UIElement.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Generated / UIElement.cs / 1 / UIElement.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. 
// Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information.

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;
using MS.Utility; 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings 

namespace System.Windows 
    partial class UIElement : IAnimatable
        static private readonly Type _typeofThis = typeof(UIElement); 

        #region IAnimatable 
        /// Applies an AnimationClock to a DepencencyProperty which will 
        /// replace the current animations on the property using the snapshot
        /// and replace HandoffBehavior.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate.
        /// The AnimationClock that will animate the property. If this is null
        /// then all animations will be removed from the property. 
        public void ApplyAnimationClock(
            DependencyProperty dp,
            AnimationClock clock) 
            ApplyAnimationClock(dp, clock, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace); 

        /// Applies an AnimationClock to a DependencyProperty. The effect of
        /// the new AnimationClock on any current animations will be determined by
        /// the value of the handoffBehavior parameter.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationClock that will animate the property. If parameter is null 
        /// then animations will be removed from the property if handoffBehavior is
        /// SnapshotAndReplace; otherwise the method call will have no result.
        /// Determines how the new AnimationClock will transition from or
        /// affect any current animations on the property. 
        public void ApplyAnimationClock(
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            AnimationClock clock,
            HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            if (!AnimationStorage.IsPropertyAnimatable(this, dp)) 
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_DependencyPropertyIsNotAnimatable, dp.Name, this.GetType()), "dp");
        #pragma warning restore 56506 
            if (clock != null 
                && !AnimationStorage.IsAnimationValid(dp, clock.Timeline))
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_AnimationTimelineTypeMismatch, clock.Timeline.GetType(), dp.Name, dp.PropertyType), "clock");
        #pragma warning restore 56506

            if (!HandoffBehaviorEnum.IsDefined(handoffBehavior)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_UnrecognizedHandoffBehavior));

            if (IsSealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.IAnimatable_CantAnimateSealedDO, dp, this.GetType())); 
            AnimationStorage.ApplyAnimationClock(this, dp, clock, handoffBehavior); 
        /// Starts an animation for a DependencyProperty. The animation will
        /// begin when the next frame is rendered.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationTimeline to used to animate the property. 
        /// If the AnimationTimeline's BeginTime is null, any current animations
        /// will be removed and the current value of the property will be held.
        /// If this value is null, all animations will be removed from the property
        /// and the property value will revert back to its base value. 
        public void BeginAnimation(DependencyProperty dp, AnimationTimeline animation) 
            BeginAnimation(dp, animation, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace);

        /// Starts an animation for a DependencyProperty. The animation will
        /// begin when the next frame is rendered. 
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationTimeline to used to animate the property.
        /// If the AnimationTimeline's BeginTime is null, any current animations
        /// will be removed and the current value of the property will be held.
        /// If this value is null, all animations will be removed from the property 
        /// and the property value will revert back to its base value.
        /// Specifies how the new animation should interact with any current
        /// animations already affecting the property value. 
        public void BeginAnimation(DependencyProperty dp, AnimationTimeline animation, HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            if (!AnimationStorage.IsPropertyAnimatable(this, dp)) 
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_DependencyPropertyIsNotAnimatable, dp.Name, this.GetType()), "dp");
        #pragma warning restore 56506 
            if (   animation != null 
                && !AnimationStorage.IsAnimationValid(dp, animation))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_AnimationTimelineTypeMismatch, animation.GetType(), dp.Name, dp.PropertyType), "animation");

            if (!HandoffBehaviorEnum.IsDefined(handoffBehavior)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_UnrecognizedHandoffBehavior)); 

            if (IsSealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.IAnimatable_CantAnimateSealedDO, dp, this.GetType()));
            AnimationStorage.BeginAnimation(this, dp, animation, handoffBehavior);
        /// Returns true if any properties on this DependencyObject have a 
        /// persistent animation or the object has one or more clocks associated
        /// with any of its properties.
        public bool HasAnimatedProperties 
                return IAnimatable_HasAnimatedProperties;
        ///   If the dependency property is animated this method will 
        ///   give you the value as if it was not animated. 
        /// The DependencyProperty 
        ///   The value that would be returned if there were no
        ///   animations attached.  If there aren't any attached, then
        ///   the result will be the same as that returned from 
        ///   GetValue.
        public object GetAnimationBaseValue(DependencyProperty dp) 
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");
            return this.GetValueEntry(

        #endregion IAnimatable
        #region Animation
        ///     Allows subclasses to participate in property animated value computation
        /// EffectiveValueEntry computed by base
        ///     Putting an InheritanceDemand as a defense-in-depth measure,
        ///     as this provides a hook to the property system that we don't 
        ///     want exposed under PartialTrust. 
        [UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
        internal sealed override void EvaluateAnimatedValueCore(
                DependencyProperty  dp,
                PropertyMetadata    metadata,
            ref EffectiveValueEntry entry) 
            if (IAnimatable_HasAnimatedProperties) 
                AnimationStorage storage = AnimationStorage.GetStorage(this, dp);
                if (storage != null)
                    object value = entry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value;
                    if (entry.IsDeferredReference) 
                        DeferredReference dr = (DeferredReference)value; 
                        value = dr.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal); 

                        // Set the baseValue back into the entry and clear the 
                        // IsDeferredReference flag
                        entry.IsDeferredReference = false;

                    object animatedValue = AnimationStorage.GetCurrentPropertyValue(storage, this, dp, metadata, value); 
                    entry.SetAnimatedValue(animatedValue, value);

        #endregion Animation 

        #region Commands 
        /// Instance level InputBinding collection, initialized on first use.
        /// To have commands handled (QueryEnabled/Execute) on an element instance, 
        /// the user of this method can add InputBinding with handlers thru this
        /// method.
        public InputBindingCollection InputBindings
                InputBindingCollection bindings = InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
                if (bindings == null)
                    bindings = new InputBindingCollection(); 
                    InputBindingCollectionField.SetValue(this, bindings);
                return bindings;

        // Used by CommandManager to avoid instantiating an empty collection
        internal InputBindingCollection InputBindingsInternal 
                return InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this); 

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should
        /// be serialized. 
        // for serializer to serialize only when InputBindings is not empty
        public bool ShouldSerializeInputBindings()
            InputBindingCollection bindingCollection = InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
            if (bindingCollection != null && bindingCollection.Count > 0) 
                return true; 

            return false; 

        /// Instance level CommandBinding collection, initialized on first use. 
        /// To have commands handled (QueryEnabled/Execute) on an element instance,
        /// the user of this method can add CommandBinding with handlers thru this 
        /// method. 
        public CommandBindingCollection CommandBindings
                CommandBindingCollection bindings = CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this); 
                if (bindings == null) 
                    bindings = new CommandBindingCollection(); 
                    CommandBindingCollectionField.SetValue(this, bindings);

                return bindings; 
        // Used by CommandManager to avoid instantiating an empty collection
        internal CommandBindingCollection CommandBindingsInternal 
                return CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should
        /// be serialized.
        // for serializer to serialize only when CommandBindings is not empty 
        public bool ShouldSerializeCommandBindings() 
            CommandBindingCollection bindingCollection = CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
            if (bindingCollection != null && bindingCollection.Count > 0) 
                return true;
            return false;
        #endregion Commands
        #region Events

