/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Animation / KeyTimeConverter.cs / 1305600 / KeyTimeConverter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Microsoft Avalon // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2001-2003 // // File: KeyTimeConverter.cs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Security; namespace System.Windows { ////// /// public class KeyTimeConverter : TypeConverter { #region Data private static char[] _percentCharacter = new char[] { '%' }; #endregion ////// Returns whether or not this class can convert from a given type /// to an instance of a KeyTime. /// public override bool CanConvertFrom( ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, Type type) { if (type == typeof(string)) { return true; } else { return base.CanConvertFrom( typeDescriptorContext, type); } } ////// Returns whether or not this class can convert from an instance of a /// KeyTime to a given type. /// public override bool CanConvertTo( ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, Type type) { if ( type == typeof(InstanceDescriptor) || type == typeof(string)) { return true; } else { return base.CanConvertTo( typeDescriptorContext, type); } } ////// /// public override object ConvertFrom( ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo, object value) { string stringValue = value as string; if (stringValue != null) { stringValue = stringValue.Trim(); if (stringValue == "Uniform") { return KeyTime.Uniform; } else if (stringValue == "Paced") { return KeyTime.Paced; } else if (stringValue[stringValue.Length - 1] == _percentCharacter[0]) { stringValue = stringValue.TrimEnd(_percentCharacter); double doubleValue = (double)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( typeof(double)).ConvertFrom( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, stringValue); if (doubleValue == 0.0) { return KeyTime.FromPercent(0.0); } else if (doubleValue == 100.0) { return KeyTime.FromPercent(1.0); } else { return KeyTime.FromPercent(doubleValue / 100.0); } } else { TimeSpan timeSpanValue = (TimeSpan)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( typeof(TimeSpan)).ConvertFrom( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, stringValue); return KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(timeSpanValue); } } return base.ConvertFrom( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, value); } ////// /// ////// Critical: calls InstanceDescriptor ctor which LinkDemands /// PublicOK: can only make an InstanceDescriptor for KeyTime, not an arbitrary class /// [SecurityCritical] public override object ConvertTo( ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo, object value, Type destinationType) { if ( value != null && value is KeyTime) { KeyTime keyTime = (KeyTime)value; if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor)) { MemberInfo mi; switch (keyTime.Type) { case KeyTimeType.Percent: mi = typeof(KeyTime).GetMethod("FromPercent", new Type[] { typeof(double) }); return new InstanceDescriptor(mi, new object[] { keyTime.Percent }); case KeyTimeType.TimeSpan: mi = typeof(KeyTime).GetMethod("FromTimeSpan", new Type[] { typeof(TimeSpan) }); return new InstanceDescriptor(mi, new object[] { keyTime.TimeSpan }); case KeyTimeType.Uniform: mi = typeof(KeyTime).GetProperty("Uniform"); return new InstanceDescriptor(mi, null); case KeyTimeType.Paced: mi = typeof(KeyTime).GetProperty("Paced"); return new InstanceDescriptor(mi, null); } } else if (destinationType == typeof(String)) { switch (keyTime.Type) { case KeyTimeType.Uniform: return "Uniform"; case KeyTimeType.Paced: return "Paced"; case KeyTimeType.Percent: string returnValue = (string)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( typeof(Double)).ConvertTo( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, keyTime.Percent * 100.0, destinationType); return returnValue + _percentCharacter[0].ToString(); case KeyTimeType.TimeSpan: return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( typeof(TimeSpan)).ConvertTo( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, keyTime.TimeSpan, destinationType); } } } return base.ConvertTo( typeDescriptorContext, cultureInfo, value, destinationType); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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