/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / System / Windows / Media / Generated / RenderData.cs / 1 / RenderData.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. // // Please see [....]/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Media.Composition; using System.Windows.Media.Effects; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Diagnostics; using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace System.Windows.Media { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_LINE { public MILCMD_DRAW_LINE ( UInt32 hPen, Point point0, Point point1 ) { this.hPen = hPen; this.point0 = point0; this.point1 = point1; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Point point0; [FieldOffset(16)] public Point point1; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(36)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hPen, Point point0, UInt32 hPoint0Animations, Point point1, UInt32 hPoint1Animations ) { this.hPen = hPen; this.point0 = point0; this.hPoint0Animations = hPoint0Animations; this.point1 = point1; this.hPoint1Animations = hPoint1Animations; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Point point0; [FieldOffset(16)] public Point point1; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hPoint0Animations; [FieldOffset(40)] public UInt32 hPoint1Animations; [FieldOffset(44)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE { public MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Rect rectangle ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; this.rectangle = rectangle; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hPen; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Rect rectangle, UInt32 hRectangleAnimations ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.hRectangleAnimations = hRectangleAnimations; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(40)] public UInt32 hRectangleAnimations; [FieldOffset(44)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE { public MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Rect rectangle, double radiusX, double radiusY ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.radiusX = radiusX; this.radiusY = radiusY; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public double radiusX; [FieldOffset(40)] public double radiusY; [FieldOffset(48)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(52)] public UInt32 hPen; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Rect rectangle, UInt32 hRectangleAnimations, double radiusX, UInt32 hRadiusXAnimations, double radiusY, UInt32 hRadiusYAnimations ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.hRectangleAnimations = hRectangleAnimations; this.radiusX = radiusX; this.hRadiusXAnimations = hRadiusXAnimations; this.radiusY = radiusY; this.hRadiusYAnimations = hRadiusYAnimations; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public double radiusX; [FieldOffset(40)] public double radiusY; [FieldOffset(48)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(52)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(56)] public UInt32 hRectangleAnimations; [FieldOffset(60)] public UInt32 hRadiusXAnimations; [FieldOffset(64)] public UInt32 hRadiusYAnimations; [FieldOffset(68)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE { public MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Point center, double radiusX, double radiusY ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; = center; this.radiusX = radiusX; this.radiusY = radiusY; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Point center; [FieldOffset(16)] public double radiusX; [FieldOffset(24)] public double radiusY; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hPen; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, Point center, UInt32 hCenterAnimations, double radiusX, UInt32 hRadiusXAnimations, double radiusY, UInt32 hRadiusYAnimations ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; = center; this.hCenterAnimations = hCenterAnimations; this.radiusX = radiusX; this.hRadiusXAnimations = hRadiusXAnimations; this.radiusY = radiusY; this.hRadiusYAnimations = hRadiusYAnimations; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Point center; [FieldOffset(16)] public double radiusX; [FieldOffset(24)] public double radiusY; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(40)] public UInt32 hCenterAnimations; [FieldOffset(44)] public UInt32 hRadiusXAnimations; [FieldOffset(48)] public UInt32 hRadiusYAnimations; [FieldOffset(52)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY { public MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY ( UInt32 hBrush, UInt32 hPen, UInt32 hGeometry ) { this.hBrush = hBrush; this.hPen = hPen; this.hGeometry = hGeometry; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hBrush; [FieldOffset(4)] public UInt32 hPen; [FieldOffset(8)] public UInt32 hGeometry; [FieldOffset(12)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE { public MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE ( UInt32 hImageSource, Rect rectangle ) { this.hImageSource = hImageSource; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hImageSource; [FieldOffset(36)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hImageSource, Rect rectangle, UInt32 hRectangleAnimations ) { this.hImageSource = hImageSource; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.hRectangleAnimations = hRectangleAnimations; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hImageSource; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hRectangleAnimations; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN { public MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN ( UInt32 hForegroundBrush, UInt32 hGlyphRun ) { this.hForegroundBrush = hForegroundBrush; this.hGlyphRun = hGlyphRun; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hForegroundBrush; [FieldOffset(4)] public UInt32 hGlyphRun; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING { public MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING ( UInt32 hDrawing ) { this.hDrawing = hDrawing; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hDrawing; [FieldOffset(4)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO { public MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO ( UInt32 hPlayer, Rect rectangle ) { this.hPlayer = hPlayer; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hPlayer; [FieldOffset(36)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE ( UInt32 hPlayer, Rect rectangle, UInt32 hRectangleAnimations ) { this.hPlayer = hPlayer; this.rectangle = rectangle; this.hRectangleAnimations = hRectangleAnimations; } [FieldOffset(0)] public Rect rectangle; [FieldOffset(32)] public UInt32 hPlayer; [FieldOffset(36)] public UInt32 hRectangleAnimations; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D { public MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D ( UInt32 hScene3D ) { this.hScene3D = hScene3D; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hScene3D; [FieldOffset(4)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP { public MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP ( UInt32 hClipGeometry ) { this.hClipGeometry = hClipGeometry; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hClipGeometry; [FieldOffset(4)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK { public MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK ( UInt32 hOpacityMask ) { this.hOpacityMask = hOpacityMask; this.boundingBoxCacheLocalSpace = default(MIL_RECTF_RB); this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public MIL_RECTF_RB boundingBoxCacheLocalSpace; [FieldOffset(16)] public UInt32 hOpacityMask; [FieldOffset(20)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY { public MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY ( double opacity ) { this.opacity = opacity; } [FieldOffset(0)] public double opacity; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE { public MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE ( double opacity, UInt32 hOpacityAnimations ) { this.opacity = opacity; this.hOpacityAnimations = hOpacityAnimations; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public double opacity; [FieldOffset(8)] public UInt32 hOpacityAnimations; [FieldOffset(12)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM { public MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM ( UInt32 hTransform ) { this.hTransform = hTransform; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hTransform; [FieldOffset(4)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET { public MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET ( UInt32 hGuidelines ) { this.hGuidelines = hGuidelines; this.QuadWordPad0 = 0; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hGuidelines; [FieldOffset(4)] private UInt32 QuadWordPad0; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1 { public MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1 ( double coordinate ) { this.coordinate = coordinate; } [FieldOffset(0)] public double coordinate; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2 { public MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2 ( double leadingCoordinate, double offsetToDrivenCoordinate ) { this.leadingCoordinate = leadingCoordinate; this.offsetToDrivenCoordinate = offsetToDrivenCoordinate; } [FieldOffset(0)] public double leadingCoordinate; [FieldOffset(8)] public double offsetToDrivenCoordinate; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT { public MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT ( UInt32 hEffect, UInt32 hEffectInput ) { this.hEffect = hEffect; this.hEffectInput = hEffectInput; } [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 hEffect; [FieldOffset(4)] public UInt32 hEffectInput; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct MILCMD_POP { } ////// RenderDataDrawingContext - A DrawingContext which produces a Drawing. /// internal partial class RenderData: DUCE.IResource { ////// MarshalToDUCE - Marshalling code to the DUCE /// ////// Critical:Calls into unsafe code /// TreatAsSafe: This code is ok to expose. Channels are safe to call with bad data. /// They do not affect windows cross process or cross app domain /// [SecurityCritical,SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void MarshalToDUCE(DUCE.Channel channel) { Debug.Assert(_duceResource.IsOnChannel(channel)); DUCE.MILCMD_RENDERDATA renderdataCmd; renderdataCmd.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdRenderData; renderdataCmd.Handle = _duceResource.GetHandle(channel); renderdataCmd.cbData = (uint)DataSize; // This is the total extra size required uint cbExtraData = renderdataCmd.cbData; // This cast is to ensure that cbExtraData can be cast to an int without // wrapping over, since in managed code indices are int, not uint. Debug.Assert(cbExtraData <= (uint)Int32.MaxValue); unsafe { channel.BeginCommand( (byte*)&renderdataCmd, sizeof(DUCE.MILCMD_RENDERDATA), (int)cbExtraData ); // We shouldn't have any dependent resources if _curOffset is 0 // (_curOffset == 0) -> (renderData._dependentResources.Count == 0) Debug.Assert((_curOffset > 0) || (_dependentResources.Count == 0)); // The buffer being null implies that _curOffset must be 0. // (_buffer == null) -> (_curOffset == 0) Debug.Assert((_buffer != null) || (_curOffset == 0)); // The _curOffset must be less than the length, if there is a buffer. Debug.Assert((_buffer == null) || (_curOffset <= _buffer.Length)); StackpushStack = new Stack (); int pushedEffects = 0; int topLevelEffects = 0; bool skipCommands = false; if (_curOffset > 0) { fixed (byte* pByte = this._buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte* pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte* pEndOfInstructions = pByte + _curOffset; while (pCur < pEndOfInstructions) { RecordHeader *pCurRecord = (RecordHeader*)pCur; if (pCurRecord->Id == MILCMD.MilPushEffect) { if (pushedEffects == 0) { _effectDataResource.MarshalBitmapEffectResources(channel, topLevelEffects++); skipCommands = true; } pushStack.Push(PushType.BitmapEffect); pushedEffects++; } else { // if we have pushed effects, we want to skip // any commands until the pop command for the // top level effect if (!skipCommands) { channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)pCurRecord, sizeof(RecordHeader) ); } switch (pCurRecord->Id) { case