        ///     Allows UIElement to augment the 
        ///     Sub-classes of UIElement can override
        ///     this method to custom augment the route 
        ///     The  to be
        ///     augmented 
        ///      for the 
        ///     RoutedEvent to be raised post building
        ///     the route 
        ///     Whether or not the route should continue past the visual tree.
        ///     If this is true, and there are no more visual parents, the route 
        ///     building code will call the GetUIParentCore method to find the
        ///     next non-visual parent. 
        internal virtual bool BuildRouteCore(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args)
            return false;

        ///     Builds the 
        ///     The  being
        ///     built 
        ///      for the
        ///     RoutedEvent to be raised post building 
        ///     the route
        internal void BuildRoute(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args) 
            UIElement.BuildRouteHelper(this, route, args); 

        ///     Raise the events specified by 
        ///     This method is a shorthand for
        ///      and 
        ///      for the event to 
        ///     be raised
        ///     By default clears the user initiated bit.
        ///     To guard against "replay" attacks. 
        public void RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
            // VerifyAccess(); 

            if (e == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

            UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(this, e);

        ///     "Trusted" internal flavor of RaiseEvent. 
        ///     Used to set the User-initated RaiseEvent.
        ///     Critical - sets the MarkAsUserInitiated bit.
        internal void RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, bool trusted)
            if (args == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("args"); 
            if ( trusted )

            // Try/finally to ensure that UserInitiated bit is cleared.
                UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(this, args);
                // Clear the bit - just to guarantee it's not used again 
        ///     Allows adjustment to the event source 
        ///     Subclasses must override this method 
        ///     to be able to adjust the source during
        ///     route invocation 
        ///     NOTE: Expected to return null when no 
        ///     change is made to source
        ///     Routed Event Args
        ///     Returns new source
        internal virtual object AdjustEventSource(RoutedEventArgs args) 
            return null; 

        ///     See overloaded method for details
        ///     handledEventsToo defaults to false  
        ///     See overloaded method for details
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler) 
            // HandledEventToo defaults to false
            // Call forwarded
            AddHandler(routedEvent, handler, false); 
        ///     Adds a routed event handler for the particular
        ///     The handler added thus is also known as
        ///     an instance handler  
        ///     NOTE: It is not an error to add a handler twice 
        ///     (handler will simply be called twice) 
        ///     Input parameters 
        ///     and handler cannot be null 
        ///     handledEventsToo input parameter when false means 
        ///     that listener does not care about already handled events.
        ///     Hence the handler will not be invoked on the target if 
        ///     the RoutedEvent has already been 
        ///     handledEventsToo input parameter when true means 
        ///     that the listener wants to hear about all events even if
        ///     they have already been handled. Hence the handler will
        ///     be invoked irrespective of the event being
        ///      for which the handler 
        ///     is attached
        ///     The handler that will be invoked on this object
        ///     when the RoutedEvent is raised
        ///     Flag indicating whether or not the listener wants to 
        ///     hear about events that have already been handled 
        public void AddHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent,
            Delegate handler,
            bool handledEventsToo)
            // VerifyAccess();
            if (routedEvent == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 

            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
            if (!routedEvent.IsLegalHandler(handler))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            EventHandlersStore.AddRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler, handledEventsToo);
            OnAddHandler (routedEvent, handler); 
        ///     Notifies subclass of a new routed event handler.  Note that this is
        ///     called once for each handler added, but OnRemoveHandler is only called
        ///     on the last removal. 
        internal virtual void OnAddHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent, 
            Delegate handler)

        ///     Removes all instances of the specified routed 
        ///     event handler for this object instance
        ///     The handler removed thus is also known as
        ///     an instance handler  
        ///     NOTE: This method does nothing if there were
        ///     no handlers registered with the matching 
        ///     criteria 
        ///     Input parameters 
        ///     and handler cannot be null  
        ///     This method ignores the handledEventsToo criterion
        ///      for which the handler 
        ///     is attached
        ///     The handler for this object instance to be removed
        public void RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler)
            // VerifyAccess();
            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (!routedEvent.IsLegalHandler(handler)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore;
            if (store != null)
                store.RemoveRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler);
                OnRemoveHandler (routedEvent, handler); 

                if (store.Count == 0) 
                    // last event handler was removed -- throw away underlying EventHandlersStore
                    WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, false); 
        ///     Notifies subclass of an event for which a handler has been removed.
        internal virtual void OnRemoveHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent,
            Delegate handler) 
        private void EventHandlersStoreAdd(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
            EventHandlersStore.Add(key, handler); 
        private void EventHandlersStoreRemove(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler) 
            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore; 
            if (store != null)
                store.Remove(key, handler);
                if (store.Count == 0) 
                    // last event handler was removed -- throw away underlying EventHandlersStore 
                    WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, false);

        ///     Add the event handlers for this element to the route.
        public void AddToEventRoute(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            if (route == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("route");
            if (e == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 

            // Get class listeners for this UIElement 
            RoutedEventHandlerInfoList classListeners =
                GlobalEventManager.GetDTypedClassListeners(this.DependencyObjectType, e.RoutedEvent);

            // Add all class listeners for this UIElement 
            while (classListeners != null)
                for(int i = 0; i < classListeners.Handlers.Length; i++) 
                    route.Add(this, classListeners.Handlers[i].Handler, classListeners.Handlers[i].InvokeHandledEventsToo); 

                classListeners = classListeners.Next;

            // Get instance listeners for this UIElement 
            FrugalObjectList instanceListeners = null; 
            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore;
            if (store != null) 
                instanceListeners = store[e.RoutedEvent];

                // Add all instance listeners for this UIElement 
                if (instanceListeners != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < instanceListeners.Count; i++) 
                        route.Add(this, instanceListeners[i].Handler, instanceListeners[i].InvokeHandledEventsToo); 
            // Allow Framework to add event handlers in styles
            AddToEventRouteCore(route, e); 

        ///     This virtual method is to be overridden in Framework
        ///     to be able to add handlers for styles
        internal virtual void AddToEventRouteCore(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args) 
        ///     Event Handlers Store 
        ///     The idea of exposing this property is to allow
        ///     elements in the Framework to generically use 
        ///     EventHandlersStore for Clr events as well.
        internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore 
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
                    return null;
                return EventHandlersStoreField.GetValue(this); 

        ///     Ensures that EventHandlersStore will return
        ///     non-null when it is called. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
        internal void EnsureEventHandlersStore() 
            if (EventHandlersStore == null) 
                EventHandlersStoreField.SetValue(this, new EventHandlersStore());
                WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, true);
        #endregion Events 

