/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Common / CommandTrees / Internal / ExpressionPrinter.cs / 1305376 / ExpressionPrinter.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Common.Utils; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal { ////// Prints a command tree /// internal class ExpressionPrinter : TreePrinter { private PrinterVisitor _visitor = new PrinterVisitor(); internal ExpressionPrinter() : base() {} [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] internal string Print(DbExpression expr) { Debug.Assert(expr != null, "Null DbExpression"); return this.Print(_visitor.VisitExpression(expr)); } internal string Print(DbDeleteCommandTree tree) { // Predicate should not be null since DbDeleteCommandTree initializes it to DbConstantExpression(true) Debug.Assert(tree != null && tree.Predicate != null, "Invalid DbDeleteCommandTree"); TreeNode targetNode; if (tree.Target != null) { targetNode = _visitor.VisitBinding("Target", tree.Target); } else { targetNode = new TreeNode("Target"); } TreeNode predicateNode; if (tree.Predicate != null) { predicateNode = _visitor.VisitExpression("Predicate", tree.Predicate); } else { predicateNode = new TreeNode("Predicate"); } return this.Print(new TreeNode( "DbDeleteCommandTree", CreateParametersNode(tree), targetNode, predicateNode)); } internal string Print(DbFunctionCommandTree tree) { Debug.Assert(tree != null, "Null DbFunctionCommandTree"); TreeNode funcNode = new TreeNode("EdmFunction"); if (tree.EdmFunction != null) { funcNode.Children.Add(_visitor.VisitFunction(tree.EdmFunction, null)); } TreeNode typeNode = new TreeNode("ResultType"); if (tree.ResultType != null) { PrinterVisitor.AppendTypeSpecifier(typeNode, tree.ResultType); } return this.Print(new TreeNode("DbFunctionCommandTree", CreateParametersNode(tree), funcNode, typeNode)); } internal string Print(DbInsertCommandTree tree) { Debug.Assert(tree != null, "Null DbInsertCommandTree"); TreeNode targetNode = null; if (tree.Target != null) { targetNode = _visitor.VisitBinding("Target", tree.Target); } else { targetNode = new TreeNode("Target"); } TreeNode clausesNode = new TreeNode("SetClauses"); foreach (DbModificationClause clause in tree.SetClauses) { if (clause != null) { clausesNode.Children.Add(clause.Print(_visitor)); } } TreeNode returningNode = null; if (null != tree.Returning) { returningNode = new TreeNode("Returning", _visitor.VisitExpression(tree.Returning)); } else { returningNode = new TreeNode("Returning"); } return this.Print(new TreeNode( "DbInsertCommandTree", CreateParametersNode(tree), targetNode, clausesNode, returningNode)); } internal string Print(DbUpdateCommandTree tree) { // Predicate should not be null since DbUpdateCommandTree initializes it to DbConstantExpression(true) Debug.Assert(tree != null && tree.Predicate != null, "Invalid DbUpdateCommandTree"); TreeNode targetNode = null; if (tree.Target != null) { targetNode = _visitor.VisitBinding("Target", tree.Target); } else { targetNode = new TreeNode("Target"); } TreeNode clausesNode = new TreeNode("SetClauses"); foreach (DbModificationClause clause in tree.SetClauses) { if (clause != null) { clausesNode.Children.Add(clause.Print(_visitor)); } } TreeNode predicateNode; if (null != tree.Predicate) { predicateNode = new TreeNode("Predicate", _visitor.VisitExpression(tree.Predicate)); } else { predicateNode = new TreeNode("Predicate"); } TreeNode returningNode; if (null != tree.Returning) { returningNode = new TreeNode("Returning", _visitor.VisitExpression(tree.Returning)); } else { returningNode = new TreeNode("Returning"); } return this.Print(new TreeNode( "DbUpdateCommandTree", CreateParametersNode(tree), targetNode, clausesNode, predicateNode, returningNode)); } internal string Print(DbQueryCommandTree tree) { Debug.Assert(tree != null, "Null DbQueryCommandTree"); TreeNode queryNode = new TreeNode("Query"); if (tree.Query != null) { PrinterVisitor.AppendTypeSpecifier(queryNode, tree.Query.ResultType); queryNode.Children.Add(_visitor.VisitExpression(tree.Query)); } return this.Print(new TreeNode("DbQueryCommandTree", CreateParametersNode(tree), queryNode)); } private static TreeNode CreateParametersNode(DbCommandTree tree) { TreeNode retNode = new TreeNode("Parameters"); foreach (KeyValuePairparamInfo in tree.Parameters) { TreeNode paramNode = new TreeNode(paramInfo.Key); PrinterVisitor.AppendTypeSpecifier(paramNode, paramInfo.Value); retNode.Children.Add(paramNode); } return retNode; } private class PrinterVisitor : DbExpressionVisitor { private static Dictionary _opMap = InitializeOpMap(); private static Dictionary InitializeOpMap() { Dictionary opMap = new Dictionary (12); // Arithmetic