XamlTypeMapper.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Markup / XamlTypeMapper.cs / 1600166 / XamlTypeMapper.cs

// File: XamlTypeMapper.cs
// Description:
//  Maps namespaceURI and LocalName to appropriate element, properties, and events. 
// History: 
//    7/19/01:    rogerg        Created
//    5/28/03:    peterost      Ported to wcp
//    9/20/04:    peterost      cleanup interfaces and caches
// Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Reflection;
using MS.Utility;


using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Windows.Resources;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using SecurityHelper=MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SecurityHelper;
using MS.Internal;  // CriticalExceptions


using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
// Disabling 1634 and 1691:
// In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
// unknown pragmas when compiling C# source code with the C# compiler,
// you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation) 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace MS.Internal.Markup
namespace System.Windows.Markup
    /// Handles mapping between XML NamepaceURI and .NET namespace types 
    internal class XamlTypeMapper 
    public partial class XamlTypeMapper
#region Public
#region Methods 

        /// Constructor
        /// Assemblies XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML 
        public XamlTypeMapper(string[] assemblyNames)
            if(null == assemblyNames) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "assemblyNames" ); 

            _assemblyNames = assemblyNames;
            _namespaceMaps = null; 
        /// Constructor 
        /// Assemblies XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML
        /// NamespaceMap the XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML
        public XamlTypeMapper( 
            string[] assemblyNames,
            NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps) 
            if(null == assemblyNames)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "assemblyNames" );

            _assemblyNames = assemblyNames; 
            _namespaceMaps = namespaceMaps;
            _hasInternals = false; 
            _hasLocalReference = false;

        /// Helper to map an Xaml tag to a DotNet Type 
        /// Example: 
        ///     If the xml contained the tags 
        ///     you would call XamlTypeMapper.GetType("AvalonBase","Button"); 
        ///     Note the XmlNamespace "AvalonBase" is the actual namespace value, not
        ///     the base: prefix.
        /// NamespaceURI of tag
        /// localName of the Tag 
        /// Type for the object. If no type was found NULL is returned 
        public Type GetType(
            string xmlNamespace, 
            string localName)
            if(null == xmlNamespace)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "xmlNamespace" );
            if(null == localName) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "localName" ); 

            TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =

            return typeAndSerializer != null ? typeAndSerializer.ObjectType : null; 

        ///  Programmatic counterpart to the  XAML PI.  For example, 
        /// The "swc" argument in the mapping PI example. 
        /// The "System.Windows.ComponentModel" argument in the mapping PI example. 
        /// The "PresentationFramework" argument in the mapping PI example.
        public void AddMappingProcessingInstruction(
            string  xmlNamespace, 
            string  clrNamespace, 
            string  assemblyName )
            if( null == xmlNamespace )
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlNamespace");
            if( null == clrNamespace )
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clrNamespace"); 
            if( null == assemblyName ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName");
            // Parameter validation : Check for String.Empty as well?
            // Add mapping to the table keyed by xmlNamespace 
            ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair pair = new ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair(clrNamespace, assemblyName);
            PITable[xmlNamespace] = pair; 

            // Add mapping to the table keyed by assembly and clrnamespace
            string upperAssemblyName = assemblyName.ToUpper(
            String fullName = clrNamespace + "#" + upperAssemblyName;
            _piReverseTable[fullName] = xmlNamespace; 

            // Add mapping to the SchemaContext 
            if (_schemaContext != null)
                _schemaContext.SetMappingProcessingInstruction(xmlNamespace, pair);
        ///     This allows specifying a path to use when loading the named assembly.
        /// The short name of the assembly, with no extension or path specified
        /// The file path of the assembly
        public void SetAssemblyPath( 
            string assemblyName,
            string assemblyPath) 
            if( null == assemblyName )
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName"); 
            if( null == assemblyPath ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyPath");
            if (assemblyPath == string.Empty)
                _lineNumber = 0;  // Public API, so we don't know the line number.
            if (assemblyName == string.Empty) 
                _lineNumber = 0;  // Public API, so we don't know the line number.

            string asmName = assemblyName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            lock (_assemblyPathTable) 
                _assemblyPathTable[asmName] = assemblyPath; 

            PreLoadDefaultAssemblies(asmName, assemblyPath);
            // Allow people to reset the path of previously loaded assemblies
            // so they can be loaded again.   The is the Dev build/load/build/load 
            // Designer scenario.  (Don't mess with GACed assemblies)
            Assembly assem = ReflectionHelper.GetAlreadyLoadedAssembly(asmName); 
            if (assem != null && !assem.GlobalAssemblyCache) 
                // No way to reset SchemaContext at assembly granularity, so just reset the whole context
                if (_schemaContext != null)
                    _schemaContext = null; 
#endregion Methods

#region Properties
        ///  Instance of XamlTypeMapper to use if none is specified in a 
        ///  ParserContext.  XamlTypeMapper returned is the internal default. 
        public static XamlTypeMapper DefaultMapper 
                return XmlParserDefaults.DefaultMapper; 
#endregion Properties
#endregion Public

#region Internal
#region Initialization
        /// Initialize the XamlTypeMapper so that it is ready for a parse operation. 
        internal void Initialize()
            lock (_assemblyPathTable)
            _referenceAssembliesLoaded = false;
        // Return a new XamlTypeMapper that has the same instance variables as this instance, 
        // will all complex properties deep copied.
        internal XamlTypeMapper Clone()
            XamlTypeMapper newMapper = new XamlTypeMapper(_assemblyNames.Clone() as string[]);
            newMapper._mapTable = _mapTable;
            newMapper._referenceAssembliesLoaded = _referenceAssembliesLoaded; 
            newMapper._lineNumber = _lineNumber; 
            newMapper._linePosition = _linePosition;
            newMapper._namespaceMaps = _namespaceMaps.Clone() as NamespaceMapEntry[];
            newMapper._typeLookupFromXmlHashtable = _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Clone() as Hashtable;
            newMapper._namespaceMapHashList = _namespaceMapHashList.Clone() as Hashtable;
            newMapper._typeInformationCache = CloneHybridDictionary(_typeInformationCache); 
            newMapper._piTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_piTable);
            newMapper._piReverseTable = CloneStringDictionary(_piReverseTable); 
            newMapper._assemblyPathTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_assemblyPathTable); 

            return newMapper; 

        private HybridDictionary CloneHybridDictionary(HybridDictionary dict)
            HybridDictionary newDict = new HybridDictionary(dict.Count); 
            foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in dict )
                newDict.Add(de.Key, de.Value);
            return newDict;
        private Dictionary CloneStringDictionary(Dictionary dict)
            Dictionary newDict = new Dictionary();
            foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dict)
                newDict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); 
            return newDict; 
#endregion Initialization

#region Assemblies
        /// Returns the assembly path for the passed assembly.  If none, return null. 
        internal string AssemblyPathFor(string assemblyName)
            string path = null;
            if (assemblyName != null)
                // This method is used by SchemaContext, which needs to be thread-safe, so lock around it 
                lock (_assemblyPathTable)
                    path = _assemblyPathTable[assemblyName.ToUpper( 
                                            CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] as string;

            if (path == null)
                // If the assembly name contains full assembly name, we should use the short 
                // assembly name to search the assembly path cache table.
                int indexComma = assemblyName.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal);

                if (indexComma > 0)
                    string assemblyShortName = assemblyName.Substring(0, indexComma).ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    path = _assemblyPathTable[assemblyShortName] as String; 

            return path;
        /// Load assemblies that are in the referenced assembly list passed to the XamlTypeMapper 
        /// by the compiler.  Don't load known assemblies that should already be present, 
        /// since the references may not be the correct versions (see windows bugs 927372
        /// and 929395) 
        private bool LoadReferenceAssemblies()
            if (!_referenceAssembliesLoaded) 
                _referenceAssembliesLoaded = true; 
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _assemblyPathTable) 
                    ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(entry.Key as String, entry.Value as String); 
                return true;
                // Already loaded, so they don't need to be loaded again 
                return false; 

#endregion Assemblies

#region AssemblyLoading 

        private void PreLoadDefaultAssemblies(string asmName, string asmPath)
            if (AssemblyWB == null && string.Compare(asmName, _assemblyNames[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                AssemblyWB = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
            else if (AssemblyPC == null && string.Compare(asmName, _assemblyNames[1], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                AssemblyPC = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath); 
            else if (AssemblyPF == null && string.Compare(asmName, _assemblyNames[2], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                AssemblyPF = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
            else if (string.Compare(asmName, "SYSTEM.XML", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                // make sure System.Xml is at least loaded as ReflectionOnly 
                ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath); 
            else if (string.Compare(asmName, "SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                // make sure System is at least loaded as ReflectionOnly
                ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
        private ResolveEventHandler _areh = null; 

        internal void SetReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolver() 
            // Register handler for prerequisite assemblies.  We may not necessarily load them
            // in the correct order, so the handler is responsbile for loading required assemblies.
            if (_areh == null) 
                _areh = new ResolveEventHandler(OnReferencedAssemblyResolve); 
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += _areh; 

        internal void ClearReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolver()
            if (_areh != null) 
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= _areh; 
                _areh = null; 

        // This event handler is called when a ReflectionOnlyLoad can't succeed because of
        // a required assembly not being present.  This handler attempts to load that
        // assembly from the known place where the root assembly lives. 
        // NOTE:  It is assumed that all prerequisite assemblies are in the assembly path
        //        table passed to the TypeMapper via SetAssemblyPath(). 
        private Assembly OnReferencedAssemblyResolve( 
            object sender,
            ResolveEventArgs args) 
            if (_assemblyPathTable != null && _assemblyPathTable.Count > 0)
                AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name); 
                string assemblyShortName = assemblyName.Name;
                assemblyShortName = assemblyShortName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                Assembly asm = ReflectionHelper.GetAlreadyReflectionOnlyLoadedAssembly(assemblyShortName);
                if (asm != null) 
                    if (assemblyName.Version != null)
                        AssemblyName cachedName = new AssemblyName(asm.FullName); 
                        if (!AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(assemblyName, cachedName))
                            string request = assemblyName.ToString(); 
                            string found = cachedName.ToString();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ParserAssemblyLoadVersionMismatch, request, found)); 
                    return asm;
                    string assemblyFullPath = _assemblyPathTable[args.Name] as String; 

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyFullPath) && File.Exists(assemblyFullPath)) 
                       return ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(args.Name, assemblyFullPath);
            return ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(args.Name, null); 

#endregion AssemblyLoading

        #region Events 

        /// Helper to map an Attribute to a RoutedEvent 
        ///    Example: 
        ///     If the xaml contained the tag  
        ///     you would call 
        ///         Type owner = XamlTypeMapper.GetType("BaseXmlNs","Button");  
        ///         RoutedEvent = XamlTypeMapper.GetRoutedEvent(owner,"MyClick","BaseXmlNs");
        /// Type of the owner
        /// Xml NamespaceURI of the attribute
        /// Local name of the attribute
        /// The RoutedEvent ID or null if no match was found 
        internal RoutedEvent GetRoutedEvent( 
            Type   owner, 
            string xmlNamespace,
            string localName) 
            Type baseType = null;
            string dynamicObjectName = null;
            if(null == localName)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "localName" ); 
            if(null == xmlNamespace) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "xmlNamespace" );
            if (owner != null && !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(owner)) 
                _lineNumber = 0;  // Public API, so we don't know the line number. 
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserOwnerEventMustBePublic, owner.FullName ); 
            RoutedEvent Event = GetDependencyObject(true,owner,xmlNamespace,
                localName,ref baseType,ref dynamicObjectName)
                as RoutedEvent;
            return Event;


#endregion Events

#region Properties 

        /// Converts the string representation of an Attribute Value to an appropriate
        /// Type for the Property.  This handles use of type converters and the special 
        /// *prefix:Type.Field syntax for enums, static properties and fields.
        ///Target object that the property needs to be set on
        ///Type of the property 
        ///Name of the property.  This is used only for
        ///                       error reporting and some pre-validation 
        ///DependencyProperty or PropertyInfo or FieldInfo. This is used 
        ///         for evaluating the TypeConverter to be used for conversion
        ///Context for the type converter 
        ///Context for enum, field and property resolution
        ///string value of the property the Attribute
        ///typeId of converter to use for paring the attribute value
        /// An Object for the attribute value is returned.
        /// Null is returned if no TypeConverter for the Property type. 
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
        internal Object ParseProperty( 
            object                 targetObject,
            Type                   propType,
            string                 propName,
            object                 dpOrPiOrFi, 
            ITypeDescriptorContext typeContext,
            ParserContext          parserContext, 
            string                 value, 
            short                  converterTypeId)
            _lineNumber = parserContext != null ? parserContext.LineNumber : 0;
            _linePosition = parserContext != null ? parserContext.LinePosition : 0;