        /// Used by UIElement, ContentElement, and UIElement3D to register common Events.
        ///  Critical: This code is used to register various thunks that are used to send input to the tree 
        ///  TreatAsSafe: This code attaches handlers that are inside the class and private. Not configurable or overridable
        internal static void RegisterEvents(Type type)
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseDownThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseDownThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseUpThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk), true); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseRightButtonDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseRightButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseMoveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, new MouseWheelEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseWheelThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, new MouseWheelEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseWheelThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotMouseCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostMouseCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, new QueryCursorEventHandler(UIElement.OnQueryCursorThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, new StylusDownEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusDownEvent, new StylusDownEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusUpEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusMoveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusInAirMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusInAirMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusInRangeThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusInRangeThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusOutOfRangeThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusOutOfRangeThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, new StylusSystemGestureEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusSystemGestureThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, new StylusSystemGestureEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusSystemGestureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotStylusCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostStylusCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusButtonUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewKeyDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnKeyDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewKeyUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnKeyUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocusThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotKeyboardFocusThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocusThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostKeyboardFocusThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, new TextCompositionEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewTextInputThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, new TextCompositionEventHandler(UIElement.OnTextInputThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.PreviewExecutedEvent, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewExecutedThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.ExecutedEvent, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnExecutedThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.PreviewCanExecuteEvent, new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewCanExecuteThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.CanExecuteEvent, new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnCanExecuteThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandDevice.CommandDeviceEvent, new CommandDeviceEventHandler(UIElement.OnCommandDeviceThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, new QueryContinueDragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewQueryContinueDragThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, new QueryContinueDragEventHandler(UIElement.OnQueryContinueDragThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, new GiveFeedbackEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewGiveFeedbackThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, new GiveFeedbackEventHandler(UIElement.OnGiveFeedbackThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragEnterThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragOverThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragOverThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragLeaveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDropThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDropThunk), false); 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness.
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e); 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);

                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness. 
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                    if (ce != null)

            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness. 
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness.
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeftButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseRightButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseRightButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseMoveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseMoveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseWheelThunk(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseWheelThunk(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseEnterThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeaveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotMouseCaptureThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnLostMouseCaptureThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnQueryCursorThunk(object sender, QueryCursorEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusDownThunk(object sender, StylusDownEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusDownThunk(object sender, StylusDownEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusUpThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusUpThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusInAirMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusInAirMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusEnterThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusLeaveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusInRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusInRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusOutOfRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusOutOfRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusSystemGestureThunk(object sender, StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusSystemGestureThunk(object sender, StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotStylusCaptureThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnLostStylusCaptureThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusButtonDownThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusButtonUpThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusButtonDownThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusButtonUpThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewKeyDownThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnKeyDownThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewKeyUpThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnKeyUpThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnLostKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewTextInputThunk(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnTextInputThunk(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewExecutedThunk(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnExecuted(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnExecutedThunk(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnExecuted(sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewCanExecuteThunk(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event.
            CommandManager.OnCanExecute(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnCanExecuteThunk(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnCanExecute(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnCommandDeviceThunk(object sender, CommandDeviceEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnCommandDevice(sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewQueryContinueDragThunk(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnQueryContinueDragThunk(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewGiveFeedbackThunk(object sender, GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnGiveFeedbackThunk(object sender, GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDragEnterThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnDragEnterThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewDragOverThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnDragOverThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDragLeaveThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnDragLeaveThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDropThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnDropThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseDownEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDown 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseDownEvent = Mouse.MouseDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDown
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseUpEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseUp 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseUpEvent = Mouse.MouseUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseUp
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeftButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseLeftButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was released 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was released 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeftButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseLeftButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseRightButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonDown 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseRightButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseRightButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonDown 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was released
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseRightButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was released
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseRightButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseRightButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseMoveEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a mouse move
        public event MouseEventHandler PreviewMouseMove
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseMoveEvent = Mouse.MouseMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting a mouse move 
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse move 
        protected virtual void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseWheelEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        public event MouseWheelEventHandler PreviewMouseWheel
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseWheelEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseWheelEvent = Mouse.MouseWheelEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        public event MouseWheelEventHandler MouseWheel 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        protected virtual void OnMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseEnterEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseEnterEvent = Mouse.MouseEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the mouse entered this element
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseEnter
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse entered this element
        protected virtual void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeaveEvent = Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the mouse left this element 
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseLeave 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse left this element 
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotMouseCaptureEvent = Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting that this element got the mouse capture
        public event MouseEventHandler GotMouseCapture 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element got the mouse capture
        protected virtual void OnGotMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostMouseCaptureEvent = Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that this element lost the mouse capture 
        public event MouseEventHandler LostMouseCapture
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element lost the mouse capture 
        protected virtual void OnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.QueryCursorEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent QueryCursorEvent = Mouse.QueryCursorEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the cursor to display was requested 
        public event QueryCursorEventHandler QueryCursor 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the cursor to display was requested 
        protected virtual void OnQueryCursor(QueryCursorEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusDownEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-down
        public event StylusDownEventHandler PreviewStylusDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-down
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusDown(StylusDownEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusDownEvent = Stylus.StylusDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-down 
        public event StylusDownEventHandler StylusDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-down 
        protected virtual void OnStylusDown(StylusDownEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusUpEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a stylus-up
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusUp
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-up
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusUp(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusUpEvent = Stylus.StylusUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-up
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusUp 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-up
        protected virtual void OnStylusUp(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusMoveEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a stylus move
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusMove
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusMove(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusMoveEvent = Stylus.StylusMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus move 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusMove 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus move 
        protected virtual void OnStylusMove(StylusEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus-in-air-move
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInAirMove 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-in-air-move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusInAirMove(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusInAirMoveEvent = Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-in-air-move 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusInAirMove
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-in-air-move 
        protected virtual void OnStylusInAirMove(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusEnterEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusEnterEvent = Stylus.StylusEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus entered this element 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusEnter 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus entered this element 
        protected virtual void OnStylusEnter(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusLeaveEvent = Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus left this element
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusLeave
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus left this element
        protected virtual void OnStylusLeave(StylusEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusInRangeEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer 
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusInRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusInRangeEvent = Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusInRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnStylusInRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusOutOfRange 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusOutOfRange(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusOutOfRangeEvent = Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusOutOfRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnStylusOutOfRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus system gesture 
        public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler PreviewStylusSystemGesture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus system gesture 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusSystemGesture(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusSystemGestureEvent = Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus system gesture
        public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler StylusSystemGesture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus system gesture
        protected virtual void OnStylusSystemGesture(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotStylusCaptureEvent = Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that this element got the stylus capture 
        public event StylusEventHandler GotStylusCapture
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element got the stylus capture 
        protected virtual void OnGotStylusCapture(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostStylusCaptureEvent = Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that this element lost the stylus capture 
        public event StylusEventHandler LostStylusCapture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element lost the stylus capture 
        protected virtual void OnLostStylusCapture(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusButtonDownEvent = Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is down
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is down
        protected virtual void OnStylusButtonDown(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusButtonUpEvent = Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is up 
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is up 
        protected virtual void OnStylusButtonUp(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is down
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is down
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusButtonDown(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is up
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is up
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusButtonUp(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewKeyDownEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a key was pressed
        public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyDown
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was pressed
        protected virtual void OnPreviewKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.KeyDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent KeyDownEvent = Keyboard.KeyDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a key was pressed 
        public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewKeyUpEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a key was released
        public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyUp 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was released
        protected virtual void OnPreviewKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.KeyUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent KeyUpEvent = Keyboard.KeyUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a key was released 
        public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was released 
        protected virtual void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element 
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewGotKeyboardFocus 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler GotKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element
        protected virtual void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed 
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewLostKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler LostKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed
        protected virtual void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewTextInputEvent = TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting text composition
        public event TextCompositionEventHandler PreviewTextInput 
            add { AddHandler(TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting text composition
        protected virtual void OnPreviewTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent TextInputEvent = TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting text composition
        public event TextCompositionEventHandler TextInput
            add { AddHandler(TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting text composition
        protected virtual void OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent = DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the preview query continue drag is going to happen 
        public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler PreviewQueryContinueDrag 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview query continue drag is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent QueryContinueDragEvent = DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the query continue drag is going to happen
        public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler QueryContinueDrag 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the query continue drag is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent = DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the preview give feedback is going to happen 
        public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler PreviewGiveFeedback
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview give feedback is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GiveFeedbackEvent = DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the give feedback is going to happen 
        public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler GiveFeedback 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the give feedback is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragEnterEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the preview drag enter is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragEnter
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag enter is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragEnter(DragEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragEnterEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragEnterEvent = DragDrop.DragEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler DragEnter
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragOverEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the preview drag over is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragOver
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag over is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragOver(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragOverEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragOverEvent = DragDrop.DragOverEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the drag over is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler DragOver 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragOverEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragOverEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag over is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragLeaveEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the preview drag leave is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragLeave
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag leave is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragLeave(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragLeaveEvent = DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the drag leave is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler DragLeave 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag leave is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDragLeave(DragEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDropEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the preview drop is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDrop 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drop is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDrop(DragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DropEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DropEvent = DragDrop.DropEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler Drop
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DropEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DropEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseDirectlyOverPropertyKey = 
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsMouseDirectlyOver_Changed)));

