MaskedTextBox.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / MaskedTextBox.cs / 1 / MaskedTextBox.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms 
    using System;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
    using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
    ///     MaskedTextBox control definition class. 
    ///     Uses the services from the System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextBoxProvider class. 
    ///     See spec at http://dotnetclient/whidbey/Specs/MaskEdit.doc
    Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskedTextBoxDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
    public class MaskedTextBox : TextBoxBase
        // Consider: The MaskedTextBox control, when initialized with a non-null/empty mask, processes all
        // WM_CHAR messages and always sets the text using the SetWindowText Windows function in the furthest base 
        // class.  This means that the underlying Edit control won't enable Undo operations and the context
        // menu behavior will be a bit different (for instance Copy option is enabled when PasswordChar is set). 
        // To provide Undo functionality and make the context menu behave like the Edit control, we would have 
        // to implement our own.  See for more info
        // about how to do this. See postponed bug VSWhidbey#218402. 

        private const bool   forward         = true;
        private const bool   backward        = false;
        private const string nullMask        = "<>"; // any char/str is OK here. 

        private static readonly object EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED      = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED    = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED       = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_MASKCHANGED            = new object();

        // The native edit control's default password char (per thread). See corresponding property for more info.
        private static char systemPwdChar; 

        // Values to track changes in IME composition string (if any).  Having const variables is a bit more efficient 
        // than having an enum (which creates a class). 
        private const byte imeConvertionNone      = 0;  // no convertion has been performed in the composition string.
        private const byte imeConvertionUpdate    = 1;  // the char being composed has been updated but not coverted yet. 
        private const byte imeConvertionCompleted = 2;  // the char being composed has been fully converted.

        ///////// Instance fields
        // Used for keeping selection when prompt is hidden on leave (text changes).
        private int lastSelLength; 
        // Used for caret positioning.
        private int caretTestPos; 

        // Bit mask - Determines when the Korean IME composition string is completed so converted character can be processed.
        private static int IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION = BitVector32.CreateMask();
        // Bit mask - Determines when the Korean IME is completing a composition, used when forcing convertion.
        private static int IME_COMPLETING = BitVector32.CreateMask(IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION); 
        // Used for handling characters that have a modifier (Ctrl-A, Shift-Del...).
        private static int HANDLE_KEY_PRESS = BitVector32.CreateMask(IME_COMPLETING); 

        // Bit mask - Used to simulate a null mask.  Needed since a MaskedTextProvider object cannot be
        // initialized with a null mask but we need one even in this case as a backend for
        // default properties.  This is to support creating a MaskedTextBox with the default 
        // constructor, specially at design time.
        private static int IS_NULL_MASK = BitVector32.CreateMask(HANDLE_KEY_PRESS); 
        // Bit mask - Used in conjuction with get_Text to return the text that is actually set in the native
        // control.  This is required to be able to measure text correctly (GetPreferredSize) and 
        // to compare against during set_Text (to bail if the same and not to raise TextChanged event).
        private static int QUERY_BASE_TEXT = BitVector32.CreateMask(IS_NULL_MASK);

        // If true, the input text is rejected whenever a character does not comply with the mask; a MaskInputRejected 
        // event is fired for the failing character.
        // If false, characters in the input string are processed one by one accepting the ones that comply 
        // with the mask and raising the MaskInputRejected event for the rejected ones. 
        private static int REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE = BitVector32.CreateMask( QUERY_BASE_TEXT );
        // Bit masks for boolean properties.
        private static int HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE     = BitVector32.CreateMask(REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE);
        private static int BEEP_ON_ERROR            = BitVector32.CreateMask(HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE);
        private static int USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR = BitVector32.CreateMask(BEEP_ON_ERROR); 
        private static int INSERT_TOGGLED           = BitVector32.CreateMask(USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR);
        private static int CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT     = BitVector32.CreateMask(INSERT_TOGGLED); 
        private static int CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS   = BitVector32.CreateMask(CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT); 

        ///////// Properties backend fields. See corresponding property comments for more info. 

        private char                    passwordChar; // control's pwd char, it could be different from the one displayed if using system password.
        private Type                    validatingType;
        private IFormatProvider         formatProvider; 
        private MaskedTextProvider      maskedTextProvider;
        private InsertKeyMode           insertMode; 
        private HorizontalAlignment     textAlign; 

        // Bit vector to represent bool variables. 
        private BitVector32 flagState;

        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object. 
        public MaskedTextBox() 
            MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(nullMask, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = true; 

        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object.
        public MaskedTextBox(string mask) 
            if (mask == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(mask, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false; 
        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object.
        public MaskedTextBox(MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider) 
            if (maskedTextProvider == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false;

        ///     Initializes the object with the specified MaskedTextProvider object and default 
        ///     property values.
        private void Initialize(MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider)
            Debug.Assert(maskedTextProvider != null, "Initializing from a null MaskProvider ref.");
            this.maskedTextProvider = maskedTextProvider;
            // set the initial display text. 
            if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])

            // set default values. 
            this.passwordChar = this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar;
            this.insertMode   = InsertKeyMode.Default; 
            this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE         ] = false;
            this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR                ] = false; 
            this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR     ] = false;
            this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE] = false;

            // CutCopyMaskFormat - set same defaults as TextMaskFormat (IncludePromptAndLiterals). 
            // It is a lot easier to handle this flags individually since that's the way the MaskedTextProvider does it.
            this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT         ] = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt; 
            this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS       ] = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals; 

            // fields for internal use. 
            this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
            this.caretTestPos           = 0;

        /////////////////// Properties 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new bool AcceptsTab
            get { return false; }
            set {}
        ///     Specifies whether the prompt character should be treated as a valid input character or not. 
        ///     The setter resets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object and attempts 
        ///     to add the existing input text (if any) using the new mask, failure is ignored.
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set. 
        public bool AllowPromptAsInput 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.AllowPromptAsInput;
                if( value != this.maskedTextProvider.AllowPromptAsInput ) 
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly ); 
                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new event EventHandler AcceptsTabChanged
            add { }
            remove { } 

        ///     Specifies whether only ASCII characters are accepted as valid input.
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set.
        public bool AsciiOnly
                return this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly;
                if( value != this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly )
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        value );

                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///     Specifies whether to play a beep when the input is not valid according to the mask. 
        public bool BeepOnError 
                return this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR];
                this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR] = value; 
        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in a text box control.
        ///       Unsupported method/property.
        ///       WndProc ignores EM_CANUNDO. 
        public new bool CanUndo
                return false; 
        ///     Returns the parameters needed to create the handle. Inheriting classes
        ///     can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not,
        ///     however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the struct 
        ///     filled up with the basic info.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                // Translate for Rtl if necessary
                HorizontalAlignment align = RtlTranslateHorizontal(textAlign); 
                cp.ExStyle &= ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_RIGHT;   // WS_EX_RIGHT overrides the ES_XXXX alignment styles
                switch (align) 
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_LEFT;
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_CENTER; 
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_RIGHT; 

                return cp; 
        ///     The culture that determines the value of the localizable mask language separators and placeholders. 
        public CultureInfo Culture 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.Culture;
                if( value == null ) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(); 

                if( !this.maskedTextProvider.Culture.Equals(value) )
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );
                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///    Specifies the formatting options for text cut/copited to the clipboard (Whether the mask returned from the Text
        ///    property includes Literals and/or prompt characters).
        ///    When prompt characters are excluded, theyare returned as spaces in the string returned. 
        public MaskFormat CutCopyMaskFormat
                if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT] ) 
                    if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] ) 
                        return MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals;
                    return MaskFormat.IncludePrompt;
                if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] )
                    return MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals;

                return MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals, (int)MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals))
                      throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(MaskFormat));

                if( value == MaskFormat.IncludePrompt ) 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = true;
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = false; 
                else if( value == MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals )
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = false; 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = true;
                else // value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals || value == MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals 
                    bool include = value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals; 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = include;
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = include;
        ///     Specifies the IFormatProvider to be used when parsing the string to the ValidatingType.
        public IFormatProvider FormatProvider
                return this.formatProvider; 

                this.formatProvider = value;

        ///     Specifies whether the PromptCharacter is displayed when the control loses focus.
        public bool HidePromptOnLeave 
                return this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE]; 
                if( this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE]  != value )
                    this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE] = value;

                    // If the control is not focused and there are available edit positions (mask not full) we need to
                    // update the displayed text. 
                    if( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& !this.Focused && !this.MaskFull && !this.DesignMode )

        ///     Specifies whether to include mask literal characters when formatting the text.
        private bool IncludeLiterals 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals;
                this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals = value; 
        ///     Specifies whether to include the mask prompt character when formatting the text in places
        ///     where an edit char has not being assigned.
        private bool IncludePrompt
                return this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt = value; 
        ///     Specifies the text insertion mode of the text box.  This can be used to simulated the Access masked text 
        ///     control behavior where insertion is set to TextInsertionMode.AlwaysOverwrite
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set.
        public InsertKeyMode InsertKeyMode 
                return this.insertMode; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)InsertKeyMode.Default, (int)InsertKeyMode.Overwrite)) 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(InsertKeyMode));
                if (this.insertMode != value)
                    bool isOverwrite = this.IsOverwriteMode; 
                    this.insertMode  = value;
                    if (isOverwrite != this.IsOverwriteMode)

        ///     Overridden to handle unsupported RETURN key.
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData)
            if ((keyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.Return)
                return false; 
            return base.IsInputKey(keyData); 

        ///     Specifies whether text insertion mode in 'on' or not. 
        public bool IsOverwriteMode 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                    return false; // EditBox always inserts. 

                switch (this.insertMode) 
                    case InsertKeyMode.Overwrite:
                        return true;
                    case InsertKeyMode.Insert:
                        return false; 
                    case InsertKeyMode.Default:
                        // Note that the insert key state should be per process and its initial state insert, this is the
                        // behavior of apps like WinWord, WordPad and VS; so we have to keep track of it and not query its
                        // system value.
                        //return Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Insert); 
                        return this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED];
                        Debug.Fail("Invalid InsertKeyMode.  This code path should have never been executed.");
                        return false; 

        ///   Event to notify when the insert mode has changed.  This is required for data binding. 
        public event EventHandler IsOverwriteModeChanged 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED, value);
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED, value);
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new string[] Lines 
                string[] lines;

                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                    lines = base.Lines; 
                    this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;

                return lines; 
            set {} 
        ///     The mask applied to this control.  The setter resets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object and attempts
        ///     to add the existing input text (if any) using the new mask, failure is ignored.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskPropertyEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor))
        public string Mask
                return this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]? string.Empty : this.maskedTextProvider.Mask; 
                // We dont' do anything if:
                // 1.  IsNullOrEmpty( value )->[Reset control] && this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]==>Already Reset. 
                // 2. !IsNullOrEmpty( value )->[Set control] && !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK][control is set] && [value is the same]==>No need to update. 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] == string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) && (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] || value == this.maskedTextProvider.Mask) ) 
                string text    = null;
                string newMask = value; 
                // We need to update the this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]field before raising any events (when setting the maskedTextProvider) so
                // querying for properties from an event handler returns the right value (i.e: Text). 

                if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) // Resetting the control, the native edit control will be in charge.
                    // Need to get the formatted & unformatted text before resetting the mask, they'll be used to determine whether we need to 
                    // raise the TextChanged event.
                    string formattedText   = TextOutput; 
                    string unformattedText = this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(false, false); 

                    this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = true; 

                    if( this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword )
                    // Set the window text to the unformatted text before raising events. Also, TextChanged needs to be raised after MaskChanged so 
                    // pass false to SetWindowText 'raiseTextChanged' param.
                    SetWindowText(unformattedText, false, false ); 

                    EventArgs e = EventArgs.Empty;


                    if( unformattedText != formattedText ) 

                    newMask = nullMask;
                else    // Setting control to a new value. 
                    foreach( char c in value ) 
                        if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidMaskChar( c ) )
                            // Same message as in SR.MaskedTextProviderMaskInvalidChar in System.txt
                            throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString( SR.MaskedTextBoxMaskInvalidChar) );

                    if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                        // If this.IsNullMask, we are setting the mask to a new value; in this case we need to get the text because
                        // the underlying MTP does not have it (used as a property backend only) and pass it to SetMaskedTextProvider 
                        // method below to update the provider.

                        text = this.Text;
                // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only. 
                MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(
                    this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );
                //text == null when setting to a different mask value or when resetting the mask to null. 
                //text != null only when setting the mask from null to some value.
                SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider, text ); 

        ///   Event to notify when the mask has changed.
        public event EventHandler MaskChanged
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MASKCHANGED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MASKCHANGED, value);
        ///     Specifies whether the test string required input positions, as specified by the mask, have 
        ///     all been assigned. 
        public bool MaskCompleted
                return this.maskedTextProvider.MaskCompleted; 

        ///     Specifies whether all inputs (required and optional) have been provided into the mask successfully.
        public bool MaskFull
                return this.maskedTextProvider.MaskFull;
        ///     Returns a copy of the control's internal MaskedTextProvider.  This is useful for user's to provide
        ///     cloning semantics for the control (we don't want to do it) w/o incurring in any perf penalty since 
        ///     some of the properties require recreating the underlying provider when they are changed.
        public MaskedTextProvider MaskedTextProvider 
                return this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ? null : (MaskedTextProvider) this.maskedTextProvider.Clone();

        ///     Event to notify when an input has been rejected according to the mask. 
        public event MaskInputRejectedEventHandler MaskInputRejected 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED, value);
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED, value);
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     WndProc ignores EM_LIMITTEXT & this is a virtual method. 
        public override int MaxLength 
            get{ return base.MaxLength; } 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        public override bool Multiline 
            get { return false; } 
            set {} 
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new event EventHandler MultilineChanged 
            add { }
            remove { }

        ///     Specifies the character to be used in the formatted string in place of editable characters, if 
        ///     set to any printable character, the text box becomes a password text box, to reset it use the null
        ///     character. 
        DefaultValue('\0') // This property is shadowed by MaskedTextBoxDesigner. 
        public char PasswordChar
                // The password char could be the one set in the control or the system password char,
                // in any case the maskedTextProvider has the correct one. 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar;
                if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidPasswordChar(value) ) // null character accepted (resets value) 
                    // Same message as in SR.MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError.
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxInvalidCharError) );

                if( this.passwordChar != value ) 
                    if( value == this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar )
                        // Prompt and password chars must be different.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) );
                    this.passwordChar = value;
                    // UseSystemPasswordChar take precedence over PasswordChar...Let's check. 
                    if (!this.UseSystemPasswordChar)
                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = value;

                        if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])


        ///     Determines if the control is in password protect mode.
        internal override bool PasswordProtect
                if( this.maskedTextProvider != null ) // could be queried during object construction. 
                     return this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword; 
                return base.PasswordProtect;

        ///     Specifies the prompt character to be used in the formatted string for unsupplied characters. 
        public char PromptChar 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar;
                if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidInputChar(value) ) 
                    // This message is the same as the one in SR.MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError.
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxInvalidCharError) ); 

                if( this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar != value )
                    // We need to check maskedTextProvider password char in case it is using the system password.
                    if( value == this.passwordChar || value == this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar ) 
                        // Prompt and password chars must be different.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) ); 

                    // Recreate masked text provider to be consistent with AllowPromptAsInput - current text may have chars with same value as new prompt.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );

                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///     Overwrite base class' property. 
        public new bool ReadOnly
                return base.ReadOnly; 

                if (this.ReadOnly != value)
                    // if true, this disables IME in the base class. 
                    base.ReadOnly = value;
                    if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                        // Prompt will be hidden. 
        ///     Specifies whether to include the mask prompt character when formatting the text in places
        ///     where an edit char has not being assigned. 
        public bool RejectInputOnFirstFailure 
                return this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE];
                this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE] = value; 
        ///     Designe time support for resetting the Culture property.
        /* No longer needed since Culture has been removed from the property browser - Left here for documentation. 
        private void ResetCulture() 
            this.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

        ///     Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the input character 
        ///     has the same value as the prompt.  This property takes precedence over AllowPromptAsInput.
        public bool ResetOnPrompt
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt = value;

        ///     Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the input 
        ///     is the space character.
        public bool ResetOnSpace 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace;
                this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace = value;

        ///     Specifies whether to skip the current position if non-editable and the input character has
        ///     the same value as the literal at that position.
        public bool SkipLiterals 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals = value;

        ///       The currently selected text (if any) in the control. 
        public override string SelectedText 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                    return base.SelectedText;

                return GetSelectedText(); 
                SetSelectedTextInternal(value, true);
        internal override void SetSelectedTextInternal(string value, bool clearUndo)
            if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                base.SetSelectedTextInternal(value, true); // Operates as a regular text box base. 