            // If value is to be converted to a string, just return the string itself instead of 
            // going needlessly through the TC. But check that the target prop Type can accept strings.
            if (converterTypeId < 0 && ((short)-converterTypeId == (short)KnownElements.StringConverter)) 
                if (propType == typeof(object) || propType == typeof(string))
                    return value;
                    string message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserCannotConvertPropertyValueString, value, propName, propType.FullName);
                    XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null); 
            Object obj = null;   // Object to return
            TypeConverter typeConvert;

            if (converterTypeId != 0) 
                typeConvert = parserContext.MapTable.GetConverterFromId(converterTypeId, propType, parserContext); 
                // NOTE: This may still be a known converter. This is typically the case when adding
                // a text Record. This should also be potentially optimized by resolving & writing out the
                // TC at compile time.
                // Reflect for per property type converter or type converter based on the property's type
                typeConvert = GetPropertyConverter(propType, dpOrPiOrFi); 
                #if DEBUG
                if( propType.Assembly.FullName == "PresentationFramework" 
                    propType.Assembly.FullName == "PresentationCore"
                    propType.Assembly.FullName == "WindowsBase" ) 
                    Debug.WriteLine( "Reflected for type converter on " + propType.Name + "." + propName ); 

                obj =  typeConvert.ConvertFromString(typeContext, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, value); 
                if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled )
                    TraceMarkup.TraceActivityItem( TraceMarkup.TypeConvert,
                                                 obj ); 
#if !STRESS 
            catch (Exception e)
                if( CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e) || e is XamlParseException )

                // If the targetObject can provide a fallback value for this property then use that instead 
                IProvidePropertyFallback iProvidePropertyFallback = targetObject as IProvidePropertyFallback;
                if (iProvidePropertyFallback != null && iProvidePropertyFallback.CanProvidePropertyFallback(propName)) 
                    obj = iProvidePropertyFallback.ProvidePropertyFallback(propName, e);

                    if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled ) 
                        TraceMarkup.TraceActivityItem( TraceMarkup.TypeConvertFallback, 
                                                     obj ); 

                // If we got the default object TypeConverter, then we know the conversion will 
                // fail, so create a more meaningful error message here.
                else if (typeConvert.GetType() == typeof(TypeConverter)) 
                    string message;
                    if( propName != string.Empty ) 
                        //  and there's no TypeConverter
                        //  to handle converting "SomeText" into an instance of something
                        //  that can be set into SomeProp. 
                        message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserDefaultConverterProperty, propType.FullName, propName, value);
                        // SomeText and there's no TypeConverter 
                        //  associated with the type SomeElement
                        message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserDefaultConverterElement, propType.FullName, value);
                    XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null); 
                    string message = TypeConverterFailure( value, propName, propType.FullName );
                    XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, e); 
            // Verify that the type converter actually gave us an instance of the correct object type.
            if( obj != null ) 
                    string message = TypeConverterFailure( value, propName, propType.FullName );

                    XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null);
            return obj; 
        private string TypeConverterFailure( string value, string propName, string propType )
            string message;
            if( propName != string.Empty )
                // We were called to do type conversion on a string that's been 
                //  assigned in an element attribute, but failed for whatever reason.
                // propName is 'Fill' in this case.
                message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserCannotConvertPropertyValueString, value, propName, propType);
                // We are being called by BamlRecordReader::GetObjectFromString 
                //  which is not trying to convert a property. It's actually
                //  trying to get an element out of this.
                //   Red 
                // There is no associated propName available in this case, so we 
                //  give a different error message. 

                message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserCannotConvertInitializationText, value, propType ); 
            return message;

        // ValidateNames does Name validation, and ValidateEnums does enum 
        // name validation.  Note that both must be called to determine if a 
        // property is valid before it is set, but the order is not important.  Hence
        // ValidateNames can be called before writing out a BAML record, and 
        // ValidateEnums can be called later after the BAML record has been read.

        /// Validate the Name property.
        /// This will throw an exception if the property is an 
        /// Name that does not follow the rules of only letters, digits and underscores in 
        /// Name names.
        internal void ValidateNames(
            string   value,
            int      lineNumber,
            int      linePosition) 
            // set the linenumber and position 
            _lineNumber = lineNumber; 
            _linePosition = linePosition;
            if (value == string.Empty)
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserBadName, value);

            if (MarkupExtensionParser.LooksLikeAMarkupExtension(value)) 
                string message = SR.Get(SRID.ParserBadUidOrNameME, value);
                message += " "; 
                message += SR.Get(SRID.ParserLineAndOffset,
                XamlParseException parseException = new XamlParseException(message, lineNumber, linePosition);
                throw parseException; 
            if (!NameValidationHelper.IsValidIdentifierName(value))
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserBadName, value);
        /// Validate that if the type converter is
        /// for enums you can't pass numbers to it. 
        internal void ValidateEnums(
            string        propName,
            Type          propType, 
            string        attribValue)
            if (propType.IsEnum && attribValue != string.Empty) 
                // Handle enum strings of the form "one, two, three".  Check that 
                // each of the values does NOT start with a digit.  This doesn't
                // validate that the enum is correct, just that there are no digits
                // specified.
                bool lookingForComma = false; 
                for (int i = 0; i < attribValue.Length; i++)
                    if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(attribValue[i])) 
                        if (lookingForComma) 
                            if (attribValue[i] == ',')
                                lookingForComma = false; 
                        else if (Char.IsDigit(attribValue[i])) 
                            ThrowException(SRID.ParserNoDigitEnums, propName, attribValue); 
                            lookingForComma = true; 

        /// Get cached member info for the property name.  This can be
        /// a PropertyInfo for the property or a MethodInfo for the static 
        /// setter.  This does not work for EventInfo, so don't call it.
        /// Type of the owner of the property  
        /// Name of the property
        /// True if the caller wants the PropertyInfo for the 
        ///     case where both a MethodInfo and propertyInfo are cached for this property
        /// The attribute info record retrieved from
        ///     the map table, if one is found.  
        /// There is only one scenario under which two memberInfo need to be 
        /// cached for a given attribute. This is the case when there are both a 
        /// Clr wrapper and static Settor for a given DP. In that case we cache
        /// an object array of two elements. Also the MethodInfo for the given DP 
        /// will be discovered first by the XamlReaderHelper while the PropertyInfo
        /// will be discovered by the BamlRecordWriter.
        private MemberInfo GetCachedMemberInfo( 
               Type                    owner,
               string                  propName, 
               bool                    onlyPropInfo, 
           out BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord)
            infoRecord = null;
            if (MapTable != null)
                string fullName = owner.IsGenericType ? owner.Namespace + "." + owner.Name : owner.FullName; 
                object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(fullName, propName);
                infoRecord = MapTable.GetHashTableData(key) as BamlAttributeInfoRecord; 
                if (infoRecord != null)
                    return infoRecord.GetPropertyMember(onlyPropInfo) as MemberInfo;
            return null; 
        /// Add cached member info for the property name. 
        private void AddCachedAttributeInfo(
               Type                    ownerType,
               BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord) 
            if (MapTable != null) 
                object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(ownerType.FullName, infoRecord.Name);
                MapTable.AddHashTableData(key, infoRecord); 

        /// Helper function for getting Clr PropertyInfo on a type and updating the
        /// passed attribute info record.  Also update the property cache with this 
        /// attribute information if it was not already present. 
        /// Note that the ObjectHashTable may contain
        /// a BamlAttributeInfoRecord from a previous parse for the same property.  If
        /// we find one in the hash table, use its property info instead of reflecting.
        internal void UpdateClrPropertyInfo(
            Type currentParentType, 
            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attribInfo) 
            Debug.Assert(null != attribInfo, "null attribInfo"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != currentParentType, "null currentParentType");

            bool isInternal = false;
            string propName = attribInfo.Name; 

            BamlAttributeInfoRecord cachedInfoRecord; 
            attribInfo.PropInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(currentParentType, propName, true, out cachedInfoRecord) 
                as PropertyInfo;
            if (attribInfo.PropInfo == null)
                // If no cached property info, use the slow route of reflecting to get
                // the property info. 
                attribInfo.PropInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(propName, currentParentType, !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(currentParentType), false, out isInternal);
                attribInfo.IsInternal = isInternal; 
                if (attribInfo.PropInfo != null) 
                    // If we successfully find a property info via reflection, cache it. 
                    if (cachedInfoRecord != null)
                        cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal = attribInfo.IsInternal; 
                        AddCachedAttributeInfo(currentParentType, attribInfo);
                attribInfo.IsInternal = cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal;

        private void UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo, bool isSetter) 
            MethodInfo attachedPropertyInfo = null;
            Type propertyOwnerType = attributeInfo.OwnerType;
            Debug.Assert(propertyOwnerType != null); 
            bool tryInternal = !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(propertyOwnerType);
            string propName = (isSetter ? "Set" : "Get") + attributeInfo.Name; 
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; 

            // Check Set\GetFoo method presence 

                if (!tryInternal) 
                    // first try public methods 
                    attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags); 
                if (attachedPropertyInfo == null)
                    // if public method not found, try non-public method next.
                    attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
            catch (AmbiguousMatchException) 

            int paramCount = isSetter ? 2 : 1;
            if (attachedPropertyInfo != null && attachedPropertyInfo.GetParameters().Length == paramCount)
                // the MethodInfo has to be public or internal.
                Debug.Assert(attachedPropertyInfo.IsPublic || 
                                 attachedPropertyInfo.IsAssembly || 
                if (isSetter)
                    attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter = attachedPropertyInfo;
                    attributeInfo.AttachedPropertyGetter = attachedPropertyInfo; 

        internal void UpdateAttachedPropertySetter(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo)
            if (attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter == null)
                UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(attributeInfo, true); 

        internal void UpdateAttachedPropertyGetter(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo)
            if (attributeInfo.AttachedPropertyGetter == null) 
                UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(attributeInfo, false); 

        /// Common helper method to resolve an xml XmlNamespace and LocalName to 
        /// either a EventInfo or a PropertyInfo.
        /// True if Event, False look for Property 
        /// Type we should look for attribute on, can be null
        /// XmlNamespace or the Attribute 
        /// local Name of the Attribute
        /// Name of the resolved property or event
        /// PropertyInfo or EventInfo for resolved property or event
        internal MemberInfo GetClrInfo( 
                bool   isEvent,
                Type   owner, 
                string xmlNamespace, 
                string localName,
            ref string propName) 
            Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName");
            Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace");
            // adjust urtNamespace and localName if there are any periods in the localName.
            string globalClassName = null; 
            int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.'); 

            if (-1 != lastIndex) 
                // If using .net then match against the class.
                globalClassName = localName.Substring(0, lastIndex);
                localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1); 
            return GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, ref propName); 
        // Checks to see if a given event handler delegate type is accessible.
        static private bool IsAllowedEventDelegateType(Type delegateType)
            if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(delegateType))
                if (!ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(delegateType) || 
                    return false;
            return true;
        // Checks to see if a given event's add method is accessible.
        // Checks for protected add methods as well if requested. 
        private bool IsAllowedEvent(EventInfo ei, bool isProtectedAllowed)
            MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
            return IsAllowedMethod(mi, isProtectedAllowed); 
        // Checks to see if a given property's set method is accessible. 
        // Always checks for protected set methods as well.
        internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi) 
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
            return IsAllowedMethod(mi, true);

        // Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible. 
        // Checks for protected get methods as well if requested. 
        private bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi, bool checkProtected)
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
            return IsAllowedMethod(mi, checkProtected);
        // Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible.
        // Always checks for protected get methods as well. 
        internal bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi) 
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true); 
            return IsAllowedMethod(mi, true);

        // Checks to see if a given field member is accessible. 
        private bool IsAllowedField(FieldInfo fi)
            bool allowed = false; 

            // No field, so not allowed 
            if (fi != null)
                // field is public -- always allow.
                allowed = fi.IsPublic; 
                if (!allowed)
                    // if not, try accessible internal fields. 
                    // if the field from a base type, then it must be in the same assembly
                    // as the type from which it was reflected. If not, internals will not 
                    // be allowed.
                    if (fi.ReflectedType.Assembly == fi.DeclaringType.Assembly)
                        // if reflected type is public, check to see if internals are allowed 
                        // on that type (i.e local or friend). If not, the type has to be an
                        // internal allowed type due to the guaranteed central check in 
                        // CreateTypeAndSerializer(). 
                        if (ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(fi.ReflectedType))
                            allowed = IsInternalAllowedOnType(fi.ReflectedType);
                            allowed = true;
                        // Either ways, if reflected type is allowed only allow non-public
                        // fields that are internal. 
                        allowed = allowed && (fi.IsAssembly || fi.IsFamilyOrAssembly);

            return allowed; 

        // Checks to see if a given methodInfo (for a property's get\set method 
        // or an event's add method) is accessible.
        private bool IsAllowedMethod(MethodInfo mi, bool checkProtected)
            bool allowed = false; 

            // No method, so not allowed 
            if (mi != null) 
                // method is public -- always allow. 
                allowed = mi.IsPublic;
                if (!allowed)
                    // method is not public. 
                    // Next check to see if the mapper will allow looking for protected
                    // attributes. This will be the case if current methodInfo has been 
                    // reflected off of the markup sub-classed root element, i.e one with 
                    // an x:Class attribute, in which case IsProtectedAttributeAllowed will
                    // be true. So in this case allow protected if caller wishes for this 
                    // by setting the checkProtected param to true.
                    if (checkProtected && IsProtectedAttributeAllowed)
                        // if so, allow protected or internal protected method. 
                        allowed = mi.IsFamily || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly;
                    if (!allowed)
                        // if not, try accessible internal methods.
                        // if the property or event inherits from a base type, then its
                        // accessor method must be in the same assembly as the type from
                        // which it was reflected. If not, internals will not be allowed. 
                        if (mi.ReflectedType.Assembly == mi.DeclaringType.Assembly)
                            // if reflected type is public, check to see if internals are allowed 
                            // on that type (i.e local or friend). If not, the type has to be an
                            // internal allowed type due to the guaranteed central check in 
                            // CreateTypeAndSerializer().
                            if (ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.ReflectedType))
                                allowed = IsInternalAllowedOnType(mi.ReflectedType); 
                                allowed = true;