opMap[DbExpressionKind.Divide] = "/"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.Modulo] = "%"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.Multiply] = "*"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.Plus] = "+"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.Minus] = "-"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.UnaryMinus] = "-"; // Comparison opMap[DbExpressionKind.Equals] = "="; opMap[DbExpressionKind.LessThan] = "<"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.LessThanOrEquals] = "<="; opMap[DbExpressionKind.GreaterThan] = ">"; opMap[DbExpressionKind.GreaterThanOrEquals] = ">="; opMap[DbExpressionKind.NotEquals] = "<>"; return opMap; } private int _maxStringLength = 80; private bool _infix = true; internal TreeNode VisitExpression(DbExpression expr) { return expr.Accept (this); } internal TreeNode VisitExpression(string name, DbExpression expr) { return new TreeNode(name, expr.Accept (this)); } internal TreeNode VisitBinding(string propName, DbExpressionBinding binding) { return this.VisitWithLabel(propName, binding.VariableName, binding.Expression); } internal TreeNode VisitFunction(EdmFunction func, IList args) { TreeNode funcInfo = new TreeNode(); AppendFullName(funcInfo.Text, func); AppendParameters(funcInfo, func.Parameters.Select(fp => new KeyValuePair (fp.Name, fp.TypeUsage))); if (args != null) { AppendArguments(funcInfo, func.Parameters.Select(fp => fp.Name).ToArray(), args); } return funcInfo; } private static TreeNode NodeFromExpression(DbExpression expr) { return new TreeNode(Enum.GetName(typeof(DbExpressionKind), expr.ExpressionKind)); } private static void AppendParameters(TreeNode node, IEnumerable > paramInfos) { node.Text.Append("("); int pos = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair paramInfo in paramInfos) { if (pos > 0) { node.Text.Append(", "); } AppendType(node, paramInfo.Value); node.Text.Append(" "); node.Text.Append(paramInfo.Key); pos++; } node.Text.Append(")"); } internal static void AppendTypeSpecifier(TreeNode node, TypeUsage type) { node.Text.Append(" : "); AppendType(node, type); } internal static void AppendType(TreeNode node, TypeUsage type) { BuildTypeName(node.Text, type); } private static void BuildTypeName(StringBuilder text, TypeUsage type) { RowType rowType = type.EdmType as RowType; CollectionType collType = type.EdmType as CollectionType; RefType refType = type.EdmType as RefType; if (TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type)) { text.Append(type); } else if (collType != null) { text.Append("Collection{"); BuildTypeName(text, collType.TypeUsage); text.Append("}"); } else if (refType != null) { text.Append("Ref<"); AppendFullName(text, refType.ElementType); text.Append(">"); } else if (rowType != null) { text.Append("Record["); int idx = 0; foreach (EdmProperty recColumn in rowType.Properties) { text.Append("'"); text.Append(recColumn.Name); text.Append("'"); text.Append("="); BuildTypeName(text, recColumn.TypeUsage); idx++; if (idx < rowType.Properties.Count) { text.Append(", "); } } text.Append("]"); } else { // Entity, Relationship, Complex if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.EdmType.NamespaceName)) { text.Append(type.EdmType.NamespaceName); text.Append("."); } text.Append(type.EdmType.Name); } } private static void AppendFullName(StringBuilder text, EdmType type) { if (BuiltInTypeKind.RowType != type.BuiltInTypeKind) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.NamespaceName)) { text.Append(type.NamespaceName); text.Append("."); } } text.Append(type.Name); } private List VisitParams(IList paramInfo, IList args) { List retInfo = new List (); for (int idx = 0; idx < paramInfo.Count; idx++) { TreeNode paramNode = new TreeNode(paramInfo[idx]); paramNode.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(args[idx])); retInfo.Add(paramNode); } return retInfo; } private void AppendArguments(TreeNode node, IList paramNames, IList args) { if (paramNames.Count > 0) { node.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Arguments", VisitParams(paramNames, args))); } } private TreeNode VisitWithLabel(string label, string name, DbExpression def) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(label); retInfo.Text.Append(" : '"); retInfo.Text.Append(name); retInfo.Text.Append("'"); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(def)); return retInfo; } private TreeNode VisitBindingList(string propName, IList bindings) { List bindingInfos = new List (); for (int idx = 0; idx < bindings.Count; idx++) { bindingInfos.Add(this.VisitBinding(StringUtil.FormatIndex(propName, idx), bindings[idx])); } return new TreeNode(propName, bindingInfos); } private TreeNode VisitGroupBinding(DbGroupExpressionBinding groupBinding) { TreeNode inputInfo = this.VisitExpression(groupBinding.Expression); TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(); retInfo.Children.Add(inputInfo); retInfo.Text.