            PasteInt( value ); 
        ///     Set the composition string as the result string.
        private void ImeComplete()
            this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING] = true;
        ///     Notifies the IMM about changes to the status of the IME input context.
        private void ImeNotify(int action)
            HandleRef handle    = new HandleRef(this, this.Handle);
            IntPtr inputContext = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(handle); 

            if (inputContext != IntPtr.Zero) 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmNotifyIME(new HandleRef(null, inputContext), NativeMethods.NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, action, 0);
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(handle, new HandleRef(null, inputContext));
                Debug.Fail("Could not get IME input context.");
        ///     Sets the underlying edit control's password char to the one obtained from this.PasswordChar. 
        ///     This is used when the control is passworded and this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]. 
        private void SetEditControlPasswordChar( char pwdChar ) 
            if (this.IsHandleCreated)
                // This message does not return a value. 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, pwdChar, 0);
        ///     The value of the Edit control default password char.
        private char SystemPasswordChar 
                if (MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar == '\0')
                    // This is the hard way to get the password char - left here for information.
                    // It is picked up from Comctl32.dll. If VisualStyles is enabled it will get the dot char.
                    StringBuilder charVal = new StringBuilder(20);  // it could be 0x0000000000009999 format. 
                    bool foundRsc         = false;
                    int IDS_PASSWORDCHAR  = 0x1076; // %ntsdx%\shell\comctrl32\v6\rcids.h 
                                                    // defined in en.rc as: IDS_PASSWORDCHAR "9679" // 0x25cf - Black Circle 


                        // The GetModuleHandle function returns a handle to a mapped module without incrementing its reference count. 
                        // @"C:\windows\winsxs\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.10.0_x-ww_f7fb5805\comctl32.dll if VisulaStyles enabled.
                        IntPtr hModule = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle("comctl32.dll"); 
                        Debug.Assert(hModule != IntPtr.Zero, String.Format("Could not get a handle to comctl32.dll - Error: 0x{0:X8}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
                        foundRsc = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoadString(new HandleRef(null, hModule), IDS_PASSWORDCHAR, charVal, charVal.Capacity);
                    catch( Exception ex )
                        if( ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException( ex ) )

                    MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar = foundRsc ? (char) int.Parse(charVal.ToString()) : MaskedTextProvider.DefaultPasswordChar; 

                    // We need to temporarily create an edit control to get the default password character. 
                    // We cannot use this control because we would have to reset the native control's password char to use
                    // the defult one so we can get it; this would change the text displayed in the box (even for a short time)
                    // opening a sec hole.
                    TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
                    txtBox.UseSystemPasswordChar = true; // this forces the creation of the control handle. 
                    MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar = txtBox.PasswordChar;

                return MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar; 
        ///     The Text setter validates the input char by char, raising the MaskInputRejected event for invalid chars. 
        ///     The Text getter returns the formatted text according to the IncludeLiterals and IncludePrompt properties.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskedTextBoxTextEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        DefaultValue(""), // This property is shadowed by MaskedTextBoxDesigner.
        public override string Text
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] || this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT]) 
                    return base.Text;

                return TextOutput;
                if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                    base.Text = value;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    // reset the input text.
                    Delete(Keys.Delete, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length); 
                    if( this.RejectInputOnFirstFailure )
                        MaskedTextResultHint hint;
                        string oldText = TextOutput; 
                        if (this.maskedTextProvider.Set(value, out this.caretTestPos, out hint))
                            //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect ) 
                            if( TextOutput != oldText )
                            this.SelectionStart = ++this.caretTestPos;
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint)); 
                        Replace(value, /*startPosition*/ 0, /*selectionLen*/ this.maskedTextProvider.Length);

        ///     Returns the length of the displayed text.  See VSW#502543.
        [Browsable( false )]
        public override int TextLength 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] )
                    return base.TextLength;

                // In Win9x systems TextBoxBase.TextLength calls Text.Length directly and does not query the window for the actual text length. 
                // If TextMaskFormat is set to a anything different from IncludePromptAndLiterals or HidePromptOnLeave is true the return value
                // may be incorrect because the Text property value and the display text may be different.  We need to handle this here. 
                return GetFormattedDisplayString().Length;

        ///     The formatted text, it is what the Text getter returns when a mask has been applied to the control. 
        ///     The text format follows the IncludeLiterals and IncludePrompt properties (See MaskedTextProvider.ToString()).
        private string TextOutput 
                Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString();
        ///     Gets or sets how text is aligned in the control.
        ///     Note: This code is duplicated in TextBox for simplicity. 
        public HorizontalAlignment TextAlign
                return textAlign;
                if (textAlign != value) 
                    //verify that 'value' is a valid enum type... 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Left, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Center))
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(HorizontalAlignment)); 
                    textAlign = value; 
        ///     Event to notify the text alignment has changed. 
        public event EventHandler TextAlignChanged
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED, value);
        ///    Specifies the formatting options for text output (Whether the mask returned from the Text
        ///    property includes Literals and/or prompt characters). 
        ///    When prompt characters are excluded, theyare returned as spaces in the string returned.
        public MaskFormat TextMaskFormat 
                if( this.IncludePrompt ) 
                    if( this.IncludeLiterals ) 
                        return MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals;

                    return MaskFormat.IncludePrompt;
                if( this.IncludeLiterals )
                    return MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals; 
                return MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals;

                if( this.TextMaskFormat == value ) 

                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals, (int)MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals))
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(MaskFormat));
                // Changing the TextMaskFormat will likely change the 'output' text (Text getter value).  Cache old value to
                // verify it against the new value and raise OnTextChange if needed. 
                string oldText = this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ? null : TextOutput;

                if( value == MaskFormat.IncludePrompt )
                    this.IncludePrompt   = true;
                    this.IncludeLiterals = false; 
                else if( value == MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals )
                    this.IncludePrompt   = false;
                    this.IncludeLiterals = true;
                else // value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals || value == MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals 
                    bool include = value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals; 
                    this.IncludePrompt   = include; 
                    this.IncludeLiterals = include;

                if( oldText != null && oldText != TextOutput )

        ///    Provides some interesting information for the TextBox control in String form.
        ///    Returns the test string (no password, including literals and prompt).
        public override string ToString() 
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                return base.ToString();

            // base.ToString will call Text, we want to always display prompt and literals.
            bool includePrompt = this.IncludePrompt;
            bool includeLits   = this.IncludeLiterals; 
            string str;
                this.IncludePrompt = this.IncludeLiterals = true;
                str = base.ToString(); 
                this.IncludePrompt = includePrompt; 
                this.IncludeLiterals = includeLits;
            return str;

        ///     Event to notify when the validating object completes parsing the formatted text.
        public event TypeValidationEventHandler TypeValidationCompleted 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED, value);

        ///    Indicates if the text in the edit control should appear as the default password character. 
        ///    This property has precedence over the PasswordChar property.
        public bool UseSystemPasswordChar 
                return this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR];
                if (value != this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR])
                    if (value)
                        if( this.SystemPasswordChar == this.PromptChar ) 
                            // Prompt and password chars must be different. 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) );

                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = this.SystemPasswordChar; 
                        // this.passwordChar could be '\0', in which case we are resetting the display to show the input char.
                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = this.passwordChar; 

                    this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR] = value;
                    if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
        ///     Type of the object to be used to parse the text when the user leaves the control.
        ///     A ValidatingType object must implement a method with one fo the following signature:
        ///         public static Object Parse(string) 
        ///         public static Object Parse(string, IFormatProvider)
        ///     See DateTime.Parse(...) for an example. 
        public Type ValidatingType
                return this.validatingType; 
                if( this.validatingType != value )
                    this.validatingType = value; 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new bool WordWrap
            get { return false; }
            set {}

        ////////////// Methods 
        ///     Clears information about the most recent operation from the undo buffer of the control. 
        ///     Unsupported property/method.
        public new void ClearUndo() 
        ///     Creates a handle for this control. This method is called by the .NET Framework, this should
        ///     not be called. Inheriting classes should always call base.createHandle when overriding this method.
        ///     Overridden to be able to set the control text with the masked (passworded) value when recreating 
        ///     handle, since the underlying native edit control is not aware of it.
        UIPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) 
        protected override void CreateHandle()
            if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] && RecreatingHandle) 
                // update cached text value in Control. Don't preserve caret, cannot query for selection start at this time. 
                SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), false, false); 

        ///     Deletes characters from the control's text according to the key pressed (Delete/Backspace). 
        ///     Returns true if something gets actually deleted, false otherwise. 
        private void Delete(Keys keyCode, int startPosition, int selectionLen) 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            Debug.Assert( keyCode == Keys.Delete || keyCode == Keys.Back, "Delete called with keyCode == " + keyCode.ToString() );
            Debug.Assert( startPosition >= 0 && ((startPosition + selectionLen) <= this.maskedTextProvider.Length), "Invalid position range." ); 

            // On backspace, moving the start postion back by one has the same effect as delete.  If text is selected, there is no 
            // need for moving the position back. 

            this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 

            if( selectionLen == 0 )
                if( keyCode == Keys.Back ) 
                    if( startPosition == 0 ) // At beginning of string, backspace does nothing. 

                    startPosition--; // so it can be treated as delete.
                else // (keyCode == Keys.Delete) 
                    if( (startPosition + selectionLen) == this.maskedTextProvider.Length ) // At end of string, delete does nothing. 

            int tempPos; 
            int endPos = selectionLen > 0 ? startPosition + selectionLen - 1 : startPosition;
            MaskedTextResultHint hint; 
            string oldText = TextOutput;
            if (this.maskedTextProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPos, out tempPos, out hint)) 
                //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect) // Text was changed.
                if( TextOutput != oldText )
                    this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 
                    // If succeeded but nothing removed, the caret should move as follows:
                    // 1. If selectionLen > 0, or on back and hint == SideEffect: move to selectionStart.
                    // 2. If hint == NoEffect, On Delete move to next edit position, if any or not already in one.
                    //    On back move to the next edit postion at the left if no more assigned position at the right, 
                    //    in such case find an assigned position and move one past or one position left if no assigned pos found
                    //    (taken care by 'startPosition--' above). 
                    // 3. If hint == SideEffect, on Back move like arrow key, (startPosition is already moved, startPosition-- above). 

                    if( selectionLen > 0 ) 
                        this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                        if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect ) // Case 2. 
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Delete )
                                this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, forward);
                                if( this.maskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( startPosition, forward ) == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                                    // No assigned position at the right, nothing to shift then move to the next assigned position at the 
                                    // left (if any).
                                    this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom(startPosition, backward); 
                                    // there are assigned positions at the right so move to an edit position at the left to get ready for 
                                    // removing the character on it or just shifting the characters at the right
                                    this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, backward); 

                                if( this.caretTestPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                                    this.caretTestPos++; // backspace gets ready to remove one position past the edit position.

                            if( this.caretTestPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                                this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                        else // (hint == MaskedTextProvider.OperationHint.SideEffect)
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Back )  // Case 3. 
                                this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(tempPos, hint));
            // Reposition caret.  Call base.SelectInternal for perf reasons.
            //this.SelectionLength = 0; 
            //this.SelectionStart  = this.caretTestPos; // new caret position.
            base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

        ///     Returns the character nearest to the given point.
        public override char GetCharFromPosition(Point pt)
            char ch;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                ch = base.GetCharFromPosition(pt);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return ch;

        ///     Returns the index of the character nearest to the given point.
        public override int GetCharIndexFromPosition(Point pt)
            int index;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true; 
                index = base.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return index; 
        ///     Returns the position of the last input character (or if available, the next edit position).
        ///     This is used by base.AppendText.
        internal override int GetEndPosition()
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                return base.GetEndPosition(); 

            int pos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom( this.maskedTextProvider.LastAssignedPosition + 1, forward );
            if( pos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                pos = this.maskedTextProvider.LastAssignedPosition + 1; 
            return pos;

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new int GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine()
            return 0;

        ///     Unsupported method/property. 
        public new int GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(int lineNumber)
            return 0;
        ///     Gets the string in the text box following the formatting parameters includePrompt and includeLiterals and 
        ///     honoring the PasswordChar property.
        private string GetFormattedDisplayString()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            bool includePrompt; 

            if (this.ReadOnly) // Always hide prompt. 
                includePrompt = false;
            else if (this.DesignMode) // Not RO and at design time, always show prompt. 
                includePrompt = true; 
            else // follow HidePromptOnLeave property.
                includePrompt = !(this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.Focused);

            return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(/*ignorePwdChar */ false, includePrompt, /*includeLiterals*/ true, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length); 
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        public override int GetLineFromCharIndex(int index)
            return 0; 
        ///     Returns the location of the character at the given index.
        public override Point GetPositionFromCharIndex(int index) 
            Point pos; 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                pos = base.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false; 
            return pos;

        ///     Need to override this method so when get_Text is called we return the text that is actually
        ///     painted in the control so measuring text works on the actual text and not the formatted one. 
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedConstraints) 
            Size size;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                size = base.GetPreferredSizeCore( proposedConstraints ); 
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return size;

        ///     The selected text in the control according to the CutCopyMaskFormat properties (IncludePrompt/IncludeLiterals).
        ///     This is used in Cut/Copy operations (SelectedText). 
        ///     The prompt character is always replaced with a blank character. 
        private string GetSelectedText() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            int selStart, selLength; 
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selStart, out selLength );
            if( selLength == 0 ) 
                return string.Empty; 

            bool includePrompt   = (CutCopyMaskFormat & MaskFormat.IncludePrompt  ) != 0;
            bool includeLiterals = (CutCopyMaskFormat & MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals) != 0; 

            return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString( /*ignorePasswordChar*/ true, includePrompt, includeLiterals, selStart, selLength ); 

        protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e)
            // VSWhidbey 465708. Force repainting of the entire window frame
            if (Application.RenderWithVisualStyles && this.IsHandleCreated && this.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) 
                SafeNativeMethods.RedrawWindow(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), null, NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, NativeMethods.RDW_INVALIDATE | NativeMethods.RDW_FRAME);

        ///    Overridden to update the newly created handle with the settings of the PasswordChar properties 
        ///    if no mask has been set.
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) 

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword )

        ///    Raises the IsOverwriteModeChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnIsOverwriteModeChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED] as EventHandler;
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e);
        ///     Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                // Operates as a regular text box base. 

