DocumentSequence.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / DocumentSequence.cs / 1305600 / DocumentSequence.cs

//      Copyright (C) 2004 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      Implements the FixedDocumentSequence element 
// History:
//      05/05/2004 - Zhenbin Xu (ZhenbinX) - Created. 
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Utility;                   // ExceptionStringTable 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;    // AutomationPeer 
using System.Windows.Threading;     // Dispatcher
using System.Windows;               // DependencyID etc. 
using System.Windows.Media;         // Visual 
using System.Windows.Markup; // IAddChild, ContentProperty
using System.Windows.Navigation; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings

namespace System.Windows.Documents 
    /// FixedDocumentSequence is a IDocumentPaginatorSource that composites other IDocumentPaginatorSource 
    /// via DocumentReference
    public class FixedDocumentSequence : FrameworkContentElement, IDocumentPaginatorSource, IAddChildInternal, IServiceProvider, IFixedNavigate, IUriContext
        // Connstructors 
        #region Constructors

        static FixedDocumentSequence()
            FocusableProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(FixedDocumentSequence), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
        ///     Default FixedDocumentSequence constructor 
        public FixedDocumentSequence() : base()
        #endregion Constructors 

        // Public Methods

        #region IServiceProvider Members 
        object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)
            if (serviceType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType"); 

            if (serviceType == typeof(ITextContainer)) 
                return this.TextContainer;
            if (serviceType == typeof(RubberbandSelector))
                // create this on demand, but not through the property, only through the 
                // service, so it is only created when it's actually used
                if (_rubberbandSelector == null) 
                    _rubberbandSelector = new RubberbandSelector();
                return _rubberbandSelector; 
            return null; 
        #endregion IServiceProvider Members

        #region IAddChild
        /// Called to Add the object as a Child. 
        /// Object to add as a child 
        void IAddChild.AddChild(Object value)
            if (value == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 

//             Dispatcher.VerifyAccess(); 

            DocumentReference docRef = value as DocumentReference;

            if (docRef == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, value.GetType(), typeof(DocumentReference)), "value"); 

            if (docRef.IsInitialized) 
                DocumentsTrace.FixedDocumentSequence.Content.Trace(string.Format("Doc {0} Deferred", _references.Count)); 
                if (_partialRef == null) 
                    _partialRef = docRef; 
                    _partialRef.Initialized += new EventHandler(_OnDocumentReferenceInitialized);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PrevoiusUninitializedDocumentReferenceOutstanding));
        /// Called when text appears under the tag in markup
        /// Text to Add to the Object
        void IAddChild.AddText(string text) 
            XamlSerializerUtil.ThrowIfNonWhiteSpaceInAddText(text, this); 

        #region IFixedNavigate
        void IFixedNavigate.NavigateAsync(string elementID) 
            if (IsPageCountValid == true) 
                FixedHyperLink.NavigateToElement(this, elementID);
                _navigateAfterPagination = true; 
                _navigateFragment = elementID; 

        UIElement IFixedNavigate.FindElementByID(string elementID, out FixedPage rootFixedPage)
            UIElement uiElementRet = null; 
            rootFixedPage = null;
            DynamicDocumentPaginator childPaginator; 
            FixedDocument            childFixedDoc;
            if (Char.IsDigit(elementID[0]))
                //We convert to a page number here.
                int pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(elementID, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; 
                int childPageNumber;
                if (TranslatePageNumber(pageNumber, out childPaginator, out childPageNumber)) 
                    childFixedDoc = childPaginator.Source as FixedDocument; 
                    if (childFixedDoc != null)
                        uiElementRet = childFixedDoc.GetFixedPage(childPageNumber);
                foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                    childPaginator = GetPaginator(docRef);
                    childFixedDoc = childPaginator.Source as FixedDocument;
                    if (childFixedDoc != null) 
                        uiElementRet = ((IFixedNavigate)childFixedDoc).FindElementByID(elementID, out rootFixedPage); 
                        if (uiElementRet != null) 

            return uiElementRet; 
        #region LogicalTree

        /// Returns enumerator to logical children 
        protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren 
//                 Dispatcher.VerifyAccess();

                DocumentReference[] docArray = new DocumentReference[_references.Count];
                this._references.CopyTo(docArray, 0); 
                return docArray.GetEnumerator();