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Input : '{0}', '{1}'", groupBinding.VariableName, groupBinding.GroupVariableName); return retInfo; } private TreeNode Visit(string name, params DbExpression[] exprs) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(name); foreach (DbExpression expr in exprs) { retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(expr)); } return retInfo; } private TreeNode VisitInfix(DbExpression root, DbExpression left, string name, DbExpression right) { if (_infix) { TreeNode nullOp = new TreeNode(""); nullOp.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(left)); nullOp.Children.Add(new TreeNode(name)); nullOp.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(right)); return nullOp; } else { return Visit(name, left, right); } } private TreeNode VisitUnary(DbUnaryExpression expr) { return VisitUnary(expr, false); } private TreeNode VisitUnary(DbUnaryExpression expr, bool appendType) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(expr); if (appendType) { AppendTypeSpecifier(retInfo, expr.ResultType); } retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(expr.Argument)); return retInfo; } private TreeNode VisitBinary(DbBinaryExpression expr) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(expr); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(expr.Left)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(expr.Right)); return retInfo; } #region DbExpressionVisitor Members public override TreeNode Visit(DbExpression e) { throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_General_UnsupportedExpression(e.GetType().FullName)); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbConstantExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(); string stringVal = e.Value as string; if (stringVal != null) { stringVal = stringVal.Replace("\r\n", "\\r\\n"); int appendLength = stringVal.Length; if (_maxStringLength > 0) { appendLength = Math.Min(stringVal.Length, _maxStringLength); } retInfo.Text.Append("'"); retInfo.Text.Append(stringVal, 0, appendLength); if (stringVal.Length > appendLength) { retInfo.Text.Append("..."); } retInfo.Text.Append("'"); } else { retInfo.Text.Append(e.Value.ToString()); } return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbNullExpression e) { return new TreeNode("null"); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbVariableReferenceExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(); retInfo.Text.AppendFormat("Var({0})", e.VariableName); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbParameterReferenceExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(); retInfo.Text.AppendFormat("@{0}", e.ParameterName); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbFunctionExpression e) { TreeNode funcInfo = VisitFunction(e.Function, e.Arguments); return funcInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbLambdaExpression expression) { TreeNode lambdaInfo = new TreeNode(); lambdaInfo.Text.Append("Lambda"); AppendParameters(lambdaInfo, expression.Lambda.Variables.Select(v => new KeyValuePair (v.VariableName, v.ResultType))); AppendArguments(lambdaInfo, expression.Lambda.Variables.Select(v => v.VariableName).ToArray(), expression.Arguments); lambdaInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Body", expression.Lambda.Body)); return lambdaInfo; } #if METHOD_EXPRESSION public override TreeNode Visit(MethodExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = null; retInfo = new TreeNode("."); AppendType(retInfo, e.Method.DefiningType); retInfo.Text.Append("."); retInfo.Text.Append(e.Method.Name); AppendParameters(retInfo, e.Method.Parameters); if (e.Instance != null) { retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Instance", e.Instance)); } AppendArguments(retInfo, e.Method.Parameters, e.Arguments); return retInfo; } #endif public override TreeNode Visit(DbPropertyExpression e) { TreeNode inst = null; if (e.Instance != null) { inst = this.VisitExpression(e.Instance); if (e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference || (e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Property && 0 == inst.Children.Count)) { inst.Text.Append("."); inst.Text.Append(e.Property.Name); return inst; } } TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode("."); EdmProperty prop = e.Property as EdmProperty; if (prop != null && !(prop.DeclaringType is RowType)) { // Entity, Relationship, Complex AppendFullName(retInfo.Text, prop.DeclaringType); retInfo.Text.Append("."); } retInfo.Text.Append(e.Property.Name); if (inst != null) { retInfo.