ITextView.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / ITextView.cs / 1 / ITextView.cs

// File: ITextView.cs
// Description: An interface representing the presentation of an ITextContainer. 
// History: 
//  9/17/2004 : benwest - Created 

using System.ComponentModel;            // AsyncCompletedEventArgs
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;   // ReadOnlyCollection
using System.Windows.Media;             // GlyphRun 

namespace System.Windows.Documents 
    /// The TextView class exposes presentation information for 
    /// a TextContainer. Its methods reveal document structure, including
    /// line layout, hit testing, and character bounding boxes.
    /// Layouts that support TextView must implement the IServiceProvider 
    /// interface, and support GetService(typeof(TextView)) method calls.
    internal interface ITextView 
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 
        /// Returns an ITextPointer that matches the supplied Point 
        /// in this TextView.
        /// Point in pixel coordinates to test. 
        /// If true, this method should return the closest position as 
        /// calculated by the control's heuristics.
        /// If false, this method should return null position, if the test 
        /// point does not fall within any character bounding box.
        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// If there is no position that matches the supplied point and
        /// snapToText is True, this method returns an ITextPointer
        /// that is closest to the Point.
        /// However, If snapToText is False, the method returns NULL if the 
        /// supplied point does not fall within the bounding box of
        /// a character. 
        ITextPointer GetTextPositionFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText);
        /// Retrieves the height and offset of the object or character
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Position of an object/character. 
        /// The height and offset of the object or character 
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The Width of the returned rectangle is always 0. 
        /// If the content at the specified position is empty, then this
        /// method will return the expected height of a character placed
        /// at the specified position. 
        Rect GetRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position); 
        /// Retrieves the height and offset of the object or character 
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Position of an object/character. 
        /// Transform to be applied to returned Rect 
        /// The height and offset of the object or character
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The Width of the returned rectangle is always 0.
        /// If the content at the specified position is empty, then this
        /// method will return the expected height of a character placed
        /// at the specified position. 
        /// This rectangle returned is completely untransformed to any ancestors.
        /// The transform parameter contains the aggregate of transforms that must be 
        /// applied to the rectangle. 
        Rect GetRawRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position, out Transform transform); 

        /// Returns tight bounding geometry for the given text range.
        /// Start position of the range.
        /// End position of the range. 
        /// Geometry object containing tight bound. 
        Geometry GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition);
        /// Returns an ITextPointer matching the given position
        /// advanced by the given number of lines.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of 
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line; the function returns the
        /// position whose offset is closest to suggestedX.
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        /// newSuggestedX is the offset at the position moved (useful when moving
        /// between columns or pages). 
        /// linesMoved indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less
        /// than count if there is no more content. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the 
        /// given number of lines.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The count parameter may be negative, which means move backwards. 
        /// If count is larger than the number of available lines in that 
        /// direction, then the returned position will be on the last line
        /// (or first line if count is negative).
        /// If suggestedX is Double.NaN, then it will be ignored. 
        ITextPointer GetPositionAtNextLine(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, out double newSuggestedX, out int linesMoved); 


        ITextPointer GetPositionAtNextPage(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, out Point newSuggestedOffset, out int pagesMoved);
        /// Determines if the given position is at the edge of a caret unit
        /// in the specified direction.
        /// Position to test. 
        /// Returns true if the specified position precedes or follows 
        /// the first or last code point of a caret unit, respectively.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// "Caret Unit" is a group of one or more Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single rendered glyph. 
        bool IsAtCaretUnitBoundary(ITextPointer position);
        /// Finds the next position at the edge of a caret unit in
        /// specified direction.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// If Forward, this method returns the "caret unit" position following 
        /// the initial position.
        /// If Backward, this method returns the caret unit" position preceding
        /// the initial position.
        /// The next caret unit break position in specified direction. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed.
        /// "Caret Unit" is a group of one or more Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single rendered glyph. 
        /// If the given position is located between two caret units, this
        /// method returns a new position located at the opposite edge of 
        /// the caret unit in the indicated direction.
        /// If position is located within a group of Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single caret unit, this method returns a new position at
        /// the edge of the caret unit indicated by direction. 
        /// If position is located at the beginning or end of content -- there
        /// is no content in the indicated direction -- then this method returns 
        /// position at the same location as the given position. 
        ITextPointer GetNextCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction); 