            Keys keyCode = e.KeyCode;

            // Special-case Return & Esc since they generate invalid characters we should not process OnKeyPress. 
            if( keyCode == Keys.Return || keyCode == Keys.Escape )
                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = false; 

            // Insert is toggled when not modified with some other key (ctrl, shift...).  Note that shift-Insert is
            // same as paste.
            if (keyCode == Keys.Insert && e.Modifiers == Keys.None && this.insertMode == InsertKeyMode.Default) 
                this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED] = !this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED]; 

            if (e.Control && char.IsLetter((char)keyCode))
                switch (keyCode) 
                    // Unsupported keys should not be handled to allow generatating the corresponding message 
                    // which is handled in the WndProc. 
                    //case Keys.Z:  // ctrl-z == Undo.
                    //case Keys.Y:  // ctrl-y == Redo. 
                    //    e.Handled = true;
                    //    return;

                    // Note: Ctrl-Insert (Copy -Shortcut.CtrlIns) and Shft-Insert (Paste - Shortcut.ShiftIns) are 
                    // handled by the base class and behavior depend on ShortcutsEnabled property.
                    // Special cases: usually cases where the native edit control would modify the mask. 
                    case Keys.H:  // ctrl-h == Backspace == '\b'
                        keyCode = Keys.Back; // handle it below. 

                        // Next OnKeyPress should not be handled to allow Ctrl- to be processed in the 
                        // base class so corresponding messages can be generated (WM_CUT/WM_COPY/WM_PASTE).
                        // Combined characters don't generate OnKeyDown by themselves but they generate OnKeyPress. 
                        this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = false; 

            if ( keyCode == Keys.Delete || keyCode == Keys.Back ) // Deletion keys.
                if (!this.ReadOnly)
                    int selectionLen; 
                    int startPosition;
                    base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out startPosition, out selectionLen );

                    switch (e.Modifiers)
                        case Keys.Shift:
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Delete ) 
                                keyCode = Keys.Back;
                            goto default;

                        case Keys.Control:
                            if( selectionLen == 0 ) // In other case, the selected text should be deleted. 
                                if( keyCode == Keys.Delete ) // delete to the end of the string. 
                                    selectionLen = this.maskedTextProvider.Length - startPosition;
                                else // ( keyCode == Keys.Back ) // delete to the beginning of the string.
                                    selectionLen = startPosition == this.maskedTextProvider.Length /*at end of text*/ ? startPosition : startPosition + 1;
                                    startPosition     = 0; 
                            goto default; 

                            if( !this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] )
                                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
                    // Handle special case when using Korean IME and ending a composition. 
                    /*  This code is no longer needed after fixing bug#517013 - Left here for reference DON'T DELETE.
                    if ((ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable) && this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION])
                        // Korean IME & Edit control weirdness in action:
                        // When pressing Del/Esc/Enter/BckSpc during a composition, the character is converted and a 
                        // corresponding WM_IME_CHAR in placed in the app queue. 

                        if(keyCode == Keys.Back && selectionLen == 0) 
                            // After the WM_IME_CHAR message is processed, a WM_CHAR message is queued for the backspace; the
                            // edit control processes the message deleting the previous character.  Since we don't pass this
                            // message to the edit control we need to do it ourselves (move position one ahead because it is 
                            // set at the composition window which is inserted in the test string.
                            // Note: If the converted character is invalid and there is a character already placed in the previous
                            // position, it will be deleted.  THIS IS BY DESIGN: It is exactly like the user performing the convertion 
                            // and then pressing backspace, there's no way to differenciate these two scenarios.
                            // See VSWhidbey#200690 for the sequence of messages generated.
                    Delete(keyCode, startPosition, selectionLen); 
                    e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

        ///     Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                // Operates as a regular text box base.

            // This key may be a combined key involving a letter, like Ctrl-A; let the native control handle it. 
            if( !this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] )
                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
                // When the combined key involves a letter, the final character is not a letter. There are some
                // Ctrl combined keys that generate a letter and can be confusing; we do not mean to pass those 
                // characters to the underlying Edit control.  These combinations are: Ctrl-F<#> and Ctrl-Atl- 
                if (!char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar))
            if( !this.ReadOnly)
                // At this point the character needs to be processed ... 

                MaskedTextResultHint hint; 

                int selectionStart;
                int selectionLen;
                base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selectionStart, out selectionLen );
                string oldText = TextOutput; 
                if (PlaceChar(e.KeyChar, selectionStart, selectionLen, this.IsOverwriteMode, out hint))
                    //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect )
                    if( TextOutput != oldText )
                        SetText(); // Now set the text in the display. 
                    this.SelectionStart = ++this.caretTestPos; // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar. 

                    if (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable) 
                        // Korean IMEs complete composition when a character has been fully converted, so the composition string
                        // is only one-character long; once composed we block the IME if there ins't more room in the test string.
                        int editPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindUnassignedEditPositionFrom(this.caretTestPos, forward);
                        if (editPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex) 
                            ImeComplete();  // Force completion of compostion.
                    OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint)); // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar.
                if( selectionLen > 0 )
                    this.SelectionLength = 0;

                e.Handled = true; 
        /// Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)

            // KeyUp is the last message to be processed so it is the best place to reset these flags. 
            if (this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING])
                this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING] = false;

            if( this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] ) 
                this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] = false; 
        ///    Raises the MaskChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnMaskChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_MASKCHANGED] as EventHandler; 

            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 
        ///     Raises the MaskInputRejected event. 
        private void OnMaskInputRejected(MaskInputRejectedEventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

            if (this.BeepOnError) 
                System.Media.SoundPlayer sp = new System.Media.SoundPlayer();

            MaskInputRejectedEventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED] as MaskInputRejectedEventHandler;
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        protected override void OnMultilineChanged(EventArgs e) 

        ///    Raises the TextAlignChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnTextAlignChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e);
        ///     Raises the TypeValidationCompleted event. 
        private void OnTypeValidationCompleted(TypeValidationEventArgs e)
            TypeValidationEventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED] as TypeValidationEventHandler; 
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 

        ///     Raises the  System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validating event.
        ///     Overridden here to be able to control the order validating events are 
        ///     raised [TypeValidationCompleted - Validating - Validated - Leave - KillFocus]
        protected override void OnValidating(CancelEventArgs e)
            // Note: It seems impractical to perform type validation here if the control is read only but we need
            // to be consistent with other TextBoxBase controls which don't check for RO; and we don't want
            // to fix them to avoid introducing breaking changes.
        ///    Raises the TextChanged event and related Input/Output text events when mask is null. 
        ///    Overriden here to be able to control order of text changed events.
        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
            // A text changed event handler will most likely query for the Text value, we need to return the
            // formatted one. 
            bool queryBaseText = this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT]; 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = queryBaseText; 
        ///     Replaces the current selection in the text box specified by the startPosition and selectionLen parameters
        ///     with the contents of the supplied string.
        private void Replace(string text, int startPosition, int selectionLen) 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 
            Debug.Assert(text != null, "text is null."); 

            // Clone the MaskedTextProvider so text properties are not modified until the paste operation is 
            // completed.  This is needed in case one of these properties is retreived in a MaskedInputRejected
            // event handler (clipboard text is attempted to be set into the input text char by char).

            MaskedTextProvider clonedProvider = (MaskedTextProvider) this.maskedTextProvider.Clone(); 

            // Cache the current caret position so we restore it in case the text does not change. VSW#498875. 
            int currentCaretPos = this.caretTestPos; 

            // First replace characters in the selection (if any and if any edit positions) until completed, or the test position falls 
            // outside the selection range, or there's no more room in the test string for editable characters.
            // Then insert any remaining characters from the input.

            MaskedTextResultHint hint = MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect; 
            int endPos = startPosition + selectionLen - 1;
            if( this.RejectInputOnFirstFailure ) 
                bool succeeded; 

                succeeded = (startPosition > endPos) ?
                    clonedProvider.InsertAt(text, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint ) :
                    clonedProvider.Replace(text, startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out hint); 

                if( !succeeded ) 
                    OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint));
                // temp hint used to preserve the 'primary' operation hint (no side effects). 
                MaskedTextResultHint tempHint = hint;
                int testPos; 
                foreach (char ch in text)
                    if( !this.maskedTextProvider.VerifyEscapeChar( ch, startPosition ))  // char won't be escaped, find and edit position for it.
                        // Observe that we look for a position w/o respecting the selection length, because the input text could be larger than
                        // the number of edit positions in the selection. 
                        testPos = clonedProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, forward);
                        if( testPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                            // this will continue to execute (fail) until the end of the text so we fire the event for each remaining char. 
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition));
                        startPosition = testPos;
                    int length = endPos >= startPosition ? 1 : 0;
                    // if length > 0 we are (re)placing the input char in the current startPosition, otherwise we are inserting the input.
                    bool replace = length > 0;

                    if (PlaceChar(clonedProvider, ch, startPosition, length, replace, out tempHint)) 
                        // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar call. 
                        startPosition = this.caretTestPos + 1; 

                        // place char will insert or replace a single character so the hint must be success, and that will be the final operation 
                        // result hint.
                        if (tempHint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success && hint != tempHint)
                            hint = tempHint; 
                        OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, tempHint)); 

                if (selectionLen > 0) 
                    // At this point we have processed all characters from the input text (if any) but still need to 
                    // remove remaining characters from the selected text (if editable and valid chars). 

                    if (startPosition <= endPos) 
                        if (!clonedProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out tempHint))
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, tempHint)); 
                        // If 'replace' is not actually performed (maybe the input is empty which means 'remove', hint will be whatever 
                        // the 'remove' operation result hint is.
                        if (hint == MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect && hint != tempHint) 
                            hint = tempHint;
            bool updateText = TextOutput != clonedProvider.ToString();
            // Always set the mtp, the formatted text could be the same but the assigned positions may be different.
            this.maskedTextProvider = clonedProvider;

            // Update text if needed. 
            if( updateText )

                // Update caret position. 
                this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );
                this.caretTestPos = currentCaretPos; 


        ///     Pastes specified text over the currently selected text (if any) shifting upper characters if 
        ///     input is longer than selected text, and/or removing remaining characters from the selection if
        ///     input contains less characters. 
        private void PasteInt( string text )
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            int selStart, selLength;
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength(out selStart, out selLength); 

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ) 
                Delete( Keys.Delete, selStart, selLength );
                Replace(text, selStart, selLength);
        ///     Performs validation of the input string using the provided ValidatingType object (if any).
        ///     Returns an object created from the formatted text. 
        ///     If the CancelEventArgs param is not null, it is assumed the control is leaving focus and
        ///     the validation event chain is being executed (TypeValidationCompleted - Validating - Validated...);
        ///     the value of the CancelEventArgs.Cancel property is the same as the TypeValidationEventArgs.Cancel
        ///     on output (Cancel provides proper handling of focus shifting at the Control class level). 
        ///     Note: The text being validated does not include prompt chars.
        private object PerformTypeValidation(CancelEventArgs e) 
            object parseRetVal = null; 

            if (this.validatingType != null)
                string message = null; 

                if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& this.maskedTextProvider.MaskCompleted == false) 
                    message = SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxIncompleteMsg);
                    string textValue;
                    if( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) // replace prompt with space.
                        textValue = this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(/*includePrompt*/ false, this.IncludeLiterals); 
                        textValue = base.Text;
                        parseRetVal = Formatter.ParseObject( 
                            textValue,              // data
                            this.validatingType,    // targetType 
                            typeof(string),         // sourceType
                            null,                   // targetConverter
                            null,                   // sourceConverter
                            this.formatProvider,    // formatInfo 
                            null,                   // nullValue
                            Formatter.GetDefaultDataSourceNullValue(this.validatingType));   // dataSourceNullValue 
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(exception))

                        if (exception.InnerException != null) // Outer exception is a generic TargetInvocationException. 
                            exception = exception.InnerException;

                        message = exception.GetType().ToString() + ": " + exception.Message;

                bool isValidInput = false; 
                if (message == null) 
                    isValidInput = true; 
                    message = SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxTypeValidationSucceeded);

                TypeValidationEventArgs tve = new TypeValidationEventArgs(this.validatingType, isValidInput, parseRetVal, message); 
                if( e != null ) 
                    e.Cancel = tve.Cancel; 

            return parseRetVal; 
        ///     Insert or replaces the specified character into the control's text and updates the caret position.
        ///     If overwrite is true, it replaces the character at the selection start position. 
        private bool PlaceChar(char ch, int startPosition, int length, bool overwrite,
            out MaskedTextResultHint hint)
            return PlaceChar(this.maskedTextProvider, ch, startPosition, length, overwrite, out hint );
        ///     Override version to be able to perform the operation on a cloned provider. 
        private bool PlaceChar(MaskedTextProvider provider, char ch, int startPosition, int length, bool overwrite,
            out MaskedTextResultHint hint)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 

            if (startPosition < this.maskedTextProvider.Length) 
                if (length > 0)  // Replacing selection with input char.
                    int endPos = startPosition + length - 1; 
                    return provider.Replace(ch, startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out hint);
                    if (overwrite) 
                        // overwrite character at next edit position from startPosition (inclusive).
                        return provider.Replace(ch, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint);
                    else // insert.
                        return provider.InsertAt(ch, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint); 

            hint = MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition;
            return false; 
        ///     :
        ///     Processes a command key. This method is called during message 
        ///     pre-processing to handle command keys. Command keys are keys that always
        ///     take precedence over regular input keys. Examples of command keys
        ///     include accelerators and menu shortcuts. The method must return true to
        ///     indicate that it has processed the command key, or false to indicate 
        ///     that the key is not a command key.
        ///     processCmdKey() first checks if the control has a context menu, and if 
        ///     so calls the menu's processCmdKey() to check for menu shortcuts. If the
        ///     command key isn't a menu shortcut, and if the control has a parent, the 
        ///     key is passed to the parent's processCmdKey() method. The net effect is
        ///     that command keys are "bubbled" up the control hierarchy.
        ///     When overriding processCmdKey(), a control should return true to 
        ///     indicate that it has processed the key. For keys that aren't processed by
        ///     the control, the result of "base.processCmdKey()" should be returned. 
        ///     Controls will seldom, if ever, need to override this method.
        ///     Implements the handling of Ctrl+A (select all). Note: Code copied from TextBox.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
            // The base class should be called first because it implements ShortcutsEnabled,
            // which takes precedence over Ctrl+A 
            bool msgProcessed = base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

            if (!msgProcessed) 
                if ((int)keyData == (int)Shortcut.CtrlA) 
                    msgProcessed = true; // This prevents generating a WM_CHAR for 'A'. 