MILCMD.MilDrawLine: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_LINE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_LINE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hPen != 0 ) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawLineAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hPen != 0) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPoint0Animations != 0) { data.hPoint0Animations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPoint0Animations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPoint1Animations != 0) { data.hPoint1Animations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPoint1Animations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 48 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangle: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0 ) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0 ) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangleAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRectangleAnimations != 0) { data.hRectangleAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRectangleAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 48 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangle: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0 ) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0 ) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 56 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangleAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRectangleAnimations != 0) { data.hRectangleAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRectangleAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRadiusXAnimations != 0) { data.hRadiusXAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRadiusXAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRadiusYAnimations != 0) { data.hRadiusYAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRadiusYAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 72 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipse: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0 ) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0 ) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipseAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hCenterAnimations != 0) { data.hCenterAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hCenterAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRadiusXAnimations != 0) { data.hRadiusXAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRadiusXAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRadiusYAnimations != 0) { data.hRadiusYAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRadiusYAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 56 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGeometry: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hBrush != 0 ) { data.hBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hPen != 0 ) { data.hPen = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPen - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hGeometry != 0 ) { data.hGeometry = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hGeometry - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 16 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImage: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hImageSource != 0 ) { data.hImageSource = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hImageSource - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImageAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hImageSource != 0) { data.hImageSource = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hImageSource - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRectangleAnimations != 0) { data.hRectangleAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRectangleAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGlyphRun: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hForegroundBrush != 0 ) { data.hForegroundBrush = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hForegroundBrush - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hGlyphRun != 0 ) { data.hGlyphRun = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hGlyphRun - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawDrawing: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hDrawing != 0 ) { data.hDrawing = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hDrawing - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideo: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hPlayer != 0 ) { data.hPlayer = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPlayer - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideoAnimate: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hPlayer != 0) { data.hPlayer = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hPlayer - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } if ( data.hRectangleAnimations != 0) { data.hRectangleAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hRectangleAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 40 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawScene3D: { if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D data = *(MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hScene3D != 0 ) { data.hScene3D = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hScene3D - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushClip: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hClipGeometry != 0 ) { data.hClipGeometry = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hClipGeometry - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityMask: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hOpacityMask != 0 ) { data.hOpacityMask = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hOpacityMask - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 24 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacity: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityAnimate: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hOpacityAnimations != 0) { data.hOpacityAnimations = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hOpacityAnimations - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 16 