        /// Returns the position at the edge of a caret unit after backspacing.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// The the position at the edge of a caret unit after backspacing. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed.
        ITextPointer GetBackspaceCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position); 

        /// Returns a TextRange that spans the line on which the given
        /// position is located.
        /// Any oriented text position on the line.
        /// TextRange that spans the line on which the given position is located.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        TextSegment GetLineRange(ITextPointer position); 
        /// Provides a collection of glyph properties corresponding to runs 
        /// of Unicode code points.
        /// A position preceding the first code point to examine. 
        /// A position following the last code point to examine. 
        /// A collection of glyph property runs.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// A "glyph" in this context is the lowest level rendered representation
        /// of text.  Each entry in the output array describes a constant run 
        /// of properties on the glyphs corresponding to a range of Unicode 
        /// code points. With this array, it's possible to enumerate the glyph
        /// properties for each code point in the specified text run. 
        ReadOnlyCollection GetGlyphRuns(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end);

        /// Returns whether the position is contained in this view.
        /// A position to test.
        /// True if TextView contains specified text position.
        /// Otherwise returns false.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed.
        /// This method is used for multi-view (paginated) scenarios,
        /// when a position is not guaranteed to be in the current view.
        bool Contains(ITextPointer position);

        void BringPositionIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, object userState);

        void BringPointIntoViewAsync(Point point, object userState);




        void BringLineIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, object userState); 




        void BringPageIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, object userState); 

        /// Cancels all asynchronous calls made with the given userState.
        /// If userState is NULL, all asynchronous calls are cancelled.
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        void CancelAsync(object userState);
        /// Ensures the TextView is in a clean layout state and that it is
        /// possible to retrieve layout data. 
        /// This method may be expensive, because it may lead to a full
        /// layout update. 
        bool Validate(); 
        /// Ensures this ITextView has a clean layout at the specified Point. 
        /// Location to validate.
        /// True if the Point is validated, false otherwise. 
        /// Use this method before calling GetTextPositionFromPoint. 
        bool Validate(Point point);

        /// Ensures this ITextView has a clean layout at the specified ITextPointer.
        /// Position to validate.
        /// True if the position is validated, false otherwise.
        /// Use this method before calling any of the methods on this class that
        /// take a ITextPointer parameter. 
        bool Validate(ITextPointer position);
        /// Called by the TextEditor after receiving user input.
        /// Implementors of this method should balance for minimum latency
        /// for the next few seconds. 
        /// For example, during the next few seconds it would be 
        /// appropriate to examine much smaller chunks of text during background
        /// layout calculations, so that the latency of a keystroke repsonse is 
        /// minimal.
        void ThrottleBackgroundTasksForUserInput();
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// A UIElement owning this text view. All coordinates are calculated relative to this element. 
        UIElement RenderScope { get; } 

        /// The container for the text being displayed in this view.
        /// TextPositions refer to positions within this TextContainer. 
        ITextContainer TextContainer { get; } 
        /// Whether the TextView object is in a valid layout state. 
        /// If False, Validate must be called before calling any other
        /// method on TextView. 
        bool IsValid { get; } 
        /// Whether the TextView renders its own selection 
        bool RendersOwnSelection { get; }

        /// Collection of TextSegments representing content of the TextView.
        ReadOnlyCollection TextSegments { get; } 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Events 
        #region Internal Events
        /// Fired when a BringPositionIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPositionIntoViewCompleted; 

        /// Fired when a BringPointIntoViewAsync call has completed. 
        event BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPointIntoViewCompleted; 

        /// Fired when a BringLineIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringLineIntoViewCompleted;
        /// Fired when a BringPageIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPageIntoViewCompleted;