            return msgProcessed; 
        ///     We need to override this method so we can handle input language changes properly.  Control
        ///     doesn't handle the WM_CHAR messages generated after WM_IME_CHAR messages, it passes them 
        ///     to DefWndProc (the characters would be displayed in the text box always).
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected internal override bool ProcessKeyMessage(ref Message m)
            // call base's method so the WM_CHAR and other messages are processed; this gives Control the 
            // chance to flush all pending WM_CHAR processing after WM_IME_CHAR messages are generated.
            bool msgProcessed = base.ProcessKeyMessage(ref m);

            if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                return msgProcessed; // Operates as a regular text box base.
            // If this WM_CHAR message is sent after WM_IME_CHAR, we ignore it since we already processed
            // the corresponding WM_IME_CHAR message. 

            if( m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_CHAR && base.ImeWmCharsToIgnore > 0 ) {
                return true;    // meaning, we handled the message so it is not passed to the default WndProc.

            return msgProcessed; 

        ///     Designe time support for resetting Culture property..
        private void ResetCulture() 
            this.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new void ScrollToCaret() 
        ///     Sets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object.  Used when the control is initialized
        ///     and one of its properties, backed up by the MaskedTextProvider, changes; this requires
        ///     recreating the provider because it is immutable. 
        private void SetMaskedTextProvider( MaskedTextProvider newProvider ) 
            SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider, null);

        ///     Overload to allow for passing the text when the mask is being changed from null,
        ///     in this case the maskedTextProvider holds backend info only (not the text). 
        private void SetMaskedTextProvider( MaskedTextProvider newProvider, string textOnInitializingMask ) 
            Debug.Assert( newProvider != null, "Initializing from a null MaskProvider ref." );
            // Set R/W properties.
            newProvider.IncludePrompt    = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt;
            newProvider.IncludeLiterals  = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals;
            newProvider.SkipLiterals     = this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals; 
            newProvider.ResetOnPrompt    = this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt;
            newProvider.ResetOnSpace     = this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace; 
            // If mask not initialized and not initializing it, the new provider is just a property backend.
            // Change won't have any effect in text. 
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] && textOnInitializingMask == null)
                this.maskedTextProvider = newProvider;
            int testPos = 0; 
            bool raiseOnMaskInputRejected = false; // Raise if new provider rejects old text.
            MaskedTextResultHint hint = MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect; 
            MaskedTextProvider oldProvider = this.maskedTextProvider;

            // Attempt to add previous text.
            // If the mask is the same, we need to preserve the caret and character positions if the text is added successfully. 
            bool preserveCharPos = oldProvider.Mask == newProvider.Mask;
            // Cache text output text before setting the new provider to determine whether we need to raise the TextChanged event. 
            string oldText;
            // NOTE: Whenever changing the MTP, the text is lost if any character in the old text violates the new provider's mask.

            if( textOnInitializingMask != null ) // Changing Mask (from null), which is the only RO property that requires passing text.
                oldText  = textOnInitializingMask;
                raiseOnMaskInputRejected = !newProvider.Set( textOnInitializingMask, out testPos, out hint ); 
                oldText  = TextOutput;

                // We need to attempt to set the input characters one by one in the edit positions so they are not
                // escaped. 
                int assignedCount = oldProvider.AssignedEditPositionCount;
                int srcPos = 0; 
                int dstPos = 0; 

                while( assignedCount > 0 ) 
                    srcPos = oldProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( srcPos, forward );
                    Debug.Assert( srcPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex, "InvalidIndex unexpected at this time." );
                    if (preserveCharPos)
                        dstPos = srcPos; 
                        dstPos = newProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(dstPos, forward);

                        if (dstPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex) 
                            testPos = newProvider.Length;
                            hint = MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition; 
                    if( !newProvider.Replace( oldProvider[srcPos], dstPos, out testPos, out hint ))
                        preserveCharPos = false; 

                raiseOnMaskInputRejected = !MaskedTextProvider.GetOperationResultFromHint(hint);

            // Set provider.
            this.maskedTextProvider = newProvider; 

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false;

            // Raising events need to be done only after the new provider has been set so the MTB is in a state where properties
            // can be queried from event handlers safely.
            if( raiseOnMaskInputRejected ) 
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(testPos, hint)); 

            if( newProvider.IsPassword ) 
                // Reset native edit control so the MaskedTextBox will take control over the characters that
                // need to be replaced with the password char (the input text characters).
                // MTB takes over. 
            EventArgs e = EventArgs.Empty;
            if (textOnInitializingMask != null /*changing mask from null*/ || oldProvider.Mask != newProvider.Mask)

            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), oldText != TextOutput, preserveCharPos); 

        ///     Sets the control's text to the formatted text obtained from the underlying MaskedTextProvider.
        ///     TextChanged is raised always, this assumes the display or the output text changed.
        ///     The caret position is lost (unless cached somewhere else like when lossing the focus).
        ///     This is the common way of changing the text in the control. 
        private void SetText() 
            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), true, false);

        ///     Sets the control's text to the formatted text obtained from the underlying MaskedTextProvider.
        ///     TextChanged is not raised. [PasswordChar] 
        ///     The caret position is preserved.
        private void SetWindowText() 
            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), false, true); 

        ///     Sets the text directly in the underlying edit control to the value specified. 
        ///     The 'raiseTextChangedEvent' param determines whether TextChanged event is raised or not.
        ///     The 'preserveCaret' param determines whether an attempt to preserve the caret position should be made or not 
        ///     after the call to SetWindowText (WindowText) is performed. 
        private void SetWindowText(string text, bool raiseTextChangedEvent, bool preserveCaret) 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;

                if( preserveCaret ) 
                    this.caretTestPos = this.SelectionStart;

                WindowText = text;  // this calls Win32::SetWindowText directly, no OnTextChanged raised.

                if( raiseTextChangedEvent ) 

                if( preserveCaret ) 
                    this.SelectionStart = this.caretTestPos;
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false; 

        ///     Designe time support for checking if Culture value in the designer should be serialized.
        private bool ShouldSerializeCulture()
            return !CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Equals(this.Culture); 
        ///       Undoes the last edit operation in the text box.
        ///       Unsupported property/method.
        ///       WndProc ignores EM_UNDO. 
        public new void Undo() 

        ///       Forces type validation.  Returns the validated text value.
        public object ValidateText() 
            return PerformTypeValidation(null); 

        ///     Deletes all input characters in the current selection. 
        private bool WmClear() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            if( !this.ReadOnly )
                int selStart, selLength;
                base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selStart, out selLength ); 
                Delete(Keys.Delete, selStart, selLength);
                return true; 

            return false; 

        ///     Copies current selection text to the clipboard, formatted according to the IncludeLiterals properties but 
        ///     ignoring the prompt character.
        ///     Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmCopy()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            if (this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword) // cannot copy password to clipboard.
                return false;
            string text = GetSelectedText();
                // SECREVIEW : Copy needs to work even if the OwnClipboard permission isn't available. We need to assert here.
                //             This assert is ok, observe that if the control is in password mode it won't reach this point, 
                //             see code above.
                //             Be careful if code is added after the security assert, you may need to put it in a try-finally 
                //             block to revert the security assert. 
                if (text.Length == 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Note: Sometimes the above operation throws but it successfully sets the
                // data in the clipboard. This usually happens when the Application's Main 
                // is not attributed with [STAThread].
                if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex)) 
            return true;
        ///     Processes the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message when using Korean IME. 
        ///     Korean IME uses the control's caret as the composition string (it processes only one character at a time), 
        ///     we need to have special message handling for it.
        ///     Returns true if the message is handled, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmImeComposition(ref Message m)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

#if DEBUG 
            if (this.ReadOnly || this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword) 
                // This should have been already handled by the ReadOnly, PasswordChar and ImeMode properties. 
                Debug.Assert(this.ImeMode == ImeMode.Disable, "IME enabled when in RO or Pwd mode.");
            // Non-Korean IMEs complete compositon when all characters in the string has been composed (when user hits enter); 
            // Currently, we don't support checking the composition string characters because it would require similar logic
            // as the MaskedTextBox itself. 
            if (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable)
                byte imeConvertionType = imeConvertionNone;

                // Check if there's an update to the compositon string:
                if ((m.LParam.ToInt32() & NativeMethods.GCS_COMPSTR) != 0) 
                    // The character in the composition has been updated but not yet converted. 
                    imeConvertionType = imeConvertionUpdate; 
                else if ((m.LParam.ToInt32() & NativeMethods.GCS_RESULTSTR) != 0) 
                    // The character(s) in the composition has been fully converted.
                    imeConvertionType = imeConvertionCompleted;

                // Process any update in the composition string. 
                if (imeConvertionType != imeConvertionNone) 
                    if (this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION]) 
                        // If IME is completing the convertion, we don't want to process further characters.
                        return this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING];
            return false; //message not handled.

        ///     Processes the WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION message.
        ///     Returns true if the message is handled, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmImeStartComposition() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            // Position the composition window in a valid place.

            int startPosition, selectionLen;
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out startPosition, out selectionLen ); 

            int startEditPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom( startPosition, forward ); 
            if( startEditPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                if (selectionLen > 0  && (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable))
                    // Korean IME: We need to delete the selected text and reposition the caret so the IME processes one
                    // character only, otherwise it would overwrite the selection with the caret (composition string), 
                    // deleting a portion of the mask.
                    int endEditPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition + selectionLen - 1, backward); 

                    if (endEditPos >= startEditPos) 
                        selectionLen = endEditPos - startEditPos + 1;
                        Delete(Keys.Delete, startEditPos, selectionLen);
                        OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition));
                        return true; 

                // update caret position. 
                if( startPosition != startEditPos )
                    this.caretTestPos   = startEditPos; 
                    this.SelectionStart = this.caretTestPos;

                this.SelectionLength = 0;
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition)); 
                return true;

            return false;

        ///     Processes the WM_PASTE message. Copies the text from the clipboard, if is valid, 
        ///     formatted according to the mask applied to this control.
        ///     Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. 
        private void WmPaste()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

            if( this.ReadOnly ) 

            // Get the text from the clipboard.

            string text; 

                text = Clipboard.GetText(); 
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex)) 

            PasteInt( text );

        private void WmPrint(ref Message m) { 
            base.WndProc(ref m); 
            if ((NativeMethods.PRF_NONCLIENT & (int)m.LParam) != 0 && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles && this.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) {
                try {
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(m.WParam)) {
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Size.Width - 1, this.Size.Height - 1);
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(VisualStyleInformation.TextControlBorder), rect); 
                        rect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                        g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.Window, rect); 
                finally { 

        ///     We need to override the WndProc method to have full control over what characters can be 
        ///     displayed in the text box; particularly, we have special handling when IME is turned on.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            // Handle messages for special cases (unsupported operations or cases where mask doesn not matter). 
            switch (m.Msg)
                case NativeMethods.WM_PRINT: 
                    WmPrint(ref m);
                case NativeMethods.WM_CONTEXTMENU:
                case NativeMethods.EM_CANUNDO:
                    base.ClearUndo(); // resets undo buffer.
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 
                case NativeMethods.EM_SCROLLCARET:  // No scroll for single-line control. 
                case NativeMethods.EM_LIMITTEXT:    // Max/Min text is defined by the mask.
                case NativeMethods.EM_UNDO: 
                case NativeMethods.WM_UNDO:

                    break;  // continue.
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                base.WndProc(ref m); // Operates as a regular text box base.
            switch (m.Msg)
                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: 
                    if( WmImeStartComposition() )
                    goto default;
                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION:
                    this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] = true; 
                    goto default; 

                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_COMPOSITION: 
                    if( WmImeComposition( ref m ) )
                    goto default;
                case NativeMethods.WM_CUT: 
                    if (!this.ReadOnly && WmCopy())
                case NativeMethods.WM_COPY:

                case NativeMethods.WM_PASTE: 

                case NativeMethods.WM_CLEAR: 
                case NativeMethods.WM_KILLFOCUS:
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

                case NativeMethods.WM_SETFOCUS: 
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

                    base.WndProc(ref m);

        ///     Processes the WM_KILLFOCUS message. Updates control's text replacing promp chars with space. 
        private void WmKillFocus() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out this.caretTestPos, out this.lastSelLength ); 

            if (this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.MaskFull) 
                SetWindowText(); // Update text w/ no prompt.
                // We need to update selection info in case the control is queried for it while it doesn't have the focus.
                base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, this.lastSelLength, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

        ///     Processes the WM_SETFOCUS message. Updates control's text with formatted text according to 
        ///     the include prompt property.
        private void WmSetFocus()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            if (this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.MaskFull) // Prompt will show up.
            // Restore previous selection. Do this always (as opposed to within the condition above as in WmKillFocus)
            // because HidePromptOnLeave could have changed while the control did not have the focus.
            base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, this.lastSelLength, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms 
    using System;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
    using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
    ///     MaskedTextBox control definition class. 
    ///     Uses the services from the System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextBoxProvider class. 
    ///     See spec at http://dotnetclient/whidbey/Specs/MaskEdit.doc
    Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskedTextBoxDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
    public class MaskedTextBox : TextBoxBase
        // Consider: The MaskedTextBox control, when initialized with a non-null/empty mask, processes all
        // WM_CHAR messages and always sets the text using the SetWindowText Windows function in the furthest base 
        // class.  This means that the underlying Edit control won't enable Undo operations and the context
        // menu behavior will be a bit different (for instance Copy option is enabled when PasswordChar is set). 
        // To provide Undo functionality and make the context menu behave like the Edit control, we would have 
        // to implement our own.  See for more info
        // about how to do this. See postponed bug VSWhidbey#218402. 

        private const bool   forward         = true;
        private const bool   backward        = false;
        private const string nullMask        = "<>"; // any char/str is OK here. 

        private static readonly object EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED      = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED    = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED       = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_MASKCHANGED            = new object();

        // The native edit control's default password char (per thread). See corresponding property for more info.
        private static char systemPwdChar; 

        // Values to track changes in IME composition string (if any).  Having const variables is a bit more efficient 
        // than having an enum (which creates a class). 
        private const byte imeConvertionNone      = 0;  // no convertion has been performed in the composition string.
        private const byte imeConvertionUpdate    = 1;  // the char being composed has been updated but not coverted yet. 
        private const byte imeConvertionCompleted = 2;  // the char being composed has been fully converted.