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseDirectlyOver property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseDirectlyOverProperty = 
        private static void IsMouseDirectlyOver_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(e);

        ///     IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged private key 
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changed. 
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); } 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changed. 
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        private void RaiseIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, args); 
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseOverPropertyKey = 
                                new PropertyMetadata( 

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseOver property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseOverProperty = 

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusOverPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(

        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusOver property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusOverProperty =
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsKeyboardFocusWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsKeyboardFocusWithinProperty = 
        ///     IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey();

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, value); }

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 

        internal void RaiseIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, args);

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseCapturedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsMouseCaptured_Changed)));
        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseCaptured property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseCapturedProperty =

        private static void IsMouseCaptured_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsMouseCapturedChanged(e); 
        ///     IsMouseCapturedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseCapturedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey();

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptured property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCapturedChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, value); }

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptured property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 

        private void RaiseIsMouseCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, args);

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseCaptureWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseCaptureWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty = 
        ///     IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptureWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptureWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        internal void RaiseIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsStylusDirectlyOver_Changed))); 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusDirectlyOver property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusDirectlyOverProperty =
        private static void IsStylusDirectlyOver_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(e); 
        ///     IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        private void RaiseIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsStylusCaptured_Changed))); 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusCaptured property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusCapturedProperty =
        private static void IsStylusCaptured_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsStylusCapturedChanged(e); 
        ///     IsStylusCapturedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusCapturedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptured property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCapturedChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptured property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        private void RaiseIsStylusCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusCaptureWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusCaptureWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusCaptureWithinProperty =

        ///     IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptureWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptureWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        internal void RaiseIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsKeyboardFocused_Changed))); 

        ///     The dependency property for the IsKeyboardFocused property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsKeyboardFocusedProperty =
        private static void IsKeyboardFocused_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(e);

        ///     IsKeyboardFocusedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocused property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusedChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocused property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        private void RaiseIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, args);
        internal bool ReadFlag(CoreFlags field)
            return (_flags & field) != 0;

        internal void WriteFlag(CoreFlags field,bool value) 
            if (value) 
                 _flags |= field;
                 _flags &= (~field);
        private CoreFlags       _flags; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. 
// Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information.

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;
using MS.Utility; 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings 

namespace System.Windows 
    partial class UIElement : IAnimatable
        static private readonly Type _typeofThis = typeof(UIElement); 

        #region IAnimatable 
        /// Applies an AnimationClock to a DepencencyProperty which will 
        /// replace the current animations on the property using the snapshot
        /// and replace HandoffBehavior.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate.
        /// The AnimationClock that will animate the property. If this is null
        /// then all animations will be removed from the property. 
        public void ApplyAnimationClock(
            DependencyProperty dp,
            AnimationClock clock) 
            ApplyAnimationClock(dp, clock, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace); 

        /// Applies an AnimationClock to a DependencyProperty. The effect of
        /// the new AnimationClock on any current animations will be determined by
        /// the value of the handoffBehavior parameter.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationClock that will animate the property. If parameter is null 
        /// then animations will be removed from the property if handoffBehavior is
        /// SnapshotAndReplace; otherwise the method call will have no result.
        /// Determines how the new AnimationClock will transition from or
        /// affect any current animations on the property. 
        public void ApplyAnimationClock(
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            AnimationClock clock,
            HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            if (!AnimationStorage.IsPropertyAnimatable(this, dp)) 
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_DependencyPropertyIsNotAnimatable, dp.Name, this.GetType()), "dp");
        #pragma warning restore 56506 
            if (clock != null 
                && !AnimationStorage.IsAnimationValid(dp, clock.Timeline))
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_AnimationTimelineTypeMismatch, clock.Timeline.GetType(), dp.Name, dp.PropertyType), "clock");
        #pragma warning restore 56506

            if (!HandoffBehaviorEnum.IsDefined(handoffBehavior)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_UnrecognizedHandoffBehavior));

            if (IsSealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.IAnimatable_CantAnimateSealedDO, dp, this.GetType())); 
            AnimationStorage.ApplyAnimationClock(this, dp, clock, handoffBehavior); 
        /// Starts an animation for a DependencyProperty. The animation will
        /// begin when the next frame is rendered.
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationTimeline to used to animate the property. 
        /// If the AnimationTimeline's BeginTime is null, any current animations
        /// will be removed and the current value of the property will be held.
        /// If this value is null, all animations will be removed from the property
        /// and the property value will revert back to its base value. 
        public void BeginAnimation(DependencyProperty dp, AnimationTimeline animation) 
            BeginAnimation(dp, animation, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace);