                            // Either ways, if reflected type is allowed only allow non-public members
                            // that are internal.
                            allowed = allowed && (mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly); 
            return allowed;
        // Checks to see if a given property's set method is public. 
        // Used only in Xaml Load sceanrios.
        internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi) 
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
            return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic); 

        // Checks to see if a given property's get method is public.
        // Used only in Xaml Load sceanrios. 
        internal bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi)
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true); 
            return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic);

        // Checks to see if a given property's set method is accessible.
        // Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
        static internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic) 
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true); 
            bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily; 
            // return isPublic == true only if the property is public on a base declaring Type.
            // if the property is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still 
            // need to call the generated helper to set the property.
            isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType);
            return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected));

        // Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible. 
        // Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios. 
        static private bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic)
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
            bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily;
            // return isPublic == true only if the property is public on a base declaring Type.
            // if the property is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still 
            // need to call the generated helper to get the property.
            isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType); 
            return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected)); 
        // Checks to see if a given event's add method is accessible.
        // Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
        static private bool IsAllowedEvent(EventInfo ei, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic)
            MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
            bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily; 
            // return isPublic == true only if the event is public on a base declaring Type. 
            // if the event is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still
            // need to call the generated helper to hook up the event. 
            isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType);
            return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected));

        // Checks to see if a given event's add method is public. 
        // Used in all (xaml load, xaml compile & compiled Baml Load sceanrios. 
        static private bool IsPublicEvent(EventInfo ei)
            MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
            return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic);
        /// Allows a sub-classed XamlTypeMapper called under Full Trust to participate 
        /// in deciding if an internal type should be accessible.
        /// The internal type
        /// When overriden, should return true if accessible, false if not.
        /// Returns false by default, if no one overrides. 
        protected virtual bool AllowInternalType(Type type) 
            return false;

        private bool IsInternalTypeAllowedInFullTrust(Type type)
            bool isAllowed = false; 
            // If caller has Full Trust and the type is internal, then allow them to participate
            // in deciding if that internal type should be accessible. 
            if (ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(type) && MS.Internal.SecurityHelper.IsFullTrustCaller()) 
                isAllowed = AllowInternalType(type); 

            return isAllowed;
        /// Common helper method to resolve an xml XmlNamespace and LocalName to
        /// either a EventInfo or a PropertyInfo. 
        /// True if Event, False look for Property
        /// Type we should look for attribute on, can be null
        /// XmlNamespace or the Attribute 
        /// local Name of the Attribute with no class
        /// Class Name of the Attribute, or null if not present 
        /// Name of the resolved property or event 
        /// PropertyInfo or EventInfo for resolved property or event
        internal MemberInfo GetClrInfoForClass ( 
                bool   isEvent,
                Type   owner,
                string xmlNamespace,
                string localName, 
                string globalClassName,
            ref string propName) 
            MemberInfo mi = null;
            if (owner == null || ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(owner))
            // first, try normal lookup for public properties and events only. 
                mi = GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, false, ref propName);

            if (mi == null && owner != null) 
                // if lookup on internal type or if public property or event lookup failed,
                // try internal ones as well, or protected if the type happens to be a
                // code-generated root. 
                mi = GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, true, ref propName);

            return mi; 

        private MemberInfo GetClrInfoForClass(
                bool isEvent, 
                Type owner,
                string xmlNamespace, 
                string localName, 
                string globalClassName,
                bool tryInternal, 
            ref string propName)
            bool isInternal = false;
            MemberInfo memberInfo = null; 
            BindingFlags defaultBinding = BindingFlags.Public;
            if (tryInternal)
                defaultBinding |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            propName = null;
            ParameterInfo[] pis = null; 
            // if this is a globalClass then resolve the type and then call the dpFromName
            if (null != globalClassName) 
                TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
                    GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, globalClassName);
                if (typeAndSerializer != null && typeAndSerializer.ObjectType != null)
                    BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord; 
                    Type objectType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
                    memberInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(objectType, localName, false, out infoRecord); 

                    if (memberInfo == null)
                        if (isEvent) 
                            // See if attached event first 
                            memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod("Add" + localName + "Handler", 
                                defaultBinding |
                                BindingFlags.Static | 

                            // Make sure that we found a method of the right signature.
                            // Otherwise discard what you found. 
                            if (memberInfo != null)
                                MethodInfo mi = memberInfo as MethodInfo; 
                                if (mi != null)
                                    pis = mi.GetParameters();
                                    Type dependencyObjectType = KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyObject];
                                    if (pis == null || pis.Length != 2 || !dependencyObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(pis[0].ParameterType))
                                        memberInfo = null;
                                    if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(mi, false))
                                        ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "bubbling event", objectType.Name + "." + localName, "Add Handler method");
                            if (memberInfo == null)
                                // Not an attached event so try Clr event
                                memberInfo = objectType.GetEvent(localName,
                                    defaultBinding |
                                    BindingFlags.Instance | 
                                if (memberInfo != null) 
                                    EventInfo ei = memberInfo as EventInfo; 
                                    if (!IsAllowedEventDelegateType(ei.EventHandlerType))
                                    if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(ei.EventHandlerType)) 
                                        ThrowException(SRID.ParserEventDelegateTypeNotAccessible, ei.EventHandlerType.FullName, objectType.Name + "." + localName); 
                                    if (tryInternal)
                                        // Check if the event add method accessor itself is accessible. 
                                        // Also if this is a non-public event on a public type, it will
                                        // check to make sure that the public type is accessible\allowed. 
                                        if (!IsAllowedEvent(ei, false)) 
                                            ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "event", objectType.Name + "." + localName, "add"); 
                                        // Check if the event add method accessor itself is public. 
                                        if (!IsPublicEvent(ei)) 
                                            memberInfo = null;
                                            ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "event", objectType.Name + "." + localName, "add");

                            // See if attached property first - start from a Setter 
                            memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod("Set" + localName, 
                                defaultBinding |
                                BindingFlags.Static | 
                            if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 2)
                                memberInfo = null; 
                            // Try read-only case (Getter only) 
                            if (memberInfo == null) 
                                memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod("Get" + localName, 
                                    defaultBinding |
                                    BindingFlags.Static |
                                if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 1) 
                                    memberInfo = null; 
                            if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(memberInfo as MethodInfo, false))
                                ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "attached property", objectType.Name + "." + localName, "Set method"); 
                            if (memberInfo == null) 
                                // Not an attached property, so try clr property
                                memberInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(localName, objectType, tryInternal, true, out isInternal);
                                // If we've found a property info, then the owner had better
                                // be the same type as or a subclass of the objectType, or 
                                // they are in different inheritance hierarchies.  This 
                                // fixes windows bug 920135.
                                if (memberInfo != null) 
                                    if (owner != null &&
                                                       String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}.{1}", objectType.Name, localName), 

                            if (null != memberInfo)
                                if (infoRecord != null)
                                    // DP's aren't present in the PBT case
                                    if (infoRecord.DP == null) 
                                        infoRecord.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(infoRecord);
            else if (null != owner)
                Type baseType = owner;
                // See if the owner knows about this class. 
                // Look for a parent type until we find a match or fail.
                if (null != baseType) 
                    BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord;
                    memberInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(baseType, localName, false, out infoRecord);
                    if (memberInfo == null)
                        if (isEvent) 
                            // See if attached event first 
                            memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod("Add" + localName + "Handler",
                                defaultBinding | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

                            // Make sure that we found a method of the right signature. 
                            // Otherwise discard what you found.
                            if (memberInfo != null) 
                                MethodInfo mi = memberInfo as MethodInfo;
                                if (mi != null) 
                                    pis = mi.GetParameters();
                                    Type dependencyObjectType = KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyObject];
                                    if (pis == null || pis.Length != 2 || !dependencyObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(pis[0].ParameterType)) 
                                        memberInfo = null; 
                                    if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(mi, true)) 
                                        ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "bubbling event", owner.Name + "." + localName, "Add Handler method");
                            if (memberInfo == null)
                                // Not an attached event, so try for a clr event.
                                memberInfo = baseType.GetEvent(localName,
                                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | defaultBinding);
                                if (memberInfo != null)
                                    EventInfo ei = memberInfo as EventInfo; 
                                    if (!IsAllowedEventDelegateType(ei.EventHandlerType)) 
                                    if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(ei.EventHandlerType))
                                        ThrowException(SRID.ParserEventDelegateTypeNotAccessible, ei.EventHandlerType.FullName, owner.Name + "." + localName);
                                    if (tryInternal) 
                                        // Check if the event add method accessor itself is accessible.
                                        // Also if this is a non-public event on a public type, it will
                                        // not check to make sure that the public type is accessible\allowed 
                                        // since that would have all ready been done in the caller of this fucntion.
                                        if (!IsAllowedEvent(ei, true)) 
                                            ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "event", owner.Name + "." + localName, "add");
                                        // check if the event add method accessor itself is public.
                                        if (!IsPublicEvent(ei)) 
                                            memberInfo = null; 
                                            ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "event", owner.Name + "." + localName, "add");
                            // See if attached property first - start from a Setter 
                            memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod("Set" + localName,
                                defaultBinding | 
                                BindingFlags.Static | 
                            if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 2) 
                                memberInfo = null;
                            // Try read-only case (Getter only) 
                            if (memberInfo == null)
                                memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod("Get" + localName, 
                                    defaultBinding |
                                    BindingFlags.Static | 
                                if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 1)
                                    memberInfo = null; 
                            if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(memberInfo as MethodInfo, true)) 
                                ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantSetAttribute, "attached property", owner.Name + "." + localName, "Set method");

                            if (memberInfo == null) 
                                // Not an attached property, so try for a clr property.
                                memberInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(localName, baseType, tryInternal, true, out isInternal); 

                            if (null != memberInfo)
                                if (infoRecord != null)
                                    // DP's aren't present in the PBT case
                                    if (infoRecord.DP == null) 
                                        infoRecord.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(infoRecord);

            if (null != memberInfo) 
                propName = localName; 

            return memberInfo; 

        /// Helper method to get an event on an owner, walking up the class hierarchy
        /// when doing so 
        /// Type we should look for the event on
        /// Then name of the handler of the event 
        /// EventInfo for resolved event
        internal EventInfo GetClrEventInfo(
            Type   owner,
            string eventName) 
            Debug.Assert(null != eventName, "null eventName"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != owner, "null owner"); 

            EventInfo eventInfo = null; 

            // Look up the parent chain until we find a match or fail by
            // going off the top of the chain.
            while (owner != null) 
                eventInfo = owner.GetEvent(eventName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); 
                if (eventInfo != null) 

                owner = GetCachedBaseType(owner);

            return eventInfo; 

        /// Helper method to resolve an xml namespace and localName to
        /// either a RoutedEvent or a DependencyProperty.  If they are not present,
        /// still resolve using a guess at the valid setter name to look for.
        ///  Note that this will not resolve clr properties.  Call GetClrInfo to do that. 
        /// True if Event, False look for Property
        /// Type we should look for attribute on, can be null 
        /// XmlNamespace or the Attribute
        /// local Name of the Attribute
        /// Base type the object was found on
        /// registered name of the Object on the type. 
        /// resolved object, which can be a RoutedEvent, a DependencyProperty
        ///          or the MethodInfo for the event or property setter 
        internal object GetDependencyObject( 
                bool       isEvent,
                Type       owner, 
                string     xmlNamespace,
                string     localName,
            ref Type       baseType,
            ref string     dynamicObjectName) 
            Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace"); 

            object memInfo = null; 
            string globalClassName = null;

            dynamicObjectName = null;
            // Extract the class name if there are any periods in the localName.
            int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.'); 
            if (-1 != lastIndex) 
                // if using .net then match against the class. 
                globalClassName = localName.Substring(0,lastIndex);
                localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1);
            // If this is a globalClassName then resolve the type and then call
            // DependencyProperty.FromName. 
            if (null != globalClassName) 
                TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer = 

                if (typeAndSerializer != null && typeAndSerializer.ObjectType != null)
                    baseType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
                    if (isEvent) 
                        memInfo = RoutedEventFromName(localName,baseType);
                        memInfo = DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, baseType);
                    if (null != memInfo) 
                        Debug.Assert(null != baseType, "baseType not set"); 
                        dynamicObjectName = localName;
                NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace); 

                if (null == namespaceMaps) 
                    return null;
                baseType = owner;
                // See if the owner knows about this class. 
                // Look for a parent type with any namespace matching the property
                while (null != baseType) 
                    bool foundNamespaceMatch = false;

                    // Look at each namespace for a match with this baseType 
                    for (int count = 0;
                         count < namespaceMaps.Length && !foundNamespaceMatch; 
                         count ++) 
                        NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = namespaceMaps[count]; 

                        // see if the urtNamespace in the namespace map is valid
                        // for the type we are trying to apply
                        if (namespaceMap.ClrNamespace == GetCachedNamespace(baseType)) 
                            foundNamespaceMatch = true; 
                    if (foundNamespaceMatch)
                        // For 'normal' properties and events that are not prefixed by
                        // a class name, only attempt to get dependency IDs and Events. 
                        // The caller should use GetClrInfo to get CLR properties for
                        // 'normal' properties and events if this attempt fails. 
                        if (isEvent) 
                            memInfo = RoutedEventFromName(localName,baseType); 
                            memInfo = DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, baseType); 
                    // Only do one loop for events, since all base classes are checked in
                    // a single operation.  For properties, loop through the base classes here. 
                    if (null != memInfo || isEvent)
                        // for assembly and typeName use the original, not the base
                        // type we found it on. 
                        dynamicObjectName = localName;
                        baseType = GetCachedBaseType(baseType);

            return memInfo; 

