CachedCompositeFamily.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / MS / Internal / FontFace / CachedCompositeFamily.cs / 1 / CachedCompositeFamily.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: The CachedCompositeFamily class 
// History: 
//  08/01/2003 : [....] - Created
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Markup;    // for XmlLanguage
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; 
 // External Team

using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.FontCache; 
using MS.Internal.Shaping;
using MS.Internal.TextFormatting; 
namespace MS.Internal.FontFace
    /// CachedCompositeFamily class represents a composite font family obtained from .CompositeFont file.
    internal class CachedCompositeFamily : IFontFamily 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// Critical - takes in canonical name and unsafe struct of CachedFontFamily 
        internal unsafe CachedCompositeFamily(CachedFontFamily cachedFamily) 
            _cachedFamily = cachedFamily;

        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Get typeface metrics of the specified style 
        ///    Critical: This accesses a pointer uses unsafe code. The risk here is in derefrencing pointers.
        ///    TreatAsSafe: This information is ok to return also the call to the pointers to get CompositeFace has 
        ///    checking to ensure that you are not dereferencing a null pointer
        ITypefaceMetrics IFontFamily.GetTypefaceMetrics(
            FontStyle       style, 
            FontWeight      weight,
            FontStretch     stretch
            CachedFontFace bestFace = FindNearestTypeface(style, weight, stretch);
            if (!bestFace.IsNull) 
                    return new CompositeTypefaceMetrics(
                return new CompositeTypefaceMetrics(); 

        /// Look up device font for the typeface. 
        /// Critical - as it contains unsafe code 
        /// TreatAsSafe - because it only returns an IDeviceFont which is safe
        IDeviceFont IFontFamily.GetDeviceFont(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch)
            CachedFontFace bestFace = FindExactTypeface(style, weight, stretch); 
            if (!bestFace.IsNull)
                    int offsetToDeviceFont = bestFace.CompositeFace->offsetToDeviceFont; 
                    if (offsetToDeviceFont != 0)
                        return new DeviceFont(
                            bestFace.CheckedPointer + offsetToDeviceFont
            return null;

        /// Find the face exactly matching the specified style, weight and stretch. 
        /// Returns CachedFontFace.Null if there is no matching face. 
        private CachedFontFace FindExactTypeface(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch) 
            MatchingStyle target = new MatchingStyle(style, weight, stretch);

            for (int i = 0; i < _cachedFamily.NumberOfFaces; i++) 
                CachedFontFace currentFace = _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetCachedFace(_cachedFamily, i); 
                if (currentFace.MatchingStyle == target) 
                    return currentFace; 

            return CachedFontFace.Null; 
        /// Find the face most closely matching the specified style, weight and stretch. 
        /// Returns CachedFontFace.Null if there is no available face.
        private CachedFontFace FindNearestTypeface(FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch)
            if (_cachedFamily.NumberOfFaces == 0)
                return CachedFontFace.Null; 
            MatchingStyle target = new MatchingStyle(style, weight, stretch);
            CachedFontFace bestFace = _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetCachedFace(_cachedFamily, 0);
            MatchingStyle bestMatch = bestFace.MatchingStyle;
            for (int i = 1; i < _cachedFamily.NumberOfFaces; i++)
                CachedFontFace currentFace = _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetCachedFace(_cachedFamily, i); 
                MatchingStyle currentMatch = currentFace.MatchingStyle;
                if (MatchingStyle.IsBetterMatch(target, bestMatch, ref currentMatch)) 
                    bestMatch = currentMatch;
                    bestFace = currentFace;
            return bestFace; 

        /// Get family name correspondent to the first n-characters of the specified character string
        /// character string
        /// text culture info 
        /// culture used for digit subsitution or null 
        /// default size relative to em
        /// number of characters advanced 
        /// target family name
        /// size relative to em
        /// number of character sharing the same family name and size
        /// Null target family name returned indicates that the font family cannot find target 
        /// name of the character range being advanced. 
        /// Return value false indicates that the font family has no character map. 
        /// It is a font face family.
        ///     Critical: This code calls into GetCachedFamilyMap which returns a pointer
        ///     TreatAsSafe: It does not expose the pointer and this information is ok to expose 
        unsafe bool IFontFamily.GetMapTargetFamilyNameAndScale( 
            CharacterBufferRange    unicodeString,
            CultureInfo             culture,
            CultureInfo             digitCulture,
            double                  defaultSizeInEm, 
            out int                 cchAdvance,
            out string              targetFamilyName, 
            out double              scaleInEm 
            Invariant.Assert(unicodeString.CharacterBuffer != null && unicodeString.Length > 0);
            Invariant.Assert(culture != null);