        ///////// Instance fields
        // Used for keeping selection when prompt is hidden on leave (text changes).
        private int lastSelLength; 
        // Used for caret positioning.
        private int caretTestPos; 

        // Bit mask - Determines when the Korean IME composition string is completed so converted character can be processed.
        private static int IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION = BitVector32.CreateMask();
        // Bit mask - Determines when the Korean IME is completing a composition, used when forcing convertion.
        private static int IME_COMPLETING = BitVector32.CreateMask(IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION); 
        // Used for handling characters that have a modifier (Ctrl-A, Shift-Del...).
        private static int HANDLE_KEY_PRESS = BitVector32.CreateMask(IME_COMPLETING); 

        // Bit mask - Used to simulate a null mask.  Needed since a MaskedTextProvider object cannot be
        // initialized with a null mask but we need one even in this case as a backend for
        // default properties.  This is to support creating a MaskedTextBox with the default 
        // constructor, specially at design time.
        private static int IS_NULL_MASK = BitVector32.CreateMask(HANDLE_KEY_PRESS); 
        // Bit mask - Used in conjuction with get_Text to return the text that is actually set in the native
        // control.  This is required to be able to measure text correctly (GetPreferredSize) and 
        // to compare against during set_Text (to bail if the same and not to raise TextChanged event).
        private static int QUERY_BASE_TEXT = BitVector32.CreateMask(IS_NULL_MASK);

        // If true, the input text is rejected whenever a character does not comply with the mask; a MaskInputRejected 
        // event is fired for the failing character.
        // If false, characters in the input string are processed one by one accepting the ones that comply 
        // with the mask and raising the MaskInputRejected event for the rejected ones. 
        private static int REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE = BitVector32.CreateMask( QUERY_BASE_TEXT );
        // Bit masks for boolean properties.
        private static int HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE     = BitVector32.CreateMask(REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE);
        private static int BEEP_ON_ERROR            = BitVector32.CreateMask(HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE);
        private static int USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR = BitVector32.CreateMask(BEEP_ON_ERROR); 
        private static int INSERT_TOGGLED           = BitVector32.CreateMask(USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR);
        private static int CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT     = BitVector32.CreateMask(INSERT_TOGGLED); 
        private static int CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS   = BitVector32.CreateMask(CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT); 

        ///////// Properties backend fields. See corresponding property comments for more info. 

        private char                    passwordChar; // control's pwd char, it could be different from the one displayed if using system password.
        private Type                    validatingType;
        private IFormatProvider         formatProvider; 
        private MaskedTextProvider      maskedTextProvider;
        private InsertKeyMode           insertMode; 
        private HorizontalAlignment     textAlign; 

        // Bit vector to represent bool variables. 
        private BitVector32 flagState;

        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object. 
        public MaskedTextBox() 
            MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(nullMask, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = true; 

        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object.
        public MaskedTextBox(string mask) 
            if (mask == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(mask, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false; 
        ///     Constructs the MaskedTextBox with the specified MaskedTextProvider object.
        public MaskedTextBox(MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider) 
            if (maskedTextProvider == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false;

        ///     Initializes the object with the specified MaskedTextProvider object and default 
        ///     property values.
        private void Initialize(MaskedTextProvider maskedTextProvider)
            Debug.Assert(maskedTextProvider != null, "Initializing from a null MaskProvider ref.");
            this.maskedTextProvider = maskedTextProvider;
            // set the initial display text. 
            if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])

            // set default values. 
            this.passwordChar = this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar;
            this.insertMode   = InsertKeyMode.Default; 
            this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE         ] = false;
            this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR                ] = false; 
            this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR     ] = false;
            this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE] = false;

            // CutCopyMaskFormat - set same defaults as TextMaskFormat (IncludePromptAndLiterals). 
            // It is a lot easier to handle this flags individually since that's the way the MaskedTextProvider does it.
            this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT         ] = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt; 
            this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS       ] = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals; 

            // fields for internal use. 
            this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
            this.caretTestPos           = 0;

        /////////////////// Properties 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new bool AcceptsTab
            get { return false; }
            set {}
        ///     Specifies whether the prompt character should be treated as a valid input character or not. 
        ///     The setter resets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object and attempts 
        ///     to add the existing input text (if any) using the new mask, failure is ignored.
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set. 
        public bool AllowPromptAsInput 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.AllowPromptAsInput;
                if( value != this.maskedTextProvider.AllowPromptAsInput ) 
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly ); 
                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new event EventHandler AcceptsTabChanged
            add { }
            remove { } 

        ///     Specifies whether only ASCII characters are accepted as valid input.
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set.
        public bool AsciiOnly
                return this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly;
                if( value != this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly )
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        value );

                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///     Specifies whether to play a beep when the input is not valid according to the mask. 
        public bool BeepOnError 
                return this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR];
                this.flagState[BEEP_ON_ERROR] = value; 
        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in a text box control.
        ///       Unsupported method/property.
        ///       WndProc ignores EM_CANUNDO. 
        public new bool CanUndo
                return false; 
        ///     Returns the parameters needed to create the handle. Inheriting classes
        ///     can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not,
        ///     however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the struct 
        ///     filled up with the basic info.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                // Translate for Rtl if necessary
                HorizontalAlignment align = RtlTranslateHorizontal(textAlign); 
                cp.ExStyle &= ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_RIGHT;   // WS_EX_RIGHT overrides the ES_XXXX alignment styles
                switch (align) 
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_LEFT;
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_CENTER; 
                    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.ES_RIGHT; 

                return cp; 
        ///     The culture that determines the value of the localizable mask language separators and placeholders. 
        public CultureInfo Culture 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.Culture;
                if( value == null ) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(); 

                if( !this.maskedTextProvider.Culture.Equals(value) )
                    // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );
                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///    Specifies the formatting options for text cut/copited to the clipboard (Whether the mask returned from the Text
        ///    property includes Literals and/or prompt characters).
        ///    When prompt characters are excluded, theyare returned as spaces in the string returned. 
        public MaskFormat CutCopyMaskFormat
                if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT] ) 
                    if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] ) 
                        return MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals;
                    return MaskFormat.IncludePrompt;
                if( this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] )
                    return MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals;

                return MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals, (int)MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals))
                      throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(MaskFormat));

                if( value == MaskFormat.IncludePrompt ) 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = true;
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = false; 
                else if( value == MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals )
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = false; 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = true;
                else // value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals || value == MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals 
                    bool include = value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals; 
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDEPROMPT]   = include;
                    this.flagState[CUTCOPYINCLUDELITERALS] = include;
        ///     Specifies the IFormatProvider to be used when parsing the string to the ValidatingType.
        public IFormatProvider FormatProvider
                return this.formatProvider; 

                this.formatProvider = value;

        ///     Specifies whether the PromptCharacter is displayed when the control loses focus.
        public bool HidePromptOnLeave 
                return this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE]; 
                if( this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE]  != value )
                    this.flagState[HIDE_PROMPT_ON_LEAVE] = value;

                    // If the control is not focused and there are available edit positions (mask not full) we need to
                    // update the displayed text. 
                    if( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& !this.Focused && !this.MaskFull && !this.DesignMode )

        ///     Specifies whether to include mask literal characters when formatting the text.
        private bool IncludeLiterals 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals;
                this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals = value; 
        ///     Specifies whether to include the mask prompt character when formatting the text in places
        ///     where an edit char has not being assigned.
        private bool IncludePrompt
                return this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt = value; 
        ///     Specifies the text insertion mode of the text box.  This can be used to simulated the Access masked text 
        ///     control behavior where insertion is set to TextInsertionMode.AlwaysOverwrite
        ///     This property has no particular effect if no mask has been set.
        public InsertKeyMode InsertKeyMode 
                return this.insertMode; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)InsertKeyMode.Default, (int)InsertKeyMode.Overwrite)) 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(InsertKeyMode));
                if (this.insertMode != value)
                    bool isOverwrite = this.IsOverwriteMode; 
                    this.insertMode  = value;
                    if (isOverwrite != this.IsOverwriteMode)

        ///     Overridden to handle unsupported RETURN key.
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData)
            if ((keyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.Return)
                return false; 
            return base.IsInputKey(keyData); 

        ///     Specifies whether text insertion mode in 'on' or not. 
        public bool IsOverwriteMode 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                    return false; // EditBox always inserts. 

                switch (this.insertMode) 
                    case InsertKeyMode.Overwrite:
                        return true;
                    case InsertKeyMode.Insert:
                        return false; 
                    case InsertKeyMode.Default:
                        // Note that the insert key state should be per process and its initial state insert, this is the
                        // behavior of apps like WinWord, WordPad and VS; so we have to keep track of it and not query its
                        // system value.
                        //return Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Insert); 
                        return this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED];
                        Debug.Fail("Invalid InsertKeyMode.  This code path should have never been executed.");
                        return false; 

        ///   Event to notify when the insert mode has changed.  This is required for data binding. 
        public event EventHandler IsOverwriteModeChanged 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED, value);
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED, value);
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new string[] Lines 
                string[] lines;

                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                    lines = base.Lines; 
                    this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;

                return lines; 
            set {} 
        ///     The mask applied to this control.  The setter resets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object and attempts
        ///     to add the existing input text (if any) using the new mask, failure is ignored.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskPropertyEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor))
        public string Mask
                return this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]? string.Empty : this.maskedTextProvider.Mask; 
                // We dont' do anything if:
                // 1.  IsNullOrEmpty( value )->[Reset control] && this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]==>Already Reset. 
                // 2. !IsNullOrEmpty( value )->[Set control] && !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK][control is set] && [value is the same]==>No need to update. 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] == string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) && (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] || value == this.maskedTextProvider.Mask) ) 
                string text    = null;
                string newMask = value; 
                // We need to update the this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]field before raising any events (when setting the maskedTextProvider) so
                // querying for properties from an event handler returns the right value (i.e: Text). 

                if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) // Resetting the control, the native edit control will be in charge.
                    // Need to get the formatted & unformatted text before resetting the mask, they'll be used to determine whether we need to 
                    // raise the TextChanged event.
                    string formattedText   = TextOutput; 
                    string unformattedText = this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(false, false); 

                    this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = true; 

                    if( this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword )
                    // Set the window text to the unformatted text before raising events. Also, TextChanged needs to be raised after MaskChanged so 
                    // pass false to SetWindowText 'raiseTextChanged' param.
                    SetWindowText(unformattedText, false, false ); 

                    EventArgs e = EventArgs.Empty;


                    if( unformattedText != formattedText ) 

                    newMask = nullMask;
                else    // Setting control to a new value. 
                    foreach( char c in value ) 
                        if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidMaskChar( c ) )
                            // Same message as in SR.MaskedTextProviderMaskInvalidChar in System.txt
                            throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString( SR.MaskedTextBoxMaskInvalidChar) );

                    if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                        // If this.IsNullMask, we are setting the mask to a new value; in this case we need to get the text because
                        // the underlying MTP does not have it (used as a property backend only) and pass it to SetMaskedTextProvider 
                        // method below to update the provider.

                        text = this.Text;
                // Recreate masked text provider since this property is read-only. 
                MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider(
                    this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );
                //text == null when setting to a different mask value or when resetting the mask to null. 
                //text != null only when setting the mask from null to some value.
                SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider, text ); 

        ///   Event to notify when the mask has changed.
        public event EventHandler MaskChanged
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MASKCHANGED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MASKCHANGED, value);
        ///     Specifies whether the test string required input positions, as specified by the mask, have 
        ///     all been assigned. 
        public bool MaskCompleted
                return this.maskedTextProvider.MaskCompleted; 

        ///     Specifies whether all inputs (required and optional) have been provided into the mask successfully.
        public bool MaskFull
                return this.maskedTextProvider.MaskFull;
        ///     Returns a copy of the control's internal MaskedTextProvider.  This is useful for user's to provide
        ///     cloning semantics for the control (we don't want to do it) w/o incurring in any perf penalty since 
        ///     some of the properties require recreating the underlying provider when they are changed.
        public MaskedTextProvider MaskedTextProvider 
                return this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ? null : (MaskedTextProvider) this.maskedTextProvider.Clone();

        ///     Event to notify when an input has been rejected according to the mask. 
        public event MaskInputRejectedEventHandler MaskInputRejected 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED, value);
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED, value);
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     WndProc ignores EM_LIMITTEXT & this is a virtual method. 
        public override int MaxLength 
            get{ return base.MaxLength; } 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        public override bool Multiline 
            get { return false; } 
            set {} 
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new event EventHandler MultilineChanged 
            add { }
            remove { }

        ///     Specifies the character to be used in the formatted string in place of editable characters, if 
        ///     set to any printable character, the text box becomes a password text box, to reset it use the null
        ///     character. 
        DefaultValue('\0') // This property is shadowed by MaskedTextBoxDesigner. 
        public char PasswordChar
                // The password char could be the one set in the control or the system password char,
                // in any case the maskedTextProvider has the correct one. 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar;
                if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidPasswordChar(value) ) // null character accepted (resets value) 
                    // Same message as in SR.MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError.
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxInvalidCharError) );

                if( this.passwordChar != value ) 
                    if( value == this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar )
                        // Prompt and password chars must be different.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) );
                    this.passwordChar = value;
                    // UseSystemPasswordChar take precedence over PasswordChar...Let's check. 
                    if (!this.UseSystemPasswordChar)
                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = value;

                        if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])


        ///     Determines if the control is in password protect mode.
        internal override bool PasswordProtect
                if( this.maskedTextProvider != null ) // could be queried during object construction. 
                     return this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword; 
                return base.PasswordProtect;

        ///     Specifies the prompt character to be used in the formatted string for unsupplied characters. 
        public char PromptChar 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar;
                if( !MaskedTextProvider.IsValidInputChar(value) ) 
                    // This message is the same as the one in SR.MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError.
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxInvalidCharError) ); 

                if( this.maskedTextProvider.PromptChar != value )
                    // We need to check maskedTextProvider password char in case it is using the system password.
                    if( value == this.passwordChar || value == this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar ) 
                        // Prompt and password chars must be different.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) ); 

                    // Recreate masked text provider to be consistent with AllowPromptAsInput - current text may have chars with same value as new prompt.
                    MaskedTextProvider newProvider = new MaskedTextProvider( 
                        this.maskedTextProvider.AsciiOnly );

                    SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider );
        ///     Overwrite base class' property. 
        public new bool ReadOnly
                return base.ReadOnly; 

                if (this.ReadOnly != value)
                    // if true, this disables IME in the base class. 
                    base.ReadOnly = value;
                    if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                        // Prompt will be hidden. 
        ///     Specifies whether to include the mask prompt character when formatting the text in places
        ///     where an edit char has not being assigned. 
        public bool RejectInputOnFirstFailure 
                return this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE];
                this.flagState[REJECT_INPUT_ON_FIRST_FAILURE] = value; 
        ///     Designe time support for resetting the Culture property.
        /* No longer needed since Culture has been removed from the property browser - Left here for documentation. 
        private void ResetCulture() 
            this.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

        ///     Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the input character 
        ///     has the same value as the prompt.  This property takes precedence over AllowPromptAsInput.
        public bool ResetOnPrompt
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt = value;

        ///     Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the input 
        ///     is the space character.
        public bool ResetOnSpace 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace;
                this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace = value;

        ///     Specifies whether to skip the current position if non-editable and the input character has
        ///     the same value as the literal at that position.
        public bool SkipLiterals 
                return this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals; 
                this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals = value;

        ///       The currently selected text (if any) in the control. 
        public override string SelectedText 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                    return base.SelectedText;

                return GetSelectedText(); 
                SetSelectedTextInternal(value, true);
        internal override void SetSelectedTextInternal(string value, bool clearUndo)
            if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                base.SetSelectedTextInternal(value, true); // Operates as a regular text box base. 