        /// Starts an animation for a DependencyProperty. The animation will
        /// begin when the next frame is rendered. 
        /// The DependencyProperty to animate. 
        /// The AnimationTimeline to used to animate the property.
        /// If the AnimationTimeline's BeginTime is null, any current animations
        /// will be removed and the current value of the property will be held.
        /// If this value is null, all animations will be removed from the property 
        /// and the property value will revert back to its base value.
        /// Specifies how the new animation should interact with any current
        /// animations already affecting the property value. 
        public void BeginAnimation(DependencyProperty dp, AnimationTimeline animation, HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            if (!AnimationStorage.IsPropertyAnimatable(this, dp)) 
        #pragma warning disable 56506 // Suppress presharp warning: Parameter 'dp' to this public method must be validated:  A null-dereference can occur here.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_DependencyPropertyIsNotAnimatable, dp.Name, this.GetType()), "dp");
        #pragma warning restore 56506 
            if (   animation != null 
                && !AnimationStorage.IsAnimationValid(dp, animation))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_AnimationTimelineTypeMismatch, animation.GetType(), dp.Name, dp.PropertyType), "animation");

            if (!HandoffBehaviorEnum.IsDefined(handoffBehavior)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Animation_UnrecognizedHandoffBehavior)); 

            if (IsSealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.IAnimatable_CantAnimateSealedDO, dp, this.GetType()));
            AnimationStorage.BeginAnimation(this, dp, animation, handoffBehavior);
        /// Returns true if any properties on this DependencyObject have a 
        /// persistent animation or the object has one or more clocks associated
        /// with any of its properties.
        public bool HasAnimatedProperties 
                return IAnimatable_HasAnimatedProperties;
        ///   If the dependency property is animated this method will 
        ///   give you the value as if it was not animated. 
        /// The DependencyProperty 
        ///   The value that would be returned if there were no
        ///   animations attached.  If there aren't any attached, then
        ///   the result will be the same as that returned from 
        ///   GetValue.
        public object GetAnimationBaseValue(DependencyProperty dp) 
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");
            return this.GetValueEntry(

        #endregion IAnimatable
        #region Animation
        ///     Allows subclasses to participate in property animated value computation
        /// EffectiveValueEntry computed by base
        ///     Putting an InheritanceDemand as a defense-in-depth measure,
        ///     as this provides a hook to the property system that we don't 
        ///     want exposed under PartialTrust. 
        [UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
        internal sealed override void EvaluateAnimatedValueCore(
                DependencyProperty  dp,
                PropertyMetadata    metadata,
            ref EffectiveValueEntry entry) 
            if (IAnimatable_HasAnimatedProperties) 
                AnimationStorage storage = AnimationStorage.GetStorage(this, dp);
                if (storage != null)
                    object value = entry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value;
                    if (entry.IsDeferredReference) 
                        DeferredReference dr = (DeferredReference)value; 
                        value = dr.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal); 

                        // Set the baseValue back into the entry and clear the 
                        // IsDeferredReference flag
                        entry.IsDeferredReference = false;

                    object animatedValue = AnimationStorage.GetCurrentPropertyValue(storage, this, dp, metadata, value); 
                    entry.SetAnimatedValue(animatedValue, value);

        #endregion Animation 

        #region Commands 
        /// Instance level InputBinding collection, initialized on first use.
        /// To have commands handled (QueryEnabled/Execute) on an element instance, 
        /// the user of this method can add InputBinding with handlers thru this
        /// method.
        public InputBindingCollection InputBindings
                InputBindingCollection bindings = InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
                if (bindings == null)
                    bindings = new InputBindingCollection(); 
                    InputBindingCollectionField.SetValue(this, bindings);
                return bindings;

        // Used by CommandManager to avoid instantiating an empty collection
        internal InputBindingCollection InputBindingsInternal 
                return InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this); 

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should
        /// be serialized. 
        // for serializer to serialize only when InputBindings is not empty
        public bool ShouldSerializeInputBindings()
            InputBindingCollection bindingCollection = InputBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
            if (bindingCollection != null && bindingCollection.Count > 0) 
                return true; 

            return false; 

        /// Instance level CommandBinding collection, initialized on first use. 
        /// To have commands handled (QueryEnabled/Execute) on an element instance,
        /// the user of this method can add CommandBinding with handlers thru this 
        /// method. 
        public CommandBindingCollection CommandBindings
                CommandBindingCollection bindings = CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this); 
                if (bindings == null) 
                    bindings = new CommandBindingCollection(); 
                    CommandBindingCollectionField.SetValue(this, bindings);

                return bindings; 
        // Used by CommandManager to avoid instantiating an empty collection
        internal CommandBindingCollection CommandBindingsInternal 
                return CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should
        /// be serialized.
        // for serializer to serialize only when CommandBindings is not empty 
        public bool ShouldSerializeCommandBindings() 
            CommandBindingCollection bindingCollection = CommandBindingCollectionField.GetValue(this);
            if (bindingCollection != null && bindingCollection.Count > 0) 
                return true;
            return false;
        #endregion Commands
        #region Events

        ///     Allows UIElement to augment the 
        ///     Sub-classes of UIElement can override
        ///     this method to custom augment the route 
        ///     The  to be
        ///     augmented 
        ///      for the 
        ///     RoutedEvent to be raised post building
        ///     the route 
        ///     Whether or not the route should continue past the visual tree.
        ///     If this is true, and there are no more visual parents, the route 
        ///     building code will call the GetUIParentCore method to find the
        ///     next non-visual parent. 
        internal virtual bool BuildRouteCore(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args)
            return false;

        ///     Builds the 
        ///     The  being
        ///     built 
        ///      for the
        ///     RoutedEvent to be raised post building 
        ///     the route
        internal void BuildRoute(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args) 
            UIElement.BuildRouteHelper(this, route, args); 

        ///     Raise the events specified by 
        ///     This method is a shorthand for
        ///      and 
        ///      for the event to 
        ///     be raised
        ///     By default clears the user initiated bit.
        ///     To guard against "replay" attacks. 
        public void RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
            // VerifyAccess(); 

            if (e == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

            UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(this, e);

        ///     "Trusted" internal flavor of RaiseEvent. 
        ///     Used to set the User-initated RaiseEvent.
        ///     Critical - sets the MarkAsUserInitiated bit.
        internal void RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, bool trusted)
            if (args == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("args"); 
            if ( trusted )

            // Try/finally to ensure that UserInitiated bit is cleared.
                UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(this, args);
                // Clear the bit - just to guarantee it's not used again 
        ///     Allows adjustment to the event source 
        ///     Subclasses must override this method 
        ///     to be able to adjust the source during
        ///     route invocation 
        ///     NOTE: Expected to return null when no 
        ///     change is made to source
        ///     Routed Event Args
        ///     Returns new source
        internal virtual object AdjustEventSource(RoutedEventArgs args) 
            return null; 