        /// Fired when TextView is updated and becomes valid. 
        event EventHandler Updated; 
        #endregion Internal Events

    /// BringPositionIntoViewCompleted event handler.
    internal delegate void BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);
    /// BringPointIntoViewCompleted event handler.
    internal delegate void BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);

    /// BringLineIntoViewCompleted event handler. 
    internal delegate void BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e); 
    /// BringLineIntoViewCompleted event handler. 
    internal delegate void BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);

    /// Event arguments for the BringPositionIntoViewCompleted event.
    internal class BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor.
        /// Position of an object/character.
        /// Whether operation was successful. 
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        public BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState)
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            //_position = position;
            //_succeeded = succeeded;

        // Position of an object/character. 
        //private readonly ITextPointer _position; 

        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded;

    /// Event arguments for the BringPointIntoViewCompleted event.
    internal class BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor.
        /// Point in pixel coordinates.
        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation. 
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task.
        public BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(Point point, ITextPointer position, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState) 
            : base(error, cancelled, userState)
            _point = point;
            _position = position; 
            //_succeeded = succeeded;
        /// Point in pixel coordinates. 
        public Point Point
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _point;

        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        public ITextPointer Position 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _position;
        /// Point in pixel coordinates.
        private readonly Point _point;

        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _position; 
        // Whether operation was successful.
        //private readonly bool _succeeded; 

    /// Event arguments for the BringLineIntoViewCompleted event. 
    internal class BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor. 
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of 
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line.
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        /// Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content.
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task.
        public BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, ITextPointer newPosition, double newSuggestedX, int linesMoved, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState) 
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            _position = position; 
            //_suggestedX = suggestedX;
            _count = count;
            _newPosition = newPosition;
            _newSuggestedX = newSuggestedX; 
            //_linesMoved = linesMoved;
            //_succeeded = succeeded; 

        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        public ITextPointer Position
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _position; 

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        public int Count 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _count; 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        public ITextPointer NewPosition
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _newPosition;

        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        public double NewSuggestedX 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _newSuggestedX;
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        private readonly ITextPointer _position;

        // The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        // the TextPointer on the destination line. 
        //private readonly double _suggestedX;
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        private readonly int _count;

        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _newPosition; 
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        private readonly double _newSuggestedX;

        // Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content. 
        //private readonly int _linesMoved;
        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded;

    internal class BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
        /// Constructor.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line. 
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        /// Indicates the number of pages moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content. 
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled.
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        public BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, ITextPointer newPosition, Point newSuggestedOffset, int pagesMoved, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState)
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            _position = position;
            //_suggestedX = suggestedX; 
            _count = count;
            _newPosition = newPosition;
            _newSuggestedOffset = newSuggestedOffset;
            //_linesMoved = linesMoved; 
            //_succeeded = succeeded;
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        public ITextPointer Position
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _position;

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        public int Count 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _count;
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        public ITextPointer NewPosition
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _newPosition; 

        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        public Point NewSuggestedOffset
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _newSuggestedOffset;

        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _position; 

        // The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        // the TextPointer on the destination line.
        //private readonly double _suggestedX; 

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        private readonly int _count; 

        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        private readonly ITextPointer _newPosition;
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        private readonly Point _newSuggestedOffset;

        // Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content.
        //private readonly int _linesMoved; 

        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: ITextView.cs
// Description: An interface representing the presentation of an ITextContainer. 
// History: 
//  9/17/2004 : benwest - Created 

using System.ComponentModel;            // AsyncCompletedEventArgs
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;   // ReadOnlyCollection
using System.Windows.Media;             // GlyphRun 