            PasteInt( value ); 
        ///     Set the composition string as the result string.
        private void ImeComplete()
            this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING] = true;
        ///     Notifies the IMM about changes to the status of the IME input context.
        private void ImeNotify(int action)
            HandleRef handle    = new HandleRef(this, this.Handle);
            IntPtr inputContext = UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmGetContext(handle); 

            if (inputContext != IntPtr.Zero) 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmNotifyIME(new HandleRef(null, inputContext), NativeMethods.NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, action, 0);
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ImmReleaseContext(handle, new HandleRef(null, inputContext));
                Debug.Fail("Could not get IME input context.");
        ///     Sets the underlying edit control's password char to the one obtained from this.PasswordChar. 
        ///     This is used when the control is passworded and this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]. 
        private void SetEditControlPasswordChar( char pwdChar ) 
            if (this.IsHandleCreated)
                // This message does not return a value. 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, pwdChar, 0);
        ///     The value of the Edit control default password char.
        private char SystemPasswordChar 
                if (MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar == '\0')
                    // This is the hard way to get the password char - left here for information.
                    // It is picked up from Comctl32.dll. If VisualStyles is enabled it will get the dot char.
                    StringBuilder charVal = new StringBuilder(20);  // it could be 0x0000000000009999 format. 
                    bool foundRsc         = false;
                    int IDS_PASSWORDCHAR  = 0x1076; // %ntsdx%\shell\comctrl32\v6\rcids.h 
                                                    // defined in en.rc as: IDS_PASSWORDCHAR "9679" // 0x25cf - Black Circle 


                        // The GetModuleHandle function returns a handle to a mapped module without incrementing its reference count. 
                        // @"C:\windows\winsxs\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.10.0_x-ww_f7fb5805\comctl32.dll if VisulaStyles enabled.
                        IntPtr hModule = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle("comctl32.dll"); 
                        Debug.Assert(hModule != IntPtr.Zero, String.Format("Could not get a handle to comctl32.dll - Error: 0x{0:X8}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
                        foundRsc = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoadString(new HandleRef(null, hModule), IDS_PASSWORDCHAR, charVal, charVal.Capacity);
                    catch( Exception ex )
                        if( ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException( ex ) )

                    MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar = foundRsc ? (char) int.Parse(charVal.ToString()) : MaskedTextProvider.DefaultPasswordChar; 

                    // We need to temporarily create an edit control to get the default password character. 
                    // We cannot use this control because we would have to reset the native control's password char to use
                    // the defult one so we can get it; this would change the text displayed in the box (even for a short time)
                    // opening a sec hole.
                    TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
                    txtBox.UseSystemPasswordChar = true; // this forces the creation of the control handle. 
                    MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar = txtBox.PasswordChar;

                return MaskedTextBox.systemPwdChar; 
        ///     The Text setter validates the input char by char, raising the MaskInputRejected event for invalid chars. 
        ///     The Text getter returns the formatted text according to the IncludeLiterals and IncludePrompt properties.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.MaskedTextBoxTextEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        DefaultValue(""), // This property is shadowed by MaskedTextBoxDesigner.
        public override string Text
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] || this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT]) 
                    return base.Text;

                return TextOutput;
                if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                    base.Text = value;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    // reset the input text.
                    Delete(Keys.Delete, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length); 
                    if( this.RejectInputOnFirstFailure )
                        MaskedTextResultHint hint;
                        string oldText = TextOutput; 
                        if (this.maskedTextProvider.Set(value, out this.caretTestPos, out hint))
                            //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect ) 
                            if( TextOutput != oldText )
                            this.SelectionStart = ++this.caretTestPos;
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint)); 
                        Replace(value, /*startPosition*/ 0, /*selectionLen*/ this.maskedTextProvider.Length);

        ///     Returns the length of the displayed text.  See VSW#502543.
        [Browsable( false )]
        public override int TextLength 
                if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] )
                    return base.TextLength;

                // In Win9x systems TextBoxBase.TextLength calls Text.Length directly and does not query the window for the actual text length. 
                // If TextMaskFormat is set to a anything different from IncludePromptAndLiterals or HidePromptOnLeave is true the return value
                // may be incorrect because the Text property value and the display text may be different.  We need to handle this here. 
                return GetFormattedDisplayString().Length;

        ///     The formatted text, it is what the Text getter returns when a mask has been applied to the control. 
        ///     The text format follows the IncludeLiterals and IncludePrompt properties (See MaskedTextProvider.ToString()).
        private string TextOutput 
                Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
                return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString();
        ///     Gets or sets how text is aligned in the control.
        ///     Note: This code is duplicated in TextBox for simplicity. 
        public HorizontalAlignment TextAlign
                return textAlign;
                if (textAlign != value) 
                    //verify that 'value' is a valid enum type... 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Left, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Center))
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(HorizontalAlignment)); 
                    textAlign = value; 
        ///     Event to notify the text alignment has changed. 
        public event EventHandler TextAlignChanged
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED, value);
        ///    Specifies the formatting options for text output (Whether the mask returned from the Text
        ///    property includes Literals and/or prompt characters). 
        ///    When prompt characters are excluded, theyare returned as spaces in the string returned.
        public MaskFormat TextMaskFormat 
                if( this.IncludePrompt ) 
                    if( this.IncludeLiterals ) 
                        return MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals;

                    return MaskFormat.IncludePrompt;
                if( this.IncludeLiterals )
                    return MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals; 
                return MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals;

                if( this.TextMaskFormat == value ) 

                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals, (int)MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals))
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(MaskFormat));
                // Changing the TextMaskFormat will likely change the 'output' text (Text getter value).  Cache old value to
                // verify it against the new value and raise OnTextChange if needed. 
                string oldText = this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ? null : TextOutput;

                if( value == MaskFormat.IncludePrompt )
                    this.IncludePrompt   = true;
                    this.IncludeLiterals = false; 
                else if( value == MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals )
                    this.IncludePrompt   = false;
                    this.IncludeLiterals = true;
                else // value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals || value == MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals 
                    bool include = value == MaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals; 
                    this.IncludePrompt   = include; 
                    this.IncludeLiterals = include;

                if( oldText != null && oldText != TextOutput )

        ///    Provides some interesting information for the TextBox control in String form.
        ///    Returns the test string (no password, including literals and prompt).
        public override string ToString() 
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                return base.ToString();

            // base.ToString will call Text, we want to always display prompt and literals.
            bool includePrompt = this.IncludePrompt;
            bool includeLits   = this.IncludeLiterals; 
            string str;
                this.IncludePrompt = this.IncludeLiterals = true;
                str = base.ToString(); 
                this.IncludePrompt = includePrompt; 
                this.IncludeLiterals = includeLits;
            return str;

        ///     Event to notify when the validating object completes parsing the formatted text.
        public event TypeValidationEventHandler TypeValidationCompleted 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED, value);

        ///    Indicates if the text in the edit control should appear as the default password character. 
        ///    This property has precedence over the PasswordChar property.
        public bool UseSystemPasswordChar 
                return this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR];
                if (value != this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR])
                    if (value)
                        if( this.SystemPasswordChar == this.PromptChar ) 
                            // Prompt and password chars must be different. 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxPasswordAndPromptCharError) );

                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = this.SystemPasswordChar; 
                        // this.passwordChar could be '\0', in which case we are resetting the display to show the input char.
                        this.maskedTextProvider.PasswordChar = this.passwordChar; 

                    this.flagState[USE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHAR] = value;
                    if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
        ///     Type of the object to be used to parse the text when the user leaves the control.
        ///     A ValidatingType object must implement a method with one fo the following signature:
        ///         public static Object Parse(string) 
        ///         public static Object Parse(string, IFormatProvider)
        ///     See DateTime.Parse(...) for an example. 
        public Type ValidatingType
                return this.validatingType; 
                if( this.validatingType != value )
                    this.validatingType = value; 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new bool WordWrap
            get { return false; }
            set {}

        ////////////// Methods 
        ///     Clears information about the most recent operation from the undo buffer of the control. 
        ///     Unsupported property/method.
        public new void ClearUndo() 
        ///     Creates a handle for this control. This method is called by the .NET Framework, this should
        ///     not be called. Inheriting classes should always call base.createHandle when overriding this method.
        ///     Overridden to be able to set the control text with the masked (passworded) value when recreating 
        ///     handle, since the underlying native edit control is not aware of it.
        UIPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) 
        protected override void CreateHandle()
            if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] && RecreatingHandle) 
                // update cached text value in Control. Don't preserve caret, cannot query for selection start at this time. 
                SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), false, false); 

        ///     Deletes characters from the control's text according to the key pressed (Delete/Backspace). 
        ///     Returns true if something gets actually deleted, false otherwise. 
        private void Delete(Keys keyCode, int startPosition, int selectionLen) 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            Debug.Assert( keyCode == Keys.Delete || keyCode == Keys.Back, "Delete called with keyCode == " + keyCode.ToString() );
            Debug.Assert( startPosition >= 0 && ((startPosition + selectionLen) <= this.maskedTextProvider.Length), "Invalid position range." ); 

            // On backspace, moving the start postion back by one has the same effect as delete.  If text is selected, there is no 
            // need for moving the position back. 

            this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 

            if( selectionLen == 0 )
                if( keyCode == Keys.Back ) 
                    if( startPosition == 0 ) // At beginning of string, backspace does nothing. 

                    startPosition--; // so it can be treated as delete.
                else // (keyCode == Keys.Delete) 
                    if( (startPosition + selectionLen) == this.maskedTextProvider.Length ) // At end of string, delete does nothing. 

            int tempPos; 
            int endPos = selectionLen > 0 ? startPosition + selectionLen - 1 : startPosition;
            MaskedTextResultHint hint; 
            string oldText = TextOutput;
            if (this.maskedTextProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPos, out tempPos, out hint)) 
                //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect) // Text was changed.
                if( TextOutput != oldText )
                    this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 
                    // If succeeded but nothing removed, the caret should move as follows:
                    // 1. If selectionLen > 0, or on back and hint == SideEffect: move to selectionStart.
                    // 2. If hint == NoEffect, On Delete move to next edit position, if any or not already in one.
                    //    On back move to the next edit postion at the left if no more assigned position at the right, 
                    //    in such case find an assigned position and move one past or one position left if no assigned pos found
                    //    (taken care by 'startPosition--' above). 
                    // 3. If hint == SideEffect, on Back move like arrow key, (startPosition is already moved, startPosition-- above). 

                    if( selectionLen > 0 ) 
                        this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                        if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect ) // Case 2. 
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Delete )
                                this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, forward);
                                if( this.maskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( startPosition, forward ) == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                                    // No assigned position at the right, nothing to shift then move to the next assigned position at the 
                                    // left (if any).
                                    this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom(startPosition, backward); 
                                    // there are assigned positions at the right so move to an edit position at the left to get ready for 
                                    // removing the character on it or just shifting the characters at the right
                                    this.caretTestPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, backward); 

                                if( this.caretTestPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                                    this.caretTestPos++; // backspace gets ready to remove one position past the edit position.

                            if( this.caretTestPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                                this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                        else // (hint == MaskedTextProvider.OperationHint.SideEffect)
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Back )  // Case 3. 
                                this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(tempPos, hint));
            // Reposition caret.  Call base.SelectInternal for perf reasons.
            //this.SelectionLength = 0; 
            //this.SelectionStart  = this.caretTestPos; // new caret position.
            base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

        ///     Returns the character nearest to the given point.
        public override char GetCharFromPosition(Point pt)
            char ch;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                ch = base.GetCharFromPosition(pt);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return ch;

        ///     Returns the index of the character nearest to the given point.
        public override int GetCharIndexFromPosition(Point pt)
            int index;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true; 
                index = base.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return index; 
        ///     Returns the position of the last input character (or if available, the next edit position).
        ///     This is used by base.AppendText.
        internal override int GetEndPosition()
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) 
                return base.GetEndPosition(); 

            int pos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom( this.maskedTextProvider.LastAssignedPosition + 1, forward );
            if( pos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                pos = this.maskedTextProvider.LastAssignedPosition + 1; 
            return pos;

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new int GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine()
            return 0;

        ///     Unsupported method/property. 
        public new int GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(int lineNumber)
            return 0;
        ///     Gets the string in the text box following the formatting parameters includePrompt and includeLiterals and 
        ///     honoring the PasswordChar property.
        private string GetFormattedDisplayString()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            bool includePrompt; 

            if (this.ReadOnly) // Always hide prompt. 
                includePrompt = false;
            else if (this.DesignMode) // Not RO and at design time, always show prompt. 
                includePrompt = true; 
            else // follow HidePromptOnLeave property.
                includePrompt = !(this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.Focused);

            return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(/*ignorePwdChar */ false, includePrompt, /*includeLiterals*/ true, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length); 
        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        public override int GetLineFromCharIndex(int index)
            return 0; 
        ///     Returns the location of the character at the given index.
        public override Point GetPositionFromCharIndex(int index) 
            Point pos; 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                pos = base.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index);
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false; 
            return pos;

        ///     Need to override this method so when get_Text is called we return the text that is actually
        ///     painted in the control so measuring text works on the actual text and not the formatted one. 
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedConstraints) 
            Size size;
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;
                size = base.GetPreferredSizeCore( proposedConstraints ); 
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
            return size;

        ///     The selected text in the control according to the CutCopyMaskFormat properties (IncludePrompt/IncludeLiterals).
        ///     This is used in Cut/Copy operations (SelectedText). 
        ///     The prompt character is always replaced with a blank character. 
        private string GetSelectedText() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            int selStart, selLength; 
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selStart, out selLength );
            if( selLength == 0 ) 
                return string.Empty; 

            bool includePrompt   = (CutCopyMaskFormat & MaskFormat.IncludePrompt  ) != 0;
            bool includeLiterals = (CutCopyMaskFormat & MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals) != 0; 

            return this.maskedTextProvider.ToString( /*ignorePasswordChar*/ true, includePrompt, includeLiterals, selStart, selLength ); 

        protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e)
            // VSWhidbey 465708. Force repainting of the entire window frame
            if (Application.RenderWithVisualStyles && this.IsHandleCreated && this.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) 
                SafeNativeMethods.RedrawWindow(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), null, NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, NativeMethods.RDW_INVALIDATE | NativeMethods.RDW_FRAME);

        ///    Overridden to update the newly created handle with the settings of the PasswordChar properties 
        ///    if no mask has been set.
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) 

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword )

        ///    Raises the IsOverwriteModeChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnIsOverwriteModeChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_ISOVERWRITEMODECHANGED] as EventHandler;
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e);
        ///     Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                // Operates as a regular text box base. 