        ///     See overloaded method for details
        ///     handledEventsToo defaults to false  
        ///     See overloaded method for details
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler) 
            // HandledEventToo defaults to false
            // Call forwarded
            AddHandler(routedEvent, handler, false); 
        ///     Adds a routed event handler for the particular
        ///     The handler added thus is also known as
        ///     an instance handler  
        ///     NOTE: It is not an error to add a handler twice 
        ///     (handler will simply be called twice) 
        ///     Input parameters 
        ///     and handler cannot be null 
        ///     handledEventsToo input parameter when false means 
        ///     that listener does not care about already handled events.
        ///     Hence the handler will not be invoked on the target if 
        ///     the RoutedEvent has already been 
        ///     handledEventsToo input parameter when true means 
        ///     that the listener wants to hear about all events even if
        ///     they have already been handled. Hence the handler will
        ///     be invoked irrespective of the event being
        ///      for which the handler 
        ///     is attached
        ///     The handler that will be invoked on this object
        ///     when the RoutedEvent is raised
        ///     Flag indicating whether or not the listener wants to 
        ///     hear about events that have already been handled 
        public void AddHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent,
            Delegate handler,
            bool handledEventsToo)
            // VerifyAccess();
            if (routedEvent == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 

            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
            if (!routedEvent.IsLegalHandler(handler))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            EventHandlersStore.AddRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler, handledEventsToo);
            OnAddHandler (routedEvent, handler); 
        ///     Notifies subclass of a new routed event handler.  Note that this is
        ///     called once for each handler added, but OnRemoveHandler is only called
        ///     on the last removal. 
        internal virtual void OnAddHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent, 
            Delegate handler)

        ///     Removes all instances of the specified routed 
        ///     event handler for this object instance
        ///     The handler removed thus is also known as
        ///     an instance handler  
        ///     NOTE: This method does nothing if there were
        ///     no handlers registered with the matching 
        ///     criteria 
        ///     Input parameters 
        ///     and handler cannot be null  
        ///     This method ignores the handledEventsToo criterion
        ///      for which the handler 
        ///     is attached
        ///     The handler for this object instance to be removed
        public void RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler)
            // VerifyAccess();
            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (!routedEvent.IsLegalHandler(handler)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore;
            if (store != null)
                store.RemoveRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler);
                OnRemoveHandler (routedEvent, handler); 

                if (store.Count == 0) 
                    // last event handler was removed -- throw away underlying EventHandlersStore
                    WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, false); 
        ///     Notifies subclass of an event for which a handler has been removed.
        internal virtual void OnRemoveHandler( 
            RoutedEvent routedEvent,
            Delegate handler) 
        private void EventHandlersStoreAdd(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
            EventHandlersStore.Add(key, handler); 
        private void EventHandlersStoreRemove(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler) 
            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore; 
            if (store != null)
                store.Remove(key, handler);
                if (store.Count == 0) 
                    // last event handler was removed -- throw away underlying EventHandlersStore 
                    WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, false);

        ///     Add the event handlers for this element to the route.
        public void AddToEventRoute(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            if (route == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("route");
            if (e == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 

            // Get class listeners for this UIElement 
            RoutedEventHandlerInfoList classListeners =
                GlobalEventManager.GetDTypedClassListeners(this.DependencyObjectType, e.RoutedEvent);

            // Add all class listeners for this UIElement 
            while (classListeners != null)
                for(int i = 0; i < classListeners.Handlers.Length; i++) 
                    route.Add(this, classListeners.Handlers[i].Handler, classListeners.Handlers[i].InvokeHandledEventsToo); 

                classListeners = classListeners.Next;

            // Get instance listeners for this UIElement 
            FrugalObjectList instanceListeners = null; 
            EventHandlersStore store = EventHandlersStore;
            if (store != null) 
                instanceListeners = store[e.RoutedEvent];

                // Add all instance listeners for this UIElement 
                if (instanceListeners != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < instanceListeners.Count; i++) 
                        route.Add(this, instanceListeners[i].Handler, instanceListeners[i].InvokeHandledEventsToo); 
            // Allow Framework to add event handlers in styles
            AddToEventRouteCore(route, e); 

        ///     This virtual method is to be overridden in Framework
        ///     to be able to add handlers for styles
        internal virtual void AddToEventRouteCore(EventRoute route, RoutedEventArgs args) 
        ///     Event Handlers Store 
        ///     The idea of exposing this property is to allow
        ///     elements in the Framework to generically use 
        ///     EventHandlersStore for Clr events as well.
        internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore 
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
                    return null;
                return EventHandlersStoreField.GetValue(this); 

        ///     Ensures that EventHandlersStore will return
        ///     non-null when it is called. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
        internal void EnsureEventHandlersStore() 
            if (EventHandlersStore == null) 
                EventHandlersStoreField.SetValue(this, new EventHandlersStore());
                WriteFlag(CoreFlags.ExistsEventHandlersStore, true);
        #endregion Events 

        /// Used by UIElement, ContentElement, and UIElement3D to register common Events.
        ///  Critical: This code is used to register various thunks that are used to send input to the tree 
        ///  TreatAsSafe: This code attaches handlers that are inside the class and private. Not configurable or overridable
        internal static void RegisterEvents(Type type)
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseDownThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseDownThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseUpThunk), true);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk), true); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseRightButtonDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseRightButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseMoveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, new MouseWheelEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewMouseWheelThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, new MouseWheelEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseWheelThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnMouseLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotMouseCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostMouseCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, new QueryCursorEventHandler(UIElement.OnQueryCursorThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, new StylusDownEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusDownEvent, new StylusDownEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusUpEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusMoveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusInAirMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusInAirMoveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusInRangeThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusInRangeThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusOutOfRangeThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusOutOfRangeThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, new StylusSystemGestureEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusSystemGestureThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, new StylusSystemGestureEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusSystemGestureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotStylusCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, new StylusEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostStylusCaptureThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnStylusButtonUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusButtonDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, new StylusButtonEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewStylusButtonUpThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewKeyDownThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnKeyDownThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewKeyUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, new KeyEventHandler(UIElement.OnKeyUpThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocusThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnGotKeyboardFocusThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocusThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(UIElement.OnLostKeyboardFocusThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, new TextCompositionEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewTextInputThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, new TextCompositionEventHandler(UIElement.OnTextInputThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.PreviewExecutedEvent, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewExecutedThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.ExecutedEvent, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnExecutedThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.PreviewCanExecuteEvent, new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewCanExecuteThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandManager.CanExecuteEvent, new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(UIElement.OnCanExecuteThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, CommandDevice.CommandDeviceEvent, new CommandDeviceEventHandler(UIElement.OnCommandDeviceThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, new QueryContinueDragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewQueryContinueDragThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, new QueryContinueDragEventHandler(UIElement.OnQueryContinueDragThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, new GiveFeedbackEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewGiveFeedbackThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, new GiveFeedbackEventHandler(UIElement.OnGiveFeedbackThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragEnterThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragEnterThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragOverThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragOverThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDragLeaveThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDragLeaveThunk), false);
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnPreviewDropThunk), false); 
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(type, DragDrop.DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(UIElement.OnDropThunk), false); 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness.
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e); 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);

