        private IntPtr   _invocationCount; 

        // This constructor is called from the class generated by the 
        //    compiler generated code (This must match the constructor
        //    in Delegate
        protected MulticastDelegate(Object target, String method) : base(target, method)
        // This constructor is called from a class to generate a 
        // delegate based upon a static method name and the Type object
        // for the class defining the method. 
        protected MulticastDelegate(Type target, String method) : base(target, method)
        internal bool IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr()
            return (_invocationCount == (IntPtr)(-1)); 
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            int targetIndex = 0;
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[]; 
            if (invocationList == null)
                MethodInfo method = Method; 
                // if it is a delegate over a DynamicMethod or an unmanaged function pointer, throw
                if (method is System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod || method is System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.RTDynamicMethod || IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr()) 
                    throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InvalidDelegateType"));

                // We can't deal with secure delegates either.
                if (_invocationList != null && !_invocationCount.IsNull()) 
                    throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InvalidDelegateType"));
                DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo(info,  this.GetType(), Target, method, targetIndex); 
                DelegateSerializationHolder.DelegateEntry nextDe = null;
                int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0; ) 
                    MulticastDelegate d = (MulticastDelegate)invocationList[i]; 
                    MethodInfo method = d.Method; 
                    if (method is System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod || method is System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.RTDynamicMethod || IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())

                    // We can't deal with secure delegates either.
                    if (d._invocationList != null && !d._invocationCount.IsNull())

                    DelegateSerializationHolder.DelegateEntry de = DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo(info, d.GetType(), d.Target, method, targetIndex++); 
                    if (nextDe != null) 
                        nextDe.Entry = de;
                    nextDe = de;
                // if nothing was serialized it is a delegate over a DynamicMethod, so just throw
                if (nextDe == null) 
                    throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InvalidDelegateType"));

        // equals returns true IIF the delegate is not null and has the 
        //    same target, method and invocation list as this object
        public override sealed bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (obj == null || !InternalEqualTypes(this, obj)) 
                return false;
            MulticastDelegate d = obj as MulticastDelegate; 
            if (d == null) 
                return false;
            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0)
                // there are 4 kind of delegate kinds that fall into this bucket
                // 1- Multicast (_invocationList is Object[]) 
                // 2- Secure (_invocationList is Delegate)
                // 3- Unmanaged FntPtr (_invocationList == null) 
                // 4- Open virtual (_invocationCount == MethodDesc of target) 

                if (_invocationList == null) 
                    if (IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())
                        if (!d.IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr()) 
                            return false;
    #if IA64 
                        // For unmanaged delegates, methodPtr and methodPtrAux
                        // will always be unique. 
                        return Delegate.CompareUnmanagedFunctionPtrs(this, d);

                        if (_methodPtr != d._methodPtr) 
                            return false;
                        if (GetUnmanagedCallSite() != d.GetUnmanagedCallSite()) 
                            return false;
                        return true;
                    return base.Equals(obj); 
                    if ((_invocationList as Delegate) != null)
                        // this is a secure delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one
                        return _invocationList.Equals(obj);
                        BCLDebug.Assert((_invocationList as Object[]) != null, "empty invocation list on multicast delegate"); 
                        return InvocationListEquals(d); 
                // among the several kind of delegates falling into this bucket one has got a non 
                // empty _invocationList (open static with special sig)
                // to be equals we need to check that _invocationList matches (both null is fine) 
                // and call the base.Equals() 
                if (_invocationList != null)
                    if (!_invocationList.Equals(d._invocationList))
                        return false;
                    return base.Equals(d);

                // now we know 'this' is not a special one, so we can work out what the other is 
                if (d._invocationList != null || d._invocationCount != (IntPtr)0) 
                    if ((d._invocationList as Delegate) != null) 
                        // this is a secure delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one
                        return (d._invocationList as Delegate).Equals(this);
                    return false;

                // now we can call on the base 
                return base.Equals(d); 

        // Recursive function which will check for equality of the invocation list.
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            BCLDebug.Assert(d != null && (_invocationList as Object[]) != null, "bogus delegate in multicast list comparison");
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[]; 
            if (d._invocationCount != _invocationCount) 
                return false;
            int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Delegate dd = (Delegate)invocationList[i]; 
                Object[] dInvocationList = d._invocationList as Object[];
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i])) 
                    return false; 
            return true; 

        private bool TrySetSlot(Object[] a, int index, Object o)
            if (a[index] == null && System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref a[index], o, null) == null)
                return true; 
            // The slot may be already set because we have added and removed the same method before.
            // Optimize this case, because it's cheaper than copying the array. 
            if (a[index] != null)
                MulticastDelegate d  = (MulticastDelegate)o;
                MulticastDelegate dd = (MulticastDelegate)a[index]; 

                if (dd._methodPtr    == d._methodPtr && 
                    dd._target       == d._target    && 
                    dd._methodPtrAux == d._methodPtrAux)
                    return true;
            return false; 
        internal MulticastDelegate NewMulticastDelegate(Object[] invocationList, int invocationCount, bool thisIsMultiCastAlready) 
            // First, allocate a new multicast delegate just like this one, i.e. same type as the this object 
            MulticastDelegate result = (MulticastDelegate)InternalAllocLike(this);