        #endregion LogicalTree 

        #region IDocumentPaginatorSource Members

        /// An object which paginates content.
        public DocumentPaginator DocumentPaginator 
            get { return _paginator; } 

        #endregion IDocumentPaginatorSource Members
        #region DocumentPaginator
        internal DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
            DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.IDF.Trace(string.Format("IDP.GetPage({0})", pageNumber));
            // Make sure that the call is in the right context.
//             Dispatcher.VerifyAccess(); 
            // Page number cannot be negative.
            if (pageNumber < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageNumber", SR.Get(SRID.IDPNegativePageNumber));
            DocumentPage innerDP = null;
            DynamicDocumentPaginator innerPaginator; 
            int innerPageNumber; 
            // Find the appropriate inner IDF and BR
            if (TranslatePageNumber(pageNumber, out innerPaginator, out innerPageNumber)) 
                innerDP = innerPaginator.GetPage(innerPageNumber);
                Debug.Assert(innerDP != null);
                // Now warp inner DP and return it
                return new FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage(this, innerPaginator, innerDP); 
            return DocumentPage.Missing;

        /// Returns a FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage for the specified document and page number.
        internal DocumentPage GetPage(FixedDocument document, int fixedDocPageNumber)
            if (fixedDocPageNumber < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fixedDocPageNumber", SR.Get(SRID.IDPNegativePageNumber)); 

            if (document == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("document");
            DocumentPage innerDP = document.GetPage(fixedDocPageNumber);
            Debug.Assert(innerDP != null); 

            // Now wrap inner DP and return it
            return new FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage(this, document.DocumentPaginator as DynamicDocumentPaginator, innerDP);

        internal void GetPageAsync(int pageNumber, object userState) 
            DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.IDF.Trace(string.Format("IDP.GetPageAsync({0}, {1})", pageNumber, userState));

            // Make sure that the call is in the right context. 
//             Dispatcher.VerifyAccess();
            // Page number cannot be negative. 
            if (pageNumber < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageNumber", SR.Get(SRID.IDPNegativePageNumber));

            if (userState == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userState"); 

            // Add to outstanding AsyncOp list 
            GetPageAsyncRequest asyncRequest = new GetPageAsyncRequest(new RequestedPage(pageNumber/*childPaginator, childPageNumber*/), userState);
            _asyncOps[userState] = asyncRequest;
            DispatcherOperationCallback queueTask = new DispatcherOperationCallback(_GetPageAsyncDelegate);
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, queueTask, asyncRequest); 
        internal int GetPageNumber(ContentPosition contentPosition)
            if (contentPosition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentPosition");
            // ContentPosition may be only created by DynamicDocumentPaginator.GetObjectPosition or
            // DynamicDocumentPaginator.GetPagePosition. 
            // Because of that we are expecting one of 2 types here.
            DynamicDocumentPaginator childPaginator = null;
            ContentPosition childContentPosition = null;
            if (contentPosition is DocumentSequenceTextPointer) 
                DocumentSequenceTextPointer dsTextPointer = (DocumentSequenceTextPointer)contentPosition; 
                #pragma warning suppress 6506 // dsTextPointer is obviously not null
                childPaginator = GetPaginator(dsTextPointer.ChildBlock.DocRef); 
                childContentPosition = dsTextPointer.ChildPointer as ContentPosition;

            if (childContentPosition == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IDPInvalidContentPosition)); 

            int childPageNumber = childPaginator.GetPageNumber(childContentPosition); 
            int pageNumber;
            _SynthesizeGlobalPageNumber(childPaginator, childPageNumber, out pageNumber);
            return pageNumber;

        internal void CancelAsync(object userState) 
            DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.IDF.Trace(string.Format("IDP.GetPageAsyncCancel([{0}])", userState));

            if (userState == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userState"); 

            if (_asyncOps.ContainsKey(userState)) 
                GetPageAsyncRequest asyncRequest = _asyncOps[userState];
                if (asyncRequest != null)
                    asyncRequest.Cancelled = true;
                    if (asyncRequest.Page.ChildPaginator != null) 
        internal ContentPosition GetObjectPosition(Object o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o");

            foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                DynamicDocumentPaginator childPaginator = GetPaginator(docRef);
                if (childPaginator != null) 
                    ContentPosition cp = childPaginator.GetObjectPosition(o);
                    if (cp != ContentPosition.Missing && (cp is ITextPointer))
                        ChildDocumentBlock childBlock = new ChildDocumentBlock(this.TextContainer, docRef);
                        return new DocumentSequenceTextPointer(childBlock, (ITextPointer)cp); 
            return ContentPosition.Missing;

        internal ContentPosition GetPagePosition(DocumentPage page) 
            FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage docPage = page as FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage; 
            if (docPage == null)
                return ContentPosition.Missing;
            return docPage.ContentPosition;
        internal bool IsPageCountValid
                bool documentSequencePageCountFinal = true; 
                if (IsInitialized) 
                    foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                        DynamicDocumentPaginator paginator = GetPaginator(docRef);
                        if (paginator == null || !paginator.IsPageCountValid)
                            documentSequencePageCountFinal = false;
                    documentSequencePageCountFinal = false;

                return documentSequencePageCountFinal; 
        internal int PageCount 
                // This can be optimized if the page count for each IDP won't change 
                // && the list of IDP won't change. When each doc.IsPageCountValid is
                // true, then page count won't change.
                int count = 0; 

                foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                    DynamicDocumentPaginator paginator = GetPaginator(docRef);
                    if (paginator != null) 
                        count += paginator.PageCount;
                        if (!paginator.IsPageCountValid)
                return count; 

        internal Size PageSize 
            get { return _pageSize; } 
            set { _pageSize = value; }

        #endregion DocumentPaginator 

        #region IUriContext 
        Uri IUriContext.BaseUri
            get { return (Uri) GetValue(BaseUriHelper.BaseUriProperty); }
            set { SetValue(BaseUriHelper.BaseUriProperty, value); } 
        //-------------------------------------------------------------- ------
        // Public Properties
        #region Public Properties
        /// Get a collection of DocumentReference that this FixedDocumentSequence contains. 
        public DocumentReferenceCollection References
//                 Dispatcher.VerifyAccess(); 
                return _references; 

        public static readonly DependencyProperty PrintTicketProperty
            = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("PrintTicket", typeof(object), typeof(FixedDocumentSequence), 
                                                  new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object)null)); 

        /// Get/Set PrintTicket Property
        public object PrintTicket
                object printTicket = GetValue(PrintTicketProperty); 
                return printTicket;
        #endregion Public Properties 

        // Public Events

        // Protected Methods 

        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Creates AutomationPeer () 
        protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() 
            return new DocumentAutomationPeer(this);
        #endregion Protected Methods
        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Method 

        internal DynamicDocumentPaginator GetPaginator(DocumentReference docRef) 
            // #966803: Source change won't be a support scenario.
            Debug.Assert(docRef != null); 
            DynamicDocumentPaginator paginator = null;
            IDocumentPaginatorSource document = docRef.CurrentlyLoadedDoc;

            if (document != null) 
                paginator = document.DocumentPaginator as DynamicDocumentPaginator; 
                Debug.Assert(paginator != null); 
                document = docRef.GetDocument(false /*forceReload*/);
                if (document != null)
                    paginator = document.DocumentPaginator as DynamicDocumentPaginator;
                    Debug.Assert(paginator != null); 
                    // hook up event handlers 
                    paginator.PaginationCompleted += new EventHandler(_OnChildPaginationCompleted);
                    paginator.PaginationProgress += new PaginationProgressEventHandler(_OnChildPaginationProgress); 
                    paginator.PagesChanged += new PagesChangedEventHandler(_OnChildPagesChanged);
            return paginator;

        // IDP Helper

        // Take a global page number and translate it into a child paginator with a child page number. 
        // A document will be look at if the previous document has finished pagination.
        internal bool TranslatePageNumber(int pageNumber, out DynamicDocumentPaginator childPaginator, out int childPageNumber) 
            childPaginator = null;
            childPageNumber = 0; 

            foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References)
                childPaginator = GetPaginator(docRef); 
                if (childPaginator != null)
                    childPageNumber = pageNumber; 
                    if (childPaginator.PageCount > childPageNumber)
                        // The page falls inside this paginator.
                        return true;
                        if (!childPaginator.IsPageCountValid) 
                            // Don't bother look further if this doc has not finished
                            // pagination 
                        pageNumber -= childPaginator.PageCount;
            return false; 