                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness. 
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                    if (ce != null)

            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness. 
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

                if (uie != null) 
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                    if (ce != null)
            // Always raise this "sub-event", but we pass along the handledness.
            UIElement.CrackMouseButtonEventAndReRaiseEvent((DependencyObject)sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeftButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseRightButtonDownThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseRightButtonUpThunk(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewMouseMoveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnMouseMoveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewMouseWheelThunk(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseWheelThunk(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseEnterThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnMouseLeaveThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotMouseCaptureThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnLostMouseCaptureThunk(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnQueryCursorThunk(object sender, QueryCursorEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusDownThunk(object sender, StylusDownEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusDownThunk(object sender, StylusDownEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusUpThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusUpThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusInAirMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusInAirMoveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusEnterThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusLeaveThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusInRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusInRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusOutOfRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusOutOfRangeThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewStylusSystemGestureThunk(object sender, StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusSystemGestureThunk(object sender, StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotStylusCaptureThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnLostStylusCaptureThunk(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnStylusButtonDownThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnStylusButtonUpThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusButtonDownThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewStylusButtonUpThunk(object sender, StylusButtonEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewKeyDownThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnKeyDownThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            CommandManager.TranslateInput((IInputElement)sender, e);
                UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
                if (uie != null)
                    ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                    if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewKeyUpThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnKeyUpThunk(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnGotKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnLostKeyboardFocusThunk(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewTextInputThunk(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnTextInputThunk(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewExecutedThunk(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnExecuted(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnExecutedThunk(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnExecuted(sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewCanExecuteThunk(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event.
            CommandManager.OnCanExecute(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnCanExecuteThunk(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnCanExecute(sender, e);
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnCommandDeviceThunk(object sender, CommandDeviceEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            // Command Manager will determine if preview or regular event. 
            CommandManager.OnCommandDevice(sender, e);

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewQueryContinueDragThunk(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnQueryContinueDragThunk(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewGiveFeedbackThunk(object sender, GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnGiveFeedbackThunk(object sender, GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDragEnterThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnDragEnterThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnPreviewDragOverThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 

            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnDragOverThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement; 
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDragLeaveThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled."); 
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnDragLeaveThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e) 
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null)

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input
        private static void OnPreviewDropThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");

            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null)
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement;

                if (ce != null) 

        ///     Critical: This code can be used to spoof input 
        private static void OnDropThunk(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Invariant.Assert(!e.Handled, "Unexpected: Event has already been handled.");
            UIElement uie = sender as UIElement;
            if (uie != null) 
                ContentElement ce = sender as ContentElement; 

                if (ce != null) 
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseDownEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDown 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseDownEvent = Mouse.MouseDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDown
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseUpEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseUp 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseUpEvent = Mouse.MouseUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseUp
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeftButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseLeftButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was released 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the left mouse button was released 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeftButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseLeftButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the left mouse button was released
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the left mouse button was released
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseRightButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonDown 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was pressed 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseRightButtonDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseRightButtonDown", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonDown 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was pressed
        protected virtual void OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was released
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseRightButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Declaration of the routed event reporting the right mouse button was released
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseRightButtonUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseRightButtonUp", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), _typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the right mouse button was released 
        public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(UIElement.MouseRightButtonUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the right mouse button was released 
        protected virtual void OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseMoveEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a mouse move
        public event MouseEventHandler PreviewMouseMove
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseMoveEvent = Mouse.MouseMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting a mouse move 
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse move 
        protected virtual void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseWheelEvent = Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        public event MouseWheelEventHandler PreviewMouseWheel
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.PreviewMouseWheelEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseWheelEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseWheelEvent = Mouse.MouseWheelEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        public event MouseWheelEventHandler MouseWheel 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseWheelEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a mouse wheel rotation
        protected virtual void OnMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseEnterEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseEnterEvent = Mouse.MouseEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the mouse entered this element
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseEnter
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseEnterEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse entered this element
        protected virtual void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeaveEvent = Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the mouse left this element 
        public event MouseEventHandler MouseLeave 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the mouse left this element 
        protected virtual void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotMouseCaptureEvent = Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting that this element got the mouse capture
        public event MouseEventHandler GotMouseCapture 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element got the mouse capture
        protected virtual void OnGotMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostMouseCaptureEvent = Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that this element lost the mouse capture 
        public event MouseEventHandler LostMouseCapture
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element lost the mouse capture 
        protected virtual void OnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Mouse.QueryCursorEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent QueryCursorEvent = Mouse.QueryCursorEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the cursor to display was requested 
        public event QueryCursorEventHandler QueryCursor 
            add { AddHandler(Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the cursor to display was requested 
        protected virtual void OnQueryCursor(QueryCursorEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusDownEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-down
        public event StylusDownEventHandler PreviewStylusDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-down
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusDown(StylusDownEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusDownEvent = Stylus.StylusDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-down 
        public event StylusDownEventHandler StylusDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusDownEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-down 
        protected virtual void OnStylusDown(StylusDownEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusUpEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a stylus-up
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusUp
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-up
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusUp(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusUpEvent = Stylus.StylusUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-up
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusUp 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-up
        protected virtual void OnStylusUp(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusMoveEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a stylus move
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusMove
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusMove(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusMoveEvent = Stylus.StylusMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus move 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusMove 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusMoveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus move 
        protected virtual void OnStylusMove(StylusEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus-in-air-move
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInAirMove 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-in-air-move
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusInAirMove(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusInAirMoveEvent = Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a stylus-in-air-move 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusInAirMove
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus-in-air-move 
        protected virtual void OnStylusInAirMove(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusEnterEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusEnterEvent = Stylus.StylusEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus entered this element 
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusEnter 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusEnterEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus entered this element 
        protected virtual void OnStylusEnter(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusLeaveEvent = Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus left this element
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusLeave
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus left this element
        protected virtual void OnStylusLeave(StylusEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusInRangeEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer 
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusInRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusInRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusInRangeEvent = Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusInRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now in range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnStylusInRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler PreviewStylusOutOfRange 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusOutOfRange(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusOutOfRangeEvent = Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        public event StylusEventHandler StylusOutOfRange
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus is now out of range of the digitizer
        protected virtual void OnStylusOutOfRange(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus system gesture 
        public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler PreviewStylusSystemGesture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus system gesture 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusSystemGesture(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusSystemGestureEvent = Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a stylus system gesture
        public event StylusSystemGestureEventHandler StylusSystemGesture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a stylus system gesture
        protected virtual void OnStylusSystemGesture(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotStylusCaptureEvent = Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that this element got the stylus capture 
        public event StylusEventHandler GotStylusCapture
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element got the stylus capture 
        protected virtual void OnGotStylusCapture(StylusEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostStylusCaptureEvent = Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that this element lost the stylus capture 
        public event StylusEventHandler LostStylusCapture 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that this element lost the stylus capture 
        protected virtual void OnLostStylusCapture(StylusEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusButtonDownEvent = Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is down
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is down
        protected virtual void OnStylusButtonDown(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent StylusButtonUpEvent = Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is up 
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonUp
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is up 
        protected virtual void OnStylusButtonUp(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is down
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonDown
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is down
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusButtonDown(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the stylus button is up
        public event StylusButtonEventHandler PreviewStylusButtonUp 
            add { AddHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the stylus button is up
        protected virtual void OnPreviewStylusButtonUp(StylusButtonEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewKeyDownEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting a key was pressed
        public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyDown
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was pressed
        protected virtual void OnPreviewKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.KeyDownEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent KeyDownEvent = Keyboard.KeyDownEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a key was pressed 
        public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.KeyDownEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was pressed 
        protected virtual void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewKeyUpEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting a key was released
        public event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyUp 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was released
        protected virtual void OnPreviewKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.KeyUpEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent KeyUpEvent = Keyboard.KeyUpEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting a key was released 
        public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.KeyUpEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting a key was released 
        protected virtual void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element 
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewGotKeyboardFocus 
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler GotKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is focused on this element
        protected virtual void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed 
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler PreviewLostKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostKeyboardFocusEvent = Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed
        public event KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler LostKeyboardFocus
            add { AddHandler(Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting that the keyboard is no longer focusekeyboard is no longer focuseed
        protected virtual void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewTextInputEvent = TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting text composition
        public event TextCompositionEventHandler PreviewTextInput 
            add { AddHandler(TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInputEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting text composition
        protected virtual void OnPreviewTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent TextInputEvent = TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting text composition
        public event TextCompositionEventHandler TextInput
            add { AddHandler(TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(TextCompositionManager.TextInputEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting text composition
        protected virtual void OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent = DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the preview query continue drag is going to happen 
        public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler PreviewQueryContinueDrag 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview query continue drag is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent QueryContinueDragEvent = DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the query continue drag is going to happen
        public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler QueryContinueDrag 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.QueryContinueDragEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the query continue drag is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent = DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the preview give feedback is going to happen 
        public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler PreviewGiveFeedback
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview give feedback is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnPreviewGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GiveFeedbackEvent = DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the give feedback is going to happen 
        public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler GiveFeedback 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.GiveFeedbackEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the give feedback is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragEnterEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the preview drag enter is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragEnter
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragEnterEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag enter is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragEnter(DragEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragEnterEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragEnterEvent = DragDrop.DragEnterEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 
        ///     Event reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler DragEnter
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragEnterEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e) {}