            // Performance optimization - if this already points to a true multicast delegate,
            // copy _methodPtr and _methodPtrAux fields rather than calling into the EE to get them 
            if (thisIsMultiCastAlready)
                result._methodPtr    = this._methodPtr; 
                result._methodPtrAux = this._methodPtrAux;
                result._methodPtr    = GetMulticastInvoke();
                result._methodPtrAux = GetInvokeMethod(); 
            result._target = result; 
            result._invocationList = invocationList; 
            result._invocationCount = (IntPtr)invocationCount;
            return result;

        internal MulticastDelegate NewMulticastDelegate(Object[] invocationList, int invocationCount) 
            return NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationCount, false); 

        internal void StoreDynamicMethod(MethodInfo dynamicMethod) 
            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0)
                BCLDebug.Assert(!IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr(), "dynamic method and unmanaged fntptr delegate combined"); 
                // must be a secure one, unwrap and save
                MulticastDelegate d = (MulticastDelegate)_invocationList; 
                d._methodBase = dynamicMethod; 

                _methodBase = dynamicMethod;
        // This method will combine this delegate with the passed delegate
        //    to form a new delegate. 
        protected override sealed Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow) 
            // Verify that the types are the same... 
            // Actually, we don't need to do this, because Delegate.Combine already checks this.
//            if (!InternalEqualTypes(this, follow)
//                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_DlgtTypeMis"));
            MulticastDelegate dFollow = (MulticastDelegate)follow;
            Object[] resultList; 
            int followCount = 1; 
            Object[] followList = dFollow._invocationList as Object[];
            if (followList != null) 
                followCount = (int)dFollow._invocationCount;

            int resultCount;
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[]; 
            if (invocationList == null)
                resultCount = 1 + followCount; 
                resultList = new Object[resultCount];
                resultList[0] = this; 
                if (followList == null)
                    resultList[1] = dFollow;
                    for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++) 
                        resultList[1 + i] = followList[i];
                return NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount);
                int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                resultCount = invocationCount + followCount; 
                resultList = null; 
                if (resultCount <= invocationList.Length)
                    resultList = invocationList;
                    if (followList == null)
                        if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount, dFollow)) 
                            resultList = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++) 
                            if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount + i, followList[i]))
                                resultList = null; 

                if (resultList == null)
                    int allocCount = invocationList.Length; 
                    while (allocCount < resultCount)
                        allocCount *= 2; 
                    resultList = new Object[allocCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                        resultList[i] = invocationList[i];

                    if (followList == null) 
                        resultList[invocationCount] = dFollow; 
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            resultList[invocationCount + i] = followList[i];
                return NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount, true);

        private Object[] DeleteFromInvocationList(Object[] invocationList, int invocationCount, int deleteIndex, int deleteCount) 
            Object[] thisInvocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            int allocCount = thisInvocationList.Length;
            while (allocCount/2 >= invocationCount - deleteCount) 
                allocCount /= 2;
            Object[] newInvocationList = new Object[allocCount]; 

            for (int i = 0; i < deleteIndex; i++) 
                newInvocationList[i] = invocationList[i];

            for (int i = deleteIndex + deleteCount; i < invocationCount; i++)
                newInvocationList[i - deleteCount] = invocationList[i]; 

            return newInvocationList; 

        private bool EqualInvocationLists(Object[] a, Object[] b, int start, int count) 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (!(a[start + i].Equals(b[i]))) 
                    return false;
            return true; 
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //    for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //    look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //    this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the 
        //    current list is returned.
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value) 
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case 
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null) 
                return this;
            if (v._invocationList as Object[] == null) 
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList == null) 
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                        return null; 
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0; ) 
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2) 
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end 
                                return (Delegate)invocationList[1-i]; 
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount-1, true);
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList != null) {
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount; 
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v._invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--) 
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v._invocationList as Object[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                                return null; 
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1) 
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return (Delegate)invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount-1]; 
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount); 
                                return NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true);

            return this;