        /// Returns a DependencyProperty given a local name and an xml namespace
        /// The property name
        /// Xml namespace associated with name
        /// The Type where this DP was registered.
        /// Returns a DependencyProperty the attached property
        internal DependencyProperty DependencyPropertyFromName( 
                string localName,
                string xmlNamespace, 
            ref Type   ownerType)
             Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName");
             Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace"); 

            // Adjust localName if there are any periods that indicate a global class.  Use 
            // this class name as the owner type and return it.  Otherwise just use the 
            // passed name and owner.
            int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.'); 
            if (-1 != lastIndex)
                string globalClassName = localName.Substring(0,lastIndex);
                localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1); 
                TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
                    GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, globalClassName); 
                if (typeAndSerializer == null || typeAndSerializer.ObjectType == null) 
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserNoType, globalClassName); 
                ownerType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
            if(null == ownerType)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "ownerType" ); 
            return DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, ownerType);


        /// Return the property that has an attached XmlLang attribute.  This identifies this 
        /// property as being the one to receive xml:lang attribute values when parsing, or
        /// the holder of the CultureInfo related string.  The XamlTypeMapper caches this 
        /// along with the TypeAndSerializer information for fast retrieval.
        internal PropertyInfo GetXmlLangProperty(
                string    xmlNamespace,     // xml namespace for the type 
                string    localName)        // local name of the type without any '.'
            TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer = GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, localName); 

            if (typeAndSerializer == null || typeAndSerializer.ObjectType == null) 
                return null;
            if (typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty == null)
                BamlAssemblyInfoRecord bairPF = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(-1); 

                if (typeAndSerializer.ObjectType.Assembly == bairPF.Assembly) 
                    if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkElement].IsAssignableFrom(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType) ||
                        typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty = (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkElement]).GetProperty("Language",
                            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); 
                    string xmlLangPropertyName = null;
                    bool   xmlLangPropertyFound = false;
                    AttributeCollection attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType); 
                    if (attributes != null)
                        XmlLangPropertyAttribute xlpa = attributes[typeof(XmlLangPropertyAttribute)] as XmlLangPropertyAttribute;
                        if (xlpa != null)
                            xmlLangPropertyFound = true; 
                            xmlLangPropertyName = xlpa.Name;
                    Type typeValue = null; 
                    xmlLangPropertyName = ReflectionHelper.GetCustomAttributeData(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType,
                                                                              ref xmlLangPropertyFound, 
                                                                              out typeValue);
                    if ( xmlLangPropertyFound )
                        if( xmlLangPropertyName != null && xmlLangPropertyName.Length > 0)
                            typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType.GetProperty(
                                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
                        if( typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty == null )
                            // Either the given name could not be found, or there
                            //  was no name specified at all.  (null or empty string.)
                            // The latter case may get a special meaning in the future,
                            //  but for now they're all errors. 

            return typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty;
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo from an attribute name, given the ownerType of 
        /// the property. 
        /// The attribute name
        /// The Type that owns the attribute 
        /// Indicates if this function should search for non-public properties as well 
        /// Indicates if this function should search for public properties only, regardless
        /// of tryInternal as is the case in XamlLoad sceanrios.
        /// Indicates if this fucntion actually found a non-public property
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo for the property
        private PropertyInfo PropertyInfoFromName(
            string localName,
            Type   ownerType,
            bool tryInternal, 
            bool tryPublicOnly,
            out bool isInternal) 
            PropertyInfo info = null;
            isInternal = false; 
            TypeInformationCacheData typeInfo = GetCachedInformationForType(ownerType);
            Debug.Assert(typeInfo != null, "Must have cached type info at this point");
            PropertyAndType propAndType = typeInfo.GetPropertyAndType(localName);
            // peterost - This is a TEMPORARY workaround to
            //    properties that have been overridden in some classes using the 
            //    "new" operator.  This should be removed when properties such as 
            //    Window.Width and ColumnDefintion.Width are rationalized.
            if (propAndType == null || !propAndType.PropInfoSet) 
                    BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public; 
                    if (tryInternal) 
                        flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
                    info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags);
                    if (!tryInternal)
                        info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags);
                    // Xaml load scenarios should not look for internals - tryPublicOnly == true
                    // If the above load failed then try again looking at internals, unless 
                    // tryPublicOnly tells us not to do that.
                    if (info == null && !tryPublicOnly)
                        info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
                        if (info != null)
                            isInternal = true; 
                catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
                    PropertyInfo[] infos = ownerType.GetProperties(
                                  BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) 
                        if (infos[i].Name == localName) 
                            info = infos[i];
                if (tryInternal || info != null)
                    typeInfo.SetPropertyAndType(localName, info, ownerType, isInternal);
                info = propAndType.PropInfo; 
                isInternal = propAndType.IsInternal;

            return info; 

        /// Returns a RoutedEvent from an attribute name
        /// The attribute name 
        /// The Type that owns the attribute 
        /// Returns a RoutedEvent for the name
        internal RoutedEvent RoutedEventFromName(
            string localName, 
            Type   ownerType)
            RoutedEvent Event = null; 
            Type currentType = ownerType;
            // Force load the Statics by walking up the hierarchy and running class constructors
            while (null != currentType)
                currentType = GetCachedBaseType(currentType);
            // EventManager takes care of going up the hierarchy, so we don't need to loop here
            // to do it.  Just do one call. 
            Event =  EventManager.GetRoutedEventFromName(localName,ownerType);

            return Event;
        /// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
        /// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the property.  This assumes 
        /// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static setter where the
        /// second parameter gives the type of the property.
        internal static Type GetPropertyType(object propertyMember) 
            Type propertyType; 
            bool propertyCanWrite; 
            GetPropertyType(propertyMember, out propertyType, out propertyCanWrite);
            return propertyType;

        /// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
        /// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the property.  This assumes 
        /// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static setter where the 
        /// second parameter gives the type of the property.
        internal static void GetPropertyType(
            object propertyMember,
        out Type   propertyType,
        out bool   propertyCanWrite) 
            DependencyProperty dp = propertyMember as DependencyProperty;
            if (dp != null) 
                propertyType = dp.PropertyType;
                propertyCanWrite = !dp.ReadOnly;
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyMember as PropertyInfo;
                if (propertyInfo != null) 
                    propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                    propertyCanWrite = propertyInfo.CanWrite;
                    MethodInfo methodInfo = propertyMember as MethodInfo; 
                    if (methodInfo != null)
                        ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                        propertyType = parameters.Length == 1 ? methodInfo.ReturnType : parameters[1].ParameterType;
                        propertyCanWrite = parameters.Length == 1 ? false : true;
                        // If its not a propertyinfo, methodinfo, or dependencyproperty, 
                        // all we know is that it must be an object...
                        propertyType = typeof(object); 
                        propertyCanWrite = false;

        /// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
        /// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the name of the property.  This assumes
        /// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static getter "Get" + name. 
        internal static string GetPropertyName(object propertyMember) 

            DependencyProperty dp = propertyMember as DependencyProperty;
            if (dp != null)
                return dp.Name; 
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyMember as PropertyInfo;
            if (propertyInfo != null) 
                return propertyInfo.Name;
                MethodInfo methodInfo = propertyMember as MethodInfo; 
                if (methodInfo != null) 
                    return methodInfo.Name.Substring("Get".Length); 

            return null; 
        /// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
        /// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the object that declares 
        /// or owns this property.
        internal static Type GetDeclaringType(object propertyMember)
            Type validType = null;
            MemberInfo memInfo = propertyMember as MemberInfo; 
            if (memInfo != null) 
                validType = memInfo.DeclaringType; 
                Debug.Assert( propertyMember is DependencyProperty); 
                validType = ((DependencyProperty)propertyMember).OwnerType; 

            return validType;
#endregion Properties 

#region Types 
        ///  Return the type that corresponds to typeName, given that the type is
        ///  located as a subelement or property on the passed element.
        ///   The full xaml name of a type, including an xml namespace prefix, if needed.
        ///   The name is of the form prefix:typename, such as MyNs:MyNewButton 
        ///   A DependencyObject that is logical parent for the type to be resolved.  This 
        ///   is required because it is this element (or its ancestors) that contains
        ///   namespace mapping data that is needed to resolve the typeName.
        ///  The resolved clr type.  Null if not found
        internal static Type GetTypeFromName(string typeName, DependencyObject element) 
            if (element == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "element" );
            if (typeName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "typeName" ); 

            // Now map the prefix to an xml namespace uri 
            int colonIndex = typeName.IndexOf(':');
            string prefix = string.Empty;
            if (colonIndex > 0)
                prefix = typeName.Substring(0, colonIndex);
                typeName = typeName.Substring(colonIndex+1, typeName.Length-colonIndex-1); 

            // First, get the xmlns dictionary to map prefixes to xml namespace uris 
            XmlnsDictionary prefixDictionary = element.GetValue(XmlAttributeProperties.XmlnsDictionaryProperty)
                                               as XmlnsDictionary;

            object xmlNamespaceObject = (prefixDictionary != null) ? prefixDictionary[prefix] : null; 

            // Then get the list of NamespaceMapEntry objects that maps the xml namespace uri to one 
            // or more clr namespace / assembly pairs.  This should be stored on the root element 
            // of the tree.
            Hashtable namespaceMaps = element.GetValue(XmlAttributeProperties.XmlNamespaceMapsProperty) 
                                               as Hashtable;

            NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaces = (namespaceMaps != null && xmlNamespaceObject != null) ? namespaceMaps[xmlNamespaceObject] as NamespaceMapEntry[] : null;
            if (namespaces == null)


                if (prefix == string.Empty)
                    List namespaceAssemblyPair = GetClrNamespacePairFromCache(XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI);
                    foreach (ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair usd in namespaceAssemblyPair) 
                        if (usd.AssemblyName != null)
                            Assembly assy = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(usd.AssemblyName, null);
                            if (assy != null)
                                string fullTypeName = String.Format(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, "{0}.{1}", usd.ClrNamespace, typeName); 
                                Type t = assy.GetType(fullTypeName);
                                if (t != null) 
                                    return t; 

                // Stopgap didn't work, so fail now. 
                return null;
            // Check all the clr namespace / assembly pairs to see if there is a type
            // that matches the passed short name.  Return it if found. 
            for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.Length; i++)
                Assembly assy = namespaces[i].Assembly;
                if (assy != null) 
                    string fullTypeName = String.Format(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, "{0}.{1}", namespaces[i].ClrNamespace, typeName); 
                    Type t = assy.GetType(fullTypeName); 
                    if (t != null)
                        return t;

            // Didn't find a match, so return null. 
            return null; 


        // Given a qualified member Name, returns its declaring Type and its name as a string.
        internal Type GetTargetTypeAndMember(string valueParam, 
                                             ParserContext context,
                                             bool isTypeExpected, 
                                         out string memberName) 
            string typeName = valueParam; 
            string prefix = String.Empty;
            int typeIndex = typeName.IndexOf(':');
            if (typeIndex >= 0)
                prefix = typeName.Substring(0, typeIndex);
                typeName = typeName.Substring(typeIndex + 1); 

            memberName = null; 
            Type targetType = null;

            typeIndex = typeName.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (typeIndex >= 0) 
                memberName = typeName.Substring(typeIndex + 1); 
                typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeIndex); 
                string namespaceUri = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
                TypeAndSerializer tas = GetTypeOnly(namespaceUri, typeName); 
                if (tas != null)
                    targetType = tas.ObjectType;
                if (targetType == null)
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserNoType, typeName); 
            else if (!isTypeExpected && prefix.Length == 0)
                // A Type may not be expected for e.g. for TemplateBinding param
                // values. In this case there must also not be a prefix. If there 
                // is one it will just point to a namespace and not a Type.
                memberName = typeName; 
                // A type was expected but we didn't find one. So throw.
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserBadMemberReference, valueParam);

            return targetType; 

        // Given a qualified member Name, returns its declaring Type and its name as a string. 
        internal Type GetDependencyPropertyOwnerAndName(string memberValue,
                                                        ParserContext context,
                                                        Type defaultTargetType,
                                                    out string memberName) 
            Type targetType = GetTargetTypeAndMember(memberValue, context, false, out memberName); 
            if (targetType == null) 
                targetType = defaultTargetType; 
                if (targetType == null)
                    // if there was also no default target type then throw.
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserBadMemberReference, memberValue); 
            Debug.Assert(memberName != null);
            string fieldName = memberName + "Property"; 
            MemberInfo memberInfo = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, fieldName, true);
            Debug.Assert(memberInfo != null);

            // Need to get the actual type that declares the DP in order to 
            // correctly find a possible hit in the KnownProperties table.
            if (memberInfo.DeclaringType != targetType) 
                targetType = memberInfo.DeclaringType;

            return targetType;
        // Gets the PropertyInfo or FieldInfo of a member.
        internal MemberInfo GetStaticMemberInfo(Type targetType, string memberName, bool fieldInfoOnly) 
            Debug.Assert(targetType != null);
            // first try public members only. 
            MemberInfo mi = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, memberName, fieldInfoOnly, false);

            if (mi == null) 
                // If not found, then try non-public members next. 
                mi = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, memberName, fieldInfoOnly, true); 
                if (mi != null)
                    // if found, check access levels to see if it should really be allowed.
                    bool isAllowed = false;
                    PropertyInfo pi = mi as PropertyInfo;
                    if (pi != null) 
                        isAllowed = IsAllowedPropertyGet(pi, false); 
                        isAllowed = IsAllowedField(mi as FieldInfo);

                    if (!isAllowed) 
                        ThrowException(SRID.ParserStaticMemberNotAllowed, memberName, targetType.Name); 
            if (mi == null)
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserInvalidStaticMember, memberName, targetType.Name); 
            return mi; 
        private MemberInfo GetStaticMemberInfo(Type targetType, string memberName, bool fieldInfoOnly, bool tryInternal)
            MemberInfo memberInfo = null;
            BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Static; 

            if (tryInternal) 
                bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            if (!fieldInfoOnly)
                memberInfo = targetType.GetProperty(memberName, bf); 
            if (memberInfo == null) 
                memberInfo = targetType.GetField(memberName, bf); 

            return memberInfo;

        /// Get the Type that type corresponds to a localName in 
        /// the given namespace.  Note that localName can be of the form classname.typename,
        /// and can not include a namespace prefix. 
        /// Return the actual type and the serializer for that type as a
        /// TypeAndSerializer object from the cache.  Note that in this call 
        /// the Serializer information may not be present if a new TypeAndSerializer
        /// instance is created.  Be sure to check the IsSerializerTypeSet flag. 
        internal TypeAndSerializer GetTypeOnly (
                string    xmlNamespace,     // xml namespace for the type 
                string    localName)        // local name of the type without any '.'

            Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace,"null value passed for xmlNamespace"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != localName,"null value passed for localName");
            // check if object is in the Hash. 
            String hashString = xmlNamespace + ":" + localName;
            TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
                 _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] as TypeAndSerializer;

            if (null == typeAndSerializer) 
                if (!_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Contains(hashString)) 
                    typeAndSerializer = CreateTypeAndSerializer(xmlNamespace, localName);
                    _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] = typeAndSerializer; 

            return typeAndSerializer; 
        /// Get the Type and serializer for that type corresponding to a localName in
        /// the given namespace.  Note that localName can be of the form classname.typename, 
        /// and can not include a namespace prefix.
        /// Return the actual type and the serializer for that type as a 
        /// TypeAndSerializer object from the cache.  If there is no
        /// serializer defined, as is the case for clr objects, then null is set 
        /// for the SerializerType in the returned TypeAndSerializer. Also if this type is 
        /// associated with a property we will check for serializer attributes on the property first.
        /// If no matching attribute is found for the property we resort to search for the attribute on the given type. 
        internal TypeAndSerializer GetTypeAndSerializer (
                string    xmlNamespace,     // xml namespace for the type
                string    localName,        // local name of the type without any '.' 
                object    dpOrPiorMi)       // property associated with the type
            Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace,"null value passed for xmlNamespace");
            Debug.Assert(null != localName,"null value passed for localName"); 

            // check if object is in the Hash.
            String hashString = xmlNamespace + ":" + localName;
            TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
                _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] as TypeAndSerializer; 
            if (null == typeAndSerializer)
                if (!_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Contains(hashString))
                    typeAndSerializer = CreateTypeAndSerializer(xmlNamespace, localName);
                    _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] = typeAndSerializer; 
            // If we've found a TypeAndSerializer, check whether we have reflected for the
            // serializer information yet.  If not, then do it now. 
            if (typeAndSerializer != null && !typeAndSerializer.IsSerializerTypeSet)
                // Check for SerializerAttribute on the type. The serializer for the type is evaluated
                // the very first time we create a new data strcuture for the given type. 
                typeAndSerializer.SerializerType = GetXamlSerializerForType(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType);
                typeAndSerializer.IsSerializerTypeSet = true; 

            return typeAndSerializer; 

        private static bool IsFriendAssembly(Assembly assembly) 
            // WinFx assemblies can never be friends of compiled assemblies, so just bail out. 
            if (assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyPF || 
                assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyPC ||
                assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyWB) 
                return false;
            return ReflectionHelper.IsFriendAssembly(assembly);
        private static bool IsInternalAllowedOnType(Type type)
            bool isInternalAllowed = ReflectionHelper.LocalAssemblyName == type.Assembly.GetName().Name ||
            _hasInternals = _hasInternals || isInternalAllowed;
            return isInternalAllowed; 
        private static bool IsInternalAllowedOnType(NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap) 
            bool isInternalAllowed = namespaceMap.LocalAssembly || IsFriendAssembly(namespaceMap.Assembly); 
            _hasInternals = _hasInternals || isInternalAllowed;
            return isInternalAllowed;
        internal static bool HasInternals
            get { return _hasInternals; } 
            set { _hasInternals = value; }

        internal static bool HasLocalReference
                return _hasLocalReference; 

        /// Create a TypeAndSerializer object for the passed data, if a valid Type
        /// is found. 
        private TypeAndSerializer CreateTypeAndSerializer( 
                string    xmlNamespace,     // xml namespace for the type 
                string    localName)        // local name of the type without any '.'
            TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer = null;
            NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace);

            if (namespaceMaps != null) 
                // We'll do a first pass with only known types 
                // and then do a second pass with full reflection 
                bool knownTypesOnly = true;
                for (int count = 0; count < namespaceMaps.Length;) 
                    NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = namespaceMaps[count];
                    if (null != namespaceMap)
                        Type objectType = GetObjectType(namespaceMap, localName, knownTypesOnly);
                        if (null != objectType) 
                            // A non-public type is never allowable, except for internal types
                            // in local or friend assemblies, so catch it here. 
                            if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(objectType))
                                // Don't allow internal known types in case we have any. 
                                if (knownTypesOnly ||
                                    !ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(objectType) || 
                                // Give Full Trust callers a chance to resolve legitimate internal types. 
                                // This can be used by tools like designers and localizers running in FT.
                                if (!IsInternalTypeAllowedInFullTrust(objectType))
                                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserPublicType, objectType.Name);
                            // Create new data structure to store information for the current type
                            typeAndSerializer = new TypeAndSerializer(); 
                            typeAndSerializer.ObjectType = objectType;

                    if (knownTypesOnly && (count == namespaceMaps.Length))
                        // Reset for second pass
                        knownTypesOnly = false;
                        count = 0;
            return typeAndSerializer; 

        /// Return the Type that corresponds to a localName within a given clr namespace
        /// in a given assembly 
        /// Specifies the CLR namespace and Assembly to look in 
        /// The name of the type 
        /// Search only known types
        /// Type of object that corresponds to localName 
        private Type GetObjectType(
            NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap,
            string            localName,
            bool              knownTypesOnly) 
            Debug.Assert(namespaceMap.ClrNamespace != null,"Null CLR Namespace"); 
            Debug.Assert(localName != null,"Null localName"); 

            Type type = null; 

            // Construct the full type name by concatenating the clr namespace and the local name

            if (knownTypesOnly) 
                short typeID = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromName(namespaceMap.AssemblyName, namespaceMap.ClrNamespace, localName); 
                if (typeID != 0) 
                    type = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeFromId(typeID); 
               Assembly assembly ;
                    // This may not work if the assembly is not present at compile time, so allow for that.
                    // At runtime it had better be there, so don't ignore it.
                    assembly = namespaceMap.Assembly;
                catch (FileNotFoundException) 
                    assembly = null;

                if (null != assembly)
                    // Type loads may fail if all the prerequisite assemblies haven't been loaded
                    // yet.  In this case, try one more time after loaded all assemblies that the 
                    // compiler may have told the XamlTypeMapper about. 
                    string fullTypeName = namespaceMap.ClrNamespace + "." + localName;
                        type = assembly.GetType(fullTypeName);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e)) 
                            if (LoadReferenceAssemblies()) 
                                    type = assembly.GetType(fullTypeName);
                                catch (ArgumentException)
                                    // A null type is allowable, and the caller will catch it
                                    type = null; 

            return type;

        internal int GetCustomBamlSerializerIdForType(Type objectType) 
            // support for xaml -> custom binary and custom binary -> object.
            if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Brush]) 
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlBrushSerializer;
            else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Geometry] || 
                     objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.StreamGeometry])
                // The only type of geometry that can be serialized to a string is
                // a StreamGeometry, so if objectType is Geometry and we're getting here 
                // then the attribute must in fact be a StreamGeometry.
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlPathDataSerializer;
            else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Point3DCollection])
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer; 
            else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Vector3DCollection]) 
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer;
            else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.PointCollection]) 
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlPointCollectionSerializer; 
            else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Int32Collection])
                return (int)KnownElements.XamlInt32CollectionSerializer;

            return 0; 
        /// Sees if type has a Xaml serializer attribute that gives the
        /// type name of the serializer and figure out the type. 
        internal Type GetXamlSerializerForType(Type objectType)
            // support for xaml -> baml and baml -> objects 
            if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Style])
                return typeof(XamlStyleSerializer); 
            else if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkTemplate].IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) 
                return typeof(XamlTemplateSerializer);
            return null;
        internal static Type GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(ParserContext pc) 
            Assembly a = pc.StreamCreatedAssembly;
            if (a == null)
                return null;
            Type ithType = a.GetType(GeneratedNamespace + "." + GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName);
            if (ithType == null) 
                // if GITH is not found, try to see if a root namespace was implicitly added to it.
                // This would be the case for assemblies built with VB that had a RootNamespace
                // property specified in the project file. 
                RootNamespaceAttribute rnsa = (RootNamespaceAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(a, typeof(RootNamespaceAttribute));
                if (rnsa != null) 
                    string rootNamespace = rnsa.Namespace;
                    ithType = a.GetType(rootNamespace + "." + GeneratedNamespace + "." + GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName); 

            return ithType; 
        private static InternalTypeHelper GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(ParserContext pc) 
            InternalTypeHelper ith = null; 
            Type ithType = GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(pc);
            if (ithType != null)
                ith = (InternalTypeHelper)Activator.CreateInstance(ithType); 
            return ith; 

        /// This function needs to demand reflection permission in order to create instances of
        /// allowed\accessible internal types. If permission is granted, the parser will directly
        /// use reflection to create the internal instance. If not, it will call a method on a
        /// generated class in the user's code context in order to attempt creating the internal 
        /// instance using the user app's security context.
        internal static object CreateInternalInstance(ParserContext pc, Type type) 
            object instance = null; 
            // if caller has member access reflection permission, use reflection directly
            if (SecurityHelper.CallerHasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, 
                                                    BindingFlags.Public |
                                                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | 
                                                    BindingFlags.Instance | 
                // else this must be an accessible internal type in PT --- call the generated InternalTypeHelper 
                // in the caller's secuirty context. 

                // In this case pc.StreamCreatedAssembly is guaranteed to be the assembly from which the current 
                // stream being read was created from. So even if the internal type were not legitimate, the call
                // to create it via ith.CreateInstance would fail in PT.
                InternalTypeHelper ith = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(pc);
                if (ith != null) 
                    instance = ith.CreateInstance(type, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS); 
            return instance;

        /// This function needs to demand reflection permission in order to get an allowed\accessible
        /// internal property value on an allowed\accessible type. If permission is granted, the parser 
        /// will directly use reflection to get the property value. If not, it will call a method on a 
        /// generated class in the user's code context in order to attempt getting the internal property
        /// value using the user app's security context. 
        internal static object GetInternalPropertyValue(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, PropertyInfo pi, object target)
            object propValue = null; 
            bool isPublicProperty = false;
            bool allowProtected = (rootElement is IComponentConnector) && (rootElement == target); 
            bool isAllowedProperty = IsAllowedPropertyGet(pi, allowProtected, out isPublicProperty); 

            if (isAllowedProperty) 
                // if public getter on internal type or caller has member access permission, use reflection directly
                if (isPublicProperty || SecurityHelper.CallerHasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                    propValue = pi.GetValue(target, BindingFlags.Default, null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
                    // else this must be an internal property getter on an accessible internal or public type --- call 
                    // the generated helper in caller's secuirty context.

                    // In this case pc.StreamCreatedAssembly is guaranteed to be the assembly from which the current stream
                    // being read was created from. So even if the internal property were not legitimate, the call 
                    // to access it via ith.GetPropertyValue would fail in PT.
                    InternalTypeHelper ith = GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(pc); 
                    if (ith != null) 
                        propValue = ith.GetPropertyValue(pi, target, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS); 
            return propValue;
        /// This function needs to demand reflection permission in order to set an allowed\accessible internal 
        /// property value on an allowed\accessible type. If permission is granted, the parser will directly use
        /// reflection to set the property value. If not, it will call a method on a generated class in the user's
        /// code context in order to attempt setting the internal property value using the user app's security context.
        internal static bool SetInternalPropertyValue(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, PropertyInfo pi, object target, object value)
            bool isPublicProperty = false; 
            bool allowProtected = (rootElement is IComponentConnector) && (rootElement == target);
            bool isAllowedProperty = IsAllowedPropertySet(pi, allowProtected, out isPublicProperty); 

            if (isAllowedProperty)
                // if public setter on internal type or caller has member access permission, use reflection directly 
                if (isPublicProperty || SecurityHelper.CallerHasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                    pi.SetValue(target, value, BindingFlags.Default, null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS); 
                    return true;
                    // else this must be an internal property setter on an accessible internal or public type --- call
                    // the generated helper in caller's secuirty context. 