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Instance", inst)); } return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbComparisonExpression e) { return this.VisitInfix(e, e.Left, _opMap[e.ExpressionKind], e.Right); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbLikeExpression e) { return this.Visit("Like", e.Argument, e.Pattern, e.Escape); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbLimitExpression e) { return this.Visit((e.WithTies ? "LimitWithTies" : "Limit"), e.Argument, e.Limit); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbIsNullExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbArithmeticExpression e) { if (DbExpressionKind.UnaryMinus == e.ExpressionKind) { return this.Visit(_opMap[e.ExpressionKind], e.Arguments[0]); } else { return this.VisitInfix(e, e.Arguments[0], _opMap[e.ExpressionKind], e.Arguments[1]); } } public override TreeNode Visit(DbAndExpression e) { return this.VisitInfix(e, e.Left, "And", e.Right); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbOrExpression e) { return this.VisitInfix(e, e.Left, "Or", e.Right); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbNotExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbDistinctExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbElementExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e, true); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbIsEmptyExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbUnionAllExpression e) { return this.VisitBinary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbIntersectExpression e) { return this.VisitBinary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbExceptExpression e) { return this.VisitBinary(e); } private TreeNode VisitCastOrTreat(string op, DbUnaryExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = null; TreeNode argInfo = this.VisitExpression(e.Argument); if (0 == argInfo.Children.Count) { argInfo.Text.Insert(0, op); argInfo.Text.Insert(op.Length, '('); argInfo.Text.Append(" As "); AppendType(argInfo, e.ResultType); argInfo.Text.Append(")"); retInfo = argInfo; } else { retInfo = new TreeNode(op); AppendTypeSpecifier(retInfo, e.ResultType); retInfo.Children.Add(argInfo); } return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbTreatExpression e) { return VisitCastOrTreat("Treat", e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbCastExpression e) { return VisitCastOrTreat("Cast", e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbIsOfExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(); if (DbExpressionKind.IsOfOnly == e.ExpressionKind) { retInfo.Text.Append("IsOfOnly"); } else { retInfo.Text.Append("IsOf"); } AppendTypeSpecifier(retInfo, e.OfType); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(e.Argument)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbOfTypeExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode(e.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.OfTypeOnly ? "OfTypeOnly" : "OfType"); AppendTypeSpecifier(retInfo, e.OfType); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(e.Argument)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbCaseExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = new TreeNode("Case"); for (int idx = 0; idx < e.When.Count; idx++) { retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("When", e.When[idx])); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Then", e.Then[idx])); } retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Else", e.Else)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbNewInstanceExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); AppendTypeSpecifier(retInfo, e.ResultType); if (BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType == e.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { foreach (DbExpression element in e.Arguments) { retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitExpression(element)); } } else { string description = (BuiltInTypeKind.RowType == e.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind) ? "Column" : "Property"; IList properties = TypeHelpers.GetProperties(e.ResultType); for (int idx = 0; idx < properties.Count; idx++) { retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitWithLabel(description, properties[idx].Name, e.Arguments[idx])); } if (BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType == e.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind && e.HasRelatedEntityReferences) { TreeNode references = new TreeNode("RelatedEntityReferences"); foreach (DbRelatedEntityRef relatedRef in e.RelatedEntityReferences) { TreeNode refNode = CreateNavigationNode(relatedRef.SourceEnd, relatedRef.TargetEnd); refNode.Children.Add(CreateRelationshipNode((RelationshipType)relatedRef.SourceEnd.DeclaringType)); refNode.Children.Add(VisitExpression(relatedRef.TargetEntityReference)); references.Children.Add(refNode); } retInfo.Children.Add(references); } } return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbRefExpression e) { TreeNode retNode = new TreeNode("Ref"); retNode.Text.Append("<"); AppendFullName(retNode.Text, TypeHelpers.GetEdmType (e.ResultType).ElementType); retNode.Text.Append(">"); TreeNode setNode = new TreeNode("EntitySet : "); setNode.Text.Append(e.EntitySet.EntityContainer.Name); setNode.Text.Append("."); setNode.Text.Append(e.EntitySet.Name); retNode.Children.Add(setNode); retNode.Children.Add(this.Visit("Keys", e.Argument)); return retNode; } private TreeNode CreateRelationshipNode(RelationshipType relType) { TreeNode rel = new TreeNode("Relationship"); rel.Text.Append(" : "); AppendFullName(rel.Text, relType); return rel; } private TreeNode CreateNavigationNode(RelationshipEndMember fromEnd, RelationshipEndMember toEnd) { TreeNode nav = new TreeNode(); nav.Text.Append("Navigation : "); nav.Text.Append(fromEnd.Name); nav.Text.Append(" -> "); nav.Text.Append(toEnd.Name); return nav; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbRelationshipNavigationExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(CreateRelationshipNode(e.Relationship)); retInfo.Children.Add(CreateNavigationNode(e.NavigateFrom, e.NavigateTo)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Source", e.NavigationSource)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbDerefExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbRefKeyExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e, true); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbEntityRefExpression e) { return this.VisitUnary(e, true); } public override TreeNode Visit(DbScanExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Text.Append(" : "); retInfo.Text.Append(e.Target.EntityContainer.Name); retInfo.Text.Append("."); retInfo.Text.Append(e.Target.Name); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbFilterExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Predicate", e.Predicate)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbProjectExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Projection", e.Projection)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbCrossJoinExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBindingList("Inputs", e.Inputs)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbJoinExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Left", e.Left)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Right", e.Right)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("JoinCondition", e.JoinCondition)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbApplyExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Apply", e.Apply)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbGroupByExpression e) { List keys = new List (); List aggs = new List (); RowType outputType = TypeHelpers.GetEdmType (TypeHelpers.GetEdmType (e.ResultType).TypeUsage); int keyIdx = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < e.Keys.Count; idx++) { keys.Add(this.VisitWithLabel("Key", outputType.Properties[idx].Name, e.Keys[keyIdx])); keyIdx++; } int aggIdx = 0; for (int idx = e.Keys.Count; idx < outputType.Properties.Count; idx++) { TreeNode aggInfo = new TreeNode("Aggregate : '"); aggInfo.Text.Append(outputType.Properties[idx].Name); aggInfo.Text.Append("'"); DbFunctionAggregate funcAgg = e.Aggregates[aggIdx] as DbFunctionAggregate; if (funcAgg != null) { TreeNode funcInfo = this.VisitFunction(funcAgg.Function, funcAgg.Arguments); if (funcAgg.Distinct) { funcInfo = new TreeNode("Distinct", funcInfo); } aggInfo.Children.Add(funcInfo); } else { DbGroupAggregate groupAgg = e.Aggregates[aggIdx] as DbGroupAggregate; Debug.Assert(groupAgg != null, "Invalid DbAggregate"); aggInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("GroupAggregate", groupAgg.Arguments[0])); } aggs.Add(aggInfo); aggIdx++; } TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitGroupBinding(e.Input)); if (keys.Count > 0) { retInfo.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Keys", keys)); } if (aggs.Count > 0) { retInfo.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Aggregates", aggs)); } return retInfo; } private TreeNode VisitSortOrder(IList sortOrder) { TreeNode keyInfo = new TreeNode("SortOrder"); foreach (DbSortClause clause in sortOrder) { TreeNode key = this.Visit((clause.Ascending ? "Asc" : "Desc"), clause.Expression); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clause.Collation)) { key.Text.Append(" : "); key.Text.Append(clause.Collation); } keyInfo.Children.Add(key); } return keyInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbSkipExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitSortOrder(e.SortOrder)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Count", e.Count)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbSortExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitSortOrder(e.SortOrder)); return retInfo; } public override TreeNode Visit(DbQuantifierExpression e) { TreeNode retInfo = NodeFromExpression(e); retInfo.Children.Add(this.VisitBinding("Input", e.Input)); retInfo.Children.Add(this.Visit("Predicate", e.Predicate)); return retInfo; } #endregion } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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