        #endregion Internal Method

        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal DocumentSequenceTextContainer TextContainer
                if (_textContainer == null) 
                    _textContainer = new DocumentSequenceTextContainer(this); 
                return _textContainer;

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        // Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        private void _Init() 
            _paginator = new FixedDocumentSequencePaginator(this); 
            _references = new DocumentReferenceCollection();
            _references.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(_OnCollectionChanged);
            _asyncOps   = new Dictionary();
            _pendingPages  =  new List(); 
            _pageSize = new Size(8.5d * 96d, 11.0d * 96d);
            this.Initialized += new EventHandler(OnInitialized); 

        private void OnInitialized(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            bool documentSequencePageCountFinal = true;

            foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                DynamicDocumentPaginator paginator = GetPaginator(docRef); 
                if (paginator == null || !paginator.IsPageCountValid) 
                    documentSequencePageCountFinal = false; 
            if (documentSequencePageCountFinal == true)
            if (PageCount > 0)
                DocumentPage docPage = GetPage(0);
                if (docPage != null) 
                    FixedPage page = docPage.Visual as FixedPage; 
                    if (page != null) 
                        this.Language = page.Language; 

        // Content Model Helper 
        private void _OnDocumentReferenceInitialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DocumentReference docRef = (DocumentReference)sender;
            if (docRef == _partialRef)
                DocumentsTrace.FixedDocumentSequence.Content.Trace(string.Format("Loaded DocumentReference {0}", _references.Count)); 
                _partialRef.Initialized -= new EventHandler(_OnDocumentReferenceInitialized);
                _partialRef = null; 

        private void _OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) 
            if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
                if (args.NewItems.Count != 1)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.RangeActionsNotSupported));
                    // get the affected item 
                    object item = args.NewItems[0];
                    DocumentsTrace.FixedDocumentSequence.Content.Trace(string.Format("_OnCollectionChange: Add {0}", item.GetHashCode()));

                    int pageCount = this.PageCount; 
                    DynamicDocumentPaginator paginator = GetPaginator((DocumentReference)item);
                    if (paginator == null) 
                        throw new ApplicationException(SR.Get(SRID.DocumentReferenceHasInvalidDocument));

                    int addedPages = paginator.PageCount;
                    int firstPage = pageCount - addedPages;
                    if (addedPages > 0)
                        DocumentsTrace.FixedDocumentSequence.Content.Trace(string.Format("_OnCollectionChange: Add with IDP {0}", paginator.GetHashCode())); 
                        _paginator.NotifyPaginationProgress(new PaginationProgressEventArgs(firstPage, addedPages));
                        _paginator.NotifyPagesChanged(new PagesChangedEventArgs(firstPage, addedPages)); 
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, args.Action)); 

        // Take a child paginator and a page nubmer, find which global page number it corresponds to
        private bool _SynthesizeGlobalPageNumber(DynamicDocumentPaginator childPaginator, int childPageNumber, out int pageNumber)
            pageNumber = 0;
            foreach (DocumentReference docRef in References) 
                DynamicDocumentPaginator innerPaginator = GetPaginator(docRef);
                if (innerPaginator != null) 
                    if (innerPaginator == childPaginator)
                        pageNumber += childPageNumber; 
                        return true;
                    pageNumber += innerPaginator.PageCount; 
            return false;

        // Get total page count before a given child document index.
        private int _GetPageCountBefore(int childIndex) 
            int count = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < childIndex && i < References.Count; i++) 
                DocumentPaginator childDoc = GetPaginator(References[i]);
                if (childDoc != null)
                    count += childDoc.PageCount;
                    if (!childDoc.IsPageCountValid) 
            return count;
        // Child IDP Events 
        private void _OnChildPaginationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (IsPageCountValid)

                if (_navigateAfterPagination) 
                    FixedHyperLink.NavigateToElement(this, _navigateFragment);
                    _navigateAfterPagination = false; 
        private void _OnChildPaginationProgress(object sender, PaginationProgressEventArgs args)
            int pageNumber;
            if (_SynthesizeGlobalPageNumber((DynamicDocumentPaginator)sender, args.Start, out pageNumber)) 
                _paginator.NotifyPaginationProgress(new PaginationProgressEventArgs(pageNumber, args.Count));

        private void _OnChildPagesChanged(object sender, PagesChangedEventArgs args) 
            int pageNumber; 
            if (_SynthesizeGlobalPageNumber((DynamicDocumentPaginator)sender, args.Start, out pageNumber))
                _paginator.NotifyPagesChanged(new PagesChangedEventArgs(pageNumber, args.Count));
                _paginator.NotifyPagesChanged(new PagesChangedEventArgs(PageCount, int.MaxValue)); 