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragOverEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the preview drag over is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragOver
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragOverEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag over is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragOver(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragOverEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragOverEvent = DragDrop.DragOverEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the drag over is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler DragOver 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragOverEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragOverEvent, value); } 
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag over is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDragLeaveEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis); 

        ///     Event reporting the preview drag leave is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDragLeave
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDragLeaveEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drag leave is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDragLeave(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DragLeaveEvent = DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the drag leave is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler DragLeave 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DragLeaveEvent, value); } 

        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag leave is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDragLeave(DragEventArgs e) {} 
        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent. 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewDropEvent = DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);

        ///     Event reporting the preview drop is going to happen
        public event DragEventHandler PreviewDrop 
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, value, false); } 
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.PreviewDropEvent, value); }

        ///     Virtual method reporting the preview drop is going to happen
        protected virtual void OnPreviewDrop(DragEventArgs e) {} 

        ///     Alias to the DragDrop.DropEvent.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent DropEvent = DragDrop.DropEvent.AddOwner(_typeofThis);
        ///     Event reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        public event DragEventHandler Drop
            add { AddHandler(DragDrop.DropEvent, value, false); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(DragDrop.DropEvent, value); }
        ///     Virtual method reporting the drag enter is going to happen 
        protected virtual void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e) {}
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseDirectlyOverPropertyKey = 
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsMouseDirectlyOver_Changed)));

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseDirectlyOver property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseDirectlyOverProperty = 
        private static void IsMouseDirectlyOver_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(e);

        ///     IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged private key 
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changed. 
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); } 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changed. 
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        private void RaiseIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChangedKey, args); 
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseOverPropertyKey = 
                                new PropertyMetadata( 

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseOver property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseOverProperty = 

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusOverPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(

        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusOver property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusOverProperty =
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsKeyboardFocusWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsKeyboardFocusWithinProperty = 
        ///     IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey();

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, value); }

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 

        internal void RaiseIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChangedKey, args);

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseCapturedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsMouseCaptured_Changed)));
        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseCaptured property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseCapturedProperty =

        private static void IsMouseCaptured_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsMouseCapturedChanged(e); 
        ///     IsMouseCapturedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseCapturedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey();

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptured property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCapturedChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, value); }

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptured property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 

        private void RaiseIsMouseCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChangedKey, args);

        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsMouseCaptureWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata(

        ///     The dependency property for the IsMouseCaptureWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty = 
        ///     IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptureWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsMouseCaptureWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        internal void RaiseIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsStylusDirectlyOver_Changed))); 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusDirectlyOver property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusDirectlyOverProperty =
        private static void IsStylusDirectlyOver_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(e); 
        ///     IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        private void RaiseIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsStylusCaptured_Changed))); 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusCaptured property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusCapturedProperty =
        private static void IsStylusCaptured_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsStylusCapturedChanged(e); 
        ///     IsStylusCapturedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusCapturedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptured property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCapturedChanged
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, value); }
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptured property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        private void RaiseIsStylusCapturedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first. 
            // Raise the public event second.
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStylusCaptureWithinPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
        ///     The dependency property for the IsStylusCaptureWithin property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStylusCaptureWithinProperty =

        ///     IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptureWithin property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsStylusCaptureWithin property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        internal void RaiseIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChangedKey, args);
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property. 
        internal static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey =
                                new PropertyMetadata( 
                                            BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, // default value
                                            new PropertyChangedCallback(IsKeyboardFocused_Changed))); 

        ///     The dependency property for the IsKeyboardFocused property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsKeyboardFocusedProperty =
        private static void IsKeyboardFocused_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            ((UIElement) d).RaiseIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(e);

        ///     IsKeyboardFocusedChanged private key
        internal static readonly EventPrivateKey IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); 

        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocused property changed.
        public event DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler IsKeyboardFocusedChanged 
            add    { EventHandlersStoreAdd(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, value); } 
            remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, value); } 
        ///     An event reporting that the IsKeyboardFocused property changed.
        protected virtual void OnIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        private void RaiseIsKeyboardFocusedChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // Call the virtual method first.

            // Raise the public event second. 
            RaiseDependencyPropertyChanged(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChangedKey, args);
        internal bool ReadFlag(CoreFlags field)
            return (_flags & field) != 0;

        internal void WriteFlag(CoreFlags field,bool value) 
            if (value) 
                 _flags |= field;
                 _flags &= (~field);
        private CoreFlags       _flags; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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