            Keys keyCode = e.KeyCode;

            // Special-case Return & Esc since they generate invalid characters we should not process OnKeyPress. 
            if( keyCode == Keys.Return || keyCode == Keys.Escape )
                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = false; 

            // Insert is toggled when not modified with some other key (ctrl, shift...).  Note that shift-Insert is
            // same as paste.
            if (keyCode == Keys.Insert && e.Modifiers == Keys.None && this.insertMode == InsertKeyMode.Default) 
                this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED] = !this.flagState[INSERT_TOGGLED]; 

            if (e.Control && char.IsLetter((char)keyCode))
                switch (keyCode) 
                    // Unsupported keys should not be handled to allow generatating the corresponding message 
                    // which is handled in the WndProc. 
                    //case Keys.Z:  // ctrl-z == Undo.
                    //case Keys.Y:  // ctrl-y == Redo. 
                    //    e.Handled = true;
                    //    return;

                    // Note: Ctrl-Insert (Copy -Shortcut.CtrlIns) and Shft-Insert (Paste - Shortcut.ShiftIns) are 
                    // handled by the base class and behavior depend on ShortcutsEnabled property.
                    // Special cases: usually cases where the native edit control would modify the mask. 
                    case Keys.H:  // ctrl-h == Backspace == '\b'
                        keyCode = Keys.Back; // handle it below. 

                        // Next OnKeyPress should not be handled to allow Ctrl- to be processed in the 
                        // base class so corresponding messages can be generated (WM_CUT/WM_COPY/WM_PASTE).
                        // Combined characters don't generate OnKeyDown by themselves but they generate OnKeyPress. 
                        this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = false; 

            if ( keyCode == Keys.Delete || keyCode == Keys.Back ) // Deletion keys.
                if (!this.ReadOnly)
                    int selectionLen; 
                    int startPosition;
                    base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out startPosition, out selectionLen );

                    switch (e.Modifiers)
                        case Keys.Shift:
                            if( keyCode == Keys.Delete ) 
                                keyCode = Keys.Back;
                            goto default;

                        case Keys.Control:
                            if( selectionLen == 0 ) // In other case, the selected text should be deleted. 
                                if( keyCode == Keys.Delete ) // delete to the end of the string. 
                                    selectionLen = this.maskedTextProvider.Length - startPosition;
                                else // ( keyCode == Keys.Back ) // delete to the beginning of the string.
                                    selectionLen = startPosition == this.maskedTextProvider.Length /*at end of text*/ ? startPosition : startPosition + 1;
                                    startPosition     = 0; 
                            goto default; 

                            if( !this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] )
                                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
                    // Handle special case when using Korean IME and ending a composition. 
                    /*  This code is no longer needed after fixing bug#517013 - Left here for reference DON'T DELETE.
                    if ((ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable) && this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION])
                        // Korean IME & Edit control weirdness in action:
                        // When pressing Del/Esc/Enter/BckSpc during a composition, the character is converted and a 
                        // corresponding WM_IME_CHAR in placed in the app queue. 

                        if(keyCode == Keys.Back && selectionLen == 0) 
                            // After the WM_IME_CHAR message is processed, a WM_CHAR message is queued for the backspace; the
                            // edit control processes the message deleting the previous character.  Since we don't pass this
                            // message to the edit control we need to do it ourselves (move position one ahead because it is 
                            // set at the composition window which is inserted in the test string.
                            // Note: If the converted character is invalid and there is a character already placed in the previous
                            // position, it will be deleted.  THIS IS BY DESIGN: It is exactly like the user performing the convertion 
                            // and then pressing backspace, there's no way to differenciate these two scenarios.
                            // See VSWhidbey#200690 for the sequence of messages generated.
                    Delete(keyCode, startPosition, selectionLen); 
                    e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

        ///     Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                // Operates as a regular text box base.

            // This key may be a combined key involving a letter, like Ctrl-A; let the native control handle it. 
            if( !this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] )
                this.flagState[HANDLE_KEY_PRESS] = true;
                // When the combined key involves a letter, the final character is not a letter. There are some
                // Ctrl combined keys that generate a letter and can be confusing; we do not mean to pass those 
                // characters to the underlying Edit control.  These combinations are: Ctrl-F<#> and Ctrl-Atl- 
                if (!char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar))
            if( !this.ReadOnly)
                // At this point the character needs to be processed ... 

                MaskedTextResultHint hint; 

                int selectionStart;
                int selectionLen;
                base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selectionStart, out selectionLen );
                string oldText = TextOutput; 
                if (PlaceChar(e.KeyChar, selectionStart, selectionLen, this.IsOverwriteMode, out hint))
                    //if( hint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success || hint == MaskedTextResultHint.SideEffect )
                    if( TextOutput != oldText )
                        SetText(); // Now set the text in the display. 
                    this.SelectionStart = ++this.caretTestPos; // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar. 

                    if (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable) 
                        // Korean IMEs complete composition when a character has been fully converted, so the composition string
                        // is only one-character long; once composed we block the IME if there ins't more room in the test string.
                        int editPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindUnassignedEditPositionFrom(this.caretTestPos, forward);
                        if (editPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex) 
                            ImeComplete();  // Force completion of compostion.
                    OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint)); // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar.
                if( selectionLen > 0 )
                    this.SelectionLength = 0;

                e.Handled = true; 
        /// Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)

            // KeyUp is the last message to be processed so it is the best place to reset these flags. 
            if (this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING])
                this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING] = false;

            if( this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] ) 
                this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] = false; 
        ///    Raises the MaskChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnMaskChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_MASKCHANGED] as EventHandler; 

            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 
        ///     Raises the MaskInputRejected event. 
        private void OnMaskInputRejected(MaskInputRejectedEventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

            if (this.BeepOnError) 
                System.Media.SoundPlayer sp = new System.Media.SoundPlayer();

            MaskInputRejectedEventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_MASKINPUTREJECTED] as MaskInputRejectedEventHandler;
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        ///     virtual method. 
        protected override void OnMultilineChanged(EventArgs e) 

        ///    Raises the TextAlignChanged event.
        protected virtual void OnTextAlignChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_TEXTALIGNCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e);
        ///     Raises the TypeValidationCompleted event. 
        private void OnTypeValidationCompleted(TypeValidationEventArgs e)
            TypeValidationEventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_VALIDATIONCOMPLETED] as TypeValidationEventHandler; 
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, e); 

        ///     Raises the  System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validating event.
        ///     Overridden here to be able to control the order validating events are 
        ///     raised [TypeValidationCompleted - Validating - Validated - Leave - KillFocus]
        protected override void OnValidating(CancelEventArgs e)
            // Note: It seems impractical to perform type validation here if the control is read only but we need
            // to be consistent with other TextBoxBase controls which don't check for RO; and we don't want
            // to fix them to avoid introducing breaking changes.
        ///    Raises the TextChanged event and related Input/Output text events when mask is null. 
        ///    Overriden here to be able to control order of text changed events.
        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
            // A text changed event handler will most likely query for the Text value, we need to return the
            // formatted one. 
            bool queryBaseText = this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT]; 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false;
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = queryBaseText; 
        ///     Replaces the current selection in the text box specified by the startPosition and selectionLen parameters
        ///     with the contents of the supplied string.
        private void Replace(string text, int startPosition, int selectionLen) 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 
            Debug.Assert(text != null, "text is null."); 

            // Clone the MaskedTextProvider so text properties are not modified until the paste operation is 
            // completed.  This is needed in case one of these properties is retreived in a MaskedInputRejected
            // event handler (clipboard text is attempted to be set into the input text char by char).

            MaskedTextProvider clonedProvider = (MaskedTextProvider) this.maskedTextProvider.Clone(); 

            // Cache the current caret position so we restore it in case the text does not change. VSW#498875. 
            int currentCaretPos = this.caretTestPos; 

            // First replace characters in the selection (if any and if any edit positions) until completed, or the test position falls 
            // outside the selection range, or there's no more room in the test string for editable characters.
            // Then insert any remaining characters from the input.

            MaskedTextResultHint hint = MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect; 
            int endPos = startPosition + selectionLen - 1;
            if( this.RejectInputOnFirstFailure ) 
                bool succeeded; 

                succeeded = (startPosition > endPos) ?
                    clonedProvider.InsertAt(text, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint ) :
                    clonedProvider.Replace(text, startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out hint); 

                if( !succeeded ) 
                    OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, hint));
                // temp hint used to preserve the 'primary' operation hint (no side effects). 
                MaskedTextResultHint tempHint = hint;
                int testPos; 
                foreach (char ch in text)
                    if( !this.maskedTextProvider.VerifyEscapeChar( ch, startPosition ))  // char won't be escaped, find and edit position for it.
                        // Observe that we look for a position w/o respecting the selection length, because the input text could be larger than
                        // the number of edit positions in the selection. 
                        testPos = clonedProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition, forward);
                        if( testPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex ) 
                            // this will continue to execute (fail) until the end of the text so we fire the event for each remaining char. 
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition));
                        startPosition = testPos;
                    int length = endPos >= startPosition ? 1 : 0;
                    // if length > 0 we are (re)placing the input char in the current startPosition, otherwise we are inserting the input.
                    bool replace = length > 0;

                    if (PlaceChar(clonedProvider, ch, startPosition, length, replace, out tempHint)) 
                        // caretTestPos is updated in PlaceChar call. 
                        startPosition = this.caretTestPos + 1; 

                        // place char will insert or replace a single character so the hint must be success, and that will be the final operation 
                        // result hint.
                        if (tempHint == MaskedTextResultHint.Success && hint != tempHint)
                            hint = tempHint; 
                        OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, tempHint)); 

                if (selectionLen > 0) 
                    // At this point we have processed all characters from the input text (if any) but still need to 
                    // remove remaining characters from the selected text (if editable and valid chars). 

                    if (startPosition <= endPos) 
                        if (!clonedProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out tempHint))
                            OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(this.caretTestPos, tempHint)); 
                        // If 'replace' is not actually performed (maybe the input is empty which means 'remove', hint will be whatever 
                        // the 'remove' operation result hint is.
                        if (hint == MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect && hint != tempHint) 
                            hint = tempHint;
            bool updateText = TextOutput != clonedProvider.ToString();
            // Always set the mtp, the formatted text could be the same but the assigned positions may be different.
            this.maskedTextProvider = clonedProvider;

            // Update text if needed. 
            if( updateText )

                // Update caret position. 
                this.caretTestPos = startPosition;
                base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, 0, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );
                this.caretTestPos = currentCaretPos; 


        ///     Pastes specified text over the currently selected text (if any) shifting upper characters if 
        ///     input is longer than selected text, and/or removing remaining characters from the selection if
        ///     input contains less characters. 
        private void PasteInt( string text )
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            int selStart, selLength;
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength(out selStart, out selLength); 

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ) 
                Delete( Keys.Delete, selStart, selLength );
                Replace(text, selStart, selLength);
        ///     Performs validation of the input string using the provided ValidatingType object (if any).
        ///     Returns an object created from the formatted text. 
        ///     If the CancelEventArgs param is not null, it is assumed the control is leaving focus and
        ///     the validation event chain is being executed (TypeValidationCompleted - Validating - Validated...);
        ///     the value of the CancelEventArgs.Cancel property is the same as the TypeValidationEventArgs.Cancel
        ///     on output (Cancel provides proper handling of focus shifting at the Control class level). 
        ///     Note: The text being validated does not include prompt chars.
        private object PerformTypeValidation(CancelEventArgs e) 
            object parseRetVal = null; 

            if (this.validatingType != null)
                string message = null; 

                if (!this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]&& this.maskedTextProvider.MaskCompleted == false) 
                    message = SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxIncompleteMsg);
                    string textValue;
                    if( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK]) // replace prompt with space.
                        textValue = this.maskedTextProvider.ToString(/*includePrompt*/ false, this.IncludeLiterals); 
                        textValue = base.Text;
                        parseRetVal = Formatter.ParseObject( 
                            textValue,              // data
                            this.validatingType,    // targetType 
                            typeof(string),         // sourceType
                            null,                   // targetConverter
                            null,                   // sourceConverter
                            this.formatProvider,    // formatInfo 
                            null,                   // nullValue
                            Formatter.GetDefaultDataSourceNullValue(this.validatingType));   // dataSourceNullValue 
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(exception))

                        if (exception.InnerException != null) // Outer exception is a generic TargetInvocationException. 
                            exception = exception.InnerException;

                        message = exception.GetType().ToString() + ": " + exception.Message;

                bool isValidInput = false; 
                if (message == null) 
                    isValidInput = true; 
                    message = SR.GetString(SR.MaskedTextBoxTypeValidationSucceeded);

                TypeValidationEventArgs tve = new TypeValidationEventArgs(this.validatingType, isValidInput, parseRetVal, message); 
                if( e != null ) 
                    e.Cancel = tve.Cancel; 

            return parseRetVal; 
        ///     Insert or replaces the specified character into the control's text and updates the caret position.
        ///     If overwrite is true, it replaces the character at the selection start position. 
        private bool PlaceChar(char ch, int startPosition, int length, bool overwrite,
            out MaskedTextResultHint hint)
            return PlaceChar(this.maskedTextProvider, ch, startPosition, length, overwrite, out hint );
        ///     Override version to be able to perform the operation on a cloned provider. 
        private bool PlaceChar(MaskedTextProvider provider, char ch, int startPosition, int length, bool overwrite,
            out MaskedTextResultHint hint)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            this.caretTestPos = startPosition; 

            if (startPosition < this.maskedTextProvider.Length) 
                if (length > 0)  // Replacing selection with input char.
                    int endPos = startPosition + length - 1; 
                    return provider.Replace(ch, startPosition, endPos, out this.caretTestPos, out hint);
                    if (overwrite) 
                        // overwrite character at next edit position from startPosition (inclusive).
                        return provider.Replace(ch, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint);
                    else // insert.
                        return provider.InsertAt(ch, startPosition, out this.caretTestPos, out hint); 

            hint = MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition;
            return false; 
        ///     :
        ///     Processes a command key. This method is called during message 
        ///     pre-processing to handle command keys. Command keys are keys that always
        ///     take precedence over regular input keys. Examples of command keys
        ///     include accelerators and menu shortcuts. The method must return true to
        ///     indicate that it has processed the command key, or false to indicate 
        ///     that the key is not a command key.
        ///     processCmdKey() first checks if the control has a context menu, and if 
        ///     so calls the menu's processCmdKey() to check for menu shortcuts. If the
        ///     command key isn't a menu shortcut, and if the control has a parent, the 
        ///     key is passed to the parent's processCmdKey() method. The net effect is
        ///     that command keys are "bubbled" up the control hierarchy.
        ///     When overriding processCmdKey(), a control should return true to 
        ///     indicate that it has processed the key. For keys that aren't processed by
        ///     the control, the result of "base.processCmdKey()" should be returned. 
        ///     Controls will seldom, if ever, need to override this method.
        ///     Implements the handling of Ctrl+A (select all). Note: Code copied from TextBox.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
            // The base class should be called first because it implements ShortcutsEnabled,
            // which takes precedence over Ctrl+A 
            bool msgProcessed = base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

            if (!msgProcessed) 
                if ((int)keyData == (int)Shortcut.CtrlA) 
                    msgProcessed = true; // This prevents generating a WM_CHAR for 'A'. 