        // IDP Async

        // An async request from the client code 
        // It is translated into an async request into child paginator 
        private object _GetPageAsyncDelegate(object arg)

            GetPageAsyncRequest asyncRequest = (GetPageAsyncRequest)arg;
            int pageNumber = asyncRequest.Page.PageNumber; 

            if (asyncRequest.Cancelled 
                || !TranslatePageNumber(pageNumber, out asyncRequest.Page.ChildPaginator, out asyncRequest.Page.ChildPageNumber) 
                || asyncRequest.Cancelled // Check again for cancellation, as previous line may have loaded FixedDocument and taken a while
                _NotifyGetPageAsyncCompleted(DocumentPage.Missing, pageNumber, null, true, asyncRequest.UserState);
                return null; 
            if (!_pendingPages.Contains(asyncRequest.Page)) 
                // Initiate an async request to child paginator only if this page has not been requested. 
                asyncRequest.Page.ChildPaginator.GetPageCompleted += new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(_OnGetPageCompleted);
                // use this asyncRequest as UserState
                asyncRequest.Page.ChildPaginator.GetPageAsync(asyncRequest.Page.ChildPageNumber, asyncRequest); 
            return null; 

        // Callback from inner IDP.GetPageAsync
        private void _OnGetPageCompleted(object sender, GetPageCompletedEventArgs args)

            // this job is complete 
            GetPageAsyncRequest completedRequest = (GetPageAsyncRequest)args.UserState; 
            // wrap the returned result into FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage
            DocumentPage sdp = DocumentPage.Missing;
            int pageNumber = completedRequest.Page.PageNumber;
            if (!args.Cancelled && (args.Error == null) && (args.DocumentPage != DocumentPage.Missing)) 
                sdp = new FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage(this, (DynamicDocumentPaginator)sender, args.DocumentPage); 
                _SynthesizeGlobalPageNumber((DynamicDocumentPaginator)sender, args.PageNumber, out pageNumber); 
            if (!args.Cancelled)
                // Notify all outstanding request for this particular page
                ArrayList notificationList = new ArrayList(); 
                IEnumerator> ienum = _asyncOps.GetEnumerator();
                    while (ienum.MoveNext())
                        GetPageAsyncRequest asyncRequest = ienum.Current.Value;

                        // Process any outstanding request for this PageContent
                        if (completedRequest.Page.Equals(asyncRequest.Page)) 
                            // this could throw depending on event handlers that are added 
                            _NotifyGetPageAsyncCompleted(sdp, pageNumber, args.Error, asyncRequest.Cancelled, asyncRequest.UserState);
                    // Remove completed requests from current async ops list
                    foreach (Object userState in notificationList) 
        // Notify the caller of IDFAsync.MeasurePageAsync
        private void _NotifyGetPageAsyncCompleted(DocumentPage page, int pageNumber, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState) 
            _paginator.NotifyGetPageCompleted(new GetPageCompletedEventArgs(page, pageNumber, error, cancelled, userState)); 

        #endregion Private Methods
        // Private Properties 

        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private DocumentReferenceCollection   _references; 
        private DocumentReference _partialRef;  // uninitialized doc that is currently parsed.