            // Get the family map. This will find the first family map that matches 
            // the specified culture, an ancestor neutral culture, or "any" culture.
            FamilyCollection.CachedFamilyMap * familyMap = GetCachedFamilyMap( 
                out cchAdvance

            if (familyMap == null) 
                targetFamilyName = null; 
                scaleInEm = 1; 
                int* sizePrefix = (int*)((byte*)familyMap + familyMap->targetFamilyNameOffset);
                targetFamilyName = Util.StringCopyFromUncheckedPointer(sizePrefix + 1, *sizePrefix);
                scaleInEm = familyMap->scaleInEm; 
            return true; 
        ///     Critical: This code calls utilizes unsafe code blocks to extract the CachedFamilyMap.
        ///     The pointer checking for the unicode string is done in the UnicodeScalar. At the same time
        ///     GetFamilyMapRange takes _cachedFamily which cannot be instantiated with a null value.And its value 
        ///     cannot be set outside of the constructor. It is critical because it exposes a pointer
        private unsafe FamilyCollection.CachedFamilyMap *GetCachedFamilyMap(
            CharacterBufferRange    unicodeString, 
            CultureInfo             culture,
            CultureInfo             digitCulture,
            out int                 cchAdvance
            cchAdvance = 0; 
            DigitMap digitMap = new DigitMap(digitCulture); 

            int lengthOfRanges; 
            ushort* ranges = _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetFamilyMapRanges(
                out lengthOfRanges 
            Debug.Assert(ranges != null); 
            int sizeofChar = 0;
            int ch = 0; 

            cchAdvance = Classification.AdvanceWhile(unicodeString, ItemClass.JoinerClass);
            if (cchAdvance >= unicodeString.Length)
                // It is rare that the run only contains joiner characters.
                // If it really happens, just map them to the initial family map. 
                return _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetFamilyMapOfChar( 
                    Classification.UnicodeScalar(unicodeString, out sizeofChar)

            // If the run starts with combining marks, we will not be able to find base characters for them
            // within the run. These combining marks will be mapped to their best fonts as normal characters. 
            ch = Classification.UnicodeScalar(
                new CharacterBufferRange(unicodeString, cchAdvance, unicodeString.Length - cchAdvance),
                out sizeofChar 
            bool hasBaseChar = !Classification.IsCombining(ch); 

            ch = digitMap[ch]; 
            FamilyCollection.CachedFamilyMap* familyMap =
                _cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetFamilyMapOfChar(_cachedFamily.CompositeFamily, ranges, lengthOfRanges, ch);

            for (cchAdvance += sizeofChar; cchAdvance < unicodeString.Length; cchAdvance += sizeofChar) 
                ch = Classification.UnicodeScalar( 
                    new CharacterBufferRange(unicodeString, cchAdvance, unicodeString.Length - cchAdvance), 
                    out sizeofChar

                if (Classification.IsJoiner(ch))
                    continue; // continue to advance if current char is a joiner
                if (!Classification.IsCombining(ch))
                    hasBaseChar = true; 
                else if (hasBaseChar) 
                    continue; // continue to advance for combining mark with base char
                ch = digitMap[ch];
                if (_cachedFamily.FamilyCollection.GetFamilyMapOfChar(_cachedFamily.CompositeFamily, ranges, lengthOfRanges, ch) != familyMap) 

            return familyMap; 

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region IFontFamily Properties
        /// Font family name table indexed by culture
        IDictionary IFontFamily.Names 
                return _cachedFamily.Names;

        /// Distance from character cell top to English baseline relative to em size.
        double IFontFamily.Baseline 
                if (_cachedFamily.Baseline != 0)
                    return _cachedFamily.Baseline;
                return GetFirstFontFamily().Baseline; 

        /// Recommended baseline-to-baseline distance for text in this font
        double IFontFamily.LineSpacing
                if (_cachedFamily.LineSpacing != 0) 
                    return _cachedFamily.LineSpacing;
                return GetFirstFontFamily().LineSpacing; 