namespace System.Windows.Documents 
    /// The TextView class exposes presentation information for 
    /// a TextContainer. Its methods reveal document structure, including
    /// line layout, hit testing, and character bounding boxes.
    /// Layouts that support TextView must implement the IServiceProvider 
    /// interface, and support GetService(typeof(TextView)) method calls.
    internal interface ITextView 
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 
        /// Returns an ITextPointer that matches the supplied Point 
        /// in this TextView.
        /// Point in pixel coordinates to test. 
        /// If true, this method should return the closest position as 
        /// calculated by the control's heuristics.
        /// If false, this method should return null position, if the test 
        /// point does not fall within any character bounding box.
        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// If there is no position that matches the supplied point and
        /// snapToText is True, this method returns an ITextPointer
        /// that is closest to the Point.
        /// However, If snapToText is False, the method returns NULL if the 
        /// supplied point does not fall within the bounding box of
        /// a character. 
        ITextPointer GetTextPositionFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText);
        /// Retrieves the height and offset of the object or character
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Position of an object/character. 
        /// The height and offset of the object or character 
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The Width of the returned rectangle is always 0. 
        /// If the content at the specified position is empty, then this
        /// method will return the expected height of a character placed
        /// at the specified position. 
        Rect GetRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position); 
        /// Retrieves the height and offset of the object or character 
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Position of an object/character. 
        /// Transform to be applied to returned Rect 
        /// The height and offset of the object or character
        /// represented by the given TextPointer.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The Width of the returned rectangle is always 0.
        /// If the content at the specified position is empty, then this
        /// method will return the expected height of a character placed
        /// at the specified position. 
        /// This rectangle returned is completely untransformed to any ancestors.
        /// The transform parameter contains the aggregate of transforms that must be 
        /// applied to the rectangle. 
        Rect GetRawRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position, out Transform transform); 

        /// Returns tight bounding geometry for the given text range.
        /// Start position of the range.
        /// End position of the range. 
        /// Geometry object containing tight bound. 
        Geometry GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition);
        /// Returns an ITextPointer matching the given position
        /// advanced by the given number of lines.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of 
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line; the function returns the
        /// position whose offset is closest to suggestedX.
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        /// newSuggestedX is the offset at the position moved (useful when moving
        /// between columns or pages). 
        /// linesMoved indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less
        /// than count if there is no more content. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the 
        /// given number of lines.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        /// The count parameter may be negative, which means move backwards. 
        /// If count is larger than the number of available lines in that 
        /// direction, then the returned position will be on the last line
        /// (or first line if count is negative).
        /// If suggestedX is Double.NaN, then it will be ignored. 
        ITextPointer GetPositionAtNextLine(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, out double newSuggestedX, out int linesMoved); 


        ITextPointer GetPositionAtNextPage(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, out Point newSuggestedOffset, out int pagesMoved);
        /// Determines if the given position is at the edge of a caret unit
        /// in the specified direction.
        /// Position to test. 
        /// Returns true if the specified position precedes or follows 
        /// the first or last code point of a caret unit, respectively.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// "Caret Unit" is a group of one or more Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single rendered glyph. 
        bool IsAtCaretUnitBoundary(ITextPointer position);
        /// Finds the next position at the edge of a caret unit in
        /// specified direction.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// If Forward, this method returns the "caret unit" position following 
        /// the initial position.
        /// If Backward, this method returns the caret unit" position preceding
        /// the initial position.
        /// The next caret unit break position in specified direction. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed.
        /// "Caret Unit" is a group of one or more Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single rendered glyph. 
        /// If the given position is located between two caret units, this
        /// method returns a new position located at the opposite edge of 
        /// the caret unit in the indicated direction.
        /// If position is located within a group of Unicode code points that
        /// map to a single caret unit, this method returns a new position at
        /// the edge of the caret unit indicated by direction. 
        /// If position is located at the beginning or end of content -- there
        /// is no content in the indicated direction -- then this method returns 
        /// position at the same location as the given position. 
        ITextPointer GetNextCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction); 

        /// Returns the position at the edge of a caret unit after backspacing.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        /// The the position at the edge of a caret unit after backspacing. 
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed.
        ITextPointer GetBackspaceCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position); 