                    // In this case pc.StreamCreatedAssembly is guaranteed to be the assembly from which the current stream 
                    // being read was created from. So even if the internal property were not legitimate, the call 
                    // to set it via ith.SetPropertyValue would fail in PT.
                    InternalTypeHelper ith = GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(pc); 
                    if (ith != null)
                        ith.SetPropertyValue(pi, target, value, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
                        return true; 

            return false; 

        /// This function needs to demand reflection permission in order to create an accessible delegate for a 
        /// non public event handler method. If permission is granted, the parser will directly use reflection
        /// to create the delegate. If not, it will call a method on a generated class in the user's code context 
        /// in order to attempt creating the delegate using the user app's security context. 
        internal static Delegate CreateDelegate(ParserContext pc, Type delegateType, object target, string handler) 
            Delegate d = null;
            bool isAllowedDelegateType = ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(delegateType) || ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(delegateType);
            if (isAllowedDelegateType)
                if (SecurityHelper.CallerHasMemberAccessReflectionPermission()) 
                    d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target, handler); 
                    // target is always the root generated element. Check to see if it is in the 
                    // same assembly as the one from which the currently processed stream was created,
                    // as an added precaution. 
                    if (target.GetType().Assembly == pc.StreamCreatedAssembly) 
                        InternalTypeHelper ith = GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(pc); 
                        if (ith != null)
                            d = ith.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target, handler);

            return d; 

        /// This function needs to demand reflection permission in order to add a delegate handler for an 
        /// allowed\accessible internal event on an allowed\accessible type. If permission is granted, the
        /// parser will directly use reflection to add the event handler delegate. If not, it will call a 
        /// method on a generated class in the user's code context in order to attempt adding the internal 
        /// event handler delegate using the user app's security context.
        internal static bool AddInternalEventHandler(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, EventInfo eventInfo, object target, Delegate handler)
            bool isPublicEvent = false;
            bool allowProtected = rootElement == target; 
            bool isAllowedEvent = IsAllowedEvent(eventInfo, allowProtected, out isPublicEvent);
            if (isAllowedEvent) 
                // if public event on internal type or caller has member access permission, use reflection directly 
                if (isPublicEvent || SecurityHelper.CallerHasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                    eventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
                    return true; 
                    // else this must be an internal event on an accessible internal or public type --- call
                    // the generated helper in caller's secuirty context. 

                    // In this case pc.StreamCreatedAssembly is guaranteed to be the assembly from which the current
                    // stream being read was created from. So even if the internal event ere not legitimate, the call
                    // to add a handler to it via ith.AddEventHandler would fail in PT. 
                    InternalTypeHelper ith = GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(pc);
                    if (ith != null) 
                        ith.AddEventHandler(eventInfo, target, handler);
                        return true; 
            return false;

        // Return true if this is a locally compiled assembly 
        internal bool IsLocalAssembly(string namespaceUri)
            bool localAssembly = false;
            NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(namespaceUri);
            localAssembly = (namespaceMaps != null && namespaceMaps.Length == 1 && namespaceMaps[0].LocalAssembly); 
            return localAssembly;

        /// Given a string of the format MyNs:MyButton return the type that it refers to.  This uses
        /// the XmlnsDictionary in the passed parse context to resolve prefixes on the 
        /// type names
        internal Type GetTypeFromBaseString( 
            string        typeString,
            ParserContext context, 
            bool          throwOnError)
            string xmlns = string.Empty;
            Type keyObject = null; 
            // Check if the typeString is of the form xmlns:type.  If so, get
            // the appropriate mapped NamespaceURI.  If not, use the default URI 
            int colonIndex = typeString.IndexOf(':'); 
            if (colonIndex == -1)
                xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[string.Empty];
                if (xmlns == null)
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserUndeclaredNS, string.Empty); 
                string prefix = typeString.Substring(0, colonIndex); 
                xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
                if (xmlns == null)
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserUndeclaredNS, prefix); 
                    typeString = typeString.Substring(colonIndex + 1);

            // Optimize for SystemMetric types that are very frequently used. 
            if (string.CompareOrdinal(xmlns, XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI) == 0)
                switch (typeString) 
                    case "SystemParameters": 
                        keyObject = typeof(SystemParameters);

                    case "SystemColors": 
                        keyObject = typeof(SystemColors);
                    case "SystemFonts":
                        keyObject = typeof(SystemFonts); 
            if (keyObject == null)
                keyObject = GetType(xmlns, typeString); 
            if (keyObject == null && throwOnError)
                // if local type, then don't throw as it may be resolved in pass2.
                // it is upto the caller who has context about compilation passes 
                // to throw as appropriate in Pass2 if the type is still not found.
                if (!IsLocalAssembly(xmlns)) 
                    _lineNumber = context != null ? context.LineNumber : 0;
                    _linePosition = context != null ? context.LinePosition : 0; 

                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserResourceKeyType, typeString);

            return keyObject; 

        internal Type GetTypeArgsType(
            string typeString,
            ParserContext context,
            out string localTypeArgClassName, 
            out string localTypeArgNamespace)
            Type t = null; 
            localTypeArgClassName = string.Empty;
            localTypeArgNamespace = string.Empty; 

            // Check if the typeString is of the form xmlns:type.  If so, get
            // the appropriate mapped NamespaceURI.  If not, use the default URI
            int colonIndex = typeString.IndexOf(':'); 
            if (colonIndex == -1)
                string xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[string.Empty]; 
                if (xmlns == null)
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserUndeclaredNS, string.Empty);
                    t = GetType(xmlns, typeString);
                string prefix = typeString.Substring(0, colonIndex);
                string xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
                if (xmlns == null)
                    ThrowException(SRID.ParserUndeclaredNS, prefix);
                    NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlns); 
                    typeString = typeString.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
                    bool isLocalArg = namespaceMaps != null &&
                                      namespaceMaps.Length == 1 &&

                    if (isLocalArg) 
                        localTypeArgNamespace = namespaceMaps[0].ClrNamespace;
                        localTypeArgClassName = typeString; 
                        t = GetType(xmlns, typeString); 

            return t; 

        /// Helper method given a type returns the Cached information for the type.  If there
        /// is no existing cached information for that type, a new cache object is created 
        /// and added to the cache. 
        private TypeInformationCacheData GetCachedInformationForType(Type type) 
            TypeInformationCacheData typeInformationCacheData;
            typeInformationCacheData = _typeInformationCache[type] as TypeInformationCacheData;
            if (null == typeInformationCacheData) 
                typeInformationCacheData = new TypeInformationCacheData(type.BaseType); 
                typeInformationCacheData.ClrNamespace = type.Namespace; 

                _typeInformationCache[type] = typeInformationCacheData; 

            return typeInformationCacheData;

        /// Returns the type's BaseType. This is cached because the .net Type.BaseType() 
        /// call is expensive.
        private Type GetCachedBaseType(Type t)
            TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t);
            return typeInformation.BaseType; 
        * XamlTypeMapper.ProcessNameString
        * Given a name in markup, extract and process the prefix if any.

        internal static string ProcessNameString(ParserContext parserContext, ref string nameString) 
            // For certain parts of the styling markup, a property is specified as an
            //  attribute value.  This may include the namespace specification.  Normally
            //  when we encounter this in an attribute the XML parser processes the name- 
            //  space for us.  But when it's the value we'll have to deal with it our-
            //  selves.  Look for the namespace specifier and extract it for namespace lookup. 
            //  "foons:BarClass.BazProp" -> "http://www.example.com" + "BarClass.BazProp" 

            // The colon is what we look for to determine if there's a namespace prefix specifier. 
            int nsIndex = nameString.IndexOf(':');
            string nsPrefix = string.Empty;
            if( nsIndex != -1 )
                // Found a namespace prefix separator, so create replacement propertyName.
                // String processing - split "foons" from "BarClass.BazProp" 
                nsPrefix = nameString.Substring (0, nsIndex); 
                nameString = nameString.Substring (nsIndex + 1);

            // Find the namespace, even if its the default one
            string namespaceURI = parserContext.XmlnsDictionary[nsPrefix];
            if (namespaceURI == null) 
                parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.ThrowException(SRID.ParserPrefixNSProperty, nsPrefix, nameString); 

            return namespaceURI; 

        * XamlTypeMapper.ParsePropertyName
        * Given a property name, find the associated DependencyProperty and return it. 

        internal static DependencyProperty ParsePropertyName(
                ParserContext   parserContext,
                string          propertyName, 
            ref Type            ownerType)
            string namespaceURI = ProcessNameString(parserContext, ref propertyName); 

            DependencyProperty dp = parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.DependencyPropertyFromName( 
                                            ref ownerType);
            return dp;
        * XamlTypeMapper.ParseEventName
        * Given an event name, find the associated RoutedEvent and return it.
        internal static RoutedEvent ParseEventName( 
            ParserContext   parserContext,
            string          eventName, 
            Type            ownerType)
            string namespaceURI = ProcessNameString(parserContext, ref eventName);
            RoutedEvent Event = parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetRoutedEvent(
                ownerType, namespaceURI, eventName); 
            return Event;


        /// Return an object of the passed type.
        /// If the type is a KnownElement (which it likely will be) it is faster
        /// to create it using the KnownTypes hardcoded constructors, so check that 
        /// first before using the Activator.CreateInstance fallback.
        internal object CreateInstance(Type t)
            object o = null;
            short typeId = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromType(t); 
            if (typeId < 0)
                o = MapTable.CreateKnownTypeFromId(typeId);
                o = Activator.CreateInstance(t, 
                                             BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Public, 
            return o;
#endregion Types
#region Namespaces

        // Return true if the passed namespace is known, meaning that it maps
        // to a set of assemblies and clr namespaces 
        internal bool IsXmlNamespaceKnown(
                string xmlNamespace, 
            out string newXmlNamespace) 
            bool result; 

            // if the namespace is empty, then there's no need to do all the extra work associated with getting the
            // namespace map entries.  Just return false.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNamespace)) 
                result = false; 
                newXmlNamespace = null; 
                NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace);
                if (_xmlnsCache == null)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Should initialize cache prior to compiling"); 
                    _xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache();
                newXmlNamespace = _xmlnsCache.GetNewXmlnamespace(xmlNamespace);

                // if the xmlNamespace has valid entries or is mapped to another namespace, then it is known. 
                result = (namespaceMaps != null && namespaceMaps.Length > 0) ||

            return result; // return variable isn't needed, just makes debugging easier. 


        // Pass xmlNamespace to AssemblyList mapping to xmlnsCache so that the xmlnsCache 
        // can take the assembly list to get the right xmlns->clrns mapping later.
        internal void SetUriToAssemblyNameMapping(string xmlNamespace, short[] assemblyIds)
            // If the xmlNamespace is for a mapping,  there is no need to ask for xmlnsCache 
            // to get xmlns->clrns mapping.
            if (xmlNamespace.StartsWith(XamlReaderHelper.MappingProtocol, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 

            if (_xmlnsCache == null)
                _xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache();
            string[] asmNameList = null;
            if (assemblyIds != null && assemblyIds.Length > 0)
                asmNameList = new string[assemblyIds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < assemblyIds.Length; i++)
                    BamlAssemblyInfoRecord assemblyInfo = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(assemblyIds[i]); 
                    asmNameList[i] = assemblyInfo.AssemblyFullName;

            _xmlnsCache.SetUriToAssemblyNameMapping(xmlNamespace, asmNameList);


        /// Returns a NamespaceMapEntry array given a xmlNamespace.  Each
        /// NamespaceMapEntry contains information the XamlTypeMapper uses for Mapping between an xml
        /// XmlNamespace and what Assembly, Namespace to look in.
        /// The xmlNamespace for the Map 
        /// Returns an Array of NamespaceMapEntry 
        internal NamespaceMapEntry[] GetNamespaceMapEntries(string xmlNamespace)
            NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = null; 

            // check out hash and if already have resolved the Uri 
            // don't resolve again. 
            namespaceMaps = _namespaceMapHashList[xmlNamespace] as NamespaceMapEntry[];
            if (null == namespaceMaps)
                ArrayList namespaceMapArray = new ArrayList(6);
                // this is the first time the XmlNamespace has been requested
                // add items from the namespaceMap and then walk the assembly 
                // list to find matching items. 

                if (null != _namespaceMaps) 
                    // need to find out the total number of entries by asking each hash
                    // review, may be better to sort these firt time through
                    // assumption here that the namespaceMap entries are small. 
                    for (int i = 0; i < _namespaceMaps.Length; i++)
                        NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = _namespaceMaps[i]; 

                        if (namespaceMap.XmlNamespace == xmlNamespace) 
                List namespaceAssemblyPair;
                // Check for Processing instructions for mapping.  If that fails, 
                // check for Xmlns definition files.
                if (PITable.Contains(xmlNamespace))
                    namespaceAssemblyPair = new List(1); 
                    namespaceAssemblyPair = GetClrNamespacePairFromCache(xmlNamespace); 

                // now walk through any using statements we got and add them
                if (null != namespaceAssemblyPair) 
                    for (int j = 0; j < namespaceAssemblyPair.Count; j++) 
                        ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair mapping = namespaceAssemblyPair[j]; 
                        string          usingAssemblyName = null;
                        string          path =  AssemblyPathFor(mapping.AssemblyName);