        ICollection IFontFamily.GetTypefaces(FontFamilyIdentifier familyIdentifier) 
            return new TypefaceCollection(new FontFamily(familyIdentifier), _cachedFamily); 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        /// Get the first font family of the first target family name
        private IFontFamily GetFirstFontFamily() 
            if(_firstFontFamily == null) 
                _firstFontFamily = FontFamily.FindFontFamilyFromFriendlyNameList(GetFirstTargetFamilyName());
                Debug.Assert(_firstFontFamily != null); 
            return _firstFontFamily;
        ///     Critical: This code calls into CompositeFamily which returns a pointer 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This returns a string with the target family name 
        private string GetFirstTargetFamilyName()
                return Util.StringAndLengthCopyFromCheckedPointer(
                    _cachedFamily.CheckedPointer + _cachedFamily.CompositeFamily->OffsetToTargetFamilyNameStrings 

        #endregion Private Methods

        #region Private Classes 

        private class DeviceFont : IDeviceFont 
            /// Critical - as we assume the caller is giving us a valid pointer 
            internal DeviceFont(CachedFontFamily cachedFamily, CheckedPointer deviceFont)
                    _cachedFamily = cachedFamily; 
                    _deviceFont = (FamilyCollection.CachedDeviceFont*)deviceFont.Probe(0, sizeof(FamilyCollection.CachedDeviceFont));
                    _sizeInBytes = deviceFont.Size; 

            string IDeviceFont.Name 
                    return Util.StringAndLengthCopyFromCheckedPointer(
                        CheckedPointer + FamilyCollection.CachedDeviceFont.OffsetToLengthPrefixedName 
            /// Critical - as it calls a critical method that returns a pointer 
            /// TreatAsSafe - because it does not expose the pointer 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            bool IDeviceFont.ContainsCharacter(int unicodeScalar)
                    return LookupMetrics(unicodeScalar) != null;

            /// Critical - As it uses raw pointers.
            unsafe void IDeviceFont.GetAdvanceWidths( 
                char*   characterString,
                int     characterLength, 
                double  emSize, 
                int*    pAdvances
                    for (int i = 0; i < characterLength; ++i) 
                        FamilyCollection.CachedCharacterMetrics* metrics = LookupMetrics(characterString[i]); 
                        if (metrics != null) 
                            // Side bearings are included in the advance width but are not used as offsets for glyph positioning. 
                            pAdvances[i] = Math.Max(0, (int)((metrics->blackBoxWidth + metrics->leftSideBearing + metrics->rightSideBearing) * emSize));
                            pAdvances[i] = 0;

            /// Critical - as it accesses a critical field, performs pointer arithmetic, and returns a pointer.
            private unsafe FamilyCollection.CachedCharacterMetrics* LookupMetrics(int unicodeScalar) 
                if (unicodeScalar >= 0 && unicodeScalar <= FontFamilyMap.LastUnicodeScalar)
                    int pageTableOffset = _deviceFont->OffsetToCharacterMap;

                    int* pageTable = (int*)CheckedPointer.Probe(
                        CharacterMetricsDictionary.PageCount * sizeof(int)
                    int i = pageTable[unicodeScalar >> CharacterMetricsDictionary.PageShift];
                    if (i != 0) 
                        int* page = (int*)CheckedPointer.Probe(
                            pageTableOffset + (i * sizeof(int)),
                            CharacterMetricsDictionary.PageSize * sizeof(int) 
                        int offset = page[unicodeScalar & CharacterMetricsDictionary.PageMask]; 
                        if (offset != 0)
                            return (FamilyCollection.CachedCharacterMetrics*)CheckedPointer.Probe(
                return null;

            /// Critical - constructs a CheckedPointer which is a critical operation
            /// TreatAsSafe - the pointer and size fields used to construct the CheckedPointer are tracked and 
            ///               the CheckedPointer itself is safe to use
            private CheckedPointer CheckedPointer 
                        return new CheckedPointer(_deviceFont, _sizeInBytes);
            private CachedFontFamily _cachedFamily;

            /// Critical - as this field is a pointer and therefore unsafe. 
            private unsafe FamilyCollection.CachedDeviceFont* _deviceFont; 

            /// Critical - used for bounds checking via CheckedPointer
            private int _sizeInBytes; 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        private CachedFontFamily    _cachedFamily;
        private IFontFamily         _firstFontFamily;

        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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