/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Client / System / Data / Services / Client / QueryResponse.cs / 1625574 / QueryResponse.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Response to a batched query. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Client { #region Namespaces. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; #endregion Namespaces. ////// Response to a batched query. /// [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1010", Justification = "required for this feature")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1710", Justification = "required for this feature")] public class QueryOperationResponse : OperationResponse, System.Collections.IEnumerable { #region Private fields. ///Original query private readonly DataServiceRequest query; ///Enumerable of objects in query private readonly MaterializeAtom results; #endregion Private fields. ////// constructor /// /// HTTP headers /// original query /// retrieved objects internal QueryOperationResponse(Dictionaryheaders, DataServiceRequest query, MaterializeAtom results) : base(headers) { this.query = query; this.results = results; } /// The query that executed within the batch. public DataServiceRequest Query { get { return this.query; } } ////// The server Result Set Count value from a query, if the query has requested the value /// ////// The return value can be either a zero or positive value equals to number of entities in the set on the server /// ////// Is thrown when count was not part of the original request, i.e., if the count tag is not found in the response stream. /// public virtual long TotalCount { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } ///get a non-null enumerable of the result internal MaterializeAtom Results { get { if (null != this.Error) { throw System.Data.Services.Client.Error.InvalidOperation(Strings.Context_BatchExecuteError, this.Error); } return this.results; } } ///Results from a query ///enumerator of objects in query public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return this.Results.GetEnumerator(); } ////// Gets the continuation for the top level data stream associated with this response object /// ///A continuation that points to the next page for the current data stream in the response. public DataServiceQueryContinuation GetContinuation() { return this.results.GetContinuation(null); } ////// Gets the continuation for the next page in the collection. /// /// The collection, or null, if the top level link is to be retrieved ///A continuation that points to the next page for the collection public DataServiceQueryContinuation GetContinuation(IEnumerable collection) { return this.results.GetContinuation(collection); } ////// Gets the continuation for the next page in the collection. /// ///Element type for continuation results. /// The collection, or null, if the top level link is to be retrieved ///A continuation that points to the next page for the collection public DataServiceQueryContinuationGetContinuation (IEnumerable collection) { return (DataServiceQueryContinuation )this.results.GetContinuation(collection); } /// /// Creates a generic instance of the QueryOperationResponse and return it /// /// generic type for the QueryOperationResponse. /// constructor parameter1 /// constructor parameter2 /// constructor parameter3 ///returns a new strongly typed instance of QueryOperationResponse. [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] internal static QueryOperationResponse GetInstance(Type elementType, Dictionaryheaders, DataServiceRequest query, MaterializeAtom results) { Type genericType = typeof(QueryOperationResponse<>).MakeGenericType(elementType); #if !ASTORIA_LIGHT return (QueryOperationResponse)Activator.CreateInstance( genericType, BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[] { headers, query, results }, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); #else System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] info = genericType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(1 == info.Length, "only expected 1 ctor"); return (QueryOperationResponse)Util.ConstructorInvoke(info[0],new object[] { headers, query, results }); #endif } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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