                        // using could either have an assembly or not, if it does 
                        // have an assembly just need to add this one entry, if
                        // no assembly map in the referenced assemblies. 
                        if (
                            mapping.LocalAssembly ||
                            (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.AssemblyName)) && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.ClrNamespace))) )
                            usingAssemblyName = mapping.AssemblyName;
                            NamespaceMapEntry nsMap = new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace, 

                            nsMap.LocalAssembly = mapping.LocalAssembly;
                            // if xaml has local components, then it could have internals
                            // but there is no way to determine this until pass2. But we
                            // need to set this here in order to generate the InternalTypeHelper 
                            // in pass1.
                            if (nsMap.LocalAssembly) 
                                _hasLocalReference = true;


                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.ClrNamespace)) 
                            // Also add in any assembly from the AssemblyNames collection
                            for (int k = 0; k < _assemblyNames.Length; k++) 
                                if (usingAssemblyName == null)
                                    namespaceMapArray.Add(new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace, 
                                    // If we have a using Assembly, then only add assemblies from
                                    // AssemblyNames that match the using Assembly.
                                    int charIndex = _assemblyNames[k].LastIndexOf('\\'); 
                                    if (charIndex > 0 &&
                                        _assemblyNames[k].Substring(charIndex + 1) == usingAssemblyName) 
                                        namespaceMapArray.Add(new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace,
                // convert to a namespaceMap
                namespaceMaps = (NamespaceMapEntry[]) namespaceMapArray.ToArray(typeof(NamespaceMapEntry));

                // add to hash even if not items so we don't do this work again. 
                if (null != namespaceMaps)

            return namespaceMaps;

        /// Invalide the namespace mapping cache associated with a namespace. This should be done 
        /// when the PITable has been changed and the mapping cache might have been built for the
        /// namespace already.
        /// The namespace to for whose cache to invalidate 
        internal void InvalidateMappingCache(string xmlNamespace)
        /// Set up the XmlnsCache use for resolving namespaces to use only the assembly path
        /// table that has been built up by the XamlTypeMapper.
        internal void InitializeReferenceXmlnsCache()
            _xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache(_assemblyPathTable); 
        // Get the xml namespace from the _piReverseTable that corresponds to the
        // passed type full name and assembly name
        internal string GetXmlNamespace( 
            string  clrNamespaceFullName,
            string  assemblyFullName) 
            string upperAssemblyName = assemblyFullName.ToUpper(

            String fullName = clrNamespaceFullName + "#" + upperAssemblyName;

            String ret; 

            if (_piReverseTable.TryGetValue(fullName, out ret) && ret != null) 
                return ret;
               return string.Empty;
        /// Given a Type returns it's .net Namespace. This is cached because each call
        /// to .urtNamspace allocates a string. 
        private string GetCachedNamespace(Type t)
            TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t); 

            return typeInformation.ClrNamespace; 
        /// Check an Xml namespace URI and loads the associated Clr namespaces and assemblies
        /// into ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structures.
        ///  Throws an exception if no valid namespaces are found. 
        /// Xml namespace that maps to one or more Clr namespace 
        /// and assembly pairs 
        /// array of ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structures
        internal static List GetClrNamespacePairFromCache( 
                string namespaceUri)

            List mappingArray = null; 


            if (_xmlnsCache == null)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Should initialize cache prior to compiling"); 
                _xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache(); 
            mappingArray = _xmlnsCache.GetMappingArray(namespaceUri);

            return mappingArray;

#endregion Namespaces 
#region TypeConverters
        // Returns the Type of the TypeConverter for the given type.
        // Returns null if not found.
        internal Type GetTypeConverterType(Type type)
            Debug.Assert(null != type, "Null passed for type to GetTypeConverterType");
            TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(type) as TypeInformationCacheData; 
            Type converterType = null; 

            if (null != typeData.TypeConverterType) 
                converterType = typeData.TypeConverterType;
                return converterType;

            // Check for known TypeConverters first. These are always public. 
            converterType = MapTable.GetKnownConverterTypeFromType(type); 
            if (converterType == null)
                // If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter for the type using reflection.
                converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(type);
                if (converterType == null)
                    converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetCoreConverterTypeFromCustomType(type);

            typeData.TypeConverterType = converterType; 
            return converterType;

        // Returns the TypeConverter for the given type
        // Throws a XamlParseException if no TypeConverter is found. 
        internal TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(Type type) 
            Debug.Assert(null != type, "Null passed for type to GetTypeConverter"); 

            TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(type) as TypeInformationCacheData;
            TypeConverter typeConverter = null;
            // if the TypeConverter for this type was ever successfully
            // queried before it should have a non-null value. 
            if (null != typeData.Converter) 
                typeConverter = typeData.Converter; 
                return typeConverter;

            // Check for known TypeConverters first. These are always public. 
            typeConverter = MapTable.GetKnownConverterFromType(type);
            if (typeConverter == null) 
                // If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter for the type using reflection.
                Type converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(type); 
                if (converterType == null)
                    typeConverter = TypeConverterHelper.GetCoreConverterFromCustomType(type);
                    typeConverter = CreateInstance(converterType) as TypeConverter; 

            typeData.Converter = typeConverter;

            if (null == typeConverter) 
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserNoTypeConv, type.Name); 

            return typeConverter; 

        // Returns the Type of the TypeConverter applied to the given property itself. 
        // Returns null if not found.
        internal Type GetPropertyConverterType(Type propType, object dpOrPiOrMi) 
            Debug.Assert(null != propType, "Null passed for propType to GetPropertyConverterType");
            Type converterType = null; 

            // If the current value being parsed is a property value then we must look
            // if there is special TypeConverter specified as attribute for this property
            if (null != dpOrPiOrMi) 
                TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(propType) as TypeInformationCacheData; 
                object ret = typeData.PropertyConverters[dpOrPiOrMi];
                if (null != ret) 
                    converterType = (Type)ret;
                    return converterType;
                    // Get the memberInfo from the DP, PropertyInfo(CLR) or MethodInfo(Attached) for the property
                    MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeConverterHelper.GetMemberInfoForPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi); 
                    if (memberInfo != null)
                        // If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter on the property itself using reflection.
                        converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(memberInfo); 
                // Cache the per property TypeConverter type. This doesn't need to be cached at run-time 
                // since GetPropertyConverter will be used for getting the actual TypeConveretr instance.
                // This saves us the cost of a HashTable.
                typeData.SetPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi, converterType);
            return converterType; 
        // Returns the TypeConverter applied to the given property iself.
        // If not found returns the TypeConverter applied to the given property's type.
        // Throws a XamlParseException if no TypeConverter is found. 
        internal TypeConverter GetPropertyConverter(Type propType, object dpOrPiOrMi)
            Debug.Assert(null != propType, "Null passed for propType to GetPropertyConverter"); 
            TypeConverter typeConverter = null;
            TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(propType) as TypeInformationCacheData;

            // If the current value being parsed is a property value then we must look
            // if there is special TypeConverter specified as attribute for this property 
            if (null != dpOrPiOrMi)
                object ret = typeData.PropertyConverters[dpOrPiOrMi]; 
                if (null != ret)
                    typeConverter = (TypeConverter)ret;
                    return typeConverter;
                // Get the memberInfo from the DP, PropertyInfo(CLR) or MethodInfo(Attached) for the property
                MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeConverterHelper.GetMemberInfoForPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi); 
                if (memberInfo != null) 
                    // If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter on the property itself using reflection. 
                    Type converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(memberInfo);
                    if (converterType != null)
                        // create an instance of the TypeConverter if found 
                        typeConverter = CreateInstance(converterType) as TypeConverter;
            // If no TypeConverter is found on the property itself, try to find it based on the property's type
            if (typeConverter == null)
                typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(propType); 
            // Cache the per property TypeConverter 
            if (dpOrPiOrMi != null)
                typeData.SetPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi, typeConverter); 

            return typeConverter;

#endregion TypeConverters 
#region Resources
        /// Given a string, return a key to be used in a dictionary relating to this string.
        /// If the string is a simple string, just return that.  If the string represents a
        /// Typeof declaration, then return the Type that maps to that string. 
        /// Note that this can return null if the key is not resolved.  It is up to the caller
        /// to throw the appropriate error message in that case. 
        internal object GetDictionaryKey(string keyString, ParserContext context)
             if (keyString.Length > 0 &&
                 (Char.IsWhiteSpace(keyString[0]) ||
                keyString = keyString.Trim();
             return keyString; 
#endregion Resources

#region ConstructorInfos
        /// Fetches the cached ConstructorInfos if there exists one or
        /// then creates a new one and caches it for later. 
        internal ConstructorData GetConstructors(Type type)
            // Create a cache if it does not already exist 
            if (_constructorInformationCache == null)
                _constructorInformationCache = new HybridDictionary(3); 
            // Add an entry for the current type if it does not already exist
            if (!_constructorInformationCache.Contains(type))
                _constructorInformationCache[type] = new ConstructorData(type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)); 
            // Return the cached value 
            return (ConstructorData)_constructorInformationCache[type];

        /// Helper class that is used to store constructor information for a type
        internal class ConstructorData
            #region Constructors 

            internal ConstructorData(ConstructorInfo[] constructors) 
                _constructors = constructors;
            #endregion Constructors
            #region Methods 

            /// Fetches the cached ParameterInfos if there exists one or
            /// then creates a new one and caches it for later.
            internal ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(int constructorIndex) 
                // Create a parameters Cache if it does not already exist 
                if (_parameters == null) 
                    Debug.Assert(_constructors != null, "This operation is legal only after the constructors have been fetched"); 
                    _parameters = new ParameterInfo[_constructors.Length][];

                // Add an entry for the current constructor if it does not already exist 
                if (_parameters[constructorIndex] == null)
                    _parameters[constructorIndex] = _constructors[constructorIndex].GetParameters(); 
                // Return the cached value
                return _parameters[constructorIndex];
            #endregion Methods
            #region Properties 

            internal ConstructorInfo[] Constructors 
                get { return _constructors; }
            #endregion Properties
            #region Data 

            private ConstructorInfo[] _constructors; 
            private ParameterInfo[][] _parameters;

            #endregion Data

#endregion ConstructorInfos 
#region TrimSurroundingWhitespace

        /// Returns the Cached TrimSurroundingWhitespace for the associated type 
        /// We cache this because the reflection lookup on the attribute
        /// is slow. 
        /// type to return the TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute for
        /// The TrimSurroundingWhitespace value for t 
        internal bool GetCachedTrimSurroundingWhitespace(Type t)
            TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t);
            // if first time asked for the layout Type get it.
            if (!typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet) 
                typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespace = GetTrimSurroundingWhitespace(t);
                typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet = true; 

            return typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespace;

        ///  Helper function for  use to find out the TrimSurroundingWhitespace 
        ///  associated with a Type.
        private bool GetTrimSurroundingWhitespace(Type type)
            Debug.Assert(null != type, "null value for type passed to GetWhitespace");
            // in retail return default.
            if (null != type) 
                TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute[] trimAttribute = 
                    type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute),true )
                    as TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute[];

                if (trimAttribute.Length > 0) 
                    Debug.Assert(1 == trimAttribute.Length,"More than one TrimWhitespace Attribute"); 
                    return true; 
                // Reflecting for attributes doesn't work on asmmeta files, so
                // we have to hard code known layout types here.  This is very
                // fragile, but we'll fix it in M8.2. - It's end of M11 already though...
                if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.LineBreak].IsAssignableFrom(type)) 
                    return true; 
            return false;
#endregion TrimSurroundingWhitespace
#region Exceptions 

        // ThrowException wrappers for 0-3 parameter SRIDs

        private void ThrowException(string id) 
            ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(id), null); 

        internal void ThrowException(string id, string parameter) 
            ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(id, parameter), null);
        private void ThrowException(string id, string parameter1, string parameter2)
            ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(id, parameter1, parameter2), null); 
        private void ThrowException(string id, string parameter1, string parameter2, string parameter3)
            ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(id, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3), null);

        // ThrowException wrapper that just adds the line number & position. 

        internal void ThrowExceptionWithLine(string message, Exception innerException)
            XamlParseException.ThrowException(message, innerException, _lineNumber, _linePosition);

#endregion Exceptions 

#region Properties

        /// Hashtable where key is the xmlNamespace, and value is the
        /// ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structure containing clrNamespace and assembly 
        internal HybridDictionary PITable
            get { return _piTable; }

        /// This is the associated BamlMapTable that contains information about what is 
        /// in a baml stream.  The XamlTypeMapper uses the map table (if present) as a cache 
        /// to store some assembly, type and property information.  If it is not present
        /// then this information is not cached and must be retrieved for every request. 
        internal BamlMapTable MapTable
            get { return _mapTable; } 
            set { _mapTable = value; }
        /// Line number used for error reporting 
        internal int LineNumber
            set { _lineNumber = value; } 
        /// Line position used for error reporting
        internal int LinePosition
            set { _linePosition = value; }

        ///  Return the hashtable that is keyed by xml namespace uri and
        ///  has values that are collection of NamespaceMapEntry objects for that 
        ///  xml namespace.
        internal Hashtable NamespaceMapHashList
            get { return _namespaceMapHashList; }
        internal System.Xaml.XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext
                if (_schemaContext == null)
                    _schemaContext = new XamlTypeMapperSchemaContext(this);
                return _schemaContext; 
        // true if the Type Mapper can allow protected attributes.
        // This will be the case for a markup sub-classed root element only.
        internal bool IsProtectedAttributeAllowed 
            get { return _isProtectedAttributeAllowed; } 
            set { _isProtectedAttributeAllowed = value; } 
        internal void ResetMapper()
            _lineNumber = 0;
            _linePosition = 0; 
            _isProtectedAttributeAllowed = false; 