            return msgProcessed; 
        ///     We need to override this method so we can handle input language changes properly.  Control
        ///     doesn't handle the WM_CHAR messages generated after WM_IME_CHAR messages, it passes them 
        ///     to DefWndProc (the characters would be displayed in the text box always).
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected internal override bool ProcessKeyMessage(ref Message m)
            // call base's method so the WM_CHAR and other messages are processed; this gives Control the 
            // chance to flush all pending WM_CHAR processing after WM_IME_CHAR messages are generated.
            bool msgProcessed = base.ProcessKeyMessage(ref m);

            if (this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                return msgProcessed; // Operates as a regular text box base.
            // If this WM_CHAR message is sent after WM_IME_CHAR, we ignore it since we already processed
            // the corresponding WM_IME_CHAR message. 

            if( m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_CHAR && base.ImeWmCharsToIgnore > 0 ) {
                return true;    // meaning, we handled the message so it is not passed to the default WndProc.

            return msgProcessed; 

        ///     Designe time support for resetting Culture property..
        private void ResetCulture() 
            this.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; 

        ///     Unsupported method/property.
        public new void ScrollToCaret() 
        ///     Sets the underlying MaskedTextProvider object.  Used when the control is initialized
        ///     and one of its properties, backed up by the MaskedTextProvider, changes; this requires
        ///     recreating the provider because it is immutable. 
        private void SetMaskedTextProvider( MaskedTextProvider newProvider ) 
            SetMaskedTextProvider( newProvider, null);

        ///     Overload to allow for passing the text when the mask is being changed from null,
        ///     in this case the maskedTextProvider holds backend info only (not the text). 
        private void SetMaskedTextProvider( MaskedTextProvider newProvider, string textOnInitializingMask ) 
            Debug.Assert( newProvider != null, "Initializing from a null MaskProvider ref." );
            // Set R/W properties.
            newProvider.IncludePrompt    = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludePrompt;
            newProvider.IncludeLiterals  = this.maskedTextProvider.IncludeLiterals;
            newProvider.SkipLiterals     = this.maskedTextProvider.SkipLiterals; 
            newProvider.ResetOnPrompt    = this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnPrompt;
            newProvider.ResetOnSpace     = this.maskedTextProvider.ResetOnSpace; 
            // If mask not initialized and not initializing it, the new provider is just a property backend.
            // Change won't have any effect in text. 
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] && textOnInitializingMask == null)
                this.maskedTextProvider = newProvider;
            int testPos = 0; 
            bool raiseOnMaskInputRejected = false; // Raise if new provider rejects old text.
            MaskedTextResultHint hint = MaskedTextResultHint.NoEffect; 
            MaskedTextProvider oldProvider = this.maskedTextProvider;

            // Attempt to add previous text.
            // If the mask is the same, we need to preserve the caret and character positions if the text is added successfully. 
            bool preserveCharPos = oldProvider.Mask == newProvider.Mask;
            // Cache text output text before setting the new provider to determine whether we need to raise the TextChanged event. 
            string oldText;
            // NOTE: Whenever changing the MTP, the text is lost if any character in the old text violates the new provider's mask.

            if( textOnInitializingMask != null ) // Changing Mask (from null), which is the only RO property that requires passing text.
                oldText  = textOnInitializingMask;
                raiseOnMaskInputRejected = !newProvider.Set( textOnInitializingMask, out testPos, out hint ); 
                oldText  = TextOutput;

                // We need to attempt to set the input characters one by one in the edit positions so they are not
                // escaped. 
                int assignedCount = oldProvider.AssignedEditPositionCount;
                int srcPos = 0; 
                int dstPos = 0; 

                while( assignedCount > 0 ) 
                    srcPos = oldProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( srcPos, forward );
                    Debug.Assert( srcPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex, "InvalidIndex unexpected at this time." );
                    if (preserveCharPos)
                        dstPos = srcPos; 
                        dstPos = newProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(dstPos, forward);

                        if (dstPos == MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex) 
                            testPos = newProvider.Length;
                            hint = MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition; 
                    if( !newProvider.Replace( oldProvider[srcPos], dstPos, out testPos, out hint ))
                        preserveCharPos = false; 

                raiseOnMaskInputRejected = !MaskedTextProvider.GetOperationResultFromHint(hint);

            // Set provider.
            this.maskedTextProvider = newProvider; 

            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] ) 
                this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK] = false;

            // Raising events need to be done only after the new provider has been set so the MTB is in a state where properties
            // can be queried from event handlers safely.
            if( raiseOnMaskInputRejected ) 
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(testPos, hint)); 

            if( newProvider.IsPassword ) 
                // Reset native edit control so the MaskedTextBox will take control over the characters that
                // need to be replaced with the password char (the input text characters).
                // MTB takes over. 
            EventArgs e = EventArgs.Empty;
            if (textOnInitializingMask != null /*changing mask from null*/ || oldProvider.Mask != newProvider.Mask)

            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), oldText != TextOutput, preserveCharPos); 

        ///     Sets the control's text to the formatted text obtained from the underlying MaskedTextProvider.
        ///     TextChanged is raised always, this assumes the display or the output text changed.
        ///     The caret position is lost (unless cached somewhere else like when lossing the focus).
        ///     This is the common way of changing the text in the control. 
        private void SetText() 
            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), true, false);

        ///     Sets the control's text to the formatted text obtained from the underlying MaskedTextProvider.
        ///     TextChanged is not raised. [PasswordChar] 
        ///     The caret position is preserved.
        private void SetWindowText() 
            SetWindowText(GetFormattedDisplayString(), false, true); 

        ///     Sets the text directly in the underlying edit control to the value specified. 
        ///     The 'raiseTextChangedEvent' param determines whether TextChanged event is raised or not.
        ///     The 'preserveCaret' param determines whether an attempt to preserve the caret position should be made or not 
        ///     after the call to SetWindowText (WindowText) is performed. 
        private void SetWindowText(string text, bool raiseTextChangedEvent, bool preserveCaret) 
            this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = true;

                if( preserveCaret ) 
                    this.caretTestPos = this.SelectionStart;

                WindowText = text;  // this calls Win32::SetWindowText directly, no OnTextChanged raised.

                if( raiseTextChangedEvent ) 

                if( preserveCaret ) 
                    this.SelectionStart = this.caretTestPos;
                this.flagState[QUERY_BASE_TEXT] = false; 

        ///     Designe time support for checking if Culture value in the designer should be serialized.
        private bool ShouldSerializeCulture()
            return !CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Equals(this.Culture); 
        ///       Undoes the last edit operation in the text box.
        ///       Unsupported property/method.
        ///       WndProc ignores EM_UNDO. 
        public new void Undo() 

        ///       Forces type validation.  Returns the validated text value.
        public object ValidateText() 
            return PerformTypeValidation(null); 

        ///     Deletes all input characters in the current selection. 
        private bool WmClear() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            if( !this.ReadOnly )
                int selStart, selLength;
                base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out selStart, out selLength ); 
                Delete(Keys.Delete, selStart, selLength);
                return true; 

            return false; 

        ///     Copies current selection text to the clipboard, formatted according to the IncludeLiterals properties but 
        ///     ignoring the prompt character.
        ///     Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmCopy()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            if (this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword) // cannot copy password to clipboard.
                return false;
            string text = GetSelectedText();
                // SECREVIEW : Copy needs to work even if the OwnClipboard permission isn't available. We need to assert here.
                //             This assert is ok, observe that if the control is in password mode it won't reach this point, 
                //             see code above.
                //             Be careful if code is added after the security assert, you may need to put it in a try-finally 
                //             block to revert the security assert. 
                if (text.Length == 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Note: Sometimes the above operation throws but it successfully sets the
                // data in the clipboard. This usually happens when the Application's Main 
                // is not attributed with [STAThread].
                if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex)) 
            return true;
        ///     Processes the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message when using Korean IME. 
        ///     Korean IME uses the control's caret as the composition string (it processes only one character at a time), 
        ///     we need to have special message handling for it.
        ///     Returns true if the message is handled, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmImeComposition(ref Message m)
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

#if DEBUG 
            if (this.ReadOnly || this.maskedTextProvider.IsPassword) 
                // This should have been already handled by the ReadOnly, PasswordChar and ImeMode properties. 
                Debug.Assert(this.ImeMode == ImeMode.Disable, "IME enabled when in RO or Pwd mode.");
            // Non-Korean IMEs complete compositon when all characters in the string has been composed (when user hits enter); 
            // Currently, we don't support checking the composition string characters because it would require similar logic
            // as the MaskedTextBox itself. 
            if (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable)
                byte imeConvertionType = imeConvertionNone;

                // Check if there's an update to the compositon string:
                if ((m.LParam.ToInt32() & NativeMethods.GCS_COMPSTR) != 0) 
                    // The character in the composition has been updated but not yet converted. 
                    imeConvertionType = imeConvertionUpdate; 
                else if ((m.LParam.ToInt32() & NativeMethods.GCS_RESULTSTR) != 0) 
                    // The character(s) in the composition has been fully converted.
                    imeConvertionType = imeConvertionCompleted;

                // Process any update in the composition string. 
                if (imeConvertionType != imeConvertionNone) 
                    if (this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION]) 
                        // If IME is completing the convertion, we don't want to process further characters.
                        return this.flagState[IME_COMPLETING];
            return false; //message not handled.

        ///     Processes the WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION message.
        ///     Returns true if the message is handled, false otherwise. 
        private bool WmImeStartComposition() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            // Position the composition window in a valid place.

            int startPosition, selectionLen;
            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out startPosition, out selectionLen ); 

            int startEditPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom( startPosition, forward ); 
            if( startEditPos != MaskedTextProvider.InvalidIndex )
                if (selectionLen > 0  && (ImeModeConversion.InputLanguageTable == ImeModeConversion.KoreanTable))
                    // Korean IME: We need to delete the selected text and reposition the caret so the IME processes one
                    // character only, otherwise it would overwrite the selection with the caret (composition string), 
                    // deleting a portion of the mask.
                    int endEditPos = this.maskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(startPosition + selectionLen - 1, backward); 

                    if (endEditPos >= startEditPos) 
                        selectionLen = endEditPos - startEditPos + 1;
                        Delete(Keys.Delete, startEditPos, selectionLen);
                        OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition));
                        return true; 

                // update caret position. 
                if( startPosition != startEditPos )
                    this.caretTestPos   = startEditPos; 
                    this.SelectionStart = this.caretTestPos;

                this.SelectionLength = 0;
                OnMaskInputRejected(new MaskInputRejectedEventArgs(startPosition, MaskedTextResultHint.UnavailableEditPosition)); 
                return true;

            return false;

        ///     Processes the WM_PASTE message. Copies the text from the clipboard, if is valid, 
        ///     formatted according to the mask applied to this control.
        ///     Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. 
        private void WmPaste()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." ); 

            if( this.ReadOnly ) 

            // Get the text from the clipboard.

            string text; 

                text = Clipboard.GetText(); 
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex)) 

            PasteInt( text );

        private void WmPrint(ref Message m) { 
            base.WndProc(ref m); 
            if ((NativeMethods.PRF_NONCLIENT & (int)m.LParam) != 0 && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles && this.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) {
                try {
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(m.WParam)) {
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Size.Width - 1, this.Size.Height - 1);
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(VisualStyleInformation.TextControlBorder), rect); 
                        rect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                        g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.Window, rect); 
                finally { 

        ///     We need to override the WndProc method to have full control over what characters can be 
        ///     displayed in the text box; particularly, we have special handling when IME is turned on.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            // Handle messages for special cases (unsupported operations or cases where mask doesn not matter). 
            switch (m.Msg)
                case NativeMethods.WM_PRINT: 
                    WmPrint(ref m);
                case NativeMethods.WM_CONTEXTMENU:
                case NativeMethods.EM_CANUNDO:
                    base.ClearUndo(); // resets undo buffer.
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 
                case NativeMethods.EM_SCROLLCARET:  // No scroll for single-line control. 
                case NativeMethods.EM_LIMITTEXT:    // Max/Min text is defined by the mask.
                case NativeMethods.EM_UNDO: 
                case NativeMethods.WM_UNDO:

                    break;  // continue.
            if( this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK])
                base.WndProc(ref m); // Operates as a regular text box base.
            switch (m.Msg)
                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: 
                    if( WmImeStartComposition() )
                    goto default;
                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION:
                    this.flagState[IME_ENDING_COMPOSITION] = true; 
                    goto default; 

                case NativeMethods.WM_IME_COMPOSITION: 
                    if( WmImeComposition( ref m ) )
                    goto default;
                case NativeMethods.WM_CUT: 
                    if (!this.ReadOnly && WmCopy())
                case NativeMethods.WM_COPY:

                case NativeMethods.WM_PASTE: 

                case NativeMethods.WM_CLEAR: 
                case NativeMethods.WM_KILLFOCUS:
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

                case NativeMethods.WM_SETFOCUS: 
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

                    base.WndProc(ref m);

        ///     Processes the WM_KILLFOCUS message. Updates control's text replacing promp chars with space. 
        private void WmKillFocus() 
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );

            base.GetSelectionStartAndLength( out this.caretTestPos, out this.lastSelLength ); 

            if (this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.MaskFull) 
                SetWindowText(); // Update text w/ no prompt.
                // We need to update selection info in case the control is queried for it while it doesn't have the focus.
                base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, this.lastSelLength, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

        ///     Processes the WM_SETFOCUS message. Updates control's text with formatted text according to 
        ///     the include prompt property.
        private void WmSetFocus()
            Debug.Assert( !this.flagState[IS_NULL_MASK], "This method must be called when a Mask is provided." );
            if (this.HidePromptOnLeave && !this.MaskFull) // Prompt will show up.
            // Restore previous selection. Do this always (as opposed to within the condition above as in WmKillFocus)
            // because HidePromptOnLeave could have changed while the control did not have the focus.
            base.SelectInternal( this.caretTestPos, this.lastSelLength, this.maskedTextProvider.Length );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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