        // IDP
        private FixedDocumentSequencePaginator _paginator; 
        private IDictionary _asyncOps;  // pending request from client code
        private IList         _pendingPages;          // pending request to child page 
        private Size _pageSize; 
        private bool _navigateAfterPagination = false;
        private string _navigateFragment; 

        // Text OM
        private DocumentSequenceTextContainer _textContainer;
        // Rubber band selection
        private RubberbandSelector _rubberbandSelector; 
        #endregion Private Fields

        // Nested Class 
        #region Nested Class 

        // Represent a page that is being requested.
        private struct RequestedPage 
            internal DynamicDocumentPaginator ChildPaginator; 
            internal int ChildPageNumber; 
            internal int PageNumber;
            internal RequestedPage(int pageNumber)
                PageNumber = pageNumber;
                ChildPageNumber = 0; 
                ChildPaginator = null;
            public override int GetHashCode()
                return PageNumber;

            // override Equals semantic 
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (!(obj is RequestedPage)) 
                    return false; 
                return this.Equals((RequestedPage)obj);

            // Strongly typed version of Equals 
            public bool Equals(RequestedPage obj) 
                return this.PageNumber == obj.PageNumber; 

            public static bool operator ==(RequestedPage obj1, RequestedPage obj2)
                return obj1.Equals(obj2);
            public static bool operator !=(RequestedPage obj1, RequestedPage obj2)
                return !(obj1.Equals(obj2));

        // Represents an outstanding async request 
        private class GetPageAsyncRequest 
            internal GetPageAsyncRequest(RequestedPage page, object userState) 
                Page       = page;
                UserState  = userState;
                Cancelled  = false; 
            internal RequestedPage Page; 
            internal object UserState;
            internal bool Cancelled; 

        #endregion Nested Class

    // FixedDocumentSequence's implemenation of DocumentPage
    internal sealed class FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage : DocumentPage, IServiceProvider
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors 
        internal FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage(FixedDocumentSequence documentSequence, DynamicDocumentPaginator documentPaginator, DocumentPage documentPage)
            : base((documentPage is FixedDocumentPage) ? ((FixedDocumentPage)documentPage).FixedPage : documentPage.Visual, documentPage.Size, documentPage.BleedBox, documentPage.ContentBox)
            Debug.Assert(documentSequence != null); 
            Debug.Assert(documentPaginator != null);
            Debug.Assert(documentPage != null); 
            _fixedDocumentSequence = documentSequence; 
            _documentPaginator = documentPaginator;
            _documentPage = documentPage; 
        #endregion Ctors;

        // Public  Methods 
        #region IServiceProvider
        /// Returns service objects associated with this control.
        /// Specifies the type of service object to get. 
        object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)
            if (serviceType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType");

            if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView)) 
                if (_textView == null)
                    _textView = new DocumentSequenceTextView(this);
                return _textView;
            return null;
        #endregion IServiceProvider 

        #region Public Methods 
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SDP:D{0}", _DocumentIndex); 
        #endregion Public Methods

        // Internal Methods

        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        public override Visual Visual 
                if (!_layedOut) 
                    _layedOut = true; 
                    UIElement e;
                    if ((e = ((object)base.Visual) as UIElement) != null) 
                        e.Arrange(new Rect(base.Size));
                return base.Visual; 
        internal ContentPosition ContentPosition
                ITextPointer childPosition = _documentPaginator.GetPagePosition(_documentPage) as ITextPointer;
                if (childPosition != null) 
                    ChildDocumentBlock childBlock = new ChildDocumentBlock(_fixedDocumentSequence.TextContainer,
                    return new DocumentSequenceTextPointer(childBlock, childPosition);
                return null;
        internal DocumentReference ChildDocumentReference 
                foreach (DocumentReference docRef in _fixedDocumentSequence.References)
                    if (docRef.CurrentlyLoadedDoc == _documentPaginator.Source) 
                        return docRef; 
                return null;
        internal DocumentPage ChildDocumentPage
            get { return _documentPage; } 
        internal FixedDocumentSequence FixedDocumentSequence
            get { return this._fixedDocumentSequence; }

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        // Internal Event

        // Private Properties
        private int _DocumentIndex
                int docIndex = 0; 
                foreach(DocumentReference docRef in _fixedDocumentSequence.References)
                    if (docRef.CurrentlyLoadedDoc == _documentPaginator.Source)
                return docIndex; 

        // Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        private readonly FixedDocumentSequence    _fixedDocumentSequence;
        private readonly DynamicDocumentPaginator _documentPaginator;
        private readonly DocumentPage             _documentPage; 
        private bool                              _layedOut;
        // Text OM 
        private DocumentSequenceTextView          _textView; 

        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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