        /// Returns a TextRange that spans the line on which the given
        /// position is located.
        /// Any oriented text position on the line.
        /// TextRange that spans the line on which the given position is located.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check). 
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for
        /// direction is passed. 
        TextSegment GetLineRange(ITextPointer position); 
        /// Provides a collection of glyph properties corresponding to runs 
        /// of Unicode code points.
        /// A position preceding the first code point to examine. 
        /// A position following the last code point to examine. 
        /// A collection of glyph property runs.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid.
        /// A "glyph" in this context is the lowest level rendered representation
        /// of text.  Each entry in the output array describes a constant run 
        /// of properties on the glyphs corresponding to a range of Unicode 
        /// code points. With this array, it's possible to enumerate the glyph
        /// properties for each code point in the specified text run. 
        ReadOnlyCollection GetGlyphRuns(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end);

        /// Returns whether the position is contained in this view.
        /// A position to test.
        /// True if TextView contains specified text position.
        /// Otherwise returns false.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false. 
        /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if incoming position is not 
        /// part of this TextView (should call Contains first to check).
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException if position is invalid. 
        /// Throws InvalidEnumArgumentException if an invalid enum value for 
        /// direction is passed.
        /// This method is used for multi-view (paginated) scenarios,
        /// when a position is not guaranteed to be in the current view.
        bool Contains(ITextPointer position);

        void BringPositionIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, object userState);

        void BringPointIntoViewAsync(Point point, object userState);




        void BringLineIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, object userState); 




        void BringPageIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, object userState); 

        /// Cancels all asynchronous calls made with the given userState.
        /// If userState is NULL, all asynchronous calls are cancelled.
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        void CancelAsync(object userState);
        /// Ensures the TextView is in a clean layout state and that it is
        /// possible to retrieve layout data. 
        /// This method may be expensive, because it may lead to a full
        /// layout update. 
        bool Validate(); 
        /// Ensures this ITextView has a clean layout at the specified Point. 
        /// Location to validate.
        /// True if the Point is validated, false otherwise. 
        /// Use this method before calling GetTextPositionFromPoint. 
        bool Validate(Point point);

        /// Ensures this ITextView has a clean layout at the specified ITextPointer.
        /// Position to validate.
        /// True if the position is validated, false otherwise.
        /// Use this method before calling any of the methods on this class that
        /// take a ITextPointer parameter. 
        bool Validate(ITextPointer position);
        /// Called by the TextEditor after receiving user input.
        /// Implementors of this method should balance for minimum latency
        /// for the next few seconds. 
        /// For example, during the next few seconds it would be 
        /// appropriate to examine much smaller chunks of text during background
        /// layout calculations, so that the latency of a keystroke repsonse is 
        /// minimal.
        void ThrottleBackgroundTasksForUserInput();
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// A UIElement owning this text view. All coordinates are calculated relative to this element. 
        UIElement RenderScope { get; } 

        /// The container for the text being displayed in this view.
        /// TextPositions refer to positions within this TextContainer. 
        ITextContainer TextContainer { get; } 
        /// Whether the TextView object is in a valid layout state. 
        /// If False, Validate must be called before calling any other
        /// method on TextView. 
        bool IsValid { get; } 
        /// Whether the TextView renders its own selection 
        bool RendersOwnSelection { get; }

        /// Collection of TextSegments representing content of the TextView.
        ReadOnlyCollection TextSegments { get; } 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Events 
        #region Internal Events
        /// Fired when a BringPositionIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPositionIntoViewCompleted; 

        /// Fired when a BringPointIntoViewAsync call has completed. 
        event BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPointIntoViewCompleted; 

        /// Fired when a BringLineIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringLineIntoViewCompleted;
        /// Fired when a BringPageIntoViewAsync call has completed.
        event BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler BringPageIntoViewCompleted;

        /// Fired when TextView is updated and becomes valid. 
        event EventHandler Updated; 
        #endregion Internal Events

    /// BringPositionIntoViewCompleted event handler.
    internal delegate void BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);
    /// BringPointIntoViewCompleted event handler.
    internal delegate void BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);