            NamespaceMapEntry[] defaultNsMaps = _namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI] as NamespaceMapEntry[]; 
            NamespaceMapEntry[] definitionNsMaps = _namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI] as NamespaceMapEntry[];
            NamespaceMapEntry[] definitionMetroNsMaps = _namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionMetroNamespaceURI] as NamespaceMapEntry[];

            if (null != defaultNsMaps)
                _namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI, defaultNsMaps); 
            if (null != definitionNsMaps) 
                _namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI, definitionNsMaps);
            if (null != definitionMetroNsMaps) 
                _namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionMetroNamespaceURI, definitionMetroNsMaps); 
#endregion Properties

        #region Data
        // Class used for Type information data cache.
        internal class TypeInformationCacheData 
            /// Create a new instance of the type cache.  Note that the type of this cached 
            /// data is not stored anywhere in this object.  The type that this object pertains
            /// to is stored as the key in the _typeInformationCache dictionary.
            internal TypeInformationCacheData(Type baseType) 
                _baseType = baseType; 

            /// Urt Namespace for this type
            internal string ClrNamespace
                get { return _clrNamespace; } 
                set { _clrNamespace = value; }

            /// The parent type in the inheritance hierarchy of this type.  This is 
            /// stored here since BaseType lookups take some time.
            internal Type BaseType 
                get { return _baseType; } 

            /// TypeConverter associted with this type, if there is one.  This is stored 
            /// here so that GetTypeConverter does not need to be called as often.
            internal TypeConverter Converter 
                get { return _typeConverter; } 
                set { _typeConverter = value; }
            // The type of the TypeConverter 
            internal Type TypeConverterType
                get { return _typeConverterType; } 
                set { _typeConverterType = value; }

            /// TrimSurroundingWhitespace value for this type.
            internal bool TrimSurroundingWhitespace
                get { return _trimSurroundingWhitespace; } 
                set { _trimSurroundingWhitespace = value; }

            /// Flag to indicate if we have cached the TrimSurroundingWhitespace
            internal bool TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet
                get { return _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet; } 
                set { _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet = value; }

            /// Get the DependencyProperty from the Hashtable of PropertyAndType
            /// keyed by DependencyProperty name 
            internal PropertyAndType GetPropertyAndType(string dpName) 
                if (_dpLookupHashtable == null)
                    _dpLookupHashtable = new Hashtable();
                    return null;
                return _dpLookupHashtable[dpName] as PropertyAndType;

            /// Set a new PropertyAndType in the DependencyProperty information Hashtable.
            internal void SetPropertyAndType(
                string          dpName, 
                PropertyInfo    dpInfo,
                Type            ownerType, 
                bool            isInternal) 
                Debug.Assert(_dpLookupHashtable != null, 
                    "GetPropertyAndType must always be called before SetPropertyAndType");

                // add the type taking a lock
                PropertyAndType pAndT = _dpLookupHashtable[dpName] as PropertyAndType; 
                if (pAndT == null)
                    _dpLookupHashtable[dpName] = new PropertyAndType(null, dpInfo, false, true, ownerType, isInternal); 
                    pAndT.PropInfo = dpInfo;
                    pAndT.PropInfoSet = true;
                    pAndT.IsInternal = isInternal; 
            /// TypeConverters based upon attributes on property 
            internal HybridDictionary PropertyConverters
                    if (null == _propertyConverters) 
                        _propertyConverters = new HybridDictionary();

                    return _propertyConverters;

            /// Set a new PropertyConverter for the given property. 
            /// NOTE: This method takes a lock on the table. So to set
            /// values into the table you must use this method. 
            internal void SetPropertyConverter(
                object dpOrPi,
                TypeConverter converter)
                Type converter) 
                _propertyConverters[dpOrPi] = converter;

            // Private data members 
            string        _clrNamespace;
            Type          _baseType; 
            bool          _trimSurroundingWhitespace; 
            Hashtable     _dpLookupHashtable;  // Hashtable of PropertyAndType keyed by dp name
            HybridDictionary     _propertyConverters = new HybridDictionary(); // Dictionary of TypeConverters keyed on dpOrPi 
            bool          _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet;
            TypeConverter _typeConverter;
            Type          _typeConverterType;
        // DP setter method, PropertyInfo and Type record held in _dpLookupHashtable
        internal class PropertyAndType 
            public PropertyAndType (MethodInfo dpSetter,
                                    PropertyInfo dpInfo,
                                    bool setterSet, 
                                    bool propInfoSet,
                                    Type ot, 
                                    bool isInternal) 
                Setter      = dpSetter; 
                PropInfo    = dpInfo;
                OwnerType   = ot;
                SetterSet   = setterSet;
                PropInfoSet = propInfoSet; 
                IsInternal  = isInternal;
            public PropertyInfo PropInfo;
            public MethodInfo   Setter; 
            public Type         OwnerType;
            public bool         PropInfoSet;
            public bool         SetterSet;
            public bool         IsInternal; 
        // Constants that identify special types of string values 
        internal const string MarkupExtensionTypeString = "Type ";
        internal const string MarkupExtensionStaticString = "Static "; 
//        internal const string MarkupExtensionNullString = "Null";
        internal const string MarkupExtensionDynamicResourceString = "DynamicResource ";

        // If the case or name of the assembly name changes in the Framework build, 
        // then the following will have to change also.
        internal const string PresentationFrameworkDllName  = "PresentationFramework"; 
        // Namespace & classname of the generated helper class for accessing allowed internal types in PT.
        internal const string GeneratedNamespace = "XamlGeneratedNamespace"; 
        internal const string GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName = "GeneratedInternalTypeHelper";

        internal const string MarkupExtensionTemplateBindingString = "TemplateBinding "; 
        private static bool _hasInternals = false; 
        private static bool _hasLocalReference = false; 
        private bool _isProtectedAttributeAllowed = false;
        internal static Assembly AssemblyWB = null; 
        internal static Assembly AssemblyPC = null;
        internal static Assembly AssemblyPF = null;
        // Map table associated with this XamlTypeMapper.  This contains information 
        // about what is stored in BAML.  The XamlTypeMapper makes use of the caches in
        // the BamlMapTable to store some assembly, type and property information. 
        BamlMapTable _mapTable; 

        // Array of assembly names that can be used when resolving clr namespaces 
        string[] _assemblyNames;

        // array or namespace map entries such as `http:// mappings.
        NamespaceMapEntry[] _namespaceMaps; 

        // HashTable of cached type lookups and the serializers for that type.  These 
        // are always TypeAndSerializer objects 
        Hashtable _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable = new Hashtable();
        // Hash table of mappings between xmlNamespace and mappings
        Hashtable _namespaceMapHashList = new Hashtable();

        // Hashtable where the key is the fullTypeName + '#' + propertyName and the value 
        HybridDictionary _typeInformationCache = new HybridDictionary();
        // Hashtable where the key is the type and the value is the set of constructors for that type
        HybridDictionary _constructorInformationCache; 

        // A SchemaContext that respects the namespace mappings, PIs, and assembly paths
        // passed in to this TypeMapper
        private XamlTypeMapperSchemaContext _schemaContext; 
        // Hashtable where key is the xmlNamespace, and value is the 
        // ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structure containing clrNamespace and assembly
        HybridDictionary _piTable =  new HybridDictionary(); 

        // Hashtable where key is the clrNamespace + "#" + assemblyName and the
        // value is the corresponding xmlNamespace.  This is used for fast lookups
        // of xmlnamespace if you know the assembly and clr namespace. 
        Dictionary _piReverseTable = new Dictionary();
        // Hashtable where key is the assembly's short name that has been uppercased, 
        // and the value is a path where that assembly can be loaded from.
        // Always lock on this object when writing to it 
        HybridDictionary _assemblyPathTable = new HybridDictionary();

        // true if referenced assemblies in the _assemblyPathTable have been loaded
        bool _referenceAssembliesLoaded = false; 

        // Line number and position in original Xaml file corresponding to the 
        // current BAML record. 
        int _lineNumber = 0;
        int _linePosition = 0; 

        // Cache of namespace and assemblies.
        private static XmlnsCache _xmlnsCache = null;
#endregion Data
#endregion Internal 
    // Todo: Move to a separate file.

    // Type of object and type of Serializer for that type.  If this type
    // also contains an [XmlLang] property, this caches the property info also. 
    // These are contained in the _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable hastable
    internal class TypeAndSerializer 
        public TypeAndSerializer()

        public Type ObjectType = null;
        public Type SerializerType = null; 
        public bool IsSerializerTypeSet = false;
        public PropertyInfo XmlLangProperty; 

    /// Contains information the XamlTypeMapper uses for Mapping between an xml
    /// XmlNamespace and what Assembly, Namespace to look in.
    internal class NamespaceMapEntry 
    public class NamespaceMapEntry

        #region Constructors
        /// NamespaceMapEntry default constructor 
        public NamespaceMapEntry()

        /// Constructor 
        /// The XML NamespaceURi 
        /// Assembly to use when resolving a Tag 
        /// Namespace within the assembly
        public NamespaceMapEntry(string xmlNamespace,string assemblyName,string clrNamespace) 
            if (xmlNamespace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlNamespace");
            if (assemblyName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName"); 
            if (clrNamespace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clrNamespace"); 

            _xmlNamespace = xmlNamespace;
            _assemblyName = assemblyName;
            _clrNamespace = clrNamespace; 
        /// Constructor
        /// The XML NamespaceURi
        /// Assembly to use when resolving a Tag
        /// Namespace within the assembly
        /// Path to use when loading assembly.  This may be null. 
         internal NamespaceMapEntry(
                string xmlNamespace, 
                string assemblyName, 
                string clrNamespace,
                string assemblyPath) : this(xmlNamespace, assemblyName, clrNamespace) 
            _assemblyPath = assemblyPath;
        #endregion Constructors
        #region Properties
        /// Xml namespace specified in the constructor
        public string XmlNamespace 
            get { return _xmlNamespace; } 
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (_xmlNamespace == null) 
                    _xmlNamespace = value; 

        /// AssemblyName specified in the constructor
        public string AssemblyName
            get { return _assemblyName; } 
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (_assemblyName == null)
                    _assemblyName = value; 

        /// ClrNamespace specified within the constructor 
        public string ClrNamespace 
            get { return _clrNamespace; }
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                if (_clrNamespace == null) 
                    _clrNamespace = value;

        #endregion Properties
        /// returns instance of the assembly associate with this
        /// namespace map 
        internal Assembly Assembly
                if (null == _assembly && _assemblyName.Length > 0) 
                    // NOTE: At compile time a local assembly can already be loaded if being 
                    // referenced by dehydrated assemblies and so we should attempt to return
                    // that.
                    if (_isLocalAssembly)
                        string assemblyNameLookup = _assemblyName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        // Check if the assembly has already been loaded. 
                        if (!ReflectionHelper.HasAlreadyReflectionOnlyLoaded(assemblyNameLookup))
                            return null;
                    _assembly = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(_assemblyName, _assemblyPath); 

                return _assembly; 

        /// Get and set the path to use when loading the assembly.
        internal string AssemblyPath 
            get { return _assemblyPath; } 
            set { _assemblyPath = value; }

        internal bool LocalAssembly
            get { return _isLocalAssembly; } 
            set { _isLocalAssembly = value; }

        bool     _isLocalAssembly;
#region Data
        string   _xmlNamespace; 
        string   _assemblyName;
        string   _assemblyPath; 
        Assembly _assembly;
        string   _clrNamespace;

#endregion Data 

    // This is a convenience holder for all the possible IDs that Xaml understands which could
    // be on an object element. 
    internal class XamlObjectIds
        public string Name = null;
        public string Uid = null; 
        public object Key = null;

#region XmlParserDefaults Class 

    // class for getting and setting mapping defaults.
    internal static class XmlParserDefaults

#region Methods 
        ///  Instance of XamlTypeMapper to use if none is specified in the 
        ///  ParserContext. XamlTypeMapper returned is has its assembly and namespace
        ///  maps initialized to those set
        ///  via SetDefaultXmlMapping() or one built from our internal defaults.
        internal static XamlTypeMapper DefaultMapper
                return new XamlTypeMapper(GetDefaultAssemblyNames(),GetDefaultNamespaceMaps()); 

#endregion Methods 

#region Properties 
        /// Returns an array of the DefaultAssemblyNames 
        internal static string[] GetDefaultAssemblyNames()
            return (string[])_defaultAssemblies.Clone(); 
        /// Returns array of the DefaultNamespaceMaps
        internal static NamespaceMapEntry[] GetDefaultNamespaceMaps()
            return (NamespaceMapEntry[])_defaultNamespaceMapTable.Clone();

#endregion Properties 
#region Data
        // array of our defaultAssemblies.
        private static readonly string[] _defaultAssemblies = {"WindowsBase", "PresentationCore", "PresentationFramework"};

        // array of namespaceMaps the map an xmlns namespaceURI 
        // to the assembly and urtNamespace to search in when resolving the xml
        private static readonly NamespaceMapEntry[] _defaultNamespaceMapTable = { }; 

#endregion Data 
#endregion XmlParserDefaults Class



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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