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushTransform: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hTransform != 0 ) { data.hTransform = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hTransform - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineSet: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Marshal the Handles for the dependents if ( data.hGuidelines != 0 ) { data.hGuidelines = (uint)(((DUCE.IResource)_dependentResources[ (int)( data.hGuidelines - 1)]).GetHandle(channel)); } channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY1: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1 data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 8 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY2: { pushStack.Push(PushType.Other); if (skipCommands) { break; } MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2 data = *(MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); channel.AppendCommandData( (byte*)&data, 16 /* codegen'ed size of this instruction struct */ ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPop: { if (pushStack.Pop() == PushType.BitmapEffect) { // if we are popping a toplevel effect, stop skipping commands if (--pushedEffects == 0) { skipCommands = false; } } if (skipCommands) { break; } /* instruction size is zero, do nothing */ } break; default: { Debug.Assert(false); } break; } } pCur += pCurRecord->Size; } } } channel.EndCommand(); } } /// /// DrawingContextWalk - Iterates this renderdata and call out to methods on the /// provided DrawingContext, passing the current values to their parameters. /// ////// Critical:This code calls into unsafe code /// TreatAsSafe: This code is ok to expose. Writing to a channel is a safe operation. /// Channels can deal with bad pointers. /// [SecurityCritical,SecurityTreatAsSafe] public void DrawingContextWalk(DrawingContextWalker ctx) { // We shouldn't have any dependent resources if _curOffset is 0 // (_curOffset == 0) -> (renderData._dependentResources.Count == 0) Debug.Assert((_curOffset > 0) || (_dependentResources.Count == 0)); // The buffer being null implies that _curOffset must be 0. // (_buffer == null) -> (_curOffset == 0) Debug.Assert((_buffer != null) || (_curOffset == 0)); // The _curOffset must be less than the length, if there is a buffer. Debug.Assert((_buffer == null) || (_curOffset <= _buffer.Length)); if (_curOffset > 0) { unsafe { fixed (byte* pByte = this._buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte* pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte* pEndOfInstructions = pByte + _curOffset; // Iterate across the entire list of instructions, stopping at the // end or when the DrawingContextWalker has signalled a stop. while ((pCur < pEndOfInstructions) && !ctx.ShouldStopWalking) { RecordHeader* pCurRecord = (RecordHeader*)pCur; switch (pCurRecord->Id) { case MILCMD.MilDrawLine: { MILCMD_DRAW_LINE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_LINE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawLine( (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->point0, data->point1 ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawLineAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawLine( (data->hPen == 0) ? null : (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (data->hPoint0Animations == 0) ? data->point0 : ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hPoint0Animations)).CurrentValue, (data->hPoint1Animations == 0) ? data->point1 : ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hPoint1Animations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangle: { MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangleAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRectangle( (data->hBrush == 0) ? null : (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (data->hPen == 0) ? null : (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (data->hRectangleAnimations == 0) ? data->rectangle : ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangle: { MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRoundedRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle, data->radiusX, data->radiusY ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangleAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRoundedRectangle( (data->hBrush == 0) ? null : (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (data->hPen == 0) ? null : (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (data->hRectangleAnimations == 0) ? data->rectangle : ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).CurrentValue, (data->hRadiusXAnimations == 0) ? data->radiusX : ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusXAnimations)).CurrentValue, (data->hRadiusYAnimations == 0) ? data->radiusY : ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusYAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipse: { MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawEllipse( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->center, data->radiusX, data->radiusY ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipseAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawEllipse( (data->hBrush == 0) ? null : (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (data->hPen == 0) ? null : (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (data->hCenterAnimations == 0) ? data->center : ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hCenterAnimations)).CurrentValue, (data->hRadiusXAnimations == 0) ? data->radiusX : ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusXAnimations)).CurrentValue, (data->hRadiusYAnimations == 0) ? data->radiusY : ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusYAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGeometry: { MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawGeometry( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->hGeometry) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImage: { MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawImage( (ImageSource)DependentLookup(data->hImageSource), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImageAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawImage( (data->hImageSource == 0) ? null : (ImageSource)DependentLookup(data->hImageSource), (data->hRectangleAnimations == 0) ? data->rectangle : ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGlyphRun: { MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawGlyphRun( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hForegroundBrush), (GlyphRun)DependentLookup(data->hGlyphRun) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawDrawing: { MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawDrawing( (Drawing)DependentLookup(data->hDrawing) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideo: { MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawVideo( (MediaPlayer)DependentLookup(data->hPlayer), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideoAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawVideo( (MediaPlayer)DependentLookup(data->hPlayer), (data->hRectangleAnimations == 0) ? data->rectangle : ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawScene3D: { MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawScene3D( (Scene3D)DependentLookup(data->hScene3D) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushClip: { MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushClip( (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->hClipGeometry) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityMask: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacityMask( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hOpacityMask) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacity: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacity( data->opacity ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityAnimate: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacity( (data->hOpacityAnimations == 0) ? data->opacity : ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hOpacityAnimations)).CurrentValue ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushTransform: { MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushTransform( (Transform)DependentLookup(data->hTransform) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineSet: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineSet( (GuidelineSet)DependentLookup(data->hGuidelines) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY1: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineY1( data->coordinate ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY2: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineY2( data->leadingCoordinate, data->offsetToDrivenCoordinate ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushEffect: { MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushEffect( (BitmapEffect)DependentLookup(data->hEffect), (BitmapEffectInput)DependentLookup(data->hEffectInput) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPop: { MILCMD_POP* data = (MILCMD_POP*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.Pop( ); } break; default: { Debug.Assert(false); } break; } pCur += pCurRecord->Size; } } } } } ////// BaseValueDrawingContextWalk - Iterates this renderdata and call out to methods on the /// provided DrawingContext, passing base values and animations to their parameters. /// ////// Critical:This code calls into unsafe code /// TreatAsSafe: This code is ok to expose. Writing to a channel is a safe operation. /// Channels can deal with bad pointers. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] public void BaseValueDrawingContextWalk(DrawingContextWalker ctx) { // We shouldn't have any dependent resources if _curOffset is 0 // (_curOffset == 0) -> (renderData._dependentResources.Count == 0) Debug.Assert((_curOffset > 0) || (_dependentResources.Count == 0)); // The buffer being null implies that _curOffset must be 0. // (_buffer == null) -> (_curOffset == 0) Debug.Assert((_buffer != null) || (_curOffset == 0)); // The _curOffset must be less than the length, if there is a buffer. Debug.Assert((_buffer == null) || (_curOffset <= _buffer.Length)); if (_curOffset > 0) { unsafe { fixed (byte* pByte = this._buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte* pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte* pEndOfInstructions = pByte + _curOffset; // Iterate across the entire list of instructions, stopping at the // end or when the DrawingContextWalker has signalled a stop. while ((pCur < pEndOfInstructions) && !ctx.ShouldStopWalking) { RecordHeader* pCurRecord = (RecordHeader*)pCur; switch (pCurRecord->Id) { case MILCMD.MilDrawLine: { MILCMD_DRAW_LINE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_LINE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawLine( (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->point0, data->point1 ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawLineAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_LINE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawLine( (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->point0, ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hPoint0Animations)).AnimationClock, data->point1, ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hPoint1Animations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangle: { MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRectangleAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle, ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangle: { MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRoundedRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle, data->radiusX, data->radiusY ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawRoundedRectangleAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawRoundedRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->rectangle, ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).AnimationClock, data->radiusX, ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusXAnimations)).AnimationClock, data->radiusY, ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusYAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipse: { MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawEllipse( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->center, data->radiusX, data->radiusY ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawEllipseAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_ELLIPSE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawEllipse( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), data->center, ((PointAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hCenterAnimations)).AnimationClock, data->radiusX, ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusXAnimations)).AnimationClock, data->radiusY, ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRadiusYAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGeometry: { MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_GEOMETRY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawGeometry( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hBrush), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->hPen), (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->hGeometry) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImage: { MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawImage( (ImageSource)DependentLookup(data->hImageSource), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawImageAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_IMAGE_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawImage( (ImageSource)DependentLookup(data->hImageSource), data->rectangle, ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawGlyphRun: { MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_GLYPH_RUN*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawGlyphRun( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hForegroundBrush), (GlyphRun)DependentLookup(data->hGlyphRun) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawDrawing: { MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_DRAWING*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawDrawing( (Drawing)DependentLookup(data->hDrawing) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideo: { MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawVideo( (MediaPlayer)DependentLookup(data->hPlayer), data->rectangle ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawVideoAnimate: { MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_VIDEO_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawVideo( (MediaPlayer)DependentLookup(data->hPlayer), data->rectangle, ((RectAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hRectangleAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilDrawScene3D: { MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D* data = (MILCMD_DRAW_SCENE3D*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.DrawScene3D( (Scene3D)DependentLookup(data->hScene3D) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushClip: { MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_CLIP*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushClip( (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->hClipGeometry) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityMask: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_MASK*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacityMask( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->hOpacityMask) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacity: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacity( data->opacity ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushOpacityAnimate: { MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_OPACITY_ANIMATE*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushOpacity( data->opacity, ((DoubleAnimationClockResource)DependentLookup(data->hOpacityAnimations)).AnimationClock ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushTransform: { MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_TRANSFORM*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushTransform( (Transform)DependentLookup(data->hTransform) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineSet: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_SET*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineSet( (GuidelineSet)DependentLookup(data->hGuidelines) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY1: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y1*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineY1( data->coordinate ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushGuidelineY2: { MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_GUIDELINE_Y2*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushGuidelineY2( data->leadingCoordinate, data->offsetToDrivenCoordinate ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPushEffect: { MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT* data = (MILCMD_PUSH_EFFECT*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.PushEffect( (BitmapEffect)DependentLookup(data->hEffect), (BitmapEffectInput)DependentLookup(data->hEffectInput) ); } break; case MILCMD.MilPop: { MILCMD_POP* data = (MILCMD_POP*)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); // Retrieve the resources for the dependents and call the context. ctx.Pop( ); } break; default: { Debug.Assert(false); } break; } pCur += pCurRecord->Size; } } } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- HebrewCalendar.cs
- CounterSampleCalculator.cs
- QueryCacheKey.cs
- MetadataItemCollectionFactory.cs
- PerfCounterSection.cs
- InputReport.cs
- HuffCodec.cs
- ButtonColumn.cs
- WindowsPen.cs
- CacheAxisQuery.cs
- SemaphoreFullException.cs
- RadioButtonFlatAdapter.cs
- Keyboard.cs
- DataServiceEntityAttribute.cs
- ISFTagAndGuidCache.cs
- Panel.cs
- xmlsaver.cs
- ColumnWidthChangingEvent.cs
- NotCondition.cs
- ManagementException.cs
- DesignerTransaction.cs
- SlotInfo.cs
- ComponentCommands.cs
- DirtyTextRange.cs
- TdsValueSetter.cs
- SamlSubject.cs
- ByteViewer.cs
- UrlPropertyAttribute.cs
- ComboBox.cs
- EnumMember.cs
- EncoderBestFitFallback.cs
- CodeAttributeArgument.cs
- OrderingQueryOperator.cs
- WindowsSysHeader.cs
- ProcessHostConfigUtils.cs
- RtfControls.cs
- ItemCollection.cs
- PrinterSettings.cs
- CommonObjectSecurity.cs
- CachedPathData.cs
- AnnotationMap.cs
- SQLBinaryStorage.cs
- ParseNumbers.cs
- FileDataSourceCache.cs
- EditingCoordinator.cs
- TagPrefixAttribute.cs
- Color.cs
- HttpCookiesSection.cs
- DataGridHeaderBorder.cs
- EntitySqlQueryCacheEntry.cs
- FormattedTextSymbols.cs