    /// BringLineIntoViewCompleted event handler. 
    internal delegate void BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e); 
    /// BringLineIntoViewCompleted event handler. 
    internal delegate void BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e);

    /// Event arguments for the BringPositionIntoViewCompleted event.
    internal class BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor.
        /// Position of an object/character.
        /// Whether operation was successful. 
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        public BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState)
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            //_position = position;
            //_succeeded = succeeded;

        // Position of an object/character. 
        //private readonly ITextPointer _position; 

        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded;

    /// Event arguments for the BringPointIntoViewCompleted event.
    internal class BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor.
        /// Point in pixel coordinates.
        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation. 
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task.
        public BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(Point point, ITextPointer position, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState) 
            : base(error, cancelled, userState)
            _point = point;
            _position = position; 
            //_succeeded = succeeded;
        /// Point in pixel coordinates. 
        public Point Point
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _point;

        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        public ITextPointer Position 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _position;
        /// Point in pixel coordinates.
        private readonly Point _point;

        /// A text position and its orientation matching or closest to the point. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _position; 
        // Whether operation was successful.
        //private readonly bool _succeeded; 

    /// Event arguments for the BringLineIntoViewCompleted event. 
    internal class BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs 
        /// Constructor. 
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of 
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line.
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        /// Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content.
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled. 
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task.
        public BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, ITextPointer newPosition, double newSuggestedX, int linesMoved, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState) 
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            _position = position; 
            //_suggestedX = suggestedX;
            _count = count;
            _newPosition = newPosition;
            _newSuggestedX = newSuggestedX; 
            //_linesMoved = linesMoved;
            //_succeeded = succeeded; 

        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        public ITextPointer Position
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _position; 

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        public int Count 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _count; 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        public ITextPointer NewPosition
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _newPosition;

        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        public double NewSuggestedX 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _newSuggestedX;
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        private readonly ITextPointer _position;

        // The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        // the TextPointer on the destination line. 
        //private readonly double _suggestedX;
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards.
        private readonly int _count;

        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _newPosition; 
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages). 
        private readonly double _newSuggestedX;

        // Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content. 
        //private readonly int _linesMoved;
        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded;

    internal class BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
        /// Constructor.
        /// Initial text position of an object/character.
        /// The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        /// the TextPointer on the destination line. 
        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line. 
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        /// Indicates the number of pages moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content. 
        /// Whether operation was successful.
        /// Error occurred during an asynchronous operation.
        /// Whether an asynchronous operation has been cancelled.
        /// Unique identifier for the asynchronous task. 
        public BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventArgs(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, ITextPointer newPosition, Point newSuggestedOffset, int pagesMoved, bool succeeded, Exception error, bool cancelled, object userState)
            : base(error, cancelled, userState) 
            _position = position;
            //_suggestedX = suggestedX; 
            _count = count;
            _newPosition = newPosition;
            _newSuggestedOffset = newSuggestedOffset;
            //_linesMoved = linesMoved; 
            //_succeeded = succeeded;
        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        public ITextPointer Position
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _position;

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        public int Count 
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _count;
        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        public ITextPointer NewPosition
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled.
                return _newPosition; 

        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        public Point NewSuggestedOffset
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or was cancelled. 
                return _newSuggestedOffset;

        /// Initial text position of an object/character. 
        private readonly ITextPointer _position; 

        // The suggestedX parameter is the suggested X offset, in pixels, of
        // the TextPointer on the destination line.
        //private readonly double _suggestedX; 

        /// Number of lines to advance. Negative means move backwards. 
        private readonly int _count; 

        /// ITextPointer matching the given position advanced by the given number of line.
        private readonly ITextPointer _newPosition;
        /// The offset at the position moved (useful when moving between columns or pages).
        private readonly Point _newSuggestedOffset;

        // Indicates the number of lines moved, which may be less than count if there is no more content.
        //private readonly int _linesMoved; 

        // Whether operation was successful. 
        //private readonly bool _succeeded; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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