        // This method returns the Invocation list of this multicast delegate. 
        public override sealed Delegate[] GetInvocationList() 
            Delegate[] del; 
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            if (invocationList == null)
                del = new Delegate[1]; 
                del[0] = this;
                // Create an array of delegate copies and each 
                //    element into the array
                int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                del = new Delegate[invocationCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                    del[i] = (Delegate)invocationList[i]; 
            return del;

        public static bool operator ==(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2)
            if ((Object)d1 == null) 
                return (Object)d2 == null;
            return d1.Equals(d2); 
        public static bool operator !=(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2)
            if ((Object)d1 == null)
                return (Object)d2 != null; 

            return !d1.Equals(d2); 

        public override sealed int GetHashCode() 
            if (IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())
                return unchecked((int)((long)this._methodPtr));
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            if (invocationList == null) 
                return base.GetHashCode();
                int hash = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)_invocationCount; i++) 
                    hash = hash*33 + invocationList[i].GetHashCode(); 

                return hash; 

        internal override Object GetTarget() 
            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0) 
                // _invocationCount != 0 we are in one of these cases:
                // - Multicast -> return the target of the last delegate in the list 
                // - Secure delegate -> return the target of the inner delegate
                // - unmanaged function pointer - return null
                // - virtual open delegate - return base.GetTarget()
                if (_invocationList == null) 
                    // both open virtual and ftn pointer return null for the target 
                    return null; 
                    Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                    if (invocationList != null)
                        int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                        return ((Delegate)invocationList[invocationCount - 1]).GetTarget(); 
                        Delegate receiver = _invocationList as Delegate;
                        if (receiver != null)
                            return receiver.GetTarget();
            return base.GetTarget(); 
        protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl()
            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0 && _invocationList != null)
                // multicast case
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[]; 
                if (invocationList != null) 
                    int index = (int)_invocationCount - 1; 
                    return ((Delegate)invocationList[index]).Method;
                    // must be a secure delegate
                    return ((MulticastDelegate)_invocationList).GetMethodImpl(); 
            return base.GetMethodImpl(); 

        // this should help inlining
        private void ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance()
            throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_DlgtNullInst")); 
        private void CtorClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr)
            if (target == null) 
            this._target = target; 
            this._methodPtr = methodPtr; 
        private void CtorClosedStatic(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr)
            this._target = target; 
            this._methodPtr = methodPtr;
        private void CtorRTClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr) 
            this._target = target;
            this._methodPtr = AdjustTarget(target, methodPtr);

        private void CtorOpened(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr shuffleThunk) 
            this._target = this; 
            this._methodPtr = shuffleThunk;
            this._methodPtrAux = methodPtr;
        private void CtorSecureClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr callThunk, IntPtr assembly) 
            MulticastDelegate realDelegate = (MulticastDelegate)Delegate.InternalAlloc(Type.GetTypeHandle(this));
            realDelegate.CtorClosed(target, methodPtr); 
            this._invocationList = realDelegate;
            this._target = this;
            this._methodPtr = callThunk;
            this._methodPtrAux = assembly; 
            this._invocationCount = GetInvokeMethod();
        private void CtorSecureClosedStatic(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr callThunk, IntPtr assembly) 
            MulticastDelegate realDelegate = (MulticastDelegate)Delegate.InternalAlloc(Type.GetTypeHandle(this));
            realDelegate.CtorClosedStatic(target, methodPtr);
            this._invocationList = realDelegate; 
            this._target = this;
            this._methodPtr = callThunk; 
            this._methodPtrAux = assembly; 
            this._invocationCount = GetInvokeMethod();

        private void CtorSecureRTClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr callThunk, IntPtr assembly)
            MulticastDelegate realDelegate = Delegate.InternalAlloc(Type.GetTypeHandle(this));
            realDelegate.CtorRTClosed(target, methodPtr); 
            this._invocationList = realDelegate; 
            this._target = this;
            this._methodPtr = callThunk; 
            this._methodPtrAux = assembly;
            this._invocationCount = GetInvokeMethod();
        private void CtorSecureOpened(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr shuffleThunk, IntPtr callThunk, IntPtr assembly) 
            MulticastDelegate realDelegate = Delegate.InternalAlloc(Type.GetTypeHandle(this));
            realDelegate.CtorOpened(target, methodPtr, shuffleThunk); 
            this._invocationList = realDelegate;
            this._target = this;
            this._methodPtr = callThunk;
            this._methodPtrAux = assembly; 
            this._invocationCount = GetInvokeMethod();
        private void CtorVirtualDispatch(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr shuffleThunk) 
            this._target = this;
            this._methodPtr = shuffleThunk;
            this._methodPtrAux = GetCallStub(methodPtr); 
        private void CtorSecureVirtualDispatch(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr, IntPtr shuffleThunk, IntPtr callThunk, IntPtr assembly)
            MulticastDelegate realDelegate = Delegate.InternalAlloc(Type.GetTypeHandle(this));
            realDelegate.CtorVirtualDispatch(target, methodPtr, shuffleThunk);
            this._invocationList = realDelegate;
            this._target = this; 
            this._methodPtr = callThunk;
            this._methodPtrAux = assembly; 
            this._invocationCount = GetInvokeMethod(); 


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