/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / Mail / MailAddress.cs / 1 / MailAddress.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net.Mail { using System; using System.Text; using System.Net.Mime; public class MailAddress { string displayName; Encoding displayNameEncoding; string encodedDisplayName; string address; string fullAddress; string userName; string host; //for internal use only for the bnfhelper. internal MailAddress(string address, string encodedDisplayName, uint bogusParam){ this.encodedDisplayName = encodedDisplayName; GetParts(address); // the address was already validated before this is called. } public MailAddress(string address):this(address,null,null){ } public MailAddress(string address, string displayName):this(address,displayName,null) { } //we shouldn�t encourage the use of invalid email address in our apis. //This is important, not only for our own sanity when parsing strings, //but to prevent propagating RFC violations. We are still experiencing //the pain introduced by the Uri class for not being more strict. //the only way we can reasonably encode the displayName is if is is given to us //seperately. Otherwise, if its passed in as a full mail address, we can only assume //its in the proper format public MailAddress(string address, string displayName, Encoding displayNameEncoding) { if (address == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("address"); } if (address == String.Empty){ throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall,"address"), "address"); } this.displayNameEncoding = displayNameEncoding; this.displayName = displayName; ParseValue(address); if(this.displayName != null && this.displayName != string.Empty){ if(this.displayName[0] == '\"' && this.displayName[this.displayName.Length - 1] == '\"'){ this.displayName = this.displayName.Substring(1,this.displayName.Length -2); } this.displayName = this.displayName.Trim(); } //if a different display name was provided, then override the existing one if(this.displayName != null && this.displayName.Length > 0){ //encode if necessary, or if an encoder was given. if (!MimeBasePart.IsAscii(this.displayName,false) || this.displayNameEncoding != null) { if (this.displayNameEncoding == null){ this.displayNameEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(MimeBasePart.defaultCharSet); } encodedDisplayName = MimeBasePart.EncodeHeaderValue(this.displayName, this.displayNameEncoding, MimeBasePart.ShouldUseBase64Encoding(displayNameEncoding)); //okay, time to validate it StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int offset = 0; //this means the displayname was given seperately, so we don't need to look //for quotes, though we should treat it as a quoted string. MailBnfHelper.ReadQuotedString(encodedDisplayName,ref offset,builder,true); encodedDisplayName = builder.ToString(); //set to remove any comments } else{ encodedDisplayName = this.displayName; } } } public string DisplayName { get { if (displayName == null) { if(encodedDisplayName != null && encodedDisplayName.Length > 0){ displayName = MimeBasePart.DecodeHeaderValue(encodedDisplayName); } else{ displayName = String.Empty; } } return displayName; } } public string User { get { return this.userName; } } public string Host { get { return; } } public string Address { get { if (this.address == null) CombineParts(); return this.address; } } internal string SmtpAddress{ get{ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append('<'); builder.Append(Address); builder.Append('>'); return builder.ToString(); } } internal string ToEncodedString(){ if (fullAddress == null){ if (encodedDisplayName != null && encodedDisplayName!=string.Empty) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); MailBnfHelper.GetDotAtomOrQuotedString(encodedDisplayName, builder); builder.Append(" <"); builder.Append(Address); builder.Append('>'); fullAddress = builder.ToString(); } else{ fullAddress = Address; } } return fullAddress; } public override string ToString() { if (fullAddress == null){ if (encodedDisplayName != null && encodedDisplayName!=string.Empty) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append('"'); builder.Append(DisplayName); builder.Append("\" <"); builder.Append(Address); builder.Append('>'); fullAddress = builder.ToString(); } else{ fullAddress = Address; } } return fullAddress; } public override bool Equals(object value) { if (value == null) { return false; } return ToString().Equals(value.ToString(),StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } public override int GetHashCode(){ return ToString().GetHashCode(); } void GetParts(string address) { if (address == null) return; int atIndex = address.IndexOf('@'); if (atIndex < 0) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.MailAddressInvalidFormat)); userName = address.Substring(0, atIndex); host = address.Substring(atIndex+1); } void ParseValue(string address) { //first, split out the display string if it exists string displayPart = null; int index = address.IndexOf('\"'); if(index > 0){ throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.MailAddressInvalidFormat)); } else if (index == 0){ index = address.IndexOf('\"',1); if(index < 0){ throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.MailAddressInvalidFormat)); } displayPart = address.Substring(1,index-1); if(address.Length == index+1){ throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.MailAddressInvalidFormat)); } address = address.Substring(index+1); } if (displayPart == null) { index = address.IndexOf('<'); if(index > 0){ displayPart = address.Substring(0,index); address = address.Substring(index); } } if(displayName == null){ displayName = displayPart; } index = 0; address = MailBnfHelper.ReadMailAddress(address, ref index, out encodedDisplayName); GetParts(address); } void CombineParts() { if (userName == null || host == null) return; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); MailBnfHelper.GetDotAtomOrQuotedString(User, builder); builder.Append('@'); MailBnfHelper.GetDotAtomOrDomainLiteral(Host, builder); address = builder.ToString(); } } }
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